Brian and Dan

By Matt Paine

Published on Jan 2, 2000


The Truth

More or less the trip home was quite. Neither Dan nor Brian spoke. Dan was busy with figuring out how to tell his own parents. He was wondering how in the world Brian came out. From what he had told him he just started to get posters of hot men and finally his parents just asked if he was, and he told them. He said it was easier for them to ask then for him to tell. At that moment Dan wished he could have his own parents ask, but that wasn't possible. Somehow he knew they would accept it, but if they didn't he was sure he would have a home. He wanted to know that he could be open with the kids at school. He just wanted to be able to show his love for Brian without worrying about his own parents being stunned and hating him for not telling him.

As they pulled into the driveway of Dan's house. Dan started to panic. He knew this wasn't going to be easy, and he wished that he could just run and hide. He had always been taught that being gay was a choice and not something that happened. As he saw it this was the first time he had ever had these feelings, but he always knew something was missing in his life. He had gone out with dozens and dozens, well not quite, he liked to exaggerate that point a lot, but still he had been with girls, and he just wasn't happy with it. He finally realized that maybe he was happier when he was with his guy friends then with his lady friends. Maybe this was just something he didn't want to admit because he knew that his parent wouldn't like it to well.

They walked to the door were Brian put a hand on the back of Dan as they paused before entering in. "It will be fine" Brian whispered into Dan's ear. "I shall always love you" With that he kissed his ear, and Dan opened the door. Or tired to. The door was looked, which was odd for this time of night. He always had a key to get in, and so he pulled it out. He opened the door, finally, and walked in.

"MOM? DAD? YOU HOME?" There was no answer. He checked the kitchen and the back rooms just to make sure that they weren't home. "Looks like there isn't anyone home. We will wait. Is that ok?"

"Sure thing. Where can we wait?" He looked around his house. It was a nice house. It had the old fashioned design of wood. Not the modern clay design type design. That was boring. He liked this house, and hoped that he could enter it again. He also hoped that his friend could stay here for as long as need be till he had to leave for his own life. But that wasn't a thing cut in stone, or not yet anyway.

"We can wait in the living room." He pointed to the living room. There was a big 60'' TV siting on the far wall. Brian was impressed. He didn't even have this size of TV. Wow was about the size of it. He sat down. But Dan just didn't sit. He started to walk back and forth. Back and forth.

"Please come sit next to me Dan?" Brian pleaded with his friend. "PLEASE??"

"W-w-would-d you like a drink?" Dan asked in a dry tone, "I am thirsty. Are you?"

"Yea. I suppose so. Do you got ginger ale?"

"Yea. Sure. Hold on." He walked to the kitchen. Brian sat thinking. Hum. This wasn't going to be as easy as he thought. Dan was acting strange. He never heard of this before. He was hyperventilating more then was normal in a situation were you think you did something wrong but you never really did.

He stared out the bay windows onto the street. It was a nice night. No clouds and the stars were bright. This was a nice part of town because there wasn't a lot of streetlights to blur the vision. He loved the stars. Looked to them for comfort. He liked this view...

There was a loud thump on the floor from the kitchen. Brian moved quickly to the kitchen, and found that Dan had fainted. He didn't really know what to do. He quickly found a phone, and dialed 9-1-1. He wasn't sure if Dan would regain or not, but he didn't want to take a chance with it. He was hopping that the operator would help.

One ring. Two ring. Click.

"911. How may I help you." Came the ladies voice.

"Yea. My friend just fainted and I don't know what to do!" He was panicking.

"Ok, sir. May I have your address please?"

"Um...I don't know the address but we live on Lanken Wood. The third house down from 1st street on the left."

"Ok. Ambulance is on the way. I need you to check his signs and stay on the phone with me so that I can help you."

"OK." He was starting to get really nervous. What had happened? Had he done something to cause this, or just the tension and the stress just got to him. He kept thinking over and over in his mind, "Oh God, please don't let anything happen to him" over and over in his mind. He was able to find out from the operator how to check that he was breathing and to see if his heart was going. Luckily they were slow, but still there and nothing was needed. Soon he heard the sounds of the siren. He wasn't sure if they would get to the right house, so he ran outside and turned on the outside light and started to wave.

With in the next hour they were at the hospital, with an IV in his arm. Still his parents had gotten home. Brian had called his mom and taken care of what she could. The doctors said that he would be ok, but he fainted for some stress, and nervousness. That was the only thing that could have caused it. But it was a good thing they did bring him in. His blood pressure was really low, and he wasn't breathing well. So they would keep him in the hospital. Still over and over they tried to call Dan's parents. With no luck.

Next: Chapter 4

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