Boys of the Mage Templar War

By Rainy Day

Published on Apr 10, 2016


Disclaimer: This Fan Fiction is based on the Dragon Age universe, licensed by BioWare. I do not claim ownership of characters from the game or books.

Please don't post this anywhere else without my permission! Comments, constructive criticism and suggestions are very welcome at As this is a Dragon Age fanfiction, there will be a lot of references to the games and books. I try to explain the lingo as I go, but let me know if something is left out. This fanfiction is about original characters set in the Dragon Age universe during the third game. There will be sex between minors, adults and some minor incest. You're warned!

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"You're just overthinking it, Ethan." The oldest looking boy said reassuringly as they walked. He looked about 15 years old, with broad shoulders, firm build and some spare hairs on his chin. He was tall, with dark blonde hair that could almost looked light brown. He had warm brown eyes, now full of concern for the younger boy walking beside him.

"I'm telling you, I have a feeling!" the younger boy, Ethan whispered loudly at the older boy. "Caleb, something is going to happen. Something horrible. I know it!"

"We're all messy again..." Ethan said, referring to the mess their finish had made on their stomachs and dicks.

"Just wash it off in the morning, and you'll be fine. Now, get some sleep. We have a new day tomorrow, and another opportunity for you to practice wanking."

As Caleb said this, Ethan felt his eyelids become heavier and heavier as he fell asleep in his brothers arms. He really loved his older brother. He could talk to him about anything. But he had a feeling he had forgotten something as his eyes closed. He had forgotten something important, but what?

Chapter Two: The Feeling

Ethan woke up from the sound of metal falling to the ground accompanied by a fine selection of curse words.

"By Andraste's tits! Bloody son of a bitch!"

Judging by the stirring next to him, these colorful verses had also woken up Caleb, who mumbled something like `what's going on?' as he began to wake in earnest. Ethan got up from under the covers and peered down from their loft down to where the sound was coming from. Down in the smithy, it seemed like Master Harritt tried to carry what looked like ten swords at once, only to have them all fall to the ground, resulting in the crash that woke the two boys upstairs.

"Master Harritt... what are you doing?" Ethan asked and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Master Harritt looked up and smiled sheepishly.

"I have to get these swords into the cart and be on my way... I'm so late!"

"Do you need any help?" Ethan offered and started to walk down the ladder.

"That would be nice, but you should probably get some clothes on first..." Master Harritt grinned.

Ethan felt a chill go over his entire body, and looked down. He was still naked from the night before, and adding insult to injury, he was hard! Ethan tried to cover up, but it was of little use. His entire naked body was already on display...

"It's alright, Ethan." Master Harritt chucked and patted him on the back, "It happens to everyone in the mornings, especially at your age. Get dressed and help me load the cart, will you?"

"Yes, Master Harritt. Sorry, Master Harritt." Ethan said in a higher-pitched tone as he climbed up the ladder, still in shock that he'd forgotten that he'd slept naked AND shown his stiff prick to his master. By Andraste's tits, indeed! He quickly got dressed and went downstairs to help Master Harritt load up the cart, now full of goods from the shop.

"Remember that I won't be back before the morrow, so you boys be good and don't burn down my shop." Master Harritt chuckled and ruffled Ethan's hair. Ethan liked it when Master Harritt did that. "So long!" Master Harritt said as he rode off on the cart and out of sight.

Ethan watched his master leave for a few seconds before walking back in to wake Caleb once more.

"I don't want to wake up... let me sleep," Caleb mumbled when Ethan tried to shake him awake.

"Listen to me, I walked down, butt naked and while my... ehh, flag, was raised, I accidentally showed it to Master Harritt!" Ethan said, giving Caleb's shoulder one last shove.

"You what?" Caleb finally sat up, staring at his younger brother. "You went down naked and let the master see you? When you were sporting a hardon? That's sooooo good!" squealed the last word as he laughed.

"It's your fault!" Ethan shoved his laughing brother, but with little effort. He felt so humiliated, first by the master and now by Caleb. He just wanted to sink into the earth. All of a sudden, Caleb grabbed him with his strong arms and pulled him into a crushing hug. "What are you-"

"You're so silly, little brother." Caleb mumbled and hugged tighter for a second before releasing him. "It had to happen sooner or later. It happened to me, and I lived through it. So cheer up and get your wanking on!" Caleb said, thengave Ethan a smack on the behind as he got up.

"What are you going to do today?" Ethan asked, rubbing his behind.

"I'm going to see Malena," Caleb said as he pulled on his undergarments. "Maybe I'll take her here, now that the master is gone..." he added as an afterthought. "What are you doing today?"

"I thought I'd head to the farms and see Colin. See if we can play, if he's not busy with farm work." Ethan shrugged his shoulders.

"That's perfect! Then you won't mind if I bring Malena here, right?" Caleb's face lit up from the thought.Ethan felt his nether region stir a little, but he agreed to let the two of them use their bed for their... play.

As Ethan and Caleb ate breakfast, Ethan suddenly remembered what he'd wanted to talk to Caleb about, before the whole bath thing had happened.

"Caleb..." He said carefully.

"Mmmph?" Caleb replied through a mouthful of bread.

Ethan hesitated. He wasn't really sure how to approach the topic, but the feeling he'd had yesterday was back in force. It was if he could feel it in his bones that something was going to happen. Something bad!

"Never mind. I'll talk to you about it later. I have to get going. I'll see you later, Caleb."

Ethan rushed out the door and started to climb the wormy path up to the city gates. He liked to walk up there, as it gave him such a good view of the village, the lake and most importantly, Redcliffe Castle in the distance. He passed the gates and nodded to the guardswoman who gave him a warm smile in return. He pondered for a moment if he should walk on the road, like people told him to, or if he should take the shortcut through the woods. He decided to take the shortcut. It was almost a straight line, after all. So he turned right almost right after he left the city gates, followed the grassy road and went through a small cave.

Ethan knew that the local youths who couldn't get off in the tool sheds would go up here to make out and do other stuff, despite it being an off limits area. The Witchwood, as it was called, was said to be the home of a notorious witch who ate kids for dinner, but Ethan knew better than that!

It was sad that most people never went in here, he thought. It was a beautiful old forest with lots of mushrooms and plants all around, especially now that summer was around the corner and one didn't have to bathe in snow to get around. He walked through the forest and entered a ravine. It was mostly rock and moss, but when he came out on the other side, he came to a shallow river and a nice waterfall. Ethan took off his shoes and crossed the river and up a small hill.

Finally, he reached the Redcliffe Farms. A lot of people lived here. They had a horse master, a druffalo herder and regular farmers as well. Ethan turned left and walked towards the main road to the first house of the farms. Outside, four people were tending to the plants and animals. One man, two women and one boy. The boy, not a day more than eleven was slender, with dark brown hair and green eyes. He looked up as Ethan approached them.

"Hello, Ethan!" he grinned as Ethan walked through the gates.

"Good morning, Ethan." One of the women said with a warm smile.

"Good morning, Mrs. Tidmore. Does Colin have time to play? I have the day off in the smithy," Ethan asked in his kindest voice. That didn't help much though.

"I'm sorry, Ethan, but Colin has a lot of work to do today. He promised to help Miss Dennett to help with the horses today."

"But I can do that now, and me and Ethan can go play!" Colin chirped and gave his mother a begging look. "Please Ma, let me go play with Ethan! He almost never has a day off. Pleeeease?"

This seemed to have more of an effect though. Mrs. Tidmore sighed and Ethan knew the battle was won!

"Alright, Colin. But only if you go straight over to Miss Dennett and help her out with the horses, you hear?"

Mrs. Tidmore hadn't even finished her sentence before Colin had ran out of the gates and the two boys walked over to the farms.

"So you have the whole day off? That's great!" Colin said cheerfully.

"Yeah, the master is out of town until tomorrow, so I have the whole day off. It's so good to be out from the workshop. It gets so hot in there," Ethan said as they jumped the fence over to the stables.

"Hello, Seanna," Colin said as they approached a woman with dark skin, tending to a horse.

"Ohh, hello, Colin! You're early, and I think this one's the reason, huh? Good morning, Ethan." Seanna said as she continued to pet the horse.

"Good morning Seanna." Ethan replied cheerfully. Ethan couldn't help but smile at the horse as well—he liked horses. They were such magnificent beasts. It was said that they were great judge of character and Ethan was inclined to believe so.

"So, I guess you want to get your job over quickly so the two of you can go spend the day in the water, huh?" Seanna chuckled, but didn't wait for an answer before she pointed to the stables. "The stables need to be cleaned and the horses fed. If you don't mind helping, Ethan, it'll go a lot faster."

"Sure thing, Seanna." Ethan said and followed Colin into the stables. They spent the next few hours cleaning out the dung and dirt from the stables before they carried hay into the stables to feed the horses.

"I think we're close to done now," Colin said as he gave the last horse its food.

"About time... I stink from all this work!" Ethan joked. "Do you want to go down to the river and clean up?"

"Cleaning up sounds nice, but I've found a new spot!" Colin said, smiling wide.

"A new spot? Is it better than the river by the ravine?"

"Much better. I'll show you. We're done, Seanna!" Colin called out as they exited the stables.

"Great job boys. Have a nice day, you two." Seanna waved them off as the two boys walked out the gates.

"So where is this new place?" Ethan whispered as they passed the Dennett house.

"On top of that hill. You see that waterfall there? It's up there! My Da says it's called Dead Ram Cove, but it's really beautiful up there, you'll see."

Caleb led Ethan up a hidden path that snaked its way up the mountainside. A few minutes later, they had a complete view of the Redcliffe Farms. Ethan couldn't help but to let out a `whoa' from the view.

"If you think that's cool, wait until you see our final destination." Colin said and waved for Ethan to follow him around a thin path. When Ethan turned the corner, he had to let out another `whoa', this one a lot more deserved than the first one. The mountainside had several waterfalls, creating a small stream down the cove. The boys didn't even have to exchange words before they both started to strip naked then jumped into the water.

They spent the next hour playing in the cove, exploring all the deep pools and small caves by the falls. Ethan had so much fun that he forgot that he wanted to talk to Colin about the previous night's events! Colin was his best friend and Ethan had to tell him what Caleb had taught him.

"Hey Colin!" Ethan called out to his friend, who was preparing for a jump into one of the larger pools.


"Come down, I have to tell you something. It's hard to talk to you over all the running water." Ethan said. Colin jumped down into the pool and emerged with a curious look on his face a few seconds later.

"What is it, Ethan?"

"I had a really strange day yesterday. You remember I told you that Caleb is shagging Malena?" Ethan asked. Colin nodded.

The truth was, Ethan had lied to Caleb. He had known for a lot longer what was going on between his brother and Malena, and he had shared every detail about it with Colin.

"Well, last night I asked him about what he does with Malena and how big his dick was."

"You didn't!" Colin laughed and splashed some water at Ethan, who giggled back.

"Did so! I asked him during our bath after work, and he stood from the bath and showed it to me, straight in my face!" Colin looked enthralled by Ethan's story as he continued. "Then he asked me if I knew what wanking was." Ethan began to explain everything that had happened in their bed the night before.

"Sooo... You didn't know what wanking was?" Colin asked quizzically.

"So you knew, and never told me?" Ethan replied in an almost hurt tone, but he still smiled as he did so.

"Been doing it for months! I thought you did too and just didn't want to include me in it or something."

"Of course I would have included you in it! It was bloody amazing, Colin. I saw stars, that's how good it was."

"Do you want to do it now, then?" Colin chirped and got out from the pool and onto the mossy bank where Ethan sat.

"Here? Outside?" Ethan asked, a little unsure.

"Yeah? We're already naked, so it's just the next step." Colin beamed. "No one ever comes up here, unless there is a horse or druffalo loose, and they are all down there." And without waiting for a reply, Colin started to rub his little nob of a penis, getting it hard in seconds. Ethan didn't have to be asked twice and got himself hard, not that it was a challenge to do. Doing this outside, with Colin, was just as, if not even more exciting than doing it with Caleb the night before in the candlelight.

"Scoot closer so I can see it better," Colin said and waved Ethan to sit next to him. Side by side, the two eleven-year-olds wanked with to their hearts' content. Ethan knew he wouldn't last very long.

"I'm about to finish..." he panted.

"Me too. Here, let's switch." And without warning, Colin reached over and took Ethan's dick in his hands and wanked him. Ethan moaned very loudly, and if there hadn't been waterfalls around them, he was sure the people down at the farms would have heard.

"You liked that, didn't you Ethan?" Colin grinned and Ethan nodded. "I'll finish you first, then you do me. Deal?" Again Ethan nodded.

It was as if Colin's fingers were magic—they felt totally different from Ethan's own. The feeling inside of Ethan that had been building up for so long came rushing at him with incredible speed. His toes curled, his back arched and he screamed with joy as if his dick was on fire. He saw stars exploding in his mind as everything went foggy for him.

"Are you alright, Ethan?" Colin's voice sounded like it came from far away.

"That was incredible!" Ethan moaned as his body started to relax from the ordeal.

"I bet. You shot your load all over the place." Colin joked and pointed at Ethan's body. It was a lot more than yesterday, but still very transparent, almost like piss, but thicker. "You shot four times. I can't shoot anything yet," Colin said, a little jealous that his friend was so much more developed than him.

"I'll make you shoot five times!" Ethan smiled as he reached over to Colin's still hard member. It was thinner and shorter than Ethan's, probably just four inches or a little under, but it felt different than his own. When he did it himself, it felt like just a warm tube, but Colin's felt layered, with a softer exterior and a firmer interior. "It feels strange, but good in my hands." Ethan observed as he moved his young hand up and down the small shaft. "How is it?" Ethan only got a moan in return, so he picked up the pace. Soon Colin was squirming so hard it was difficult to keep wanking him.

"It's coming... It's coming!" Colin moaned as his body tensed up and his eyes rolled back. Ethan felt the dick in his hand pulsate several times, but nothing came out from it. Ethan continued to wank Colin's dick, but much slower, until it became softer in his hands.

"That was amazing, Ethan." Colin finally said. He got up and hugged Ethan, an actual, honest embrace.

"Ummm... you're welcome." Ethan replied a little sheepishly, but then he felt his body go cold. As he hugged Colin, something moved in the background. Something very big, with brown fur...

"Colin..." Ethan said, feeling his voice shaking a little. "There is something behind us. Something with fur and... it's moving towards us."

Colin's body froze and he slowly let go of Ethan and looked back to the brown mass that was approaching them. Ethan was shaking as he saw the brown bear come closer, sniffing the air as it went. It seemed it hadn't spotted the two very-undefended boys in front of it, but as soon as they moved or the bear came too close, they were in deep trouble.

"Do we make a run for it...?" Ethan whispered, but Colin slowly shook his head.

"It'll catch up to us. Let's not do anything before we have to. If we're lucky, it walks away up that hill. There are a lot of rams there, so maybe it gets food from there."

"Now I understand why it's called Dead Ram Cove!" hissed Ethan. "It's because a bear lives here eating the rams!"

Very slowly, the bear's head turned and looked around with its dark eyes, before stopping at the two naked boys only thirty feet away. It roared and charged right at them!

The boys screamed and made a run for the snake path down the mountain. They sprinted with everything they had, but it was maybe a little too fast. Ethan felt his foot slip on the moss and he fell straight down into a puddle of water.

"ETHAN!" Colin shouted, but he couldn't help him. The bear was closing in on him and Colin had no chance to stop the bear on his own. Ethan on the other hand felt as if time slowed down. He looked back and saw the bear approaching, its strong legs splashing the water as it ran. Instinct took over, and Ethan crawled back out of the puddle he had landed in. He saw the bear lift its powerful paws for a strike and Ethan knew it was over. He was going to die. So he closed his eyes lifted his arms to protect himself.

A jolt of pain hit him in the shoulder and knocked him ten feet back, smashing him against the stone. Ethan heard a scream from Colin, and he wanted to shout to his friend to just run and save his own life—but then something incredible happened.

A strange, but familiar feeling filled Ethan's entire being. The same feeling that he had been feeling the past few days, the one he tried to tell his brother about, came out all at once. He opened his eyes and saw the whole cove lit up, not by the sun or any natural light, but a purple electrical light. The bear stood over him ready to smash down on him, but it couldn't any longer, as it had a large gaping hole in its chest. The bear roared a long cry as it fell onto its back, very much dead. Ethan looked at his hands, where a steady stream of lightning continued to shoot out of his very fingers.

"What the-" Ethan shouted as he watched the bear's body get hit again and again by the lightning from his hands. What was going on? Then, as suddenly as it has started, it ended. The lightning stopped spurting out from his fingers and the strange feeling vanished. Ethan stared at them, confused and shocked. He couldn't be... No, that was impossible!

Once again he heard a scream and he looked over to where Colin was. The boy looked terrified. "You- you are—" Colin stammered, but before Ethan could say anything, he got on his feet and ran around the corner, and presumably, down to the village again.

Ethan tried to follow him, but the pain in his shoulder kept him on the ground. He looked at at his shoulder and saw a deep gash. A stream of blood flowed down his arm and dripped down onto the ground. It looked like one of the bear's claws had ripped straight through the flesh.

Ethan gritted his teeth and made a last effort to get over to his clothes. Slowly, he crawled over to his and Colin's clothes and used his own shirt to keep pressure on the shoulder wound. He knew that much—that if he didn't get this bleeding under control soon, he would faint and bleed out. He pressed down on the wound and screamed in pain, but it had to be done.

After about five minutes, the edge of his vision started to blur and he knew that he would faint any second now, when he heard voices shouting from far away.

They are coming for me, he thought as darkness crept further and further in. They are coming to save me.

"We have to get him away from here. He is bleeding!"

"Look at him, Jared! Look what he did! No way I'll let him into my house after that."

"We have to do something. We can't just let him die!"

"No one would know. After what happened in Kirkwall, no one would-"

"I would know! Give me your cape and cover the boy up and help me carry him. We'll take him back to Redcliffe. The Mother will know what to do."

"By the Maker, I hope you're right."

Ethan's vision was blurry and the sounds around him seemed muffled, as if heard them through a wall. He wasn't sure who were the two men he could hear talking, or why he felt like he was flying, but he felt so tired... All he wanted to do was to sleep. And who was this Mother they mentioned? He couldn't remember his mother's face even. It had always been just him and Caleb.

`Relax, Ethan. They won't bother you any longer.'

`But I'm scared, Caleb. I don't like it here.'

`We won't have to stay for very long, I promise. I'll take care of you.'

`You promise?'

`I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you, Ethan. I love you, remember that.'

"By Andraste's grace, what happened?"

"A bear, but that's not the problem, Mother. My son, Colin, said he killed the bear... with Magic!"

"By the Maker... Get him inside, quick. Ina will look after him while I send word to the Templars."

`I won't let anything bad happen to you, Ethan.'

That concludes chapter two! I really hope you guys enjoy this series. It's quickly becoming my favorite story to write, even though it's a little difficult to write. Thanks a lot to those of you that send me comments and suggestions. They're really appreciated!

Please check out my other stories here at Nifty. Both are fanficitons like this one, set in an already existing world with original characters, referencing the canon storyline.

The Becomings of Wardens -Dragon Age (finished) :

The Espen Norum Chronicles - Harry Potter :

Next: Chapter 3

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