Boys of the Mage Templar War

By Rainy Day

Published on May 12, 2016


Disclaimer: This Fan Fiction is based on the Dragon Age universe, licensed by BioWare. I do not claim ownership of characters from the game or books.

Please don't post this anywhere else without my permission! Comments, constructive criticism and suggestions are very welcome at

As this is a Dragon Age fanfiction, there will be a lot of references to the games and books. I try to explain the lingo as I go, but let me know if something is left out.

This fanfiction is about original characters set in the Dragon Age universe during the third game. There will be sex between minors, adults and some minor incest. You're warned!

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"Gerald..." Ethan began. He sat down next to Gerald on the floor. "I'm so sorry."

"Why?" Gerald snapped and looked up at him. His face was a mix of confusion and anger. "You didn't know Arnoud! How could you possibly be sorry!?"

"Because I understand how you feel..." Ethan said truthfully. He didn't have much to offer other than that. "I know loss. I may not know the details of your relationship-" at that last word, Gerald froze and his face became pale for a second, but Ethan continued as if nothing had happened. "-but I know how it is to lose someone you care for."

"Who?" Gerald said staring at Ethan with his clear grey eyes, now swollen and red from his tears. "Who did you lose?"

"I lost both my parents, even though I don't remember them anymore," Ethan said, leaning back into the wall and staring up at the painted glass windows. "My brother and I grew up in the chantry when our parents died, after the Blight. It was rough, but we made it in the end."

"I didn't know you had a brother..." Gerald said, drying his eyes as he listened to Ethan.

"An older brother. His name is Caleb," Ethan said and felt his eyes start to sting a little. "I miss him a lot. He's the only family I have left. Other than Master Harritt, of course," he added with a laugh. "Then I had Colin, my best friend. I don't think I'll ever see him again, or if he even wants to see me. I scared him with my awakening, you see..."

"I lost my family to the Blight as well," Gerald mumbled, but he didn't cry anymore. "My dad and eldest brothers fought in the Battle of Denerim, but they died."

Ethan wondered if he should mention what Nero had told him about Gerald's family, about their noble status going up in smoke after the Blight, but he decided not to. No reason to dig that up unless Gerald wanted to talk about it. Instead, Ethan put an arm around Gerald's shoulders and hugged him. Gerald looked confused at Ethan for a second, before he accepted the hug and leaned into it. None of the boys said anything, but they didn't need to. They had an unspoken understanding.

"I have to get to bed... I have loads to catch up on tomorrow," Gerald finally said, then he got up from the floor. He looked at Ethan and extended his hand to help him stand up. Ethan accepted the hand and as soon as he was on his feet, Gerald had pulled him in close for another hug. This one wasn't apologetic, like the one Ethan had given, but warm and friendly. "Thank you," Gerald said with a hint of a smile on his lips before walking towards the dorms.

"You're welcome," Ethan replied as Gerald walked around the corner and out of sight.

Ethan felt a mix of joy and sadness throughout his body. He was happy that Gerald had opened up a little to him and let him in, but also sad for Gerald's loss. Losing one's best friend wasn't something he would wish on anyone!

Chapter Five: A different kind of feeling

Ethan and Gerald were friends after that. They sat together in the library and Gerald helped Ethan with his studies. Nero sat with them too sometimes, but that was mostly for Ethan. His two friends tolerated each other, but they didn't really like each other. Ethan appreciated that they at gave it a shot for his sake. They were both so much more skilled than he was when it came to magic! Gerald knew the theory behind most schools of magic from the back of his hand, while Nero wasn't far behind. The elf boy was a lot more competent when it came to perform magic though. Nero had little problem doing magic, while Gerald seemed to struggle immensely. Strange, Ethan thought, as Gerald had done the most powerful magic Ethan had seen here yet.

"Just concentrate. Nero said during one of their get togethers in one of the practice rooms.

"I'm trying!" Gerald snapped. "It's not that bloody easy."

"Yes it is." Nero said, unable to hide the smirk on his face. "Channel your mana and use that to-"

"I know how glyphs work!" Gerald shouted and looked angrily at Nero. "I know what I am supposed to do, but it just won't work."

Nero's face softened and he looked over at Ethan. "You have any ideas?"

Ethan sat by the wall, playing with one of the spells he had learned recently. A white orb of light flew around Ethan's head, bumping into the walls and furniture as it went. It was a wisp, an extremely simple form of spirit. They had an extreme curiosity and loved to explore as they came into this realm.

"I don't know, Nero." Ethan said as he looked at the wisp flying around the room. "Why does he have to create the glyph?"

"Because that's what we're supposed to learn." Nero said simply.

"What about primal magic?" Ethan said and gestured for the wisp to come back. The little orb of light buzzed for a second before it came back and landed in Ethan's open hand.

"What about it?" Nero said and folded his arms.

"Gerald is very good with Primal Magic." Ethan said simply. "I've seen him do it. Why can't he just get very good at that?" The wisp felt strange on his skin. He could feel that something was there, but it wasn't an actual physical thing. It was almost pure energy, so the little orb felt warm on Ethan's skin, as if the light from the sun hit it.

"Because we're supposed to learn glyphs!" Nero said in an annoyed tone.

"Let's try this again then." Ethan said. He got up on his feet and walked the short distance over to Gerald. He gently put a hand on Gerald's shoulder and felt the older boy shiver slightly from the touch. "Now, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Let your mind drift into the Fade and gather your mana."

Gerald looked over his shoulder and looked at Ethan, who gave him a soft smile and over to Nero who looked like he thought this was a complete waste of time. Gerald closed his eyes and Ethan could actually feel Gerald gather mana.

"Now picture the glyph. You should know it."

"Right..." Gerald mumbled.

"Let your mind take in every line of the glyph and project it out into this world." Ethan said and walked around Gerald to watch his face. Gerald had his eyes closed and a concentrated frown on his lips. His angular eyebrows made him look even angrier than usual.

"I can't..." Gerald said and opened his eyes. "I can't do it!"

"Yes you can." Ethan said. "Close your eyes again."

Gerald did and Ethan softly placed the wisp on Gerald's shoulder. Gerald made no notion that he knew the wisp was there. The Wisp's glow pulsated with Gerald's breathing.

"Do it again. Project the glyph into this world."

It looked like it took everything Gerald had, as he gritted his teeth in concentration. In the blink of an eye, a bright white circle with complex patterns appeared on the ground. As it happened, directly where Ethan stood. Ethan felt numbness wash over him, like a wave of cold water. Then his entire body stopped responding and he couldn't move.

"HAH!" Nero exclaimed and walked over to Ethan and looked him over. "Looks like you finally did it, Gerald."

"I did?" Gerald said and opened his eyes. "Ethan!"

"Don't worry, he's just paralysed. He'll be fine. His body still works, he just has no control over it anymore. His heart still pumps blood and he still breathes in and out."

"How did I do that?" Gerald said and also looked at the paralysed Ethan. In his paralysed state, Ethan wanted to tell them to stop staring! He felt quite uncomfortable and very exposed in this position!

"I think the Wisp lent you some of its power." Nero said and glanced over at the Wisp, now buzzing happily around Gerald's head. "They are stupid as a rock, but they are made of pure energy. I think it gave you some extra power once it sensed you were trying to perform a spell. How far off am I, Ethan?" Nero added with a smile to Ethan.

Ethan finally felt the spell wear off and felt himself get control over his body again. "I think you're spot on." He said and gave the two boys a sheepish smile. "All you needed was a little help and you could do it just fine. Once you're used to the spell, I don't think you'll need any help performing it at all."

"Thanks, Ethan." Gerald mumbled and smiled.

"I think that concludes today's training, or what do you think, boys?" Nero said cheerfully. "Let's get a bite to eat before we have to do this all over again!"

A week later, Ethan and Gerald's friendship reached a new peak. Ethan was walking the hall on the second floor, when he spotted Gerald in one of the rooms. He stopped and noticed that Gerald was actually sitting on a bench inside the small chantry chamber. Ethan hesitated briefly. He didn't really like the chantry anymore and ever since he became a mage that feeling had grown more and more, but it was something about Gerald sitting there, alone, that made Ethan go inside.

"You doing alright?" Ethan asked carefully as he approached his friend. Gerald almost jumped in surprise and hastily dried his eyes as he saw Ethan approach.

"Ohh, it's you." Gerald said and composed himself. "I didn't think anyone would be here."

"Why are you here?" Ethan said as he sat down. There was no one here other than the two of them.

"I had a rough day," Gerald said and shrugged. "I thought of Arnoud. I really miss having him here, you know?"

"Yeah, I know." Ethan said and put a comforting arm around Gerald's shoulders.

"I thought of you guys and how much I think he would have liked you and Nero. I think he would have loved you guys."

"I wish I could have known him. I don't think I've even talked to him once." Ethan said and leaned in and rested his head on Gerald's shoulder. "What was Arnoud like?"

Gerald smiled weakly and stared blankly at the statue of Andraste in the other end of the room. "He was my closest friend here. We became friends soon after I arrived here. He saw my struggles and did what no one else did, and he helped me with my studies. I don't think I would have been able to do any forms of magic if it weren't for him."

"He sounds like a great guy." Ethan said truthfully.

"He really was." Gerald said as a tear ran down his cheek. "We would explore the tower and find places where we wouldn't be disturbed or gawked at. I really enjoyed those moments, when we were alone..."

"Why were you gawked at?" Ethan asked and studied Gerald's face. His face had gone pale and he continued to stare at the statue of Andraste.

"You really don't know, do you?"

"No. Should I have known?" Ethan asked more than a little confused.

"I thought everyone in this tower knew about that... Even though no one said it to our face, I knew what they were thinking when they saw us together."

"I don't understand, wha-"

"When Arnoud and I studied together, we became close. Very close." Gerald said, still with the weak smile. Ethan got the feeling that Gerald trying to decide just how much to tell him. "We didn't just read books and practice spells, Ethan. Arnoud was older than me and I looked up to him. I think I would have done anything he said... and I did."

"What do you mean?"

"That Arnoud and I went around to all the remote and lone places in this tower and had sex." Gerald said simply. "He taught me everything he knew, and what he didn't knew we found out together. He gave me my first kiss, my first orgasm... he was my first."

"Are you saying that you two fucked?" Ethan asked, shocked of the direction this conversation had taken. It didn't help that he felt himself get harder with each heartbeat, and it was difficult to hide it!

"Sometimes, but not a lot. He didn't like it very much for some reason. He preferred to be sucked. I got pretty good at it." Gerald added, smiling wide. He still stared at the statue of Andraste, as if he was trying to memorize it. "I never liked girls. They have never been interesting to me, no matter how interested they were in me. They just don't have the right parts, you know?" Gerald gestured towards Andraste's chest.

"Right." Ethan nodded, still surprised and confused. But what was worse was how painfully hard his dick was under his robes. He didn't want to think of Gerald that way. Gerald was his friend!

"Anyway," Gerald continued as if nothing had happened. "Arnoud had the right parts. That made it so much easier for me. We tried to hold back in the beginning, but things just happened."

The two of them sat side by side for a while, none of them saying anything. Ethan was trying really hard to ignore the throbbing hardness under his robes, straining both his undergarments and tenting his robes. After a few minutes, Ethan couldn't help himself. He had to ask.

"What it feels like?"


"Sucking and stuff. I mean, I've seen my brother fuck a girl once, but I've never really done anything like that myself. The closest I've been to it, was when a friend and me wanked each other..." Ethan mumbled, not daring to look at Gerald.

Gerald looked very thoughtful for a moment, as if he really thought about how to answer. "There's really not a lot to compare it to. I mean, sucking is a mix of warm, wet and really just a good feeling all over your dick."

"Warm, wet and good?" Ethan said with a crooked smile. "That's it?"

"Of course not!" Gerald said and giggled. "As I said, it's not easy to compare it to anything and really hard to explain." There was a moment of silence between them, but the tension was clear. "You want to ask me if I can show you what it's like, don't you?" Gerald said calmly.

Ethan swallowed and felt the heat on his face. "Well... I... I mean, if it's okay. I'm just curious, is all."

Gerald smirked, something Ethan hadn't seen him do in a while. "Heh. Well... I've been helping you with your studies anyway, and you helped me with mine. I meant to thank you for the trick with the wisp. I might as well teach you about this in return."

"You know, for general knowledge, and stuff..."

"Come on then!" Gerald said, grabbing Ethan's hand and pulling him with him. For some reason, Ethan expected them to go down to the dormitories, but instead Gerald led him to one of the darker corners of the Chantry, behind one of the many statues in the room.

"What, here? Are you insane?" Ethan whispered. If anyone came in, there would be no hiding from anyone.

"I've had Arnoud fuck me here while there was a Sister praying at the altar, and she didn't notice." Gerald grinned. "As long as we don't make too much noise, and stay here in the shadows, no one will even think to see this way."

"I'm still not sure we should-" Ethan tried to say, but Gerald gave him a slightly annoyed look and Ethan decided to shut up.

"Okey, we don't want to take the robe off here in case someone sees us, so just lift it up enough for me to access your... That's it." Gerald grinned when he saw the tent in Ethan's undergarments. "Getting excited, are you?"

"Can't help it when you start talking about having sex all around this tower. I didn't even know people had sex around here!"

"Ohh, people do it all the time." Gerald grinned. "I mean, it's not supposed to happen, but there are a lot of places to do it in this tower."

"You don't say..." Ethan mumbled as the two of them got out of sight behind the large statue. He couldn't help but to feel nervous from the whole situation. Gerald looked around the statue one last time to make sure they were alone, before he hooked his fingers inside the waist band of Ethan's undergarments.

"I'll just pull this down..." Gerald said as he slowly pulled Ethan's undergarments down, letting it fall to the ground. "You're pretty big, Ethan." Gerald said comforting and studied Ethan's dick for a moment. Ethan on the other hand, hadn't felt this embarrassed since Master Harritt saw him with a boner all those months ago.

Ethan had never really been one to think about the size of his dick or compared it to others, as he until recently didn't really know what to do with it. Rubbing it just felt good, but Caleb had shown him what was what. So when Gerald said he was pretty big, it sounded strange to him. Should he want to be big, like Caleb?

Gerald wrapped a warm hand around his dick and Ethan gasped from the touch. It reminded him about the time by the waterfall, with Colin. Gerald's hands felt wonderful on his dick as he wanked him for a moment.

"I thought you were going to-" Ethan tried to ask, but Gerald cut him off with a grin.

"It's easier to handle if I hold it while doing it. Are you ready?" Gerald asked. Ethan suddenly found it very hard to talk, as if his voice had been taken away, so all he could do was nod.

Gerald leaned in closer and Ethan could feel his hot breath on his dick. Transfixed, Ethan watched as Gerald closed his eyes and opened his mouth. Then his dick was inside Gerald's mouth. His movements were gentle as Gerald bobbed his head down and up his four and a half inch dick.

"Ohh myyy...!" Ethan exclaimed. He couldn't help himself. He had to let out a moan as this was far better than anything he'd ever experienced! It was like time slowed down as he felt Gerald's nose brush against his bare pubic mound, tickling him slightly. Gerald's hot mouth did wonders at pleasing him and he couldn't hold it back.

The moan had just escaped his lips, when Gerald quickly placed his free hand over Ethan's mouth to shut him up.

"Shhh!" Gerald whispered. "They'll hear us!"

Ethan nodded and tried his best to hold his moans to a minimum, but it was not an easy task!

With his hand still firmly in place over Ethan's mouth, trying to keep him quiet, he looked around the room for a moment, making sure they were truly alone before taking Ethan's boy dick into his mouth again. Ethan couldn't help it, he had to moan as Gerald's tongue engulfed his dick again. Ethan felt his eyes roll back as waves of pleasure rolled over him. Gerald was doing things that he'd never experienced before, or heard of for that matter. Wanking was one thing, but this was a whole different matter!

Gerald had been right. There was really no comparison. Sure, it felt wet and hot, but there was so much more to it! Gerald's tongue massaging the underside of his dick, how slick the inside of Gerald's mouth felt. Sometimes, Gerald would let Ethan's dick out of his mouth, only to lick it all down, even his hairless balls! It all felt great! Ethan grabbed a chunk of Gerald's hair, wanting to push his dick as far into his mouth as possible, but Gerald pulled off and gave him an angry look.

"Don't do that!"

"Sorry! I just-"

"I know what you wanted, but let me do this. It'll be better, I promise."

Without waiting for Ethan to reply, Gerald took Ethan's four and a half inch member into his mouth again. A little harder and wilder than before perhaps, but it still felt fantastic! It was like heat spread from Gerald's mouth and into his entire body.

As this feeling wasn't new to Ethan, he knew that he wouldn't last much longer. He felt like he had to let Gerald know.

"I'm getting close, Gerald. I'm finishing soon..." Ethan said with a whisper, his breath shallow. Gerald didn't reply, but sucked harder and more intense than before.

"Maker's breath... It's coming!" Ethan tried to keep it down, but he had to let out a muffled moan as his orgasm washed over him. His body tensed up and his dick pushed out several shots of cum straight into Gerald's waiting mouth. Ethan saw stars before his eyes as his young body went through the most intense orgasm of his life. He could feel Gerald slow down the sucking motion

After a minute, Gerald let Ethan's flaccid dick out of his mouth and got back up on his feet. He smiled wide at Ethan.

"You did pretty good."

"I did?" Ethan laughed. It seemed silly to be able to do a good job, when he hadn't really done anything.

"Yeah. You lasted longer than I thought you would." Gerald grinned. "And you tasted good as well. Sweeter than I'm used to..."

"I tasted good? Are you serious?"

"Very serious." Gerald said, still smiling. Was he joking with him? "Anyhow, we should clear out soon. They are holding a praying session here in a few minutes. I don't think we want to be here when they arrive."

"Right..." Ethan said and pulled his undergarments back up. He was painfully obvious of Gerald's clear tent under his robe, but Gerald didn't seem very concerned about that.

The two of them quickly left the small chantry chamber and headed down towards the libraries. None of them said a word as they walked side by side, but by the time they reached the grand library, the silence felt crushing.

"Gerald..." Ethan said slowly and Gerald gave him a sideways glance.


"Thank you."

"Ohh..." He looked a little surprised, but glad to hear it. "You're welcome, Ethan."

"I'll return the favour someday." Ethan really meant it. He wanted to repay Gerald for what he had done. And he really wanted to try it himself!

"I know." Gerald grinned. "I'm looking forward to it."

That concludes chapter five. Thanks a lot to those of you that send me comments and suggestions. They're really appreciated! Now Nifty has been caught up with the postings on the other sites. I forgot I had this story here as well...

Please check out my other stories here at Nifty. Both are fanficitons like this one, set in an already existing world with original characters, referencing the canon storyline.

The Becomings of Wardens -Dragon Age (finished) :

The Espen Norum Chronicles - Harry Potter :

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