Brian and Cody

By moc.loa@3tropSXLR

Published on Jan 14, 1999


Hey! The following is a fictional story containing guy to guy sex and fantasy's of being with a celebrity, the celebrity being Brian Littrell from the Backstreet Boys. I am a fan of theirs and in no sense is any of this story true. Its just a little fantasy. Hopefully its something that will not affect or insult the real BSB. Cody has nothing to do with the Cody from Baywatch, its just my name.

You must be 18 or of legal age in your state to read this. So read on and I hope you like it, it is my first time writing a story like this so I hope you all like it

All I Have To Give: Brian & Cody 2

"WHAT THE HELL, CODY???!!!!!!!"

I opened my eyes to see Nick right in front of me yelling. "YO CODY! WAKE UP!." Nick said almost screaming. It was the day after the interview and I was in the bsb's limo. The six of us were heading to eat dinner at some restaurant. The voices all around me woke me up to my disappointment. I was having such a good dream. Brian and I were getting to `know' each other a little more but to my dismay it was just a dream.

"Tired Cody?" asked Nick returning to his seat. "One second your talking the next your drooling against the window, you kind of scared us, you looked dead," Nick said jokingly.

"Sorry guys, I guess I didn't even know how tired I really was. I didn't get much sleep last night."

"What were you doing up all night huh?" Brian said with a wicked smile.

"Nothing you need to know, not yet at least," I answered him jokingly.

We got to the restaurant without any interruptions by screaming fans. We all ordered our drinks and main entrees. The conversation was kept upbeat. It seemed Nick was a comedian, always jumping at a joke. At times he would crack a joke on me and I'd return it with one back. We both seemed to have the same sense of humor so we were getting along really well and giving the guys something to laugh about.

"You guys are gonna kill each other if you keep it up," A.J. said seriously.

"Nah, its all fun and games with me," said Nick.

"Yeah I've heard your all nothing but games," I said laughing.

"Hey! When did Nick become the funny one? I thought he was just the ass," Brian said, which sounded rather on the serious side.

"Anyways, what are we gonna do after we finish eating? I defiantly don't want to go back to the hotel, I wanna go have some fun these 3 days we have free." Nick said changing the subject.

"Well I don't know about you guys but I wanna go dancing tonight. I wanna shake my ass tonight," Brian jumped in saying rather exited about the idea.

"Yeah I wanna go dancing too, I haven't gone dancing for like a week now with all the interviews and stuff," I said agreeing with Brian.

"I really don't feel like it, I wanna rest these 3 days so I think I'm gonna go to the movies or something," A.J. said. Howie and Kevin joined in agreeing with him.

Well, It was decided that Kevin, A.J and Howie were gonna go to the movies. Nick wanted to go dancing but his mother had come into town and wanted to spend time with him so his plans were ruined. That left only Brian and me for the club. We all finished eating and as soon as the bill was paid we all left the restaurant in our separate directions. The other guys took a cab back to the hotel, where they were gonna get a car so that they wouldn't make a scene at the movies, so Brian and I got the limo. In the limo we both started a chat about my movie, `Cruel Streets.'

"I really loved the movie Cody, it was so realistic. I almost cried seeing the life those kids lived. I mean I felt so stupid after seeing that movie cause I was complaining about how difficult and lonely my life is. Seeing those kids being homeless and truly alone, having no one in there lives was so sad. I thought I had it bad, when I have a family, which I don't get to see very often but I know there still there, and the other four guys. It really mad me think."

"It really made you think huh? Wow, you actually thought," I laughed.

"Arent you trying to be funny, and I mean trying!" Brian said, giving me a playful punch.

"Ohh You've done it now," I said

I reached over to him and started to punch him back which of course started a little wrestling match. We were pushing and shoving and grabbing each other trying to pin each other down in the small space the limo had to offer. We stopped as soon as the limo came to a stop. We looked at each other and started cracking up. We both looked like we had been in a wind tunnel, our hair all over the place and our clothes all untucked and disheveled. We quickly got together and stepped out of the limo. The driver had taken us to the Viper Room, a popular club in LA. The driver had alerted the club so we were ushered in as soon as we stepped outside. Only a few people noticed us going in, but celebrities were nothing out of the ordinary at the Viper Room. Inside we got a booth which are given to celebs for a bit of privacy (they keep a guard at the steps of the little balcony). We sat and chatted for a little about the movie and about his thoughts. While he was talking I drifted of in thought.....

""He's really cute. What am I saying he's not just cute, he's hot! But god knows how he feels about me. I don't even know if he's gay or anything. Well I'm not in love but he is a really good person, as far as I can tell, like someone I would like to get to know. Yeah, I would love to get him in bed but I can't don't want to loose him before I become friends with him. What am I thinking? He's probably not even gay...."" I thought.

I finally came back to earth to hear Brian say, "So what do you think?" Luckily we were interrupted by the guard before I had to answer his question, which I had no idea what it was.

"Mr. Sullivan, there's someone asking for you, should I let him in?" . I recognized the guy, he was a friend I had met when I was filming `Cruel Streets.' I told Brian I would be right back and went over to my friend Jason.

"Hey what's up Cody? Haven't seen you for a few days, what's been up?"

"Yeah, I had a lot of interviews these past few days. I've been exhausted."

"Well I have something that will make you feel a lot better," he said while pulling out a bag of e--tasy.

"I really shouldn't, I have a friend with me and I don't want to put him on the spot," I said rather reluctantly.

"Come on, you'll feel better. How do you plan on staying up tonight."

"You're right, I'm a weak man," I said half jokingly, "a little bit won't hurt, just make me have twice the fun right?"

"Right." Jason said agreeing.

About 20 minutes later I went back to the booth to see Brian waiting for me. I was rather surprised that he was still there. I started to get real nervous which made me feel even more light headed. The room was spinning and the lights were blinding but I managed to get myself into the booth.

"Hey Bri, sorry I had you waiting for me. I am really sorry, really I am, I mean I just had and then this and something else came up but then I but I just, well I'm just really sorry I left you here waiting," I said catching my breath.

"Calm down Cody! Its no problem. Are you OK? You don't look to well. I think we better get out of here." Brian said concerned.

"NO! Of course not. We haven't even danced," I stood up and ran to the dance floor, tripping on my own feet.

I lost myself in the crowd of people thinking that Brian was right behind me the whole time. I started dancing like a mad man. Jumping around, dancing with everyone on that dance floor. The heat and lights started to get to me. Everything just started spinning and I couldn't see anything. I started to hear my name over and over and I felt hands all over me. Suddenly blackness overcame me. I couldn't hear anything, or see anything. I felt numb.................

"Put these damp towels on his forehead and stomach, it should help." "What could have happened" "You think we should have taken him to the hospital" "How did you ever get him out of there?" "That was dangerous Brian, what happened in there?"

All these voices kept surrounding me but I couldn't recognize any of them. Everything was a blur. My head felt like I was struck with a metal rod. Slowly my eyes open to see the outlines of people standing over me.

"What? Where am I? Where's my shirt?" I feel like shit. "Where am I?" Still with no recognition of where I was at, I just fell back asleep. Hours later I woke up to see Brian and Kevin sitting next to me.

"Hey guys what's up? Where am I?"

"Cody, keep your head down, don't move," I heard Kevin say.

"What happened?" I said.

"Cody you scared me half to death dude, what the hell happened in the club. What happened to you? One second your fine talking with me then you leave and come back talking like a mad man. You ran off to the dance floor and I lost you in the crowd of people. I couldn't find you. Then all these people started crowding around something. I ran over and there were so many people grabbing and pulling at you. Word got around that you were in the club and people drowned you trying to touch you and dance with you. When my bodyguard finally got to you, you passed out and he carried you off and threw you in the limo. You had us scared to death."

"Oh God, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do anything, I just, I...." I started crying.

"Go back to sleep don't worry about it, we'll be right here when you wake up." Kevin reassured me I would be fine as I drifted off into sleep.

Well when I woke up, sure enough there was Brian and Kevin. Kevin got up to go get me water when he saw I was waking up. My head still ached and my eyes were soar but I was feeling a lot better than I had been the night before.

"Listen Brian I am really...."

"No Cody, let me say something. You really scared me in that club. I know we just met but I watch out for my friends and your a friend now. You don't need to keep apologizing. The crowd got to big and they suffocated you. And I don't know everything about you yet and I am not about to judge but if you need someone to talk to you got five new friends that are willing to right here OK?" Brian said cutting me off.

"Thanks Brian. But I shouldn't have gone on the floor alone like that. I am sorry for putting you through that. I don't know what I was thinking. I really..." and before I could finish my sentence Brian leaned over and planted his lips on mine, his hands started to run up and down my thigh.

"Brian, stop. Stop Brian, I mean it. I want to but..." I said while pushing him away.

"You want to? God I really thought you were going to punch my face in or something. I wasn't sure but I just had to," Brian leaned in for another kiss.

"Yeah well I'm glad that you feel the same way, but I don't want you thinking I just want to get you in bed. I mean god I really wanted to kiss you but I just don't..." I said pushing him back.

"What? I know you just don't want to get me into bed. I was the one to kiss you first wasn't I? I mean, well first of all I'm just glad you are gay. Second I'm glad I kissed and third I definitely don't feel bad for doing it, and I don't want you to feel bad either. I became attracted to you the second I laid my eyes on you in that movie. Seeing you play that bi kid made me wonder and I almost died when I found out that you were gonna be on the talk show. So there I said it. I like you. But I guess its up to you now." Brian said sounding so cute.

"Well thank you, I guess, I mean I'm glad you feel that way. You are a really nice guy and I really want to get to know you better. Then we'll see where we go from there. But I suggest you take your hand of my thigh before you get any higher," I said.

Brian turned crimson red feeling a bit embarrassed.

"I'm sorry I just..."

"It's OK trust me, I just want to get to know you better. You know what I would like though?"

"What's that?" Brian said sounding very interested.

"I'd like you to kiss me again, I really liked that." I said.

"That is definitely not I problem," he said as he leaned in planting his lips on mine.

We kissed for a while after that. It felt nice to have someone to hold and someone holding me. It had been a while since I had someone hold me that way. Sure I had been with a few people since I came out to LA but it was usually a hi bang thank you mam kinda thing. Some people just want to have fun, and if its with a young cute actor all the better. Well, I have my fun too but usually I am high off my ass so I barely remember what happened.

"Brian, lets go for a walk, I feel like getting some air..." "You sure your OK Cody? I mean you did....." "Yeah I am fine. trust me, I get like that sometimes... don't worry, lets just go take a walk.."

We spent the whole morning together and at about 2:00 I had to go back to the hotel to wait for my agent. She was going to come over with my schedule for the next couple weeks. I had a great time with Brian. We walked around a park and stopped to drink some coffee at a coffee shop. We were not disturbed the whole morning since we both had sunglasses and hats on. From the coffee shop we each caught a cab and went in opposite directions. We planned to meet up at the Jungle (a techno club in LA) later that day.

.......about 11pm that night at The Jungle.......

"Man this music is hot!!!!" I said to my friends Jason and Chad. "Yo Cody we need to `recharge' lets go to the bathroom." "I don't know Jason, I got blasted last night and I'm suppose to meet up with some friends tonight. I don't think I should." "Come on Cody, I'm sure we can get the bathroom all to ourselves. I know I need this," Chad said grabbing my crotch. "I'm not one to pass that up, am I," I said following the guys to the bathroom.

We got a bodyguard to empty the bathroom out and stand at the door while we did our business. Jason and Chad pulled out some speed (this makes you totally hyper). We passed it around. Jason came over to me where I was sitting on the counter. He spread my legs moving his hand up my thing. He pulled my pants down and started rubbing the head of my cock through my boxer- briefs.

"Mmm, that feels real good Jason. Dude your gonna have to take it in your mouth soon before I explode in my boxers." I said.

"My pleasure cutie." Jason quickly took my boxer-briefs off and took my cock all the way down his throat in one quick motion. It felt so good to have him on my dick. Chad came over and started kissing me and licking me all over. <<I met this guys at the Viper room when I had just gotten to LA. They both are actors, they have a film waiting to be released. Well since we met we started hooking up...>> Jason was sucking on my cock driving me crazy. I grabbed his head and started bucking my hips driving my cock deeper in his mouth. The speed started kicking in which made my dick feel extra sensitive. I couldn't take it anymore, I drove my cock deep into Jason's mouth and started shooting my cum. Jason swallowed every single drop like an experienced cock sucker. He definitely had to be the best cock sucker I had ever been with. Chad was defiantly right after him. We finished up and cleaned ourselves up.

"Damn Jason, you are good." I said giving him my tongue in his mouth. "Mmm, I love pleasing you cutie. I could suck on that all night." he said.

We came out of the bathroom and returned to our booth. As I was sitting I saw the guys walking in. I got up and ran over to them. I was totally high off the speed but I tried to control myself around them.

"Hey guys, glad you could make it. Hey, where's Nick?" I said looking around for him. "Ohh since his mom is in town she didn't let him come. She still treats him like a little kid." answered Howie. "Well come on, the music is pumping and the dance floor is waiting," I said pulling them to the dance floor.

On the dance floor I got daring and started feeling Brian up. It was so crowded that no one could see, and I'm sure he didn't even realize it himself until I gave his basket a little squeeze. I looked at him and gave him a wink. We walked off the dance floor and stood in a dark corner of the room. I started grinding my cock into Brian's, kissing him, feeling his tongue in my mouth. My hands were on his ass pulling him close into me. I guess Brian found this a bit weird after a while cause he pulled me back to the dance floor to continued dancing for a while. Of course I kept putting my hands all over Brian's body now and then. I looked around and saw Jason standing with another friend and he signaled me over.

"What you got now," I asked Jason.

"Your gonna like this, I'm sure you will," he said putting a little paper with some white powder in my hand.

"Is this... "Yeah it is, just inhale it, it feels awesome Cody."

Just as I was inhaling the `dust', Kevin, A.J, Howie and Brian walked up to me to catch me doing what I was doing.

"Cody, what the hell are you doing?" Brian said looking rather mad.

"Chill out Bri, I'm just having a little fun." I said finishing up the stuff.

"Kevin, help me out here," Brian walked over to me and grabbed my arm, getting Kevin to grab my other arm.

"We are taking you out of here," Brian said sounding pissed off.

"Get your hands off of me. I am not going any where. If you guys wanna be pricks then just get out of my face," I said as I pushed Brian away making him fall to the ground.

Brian got up and leaped towards me pulling me to the ground..

"Guys STOP, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? BRIAN GET OFF OF HIM, CODY STOP IT!!!!!!" Kevin started trying to separate us but we kept hitting and grabbing at each other...

To be continued......

Hope you liked the second part to "All I Have To Give". I know there wasn't much sex in it. You are just gonna have to wait and read the other parts. I'm trying my best to make a strong story line. If you guys want more sex or like the way things are going, let me know. If any of you want to help me out with some of the sex scene write to me. (I need help with this to make them sound better). Write to me at Thanks.***

Next: Chapter 3

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