Brian and Dan

By Matt Paine

Published on Dec 31, 1999


The Start

The air was cold as Dan walked to school. It was late November. School would be getting out the next day for Thanksgiving Break. Dan was 5'6'' had blond hair, and brown eyes. He was a nice fit man. With muscles that drove ladies WILD. He had gone out with girls before. His last fling was with Jamie. She was the nicest person he had gone out with in his whole life. But still there was something missing from his life. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he knew that even though Jamie and been the most wonderful person she was, he couldn't get it to a point he wanted to be with her all the time. He couldn't keep his mind on her like he thought he should have had his mind on someone. But he wasn't bothered by it too much.

His mother, who had been divorced for about a year now, was going to take him to see his grandfather for Thanksgiving. He loved his grandparents. They always gave him something when he came to see them, but this year; they might not make it. The weather station had proclaimed that there would be a snowstorm moving threw his town. And that might make it hard to get out. So they might now leave this year. They would, however, go out and see them for Christmas. It was like Thanksgiving, only he got more presents from them. He was an only child, and he had only two other cousins, and they were off in the Army. He wanted to go into the army, but he thought he would just become a businessman instead.

He walked alone today to school. He didn't feel like talking to other people, and decided to skip the bus. It was cold, but it was a nice cold. His skin tingled a little as the cold wind touched his uncovered face. He looked up at the sky and it had already started to cloud up. "Looks like we won't be going after all" He sighed loudly, and just continued walking on.

He arrived at school, as the first bell rang. He walked up the big stairs, and stooped to look at the lions at the front entrance. He never really stopped to look at them. They had always been there. But something had caught his eye. There was something above one of the lion's eyes. Or below when he looked closer. It was a drop of water, as if the lion had been crying. "Odd. Must just be the sprinklers" One thing that Dan never understood was why in the world they would leave sprinklers on when it was winter. "Oh well, keeps the trees alive probable" He continued on into the school. He walked to his first period class. He just didn't feel like being with people for some reason today. It was odd. He loved to talk, but he avoided all people in the hall. He just wasn't in the mood.

He got to his class; no one was in there. "Good." He thought to himself "I can be alone for a little more." He stepped to his desk, and settled in. Today was going to be an easy day, because he was going to be out tomorrow. He was a junior, and was looking forward to the next year when he would only have to go half the day, if he could get a job. If not, he would have to go a full day. He didn't like that idea, so he would try to get a job. He pulled out a book to read. It was a book that was about a man being thrown out of his town for something he believed. It was sort of like the Joan of Ark story, but he got thrown out. And he was king. It was strange, but he liked it. It didn't have a cover on it, because it was old, and the title wasn't on the pages that shown. He started to get into the book, but he was interrupted by a male voice. A new one...

"Excuse me, but is this seat taken?" It was Brian from the Swim team. He was a nice kid, but Dan never got to know the kid. Dan wasn't a swimmer, or football player. He didn't do sports period. He was in band, jazz band, and played the keyboard. He loved the keyboard, because he could make it dance like no one else could. He loved it. He looked at the kid with interest. It was odd that he would switch classes so late, but considering that this was homeroom, it was ok.

"No.." Dan started to say, "You can sit there if you want."

"Thanks!" Brian took a seat quickly. He has a long body, and was musically. He has brown hair, and his eyes, were a dark brown color. The color that would make anyone go mad! But it was a soft look in them.

"My name is Brian." He said offering his hand; "I am on the swim.."

" Yea I know." Dan said taking his hand. There was something with this touch that set him off. He wasn't sure but it did. "I am Dan. I am in Jazz Band, and play the keyboard. Do you play an instrument?"

"Actually I do. I play the sax, but I don't want to take time to learn songs, so I don't. Do you like it?" Brian had started to stare deep into Dan's eyes. Not taking them from his.

"Um..yea...I...Know what you mean..." Dan started to get nervous. He never before had a guy stare at him so deeply. "Yes..I do." He shot out again. Brian realizing that he was getting edge looked the other way. He went into his bag and pulled out a book. It was the book that everyone was reading at the time. It was being assigned by the English teachers as required reading. It was The Color Purple.

"Do you like that book?" Dan asked with some new interest.

"Yea. It is ok. I have read better but it is ok right now. I really don't like to read. How about you?"

"Yea. I should read that book, but I don't like it. So I just read what I want to read. I am reading Sir Howlet."

"Hum. Heard of it. Never read it. Supposed to be good."

"Yea it is.." he then proceeded to tell Brian about what it is about. The bell rang for class to start and more people came into the room. There weren't many people in this homeroom class. Everyone always went some were else. Brian and Dan continued to talk. They seemed to hit it off pretty well. Soon the end of the period rang. Dan got up and shouldered his bag. He started to walk out, but Brian stopped him.

"Um..Dan would you like to come over tonight?"

"Sure. I will have to call my mom, but I think so. We were going to go up to Grandparents, but most likely not."

"Cool. Well, I will met you after school, at the lion at the front entrance, the one on the right."

"Cool! See you then." He started to walk off, and Dan watched him go. "Odd. He just met me and he wants me over to his house. COOL!" As he started to walk away two, he thought of the lion. How it had a tear on its eye. He wondered why it was like that. He wasn't sure, and started to walk further down. He knew Brian had a car, and maybe he could get a lift from him to his house to see if his mom would let him go. He continued on to his second class a little more cheerful. He had made a friend. A new one and one that was know threw out the school.

What Next?

It had already started to storm, and it was snowing hard. Dan was sitting at the edge of the lion, and waiting for Brian. He was looking at the lion with intent. The water was gone, but now was just a flake of snow here and there. But still he could see were the water was. He thought hard about it. How it caught his attention the first time. It was like it had been crying for some reason, but the lion only knew it. He was busy looking at the lion when he felt two arms going around him.

"What the..." he started to say but was quickly cut off.

"Don't worry. It is just me. I am playing with you." He smiled, and showed a row of fine teeth. He just laughed, "Come on, let's go. Did you get permission from your mother on if you could go or not?"

"I was wondering if you could just drive me by my house and see if I could go."

"Sure thing. Were you live?"

"112 3rd Street."

"That cool. I live only 2 blocks down, on Laken Wood" Brian said in delight, "Lets go, it is getting cold out here!"

They walked to Brains car. It was a nice one. It was new two.

"You have a nice car."

"Not mine. Parents. Mine is in the shop. They were going to throw a fit about it, but they said 'well maybe you can find a nice girl'" he said in a mocking tone.

The got in and started on there way. Dan and Brian became quite quiet on the rest of the way. They pulled up into the driveway to Dan's house, he got out, and ran inside. five minutes later, he came running back out, smiling. "She said I could. We aren't going to my grandparents. They have shut down the interstate. We're stuck here!"

"Cool!" Brian said. He started the car again, and they started on their way to his house. Laken Wood Lane was a place were people of wealthy background lived. So Dan took it that he was going to be in a nice house. And he was right. Brian pulled into a driveway that was right in front of a nice two-story house.

"My parents are away, and we have the house all to ourselves." He smiled, and got out. They both walked to the door. Almost hand in hand. Brian bit the tip of his lip. Dan didn't see this because it was all done before it had started. Brian opened the door, and let Dan in. He followed behind him.

"Hold on k?" Brian quickly said, "You can go into the livingroom if you want, I need to check the answering machine."

"Cool." Dan started to walk in the direction the Brian had pointed to. Along the way he realized that there were pictures of rain forest along the wall. Along with pictures of foreign great places. Pyramids of Egypt. The Great Wall of China. Easter Island. All seemed to be big pictures of small photos. He stopped to look at the Sphinx for a little.

"Interesting aren't they?" Brian came up behind him, "My parents love to travel. We are going to go back to Egypt this summer again. I don't want to go, and my mom said I didn't have to if I could find someone to stay with." With this he sighed rather loudly.

"Why do you sigh when you say that?" Dan asked with more interest. This was the first he has sighed the whole time.

"Oh. It is just that I don't...have any friends"

"But you are so popular!"

"Yeah I know, but I don't have any friends that I trust really well. All the people I am with only want to be popular two. They hang with me because if they do, then they will become somewhat popular. They are what I call "air friends." He looked sad at this.

"I will be your friend. And not just to get popular. Personally I hate the being "known" routine. It isn't what I think is great."

"Really??" Brian sorta perked at this, "Cool."

"Anyway. I'm hungry? Where's the kitchen?"

"You are moving in?" he said laughing, "It is this way. Come on!"

He started to walk down one hall and down another. They came to what was thought to have been a big kitchen by Dan, but it was a small one. Compared to the house, it was small.

"What you want? There is almost anything you want." Brian said opening the fridge.

"Can I just have some cookies? I don't want a four course meal." He said laughing.

"Some day you will have to come over for dinner." He said this with a smile. He closed the fridge and went to the cabinet. Pulled out some cookies, and handed four to Dan, and kept four for himself. He then got out two cokes.

"Come on, I will show you my room." When he said this he seemed to get nervous, "You are gonna be the first person besides my parents to step into my room."

"Cool." He followed Brian up the stairs to the second level. They walked to the end of the hall were a door stood. Brian stopped him before they entered.

"Please don't be mad at me..." He said. He bit his lip once again, "Remember you are the first to go in..." Dan eyed him oddly.

"OK! I won't. I promise."

Slowly Brian opened his door. He wasn't to excited about this, but if he was to be friends with Dan he needed to be open with him. He finally gave the door one finally push, and it swung open. Dan started to walk into the room, and looked at Brian whose face had fallen to the floor. "He is acting weird..." Dan thought to himself. He walked in, and fell into silence. He stood at the door, and looked around. What he saw wasn't the "normal" sight that was to great a person upon entering the room of a 17-year-old teenage boy. There wasn't a picture of some hot actress or some hot super model. That is the way Dan had his room anyway. But instead on the walls were pictures of men. Men without shirts. Men that were models. He just looked at them all. And he stood there.

He heard a thump behind him, and then crying.

"Brian?" he turned around, and saw him curled up, crying. Hard. He looked at him, and walked over to him. "Brain? What is the matter??"

"" he said sniffing, "You can leave if you want to, but please don't tell people at the school, or anyone."

"Why do you say I hate you? Because you like guys?" Dan sat down next to Brian, and pulled him close, "I still want to be your friend. You took a chance of me getting mad, and that I admire. I still want to be your friend."

"Really?" he stopped crying and looked at him, "I thought you wouldn't like it when I put my arms around you."

"Oh no. I didn't mind. I knew you were joking. And I am the only one to know right?"

"Besides my parents. Yes."

"Well, Brian, my friend, let us still be friends, and I don't care if you are gay or not. I will still like you." With this he smiled, and picked up Brian off the floor, and they walked into Brains room.

The News

Brian and Dan were sitting in Brains room. Dan was sitting in a chair right in front of Brian. Brian was still sniffing now and then. He was looking at the floor still. Unable to look Dan right in the face.

"So you are gay?"

"Yes. I am. I knew since I was 11. I knew that I was different, and that I found men more attractive then women.. My parents weren't too happy with gays, so I didn't tell them. I knew they would kick me out. Or so I thought. I got really depressed and I almost killed myself. Lucky for me, I had a good friend that lived in another town. I moved here when I was 14, and she helped me threw it. Gave me the courage to tell my parents. So I did. I told them, and they were ok with it. So they let me live this way. I put these pictures up in my room. Don't know why, but I guess because here I could be myself. I have dated girls because I didn't want people to think I was gay. But I wouldn't do a girl, because I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to get hard. So I didn't. I just told them I didn't want to, and they were cool. I soon found out all they wanted was sex, so they dumped me. So that is most of my story."

"Well, I feel honored that you were the first to tell me. Is that why you were so nervous?"

"Yes. That is the reason why."

"Anything else?"

"Well...yes." Brian said again. He seemed like he was going to cry.

"What is it? You can tell me."

"Well. I...There is a reason why I transferred so late into your homeroom class."

"Oh? Hum. What was it?"

" you." Brian just broke down crying.

"Well. Hum. That is cool" he just went over and put his hand over Brian, and held him close, " I am not mad at you. You are cool, and I still want to be friends with you."


"Yes. It isn't a big deal."

"Oh, but you aren't gay!"

"That is true, but you liking me is OK with me." Dan started to chuckle, "Actually. I am glad you told me." He smiled.

"Are you sure you are ok with that?"

"Yes. I am!" he just held him closer to help comfort him.

With that they stayed like that for more then 20 minuets. Dan held Brian to comfort him. After Brian calmed down, he got up and walked out of the room.

"I will be right back. I need to go to the bathroom." Brain said, and walked to the bathroom. Dan sat at the bed until he returned thinking of what was said, and wondering what to do. He didn't hate him, but he wasn't sure what to do. He could hear Brian peeing. And he started to think about him. Dan never had a thought of another guy in his mind in his life! He had girl friends, but never slept with them. He sat and started to see Brian, as he walked into the room that morning. He started to get hard. And he was getting excited thinking about him. Brian hadn't returned yet, but he heard the toilet flushing. I guess that is what you got when the bathroom was only one room down. He wasn't sure what to do.

"Ok. I am back. I am better now." He smiled at Dan, "Thanks."

"Sure thing." With that Dan started to get flushed, "Um. Can you come sit down here for a minute?"

"Sure thing, what you need?" Brian walked to the bed, and sat down on his leg. That was the most comfortable position that he could get into. And also he could face Dan better. Now it was his turn to listen, and he was paying attention.

"Ok. Well you know I am straight. I have gone out with girls before. Right?"

"Yeah. I understand, and I will do my best to stop liking you. You are now a friend. My only friend!"

"Well. That is the problem. While you were away, I started to think about you, and, I started to get hard. I think I like you. I might be bi. But I don't know. How do I know if I am?"

"Hmm. Well you get hard thinking of girls?"

"Yes. And now I get hard thinking of you. But only you!"

"Hmm. Well, what ever you feel, it cool with me."

"But, what if I want these feelings? I never slept with a girl before. What if I am gay, and just didn't realize it?"

"Well you do have a problem. I don't really know what to tell you about it. But what would you like to do about it?"

Dan sat thinking. He wasn't sure what to do. He didn't want to jump to anything, but now he had a hard on, and didn't know what to do. He sat thinking. He looked at all the posters on the wall, and then he thought back to Brian. He looked a Brian. His look was caring. Not wanting to take advantage of what was happening.

Brian himself realized that maybe he had opened some thoughts that were there all the time, but it was just hard to accept them for Dan himself. But he wasn't going to press anything. He would support him no matter what. He hoped that there would be something happened. But he wasn't sure it would. He sat there, and was waiting for what Dan wanted.

Dan was coming to a conclusion. He knew these feelings might be just temporary, and they might last. But he wasn't sure. He didn't want to bring the hopes up of his new friend. "I think, I will wait. I don't want to come to any conclusions just yet. And I don't want to hurt you if they turn out to just be a mood I am in. I am sorry, but we will just have to wait."

"That is cool. I understand."

"But, I would like to ask you something."

"What would that be?"

"Can I kiss you?"

"Yes. If you want to." Dan sat looking at Brian, for a long look. He looked into his deep eyes of care. Knew that no matter what, Brian would be his friends. He slowly leaned forward, and he put his lips to those of Brian. Dan opened his mouth as Brian did also. He slowly stuck his tongue into the mouth of Brian. Explored it, and felt the tongue of Brian slip into his. They both exchanged tongues. Dan broke it after a while.

"What is happening?" he asked out loud, "What am I doing?"

"I am sorry." Brian said standing up, "It is my fault, I got carried away. I am sorry."

"No." Dan said stopping him, "You did nothing! I started it! And you have nothing to be sorry for." He stood up and walked to were Brian was standing. "Brian, I think I like you two."

"Really?" Brian turned to him, "You aren't saying this to get rid of that bone are you?"

"No. I like you. I think it might last. But if it doesn't will you be ok?"

"I suppose so. As before, you are my only friend, and I think that I will be ok with it."

"Well then," he said stepping closer to Brian, "I think then.." he didn't finish. He grabbed Brian, and started to kiss him again.

They walked to the bed slowly. Brian directing Dan. He laid him down on the bed, and climbed on top of him. He could feel Dan's dick against his. He started to feel Dan's chest, and felt his chest. He could see that he had already started to breathe quickly.

Kissing him still Dan stared to slip the shirt off of Brian. He could see the smooth out lines of his body. They were so defined, and he started to rub his hands on Brains body. He was nice and warm. Not hot, or yet anyway. He put his hands down Brains pants, and could feel the hard dick that Brian had. That he was feeling. He broke kiss with Brian, and got up.

"What is the matter? I thought you were liking it." Brian said in a worried tone. He didn't want to have done anything wrong.

"Oh I am loving it. But I want to get your meat into me." He got up and took off Brains pants, and shorts. Now Brains dick was fully exposed. It was a complete 7.5 inches long. He beheld it, and felt Brains balls. He leaned over and started to engulf the big monster. He licked it from the base, on up. He tickled the head with his tongue. Brian started to moan. Dan knew he hit the good spot. He moved over it, and swallowed 6 of the 7.5 inches. He tired to get more in, but he started to gag. He sucked on it like it was a baby bottle. The pre-cum, started to leak out a little, and he licked it up. It was a sweet type of taste. It wasn't bad. He never tasted his, so he never knew what it was like. He continued on. Brian continued to moan loudly. He kept saying over and over "YEA! YEA! SUCK! SUCK!" He moaned louder and louder. Dan was feeling his balls and felt them put in a little and knew that he was about to cum. He wasn't sure if wanted this, but decided to try it. He sucked harder. Brian screamed in delight, and a spray of cum shot into Dan's mouth. One, two, three, four sprays shot into Dan's mouth. Dan's mouth dripped with cum, and he swallowed what he could.

Brian moved over and licked what he could out off of his mouth. It was dripping with his own sweet seed, and he licked it up. Dan had continued to swallow that last of it. It tasted good, and he loved it.

"Oh that was good." He said licking his lips.

"You haven't had anything yet." He smiled. He pulled off Dan's shirt, and pulled down his shorts. He then pulled his underwear down, and reviled the 6-inch hard on that Dan had had. "We are going to have to take care of that." He reached under his bed, and pulled out some lube. He rubbed it onto Dan's dick. "Ok, now ram me with it."

"Ram you?"

"Yea butt fuck me."

Dan looked down and saw that it was all greased up. Dan bent over and his ass hole was open. Dan moved over and slid his dick in. Brian breathed in deep. "Oh that is good" Brian said. "Now go!"

Dan started to pump his meat inside of Brian. Over and over again. He wasn't sure what he was going to do when he cam. He started to breathe hard. He moaned, and so did Brian. Brian was once again hard. But he didn't want to cum. He wanted to cum in Brains ass. "I AM GONNA CUM!!" Dan screamed. Brian rammed his ass against Dan's dick, and could feel the gushing cum flow into his ass. His virgin ass. He never had this experience. But it was great.

After he was sure that Dan was finished, he turned and told Dan it was his turn. Dan bent of and, he could hear Brian put lube on his dick. He was ready for his ass to receive the meat of his friend. He braced as Brian stuck his 7-inch monster into his ass. Dan screamed, but requested to keep going. Finally all 7.5 inches were in him. He loved the feeling. He felt the monster being pulled in and out, in and out, and it didn't take long for Brains own juicy seed to flow into him. He loved it. Brian pulled out and started to kiss Dan. He could still taste his cum in Dan's mouth. Then they lay down, and went to sleep till Brains mother had returned from her job.

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Next: Chapter 2

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