Boys of Eternity

By TriadSync

Published on Oct 17, 2023


Hello! I am submitting Part 5 of my series, "Boys of Eternity". It is located in Gay, High School. Thank you very much! - Ezra Vaughan

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AUTHOR: Ezra Vaughan

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NOTE FROM AUTHOR: Welcome! "Boys Of Eternity" is nearing the completion of Book 1 in a series! If you find that my stories touch your Soul or help stimulate you in any way, please find me on Patreon and get to know me better ^_^ On my Patreon site, you will be able to read other stories not published anywhere else!

MY PATREON: (Gay Erotica, Unpublished Stories) . . .

BOYS OF ETERNITY (Part 5: A Pact of a Lifetime)

Spending the night at Alex's house was a definite highlight of my life, something to remember for years down the road. At this point, I wished it was something we could have every night for the rest of our lives. And while I know it seemed that we had only known each other for a short time, and that we were both still really young, it felt as if I had known Alex my whole life. Even more, it felt like we had known each other lifetime after lifetime.

Alex had gotten his drum set three weeks prior to Christmas, and we were hoping to spend time together for Christmas, but his parents informed him they were flying out of town to San Francisco for the holidays. This bummed us both out. It was a special time of year. And now that we both finally had a special someone in our lives, each other, we wanted to spend that holiday together.

I asked Alex what they were going to San Francisco for, and he said they were visiting old friends. That's really all he knew. He had asked them if he could stay in town for the holidays, but they had already bought him a ticket for his flight out there. It was non-negotiable.

Another Christmas, and another year that I was alone for the holidays. Technically, I had my parents, but they didn't count. Friends, family? Nothing compares to my boy. And so it was, I spent my time practicing music, playing video games and video chatting with Alex.

A few times, his mother heard him chatting. He told her right away it was me he was chatting with when she asked. Her only response was, "Hmmm."

Christmas had come and gone, and although we weren't able to spend the holiday with each other, since Alex`s parents went out of town, we did spend New Year's at my place. His parents were gracious enough to allow him to come over and stay with me. And my mom and dad were just happy I had a friend, and that I'm not a loner.

My room wasn't as colorful as Alex's, and we didn't have as much privacy as we did at his house, since his bedroom is in the basement, but we still made it work. I did have a lock on my door, so that was a plus. I also told my parents I was sleeping on the floor. They usually go to bed pretty early. And although it was New Year's Eve, they still crashed before midnight.

After we had a family celebration with special foods and drinks, mom and dad went to bed. We told them we'd be in my room playing video games and waiting for midnight to happen. The good thing is that their bedroom is on the other side of the house. I'd never heard a peep from their room, and I doubt they'd ever heard anything from mine.

Once Alex and I were in my room, we turned on the TV, so there was some kind of sound to cover up any noises we made. We kept some of our clothes on, just in case mom or dad knocked on the door. Alex was already eager, and he picked me up and playfully tossed me on the bed. It was kind of cute the way he took control.

To make a long story short, Alex kept his word by letting me take his virgin hole. Since he went inside me for the first time at his house, it was my turn on this New Year's Eve. We did it on the floor while he was on his back, and his legs were up in the air. I kneeled in front of him and pushed it in, using the saliva from both of us as lube.

To say that it was amazing is an understatement. It was better than any feeling I had ever had, just using my hand. His hot hole was so wet, and my dick glided in and out so easily. He made me cum in about three minutes. We started out slow, kissing and exchanging fluids in our mouths.

At one point, I remember him breathing very hard in my ear. And trying to keep his voice down, he whispered, "Oh, god. Fuck my ass. It feels so good. Cum in me." And he kept repeating it. "Cum in me, babe. Please cum in me."

And that's exactly what I did. We both erupted around the same time. Afterward, I fell on top of him, his spooge smearing all over my chest and stomach. We laughed and kissed. I could have died then, and my life would have been complete.

As the weeks and months passed by, Alex and I spent nearly all our time together. It was like a crash course of Love & Relationships for High School Seniors, all within a period of six months. Now that I think back on it, our experiences together were like a course or a roadmap for anyone really. Every day was a sexual experiment for us. So much happened between us within that time span.

Did I mention we both got jobs at the local grocery store? This happened at the start of the new year. There were places we wanted to visit, and things we wanted to do. And for that, we needed money.

It was May now, and the school year was nearing its end. Summer would be upon us, and it was already muggy and warm and getting hotter by the day. Everything was bright and lively, and the air had a certain scent. There was so much green around us, since it had been raining a lot during the early part of spring.

We had both been saving up for when we took off for college. We had applied to the same schools in St. Louis and Chicago, and we had a small savings in both our accounts. The problem with that, however, was that I wasn't accepted to either of the schools I applied to in St. Louis. Alex was accepted to one of them, and we had talked briefly about me possibly attending a junior college so that we could be together.

My other options were at schools in Chicago and Knoxville. Alex was not accepted to the school in Chicago, and the one in Knoxville was a school I had applied to before Alex had moved to Missouri. So, we had both been accepted to different schools.

On top of our long-term plans for college, we also saved up to go to an anime convention in St. Louis. Our parents trusted us enough to spend Friday and Saturday nights at a hotel together so we could check everything out and cosplay. We were both already eighteen, so there is that. However, since we were both still living under the roofs of their houses, we still had some kind of rules to follow. Thankfully, Alex's parents lent us one of their cars, since neither of them were working this particular weekend.

This weekend was something we'd been looking forward to for so long. Even though St. Louis can be a bit backward, since it's still Missouri, it's at least a step or two up from our ridiculously small town when it comes to the LGBTQ+ community. In private, we talked about how we would walk down the street, hand in hand, and make out in front of people at the convention. After all, anime conventions are notorious for attracting the weird and fun people who are gay or just open-minded.

Alex's dad put the hotel on his credit card, but we paid for it with our own money. It took some searching to find a hotel that would accept us, since his dad's name was on the card and he wouldn't be there. We did manage to find a good one that allowed the usage of the credit card, and it was in a decent area. At least, that's what I read online. Along with the hotel, we both saved up enough for gas, food and fun. This was our special weekend, our getaway, and we wanted it to be nothing less than perfect.

The weekend of our special trip had finally come. That Friday, after Band, Alex pulled me aside and told me he had something really important to tell me, and that we'd talk about it on the drive to St. Louis. He looked a bit worried and shaken up, but I couldn't get him to talk. That made me anxious the entire day. I was glad he had driven to school, and we had packed our bags. At least we could leave right away.

As soon as the bell rang, I met Alex at his car, and we were on the road within a couple minutes. As soon as we were on the road, Alex put his hand on my lap. "Hun, there's something I have to tell you." A tear rolled down his face, and I wiped it off. My heart was beating frantically, but I allowed him to continue. "You know that trip I took to San Francisco with my parents during Christmas?"

I nodded. "Uh huh."

"Well..." He paused dramatically. "Last night, mom and dad told me the real reason they were visiting the city. It wasn't because they had friends there, like they originally said. I mean, they do, but that wasn't the only reason. Dad was there for business. The company he's with has a sister company in San Francisco, and they want him as one of the main Leads. We were there, basically, so dad could see the company and meet the higher-ups. He made his decision at the start of the week. He's taking the position, and they told me about it last night. They said dad has to be there before the school year is up."

My heart sank. "I... are you going with them?"

"I thought about it all night last night." He was rubbing my leg as he drove. "You've been accepted into two colleges for music. DePaul in Chicago and the one in Knoxville. I don't see you going to Knoxville, cause that's just a ridiculous place to live if you're gay. It don't matter how good the Head of the Jazz Department is there.

"And I was accepted to a school in St. Louis and one in Ann Arbor back home in Michigan. You know, the one I applied to before I moved here?" He let out a long breath. "And then, one of the higher-ups in my dad's company happens to be on the Board at one of the big universities in the Bay Area in Cali, and he said he can easily get me into school there in the Music Department with a Letter of Recommendation. One letter, and I'm in, he said.

"I want you to know, you're more important to me than my music, than my schooling. The problem I'm having is... if I stay in St. Louis, since I was accepted there, you'd have to let go of your dream and go to some piece of shit junior college where you won't get any real training. It's the difference of training with world class musicians at DePaul in Chicago, or a small school in St. Louis where you're really just getting college credits.

"As much as I wanna be with you, I can't allow you to stay in St. Louis if I'm in school there. I can't let your dream go to waste. You have to be thriving in Chicago at DePaul. And if you're in Chicago, I'd definitely move there to be with you, but I don't have a job or a place there. I could never afford it.

"We're just stuck right now. Either I pursue my dream at a school in St. Louis, and you don't. Or you pursue your dream in Chicago, and well... I can't afford it. Like I said, I thought about this ALL night. I don't see a way out of this. It looks like our only option is..."

He didn't finish his sentence. He let it linger in silence. I was trying to think of something to say. I just held his hand in mine while tears rolled down my cheeks. It wasn't really a break-up. I didn't know what it was, and neither did he. It was just a realization. It was life.

He squeezed my hand. "We'll be in St. Louis in an hour and a half. As soon as we get there, we can check into the hotel, then get something to eat. This is gonna be the best weekend of our lives.

Tears were still rolling down my face. Every now and then, he would wipe them away with his own hand. After some time, I managed to ask, "You're going to San Francisco, aren't you?"

He squeezed my hand. "I... I think so. I honestly did think about this all night. I don't know what else to do. I could never live with myself if you stayed in St. Louis while I was getting really good training and you weren't. I could never live it down, knowing your dream is going to waste. I think... I think our best options are for me to take the offer in the Bay Area, and for you to go to school at DePaul in Chicago. And you know, we can still be together somehow."

"Long-distance." My heart sank even more. "You honestly think it would work between us doing a long-distance thing?"

"Do you love me?" he asked me.

I squinted at him. "Of course I do! Why would you ask me that?!"

"I'm asking as more of a statement. You love me, and I love you. And when we're given impossible options, I think the best thing for us is to trust the love between us." He glanced over at me and pulled my chin gently toward him, then pecked me swiftly on the lips, before putting his eyes back on the road.

In theory, what he just said made a lot of sense to me, but it was extremely hard to put faith in. I wanted to be with him for the rest of my life. From day one, I could only fantasize about him. And even my dream. He was with me in the future. I'm sure of it. My dream. That damn dream with the voice of that other boy. What the hell? The moment I thought of that dream with that voice, confusion set in.

"You're right," I told Alex. "The love we have for each other is enough to bring us back together if we do split apart. It hurts, though. Thinking about us going in different directions. This is a HUGE curve ball for me."

"I know it is, and I'm sorry." His hand on my leg was the only thing holding me together. "I didn't mean to make you feel this way. I didn't mean to ruin our weekend. All of this just happened."

I did my best to smile and lighten the air. "It's not your fault. And we're still gonna have an amazing weekend together. We'll be in St. Louis soon."

Alex smiled a little bit. "What kind of food do you want? I can eat anything."

"Anything is good for me. I can find something vegetarian in just about any restaurant. Maybe a bar `n grill?"

"That sounds good, actually. We can look something up once we're at the hotel. Or maybe someone at the hotel can tell us of a good place."

For the rest of the ride, we listened to music while Alex rubbed my leg with one hand and drove with the other. We finally arrived at the hotel and checked in. We asked the woman at the front desk if she knew of any good bar `n grills around the area. She pointed us in the right direction to one that was downtown. She said they even have live music at it, so we were kind of excited about that.

Once we were in our room, I rinsed my face and gargled some water. Alex came up behind me and hugged me. I saw him in the reflection of the mirror, and I closed my eyes as his arms wrapped around me. It felt peaceful, but I was also scared to my bones. Scare of losing him.

"Come on, babe." Alex tugged my arm. "Let's pull these beds together." I nodded, and we walked toward the beds. We had booked a room with twin beds, so that his parents wouldn't get suspicious. We really wanted a queen bed, but no need to set off the red flags with the parents.

Once the beds were set, we changed our clothes and got ready to go out. Before we left the room, Alex stopped me at the front door. "You don't even know how special you are to me." He kissed my forehead, and a tear streaked down my face. "Let's make a pact."

I nodded willingly, and he continued. "No matter where either of us are sent. No matter what life throws at us. It's me and you, forever. Okay?"

I nodded again, slowly. "Yes. Me and you. Forever. That's what I want."

He gazed directly into my eyes and wiped my tears away. "There's only another two weeks left of school. After that, we'll be preparing to leave for San Francisco. But every day until then, and every day after that, you'll forever be in my heart, and I'll forever be in your heart. All the rest is details, and we'll figure it out along the way. This is our pact. Is that okay with you?"

I put my right pinky up to his pinky, and we linked and entwined them together. "For as long as forever and a day is. Me and you, forever. I'm okay with that."

We both leaned forward at the same time, and our lips met. I felt an expansion in my chest, then my head. It felt as if something took over my entire body. I knew in that moment, there was something to this pact and this bond between us. It wasn't just mere words. The energy between us was like an explosion, like lightning coursing through our veins. It was beyond sexual, and it was beyond the mind.

It was real and true love.

Our lips finally parted, and we stared at each other. Words didn't need to be said. He smiled at me and blinked. "I know. I feel it too."

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