Brian and Cody

By moc.loa@3tropSXLR

Published on Nov 27, 1999


Hey People. Well, again I apologize for taking so long in putting out the chapter but what can I say! I'm just too lazy, and when I'm not being lazy I'm actually getting my school work done. But mostly its me being lazy! Well, you all know I think I suck at writing but I do it any ways. Why? Cause most stories out there don't go the way I want them too!! lol. So I need to take control and write my own story, good or bad! Any ways, I have had no idea what other hells I can drag Brian and Cody through but the following is what I came up with. What would a story be without some conflicts, and drama, drama, and more drama?!? Ok, well now that I you all think I'm a complete mess... read the damn story! LOL

All I Have To Give: Brian and Cody 14

"Well, hellooooo lover boys!!!!!" AJ said swinging the door open and pushing right past Brian and me. "Nice apartment buddy!"

"So is this the joker you were expecting at the door?" Brian said looking at me.

"Oh yeah, its exactly who I was expecting." I laughed.

"Expecting? How did you know it was me at the door?" AJ asked throwing himself down on the couch.

"No one else but you rings the doorbell until someone opens the door," I said walking over to AJ.

"Yeah, I guess not. So what are you two lover boys up to, huh? I didn't interrupt something did I? Cause if I did I can watch you know," AJ said grinning. "Might be a learning experience."

"Yeah, I'm sure you would like to watch," Brian said throwing a cushion at AJ. "How the hell did you find us any ways?"

"Its not too hard to track you guys down you know," AJ smiled. "Its even easier when Kevin calls to tell me."

"Cody, remind me never to tell Kevin anything, ever again!" Brian said throwing another pillow at AJ. "Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if we're tagged! He probably knows exactly where I'm standing right now!"

"A little paranoid I see. Lighten up a little B. Any ways, haven't you missed seeing your favorite Backstreet boy? Hey Cody, have anything in here to eat? I'm starving!" AJ got up looking around for the kitchen, "That airplane food can kill you!"

"Kitchen's in there," I said pointing to the door opposite from where AJ was. "Go rummage through the refrigerator while Brian and I go get some clothes on."

Once in the bedroom, I walked over to the closet to find some clothes to throw on. As I searched through the racks of clothes I noticed that Brian was being very quiet, too quiet in fact. I slowly turned around to see what Brian was up to and to my surprise I came nose to nose with him.

"Hey you! How long have you been standing there?" I asked placing my hands on Brian's still naked torso. "You could have scared me half to death, you know?"

"Since we came into the room," Brian softly placed his lips on mine before I could say anything. His arms were quickly around my waist, pulling me towards the bed. Before Brian could lead us to the bed, and have AJ waiting for a couple of hours I spoke up.

"Brian. I told you already, this is going to have to wait," I tried prying Brian off of me, as much as I didn't want to.

"Well, little Cody doesn't seem to be agreeing with you," Brian said peeking into my robe. "He doesn't seem to want to wait."

"Hey! Well, not so little Cody isn't thinking clearly! But luckily I'm here to talk on his behalf. And I say he's going to have to wait," I said playfully punching Brian.

Brian for once paid attention to me and walked over to his side of the room. Between whining a little under his breath he managed to get fully dressed. When both of us were done we went out into the kitchen only to find AJ emptying out our refrigerator.

"You guys really need to get more food!" AJ said taking a bite of a sandwich.

"Well, now that you finished everything we have we're going to have to," Brian said lifting up an empty bag of chips. "You did get a hotel room, didn't you?"

"Relax B! You really are too uptight. I got an awesome room at the Four Seasons. Top floor, great view," AJ said licking his fingers clean.

"Good. I really don't feel like having to see you here everyday, eating everything in our kitchen! So where are the other guys?" Brian asked as he took a seat next to me, resting his head on my chest.

"Well, Nick went down to Florida. As you know Kevin went home too for a visit," AJ said getting up, putting his plates in the dishwasher.

"And Howie?" I asked.

"Where else can Howie be?" AJ said raising an eyebrow.

"Um, back at the hotel unpacking?"

"You guessed it," AJ said. "D is my traveling companion. Who else would I get to carry my luggage?"

"Great! I'm going to head on over there and see what else he's up to. Brian, you keep AJ company! Don't let him get into too much trouble!" I said getting up from under Brian.

"Baby? Your just going to leave me? Alone? With AJ?" Brian said pouting.

"Brian, I think you can do without me for a couple hours," I said. "I really want to go see Howie. I haven't talked to him since London and I want to get caught up on what he's been up to. I didn't get a chance to talk to him much last time."

"Well, as long as you promise me that you'll be in this apartment here in my arms on this couch at 5 PM, no later!" Brian said extending his arms out for a hug. "We haven't been able to spend time with each other without having interruptions! And with you working and all the next few days, its going to be harder to get you all to myself."

"Brian, don't worry. We'll have plenty of time to relax and spend time together, ok?" I said, sitting on his lap.

"I'm serious Cody. Don't be late! Don't screw this one up, cause I'm going to be more than a little mad," Brian said changing his tone.

"Don't worry," I grabbed his face with my hands and planted a big kiss on him. "I'll be back before you know it." Soon after that I was in a taxi on my way to see Howie. I really needed to apologize to Howie about losing it back in London.

"Hey Howie. Can I come in?" I spoke as soon as Howie had opened the door.

"Um, Yeah I guess." Howie stepped back to let me in. "Come on in."

"Howie, I know things between you and I didn't leave off on the right foot the last time, so I came here to apologize for the way I acted. I'm really sorry for loosing it back in London. I knew I shouldn't have done what I did, and I swear I haven't drank since that day."

"Cody! Its fine. I'm not mad at you." Howie said taking a seat and motioning for me to sit down.

"Yeah, but your disappointed in me."

"Yes, I am Cody. I'm very disappointed in you. You know how much it would hurt Brian to know that you were drinking! You know it would just kill him to find out that your not over your problem. I'm sure he knows your still not completely over it, but you know Brian, he rather ignore problems than face them."

"I know Howie. But believe me, I'm over the whole drinking thing. I haven't drank since that day, and not to make excuses but it was my birthday and I had had a bad day. And before that day I hadn't drank for months!"

"Cody, I know you think that your over your problem, but just because you've drank twice in the past few months doesn't mean your over it!"

"Howie! Please! I came here to apologize, and I did. As much as I want you to forgive me, if your not going to accept my apology, then I'm just going to have to deal with you being mad at me. But I really don't want to talk about this anymore! I'm really sick of it! Right about now I don't care what people think I am!"

"Cody, I do forgive you. I can't stay mad at you, but talk about your drinking problem is not over, far from being over. For now I'll put it to rest, but I am definitely not promising you that I won't talk about this with you another time."

"Fine, but lets just let it drop now, please." I said walking over to the window. AJ had been right, the view was amazing. I pressed my head to the window and looked straight down. It was something I had done since a child when my parents would take us to the twin towers and other tall buildings. It almost seemed like you were standing outside of the building looking down ready to take a leap and fly.


"Yeah?" I said turning to Howie.

"Your cell phone is ringing," Howie said reaching for my jacket.

"Thanks Howie," I took the phone expecting to hear Brian's sweet voice. "Hello?"

"Hey buddy!"

"Who is this?"

"Its Brad! Dude, forgot about me already, I see."

"Oh hey, sorry. I just didn't expect you to be calling me. That's all." I walked over to the other side of the room from where Howie was standing. "What do you want?"

"I was just calling to say hello, and get you to come pick me up at my hotel and show me around the city."

"Well, I don't know. I have something to do later on. Can't you just find yourself around?"

"Come on Cody. I think you owe me."

"Owe you? I owe you nothing! I'm still mad at you for what you tried to pull off back in London. You almost ruined things between Brian and I," I said whispering into the phone, not wanting Howie to hear.

"Oh come on. It was one innocent kiss. Any ways, I think you can put that behind you. I assume that you and Brian are getting along fine now. So how about you get your sorry ass over here and take me out and about the city!"

"Fine! As long as we don't take too long. I can't put what I have to do later on hold."

"Brian can wait! He'll have you to himself at night," Brad said.

"Oh shut up. You don't know what your talking about. You better be ready by the time I get there."

After getting the name and room number of Brad's hotel I made up some cheap excuse to tell Howie where I was going. I was not about to tell Howie I was going to meet Brad. I did not need Brian finding out.

"So here I am, now what?" I asked as I stepped into Brad's hotel room.

"Well, hello to you too!" Brad said waving me to sit down. "What's with the attitude? You decided to come didn't you? Or did I hold a gun at your head?"

"All right I'm sorry. I just don't really feel comfortable, that's all. Brian would kill me if he found out I was here with you."

"Well, I won't say anything so he's not going to find out, now is he?" Brad sat down next to me.

"I guess he won't. But what if a reporter sees us walking around and takes pictures?"

"Oh god Cody, could you please stop being so paranoid. Its not like we're going to be doing anything! Relax!" Brad said.

Brad and I made our way out of the hotel and into a town car, the studio had provided for Brad. We were quickly on our way after telling the driver our destination. In the car Brad made small talk, trying to keep my attention but I was too lost in thought, so I didn't hear much of what Brad had to say.

When we finally reached 5th Avenue, where Brad wanted to do some shopping, I threw on my sunglasses and hat and jumped out of the car.

"This store looks good to me," Brad said looking up at Armani Exchange. "I think I'll find something here."

As we entered the store someone quickly came up to us. "Hello, can I be of any assistance?"

"Um, maybe after we actually enter the store," I said rudely.

Brad shot me an evil look. "Don't mind my friend over here, he just woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. Actually, I'm planning on buying quite a few things so if you could show me around I'd appreciate it."

"Of course Sir. Right this way," The clerk said ushering Brad further into the store.

While Brad walked around picking out clothes I took a seat in a comfortable leather couch they had in the center of the store. As I was looking around the store a shadow came over me. As I looked up I noticed a thin framed women with dark black hair standing over me.

"I'm sorry to bother you sir, but I was just wondering, are you Cody Sullivan by any chance?"

"Um, yeah I guess I am," I said taking my hat off.

"Oh wow, I thought I recognized you. Its really a pleasure to meet you, I'm a big fan. I apologize for not recognizing you sooner. Can I help you in anything? Looking for anything in particular?"

"Don't worry, I wasn't really trying to get recognized. And no thank you, I'm just waiting for a friend," I said slipping my hat back on.

"Well, if you need anything at all, my name is Rebecca and I'd be glad to assist you. Just let me know."

"Thank you Rebecca."

After a few more stores, Brad was finally done with his shopping. Just as I was ready to call for the driver Brad dragged me into another store.

"Brad, can we please finish some other time. I'm really not in the mood for shopping any longer right now."

"Oh come on! You might find something you like here."

Looking around the store I actually did find something I liked. It was a long black jacket, very dressy. I tried it on and thought I looked rather good in it. As I paid for it I thought if Brian would like it or not.

"Oh my god! SHIT!" I said hitting the counter.

Brad turned to look at me with a questioning look. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Its fucking 9 o'clock. I'm so fucking late!!!" I said.

"Oh relax, I'm sure Brian won't mind your a little late!" Brad said grabbing onto my arm.

"Whatever, I really have to get going." I quickly paid for the coat and ran out the door to hail a cab.

"Cody! What are you doing? I'll give you a ride to your hotel!" Brad screamed running after me as he saw me jumping into a cab.

"Don't worry about it Brad. I'll talk to you another day." I screamed out the window as the taxi drove off. Brian was definitely not going to be very happy at me for being late. This is the last thing I needed right now, having Brian get mad at me. I really didn't want things to go wrong for us while being in New York and I sure wasn't stepping off on the right foot.

I scrambled for my keys to the room and quickly pushed the door open. There was Brian sitting on the couch looking out the window.

"Babe, I'm so sorry! I got distracted and lost track of time. Are you mad at me? Brian? Oh my god, babe! Have you been crying?" I said as I walked around the couch to see Brian's eyes all red and puffy. Brian just shook his head no and looked away.

"Brian! Please don't be mad at me! I'm an idiot, I know. Brian, talk to me babe!" I said sitting down besides Brian.

"Dammit Cody! Yes, you are an idiot! You promised me you were going to be here at six! We haven't so much have spent a day together and you decide to run off to do who knows what! I've been sitting here worried to death about you! I thought something might have happened to you! I believed you when you said you were going to be here at six! I didn't think you would be so stupid to come late! A million things have been running through my head for the past 3 hours!" Brian said looking me straight in the eye.

"I'm sorry Brian, I just lost track of time. I'm sorry for worrying you!" I grabbed Brian's hands in mine trying to calm him down.

Brian pushed my hands away and got up from the couch. "You can say I'm sorry all you like, its not going to change the fact that you made me worry to death!"

"Brian! I don't know what else to say or do! Tell me what you want me to say to you and I'll say it! I just don't want you mad at me!"

"Fuck Cody! I'm sick of this! I'm just fucking sick of all this!"

"Of all what Brian? Sick of all what? Me? Is that it. Are you sick of me? I knew this was going to happen! Why the hell do you think I left you Brian!

I hate seeing you like this! I hate the fact that I can't seem to do anything but hurt you!" I broke down crying.

Brian didn't say anything. He just stood at the window, looking out at the city. A while later he turned and looked at me, sitting on the couch crying.

"Cody, stop crying. Just stop crying please! I'm tired and I don't know what to say right now. I'm gonna go to bed. I think its better if you stay out here on the couch. I feel like being alone," Brian whispered just loud enough for me to here him. With that, Brian walked to the bedroom and shut the door. I didn't know what to do. I felt sick to say the least. My heart felt like it was being twisted into knots. The last thing I wanted was to spend the night alone. I wanted to be in Brian's arms so much, but I knew it wouldn't be a good idea to go into the bedroom. There was no way I could have passed the night alone, and Brian was definitely not an option to spend the night with. I picked the phone up and dialed the first number that came to mind.

"Hello? Yeah, can I come over? I can't stay here where I am tonight........

Thanks, I'll be waiting outside."

To Be Continued.

*There it is, chapter 14. I hope you all liked it. It wasn't much but at least I got it out. This time I'm not promising when the next chapter will come out. Finals are coming up so I'm gonna be busy studying. (and sleeping). lol. so it might be a few weeks. But who knows maybe I might find some time here and there and get it out soon. I really want to start writing a new story, I have a few ideas that wouldn't fit into this story so the ending might be coming up soon to Brian and Cody. :) Ok so don't forget to write to me cause if I don't get any letters.. I'll end it next chapter. ...

Next: Chapter 15

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