Brian and Cody

By moc.loa@3tropSXLR

Published on Mar 16, 1999


All I Have To Give: Brian & Cody 6

"I'm already deep in love with you too Cody..." Those last words I heard from Brian echoed though my dreams along with images of Brian all night long.

That next morning I woke up to the most beautiful site in the world. Brian was lying next to me, his head propped on a pillow in my direction. He had removed the covers off himself through the night exposing his beautiful body to me. I slowly traced my hand down his body brushing past his cute ass. I started thinking about the night before, how Brian had been so sweet and caring towards me. Yes, he had been distant from me the whole day, probably mad at me for something, or maybe just because he didn't feel comfortable seeing me in the hospital. Either way he had made up for it by reassuring me of the love he had towards me before falling asleep. I stayed in bed next to him, with my head propped on my arm staring at him for what seemed hours until he finally started to rise from his deep sleep.

"What time is it?" Brian mumbled still half asleep.

"Well, good morning to you too Mr. Sunshine," I said.

"I'm sorry. Morning cutie," he leaned over for a kiss.

"Mmm, morning. I assume you slept good cause a tornado through the room wouldn't have woken you up." I said.

"How could I not sleep good being here with you," Brian sneaked in another kiss, this one longer.

"I missed you a lot, you know," I said resting my head on his chest.

"I missed you more," He said running his hands through my hair.

"No, I missed you more," I said.

"How could you have missed me more? You were knocked out half the time?" Brian said laughing.

"Yeah well, even being unconscious I missed you," I said grinning

"Your so full of it," Brian said lifting my chin and placing a long and passionate kiss on me.

"So what do we plan on doing today Mister.."

"Well, I know what your going to be doing all day," Brian said.

"And that would be....?" I asked.

"You Mr. Sullivan are going to stay in bed recovering," Brian said brushing my hair out of my face.

"Please don't make me stay here in bed, I mean what am I gonna do lying here all day? I want to spend the day with you," I said giving him a puppy face.

"Well, then, your in luck because I plan on spending my day here, lying next to you," he said wrapping me up in his arms.

........Brian and I spent the next few days like that first day at my hotel. We spent our days in bed: sleeping, day dreaming, laughing, and talking. Best of all, we spent them together in each others arms, not releasing each other except for bathroom trips or getting the room service at the door. Those few days with Brian taking care of me were heaven. The talks we had went on for hours and hours. Sometimes we'd talk for 8 hours straight. We shared everything with each other: every fear, every dream, every secret. We told each other things that no one else knew or would know............

"Cody, what'd wrong," Brian asked noticing my depressed mood.

I looked over at Brian and burst out into tears.

"Cody? Baby what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Brian asked getting closer to me.

"Nothing, I don't know." I answered.

"What do you mean nothing? Cody, you can tell me anything you know? I thought these past couple days have been going great?"

"They have been Brian. They've been more than great. I just don't know."

"I hate to see you crying then for no reason." Brian said.

"I guess its everything Brian. Happiness that you have brought me but I just feel so depressed," I answered.

"Baby, Why are you depressed?"

"Brian, I told you, I don't know. I guess its just my life. Before you came into it, I was so lonely. Its hard being out here all by myself. I mean, my agent is my guardian here. And as much as she sees that I have all I need, she could careless what I do. I mean she's the best and all but she has her own life. Why should she bother about me."

"Cody, I know its hard being alone. I'd go through hours and hours just lying in my bunk on the tour bus all alone. I'd cry myself to sleep most nights. We would go from having thousands of people screaming for us to being all alone in the tour bus. And now we have each other baby, your not alone anymore."

"I know but its still hard Brian. You've made it a lot easier for me and I guess these tears are form joy too. I just don't want to lose you Bri." I said.

"You won't baby, you won't lose me even if you try to." Brian said holding me tighter till I fell asleep in his arms.

......The moment finally came when all the cuts and bruises vanished off my body, and I returned to my normal self. The day before the last day that Brian was able to spend the whole day with me we had a talk that would bring the week I spent with him to a sour end.......

"Cody, I think we need to talk," Brian said pulling me to the bed.

"What do we need to talk about Bri?"

"Well, I think we both know that our free time is going to be coming to an end real soon. Both of us do have jobs and...." Brian said.

"I know, I know," I said cutting Brian off, "We both do have jobs to do but I don't want to leave you Brian."

"We are not going to leave each other Cody. We're just going to have to be apart for a little while. I talked to the guys yesterday while you were taking a shower and they told me, that we are leaving to Florida the day after tomorrow. I hate to leave but we have studio sessions in Orlando for the new album," Brian explained.

"I'm going to hate being apart from you Brian. How am I going to last here all alone? And now after the accident I wont be able to even step outside with all the media hounding me," I laid down on the bed, my back towards Brian.

"Cody, please don't get like this. We'll find a way to get around all this. I can take a flight here on weekends and you can fly down to Orlando when you can. We can make this work Cody," Brian said rubbing my back.

"I'm still gonna hate it! God, I just found you and now.." I started sobbing.

"Cody! Please don't get like this. You know I don't like to see you cry. Your gonna get me started. We can get through this ok? I know its going to hurt, I'm gonna be hurting being away from you too, but unfortunately I can't do much about it?"

"Damn it Brian! Your gonna go off to Florida and just forget about me! Your gonna be so busy your not going to have time for me!" I continued sobbing.

"I could never do that Cody. How can you even think I will forget you? These past couple of weeks have been the best weeks I have had in a long time. I can never leave you, I love you remember, come on smile for me."

"I know Brian," I said cracking a smile, "but I'm not going to be able to stand it." I said

"Well I'm glad to see you smile. You do have a sexy smile you know. To bad all that crying hides it," Brian said mocking me.

"Hey! I'm sorry if I love you so much that it makes me cry to think of being apart from you," I said punching Brian.

"Oww, ok , I'm sorry. I didn't really mean that. I'm just trying to fight back the tears myself," Brian said.

The last day before Brian had to leave for Orlando we didn't leave the bed. I stayed in Brian's arms all day long. We both kept trying to fight the tears back, knowing it would be the last time we would be able to spend the whole day with each other for a while. That night after eating dinner, Brian was resting his head on my chest while I messed with his hair...

"So are you sure you have to leave on Monday?" I asked.

"Cody, We went through this yesterday. You know I can't help it. I have leave early in the morning.

"I know I know, It just hasn't sunk in that your gonna be leaving me."

"Well I haven't left yet. Ohh yeah and maybe I can convince you to take me to the airport tomorrow."

"Mmm, I don't know. How are you gonna convince me?" I said grinning.

"Well, we'll just have to find out, now wont we?"

With that, Brian threw his leg over my body and straddled me. He slowly leaned down and placed his lips passionately on mine, "God, I love you so much Cody. You don't understand the joy you bring me." Brian leaned down again and started kissing every inch of my face, then placing his hands on the sides of my face, he eagerly slipped his tongue into my mouth. Brian got hot pretty quick, his lips sucking my tongue and his cock grinding into mine, made me lose myself in bliss. Brian slowly licked his way down my neck onto my nipples, which he licked, sucked and pulled at for what seemed hours, and my moans only encouraged him more. Brian looked up at me and gave me one of his million dollar smiles, and I knew exactly what he had on his mind. He licked his way down my body and stopped right at my cock. He looked up at me with his beautiful blue eyes, getting a smile from me, he lowered his mouth on my aching cock. Brian eagerly sucked on my cock, swirling his tongue like a pro, and with every moan that escaped my lips, he sucked even harder. Every so often he looked up at me with his puppy eyes and then returned to sucking me.


"Mmmm." "Brian, I want to feel you inside me. Fuck me Brian."

"I'll do better than fuck you Cody, I wanna make love to you."

Brian raised himself back up to my face and gave me an incredible kiss. I reach over to the night table and grabbed a condom and lube. Brian stood up still straddling me, while I slipped the condom on him, not before getting a good lick of course. Brian lowered himself back on top of me, placing my legs on his shoulders, he lined the tip of his cock up to my lubed ass. "Cody, I'm gonna give you all I have to give, and more." Brian slowly pushed his cock into me. Inch by inch he filled me up with not only pleasure but love. Once Brian was deep in me he leaned down and poked at my mouth with his tongue.

"God Brian you say the sweetest things..." I gasped.

"Baby, you feel so good. I love you," Brian said wrapping his strong arms around me tight, his cock deep inside me. We stayed like that a while, till the bit of pain I had subsided, all the while Brian kept kissing me and squeezing me tighter in his arms. "I'm ready Brian," I whispered into his ear, giving him the ok. With that, Brian pulled out of me almost all the way, leaving an empty feeling in me, and stayed like that. "Brian, please, give it to me!" I said frustrated from his teasing. Brian just grinned at me, but I quickly squeezed his ass cheeks and pulled him deep into me once again, getting a loud moan from him. I continued to moan loudly while Brian pushed in and out of me, giving me incredible pleasure. I could feel every single move he made with his cock, stretching me as much as he could. My hands roaming all over his muscular body, down his back, squeezing his ass, pulling at his neck, bringing him closer to me to kiss and lick his lips. I could tell Brian was getting closer because he was moaning and gasping louder, and driving his cock faster in me. As I looked up into Brian's eyes while he fucked me, I couldn't believe how into it Brian was, grabbing at my hips and pushing himself deeper and deeper into me, his body trembling over me with every thrust he made with his beautiful cock. He looked more than sexy, more than hot, more than desirable... He looked absolutely beautiful. "Baby, I'm getting close, oh baby I'm gonna cum..." Brian gasped, brushing his wet lips barely against mine.

"Brian I love you so much, ohh god I'm gonna cum too.." I gasped. As I pulled him closer and hugged him tight, my dick erupted between us, my cum splashing all over our chests . As I came all over us, my ass squeezed tighter on Brian's cock throwing him over the edge. Brian grabbed my hips and thrust his cock in deeper and harder, releasing his warm cum deep in me. Brian collapsed on top of me, shaking and shivering like crazy, beads of sweat running down his face onto my chest.

"Brian, I love you so much, I never want this to end," I said. Brian just wrapped his arms around my back, his head resting on my chest, and hugged me tight.

"Baby, it wasn't that good now, stop shivering," I said jokingly. Brian said nothing but he bit down on my nipple a little. "Ouch!!! You didn't have to bite me for that you know, I was just kidding." But Brian said nothing more than giggle a little. "I really do love you Brian." I said, running my hands through his hair. We quickly fell fast asleep in each others arm drained from the emotional sex we had

2 days later at the Boys hotel

"Hey Cody! Nice to see you up and about," Kevin said giving me a hug.

"Hey Kev, thanks, well you should also thank Brian for taking care of me this past week. He was great." I said.

"Did he really? We all thought he just gagged you and kept you locked up," Nick said jumping in.

"Well I did gag him but not for too long," Brian said snickering, walking into Kevin's room.

"BRIAN!" I said, punching him.

"Ouch you didn't have to hit me that hard," Brian said rubbing his arm.

I leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Well that was also for biting me last night."

"You deserved that too you little pain," Brian said out loud.

"Deserved what?" Nick asked.

"Nothing! Nothing at all. So what have you guys been up to?" I asked.

"Well we just tried to keep away from each other as much as we could and hung out with our friends we have out here. Nick went to visit his family for a few days. Howie's sister flew out here. Unfortunately she flew out this morning. It would have been great for you to meet her." Kevin explained.

"Well maybe next time, So you guys all ready and packed to head out to the airport?" I asked.

"Yup, We should start heading down, the limousine is waiting outside." Howie said walking in to Kev's room, followed by AJ.

"Hey guys," I said.

"Hey Cody. Coming to the airport with us?" Howie asked.

"Yup, I have to say goodbye don't I?" I said.

"Your not going to say goodbye!" Brian said walking out.

"Brian, come back here," I said running after him, "What's wrong?"

"We're not gonna say goodbye Cody, Its not like we are never gonna see each other again," Brian said staring down at the floor.

"Bri, stop being foolish. You know what I mean," I said.

"Yeah I know, its just that the thought that I am actually leaving you is hitting me pretty hard right now." Brian said taking his eyes off the floor.

"Come here," I said wrapping my arms around Brian's waist, "kiss me."

"Mmmm, this is going to be hard Cody," A tear rolled down Brian's cheek.

"I know, but please, we can't start crying here. I won't be able to go to the airport if I break down. So if you don't mind, I'm gonna wait to break down until after you leave," I said with a grin.

"Ok, I'll keep myself together. At least I'll try," Brian said.

"You guys ok?" Kevin said sticking his head out from his room.

"Yeah we're fine. So you guys all ready to go?" Brian asked as I wiped away his tears.

"Yeah lets start heading down," Kev said.

At the airport

"Well they just called our flight," Howie said standing up from his seat in the VIP section.

"Well Cody, it was nice spending these past couple of weeks with you. I'm glad we were here to help you through your accident." Kevin said giving me a hug.

"Thank you Kevin and all you guys for helping me out and trying to protect me. You guys really helped me out a lot." I said

"Well, you take care ok? Don't do anything stupid while we're gone, or I'm gonna have to come up here and beat the crap out of you," Nick said hugging me.

"Don't worry guys, I'll be ok."

"Well come on guys, lets leave Brian and Cody alone. We'll talk to you real soon Cody," Kevin said waving goodbye.

"Yeah, good luck at the studio," I said waving good bye.

"Well I guess its time," Brian said, tears flowing from his eyes.

"Brian, look now I'm the one telling you not to cry, but please I won't be able to leave if you start crying on me," I said fighting the tears back.

"Cody, I just want to thank you for these past couple weeks. I've loved spending every minute with you."

"I should be thanking you Bri. You've helped me through some hard times. Thanks for protecting me and watching out for me. I've loved every second I spent with you."

"Well, I'll see you real soon, and I'll call you as much as I can. Don't forget, you can always fly down whenever you want. I'll be waiting for you."

"Definitely, I'm gonna have to start working on a movie soon so I'll try to make it down there ok?" I said.

"Yeah, well Kevin is gonna be flying up here at the end of next week so he'll be checking up on you ok? And please, like Nick said, Don't do anything stupid! Please! I want you to be nice and healthy next time I see you ok?" Brian said wrapping me in his arms.

"Don't worry Brian, I'll stay out of trouble. Relax ok? I won't be driving for a while. Well that's what Jen says anyways." I said

"Try to stay away from Jason and Chad too. Please. I don't want you hanging out with them," Brian pleaded.

"Brian, there ok guys, and besides their my friends," I said.

"Cody, I don't want you seeing them ok? I really don't like them and I sure as hell don't want them around you," Brian said getting a little angry.

"OK, OK, I'll stay away from them, just calm down. I don't want to fight with you right before you leave."

"OK, Well, I better go. So I'll see you soon, take care and stay out of trouble!! And don't forget to keep your hat and glasses on, cause the media is dying to see you remember? I love you ok. Remember that," Brian said kissing me again.

"I know, don't worry about me. I love you too. I'm gonna miss you Bri," I said, starting to cry.

"I love you so much Cody, Promise me you'll wait for me." Brian said crying.

"Bri, your the only one I love ok? We're gonna be ok. You better go before your flight leaves," I said placing my lips on Bri's.

We kissed for a few minutes, until Brian heard the last boarding call. Brian said I love you one more time and then disappeared into the plane. I just stood at the window crying, staring out at the plane until it disappeared in the clouds. I found my way back to the limousine without anyone noticing, and headed back to my hotel where I would have to change quickly and head out to my agent, Jen's office.

The next couple of days, Jen kept me busy with movie scripts and meeting, so I had barely anytime to think of Brian. When I wasn't at meeting and stuff I had to keep hiding from the media who would be everywhere I would go. I couldn't leave my hotel without fighting my way through mobs of camera men. Luckily I was appointed a body guard for the meantime, which was pretty cool. I finally came to choose 3 movies out of hundreds. I would have a month to decided which film to take on, and until then I had free time except for some meetings here and there I would have to make, which meant I couldn't leave California until the meetings were done. That kept me away from Brian for at least the next two weeks. I tried calling Brian many times but always seemed to miss him. He was either at a studio or at some meeting and I didn't get any calls from him except a short message telling me he was really busy about a week after he had left. That week Jason called me and against Brian's wishes I decided to go out with him...

"Hey Cody, What the hell happened to you. I heard about the accident, but I didn't know where you were since your phone was disconnected." Jason said as soon as I walked into his apartment.

"Yeah, I'm fine now. I just had to take a week and recover. But believe me, I'm fine now." I replied.

"Well I'm glad to see you back on your feet."

"Yeah its good to be back to normal," I replied.

"So you ready to hit the clubs tonight?" Jason asked

"I really don't want to. I mean, I don't feel like it." I said.

"Cody, dude, Take some of this. This will get you in the mood dude," Jason said pulling out a bag of speed.

"I don't know Jason, I really..."

"Come on dude, this will get you in the mood. We're gonna party tonight!" Jason said placing the bag in my hand.

Brian's words started echoing in my head:

"Don't do nothing stupid Cody.. I don't want you seeing Jason or Chad, don't do nothing stupid Cody.. I don't want you seeing Jason or Chad, don't do nothing stupid Cody.. I don't want you seeing Jason or Chad Cody," as I stared at my hand.

"What am I gonna do... What if Brian finds out?" I thought

To be Continued.....

Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Brian and Cody. I apologize for taking so long in writing it. I'm just a lazy ass and a perfectionist. I couldn't decided where to take the story but here it is, so I hope you like it. I wish I could rewrite some parts and fix others more than I already did but I just can't hold on to it anymore. Please let me know what you thought of it. The next part will be out in 2 weeks I promise.(maybe lol) Remember, If I don't get much feedback I'll probably end it soon. E-mail me at

Next: Chapter 7

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