Boys of Eternity

By TriadSync

Published on Sep 10, 2023


AUTHOR: TriadSync PLEASE DONATE TO NIFTY: All stories have been made possible by Nifty Erotic Stories Archive. Please consider donating to help fund this amazing, creative outlet for us all! ...

NOTE FROM AUTHOR: Welcome to my innermost world of love, sex and fantasy! All my stories are fictional, with hints of realism from my youth and beyond. If you find that my stories touch your Soul or help stimulate you in any way, please find me on Patreon and get to know me better ^_^

MY PATREON: . . . BOYS OF ETERNITY: First Encounter (Part 1)

Hi! I'm Emmett! Just a regular boy in a downhome town of the state of Missouri. I don't really have a Southern accent, because I'm Asian, and I grew up listening to my parents speak their language from the Philippines. My Senior year started not too long ago, and I just turned eighteen. As an only child, I learned to love music by getting lost in it, and also by getting lost in my video games. I never considered myself super hot, but I have been told that I'm cute by a few people, mainly online. I'm 5'8" and skinny, and I bleached my hair blonde. At this point, I just tell people that I was born that way. And Emmett? I know. It's not very Filipino, but a thing or two must've rubbed off on my parents from being in this town for so long.

Even before my first day of high school, I knew I was into other boys. Of course, I just figured it was something I could never really experience. Growing up in this small town of Missouri, you could never be "out". It was looked down on by the teachers, students and the community as a whole. And this is why I went full force into studying music, instead of chasing boys. It was two to three hours a day of running scales, reading music and learning as much as I could.

My first three years of high school had come and gone, and I was excited to be back in school, preparing for college next year. Band was first period. It was like a family of 120 members that stuck together each year. One day, as I neared the door to the band room, I could hear the noises of instruments being blown and students running around and shouting. Upon entering, I was greeted by my usual friends. It felt like any other day to me. That is, until I saw a new face in the crowd! Who is that?!

At first sight, I felt like my head was being rewired, and fireworks were going off inside me. He was by far, the most beautiful boy I had ever seen, and my breath was instantly taken away. Standing behind one of the snare drums in the back of the room, he was holding a pair of drumsticks. His sandy brown hair was straight and neat, and it hung partially over his face. I could tell he was slightly taller than me, probably 5'10", and his thin build, androgenous look and skinny jeans made my heart pump faster and faster. He leaned over to one of the other drummers and gave him a high-five while they joked around and talked before class started.

The moment I saw him, it was as if the breath inside me was sucked out, and a surge of electricity was firing away inside of my spine, causing my body to tingle in ways I had never before felt. This new feeling was animalistic and primordial, and it was starting to show from the bulge in my jeans. Slowly, I turned my back so that I could adjust myself. After I shifted my cock and pulled my shirt down to cover myself as best I could, I turned back around and focused my eyes on him. I heard somebody yell his name out. "Yo! Your name's Alex?"

Alex whirled around and grinned. It was such an adorable and boyish smile, and my legs went weak. He put his hand up and waved. "Oh, hey! Yeah, I'm Alex!"

They talked for a few minutes. And while I was talking to an old friend, my glance kept shifting back toward Alex. At one point, he glanced my way. Our eyes seemed to lock for a couple of seconds before he looked away. And then, all conversation was drowned out by the onslaught of instruments warming up and excited kids with loud voices. Band was about to start, and our teacher was already standing up at the podium. I took my seat as First-Chair Saxophone, a position I earned last year when I beat out all the others in my section. As I sat down, I smiled to myself and knew that I had eye candy for the rest of the school year. I also knew that as the days would come and go, I'd most likely get to know that new boy pretty well.

It was a daily ritual. I'd show up for Band, and so would he, and all of us would march through the streets every morning, practicing for a state Marching Band competition. The days passed and turned into weeks and months. And soon, he found himself in similar circles of friends with me - band geeks and a few hoodlums. Alex and I were friendly with each other, and he was always cool with me. I'd found out that he was the same age as me, eighteen, and that his family had moved here from Michigan. He also stayed fit by playing basketball and running track. Me, on the other hand... I stayed away from sports. I was a total music nerd.

After the past couple of months of jerking off to his cute face at night, I knew that all my desires were only a fantasy inside of my own mind, and that every time I blew my wad off at home to the sight of Alex, that fantasy would end. It sucked, but it was all that I had. I had accepted the fate of a small-town boy with gay tendencies.

It was all I had, but it was MY fantasy. I'd lie in bed at night and picture him on top of me, staring at me with his shirt off. His fingers would slowly caress my nipples, causing my body to writhe and wiggle around. By this time, my dick was always hard and ready to shoot. But the longer I could hold off, the more I could be lost in this beautiful fantasy. Seeing how his touch pleasured me, he would lean in closer and smile at me, just before his wet tongue penetrated my lips. Kissing him was like Time itself coming to a halt, and the heavens opening up. Our kisses usually lasted for a few minutes, and he would always slowly work his way down to my dick. He'd kiss my neck, then my chest, and his tongue would flick around my nipples.

As I lay in bed jacking myself off, I pictured his tongue licking my belly button, just before his mouth would engulf my cock. And always, by this time, my body would lose control and shake, and my cum would blast my own face, dripping down and into my mouth for me to taste. This was my usual fantasy and how it almost always ended.

However, the night before the state competition for our Marching Band, my imagination went off track. I was excited for many reasons. I knew that the next day, we would all be traveling in three buses to another city and staying in hotel rooms overnight. This was extra eye-candy time for me to stare at Alex, and time for all the students to just get away and have fun. That night, since I had extra energy, I took my time fantasizing about him. And somehow, I became more submissive and wanted him to use me. I imagined him pinning me down, smirking playfully and asking me, "You want it?"

"Yessss. I want it badly. Whatever you wanna do to me. Pleeease?" In my mind, I could see him so clearly, and all I wanted was for him to make me his little bitch.

Alex leaned in closely and gathered up a mouthful of saliva. Watching me pant, he drooled it all over my lips, just before shoving his tongue in my mouth. While kissing, the saliva in his mouth kept building up, and he was literally spitting it in my mouth. Fuck. If I keep this up, I'm gonna cum soon.

He then sat up and grinned. Before I had a chance to say or do anything, he shoved his dick in my mouth. "Suck it."

"Mmmm..." I sucked it so hard. At least, in my mind I did. I then went even further in my fantasy. I stuck my finger on my ass and pushed it in, and I brought it up to my nose to smell. Oh my god! And as I smelled it, I thought of Alex sitting on my face and grinding his sweaty hole on my nose. It brought me to a point of ecstasy, and within seconds, my cock was pulsing. Five times it pulsed, shooting thick streams of cum onto my face and chest. After cleaning up, I fell asleep, surely dreaming of him.

The next day, I made sure to stand close to Alex while we waited in line to get on the buses. If I could at least be on the same bus and sit close by where I could see him for hours on end, I'd be in heaven! As we boarded the bus, two of his friends that he'd been somewhat hanging around chose to sit next to each other, leaving him in the seat behind them. Alex took a seat and looked around to see who might be sitting next to him for the next four hours. A nerdy girl with glasses and a ponytail was passing by, and Alex placed a bag next to him so that she could not sit. While I watched the scene play out before me, I wondered if I'd have a chance to sit next to him.

A few more students passed by, and he hadn't moved his bag. He kept his arm positioned in a way so that nobody could move it. As I was passing, I kind of nodded and gave him a bro smile before quickly looking away. And just as I was about to pass his seat, out of the corner of my eye, I saw him move his bag onto his lap. He glanced up at me and shrugged. I paused for a few seconds, because my heart seemed to have skipped a few beats. Finally, I sat down next to him.

It was early morning at 4:00am, and it was still dark outside. We had to leave very early to make the 10:00am sign-up time for our band. We were both still very tired, but we managed to make some small talk before dozing off. When the buses pulled out and got on the road, the lights dimmed, and Alex yawned. "I'm so tired. I need to sleep."

"I hear ya." I stretched my arms out. "I need to sleep too. I don't think I slept at all last night." Of course I didn't sleep, cause I was too busy dreaming about you smearing your hot hole all over my face and nose.

We both closed our eyes. And after a few minutes of trying to sleep, I realized I was too wired. My eyes popped open, and I slowly turned my head and stared at Alex. He was like an angel. His head was leaning against the window, and his stomach was moving in and out every time he breathed. He was by far the cutest boy, and it was the most adorable sight I had ever seen!

I must have stared for a full minute, my eyes burning into him. Realizing what I was doing, I sighed and closed my eyes again. After a minute, he shifted his body a little to get comfortable. When he did, his left leg brushed up against mine. After shifting a bit more, his leg stopped and rested against my leg. I was stunned. This had to have been by accident. He's half asleep. I dared not move. My heart was racing, and my breathing got a little louder. After a few seconds, his leg moved a little closer, and his foot somehow became entwined with mine, as he rested his foot over the top of mine. By this time, I was full-on boner, and I had to place my hand over my lap. Whatever. It's still dark and nobody can see my raging hard-on.

As much as I wanted to touch myself, and even more, touch him, I remained motionless. A few minutes passed by, and Alex lifted his head up and looked around. He glanced at me. "It's freezing." He then opened his bag and pulled out a jacket. But instead of putting it on, he spread it over him like a blanket, covering his front side, lap and hands. The jacket was large enough to where it draped a bit over onto my lap as well.

I don't know how much time had passed, but I slowly turned my head and gazed at him again. Instead of leaning his head on the window, he was sitting straight up. His eyes were closed, and he still looked like an angel. In that moment, I realized that our legs were still touching, and his foot was still resting on top of mine. He could've easily moved his leg away when he woke up earlier, but he didn't! My heart pumped faster, and I gently bit my lip. It was like electricity inside of me.

As if sensing the kinetic energy in me, Alex gently pressed his leg tighter into me, and he moved around as if trying to get more comfortable. While shifting, his left hand seemed to have rolled off his lap so that it was resting on my right thigh. Unsure of what was happening, I was as still as a rock. My breathing was shallow, and my dick was hard as can be. A full minute passed by. And that's when I felt it! His hand, hidden beneath his jacket, was slowly rubbing my leg. This isn't my imagination! I trembled from his touch, and I glanced at him. His eyes were still closed, but I could hear him breathing.

Fuck it. No way I'm passing this up. I slowly moved my right hand so that it rested on his leg, and I began to rub his leg. The moment I began rubbing his leg, his hand moved closer. He was now massaging my leg and moving slowly toward my dick. He paused for a second, then I felt his hand completely cup dick and balls through my jeans. "Ooooohhh..." I tried my best not to moan loudly, and I moved my hand and touched his dick through his jeans.

His eyes were still closed, and we must have rubbed each other for a full minute. I then saw him shift, and I felt his right hand messing with his jeans. He had unbuttoned his pants and had given me full access to his raging hard-on! I gripped his dick with my right hand and slowly jacked him off. I was so engrossed in him and his dick and this completely new experience, that I hadn't thought about undoing my pants for him. He finally opened his eyes and turned to me. He leaned in very close and whispered in my ear. "Can I feel you too? Please?"

I nodded. "Uh huh." It was more of a whimper, and I quickly undid my pants for him. The moment his hand grabbed my dick, I knew my entire world had changed. Completely hidden by his jacket and the lack of light on the bus, we silently jacked each other off. I felt as if I could shoot at any time, but I was trying my best to prolong it. I had no idea if he wanted to take it that far.

I was so close, and I had no idea what to do. Thankfully, Alex whispered in my ear again. "I'm really close. Please don't stop. And... I really wanna feel your cum all over my hand." There was a tender, puppy dog look about him.

I whispered back. "I'm close too. Any second."

We both stared at each other, our faces inches apart. He started jacking me off faster, and I did the same for him. It was still dark enough on the bus, and he leaned closer and quickly kissed me on the lips before whispering, "I'm cumming."

I placed the palm of my hand over the tip of his cock, so that his cum wouldn't splatter everywhere. I continued to rub it while my hand was slimy from his hot juice. I then whispered, "I'm cumming now."

He did the same for me and placed his palm over the top of my dick, preventing my cum from going everywhere. Both our hands were wet. I felt him stroke my dick again, and he gathered up as much cum as could in his fist. I watched as he pulled it out from beneath his jacket and lifted it up to his mouth. He smiled at me and licked his hand completely clean. After licking it up, he slipped it back under the jacket and felt around my dick for more cum. His touch made me jump in my seat.

I felt like I was dreaming. I was sitting next to the most beautiful boy in town, and he was licking up my cum. I snapped out of it, and I realized that I wanted to taste his cum also. I gathered up as much as I could in my fist, and I brought it to my mouth. It was salty. It was sweet. It was perfect. I wanted more.

After licking it up, we both snapped the buttons on our jeans and shifted around so that our cocks were comfortable. He leaned over to me and whispered, "Thank you. I've wanted to do that since the first day I saw you." He paused. "I hope we can do it again."

It was the most amazing feeling. Yes, being jacked off by Alex was amazing. But it was nothing in comparison to what he just told me. His words were like electricity, sending shivers up and down my spine. "Thank YOU," I told him. "I've dreamt about you since day one."

Even though it was still dark, I could see him smiling. He leaned in and kissed my cheek, then rested his head on my shoulder until he fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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