Boys Night In

By Kris J Stevens

Published on Aug 3, 1998


A NEW DIRECTION (Boy's Night In 5) By: Kris Stevens

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story is based upon characters from the television series "Dawson's Creek", created by Kevin Williamson. This story in no way reflects the feelings or attitudes of the cast and crew. They are not my characters, I am only having my way with them. ---This story is written as if the characters are 18 years of age. The actors that play these characters are of adult age ( 19 and 22 ). It contains male/male sex, and if you are not interested in that sort of thing, please do not read on. This story is a continuation of my first "Dawson's Creek" story, BOYS NIGHT IN, and will be much more pleasurable to read and make a whole lot more sense overall if you refer to that one, and the other three stories OH BROTHER, MALE BLACKMAIL, and JAYWALKING before going on ( so if it doesn't make much sense, it may not be my fault ). What follows may be a bit corny, but nice to think about.


"I don't know Pacey,", Dawson sighed as he shifted his weight on his bed and adjusted the phone, "I just feel like I don't have any drive to make movies at all anymore."

"I wish I knew what to tell you Dawson", Pacey responded. "I know how important your films are to you, and for you to not have any creative ideas must be really frustrating."

"It is," Dawson groaned. "I keep sitting here in my room, telling myself that I need to get out there and do something. But....when I pick up my camera and go outside, I can't think of anything to film. I feel like I have done everything that can be done. It seems like any idea that I have to do, I have already done. What's the point in doing something over and over again. It's been almost a month now, and I haven't filmed anything."

Dawson listened for a response from Pacey, but was having a long wait. It was clear that Pacey was thinking about something on the other line. After a long silence, Pacey spoke. "Maybe, what you need Dawson, is to take your filming in a new direction."

"A new direction?", asked Dawson. From Pacey's sly-sounding voice, this sounded interesting.

"Well, not an entirely new direction." Pacey said. "Remember that really great movie you made starring my brother and you?".

"What are you talking about Pacey, I never made a movie with your brother and....OH". What Pacey was referring to hit Dawson like a brick wall. Instantly his cock began to stir as ideas for the "new direction" of filming that Pacey began to fill his head. "My God, Pacey", Dawson smiled. "You're a genius! Are you sure that you would like to do something like that?".

"Oh, I'm more than sure Dawson," Pacey said. "In fact, I'm as horny as hell, if you will excuse the wording. I think that this new direction will solve both of our problems, if you know what I mean."

" to do it? What to do?", Dawson asked.

"Dawson, you and I have both watched enough movies of that sort to give us ideas for years. Let us not be shy about this. Just leave it all to me. I'll call Cliff, and we'll see what we can work out. Hey....I can't believe that I forgot. I'm house sitting for my uncle. It's almost too perfect! He lives only a few blocks from my house. He won't be back from his work trip until next week. He doesn't have any pets or anything, just a lot of plants to water. How about filming our movie there?".

"Sounds great!" Dawson said. "I can hardly wait. When do you want to do this."

"As soon as possible. How about tonight? We'll just tell our parents that we are going to the movies."

"Pacey, once again you are a genius! I'll start working on a "script" right now."

Only a few hours later, Dawson was setting up his camera in the large bedroom of Pacey's uncle. The room sported a large and comfortable bed, and plenty of space to do filming in. After he had set all his equipment up, Dawson sat on the foot of the bed. He had sent Cliff and Pacey out jogging before the filming. They had been gone for a while now, and would have to be coming back soon.

He was right. No sooner than the thought had crossed his mind, Dawson heard the front door slam, and two pairs of feet running through the house. Cliff and Pacey entered the room huffing and puffing. "Well," gasped Pacey, "we ran two miles just like you asked. And a hellish two miles it was."

"Aw, don't be a baby Pacey, " Cliff smiled as he gave Pacey a playful whack on the butt. "We have to run miles every day for football practice."

"As we do in basketball practice," Pacey said. "I just....didn't sleep too well last night."

"Whatever," Cliff smirked. The two were matted with sweat. Since they were both only wearing wife-beaters and jeans, the sweat had matted their shirts onto them nicely, outlining their sexy bodies. The two were so soaked that Dawson could see both boy's nipples through their shirts. Dawson's idea had worked out nicely.

"We're all ready for your direction, Dawson." Pacey smiled.

"Ready to do anything that you say." Cliff added. Dawson felt his cock stir and began to rise. The thought of being able to tell his two sexy lovers to do anything he wanted was as about exciting as you can get. Dawson stepped behind the camera and asked the two to stand in front of the bed. When the shot was perfect, Dawson was ready to make his movie.

"Now, what I want you to do first, Cliff, is to rip Pacey's shirt off. Pacey, after Cliff has done that, I want you to do the same." Dawson said.

"You're the director", Cliff smirked.

"Action", Dawson said as he turned the camera on. Just as he was told, Cliff gruffly ripped the wife-beater from Pacey's chest. Pacey then did the same. Now the two were left standing in their jeans. Dawson's manhood stirred even more now. The sight of a young lean chest aroused him like nothing else.

"Now, " Dawson said as he handed Cliff a bottle of baby oil, "I want the two of you to rub this all over each other, then rub your bodies against each other.

"Dawson," Pacey laughed. "You dog. Who knew that your mind worked that way. I like it."

"And I aim to please", Cliff said.

Dawson watched greedily as Pacey began to rub the baby oil all over Cliff's firm chest. First, Pacey slowly rubbed the oil on Cliff's firm pecs, and began to mat down the sexy brown chest hairs that adorned them. The Pacey took the oil down lower, and rubbed it all over Cliff's toned stomach, layering the well-formed six-pack with the glistening liquid. With the oil all over Cliff's chest, the light caught his muscles and trim body, which was making it hard for Dawson not to go over the edge. "Good job Pacey, " Dawson said. "Now, Cliff, I want you to do the same to Pacey."

Following his command, Cliff poured a large amount of oil into his hand and spread it all over Pacey's chest. Pacey was in now way as muscular as Cliff, but he was toned and trim, a sexy body. Dawson's eyes followed every movement of Cliff's hand, as he circled Pacey's pecs, and brought his hand down, following a very thin trail of chest hair that lead down his stomach. Now the two were both layered in the oil, standing in their worn jeans, which both displayed noticeable bulges in the front. Dawson found himself breathing a little harder now. Having his two lovers right in front of him like this was making his cock crazy. Dawson sent his hand into his shorts and gave his large cock a quick rub in an attempt to calm it's demands. It was not working.

"Both takes pants off", Dawson directed. Once again, the two did as they were told. Dawson smiled as he watched Pacey seductively draw down his tight pants and discard them on the floor. Pacey was now left standing in his Calvin Kleins, which clung to his body even tighter. Pacey drew his hand up to his shoulder and began to caress his chest, taking his hand down to his underwear, teasing Cliff, drawing out the moment. At last, Pacey tossed them aside, allowing his 6 inch cock to be released from it's prison.

Now feeling that it was his turn, Cliff reached for the button on his pants. "No...", smiled Pacey, "Let me". Pacey drew close to Cliff and placed both his hand's on Cliff's lean chest. First, he drew his hands up to Cliff's shoulders, then drew them back down, getting the full feel of the toned pecs. His finger's brushed down Cliff's nipples, which tickled, and caused his cock to throb even more. "God, you have such a beautiful body Cliff. It's doesn't matter how many times I see it, it still takes my breath away every time". Pacey took his hands down even further, now lightly touching the faint outline of stomach muscles. Finally, Pacey reached the buttons of Cliff's shorts. Pacey pulled them down quickly and eagerly, then tossing aside Cliff's underwear, leaving him as nude as the day he was born. Dawson was becoming uneasy.

Cliff and Pacey did as they were told, and began to rub their bodies together. The oil made the job easy, their two firm and sexy bodies slid and pressed against each other slowly. Each boy sent their hands all over the other, exploring every inch that they could. Instinctively, they also began to press their hips together tightly, making their cocks pound with the wonderful feeling. Sweat poured down their bodies, and began to fill the room with a musky smell. As the odor reached Dawson's nose, his mind wandered from what he was shooting. All he wanted was to join them.

"Okay," Dawson said. "Now Cliff, I want you to .....", Dawson paused for a moment to adjust the very noticeable bulge in his shorts. It was clear to Cliff and Pacey that something was on Dawson's mind...."start sucking Pacey's cock", said Dawson, finishing the sentence. He was finding it harder and harder to direct now, as his own cock was throbbing for attention. It was much more difficult directing than he had thought. While he knew that he was making one of the hottest movies that he had ever seen, he knew he could not hide from himself that he was jealous. He wanted to be on screen with Pacey and Cliff, not behind the damn camera!

Pacey let out a small gasp as Cliff bent down and took the rock hard erection gingerly in his mouth and began to suck. First, he focused his mouth on the throbbing head, taking his time, which in turn was driving Pacey mad. Dawson could tell from Pacey's groaning that Cliff was doing a good job. Taking in more and more of Pacey's cock, Cliff began to suck harder and with more urgency. It was too much for Dawson to bear. He could take it no more. While the two stayed focused on their "work", Dawson discarded his shorts and allowed his 7 inch cock to spring out from it's thick nest of dark blond hairs. Dawson reached for the vaseline on the prop table. Taking some in his hand, Dawson ran it along his demanding cock, and began to massage his cock wildly as the show ran on. While Pacey moaned and groaned, Dawson found himself releasing grunts as well, behind the camera, in reaction to the sensations of his master hand.

As Dawson jerked away at his manhood, Cliff and Pacey became more and more involved with the scene. They were no longer paying any attention to Dawson, only their work. Cliff was sucking away at Pacey with full force. Pacey was rocking and bucking his body in response to Cliff's mouth, tightening and releasing his ass to make the sensations all the more pleasurable. As the blood began to flush all over Pacey's chest, and as Pacey began to moan louder and louder,, Dawson knew that it would not be long before Pacey would have to release. Dawson, too, found himself in the same situation. His had moved and pulled faster and faster. His legs felt weak, as the familiar and wonderful sensation told him that he could hold it not longer. Letting out a loud scream, Dawson erupted and shot load after load. The orgasm ripped through his body, the cum flying on the floor, and dripping down his leg. Only seconds after, Pacey let out a loud grunt and reached his orgasm. Cliff, however, never let go, and sucked every drop of cum eagerly off Pacey's cock.

After Pacey was able to catch his breath, he and Cliff both turned and stared at Dawson. Damson cock was still rock hard, A small drop of cum still left remaining on his large head. "I'm sorry guys, " Dawson said. I guess I couldn't help myself."

"What are we going to do about that?" Pacey asked Cliff with a wicked grin. "I don't think that we can have a director who jacks off during the filming of a serious movie."

"Nor do I," said Cliff. "I think that there is only one solution."

"What's that?", Dawson asked.

"Simple." Pacey said. "We fire you as the director. Cliff and I are taking over now. You've become part of the cast."

"I like the way that sounds, " Dawson said. Cliff and Pacey both reached out their hands to Dawson, who took one hand from each of them. With the camera still running, the two stars led their former director over to the bed. Cliff came up from behind Dawson and wrapped his arms around him in an embrace. "I know that you wanted to be in the movie too, " he said, his hot breath tickling Dawson's neck. Pacey motioned for Dawson to lift his arms as Cliff lifted off Dawson's shirt. He was now as nude as his two friends. Not much time had passed, but Dawson was already hard again. The hot bodies, all that he had seen, was all too arousing. Still behind Dawson, Cliff once again wrapped his hands around Dawson, but this time Cliff's hands were coated with the baby oil. Cliff ran his hands up and down Dawson's chest, massaging his firm nipples, and matting down his thin blond chest hairs just as he had done to Pacey. As he coated Dawson's chest with the oil, Cliff bucked his hips forward, and pressed his hard cock in between Dawson's tight ass cheeks. It was only too clear to Dawson what Cliff wanted.

"Now," smiled Pacey as he stepped behind the camera, "Cliff, I want you to fuck Dawson up the ass."

"My pleasure, " Cliff said, as he planted a soft kiss on Dawson's ear. Suddenly, Dawson found himself being flung onto the bed in a rough manner. Cliff was strong, and obviously very horny as well. With his strong arms, Cliff turned Dawson onto his stomach. Taking the vaseline from Pacey, Cliff rubbed it onto the head of his cock. When it was well lubed, he placed one hand on Dawson's hand, and with the other hand, guided his 6 inch cock into Dawson's tight ass. Dawson let go a small grunt, while Cliff let out a loud moan. Slowly but surely, Cliff entered more and more of his cock into Dawson, who was loving every minute of this "acting experience". Cliff knew how to work his tool, and pushed and pulled with great technique. It wasn't only Cliff who was enjoying this. Dawson and Cliff both began to moan loudly, bucking and pushing together.

Pacey found himself combatting the same problem that Dawson had, and reached for the jar of vaseline. The sight had made his cock rock hard again, and it needed attention. With a well lubed hand, Pacey began to pump away at his tool. The moans and groans of pure pleasure became louder and louder, as all three boys were now vocalizing like wild animals. The pumping became faster and faster, more urgent. Soon all three were flushed with the red hot signs of what was to come. Before long, they could not take it any longer, Cliff screamed in pleasure as a massive orgasm ripped though his body, Dawson followed directly after, both boys cum flying all over the sheets. Pacey came only moments later, this orgasm somehow even better than the first, making his legs weak, and sending his mind to another place.

Soon, the moans and heavy breathing had died down. For a few minutes, the boys just lied together on the bed together their thoughts. It had been one amazing night. Finally, Dawson lifted himself from the bed, and went to the video camera. Pressing the eject button, Dawson withdrew the tape that held the night's antics. Suddenly, Dawson tossed the tape on the floor, and smashed it.

Both Pacey and Cliff let out a loud yell. "What the hell are you doing Dawson??", Pacey asked. "That was our movie."

"Oops." Dawson said smiling. Slowly, Dawson reached into his camera bag and withdrew another tape. "I guess we're going to have to do another take."


Your comments are what keeps me writing. Please feel free to tell me anything that you would like to say! Kris Stevens

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