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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 13, 2023


When Jack got up the next morning, the first thing he did was check Magnolia. The pups were getting bigger, almost every day now, and they were beginning to eat some puppy food. His girl was happy to see him as always, and leaned into his petting. Unlike Jack, she didn't seem at all concerned that there were only 7 pups there, instead of 8. "MAGNOLIA! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR BABY???" Magnolia just gave her little "smile," and kept thumping her tail, while Jack panicked. He didn't want to wake Mark, but... maybe Jamie could help. Cooper wasn't home yet - he was due that afternoon - so he quietly went into Jamie's room.

There was the pup. Curled up on Cooper's side of the bed, its face almost directly in Jamie's.

He smiled. "Well, I guess we know one of the two we're going to keep," he thought to himself, and shut the door.

"You think you can tear yourself away from the kids for a short walk girl?" Jack reached for Magnolia's leash. It would be there first walk in weeks. Like a ballerina, she stepped over the pups, and even though she had been taught not to jump up, she did. Jack ruffled her back fur.

"My girl came back to me, didn't ya? Not today, but maybe at the end of the week, we'll go visit the ducks.

The pups, without their mom for the first time, squealed like squeeze toys.

"SHHHH babes. Just a little while. Magnolia and I are gonna go for some fresh air."

Magnolia was making the noises she made when she was impatient, so Jack came over, slipped her collar on, and they headed out. When he did, he couldn't help think of how good he felt when Mark slipped a collar on him for the first time. "Hold that thought batjack," he told himself. "Later."

"HEY MOM. HOW ARE YOU?" Ramon hadn't seen Magnolia since she had her litter. She remembered him. He always had a treat for her, and she went over, expectantly.

"It's ok Ramon. We're at the weaning stage so she's good."

"You look good for a mom, girlie. Kept your figure. " He lowered his voice. "not like my wife." He and Jack had a laugh about that.

Once they got outside, Magnolia seemed to remember the kids. She did her business right away, and PULLED Jack back to the apartment building. When they got in, she buried herself in among the seven kids, after having a HUGE drink of water, and eating some of her food.

"Gonna miss you today, girl. I'll see you later. Dad's got to work, and then... seeing brian."

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Jack knew that brian was not an early riser, so he waited until noon to confirm. Brian still seemed half asleep but agreed that yeah, after afternoon rehearsal, they should meet at Phoebe's. It had become "their spot."

The official closing notice for Mark's show had posted a couple of days before Jack and Brian were meeting for a drink, so Brian was in the doldrums when they got together. Jack of course knew the show was closing. Mark had asked him to "try to cheer Brian up," and got a look along the lines of "I'm cute but I'm not stupid" from Jack.

Brian was already at the table when Jack got there. He had a cosmo in front of him. "BRI BRI. How's my BRI BRO?" Brian looked up. "Hey Jack. Kinda out of it. Gonna be unemployed. AGAIN." "Sucks, doesn't it? I didn't know what I was gonna do when the bus terminal job closed. I was lucky. But it took a while." "That's where you met Jamie, isn't it?" "Well, we met on the way to the town where we lived together. The bus broke down, and I was able to fix it. Jamie offered to share some iced tea with me, and, well, the rest is history." The waitress recognized Jack and brought over a bottle of the beer he liked. She patted his shoulder and he looked up and smiled at her. "Thanks Bonnie. " "You do so well with people Jack. I wish I did that well." "You're young Bri . REALLY young. It'll be fine." Brian paused. "Tom has been great. He told me not to worry, but" "Yeah 'don't worry' is kinda one of those things that makes you worry more. You want me to see if I can get you more hours from Laurie?" Brian laughed. "She already knows. Know what she did? She doubled what she's paying me 'just until you get another gig'". "Yeah, Laurie's golden." Jack thought for a minute. "Hey, you ever think about teaching, Bri?" Brian laughed "Yeah right. " "NO, I'm serious. You did a job with my two left feet, that means you could teach anyone. We have someone who lives in the building, a guy named Henry. He was a dancer - ballet - and he went and started teaching at one of the big dance studios. Mostly does adult ed. Want me to ask?" Brian looked up and smiled. "Do you ever worry about yourself Jack? You're always thinking of other people" "OH OF COURSE I DO. But since I don't do any of that intellectual stuff, I have brain space I guess. You want me to ask him?" Brian put his hand on Jack's "Yeah. Please. Maybe when I'm there working for Laurie." "Sure enough stud. " He saw Bonnie and called for a second round. When she brought it back, she smiled. "Boys, this one is on Bonnie."

Brian shook his head. "I don't think she ever treated anyone here but you." "How many of you asked her name?" Brian was silent. "Yeah, I introduced myself, asked for hers, saw some cat hair on her skirt so I asked about her cat, " he laughed. "She asked me if I were interested in her pussy, and I told her I was Mark's boy. She knows Mark. We've been tight since then." Now Brian shook his head. "Tom was right. Mark lucked out big time." "Awww, you're too sweet. Tom's a-ok too." Silence. Then Jack spoke "Bri bri, there's an elephant in the room we gotta talk about." Brian blushed, and looked down. "Yeah, I guess we do. " His voice was very low. "Tom told me he was ok with it, but.." Jack interrupted. "I gotta stop you bro. " He took a deep breath. "You know, one of the things I love about being Mark's sub, and why I could be Tom's sub, is that they're respectful. Mark told me the same thing, bri bri. He left it up to me." Another breath. "I thought about this all day. Any way I say it is going to sound wrong. The best way I can put it: I'm just not comfortable with topping anymore. It has nothing to do with you, or anyone else." He squeezed Brian's hand. "Bri-bri, believe me. If my big crush Steve Kornacki came in here with Anderson Cooper tied up, told me to fuck Anderson and then to fuck him, I just couldn't do it." Brian looked like he wanted to cry. "But... Jamie..." Jack sighed. "You know, Jamie and I have a history that really is special, wonderful, and strange. I think I read about this 'situational sex?' We were both scared, broke, lonely, broken, and, it happened. Would I still be with Jamie if other things had happened? I don't know. But I'm serious Bri: he's not the ONLY man I've topped. He's the only man I've ENJOYED topping, and that was a long , LONG time ago. " One more pause. "I'm sorry handsome. I just can't do it."

Now it was brian's turn to sigh. "Yeah, you know, that answer is what Tom told me to expect. He and Mark talk all the time, and Mark told him to expect that, and he passed it on to me."

"Bri, I may be able to offer you something better. Did you know I'm an only child?" "I didn't. It never came up. I'm not. I'm the middle of five, but I may as well be. Religious family, gay kid who wants to be a dancer, you get the picture." "I do Bri. And you know, I always wanted a brother. " Now he formed a fist with Brian's hand. "Can I adopt you as my little brother ? And you can adopt me as your big brother?" Brian looked up. He smiled. "I'm not sure what that means, but I like it. I think it's the sweetest thing anyone has said to me in a long time." Jack was smiling. "We gotta make this official. No pin pricks and blood, or anything like that. BUT... He called Bonnie over. "Bon bon, can you bring a shot of tequila? With salt on the side And two lime slices. Bonnie smiled. "Like a good piece of candy, eh Jack? Or is it Cracker Jack?" He laughed. "Hey that's cool. Sweet and nutty. And cheap. Like me." Brian didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Comin' up stud."

When the tequila stuff came, Jack took the salt. "Ok, now gimme your wrist." He poured a little salt on Brian's wrist, and he did the same to his . "Now, take a sip of the tequila, and take the salt from MY wrist. I'll do the same to you. Then... suck a lime." Brian was beginning to smile. He did what Jack told him and made a fake face. "EW. You didn't wash up enough today." Jack laughed, did his and said "Dancers always taste so good." "So bud, there's the ceremony. We'll need to be bros after tomorrow's role play" "Yeah, have you done these with Mark?" "A whole bunch. Don't worry. Just play your role. You're gonna be Robin, and I'm Batjack. You don't need a costume or anything, just get into character. Watch an old episode on you tube if you need to." Brian laughed. "I did. Tom watched it with me. " A pause. "He took me so hard that night, I didn't think I could dance." "EEEYUP. These role plays get our men excited. Wait. You'll see. Now, how about a brotherly hug little bri?"

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When he got home, Jack found a quiet apartment. Jack was still at the theater, Cooper was back - he could see the bags - but he must have gone out with Jamie to do something. A big smile crossed Jack's face. It might have been the first time that the apartment had been totally quiet, in months. It was just him, Magnolia, and the pups. And then he saw: Jamie had apparently checked each pup, and found three males, and five females. Jack knew this because there were little, hand crocheted collars around each pup: three blue ones, five pink ones. He had also left Jack a note.

"PLEASE say we can keep the one that slept with me last night. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE."

Jack had thought they would keep two of the girls, because it would be easier, so that was no problem. He went through the pups in his head: Tom , Felix, Laurie, Rebecca and Connor, and two for them. That was six. He needed to find homes for two more.

"HEY. Is my Jackaroo home?" Mark walked in the door. Jack looked up. "Hey there, good looking. You home for the day." "I am.." Jack came over to kiss him, and Mark embraced him, and extended the kiss. "Know what I miss about coming home, babe?" "Blow jobs Sir?" Mark laughed. "Well, yeah, that too. I miss the craziness around here. It's quiet. " "We can make some crazy Sir" Jack took Mark's hand and moved it to his ass. "Oh, we will. But for now.." He hugged Jack tighter. "You're my rock, big man. You knew that. I'm not sure you know how many other people's rock you are." "I don't understand, Sir." "After your meeting with brian, he came and talked to me. " He brushed Jack's hair back. "How'd you get so damned smart?" "Maybe it's all your cum in me Sir?" Mark knew he wasn't gonna get a really good answer. "Well, why don't we just go get you smarter?" He put his hand on the back of Jack's neck, and when they got to the bedroom, kissed him on the side of his neck, a spot that always made Jack moan. "OH SIR.. MMMMM" When he leaned back into Mark, Mark's hands went right up to Jack's nips. He began to play them, and Jack began to whimper just like the pups. Mark put him down on the bed, and climbed on top of him. Jack embraced him from behind. "I need you in me Sir. I need you in me good." Mark chuckled. "That's coming. That's coming sweetstuff. But I want a little more..." He opened Jack's shirt and began to nibble at his nips. He slid his tongue all over him. Jack looked up. "Please Sir. I haven't asked this in a long time. Can I taste your pit, Sir? Please?" Mark pulled off his shirt, and pushed his under arm into Jack's mouth. His tongue began to circle, cleaning the pit, as Mark continued to play his torso, with his hands, Finally, he pulled his arm away. Jack was breathing hard.

"Thank you Sir. Fuck me. Please please. FUCK ME. All this talk about topping and men and everything else. I couldn't stop thinking about you."

"Roll over Jack. I want you from behind today. Just the mood I'm in."

"Yes sir. Anything you want." Mark yanked off Jack's jeans, and then his own. He pushed Jack's legs apart and entered him. Jack always winced a little when Mark took him this way, but he was fine. When he began to cry, it didn't have anything to do with physical hurt. Mark knew it, and didn't interfere. He just kissed his fiance's ears, and then dug into his neck.

"Arch your ass up, babe. I wanna catch that cum." "YES SIR. YES SIR... " Mark made a high pitched squeal, and the jizz poured into Mark's hand, right before he shot into Jack. He leaned over Jack and whispered "Feel any smarter, handsome." "Just more loved Sir. " He rolled over to see Mark rubbing Jack's jizz into his skin. "Best moisturizer around. I'm not getting any younger." "Thank God," murmured Jack. They heard the door open.

"We oughtta go and welcome Coops, sir. And then, we gotta talk about the pups. I think we're getting to the point where we have homes for them all.

Next: Chapter 56

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