Brian and Dan

By Matt Paine

Published on Jan 1, 2000


I suppose I should tell you but this is a continuing story. Should have told you that in the first one, but I didn't. Sorry

The Next New Adventure

Dan slow opened his eyes. He started to get up, and realized that he had his head on Brains chest. He turned on his back, slowly so as not to wake his partner from a sleep he needed. He looked towards the wall and saw that they had been asleep for a little over 3 hours. He looked up at the ceiling were he saw a picture of the pop Latin singer Ricky Martian. He sighed to himself. He now felt whole. He wasn't missing anything that he felt when he was with a girl.

He looked back to Brian, with the smile on his face. He laughed silently. His new friend, and his new partner, was now his lover. He was content with this, and hoped that it wouldn't leave him.

"BRIAN!" a voice from below came to Dan's ears. "BRIAN? YOU HEAR?"

"Oh SHIT!" Dan's voice said as low as he could, "Brian, Brian, wake up! Your mother is home!"

"Hum..?" Brian said in a moan, "Who? Where? What?"

"Your mother! She is home from work!"

"Ohh. Ok." He didn't seem to alarmed. He just got up, and started to get dressed. He looked over at Dan, "I don't think you want to met my mom like that." He started to laugh.

"BRIAN!" his mother yelled again. She started to come up the stairs.

"I AM HERE MOM! I WILL BE OUT IN A MIN!" he called back to here.


"What would you like to eat babes?" he looked over at Dan getting dressed.

"I don't care. What ever works for you."

"I DON'T CARE. WHAT EVER WORKS FOR YOU!" he said just as Dan had said. He laughed as he pulled socks on. "You don't have to wear your shoes. That is if you don't want to."

"Cool." He just pulled socks on, and walked out with Brian.

They walked down the stairs to were his mother was cooking. "Oh I see you have a friend over. Hi." She smiled at him.

"Hi Mrs. Smarth. My name is Dan. I don't mean to intrude."

"Oh you aren't. You are the first friend that Brian has had over. So it is ok. Are you going to stay for dinner? Oh yea. Call me Barbara."

"Ok. Barbara. Got it. Sure if it is ok. I will need to call my mom thou."

"Sure the phone is over in the living room. Go ahead and call." Brian walked out and left Brian and his mom talking. He couldn't make out what was being said, but he was sure it wasn't bad. After all his family already knew about him, and so it shouldn't have come as a big surprise. He dialed his mom, and told her were he was going to be. She said it was fine, and the said there good byes. He walked back to the kitchen, and their Brian came running back, and hugged him. Not just hugged him, but picked him up and twirled around.

"BRIAN! You know it isn't good to do that in here!"

"Sorry Mom."

"Anyway. I am sure you are embarrassing the poor boy!" She could see that his face was turning red. "It ok sweetie. I already know. Brian told me about it. It is ok. As long as you are sure about this, I am!"

Dan smiled at this, and took a seat were Brian offered it. He looks at his mother cook. She was fast, but she wasn't sure what she was fixing. Whatever it was it smelled good.

"So," Brains mom said without turning around, "Are you out to your parents?"

"Um..Actually, I just came out to my self." With that he laughed.

"What do you mean?" she turned at this and looked at him with interest.

"Well to tell the truth, Brian is the first person that has ever made me feel like it. He himself had a hard time telling me he was gay. He even cried about it. But it was ok. I was ok with it. Then I started to see him differently, and so I suppose I am BI, or gay. Never had sex with a girl yet."

"Hum. Well are you going to tell your parents?" She started to sit but jumped back up. The food needed tending to.

"Well. I don't think so. I mean they aren't that nice to people that they know are gay. So I am not sure. But I do like, or love I should say, Brian, I probably will." With this he turned to Brian. "But what if..." He started to tear up, "What if they don't like it? What if they throw me out? What will I do?"

"Well we will cross that bridge when we get there." Brains mother answered for him. She had two plates in here hand, and placed them in front of the boys. Dan eyed it. He never saw this before. It was a hard shell type thing, with massed beans, and cheese, and lettuce and meat, and avocado dip.

"Um...what is this?" with that Brian started to laugh.

"You never had Mexican food?" He looked at Dan with interest.

"Nope. What is it?"

"It is a tostado. They are good try it." Brian said taking a bit. "And the shell is a taco shell, but it is flat."

"Ahh. Ok!" He took the food and started to eat. It was good, and he had a second of it. There was enough.

"We have international food all the time. That is why we like to travel!" His mother said with interest, "Now then. Back to your problem."

"Yes. What will I do?"

"You can stay with us if you wish. But they shouldn't kick you out. They are your parents, and they do love you."

"Ok. Can Brian come with me just incase? I want to tell them tonight."

"Sure. But it isn't a good idea to tell them with him sitting there next to you. You might send him up to your room first, and then tell them."

"Hum. Ok. Sounds good!" he said with a nervous laugh. He wasn't going to like this part, but he was going to have to do it. He wanted to be free with Brian. And without his parents knowing, he couldn't allow them to find out from people at school. That wouldn't be good. He just continued to eat.

After they had finished eating the retired to the living room to decide what to do if in fact they did kick him out. He would come to live with Brian until his parents came to there sense and accepted him. Then they would wait till college, and see what they do then.

Please send all comments, suggestions, or just plain want to send me something, send it to subject line: Dan and Brian

Next: Chapter 3

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