Boys of the Mage Templar War

By Rainy Day

Published on Apr 1, 2016


Disclaimer: This Fan Fiction is based on the Dragon Age universe, licensed by BioWare. I do not claim ownership of characters from the game or the world.

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Boys of the Mage-Templar War

"Magic exists to serve man, and never to rule over him. Foul and corrupt are they Who have taken His gift And turned it against His children. They shall be named Maleficar, accursed ones. They shall find no rest in this world Or beyond." - Transfigurations 1:1-5

Chapter One: By the waters of Redcliffe

Two boys walked by the shores of Redcliffe village, their arms full of fire wood. The boys were in a heated conversation, but careful not to speak too loud, in case someone overheard them.

"You're just overthinking it, Ethan." The oldest looking boy said reassuringly as they walked. He looked about 15 years old, with broad shoulders, firm build and some spare hairs on his chin. He was tall, with dark blonde hair that could almost looked light brown. He had warm brown eyes, now full of concern for the younger boy walking beside him.

"I'm telling you, I have a feeling!" the younger boy, Ethan whispered loudly at the older boy. "Caleb, something is going to happen. Something horrible. I know it!" This younger boy could have been a copy of the older one, just in miniature. He wasn't as tall or bulky as the older boy, probably ten or eleven years old. He had the exact same dark blonde hair and brown eyes, pretty much confirming their kinship.

The older boy, Caleb, gave Ethan a thoughtful look. "We can talk about it later, alright? We have to get this over to Master Harritt before he skins us. We're already late, so we should hurry."

The two boys walked through Redcliffe village and headed straight to the blacksmith in the center of town. This was not the old Redcliffe that had been destroyed by the blight close to nine years ago. That part of the village had been abandoned due to the taint still lingering in the ground and plants there. Therefore, the new Redcliffe had been built only a stone's throw away, with new docks, houses and market place. People from all around Ferelden had settled down there after the blight, building the village up from scratch. The only things that still lingered, was the Redcliffe Castle, still standing on top of the red cliffs overlooking the lake.

The boys walked into the town centre and headed towards one of the largest buildings there, but instead of going in the front, they walked around the back instead. When they came through the wooden gates, separating the houses, a mountain of a man met them.

"Where have the two of you been? It shouldn't have taken that long to get me some firewood! The furnace is almost completely cold!" the man shouted as they entered. The man was bald, but in return had a huge moustache with a shiny orange color.

Both boys mumbled a quick "sorry master Harritt." and started to out stacking the firewood away before throwing off their tunics to start working. Both boys were apprentices, hoping to become a blacksmith someday. The heat inside the forge, made the boys spend most days in only trousers and shoes. Caleb had been an apprentice since he was twelve, while Ethan had only been one for a few months, even though he was eleven years old. Both their parents had died during the blight, leaving the two brothers alone in this world.

The Chantry had given them shelter for a few years, before Caleb had managed to get work at the blacksmith as an apprentice. Then the two boys moved in to the shop, sleeping on the second floor. Master Harritt wasn't a very patient man, but he was a kind one. He'd cared for the boys as well as he could ever since they became his responsibility. He taught the boys the tradecraft of blacksmithing, hoping that the two brothers could help run the store in the future, and possibly give the torch to when that time came.

"Ethan, grab that leather there, hold this still and turn every couple of hits." Master Harritt said as he placed a red glowing piece of metal of the anvil, ready to draw the metal out. Ethan eagerly grabbed a thick piece of leather and grabbed hold of the colder side of the metal, as Master Harritt started to beat down on the glowing metal with his hammer, making the rod wider and flatter. This was going to be a sword in the end, so this had to be done quite a few times. It was hard work being an apprentice. Both boys soon became almost black with soot and glistering with sweat. The boys also took orders from customers and helped on the finishing touched on weapons. Ethan did most of this, as Caleb was of more use in the back, forging with the master.

Even though the day was a long and hard one, Ethan couldn't get the feeling that something bad was about to happen out of his mind. It had started the very same morning when he woke up. For a few seconds, he sat on the edge of the bed trying to figure out what this feeling was. As the day passed, the feeling grew stronger, unable to put a name on it.

"Alright boys. We're closing shop for today." Master Harritt said as he put aside his hammer. "Remember that I'm leaving town tomorrow, so you boys will have to do without me."

"Right, Master Harritt." The boys said in unison, smiling to each other. They knew very well that the master would be away. They cherished their days off from the hard work as an apprentice.

"You boys get cleaned up before bed. You both look like you've been dragged through the furnace!" Master Harritt laughed. "I'm going to the Gull and Lantern. I'm going to see if I can get Greta in the mood tonight..."

Ethan had to hold back a chuckle, as Master Harritt almost skipped out the door. Greta was the owner of the inn, and Caleb had told him that saying Master Harritt had a crush on her, was an understatement!

"OK little brother, let's fetch some water and we'll take a bath before bed. You start on the water and I'll start heating it up for the bath." Caleb and both boys got to work.

Under an hour later, the bath was hot and ready. They had set up the large wooden tub in the secluded back, where they could just empty the water after without much trouble. Besides, it was nice to feel the cool night air on ones bare skin, so Ethan made no objection to it.

"Hop on in, little brother." Caleb said as he started to shed the last articles of clothing on his body. Ethan did the same, but in the corner of his eye, he studied his older brother. Even with his skin black with soot, Caleb looked great. He had well defined muscles and with a nice and firm stomach. As Caleb dropped his trousers, and revealed his quite hung penis. Ethan had seen it several times before when they were bathing, but it was something really exciting to see his brother naked. It made him excited for the things to come for him, as he could even see himself that within a few years, he would look almost exactly like Caleb. Caleb's penis was at least four inches flaccid. Who knew how much bigger it got when hard? He had finally gotten the last article of clothing off and stepped into the bath. "What are you waiting for? Get naked and jump in!"

Ethan snapped out of his thoughts of Caleb's penis, and dropped his own trousers all the way down. Ethan was quite fit as well, but hadn't developed his muscles as well as his brother. He was still pretty skinny, but his stomach was nice and firm and strong arms and legs, at least for an eleven year old. He stepped into the warm water and started to wash up.

"Hey Caleb..." Ethan said, unsure how to ask his question.

"What's up, squirt?" Caleb smirked as he started to wash Ethan's hair.

"What... How big does your-" Ethan felt himself shrink a little of embarrassment as he pushed through, "-how big does your dick get?"

Caleb stopped washing Ethan's hair and looked curiously at his brother. "Why do you want to know for? That's a pretty weird question to ask, you know."

"I'm just curious. I mean, we're brothers and people say I'll look like you when I'm older and I'm just curious how big I'll get when I'm your age." Ethan said very fast, hoping that the faster he said it, the faster this situation would be over. Ethan didn't dare look at Caleb, but a movement in the tub caught his attention. Caleb had gotten closer and was standing up from the tub.

"The best way would probably be to show you." He muttered as his pelvis rose above the water. Ethan had to look up now. Caleb's penis was growing right in front of his eyes, filling up more with each second. Caleb wrapped his hand around it and gave it a few quick jerks. Soon, it was throbbing a few inches from Ethan's face. He estimated it to be around six and half inches, give or take. "It's growing more with each year, so I recon it'll be even bigger with time." Caleb said, almost whispering as he looked down on his dick throbbing with each heartbeat.

"Woah..." Ethan said as he looked it over from all sides. It wasn't straight, pointing a little up and to the right. The head peeked out from the foreskin, revealing the purple head underneath.

"You'll probably be just as big when you're my age, if not bigger." Caleb said as he sat down in the water again, studying his brother. "Why the sudden interest in penises, Ethan?" Ethan noticed the smirk on his lips.

"I just want to be prepared, OK? And I know what happens when two people like each other, at least in a year or two. People my age just hold hands and kiss, but I know there is more to it. I know you do it with Malena..." Ethan finished, his cheeks blushing.

"How do you know about Malena?" Caleb asked surprised.

"I saw you two come out from the tool shed by the docks a few weeks ago." Ethan mumbled, "You both adjusted your clothes as you came out and next time I saw you two go in there, I spied on y-"

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Caleb shot, standing up from the tub again, this time in rage. The erection was all gone now.

"I wanted to see what you were doing in there!" Ethan said a little afraid from the sudden outburst from Caleb. "I looked through the window and I saw you to going at it with no clothes on."

For a moment, Ethan was sure Caleb would hit him, but soon Caleb's face turned from fury, to laughter. He almost fell out from the tub because he was laughing so hard.

"You little pervert!" Caleb chucked and punched Ethan playfully in the shoulder. "Did you just watch or did you do a little something yourself?"

"I didn't do anything, I swear!" Ethan said, raising his hands as to prove his innocence.

"You didn't? You do `do' it, right?" Caleb asked, still grinning wide.

"Do what?"

"Wank, silly!" Caleb punched him in the shoulder again, this time a little harder. "Wank, jerk off, pull it, call it what you will, it's all the same. Do you play with your dick when it's hard or not?" Ethan slowly shook his head, confused. This made Caleb laugh even harder. "So you know about fucking, but you have no idea about how to wank? That's glorious!" he hollered. "Let's finish up here, and I'll tell you all about it. It's better to be inside and a little more private than out in the back yard."

An hour later, the boys were clean, dressed, fed and ready for bed. Caleb lighted a candle and signaled for Ethan to follow him. They got up their little loft where they had their bed. They shared it, but it was plenty big for the two of them. Ethan was rather impatient about this new `wanking' thing that Caleb was going to show him. They had only just gotten into their bed when Caleb brought it up.

"OK, I'll tell you about wanking now, if you still want to k-"

"Of course I want to know!" Ethan cut him off. Caleb just smiled. In the dim light from the candle, Caleb's brown eyes seemed darker than usual, but something in them glimmered with excitement.

"First, we get naked." Caleb said and slid off his undergarments under the covers and Ethan did the same. They lay side by side, so Ethan could feel the heat from Caleb's naked skin.

"You'll need to see it to understand it all." He said and before Ethan could say or do anything, Caleb had thrown the covers off, revealing their naked bodies. Ethan felt himself heat up as he saw his brothers naked body. Side by side, Ethan really did look like a miniature of Caleb. He'd never been this excited about anything before!

"We need it to get hard, so you wrap your hand around it and pull the skin up and down, like this." Caleb said and demonstrated. Ethan watched as Caleb's hand wrapped around his shaft and moved his hand up and down it. Ethan followed suit and wrapped his own hand around his four inch shaft.

"Good." Caleb said reassuringly. "Now, think of something nice, preferably one you like a lot and think about them naked... here... with us... in this bed." He continued and closed his eyes. Ethan couldn't keep his eyes off Caleb's body though and the movement of his hand going up and down, pulling on the skin.

"Pick up the pace when it starts to feel good and try to focus your attention on the top of your dick, at the head. That's where it feels the best."

Ethan did as he was told, and sure enough, something deep inside him started to feel good when he focused his attention on the head. Caleb still had his eyes closed as he wanked, biting his lower lip a little.

"I like it when I play with my balls as I do this." He said and slid his free hand down between his legs and started to play with them. Ethan copied and slid his own free hand down and just held his balls in his hand.

"Usually when I do this, I imagine that it is Malena's hands doing it. She has really soft hands and it feels amazing when she does it." Caleb said, his voice starting to shake a little. Ethan still pumped away, but the feeling hadn't grown into something more yet and were a lot more fascinated looking at Caleb than to do it himself.

"I'm getting close to the finish..." Caleb said under his breath.

"What finish?" Ethan asked, but Caleb didn't answer. His breath became ragged and he pumped even harder and faster than before.

"Here it comes." And with that Caleb moaned as his body tensed up, his hand stopped pumping up and down and something white spurted out from the tip. At first, Ethan thought Caleb had pissed himself, but as more and more of it blasted out and landed on Caleb's chest and stomach, he saw that it wasn't blank like piss, but a very light white.

As Caleb came down from his high and his breath started to slow down, he opened his eyes and looked over at Ethan.

"That was wanking with a finish." He said and smiled at Ethan. "But you haven't finished?" Ethan shook his head. "Well, continue. Think of whoever you want to be here with you, forget that I'm here. Close your eyes and imagine it." Caleb whispered softly. Ethan did as told and closed his eyes. He picked up the speed of his hand and concentrated his effort on the head. After about a minute of intense work, he felt something coming.

"Caleb... Something... It feels weird."

"Push through it. You're almost at the finish!" Caleb urged. "Come on. You can do it. A little more now."

"Caleb...!" A sensation built up inside of him. It started at his stomach, then spread into every part of his body. It even spread down to his toes, making him curl them as the feeling grew stronger. Then it burst. The feeling. It washed over him and he felt his dick pulsate in his hands.

"Argh!" He almost screamed as something pushed out of him, something he'd never felt before. He opened his eyes to see what it was. Like his brother before him, something shot out from his dick. Not as much or as thick, but something. Two quick bursts landed on his stomach, dribbling down to the base of his young dick.

"What's going on up there?!" a voice came from below.

"Umm, nothing, Master Harritt! Ethan was... having a nightmare!" Caleb shouted down.

"Is he alright?" Master Harritt's voice said.

"Ohh, he is fine. He's super." Caleb said and put a hand on Ethan's shoulder.

Ethan was short of breath, like he'd been running! His body felt tense and his dick still pulsated, but slowly and surely, it turned flaccid.

"Congratulations, Ethan." Caleb whispered as he pulled the covers over them. "You just had your first orgasm."

"Wh-what?" Ethan asked, still a little woozy.

"Orgasm. The finish is called that, or at least that's what the herbalist told me." Caleb said and pulled Ethan closer. Ethan felt so tired that he thought if he closed his eyes now, he'd fall asleep instantly. Some of that must have shown in his face, because Caleb hugged him tighter. "It really takes a lot out of you, the finish. It's really nice to do when you can't sleep, because you feel so tired after it. I usually do it once you've fallen asleep. Sorry," he added when he saw the offended look on Ethan's face, "I just have to do it sometimes, with you here or not. If I don't get to finish I feel so tense and annoyed that I just have to."

"We're all messy again..." Ethan said, referring to the mess their finish had made on their stomachs and dicks.

"Just wash it off in the morning, and you'll be fine. Now, get some sleep. We have a new day tomorrow, and another opportunity for you to practice wanking."

As Caleb said this, Ethan felt his eyelids become heavier and heavier as he fell asleep in his brothers arms. He really loved his older brother. He could talk to him about anything. But he had a feeling he had forgotten something as his eyes closed. He had forgotten something important, but what?

End of chapter one. I hope you liked this story of mine. There's going to be a lot more to this story as we go along, and a lot of sex, but a lot of lore. If this kind of writing interests you, please check out my other Dragon Age story here on Nifty, The Becomings of Wardens (

Next: Chapter 2

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