Breaking Ethan

By Bus Pender

Published on Jun 14, 2020


Breaking Ethan 11 : The Split by Bus Pender


This is a work of gay fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely unintentional. This text deals with sexual relations between two men. If you find this offensive, if you are underage or if possession of this text is illegal in your area, please leave now. This story is not intended to promote any action on the part of the reader. It is merely a fantasy and I hope you appreciate it as such.

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"Hey Ethe, what's up?" I said.

"Where ARE you, you didn't answer my texts? Sir." he cried. His voice sounded desperate.

"I'm on my way over, Ethe, I'll be there soon."

"Um, okay. I just got out of class, I'll see you there."

I decided to walk to Ethan's. I needed the time to sort out what had just happened. I hadn't planned on any of this. What the fuck. What was I thinking? I wasn't, obviously. Or more like I was thinking with my dick, which is my default setting.

I strode on, going through the various scenarios that might unfold. Should I just outright tell him? He might appreciate the honesty. Maybe say it was no big deal. Understandable. Not surprising given how handsome his dad was. Like fuck he would, scratch that scenario.

I could always just say nothing. I mean, I DID show Zach how to get to the highway. That part was true. Apart from that, no need to mention anything else. I showed him how to get to the highway, that's it, that's all. Why was I delayed'? Zach and I got talking. Also true. Why didn't I answer his texts'? I had my phone on `mute', again, true.

But Ethan's a perceptive guy. He notices things. And he knows me, knows what I'm like. Knows what a sleazeball I can be. God, if it had been anyone else, he probably wouldn't take it so badly. He wouldn't be happy, but it wouldn't be personal. But his dad. His fucking dad of all people. God, how could I be so stupid. I had a really bad feeling about this.

I arrived at Ethan's place around 40 minutes later. I rang the bell, as usual Mrs Dremel answered the door. She glared at me and, without withdrawing her gaze, called to Ethan. Ethan's head appeared in his doorway, I walked past Mrs Dremel and went inside.

Ethan was scrutinizing me closely. He didn't say a word, he was trying to read my face. I smirked at him and got closer, kissed him on his lips and slipped him my tongue. He was compliant, taking me in and greeting my tongue with his. The moment didn't last long. His body suddenly went stiff and he pushed me away. He had a shocked, angry look on his face.

"No!," he cried.

"Ethan, what .. "

"You didn't!"

"Ethan, what are you .."

"How could you, I don't believe it!" he screamed.

"Ethan, what the fuck are you babbling about?"

"What did you do with my dad?," he demanded.

"Uh, I showed him how to get to the highway?" I answered sarcastically.

"What else?," he said.

"Ethan, what's this about?"

"Did you fuck him?," he screamed.

This was serious. I'd never heard Ethan say `fuck' before.

"Well, did you?"

"Ethan, I don't like your tone, or your accusations quite frankly."

"I don't care what you like, I want to know what happened. You taste .. funny .. and you smell like my dad. What did you do to him?"

I smirked and shrugged.

"I didn't do anything TO him, Ethe."

"Tell me!"

I may be a lot of things. A control freak. A manipulative bastard. Self-centred, egotistical, sleazy. Aggressive. Cold. Entitled. Uncaring. Twisted. But I'm not a liar. I may lead a person to believe an alternative story is true without having to outright say it. But I'll never lie to a person. I'm not sure why, it just goes against my grain. Call it a character flaw.

"Okay Ethan, you want to know the truth. I'll tell you. I lured your dad into a private place, I seduced him and I blew him. There, are you satisfied?"

"I KNEW something like this would happen! How could you do that. He's my dad." He had a wild look on his face and his eyes were bulging wide.

"I know Ethan, I couldn't control myself."

"How could you do that!?" He was seething, and he was hissing his words. "Don't you know how I feel about him?! Don't you know how I feel about you?! Of course you don't, you don't know anything, And you dont' care about anything other than yourself.

"Ethan, I .. "

"You've ruined everything!" he cried and ran into his room.

I stood there in disbelief, not knowing how to deal with his sudden reaction. I gave him a few minutes and then loped in after him. He was on his bed, lying on his belly, face turned away from the door.

"Ethan," I whispered.

"Go away," he said angrily, his voice muffled by the pillow.

I sat down on the bed and began massaging his shoulder, but he pushed my hand away.

"Ethan, we need to talk about this," I said.

He turned to me.

"There's nothing to talk about, you took advantage of my dad, you had sex with him, god I hate you."

"It's not exactly like you're describing," I said. "But you're right, I did take advantage of the situation. And I'm sorry Ethan. But believe it or not, I did it because I wanted to get closer to you."

"That doesn't make any sense."

"Ethan, your dad's a really handsome guy .."


"And, as fucked as this might sound, I wanted to, erm, how can I put this, meet the dick that made you? His good looks were just an added bonus."

"Do you know how messed up that is?," he said.

"I know. Look Ethan, what I did wasn't cool, I know that, and I didn't plan for it to happen. Well not really, but once we were in his car, I .."

"Stop it, you're just making it worse."

"Look Ethan, I can't undo what I did. I told you I was sorry, what else can I do?"

"You can leave."

"Ethan, I'm not going to leave you like this. We need to talk this out."

"I don't want to talk it out. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to see you, it makes me sick just looking at you."

"I'm not leaving Ethan. You can lie here all night but I'm not going to leave you in this state. I'm not going to jeopardize what we have."

"And what exactly is that Mark, sir, whatever you like to be called?," he said sarcastically.

"Believe it or not Ethan, I have strong feelings for you."

"Is that how you act when you have feelings for someone, you turn around and fuck their dad. God, I can only imagine what you'd do if you didn't like me."

"We didn't fuck, Ethan, I just .."

"I DON'T want to know, you've told me more than enough already."

I sighed.

"This isn't getting anywhere, Ethan."

He got up and kneeled in front of me so our eyes were level. He had that solemn look on his face. His mouth was a thin straight line.

"I agree, this isn't getting anywhere," he said in an automaton voice.

A pause. He looked at me, unblinking.

"I don't want to do this anymore Mark. I CAN'T do this anymore. I have feelings for you, and this whole thing has just messed me all up. You can keep me locked up for another month or 10 months or 10 years, I don't care. I can't do this anymore."

"Ethan, we're not going to let this come between us. What we have is stronger than that."

"Is it? I don't even know what it is we have. But I guess we're going to find out because I want out. I'm not going to do this anymore."

"Ethan, what exactly are you saying."

He paused again, still looking at me.

"Mrs Dremel," he whispered.


"Mrs Dremel," he said, a little louder but still hushed.

"What does she have to do with .. "

And then it hit me.

"Mrs Dremel Mrs Dremel Mrs Dremel Mrs Dremel MRS DREMEL." Increasingly louder. He was sobbing now.

"Mrs Dremel." Pleadingly, in a hushed tone once again.

I was stunned and horrified at what he was doing. Using his safe word. Which trumped everything. I'd given him my word that if he ever used it, I'd stop, retreat, leave him be. I just never thought he'd use it. Or at least not like this. But here he was, triumphantly playing his ace in the hole, and me with a junk hand with no possibility of redemption.

A part of me wanted to take him in my arms, kiss him, make it all better and go back to where we were only a few short hours ago. But I couldn't do that. That time was gone the second I got in the car with Zach. There was nothing to do now but to play it out. If I caved now I could lose everything. Which is exactly what I felt was already happening anyway. So I went for the bluff.

"Okay Ethe, have it your way. I'll leave, I'll see you in a month."

I got up and left, without looking back. As I opened the front door, Mrs Dremel was standing there, waiting, expectantly.

"Is everyting okay? I heard Eeetan calling me," she said, in an uncharacteristically civil tone. God, she must have had bat hearing to have picked that up from outside the apartment.

"Yeah, he was, he was calling for you. Maybe he needs to talk to you Mrs Dremel, you can just go in, he's in his room."

I stepped out into the night air. It was crisp and fresh. I looked up at the stars. The heavens seemed to be mocking me, making a big bright display of my folly. God what a fucking asshole I was. And now I was going to pay the price for my stupidity and selfishness.

I trotted down the steps and onto the sidewalk, just as a white hatchback was pulling into a parking space in front of Ethan's building. I stopped and watched as it slid into place. The engine cut. The lights faded. The driver's door opened and out stepped .. Zach. God, hadn't I had enough drama for one day.

"Mark, this is a pleasant surprise," he said all upbeat and hopeful.

"Ditto Zach, aren't you supposed to be on the highway about now? Don't tell me my directions were that bad."

"No, I, um, I had a change of heart," he said in a somewhat serious tone. "You just leaving?"

"Yeah, Ethan and I had a bit of a disagreement."


"Zach, you need to know that I, erm, told him what happened."

"Oh, why'd you do that?"

"He kind of knew, I guess I'm not as inscrutable as I like to think."

"Is he okay?"

"Well, he's pretty angry with me. I feel terrible. I'm just gonna go home and slit my wrists."

Zach looked at me with a worried expression.


"Look Mark, I had a hand in this too, I let it happen, I have to take some responsibility."

"Oh, you're probably not off the hook where Ethan's concerned, he's likely really pissed at you too."

"I actually had a feeling he might be if he found out."

"Well, I got to get going, it's a long walk to where I live," I said.

"Mark, I'll give you a lift. It's still early and I can get back here before Ethan heads to bed."

"Zach, I don't want you to go to any trouble, I've already caused enough of it for you already. You're probably better off going in and talking to Ethe."

"It's no trouble, Mark. Besides, he probably needs a bit of time to himself. And really, I wanted to talk to you about what happened."

"Zach, we don't need to talk about it. It happened. It's over. I fucked up."

"We can talk on the way," he said, motioning towards the car.

Who was I to argue with this generous gift the universe was bestowing upon me. Maybe the stars weren't mocking me after all. Maybe the cosmos was simply telling me to switch gears.

We got in, he started the car and we lurched forward into the night, towards whatever unknown events that were waiting ahead for us.

Next: Chapter 12

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