Boys Will Be Girls

By moc.loa@KafonoS

Published on Sep 21, 2000




By Karen Flynn - SONOFAK@AOL.COM

It was early afternoon and I was at Johnny's house. No one was home and we had been swimming all afternoon then we lay out in the sun until we were dry. Johnny had four sisters three older and one, Claris the prettiest was one year younger. I was 14 and Johnny was one year older. The whole family was tall Johnny towered over me and Claris was almost my height. Both Johnny and I keeping with the style had shoulder length hair mine reddish blond Johnny's dark brown. His sisters had gone away to his aunts in Florida for the month and both of his parents were working, Johnny and I were taking full advantage. We ran around the house naked skinny dipping in the pool and lounging in the sun. Johnny's father Fred had come home for lunch and caught us in the pool yesterday. After scolding us by saying "Johnny, You boys had better not let your mother catch you skinny dipping or there will be hell to pay." He then stripped off his clothes and joined us.

The only chore we had been assigned to do was the laundry. Even after two days we were still washing his sisters clothes. Secretly I did not mind. Claris had the sexiest clothes and I just loved touching them. So when it came time to fold the clothes I was all over that detail. After lying in the sun for an hour I went inside to get a drink and noticed that the clothes drier had stopped and started to unload the clothes. Johnny came in and said "Steve it's a good thing you are here I would have forgotten to fold the clothes and gotten into trouble." I smiled at him as I picked up a silken yellow pair of Claris's panties. I held the still warm from the drier garment against my chest for a moment before I started to fold it. I wondered what it would be like to wear such a thing. Next I picked up the matching training bra again I held it against myself so as to feel the silken material of the tiny cups against myself before I folded it. Looking over Johnny was busy folding his own jeans and underwear. Next I found the matching slip, it appeared the whole outfit was here including the lace lined party dress. I finished folding the slip making sure to hold it against my naked body before folding it. Next I picked up the dress holding it against myself as if modeling it I turned around looking for a hanger and saw myself in the mirror across the way. Never before had I been this turned on. Grabbing the hanger I turned back around still holding the silken dress against myself. I realized I was in trouble by the amused way that Johnny was looking at me. He said, " You have been fondling all of Claris's clothes, maybe I should tell her?" I responded "No, Please." Much to my surprise he replied, "I won't tell her but you have to put that dress on!" I was shocked and surprised and had no clue what to say. I just stood there thinking this is what I want to do more than anything, He picked up the panties, Bra and slip and tossed them to me saying here these too. I dropped the dress to catch them exposing my totally erect cock. Looking down I noticed that Johnny's cock was totally erect to. He said "Don't' act so surprised. I have been watching you fondle Claris's clothes for two days now. And nothing would turn me on more than to see you wear that outfit. I picked it out and threw it into the wash just for you." With an invitation like that how could I refuse. I picked up the clothes and started to head for the bedroom to get dressed when Johnny said, "I want you to get dressed here while I watch." Suddenly I felt naked. Blushing I stepped back and pulled out the panties stepping into them I pulled the silken garment up around my now rigid cock. Looking across to Johnny he had reached down and was stroking his cock. Looking at me he said, "I have been thinking about this all week." I picked up the bra wondering how to clasp it in the back. Johnny walked over taking it he held it up for me to put my arms through stretching it around me he clipped it in the back. Reaching around me he pulled me against him. I could feel his cock against my panty-clad bottom. He adjusted the cups against my almost nonexistent breasts slowly he ran his hands down my sides until he had encircled my cock through the silken panties slowly he started stroking me. For the first time in my life someone other than me was holding my cock. I had fantasized about Claris. I had fantasized more about Claris's Clothes. Suddenly I wanted to dress for Johnny completely. I rubbed my panty-clad bottom against Johnny's erect cock all these unfamiliar feelings were flowing through me, with every stroke on my cock. Turning toward Johnny I picked up the slip and pulled it over my head the incredible feeling of silkiness was everything I could have hopped for. Finally the object of my fantasies I picked up the wonderful party dress and pulled it over my head. It fit perfectly turning toward the mirror I pulled my hair out from the collar and fluffed it. I also adjusted the hemline the flared skirt hid my swollen cock completely which was a good thing as I had the hardest hardon I ever remembered having. I turned toward Johnny who had reached down and was stroking his own cock. I suddenly had the oddest feeling as I looked at his cock that was twice the size of mine that I wanted to lick the head of it. Johnny and asked "Will you come to Claris's room with me?" I replied, "There is nothing I would rather do." When we got in their Johnny asked, " Bend forward at the waist and brush out your hair." After I had done that He said, "Now sit in front of the mirror." He proceeded to brush out my hair into two blond pigtails. As he did this I reached down and fondled his rock hard cock. Going into the closet he returned with a pair of patent leather black strap shoes and some white ankle socks with yellow trim that matched my dress. I put these on and got up to look in the mirror. The vision that looked back at me was that of a little girl. I could not believe it. Johnny said, "I have been wanting to dress you up like that ever since I first meet you." Turning toward him I asked "And what are you going to do with me now?" Smiling he walked over and kissed me full on the lips then reached down and fondled my cock through the silken dress and slip. I thought I would cum right there. Reaching down I grabbed his cock. Using it like a handle I dragged him across the hall into his room and pushed him on to the bed sitting down beside him I leaned over and licked the head of his cock. Just the way I had envisioned Claris licking my cock. I loved the salty taste and sucked as much of his cock Into my mouth as possible with my hands I reached up to fondle his balls with one hand and to stroke the part of his massive cock that would not fit in my mouth with the other hand. Johnny reached over to stroke my cock though the silken material of the dress. I heard him say Quietly "Steve you make a very pretty girl." Suddenly I felt his balls tighten as his cock grew even bigger He said through clenched teeth "I am cumming, Oh God I am cumming." He bucked up into me and grabbed my hair but I managed to avoid letting him drive his cock all the way down my throat. I held on and sucked all that wonderful juice he was pumping into my mouth all the while still stroking him and did he ever squirm all over the place. I swallowed every drop. Finally he stopped and I let him go. Pulling away I noticed him looking at me strangely. Again he pulled me close and kissed me full on the mouth sticking his tongue down my throat. Breaking the kiss he said, "That was fantastic. Come with me."

Towing me down the hall to his next older sister Marie's room he sat me on the bed and said "Watch." He walked over to her dresser and pulled out some back silken panties that he proceeded to pull up over his once again hard cock. I reached up under my dress and started to stroke my still swollen cock as I watched him put on a garter belt and some sheer stockings. He pulled out a black bra that I clipped for him. He then stuffed the cups with pantyhose. I was amazed at the feminine aspect he had assumed. He walked back to the dresser and pulled out a short black slip that he pulled over his head as I stroked myself. Walking into the closet he returned with one of the sexiest black velvet dresses that I had ever seen and stood in front of the mirror while he pulled it on. After he pulled his long brown hair out he brushed it out and picked up the lipstick watching him in the mirror I could tell this was not his first time as he applied it. Turning toward me I could not believe how much he looked like his sister Marie. Turning around he said "What do you think?" I said, "If I had not watched I would think you were Marie." He smiled and his gaze dropped to my swollen cock that I was still stroking through my panties. He said "You are incredibly cute, you would not believe how turned on I get by little girls." He sashayed over in front of me and dropped to his knees I watched as he pulled down my panties. I could almost taste it as he leaned down and licked the clear fluid from the tip of my cock. Little shivers of ecstasy cascaded through my body. He leaned down and sucked my entire cock into his mouth as he reached up to fondle my balls with his hand. I thought I was going to cum instantly but I was not to be let off that easy as he slowed his attack. Slowly he bobbed his head as he sucked my small but huge cock. Wave after wave of incredible feeling flowed through me until I could contain it no more and I grabbed two hand fulls of his hair as I felt my balls tighten. Johnny held on for the ride and swallowed what must have been a gallon of the first orgasm of my life. Relentlessly he kept sucking as wave after wave of pleasure cascaded though me. Finally I laid back on the bed Johnny stood up and removed his panties and laid down on top of me. His weight felt good as he took me in his arms and kissed me. I could feel his once again raging hardon against my now spent one. Kneeling up between my spread legs he reached over to the nightstand he grabbed a tube of something and spread some on his cock. I was wondering what he was up to as he reached down and put one arm under each of my knees. Only too late did I realize what he was up to as I felt the tip of his cock against my butt hole. I was about to object when he suddenly rammed it forward pushing his cock almost all the way into my virgin butt. He smiled down at me as I screamed out in pain and started to cry. With my legs up over his shoulders he held my arms as he started to slowly fuck his cock in and out of my violated butt hole. The unbearable pain slowly started to subside as I felt my cock stiffen. Somehow the pain slowly changed to pleasure as I stopped crying. Johnny started to hump my butt faster. By the look on his face I could tell that Johnny had gotten pleasure from my pain. Looking deep into those blue eyes of his I told him "I am going to get you for that." As he wiped the tears away. Johnny smiled and said, "I hope so, It is one of my best fantasies." Suddenly his eye' got a little bigger and he pushed his cock deep in me I could feel his cock spasm in me and a hot blast as he started to pump me full of his juice. When suddenly untouched my own throbbing cock shot a blast of juice up under his dress. The look of ecstasy and the wonderful feeling as he filled me full of his juice made the pain all worth it. As we looked deep into each other's eyes deep in the throes of orgasm we fell in lust with each other. Chris pulled himself loose from me and said, "We need to get cleaned up." All the clothes went back into the laundry. We took showers and went into the pool again. When the clothes came out again I made no secret of the fact that I was fondling them. I kept looking at Chris's cock and I noticed that he kept looking at mine.

My mother called and invited us both over to my house for spaghetti. We left a note for Chris's parents and headed back over to my house. On the way over Chris said "I have wanted to dress you up as little girl and stick my cock up your butt since we were 5 years old." I looked at him and asked "Really?" he responded, "Yes." And grabbed my hand and pulled me to him and kissed me on the mouth again, this time sticking his tongue down my throat. I could feel his hard cock pressing against me and I wanted to suck on it. Breaking the kiss I told him "What I want to do is suck on your cock but I want to dress as a girl first." Chris smiled and grabbed my hand and told me "I would like that to." We walked the rest of the way to my house hand in hand. We kept our distance around my parents. Finally Chris called his mother and asked permission to stay the night. She readily agreed. At least half the time we slept at each others house mostly mine because I had the attic bedroom that was the size of most peoples living rooms and had its own TV, Bathroom and Two beds and my parents almost never came up. Finally we headed upstairs. Chris had brought his backpack with him. After we turned the TV on to make some background noise Chris suggested we shower together. I readily agreed. I just could not keep my hands off his cock. I soaped him up at least five times. Chris kept pinching my tiny nipples. At one point he pulled both of our soapy cocks together and stroked them. His 8-inch cock seemed gigantic as opposed to my 3-inch cock. After the shower Chris insisted on drying my hair with the hair drier. Getting his backpack he pulled out a couple of rollers and placed them in my hair. After a few minutes with some spray he had brought and the blow drier and brushes I looked in the mirror and could not believe what he had done. My hair looked just like Claris's. Chris then pulled a pink silken nightgown out of his pack along with a matching pair of silken panties. My cock must have grown at least another inch. Holding the panties up he brushed them against my cheek and asked, "How would you like to wear these?" I nodded yes. He took them and draped them over his stiff cock and said, "Come get them." As I reached down to grab them he grabbed hold of my hand and wrapped both of our hands around his and started stroking him self with the silken panties. Then he sat on the bed and held the panties out for me to step into. I stepped up and obliged him first one foot and then the other. Looking at his face he was completely enjoying himself as he pulled the panties up around my bottom he pulled me close and nibbled my nipple as he caressed my cock though the panties. Finally he stood up and pulled the silken nightgown over my head and arranged it and straightened out my hair. It was like he was playing with a life-sized Barbie. I looked into the mirror and sure enough I looked like a life-sized Barbie. Moving around behind me so he could see us both in the mirror he started to caress me all over. I could feel his cock pressing against my silken bottom. I watched in the mirror as he pulled my hair back and started to nibble my ear and gently kiss my neck. He whispered in my ear "Oh pretty baby, Oh pretty baby." It was like one of the movies we saw on cable late at night, only I could not believe I was the pretty girl in the sexy lingerie. Turning around to him I stood on my toes and kissed him almost stuffing my tongue down his throat while I pushed my body against him the silken garment trilled us both. Reaching down I grabbed his Rock hard cock and slide down until I was on my knees leaning forward I licked the drop of clear fluid from the tip of his cock getting a gasp from him. Looking up into his eye's I sucked the whole head of his cock into my mouth. Reaching up with one hand I started to fondle his balls as I tried to swallow his whole cock. When I would get to the point of gagging I would swallow then back off and lick the head. I felt him reach down and start to run his hands through my hair. He said" Suck that cock, Oh ya, Suck that cock." I reached up to stroke the part of his cock that I could not get into my mouth suddenly he said, "Oh, I am cumming!" And he grabbed the back of my head and stuffed his giant cock all the way down my throat. At first I wanted to gag but the feeling went away as Johnny held the back of my head and fucked my face. After a few minutes he slowed, I pulled back until just the tip was in my mouth and sucked the tip as hard as I could and boy did he squirm. I reached up and gripped his cock about the base and stroked him all the way to the head of his cock as I savored the salty sweet taste. Finally I let him go and he feel backward on to the bed. Crawling up beside him he pulled me to him and said that was incredible as he kissed me. Suddenly my father yelled up the stairs "What are you two doing up there? Its to quiet." We both went into shock as I jumped up and turned up the TV and yelled down "Just watching TV." He yelled back up "Ok, Me and your mother are going to bed." I yelled back "Good night." And we heard the door close. I jumped back onto Johnny and we laughed together. Johnny reached down and started to stroke my cock though the silken material and told me "I want you to fuck me in the ass." He pulled down my panties and bent down to suck on my cock. After just a few moments he said, "I think you are ready." As he pulled out his tube of KY and coated my cock. I went to move between his legs when he rolled over and got up on all fours and looked back at me as he smiled and said" Doggy style." I moved close and felt his bottom, It was firm smooth and tanned. I pressed my cock up against his unyielding hole. I pushed against him as I grabbed hold of him. Johnny bucked back against me and my cock went all the way in as Johnny made a sharp intake of breath and a little whimper. I held still for a moment remembering the pain. Slowly I started to slide my cock in and out of him, Never had I felt anything so wonderful. I looked up at the slim tanned body and the long dark hair and imagined I was screwing a girl instead of Johnny. Then I looked down at myself in the beautiful pink nightgown and I could feel my cock grow even bigger as I fucked it in and out of Johnny's tight butt hole. He was pushing back against me as I pushed into him suddenly I felt my balls tighten as I felt a wave of pleasure like never before emanating from my cock and cascading all the way through me. My cock started jumping uncontrollably as I pumped spurt after spurt into Johnny's waiting hole. Frozen as I was in ecstasy Johnny was still fucking my cock in and out of himself when suddenly I felt him clench himself around me as I realized he was cumming as well. Laying down upon his back I grabbed hold of his jerking cock and started to stroke him in time to waves of pleasure that were cascading through us both. Finally we rolled to the side and separated Johnny looked me in the eye's and said " That was the most incredible thing I have ever felt." Looking back I just smiled as I bathed in the afterglow of the most intense sexual experience of my life. Johnny moved up behind me and I drifted off to sleep in his arms. Later on I awoke and I could feel the rhythmic breathing of his sleep. I could also feel his erect cock pressing the silken nightgown between my legs. Rolling him on his back I looked and his cock was sticking straight up and he was still asleep. Taking the opportunity I closely examined his circumcised cock. It was more than twice as big as mine at about 8 inches. The head looked silky soft and there was a large vein running down the front. He had two big balls with a wisp of silky hair. Grasping the sleeping boys cock about the base I started to lick the head I was almost instantly rewarded with a taste of clear fluid as he started to gyrate his hips in his sleep. Sucking the head into my mouth the gyrations became more pronounced. I smiled as I wondered what he was dreaming as I sucked more and more of his cock into my mouth with each stroke his cock became harder and thicker. I reached up to fondle his balls that had pulled themselves into a tightly wrinkled sack. Suddenly Johnny woke up and said "I was having a dream that the cutest little blond girl was sucking my cock and she is !" Finally I swallowed his whole cock as he reached up to stroke my hair. Pulling all the way out only to swallow his cock again. I heard Johnny say in a questioning voice "Steve? Is that you?" Pulling up until I was just sucking the head I wrapped my tongue around the head of his cock and stroked the shaft of his cock with my hand. I felt his balls tighten as he bucked his hips up and my efforts were rewarded with a mouthful of his salty sweet cream that I become so fond of. Showing no mercy I sucked and stroked as he gyrated all over the place. When he had no more to give I finally let him go. And moved up face to face. Smiling he said "I was dreaming that the cutest little blond girl I had ever laid eye's on was sucking my cock, I woke up and it was true. It was not until a few minutes later that I figured out it was you.

Later that morning we headed back to Johnny's house. After his parents headed out to work we set about our usual routine of washing some laundry and striping naked and skinny-dipping with a few extra activities. About 11:00 am Johnny called me into Claris's room and said "Why don't you pick something out and get dressed." And he left the room. Another fantasy come true, to be left alone in Claris's room to get dressed. Walking into the closet I looked through and overwhelming variety of skirts blouses and dresses. How could I decide on just one? Finally I selected a white sundress with little pink flowers and a flared skirt. Claris had always turned me on when she wore it. Going to her dresser I selected a white silken panty and bra that were lined with a very feminine row of lace. Pulling the panties up around my cock that I swear had grown at least another inch. I then found a pair of white sheer thigh high stockings that made my legs feel incredibly sexy finally I pulled the lacy bra about my chest and pulled on the silken material of the dress. Looking in the mirror I could not believe how much like Claris I looked. Walking over to the mirror I started to brush my hair when Johnny came in dressed in a black bra and Panty set looking at me he said, "My god you look incredible." I watched his cock swell in his panties and licked my lips. Watching me Johnny said, "Not right now, We have things to do. You look just like a girl in that outfit." He walked over and started to roll some curlers into my hair and use some spray. Picking up an Eyeliner pencil he said "Hold still and started to trace my eye lids. After using an assortment of cosmetics on me he removed the rollers and used the curling iron and brush. After applying some lipstick that was the same color as the little flowers on the dress I was allowed to look in the mirror. The pretty teenaged girl looking back floored me, I was gorgeous. Johnny gave me some white sandals with a short heel and told me to put them on while he finished getting ready. Walking back and forth in front of the mirror getting used to the higher heels was fun. Finally Johnny came into the room wearing a cute short flared black sleeveless dress. All made up with his hair in curls and some sexy black shoes with a higher but wide heel made him look absolutely fabulous. He had red lipstick and his eye's were all done up with black eye liner and blue shadow. He asked me "Are you ready to go out?" Looking at us both in the mirror I saw two cute girls all ready to go out. So I asked "Where?" Johnny asked, "Have you ever met my friend Harry?" I replied "No." Johnny said, "You are about to, He likes girls like us."

We packed some of our guy clothes into Johnny's pack and nervously headed down the street. All the guys that we pass stared at us in a way that I had never been looked at before. In the next block we passed two guys on the other side of the street that we went to school with but they did not recognize us even though they checked us out. Eventually we arrived at Harry's house. Johnny told me "You are now Stephanie and I am Joanie." As he knocked on the door. The guy who answered the door looked to be about 19 and he was at least 6foot 5inches tall with short dirty blond hair and a very handsome face. If I went around checking out guys I would say he was very attractive. After he let us in we sat down and gave us a drink. I had never tasted anything like it before, He called it a Pina Colada. It tasted like Coconut and pineapple with something else I could not place. After a few minutes he moved over next to Johnny and kissed him. I could see an enormous bulge in his pants and decided he must have an enormous cock. I wondered if he would let me suck on it. I felt my own cock start to grow in my panties and was glad I had a flared skirt. Johnny looked at me and said "Stephanie is a girl just like me." Harry looked at me unbelievingly and said "Just like you that is hard to believe." As he rubbed his cock though his pants. Getting up Johnny walked over to me and pulled me to my feet and kissed me passionately and whispered in my ear "Lets put on a show for him." As he reached down and gripped my swollen cock through the silken dress. Reaching down I grabbed the hemline of Johnny's dress and pulled it up over his head. Johnny reached down and pulled my dress off as well. He then turned me around to face Harry who had unzipped his pants. I gasped when I saw the size of the cock he was stroking as he watched us. Johnny pulled my hair back as he nibbled my ear and cupped my tiny tities through the silken bra and ran his hands down my sides finding my cock with in its silken prison. Johnny whispered in my ear "Look at the size of that thing, Its as much bigger than mine as mine is bigger than yours." I could feel Johnny's erect cock against my back. Turning around I dropped to my knees and pulled Johnny's panties down around his ankles. Keeping my hands on his stocking clad legs I reached out my tongue and started to slowly lick the head of his cock. I heard Harry say "Oh god this is hot." Reaching up I took the weight of his balls in one hand and gripped the base of his cock with the other as I engulfed the head of his cock with my mouth. Pulling back I was amused to see the lipstick ring I had left around his cock once again I swallowed the head of his cock. I wrapped my tongue all the way around the head as I started stroking him with my hand. Suddenly Johnny grabbed two hands of my hair and drove his cock all the way down my throat. I gagged a little but quickly recovered as he started to fuck my face. I started to tickle his balls and use my tongue as he fucked his cock in and out of my mouth. His cock had grown larger than I ever remember it being. I glanced up to see he was still looking over at Harry. I heard him say through clenched teeth "Suck my cock you cute little cocksucker." I felt his balls tighten as he tensed and stood rigid I could feel the tremors coursing through his cock as I pulled back and started to suck the head while I stroked the shaft still fondling his balls my mouth was suddenly flooded with his cream. I thought his knees were going to buckle as he loudly moaned. Wrapping my arms around his legs for support I once again swallowed his entire cock, I felt his wisp of hair tickle my nose as I pulled back till I was once again sucking on his inflamed cock head. When there was no more to give he pulled away and dropped to his knees in front of me. Looking me in the eye's he said "You are the best." We both looked over at Harry who had completely stripped. Licking my lips as I gazed at his giant cock I got up and walked over to him and straddled him with one knee on each side as I kissed him on the mouth he pulled me close. I could feel his cock poking against my cock through the panties. Sliding down to my knees in front of him I said "Your next." Smiling down at me he said "I would not miss it for the world." Grabbing hold of this cock that was as thick as my arm I licked the tip and was instantly rewarded with a taste of clear fluid. Reaching down I fondled his balls, Each one was the size of a big peach. Not knowing if it was possible I finally got the head of his cock in my mouth as Harry made a sharp intake of breath and said "OH, YES." He reached down and started to run his fingers through my hair I felt Johnny against my back as he reached down and began to stroke my cock through the silken panties. I heard Harry tell him "Joanie, She is the cutest little cocksucker I have ever laid eye's on. And you two together are an absolute wet dream." I started to use my tongue as I used both hands to stroke the shaft that had to be at least a foot long. I felt as though my jaw was going to break as I tried to get as much of his massive cock in my mouth as possible. Finally I concentrated on sucking the head while I stroked the shaft. Once again I thought this is just like the late night movies on cable, Only I am the sexy girl in the white silken underwear and stockings. Suddenly I felt a tremor ripple through the giant cock that I was sucking. Harry gasped "Watch out girl here it comes !" Holding on for dear life I could feel his cream boiling its way to freedom. His cock seemed to grow longer if that's possible. The first spurt almost drowned me but I managed to swallow most of it. I started stroking his shaft furiously as he grabbed hands full of my hair and pumped spurt after spurt of liquid fire down my throat finally I had to let go when he stopped and I realized I had swallowed almost half of this giant horse cock. Looking into my eye's he reached up to massage my painful jaw muscles. Johnny was staring at me in disbelief. Harry gazed at me for a while finally saying "Stephanie, Believe it or not that is the first time anyone has ever got me off. Prior to this the only way I had ever orgasmed was to jerk myself off. " Standing up in front of him he pulled my panties down reaching up he started to fondle my cock and balls. Looking me in the eye's he said you are cute beyond description. Standing he lifted me up and laid me down on the couch. Kneeling between my legs he leaned down and sucked my entire cock into his mouth and started to lightly tickle my balls with his hands. Laying back I closed my eyes as this expert cocksucker produced sensations from my cock I never imagined could happen. The sensation had almost built to the critical level when I felt a sharp intake of breath. Opening my Eye's I realized that Johnny had just stuck his cock up Harry's butt. Harry started to suck me in time to Johnny's thrusts. Suddenly I was there as Harry tried to suck everything I had to give. Looking into Johnny's eye's I realized we were pumping Harry full from both ends. Finally we all collapsed in an exhausted heap as we separated Harry said "There is nothing quite like getting shot full of little girl juice from two holes at the same time." As he leaned down and kissed me.

Knowing that our time was almost up Johnny said "We need to go home for dinner." Harry said "That's good I don't know if I could survive much more of this." Reluctantly we got dressed in our Guy clothes. Harry looked us over and asked "Can you get dressed up in some little white flower girl dresses for me?" Looking up at him I said "If you buy me one I would love to suck your cock while wearing a little white flower girl dress." As I licked my lips and got a thrill just thinking about. Harry smiled at that and said "If you girls come over tomorrow We can go shopping." That evening Johnny and I had to sleep at our own houses. The next day I was back over to Johnny's house at 9 am. His parents had gone to work in no time at all we were once again naked. After trying to get Johnny to stand still so I could suck his cock I once again found myself left alone in Claris's room to get dressed. This time I selected a White and blue sundress lined around the edges of the sleeve's and skirt with a row of lace. I first put on a lacy blue and white bra and panty set before pulling on the dress. In the closet I found a pair of white tennis shoes and a white pair of ankle socks with a row of blue lace that matched the dress. I went to the vanity and tried experimenting with makeup for the first time. Johnny came in and saved me. He was wearing the cutest little red sundress with white dots. We both stood there adoring each other until Johnny said "Are you ready to go shopping ?" When we arrived at Harry's house he escorted us almost immediately out to his car. We drove only a few miles to a shop that read Wedding gowns, Prom dresses and first communion dresses. As Harry led us into the store I gazed at all the dresses on Mannequins in the front windows. I felt as though I was entering Paradise. Harry introduced us to a very pretty lady in a very sexy black dress. Harry finished saying "Sonya, These are the two Girls I told you about." I felt very self conscious as she walked over and scrutinized me closely. Finally she said "Stephanie, You are very pretty. It is hard to believe what Harry told me about you." She walked over and checked out Joanie in a similar manner. After she talked to the other girl in the store she asked us to follow her into a back room that had lots of mirrors and a very interesting rack the was filled with little white dresses and petticoats of all kinds. Sonya started to talk to Harry so I walked over and started to look through the rack. Johnny joined me after a few moments I pulled down an extremely pretty very feminine dress that had rows of lace all over. I held it up in front of me for Johnny to see and got an approving look. We looked back and Sonya and Harry were looking at us, The tip of Harry's cock was starting to peek out from the leg hole of his shorts. Sonya looked down to see what I was looking at and said to Harry "How come I could never get that reaction out of you ?" Looking back at me she said " Never mind." Then to me "Sweetheart would you like to try that dress on?" Feeling my cock spring to life I said " More than anything." As I looked across at the mirror in front of me. Walking over to me she said "First things first." And pulled off my dress and asked me to take off my panties and Bra and shoes. Walking over to the rack she selected a pair of sheer white stockings and a garter belt. Sitting down she asked me to come close and held one leg for me to step into then the other. As she pulled them up clipped them to the garter she started to caress my swollen cock then reached up and pulled down one of the silkiest lace lined pairs of panties I had ever seen and said. " Stephanie, What is this? We had better cover it with these." As she held out the panties for me to step into. Once again I felt as though I was a life sized Barbie Doll. As she pulled the silken fabric up around my swollen member. Looking at me she said " You are the cutest little girl I have ever seen, You should be a model." Letting go of my cock she went to the rack and got the matching silken padded bra. And wrapped it around my chest. Turning around she selected a white lace petticoat with about 8 layers of silk. I felt the silken caress as it settled around my legs. Turning to look in the mirror I saw Harry and Johnny just staring at me. Sonya would not let me look in the mirror yet. Getting the dress she pulled it over my head. After she pulled my hair out from under it she tied a few ribbons on the dress and tied a white ribbon into my hair. Going out front she returned with a white pair of patent leather shoes and asked me try them on, They fit perfect. Harry and Johnny were just staring. Sonya said, "You can look now." I walked over in front of the mirror and looked at the little princess standing there. I could not believe it was me. Sticking one hand up in the air I did a pirouette. I felt all the layers of silk and lace caressing my every part. Standing back Sonya appraised her work with approval. Turning to Johnny she said "Next." He just about leaped out of the chair. Standing back to look at him she said "I think the flower girl dresses are a little to small for you, Why don't you get undressed while I round up a few of the smaller wedding dresses from up front. Stephanie will you come help me?" Following her up front we encountered a mother and her daughter. They took one look at me and the mother said "Oh how darling, dear could you come over and model your dress for us?" Sonya took me by the hand and dragged me over in front of them and said "Stephanie could you pirouette for the ladies like you did a moment ago?" Once again I stuck my hand up and twirled, what an incredible turn on. The girl turned to her mother and said, "I wish we had a flower girl." She giggled and said, "Maybe we could dress Robert up like that." All of them laughed and Sonya winked at me. We returned to the racks and Sonya selected an incredible wedding gown all white with a tight waist and tons of layers of silk In the skirt. I was jealous of Johnny and wanted to wear that dress until I saw my self in the mirror again. I watched enraptured as Sonya did Johnny's hair and makeup. I took in every detail as she dressed him in white garter and stockings some silken panties lined with lace a white padded pushup bra. Sonya glanced over when Harry unable to control himself pulled me up onto his lap. I could feel his cock straining at his zipper. I almost creamed myself as I watched her pull the prettiest petticoat over Johnny's head, It looked like it had 10 layers of silk. Johnny was blushing like a bride when Sonya Finally pulled the wedding dress over his head and buttoned him into it. Having him sit down she touched up his hair and Makeup and clipped some pearl earrings on to his ears. She gave him some white shoes and finished it off with a little bit of a bridal veil in his hair. When he stood up we all just stared at this beautiful bride. He walked over and stared into the mirror. Knowing how he was feeling I ran over to stand beside him. Just standing there looking at ourselves was heaven itself. Harry spoke first and said "Sonya they are two of the prettiest things I have ever laid Eye's on." Sonya said, "Would you two mind if I had some pictures of you, I have been needing some advertising pictures and I could not hope to find two models as pretty as you to are." She went up font and returned shortly and said "My friend Sam is a Photographer and can take us right now. His studio is next door." We walked out front and the mother and daughter were still there. The Daughter pointed at Johnny and said, "Look at how pretty I want a dress like that." We walked out the front door and noticed everyone was staring at us. As we walked into the photo studio a young man with a beard and a camera walked up and said, "You are right they are perfect." The next hour was lots of fun. I was dressed up like a princess and everyone was paying attention to us and telling us how pretty we were and taking our pictures because we were pretty. The one I liked most was when Sam had Johnny face me and I got down on my knees and took his hand and looked up into his eye's and smile while he took about 8 pictures. Finally it was over and Harry said it was getting late although it was not that late, Harry just wanted time alone with us. Sonya said we could borrow the dresses for the night so long as she could come watch. We all piled into Harry's car and soon were in his living room. Sonya watched as Johnny and I kissed in the middle of the room. I could feel the miles of layers of silk caressing us as we melted into each other's arms. Turning me around so that we were facing Harry and Sonya Johnny cupped my padded bra as if they were real tits. Slowly he moved down until he was gripping my cock through the layers of silk. He pulled up the skirt until he was stroking my cock through just the silken panties. Moving down he started to kiss my neck and nibble my ear. I could feel his cock pocking me in the back as he rubbed the layers of silk against me. Looking over I noticed that Harry had managed to remove his pants. Both Harry and Sonya were totally aroused by the scene in front of them. I watched as Harry stroked that big horse cock of his. Unable to control myself I broke free of Johnny and dropped to my knees in front of Harry, Taking his cock in both hands I started to lick the head. Sonya said " This is just to hot." As she stood up and pulled her dress up over her head. Johnny sauntered up and cupped both of her tits in his hands. Sonya looked at him Questioningly and said, " I thought you only liked boys?" Johnny answered " I have only had boys so I don't know, I am pretty sure I like girls. I want to look like one." Sonya dropped her panties to her ankles and guided Johnny's hand to her pussy. I was watching all this while I attempted to swallow the head of Harry's cock. Sonya pushed Johnny back onto the couch, She pushed up his skirt and petticoat until she found what she was looking for. Pulling down his panties she climbed up and impaled herself on his cock. I looked up into Harry's eyes just as I managed to get the head and the first inch into my mouth. Reaching down I caressed his balls and slowly moved up until I was stroking the shaft with both hands. I could feel the silken material of the incredible outfit I was wearing while I attempted to swallow this mammoth cock. I had never been this turned on before. . Harry grunted as he reached down and started to run his hands though my hair. I started to bob my head up and down as I managed to swallow another inch or two. Suddenly I felt Harry's cock jerk as I pulled up until I was sucking on just the head. Furiously I started jerking on the shaft with both hands as Harry bellowed out "Oh god I am cumming." I stared to tongue the head as his first blast bounced off the back of my throat I hung on for the ride as he pumped the nectar that I had become so fond of down my throat. Finally the spasms subsided and I reluctantly released his glorious tool. Starting at the base I stroked him to the head with both hands. I greedily licked the remaining drops getting a marvelous shudder from Harry. I glanced over to see Sonya watching me while she was fucking Johnny. Suddenly Johnny arched his back pushing his cock deep up into Sonya as he moaned "Oh God." I could tell from the look on her face that she was also moments away from ecstasy. I stood up and Harry turned me around and pulled me onto his lap. I could feel his still hard cock pressing up into the silken material as he started to stroke me with all the silken layers. Johnny was bucking up into Sonya as I watched her go over he edge and fall down on top of Johnny as they both convulsed in the throes of ecstasy. Harry pushed me back and pulled up my dress. He started to lick the wet spot on my panties at the tip of my inflamed cock. Sonya climbed off of Johnny who just laid there looking at her. She moved over and tapped Harry on the shoulder he moved back and she impaled herself on my cock. I could feel the slippery slickness that I realized must be Johnny's cum. I reached up to caress her beautiful breasts that were hovering inches over me while I marveled at the wonderful sensations of the first pussy that my overexcited cock was pumping in and out of. I held on as long as I could. Finally a massive wave of ecstasy coursed through me as I pushed my cock as far into Sonya as I could. At the same time I felt her pussy gripping my cock as she fell on top of me and kissed me all over. The ecstasy seemed to last for an hour finally Sonya released me. I turned over to see Johnny had removed most of his outfit and was sitting next to Harry who was using one of the silken garments to stroke his once again erect cock while they watched us. Sonya finally said, " Harry, I think you have managed to find the two sexiest people in the world. You were right they are incredible. Johnny looked across the room and said, " I don't want to break up the party but we have to go home." We got up and started to get dressed in our male things Harry and Sonya watched Sonya said "You girls can keep the under garments." Johnny and I looked at each other thrilled. I walked over and kissed Sonya and Harry, Harry said "How about tomorrow?" Johnny said, " Only if Sonya came come to." We walked out the door.

If you liked this story or didn't like this story Email me at SONOFAK@AOL.COM and let me know. The only way I can get better at writing these stories is if you let me know what you like or don't like or maybe would have done differently Or which parts really turned you on. Thank you for reading my story Karen Flynn.

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