Boys Gone Wild

By sissy pants

Published on Jun 23, 2002


The following contains adult material. You must be legal age in your state, province or country of residence to read this material.

Boys Gone Wild - 2

Ted and Frank had never worked harder. They'd been forced to take one week "emergency" vacations from work for "personal reasons" (if you don't take off we'll send pictures of you two fags to everybody who ever knew you). They had spent the night locked in Tammy's garage having only panties to wear and sleeping bags to sleep in. The next day, both looked haggard and humiliated. Tammy and Adriana told their husbands they would NOT be sleeping with their wives for the foreseeable future and they'd better get used to living in Tammy's garage.unless they wanted to do some construction and build a little "sissy love nest."

Ted and Frank had no choice. After being outfitted by the "softer side of Sears" in khaki short shorts, flowery panties, slightly padded bras, and sandals, they went with their wives to the local home improvement center worked with a lady contractor to lay out plans converting the garage into a studio apartment. Both men were the target of sideways stares, grins, and a few mumblings of disapproval from the other customers. Ted and Frank almost completely emptied their checking accounts with down payments on lumber, windows, furniture, and appliances. The contractor, Doris, said she'd have a team of men at their residence the next day to begin work. Adrian and Tammy would take the two to the bank to take out personal loans to pay for the remainder of the work.

That evening, the wives followed up on their threat to film them: a reenactment the scene of the previous evening when both men had worn panties and humped each others' butt till them came in gooey gobs. It took considerably longer for Ted and Frank to complete their orgasms since the thrill from the previous night was gone. With a wink Adriana and Tammy promised that wouldn't happen again.

On Monday after the workmen arrived, the wives dropped Ted and Frank off at the bank in the same outfits they'd worn to the home improvement center the previous day. They were quite a sight in the bank, and the loan officer, a very stuffy older man in the pin-stripped suit reluctantly granted the loan. Adrian and Tammy picked them up and said they had a surprise for the two that evening.

The workman had made great progress that day: the entire outside wall of the garage had been torn out and installed windows which went almost floor to ceiling the whole length of the wall. Adriana and Tammy had already told the two that they be allowed only partial curtains: total privacy to the outside was not an option. The curtains Adriana picked out where lightly colored flowers with lace, "to match your fag panties."

The simple bathroom with commode, sink, shower and bath were in place, but there were no walls. A small kitchen was almost complete. By the end of the week the walls and flooring would be complete and ready for the rest of the furniture.

Ted and Frank were not allowed to help with the work, rather Tammy and Adriana kept both of them busy cleaning house and serving cold drinks and sandwiches to the workmen. The wives were pleased to notice the workmen chuckling and making comments about their husbands. Tammy swore she saw one of the workman put a hand on Ted's butt and squeeze as Ted was bending over to pick up empty plates and glasses. The workmen left at dark each night, much to Frank and Ted's relief.

"OK, fags. Off to the shower with you," Adriana announced one evening. "You're going to fix us dinner and then time for the next filming."

Ted and Frank had to shower together and shave each other's body hair completely off before appearing in the kitchen wearing panties and aprons to prepare dinner. After dinner they cleaned up the kitchen, while Adriana and Tammy prepared the living room for filming.

Adriana and Tammy requested wine be served to them. As Ted and Frank waited, still in panties and aprons, Adriana opened a large shopping bag and handed each of them packages. Tammy opened another small bag which looked like it came from a pharmacy.

Adriana spoke first. " We had a chance to watch some of that nasty video you were so hot about. I thought I'd buy you something that would be more fitting for you. Go ahead; open your packages."

Ted and Frank unwrapped all the packages. Inside were very short spandex skirts and tops. Also, they each had high heeled shoes. "No bras and panties tonight boys. We're going to film you dancing and playing like you're lezzie girlfriends, just like in the movies!"

"But." Frank stammered. "We CAN'T do this!!"

"Oh but you will, Frank. You will dance and feel up my faggot husband," Tammy snapped back. "Now I have something for both of you." She handed each of them a glass of water and a pill from the prescription bag. "I called Ted's doctor, Dr. Burton, and told him Ted was having a little trouble in the arousal department. He was more than happy to prescribe a small sample of Viagra. Here you go boys. Each take one. Don't try to cheat and spit it out. If you do, it will be VERY obvious in about 30 minutes."

Aghast, Ted and Frank downed the pills and went off the their "house" to change. "Come back in 30 minutes..that should be long enough for the Viagra to take effect."

An hour later both men were in front of the camera dancing to the rock music Adriana and Tammy had put on. Both short skirts barely covered the men's butts and there were tell-tale bulging in front. Adriana and Tammy had drunk another glass of wine. That with the sight of their husbands dancing in mini-skirts and high heels had them in stitches.

"You go girls," both shouted. "Spin around. Grab Ted's butt, Frank!" And on and on they went.

Despite their best efforts, both Ted and Frank had huge erections, jutting out obscenely under the mini- skirts. They were told to take turns grabbing each others cocks, then turning their butts to each other, wiggling lewdly. Ted, once again, could see lust filling Frank's face. Whenever Ted turned his back, Frank needed less and less encouragement to rub his cock against Ted's cheeks. The skirts were so short that frequently Frank's cock went under the skirt and poked Ted's butt.

At one point when Adriana ordered Frank to start humping Ted, Frank grabbed Ted by the waist with one hand and flipped up Ted's skirt with the other. Ted could envision Frank's hard cock aiming for his unprotected ass. Ted twisted away and, knowing nothing else to do to avoid having his butt filled, he dropped to his knees in front of Frank and began frantically masturbating his friend.

The two women whooped with delight. "Do it." they started chanting. Within seconds, Frank groaned and erupted, covering Ted's face with white goo. The wives clapped wildly, and Frank turned crimson in humiliation. Ted was equally humiliated, but glad he'd avoided his first experience with anal sex.with him on the receiving end. The wives ordered Frank to help Ted up and reciprocate. Within seconds Frank, too, was dripping goo from his face.

"That's enough for one night, fags. " Tammy announced, shutting down the video.

"I can't believe you too," Adriana said. "I'd have never believed you capable of this in a million years. But we're not finished with our film. Off to the backyard to clean up. I hope the neighbors don't see you."

Tammy tossed the men clean panties and pushed them out the door into the backyard. "Let yourselves in the garage when you're done. Night, night!"

Next: Chapter 3

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