Breaking Ethan

By Bus Pender

Published on Apr 9, 2018


Breaking Ethan 5 : About-face by Bus Pender


This is a work of gay fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely unintentional. This text deals with sexual relations between two men. If you find this offensive, if you are underage or if possession of this text is illegal in your area, please leave now. This story is not intended to promote any action on the part of the reader. It is merely a fantasy and I hope you appreciate it as such.

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He looked at me, puzzled.


I stood up in front of him.

"You heard me, Ethan, on your knees."

"Sir, I'm attached to the chair, I can't move, I .. "

"Stand up, we'll move your hands up the rungs."

He stood awkwardly, losing his balance slightly and I had to catch him by the shoulders to steady him. I reveled in the slope of his body, his skin felt cool and damp beneath my fingers. I couldn't help planting a wet one on his lips as I propped him back up. I leaned in to him and tongued inside his mouth a bit before pulling away, biting his lower lip as I did. He recoiled.

"OW, why do you keep DOING stuff like that? Sir."

I just smiled sweetly, taking in the cute and comical sight before me. Ethan, naked, his open pajama top hanging limply by his cuffed wrists, a kitchen chair in tow. Ethan, his little pecker dangling between his legs, pajama bottoms bunched at his socked feet. Ethan, scowling and sucking on his bruised lip.

It was too much for me. I stepped closer and embraced him fully, feeling his naked, bound vulnerability against my t-shirt and jeans. I moved one hand to his butt cheek and squeezed like it was a package of Charmin. With my other hand I started to finger his little dick, which had just spent itself of more than a week's worth of vitality. His body stiffened as I licked the side of his neck and continued to fidget with his pecker.

I regained control of myself and reached around him to ease his hands up the back of the chair till they could go no further. I tilted the chair forward, lifting it slightly as I did.

"Now you can kneel, Ethan."

"Um, sir .. could you .. um .. pull up my bottoms please, I'm .. I'm naked," he said.

"You didn't seem to mind a couple of minutes ago Ethan. You're just going to have to grin and bear it, ha-ha !!, get it, bare it?" I joked, pointing at his bare ass.

He wasn't laughing, so I copped an overly serious attitude.

"Let's go, Ethan, down on your knees where you belong."

He knelt slowly, carefully; the chair that he was tied to leaned forward against his back. His face was now staring directly into my crotch. He had a frozen look on his face, kind of catatonic. He knew what was coming.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and laid it on the table beside us. I reached for my belt and leisurely undid it, stroking his cheeks with the leather end. The stroking turned into playful little slaps, back and forth. He winced with each pass of the belt. I grazed the end across his lips, inserting it slightly before letting the belt drop. It fell away loosely across his bare neck and shoulder.

I popped the button on my pants and eased the zipper down, letting the pants fall to the floor. My boxers resembled a circus tent, with the main supporting beam poking enthusiastically against the fly. I slid a finger into the fly and gave it a short sharp yank. My dick sprang out like a jack-in-the-box. It looked eager, ready.

"What do you think, Ethan. How do you like my dick?," I asked.

He hesitated. "Um, it's very nice, sir," he answered non-commitally.

"Very nice' is what you tell your grandma when she gives you an ugly sweater for Christmas, Ethan. I said, how do you like my dick'?"

He let out a sigh.

"Sir, I don't know if I can do this." He was fidgeting.

"I haven't told you to do anything yet, Ethan. All I asked was how you liked my dick. And I'm still waiting for an answer."

"Um, it's big .. sir," he sighed.

He was right. Not huge, but a solid pole of flesh. Cut, over 7" erect with a swollen plummy head and an upbeat curve that implied action, resolve. From his vantage point, it must have seemed colossal, like the Leaning Tower of Pisa seen through a View Master.

"Bring your face closer, Ethan .. take a whiff."

He didn't move. I cupped a hand behind the back of his head and urged him towards my dick.

"Closer, Ethan," I instructed.

"Sir, please, I .. ". His head was pushing back against my hand.

"Let's go, Ethan. You know you want it."

I drew him closer, so that the head of my dick was just an inch or so away from his full lips. I could feel his cool breath against my advancing cock.

"Good boy, Ethan. Now kiss it. Just give it a little peck .. you know, get acquainted."

"Please, sir, I .. I can't .. "

"Of course you can, Ethan. It's what you were made for, you just haven't realized it yet. Go on, kiss it. Show me how badly you want it."

He closed his eyes tightly and leaned forward with a look of frightened disgust on his face. When he made contact, he didn't exactly kiss my dick; it was more like a gentle nudge against the underside with those unresponsive marshmallow lips of his.

"There, now that wasn't so bad, was it?," I said. "Ya know Ethe, for someone who's resisting so much, you sure seem to be enjoying this," I said, glancing down at his crotch. His cock was standing at attention again. He turned red, looked embarrassed, but I didn't care. I moved closer still.

I eased my boxers down off my cock and let them drop to the floor. I stepped out of my shoes and kicked my pants and boxers off to the side. I took my cock in hand and began stroking it lovingly. Ethan was trying to look away, distract himself, but it was impossible. His face was mere inches from the fleshy spectacle that presented itself so boldly to him, occupying the bulk of his field of vision.

I steered my dick towards his mouth and gently slid the fat plum back and forth against his closed lips, moving slightly forward with each pass, prising his lips open. He was trying to pull back again, but I kept advancing. The pre-cum I was leaking lubed his lips nicely.

There was something about his inherent resistance that was driving me wild. The more he resisted, the hornier and more insistent I got. There was no stopping me now. I didn't care how he felt or what he wanted .. the only thing that mattered to me in that moment was breaking through the barriers that he'd set up and claiming what I felt was rightfully mine.

"Let me in, Ethan," I whispered. "Take my cock like a good little boy."

"Sir, please, I ..," he said, and as his lips parted to utter the words, I eased myself in.

"That's good, Ethan, now let the whole head in .. go on .. take it."

I pressed forward; his mouth widened, as did his eyes, and I slipped the rest of the head into his warm mouth and held it there.

"That's a good boy, Ethan, I'm so proud of you," I said, stroking his head and the side of his face. "Now use your tongue on the underside."


"I'm waiting, Ethan," I said.

Then, a slight tickle on the underside of my dick, and it felt so fucking good.

"Keep going, Ethan, you're doing great," I said reassuringly as I started to ease my dick further into his mouth.

It was obvious he'd never tasted cock before. He seemed perplexed by this large foreign object that had somehow lodged itself in his mouth, treating it as an unwelcome intrusion that had to be endured. Was he really that obtuse? I could feel his soft lips hugging my shaft, and his moist tongue serving as a pillow, yet he remained motionless, inert, waiting for something to happen. He really didn't know what to do with it. He needed guidance, direction, encouragement.

"You can suck me a bit, Ethan, nice and gentle. Watch the teeth. Yeah, that's it, very nice. And use your tongue more .. mmmmm, good. Maybe try moving up and down a bit along the shaft. Yesssss! Keep going Ethan, do what comes naturally. I think you're going to make a grade-A cocksucker."

As I was moving deeper, something shifted in Ethan. I didn't notice the exact moment, but he was no longer resistant. He was actually taking the rest of my dick readily, deliberately. I wasn't pushing forward anymore .. I didn't need to. He was taking more and more of me each time he sucked, drawing me in to his warmth.

I looked down at him; he seemed to be in a trance. His eyes were partly closed, and he had a softly determined, dreamy look on his face, as though his only goal was to savor the entirety of my insistent cock. His head, his lips had adopted a slow rhythm as he gently sucked and lapped. Slowly, my cock began to disappear into his mouth, bit by bit, as his tongue swirled around the shaft and under the head. It was thrilling, as I spontaneously joined his rhythm and gave myself up to the unexpected dance he'd initiated.

As he continued to slide his tongue around, I found myself lost in the undulating landscape of his warm mouth. He was a natural, seemingly responding to instinct, long buried, to guide his actions. Apart from the odd scrape of teeth, it seemed as though this act was as elemental to him as breathing. Hard-wired, programmed, deep-seated. Was I witnessing his discovery of something within himself so fundamental, so ingrained, that he'd needed only the most rudimentary of directions before his true nature surfaced and prevailed?

He was mixing it up now. Licking the underside like it was a popsicle. Releasing my dick and making playful lunges at my balls. Sucking and licking, then drawing them into his mouth, one at a time, and tugging gently. My nuts tightened and retracted in response. He redirected his attention to my cock, which had firmed up considerably, innately preparing itself for the natural conclusion to this precious act.

I grabbed my phone and began shooting a video of Ethan working my dick. This was a true Kodak moment, an episode that needed to be captured for future indulgence.

"Ethan, look up, smile for the camera" I said gleefully. His eyes rolled skyward, my cock still in his mouth. I zoomed in on his bulging cheek, panning across to the point of entry where my dick met his lips, then zooming out to take in the full spectacle of Ethan feeding on his first cock. I felt like a proud father, chronicling a watershed moment in the formative years of his beloved son.

"Hgnnno .. gnhonh gnhoooh hnahk. Hgr." Hilarious. You couldn't make this stuff up. And to think I caught it on video.

"What's that Ethe? I didn't quite catch what you said."

"Hhnnngh." It sounded like a groany sigh. I ignored his muffled protest andput my phone back down on the table. Ethan returned his concentration to the more pressing issue: my cock.

"Ethan, you have to be careful with your teeth. That's it, easy does it."

My cock started to tighten up; orgasm was inevitable, it was upon me. I decided to forego the civility of advising him of my imminent ejaculation, opting instead to present him, without warning, with his warm reward. I took his head in my hands as I held my cock in place, and discharged.

"Use your tongue, fuck," I gasped. And he did. Tiny tickles along the shaft made for an explosive orgasm which lasted for what seemed like minutes. I remained still, savoring the quieting pulsing sensations and the bliss of release, while he continued to lick and suck.

I let go of his head and my wilting cock slipped out from his mouth. I was prepared to tell him what to do next, but I didn't have to .. he swallowed my load eagerly and immediately lapped up the remnants from my softening dick.

"Ethan, what the fuck happened? You went from being totally resistant to loving every fucking second of having my dick in your mouth."

"Um, I'm not sure. I didn't want to do it at first. It seemed, um, off-putting .. I couldn't imagine having it in my mouth. But once it was in, um, I dunno, I just .. kinda loved it. The feel of it, the taste .. so manly. I couldn't get enough of it. And knowing that it was you in there." He paused for a moment as he collected his thoughts. "Wow," he added. "And when you came, sir, I loved it, I wanted it, I wanted to take it all. I don't know what came over me, so to speak," he giggled.

I laughed too, enjoying his silly word play.

"Ethan, it's time to put you back in your cage, but we can't leave you like that," I said, nodding towards his bone. "I'd never get you back in with you all stiff and excited."

He smiled up at me. I helped him up off his knees and got him seated. I jerked him again, slowly, leisurely, capturing his meager load in my hand. I had him swallow it; this time, he was more than compliant. As he licked his cum off my hand, I complimented him again, told him what a good boy he was and how proud I was of him. I then parceled him up into his cage, pocketed the key and undid the restraints.

"You did good Ethan," I said. I cupped his face in my hand and leaned in to kiss him. Dryly on the lips at first, and then with more enterprise. Once again, he surprised me. He opened his mouth and took me in, allowing for a more thorough probing. Our tongues played wetly together .. seeking, teasing, chasing, It was a heavenly kiss, made all the more compelling by the fact that he was entirely unrestrained, doing this of his own free will.

I felt a hand touch my left hip, and the other move to my spent dick. Unbelievably, I started to get hard again as he began fingering me. He noticed right away and broke our kiss, bowing down and bringing his lips back onto my dick. I let him suck for a minute or so, but pulled off before I became too consumed by his actions; I wanted to leave him in a state of wanting. He looked up at me with curious disappointment and once again leaned in and wrapped his lips around my cock, fondling my balls with his hand as he did. Fuck, he was insatiable.I gently pried him off of me and pulled away slowly, looking down in wonder at this beautiful young man. He gazed up at me adoringly. We stayed still, silent, regarding each other softly, and we lapsed into slow simultaneous smiles.

It was Ethan who finally broke the silence.

"Thank you sir," he said softly.

Still looking down at him, I felt a tear well up at the corner of my eye. I wiped it away abruptly, pulled my pants up and prepared to leave.

What the fuck was he thanking me for? Caging him so I could use him sexually whenever I felt the urge? Coercing him into lewd acts that were so foreign to him? Being a self-absorbed, domineering prick whose only interest was to extract carnal pleasure from our every encounter, at the expense of his dignity and freedom? Or was he trying to provoke me with his peculiar brand of sarcasm?

I felt a sudden, inexplicable tenderness towards Ethan, and I questioned just what the fuck I was doing. Forcing him into subservience seemed, somehow, repugnant in that moment. I could have ended it right then and there. All I had to do was pull out the key, unlock him and let whatever might happen, happen. I didn't need to keep him caged. He'd responded positively to the demands I'd imposed on him, and it was clear that he was open to the possibility of embarking on a different kind of journey together. You know, a healthy, consensual relationship, built on trust, equality, affection. Respect. Wasn't that something I'd dreamed of for the two of us?

At the same time, I was reveling in the role of subjugator. I'd spent a lot of time and energy transmuting Ethan into the purely sexual object I now regarded him as. Upon him, I'd obsessively added layer upon layer of idealized traits to create, in my mind, a supremely erotic being. That was simply how I experienced Ethan now, and having him caged and under my dominion was like owning a candy store of sexual delights. I mean, I was able to dictate Ethan's actions, at any time of my choosing, to maximize my own sexual gratification. I could humiliate him, and impel him to do things he found objectionable, all in the name of getting my rocks off. It was well within my power to shape his very nature to my will and whim. I really did feel like god.


I plunged my hand into my pocket and withdrew the small metal key, making a fist around it as I did. I turned and kissed Ethan on the crown of his head as I got ready to go. He was pulling up his pajama bottoms, but stopped when I kissed him. He moved towards me and brought his lips to mine, letting his hand drop between my legs. But instead of fondling my guys to get me hard, he simply placed his open palm over my crotch and kept it there. He pulled back, still with his hand in place, and looked into my eyes. No words, no expression on his face. He blinked.

Another tear at the corner of my eye. Fuck. I pulled away and made for the door. I opened it and saw Mrs Dremel in the hall, stepping away quickly towards her flat. She looked tired, but somehow she had the energy to look over her shoulder and glower at me. I smiled at her and started whistling as I made my way out, still with the key in my fist.

Next: Chapter 6

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