Brian and Cody

By moc.loa@3tropSXLR

Published on May 29, 1999


**Sorry it took me so long to write this part. I've just been really busy and I can't promise you all that I will write chap. 9 any time soon. To get you up to speed here is a little run down....

Brian and the group had to leave California to start recording their new album leaving Cody alone. Cody got into the party scence again and went downhill getting high and drunk daily. Howie and Kevin read stories of Cody's life in the tabloids and fly out to California to go and help him and bring him with them back to Florida. Howie takes Cody back to Florida with him while Kevin stays in California on business. Cody and Howie arrive at the house the boys are renting in Orlando and Cody finds Brian in the back at the pool... And here is the chapter 8. I hope to advance the story to the present time in this and the next chapter so that it seems a little more realistic... Enjoy....

All I Have To Give: Brian and Cody 8

"I.... Brian..... I...."

"You what Cody?" Brian said not letting go of me.

"I... I just really missed you a lot Brian, that's all. Its just great to see you again."

"Cody I missed you too! God I missed you so much!" Brian said as he kissed me over and over again.

"Brian! O my God! You look as thin as a rail!" I said taking notice to Brian's full appearance.

"Thin as a rail? I don't think so. I lost a little weight that's all," Brian said.

"No Brian, you lost a lot of weight. Are you sick? I can't believe how skinny you got!"

"No Cody, of course not. I'm fine," Brian insisted.

"Are the guys not feeding you or something?" I persisted

"Cody! Believe me, I'm fine. And yes the guys do feed me!" Brian said.

"Well as much as I love to see your skinny body half naked and wet why don't you go get dressed and we can talk inside ok?" I said

"Ohh baby, I was hoping you could join me in being half naked and wet out here by the pool." Brian said pulling and tugging at my clothes.

"Brian! Go get dressed and we'll talk inside." I said as I pulled away from him and started walking to the house.

Back inside the house Nick, Howie and I sat in the TV room while waiting for Brian. No one was uttering a word and the silence was getting sort of uncomfortable so I spoke up.

"Nick, What's wrong with Brian?" I asked

"What do you mean?"

"I noticed he lost a lot of weight. He doesn't look healthy at all," I said.

"I was gonna talk to you about that before we got here but I didn't want to worry you or anything Cody," Howie said.

"Worry me? So what's wrong with him?!

"Calm down Cody. Its nothing serious. The first couple of weeks we were here Brian didn't seem to want to eat. Actually he didn't do much at all. I guess leaving you, leaving California really affected him," Howie explained.

"How bad did he get?" I asked.

"Well he got really depressed. He stayed in his room most of the time. Sometimes he wouldn't come out all day, not even to eat. We left him some food by his door but he would barely touch it. We got really worried when he started to lose weight. Kevin got into a lot of fights with him. Brian got sick of fighting with him so he started to listen to us," Nick explained.

"But this was just about a week ago that he started to come out of his room," Howie said.

"And now with you here, we were hoping that you both help each other out. We figured the only way to help you guys is by keeping you together," Nick said.

"Hey guys, where you all hiding?" Brian yelled through the house.

"We're in here Bri," Nick called.

"So what are you guys talking about in here?" Brian asked as he came walking into the room.

"Oh nothing much. I was just about to ask Cody if he was planning on doing a movie any time soon," Howie said.

"Oh, well actually I haven't decided on what film I want to do. I chose 3 final ones out of a lot and I have to make a decision by next week," I answered.

"So you got a lot of scripts?" Howie asked.

"Yeah, but only like 4 or 5 were actually good and I think the 3 final ones I chose are really good. I just can't make my mind up. I think I am going to go with an Indie Film. One of them is a teen movie and the other one is suppose to be one of those big summer movies, so right now I am liking the Indie film" I said

"What's the teen movie?" Nick asked.

"Its some remake of Dangerous Liaisons set in New York City. I would play a rich snob who sleeps around with every girl," I said.

"Well that is just you!" Howie said laughing.

"Yeah Howie just like me," I said laughing, "I'm gonna go get something to drink, I'll be right back."

..While I was in the kitchen the guys had their own little conversation..

"Hey Howie, did Cody really want to come down here?" Brian asked

"Yeah, Why do you ask?"

"Oh I don't know. It just seems like his mind is some where else. Maybe its just me, never mind," Brian said.

"Brian, Cody really wanted to see you. Maybe he's just preoccupied with things right now. He was telling us how he has to chose a film to work on by next week. Maybe that's why he seems like he's daydreaming." Howie answered trying to go around the truth.

"So you guys talking about me or what?" I joked as I walked into the room

"Actually we were talking about you," Brian said.

"Oh yeah, about what?" I asked

"About how much I missed you," Brian said as he called me over to sit with him.

"So, What film are you gonna chose? Any ideas?" Nick asked.

"I don't know. The sex scenes seem like their gonna be fun, so I might chose the teen movie," I said looking over at Brian.

"I think you better go with the Indie Film," Brian said giving me a playful punch, "I would be too jealous to watch you kissing other people.

"So when would you have to start filming the movie?" Nick asked.

"Well, I'm not totally sure but I think as early as next month," I said.

"So do you guys want to go into town and show Cody around?" Brian said changing the subject completely.

"Brian, you know I'm gonna have to go to work so try not to get bothered by it," I said noticing Brian's uneasiness with talk of me having to go away to work.

"I'm not. Let's not get into this right now," Brian said as he got up and left the room.

"Brian... Oh forget it, I can't deal with him right now," I said frustrated.

"Cody, your gonna have to deal with Brian sooner or later and I think sooner is the best thing to do," Howie said.

The next couple of days we all just hung out around the house and around town. Brian, Nick and Howie showed me around Orlando. I didn't see AJ since he was in New York visiting some friends while the guys had a few days off from the studio. There was some tension through out those days. I didn't get to close to Brian because I couldn't bring myself to tell him why I was here in Orlando. I slept in Kevin's room at night and during the day I tried avoid Brian. The first day Brian tried everything to get me to talk to him and spend every second with him. After he saw that he wasn't getting anywhere he just gave up. The next couple of days he just followed along where ever we went and stayed quiet and out of the way. Nick and Howie kept pressuring me to tell Brian everything but I just ignored them.

Four days had passed and the guys time off had come to an end. AJ had gotten back the night before because the guys were expected to be at the studio that day. At around 10 in the morning the next day we were all getting ready to drive out to the studio. I quickly jumped into AJ's car leaving Brian to go with Nick and Howie.

"So Cody, I noticed you and Brian haven't been talking much. Are you guys fighting already?" AJ asked me as he drove to the studio.

"Not at all. I guess we're just getting use to being back together after being apart for a while," I said as I stared out the window.

"Well, it seems like you've been avoiding Brian. I've never seen Brian so timid before. He almost seems terrified when your around. I've seen him try to talk to you many times but he just turns and walks away," AJ said probing a little more.

"Well, I think your seeing things AJ. I doubt Brian is scared to come up to me. Brian is just trying to get used to me being here as much as I am, I guess. So have you guys recorded many songs?" I asked changing the subject.

"Well we're almost done with one song entirely. We have the music to some songs but no lyrics and vice versa but we just got started so its going good," AJ answered

"Well, we're here," AJ said announcing our arrival to the studio.

Once inside the studio I joined the guys for their meeting. After being introduced to Max Martin, the guys producer, he started to talk about the song, "Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely." He talked about the string arrangement and how the orchestra had finished recording their part the day before. I got really exited listening to him talk about the song. It seems like it was going to be a really strong powerful ballad.

"I can't wait to hear this song Max," I said.

"Well, you'll get to hear it right after lunch cause the boys have to work on the vocals so that the they'll have it down by the time we get to Sweden to make the final recording," Max said.

"Oh so your recording the songs in Sweden?" I asked

"Well not all of the songs will be recorded in Sweden but the majority will," He explained.

"So when are you planning on going to Sweden?" I asked

"Max, We'll talk about that later, I think the food is here," Brian said cutting in to change the conversation. Brian noticed I was bothered by the idea of them going to Sweden so he just left the room after that.

They guys finished up their meeting and we all headed into another room where the food was. While I was eating Brian came up to me and pulled me to the side.

"Brian, I wasn't done eating," I said snapping at him.

"Cody, I know we haven't been talking much, and honestly I don't know why. I just figured you've been preoccupied with other things and that's why I haven't bothered you. But I hate not being able to talk to you." Brian said staring me straight in the eyes.

"Brian, Its just that.."

"Cody, don't say anything, I just want to show you something ok? Then we can talk." Brian grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into the recording studio.

"Cody, just sit here and listen ok? When I get into the recording room you press this button ok?" He said as he pointed to the button.

Once he walked around to the other side of the glass where the microphones were, I pushed the button which started up the music.

As the music started I realized that the song was "Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely." Goosebumps went up and down my spine at just hearing the music and when Brian started to sing, tears started welling up inside me.

"So many words for the broken heart, its hard to see in a crimson love, so hard to breath, walk with me and maybe... Nights of light so soon become, wild and free I could feel the sun, Your every wish will be done.... they tell me.... "

As Brian continued to sing, tears started to roll down my face. Brian didn't look up while he was singing but I could tell he was getting choked up as well.

"....Show me the meaning of being lonely, Is this the feeling I need to walk with, Tell me why I can't be there where you are There's something missing in my heart Life goes on as it never ends Eyes of stone observe the trends They never say forever gaze Guilty roads to an endless love here's no control Are you with me now? Your every wish will be done They tell me....

Show me the meaning of being lonely, Is this the feeling I need to walk with, Tell me why I can't be there where you are There's something missing in my heart

There's nowhere to run I have no place to go Surrender your heart' body and soul How can it be you're asking me to feel the things you never show, You are missing in my heart....."

Then Brian sang the last line, and as he sang it he looked up and looked directly into my eyes as a tear rolled down his cheek....

"...Tell me why I can't be there where you are.."

And with this I really lost it. I knew exactly what he meant by that. It went deeper than just him wanting to be with me physically. What he really wanted was to be with me mentally. The past couple of days I had acted as if I was off in another world. It didn't seem as if Brian and I were together. When the music ended Brian walked back into the room and sat next to me.

"So what do you think?" Brian asked as he stared down at the floor.

"Brian... I... God, I loved it Brian. I really loved it." I said raising his head to meet mine.

"Cody, I sang that song to you because that is exactly how I feel about us right now. The song is about loosing someone and right now I feel like I am loosing you. For the past couple of days its as if you weren't here. Your mind has been somewhere else Cody, and I want to be in the same place you are." Brian said.

"I know Brian, I know. I am so sorry for these past few days. You don't know how much I've wanted to touch you. To hold your hand and to talk to you. To laugh with you, I've really missed all that." I said as I wiped the tears off Brian's cheek.

"Then why Cody? Why have you been ignoring me?" Brian asked

"Brian there's so much I haven't told you. So much I am scared to tell you. That's why I have been avoiding you. I haven't been able to bring myself to tell you why I am really here."

"What do you have tell me Cody? Why haven't you been able to tell me?" Brian asked.

"Brian, I'm just scared that what I have to tell you will make you want to never see me again." I said.

"Cody, nothing will make me not want to see you. Just tell me please." Brian said.

"Brian, the reason why I am here is because Howie and Kevin made me come. They both saw some stories in the tabloids that said I was getting drunk and partying every night. So Kevin took Howie to California not on business but to have Howie bring me here to you if the stories were true." I explained avoiding looking at Brian.

"So it was true? Those stories of you getting drunk every night were true Cody?!?!" Brian said.

"Yes Brian. Howie and Kevin found me drunk that day they went to see me. They pretty much made it obvious I didn't have a choice in coming back to Orlando with them. They would have taken you to see me if I didn't come with Howie, and I didn't want you to see me like that."

"Damn it Cody! How could you go and do that?!?! You could have killed yourself!" Brian stood up screaming

"Brian please don't get like this!" I said, "the guys are gonna hear you."

"I could give two shits if they hear me! How can I not get angry Cody?!! Your telling me that since we left you got drunk every night and partied. Is that all you did Cody, or is there more? Tell me the truth!" Brian said not lowering his voice one bit.

"Brian, please don't do this to me! I can't." I said

"Cody! Tell me everything! I want to know!"

"Damn it Brian! No, I didn't just drink. I got high every night too!! I got drunk and high almost every night! I can't even remember what I did Brian! Fuck! I even found myself next to some guy one night!"

"WHAT?!?! YOU FUCKED ANOTHER GUY?!?!" Brian screamed.




I stood up and ran out the door. I ran past AJ and Kevin, who were walking towards the recording room and almost knocked down AJ. I ran all the way out to the parking lot and jumped into AJ's car. AJ had given me his keys to hold so I quickly took them out and turned the car on. As I drove out of the parking lot I saw Kevin, AJ and Brian running out. I didn't care about anything at that moment. I just wanted to get as far away from there as possible. I didn't know exactly where I would go but I just drove.

..Back at the Boys house...

"Brian what the hell happened!" Kevin said yelling at Brian.

"Cody told me everything about what happened in California and I lost it! I lost it Kevin, and I went off on him! How could I be so stupid!" Brian said hitting himself.

"What did you say to him Brian?" AJ asked.

"He told me how he found himself next to some guy after a night of drinking and I went off. I screamed at him if he had fucked the guy." Brian buried his face in his hands.

"That was fucking stupid Brian! Cody was just trying to be honest with you!" AJ said.

"I know! I know! I shouldn't have screamed that at him, but that still doesn't mean I am not mad at him for doing that."

"Well you probably didn't even hear the whole story did you?" Kevin asked Brian.

"No, I guess I didn't" Brian answered.

"Well now Cody is nowhere to be found! He could be anywhere. He could be lost somewhere." AJ said.

"Well hopefully Howie and Nick can find him. They're searching everywhere..." Kevin said.

As Kevin was saying this, I walked in through the door and ran up the stairs and into Kevin's room. Brian, Kevin and AJ quickly ran up after me.

"Cody! Are you ok? Where the hell where you!?!?!" Brian screamed.

"Brian, shut up! Your not gonna help much if you keep screaming!" Kevin said.

"Your right, Your right. Shit! OK, Cody please open the door so we can talk. Please." Brian said.

"Cody, AJ and I will be downstairs if you need us. Right now you and Brian need to talk so open the door." Kevin said.

As soon as I opened the door Brian pushed the door and walked in. Kevin and AJ went back downstairs.

"Cody, I am so sorry I went off screaming at you like that. I am so sorry for what I said. I should have heard you out before I did that." Brian said.

"Brian, yes you should have heard me out before you went off screaming like a lunatic but I am also sorry for just throwing all of this out to you all of a sudden.

I want you to know that I didn't sleep with that guy. If you want to know what happened I will tell you." I said.

"Cody, I don't want to know. As long as I know that it was a mistake I am willing to forget that part."

"It was a mistake Brian! A big mistake!" I said

"Ok, but that doesn't mean I am not mad at you for doing all those other things. Why would you do that Cody? Why get drunk every night?"

"Brian, I really missed you. I guess I did it to be able to get you out of my mind. I just really missed you so much it was starting to hurt." I said.

"Oh Cody. I missed you too. I missed you a lot. I wish I would have called you. I was hurting too Cody. I was so busy trying to ignore everything while I was working that I couldn't bring myself to call you."

"So you forgive me?" I asked

"Yes I forgive you Cody. And only because you were willing to come here and let us help you. I promise you that I will do everything in my power to get you some help!" Brian walked over and took me into his arms, "will you forgive me too?"

"Brian, of course I do. You're already helping just by being here with me." I said as I leaned into Brian and kissed him.

"I love you, you know?"

"I know. I love you too Brian."

Brian pushed me down on the bed and straddled me. One by one he unbuttoned my shirt all the way down, leaning down to kiss my chest with every loss of a button.

"I missed being with you like this," Brian said as he unbuttoned my jeans.

Brian quickly took my jeans off leaving me lying there in just my boxer-briefs. He sat there on top of me for a while staring at me and running his fingers up and down my chest. Brian then leaned down and took my cock into his mouth. Every once in a while he would stop sucking and just take his tongue and lick my cock up and down. Brian was giving me so much pleasure but all I wanted to do was please him. As I pulled away from him, Brian moaned in protest but he quickly got over it as soon as I started ripping his clothes of him. Once he was naked I looked down at his cock and went for it. I slowly put my lips over the head and pushed my mouth down on his cock. His cock felt so good in my mouth. My tongue licking every inch of him. Brian had his head thrown back and his moaning kept getting louder and louder. I thought he was ready to cum but after a while of sucking on his cock I looked up to see him staring at me. He had the widest grin on his face. He looked so hot just lying there looking down at me with his blue eyes, his chest rising and falling from his heavy breathing. We stared at each other for a long time while I sucked on him. He would only lose his grin when I took his cock all the way down my throat making him moan and stretch his face in pleasure. I finally let his cock go and licked my way up his chest. I stopped at his scar he had gotten from his heart surgery to kiss and lick it.

"Its manly isn't it?" Brian said as I kisses and licked it.

"Mmm, very sexy," I said laughing.


"Yeah baby,"

"I want you inside me."

That's all Brian needed to hear. He quickly got a condom and slipped it on. Brian then lifted my legs and placed them on his shoulders as he positioned his cock right on my ass. He pushed the head gently into my ass as I moaned and groaned in pleasure, pushing deeper ever so gently until every thick inch of him was inside me. Slowly he began to pound me as my ass started milking his cock. Brian reached down and grabbed onto my hips. With each thrust he made he pulled me closer to him trying to get deeper and deeper into me. Brian pulled me up to him, chest to chest, wrapping his arms tight around me. We kissed and kissed as he thrust his cock into me. I couldn't take his cock fucking me any more but every time I got close Brian pulled out. He wanted this to last as long as it could. As I looked over at the clock I noticed Brian had been fucking me for well over an hour. We were both sweating like crazy, my body shivering from the pleasure.

"I love you baby," Brian said as he thrust his cock in one last time and started shooting his hot thick cum deep into me.

"Ohh baby! I love you too." As soon as Brian started cumming in me, I shot my cum hitting his face and covering his chest. Brian pumped his cock into me a couple more times and finally pulled out, leaving an empty feeling in me. Brian laid his head on my chest and hugged me tight.

"Baby, your shivering, are you cold?"

"No, I'm ok, I'm more than ok," I said closing my eyes as I drifted to sleep.....

To Be Continued

*Hope you guys are still enjoying the story. I'm a little rusty so something's might sound kinda strange, but I'm doing the best I can. If anybody would like to help me, I wouldn't mind having a co-writer. If your interested in helping me write to love/sex (I'm not all that great at writing them) e-mail me. Comments welcomed also at

Next: Chapter 9

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