Blue Ridge Trucking

Published on Jul 28, 2010


Blue Ridge Trucking 4

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

Blue Ridge Lodge owned over 150 acres of property. The Lodge itself sits on the southern edge near the highway on one of the few, relatively flat areas. The northern part of the site is a side of the mountain, and there is no way to build there. The only exception was for a building called the Retreat. It was an old hunting lodge built before the summer camp. A mountain stream cuts off the retreat from a lodge. You have to leave the property and drive a few miles on dirt roads to get to the Retreat.

The Retreat is a stone house wrapped in porches. It has three bedrooms, but there is an out building called the Dog house that has six more bedrooms. Joe, the owner, used the Retreat as a summer house, but we rent it out when he's not there. Since it's so secluded, it was popular with some groups.

The Lodge wasn't exactly like a church summer camp in atmosphere. At the Retreat you could really let your hair down. While some men went shirtless at the Lodge, buck naked was usual at the Retreat. Sex at the lodge was in private rooms and in the showers sometimes; there was no need to be discrete at the more secluded place.

Several of the local bear groups rented the retreat for meetings. It wasn't the actual organized bear groups but smaller off shoots that wanted sexual release rather than conversation. Truck drivers were well represented in the bear groups, so it was natural. If the Appalachian Bear group was in the Lodge, the Polar Bear Club took the Retreat. They were older bears who wanted fun. Another group, known as the Silverbacks, rented it too. These were the men who were gorilla like in hairiness. Many of the bear groups members were truckers so it was a good match for the lodge.

Sheriff Black loved the Retreat. He had other cop and trooper friends who loved the seclusion. Some men were afraid to even go to the Lodge in case someone knew about it and saw them there. No one would ever know you were at the Retreat.

A group of church men rented the Retreat for one day a month. They were ministers, priests, organists, etc. who wanted a pressure release. Reverend Billy Bob, a flamboyant Baptist minister organized the group. "We're normal men, but some people want you to be holier than Christ 24/7. It ain't natural," he said. "You need to let your hair down once-and-a-while and let it all hang out. Sometimes you've got to drain the pipes and refresh the fluids." Billy Bob was famous for his NASCAR oriented sermons.

When we had groups like the Sheriff's and Billy Bob's at the Retreat, I did the cooking. My staff was into man sex as much as they were, but the Sheriff was so uneasy, it was hard for him to relax. They knew me. Billy Bob was the same way. He had quite a pipe to drain and he was a giving kind of man. The Catholic Priest, Father Amos, was the only other man to be as generously endowed by his creator and willing to share. Both men were tops, but in the spirit of do unto other as you would have them do unto you, they broadened their repertoire.

At first there were only five or six men at Billy Bob's events. The numbers grew as men found out about it. It was like a fraternity with slightly odd standards. Billy liked public sex out doors and in view of his pals. This was partially because he had exhibitionist tenancies, but also to get the other men out of their shells. Billy Bob wanted his friends to realize there was nothing wrong or evil about having sex with your friends.

Due to a scheduling screw up we had Billy Bob's group and the Silverbacks on the same day. Actually they had a one day overlap. That accident turned out to be a total success. With the exception of Billy Bob himself, his group wasn't particularly macho. God must have blessed the Silverbacks with double or triple the usual amount of male hormones.

Billy Bob and Wally, the organist at a local church, were sucking on the front porch of the Retreat when two vans carrying the Silverbacks arrived. You can't tell a guy is a man of the cloth when he's naked and erect. Billy Bob and Wally were well equipped, and the Silverbacks liked the view. The gorilla men stripped as they got out of the vans and were in intense sexual congress with the preachers before they got to compare job descriptions.

I was cooking and serving when the Silverbacks arrived. As I said the preachers weren't the most macho men I had men, but there were three men I called the choirboys who were way down the macho ladder. They were nice guys, but not my type. Henry was 35 but looked 18. He was pale, thin, blond and all but colorless. Sidney was smaller and paler, and the third member was Jeremy. He was tall, thin and tended to shiver. He shaved his entire body. They seemed to have a tendency to shiver like Chihuahuas.

Isaac and Abe, the two biggest and hairiest of the Silverbacks, discovered the choirboys in a corner trying to look inconspicuous. Isaac and Abe were partners and teddy bears, sweet and friendly. They just looked like Attila the Hun.

"You boys look sort of lonely. Why don't you join us and get acquainted?" Abe asked. Abe ran a road building crew and had that tone of voice that made it clear he expected to be obeyed. I had known the two Silverbacks for years and as far as I knew, they were always at least half hard. Sidney had the look of Marie Antoinette going to the guillotine, but he obeyed and joined the two huge men. The other choir boys obeyed too.

Isaac took charge of Sidney and Henry. Abe picked Jeremy. "Why don't you boys get the ball rolling by sucking me a while," Isaac said, "I think there's room for two!" There was room. Isaac had bull balls and a thick, beer can style, uncut cock. Sidney took the balls and Henry took the cock head. After thirty seconds their enthusiasm for the Silverback's genitals grew with Isaac's expanding cock. Abe was a bit more gruff with Jeremy. He gave orders. Jeremy liked that. Jeremy really liked that.

God shortchanged Abe when it came to social graces. He wasn't rude or anywhere as gruff as he sounded. It was just the way he was. Billy Bob and Wally, the organist had been too polite in their efforts to get the Choir boys out of their shells and to participate with the rest of the group. They needed to be ordered and made to obey.

I knew enough about Abe and Issac to know they liked to top and weren't the delicate types when it came to fucking technique. They weren't mean, but they sure knew what they wanted from a good fuck. I was afraid the choirboys, especially Sidney, would end up in the emergency room being sewn back together after Isaac's cock ripped him in half.

I didn't need to worry about that. Sidney took it like a trooper. His asshole was a size larger when Isaac finished, but Isaac had taken him to some places he had never been before. Sidney discovered heaven on earth was dangling between a hairy gorilla's legs.

Jeremy remained timid and unsure, but with a smile on his face. Jeremy was an ordinary man in every respect except having an unlimited need to be fucked. Jeremy's hole was a cum bucket. Abe worked him over good and then turned him over to his friends. There were nine Silverbacks and all shot a load into Jeremy's ass. Several took two trips and I think Billy Bob and maybe Wally made three visits.

The preachers and the Silverbacks found common ground right off the bat. Their life experiences, approaches to life and sex were entirely different, but they hit it off. The preachers were intelligent men, scholarly and sensitive, with the notable exception of Billy Bob. The Silverbacks crude, poorly educated men. The shared a common interest in cock, man sex and most of all the pleasure you feel with another man.

Everyone was in the big room of the retreat, taking turns with the choirboys and admiring the view. Billy Bob was pleased as punch. Billy Bob was an odd guy. He was a fire and brimstone preacher man who liked sex hot and heavy.

He never played with anyone in his congregation and never used sex for gain. "When I was younger, I was turning mean. It ain't easy begin a cock loving, born-again, redneck preacher. Hiding it takes a toll. I had a chance meeting in the Public Library rest room with a Presbyterian minister. He wife was out of town. I went home with him and we had some real, get in bed sex. It was the first time I did that.

"I'm a fire and brimstone man; he was into God is love. We found common ground seven inches up his ass."

There was a three ring circus in the middle of the room with the choirboys taking all comers. Around the edge of the room men paired off for more intimate relations.

Billy Bob hit it off with, Ron, the Apha male in the gorilla group. Ron was six feet seven inches tall and muscular too. As far as I knew, both men were tops. I wondered how they would work that out.

Nate, a carpenter who looked like a beefy Gabby Hayes paired with Lewis, a shy Methodist minister. Lewis loved to top, but tended to defer to more dominant tops. Nate was a bit shy too. I heard Lewis asked Nate what he liked.

"I like it all," Nate said in his mountain drawl. He reached out and played with Lewis' dill pickle sized cock. "To tell you the truth, I've got an itch up my ass that needs scratching. Your fire plug might just do the trick." Lewis looked as if Christmas came early. Lewis was a lover and he took his time. Nate loved that.

Nate got on his back on a bench and I held his legs open for Lewis to fuck him. I'm not much of an asshole man, but Nate's was pretty, sort of puffy and pink. Lewis eased his lubricated cock into the quivering hole. It went in easily. Nate growled as the minister's organ went deep. Once Lewis started fucking all was well. The two men went at it for an hour. They traded places a few times. With each trade their fucking turned more to lovemaking and cuddling.

Lewis was basically a social bottom, he did it to be polite. Nate's rod must have hit some new places, and I saw genuine enthusiasm as Nate fucked him. Billy Bob looked like a proud momma bear who cubs had just caught their first fish. The choir boys and Lewis had been his only hold outs. They hadn't been able to relax enough to enjoy sex to the fullest. They had crossed that threshold with the Silverbacks. Billy Bob was happy and could concentrate on Ron.

They were both into man sex, but both were tops and deep into fucking. It took some time to work things out. Both wanted to be in the drivers seat. Billy Bob was taller than Ron, but Ron was definitely a muscle bear. Billy's cock was longer and Ron's thicker. They were fondling each others cocks and good naturally bickering about this when I suggested they flip a coin. "You can get the ball rolling and switch places later," I said.

"My ass hasn't been used that way in a while," Ron muttered. "It's kind of tight."

"Shit, just think of it as a stretching exercise," I said. "Let's face it, I'll bet both of your prostates could use a buff and shine, followed but a nice, warm prostate bath," Sometimes it's all in the way you phrase it and the buff and shine hit the spot with them. The flipped a coin and Billy Bob lost, he would bottom. The bickered again as to what position to fuck in. I made a Solomon-like decision and said it was the top's choice. "Just remember, Billy Bob will fuck you next, what's good for the goose is good for the gander."

"I hope you shoot a good load!" Billy Bob said. He dropped to his knees and sucked Ron, a few minutes later he was ready and willing to take Ron's cock. He got on his back and put his legs on Ron's shoulders.

"I don't know it that hole of yours is big enough to hold what I am going to shoot in there,'' Ron replied. "My man scuzz will be drooling from your ass!" He made a hard thrust. Ron had a huge cock head and Billy Bob winced when it popped through his sphincter, but the rest was clear sailing. All was well. Rob was hard but fair and after ten or twelve hard pokes Billy Bob was moaning and twitching in pleasure.

Wally the organist hooked up with Boy Tompkins. Boy was the reddest of the rednecks. I went to school with him. My momma said his family was pure white trash, so trashy they could only aspire to living in a trailer. Boy was not too bright, but he wasn't mean either. That was good for his family; they tended to be mean. He looked like Bluto, if Bluto was five feet five.

Wally was into Bach Fugues; Boy like NASCAR races. Somehow Wally got his cock seven inches into Boy's rectum and it was true love. Boy's ass was as tight as Wally wanted and Wally's cock was as big as Boy could take. Fortunately, they were in love and compatible only when genitally connected. Once the cock was free from the ass, they had no interest in each other. They were totally incompatible otherwise and they would have been miserable. As long as they were hard it was magic.

It was beautiful watching them. Boy was a fine musical instrument, like a cello. Wally's cock was the bow and they made sweet music. The Choirboy were pretty well fucked out by now. When Billy Bob and Wally got into it, the boys rallied. I got inspired and took a trip up Sidney's ass.

I think at least ten or twelve men preceded me, but Sidney's ass was still tight and he was still responsive. Apparently all that fucking sensitized his ass lining and he seemed to respond to every movement of my cock.

I discovered something about myself. I would guess five or six men shot a load into his tight ass. As my cock slid into his cum filled ass I got really turned on. I had sloppy second a few times before, but this was the mother load and my cock loved it. His ass was so hot and so juicy. I was churning up a Whitman's sampler of man seed, I like to fuck, but I also loved to pull my cock out of a hot ass covered in cock caviare. Jeremy noticed and he licked my cock clean a few time.

Eventually the party wound down. I think everyone was still willing, but everyone also was too tired to do anymore. Billy Bob's group left and the Silverback's went to bed. It was a great success.

Sheriff Black's group never had outsiders join in. since I was the cook and chief bottle washer for them, I got to see them evolve. Black had a get together erratically depending on the men's schedules. It might be monthly, bi monthly and once and a while, it was three or four months between the meetings. None of the men who came were laid back, or go with the flow men. They were all up tight to one degree or another.

It took a while for them to trust the sheriff and the other men. Even in a group of gay men, some were afraid to relax and let their cocks take the lead. The most relaxed men in the group were the country boys who had experience with cousins and pals and knew the ropes. The least relaxed were the former Marines and Army men. They were cautious.

I got along best with the outgoing country boy types and the shy types. The country boys had few hang ups. It wasn't sex for them; it was just messing around. They were good with the up tight southern Baptist guys who were the exact opposite. They thought sexy thoughts were as bad as sex. The nice thing about the country boy is they were non threatening and laid back. They had a nice way of getting the shy ones to let them suck their cock. Once the door was cracked, the battle was all but won.

Thurston Howell IV, aka Coon, was my favorite playmate. As you can guess, his folks liked Gilligan's Island. The hospital wouldn't let his folks add the IV to the name, since there wasn't an I, II or III in the family, but they added it informally. While Coon isn't the best name, it better than Thurston Howell IV. He was a state trooper,but tended to work undercover. When you saw him it was impossible to guess he was a trooper. His Uncle was a trooper and he got him in.

When I say Coon had few hang ups. I mean it. At the second or third meeting of the group Coon brought his Uncle and two cousins to demonstrate the Howell family solidarity. His Uncle, Trooper Robbie Howell, was retired but had a young mans rock hard cock and was open minded. His cousin Herb was a city police man and cousin Randy was a park ranger. The family had a taste for law enforcement work and cock.

Sheriff Black was building the group up and had twelve men at the Retreat when the four Howell men arrived. Black was a good man and good leader, but he was better at leading men in police activities than he was at encouraging then to relax and get it on. Robbie Howell had a knack for doing just that. He was part cheerleader and part spark-plug.

All the Howell's had long, thin cocks that drooped. They were impressive soft and about the same size hard, but they were nice and hard. The downward curve of their meat was prefect for sucking. Their knobs were great tonsil ticklers. Robbie had the perfect cock for first timers. Coon told me about it.

"You know he can stick that thing up your ass and you hardly know he's done it until he gives your ass nut a workout," Coon said. "He a master fucker once he's in you. He cam play taps on your prostate until you're almost crazy it feels so good."

"I take it he did you?" I asked.

"He sure did. It was a week after my 21st birthday. I spent he first day getting drunk. I had been drunk before, but this was the first time legal. I was with my pals messing around when Uncle Robbie surprised us," Coon explained. "Actually I was sucking on Cousin Alvis when I felt someone at the back door. Before I had a chance to see who it was, he was in me deep and we were off to the races. Boy was I surprised when I discovered it was Uncle Robbie.

"Welcome to the family," he said when he shot his load in me. "It was really nice."

Sheriff Black's parties were all oral until Howell boys joined in. Half the guys at the party had virgin asses when the arrived, and were bottom sluts when they left.

At first, Robbie, Coon and the other Howells gave pleasure to their playmates without requiring reciprocity. Coon loved to suck and Robbie like to bottom. He loved getting a trooper to fuck him. He was vocal and appreciative too. Eventually the Howells would build up a store of good will, and their playmates realized they needed to pay them back. Somehow most ended up taking their maiden voyage on a Howell cock.

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