Brian and Dan

By Matt Paine

Published on Mar 2, 2000


Night Fall

It was getting dark when they got home. They both were glad to be able to get out and get back up to bed. Boy it was nice. When they had gotten done over at what used to be Dan's house, they went to eat, and ice cream. That was the first since that night in the hospital when he had told his parents that he was gay.

At first they said that it would be just a phase, and that he moved to quickly on feelings that weren't natural. But he insisted that it wasn't to fast and that it was who he was. They didn't appreciate it and so the just stormed out and that was it.

Not the two boys were up in Brian bedroom. Not that Dan was feeling better he was feeling more frisky. He wanted some action. They crawled into Brian's bed with just their underwear on. The came to each other and held each other close. They could each feel the hard on from the other. The embraced in a kiss and started to rub each other.

Before they could get into anything there was a knock on the door. The jumped apart and just lay with their arms around each other. "Sorry to bother you boys..." Brian's father was starting to say then realized that he had jumped in on something. "Um...sorry. I will see you two in the morning." With that he laughed and walked out.

"Maybe we shouldn't do this..." Dan started to say. He wasn't exactly excited that Rob had walked in on them. He was actually starting to get red in the face from embraced.

"No." he stayed coming closer again and starting to run his hands down to the waistband of his partners boxers. "It doesn't matter. He has known all along since we first did it. He doesn't care. You do love me don't you?"

"Yes I love you, and never want you to leave me!" he whispered back into Brian's ear. He felt the tug of his boxers being wanted to be pulled down. He moved a little to allow them to come off freely. His dick popped up in anticipation that it would be excited tonight. His ass twitched to the wanting of something inside it. Dan was happy once more.

They stayed there for a while like that. Just kissing. Finally Dan took the incentive to head down to the lump of hair and the prize that waited for him. He ran his hands up and down the legs of Brian, sending chills up the back of Brian. It was a great feeling. Soon he felt the head of his friend's cock coming to a stand, and he took it into his mouth. He sucked like it was the best candy in the world. And to him with the pre-cum dripping inside his mouth it was like candy. He continued to suck. He started to feel Brian move around, and realized he was heading for his own man hood. He felt the warm heat from the mouth of Brian. It felt good. He kept sucking harder and hard, tickling the tip of Brian's cock with his tongue.

Soon he felt the surge of the cock's head, and he could tell it was time. He engulfed the head of it into his mouth. And waited for the hot cum to stream into his mouth. And it came. And it came. Over and over again. 4 full gushes into his mouth. It was the best thing he had ever tasted in his life. He soon felt himself ready to cum. And he wasn't about to hold it in. He just let it run and let it flow heap after heap into the mouth of his loving partner.

He turned again to face Brain. There was a small drip of his hot cum on the lower lip. He reached over and took it and placed it in his own mouth.

"Hum...I taste better then you."

"You proud little man." With that they laughed and went to bed. It was already 11:00 and they had school the next day, and considering the fact that Dan hadn't gotten a good night sleep. So they soon feel asleep. Naked and in each other's arms. For the first time in 4 days Brian had seen his friend smile like he did when he first walked into that classroom. It was great.


Sitting next to each other in the kitchen Brian and Dan looked quite nervous. This was going to be the first time that they would be in school, not as just friend's overnight, but more as lovers over night. The school wasn't ready for this. Or so they felt.

"Lets keep it low for a while ok?" Dan said in a nervous tone. He loved Brian and would rather be with him in hate then be away from him in love. But he knew Brian would have a harder time with people because of the fact that he was a "jock." That was the rule of thumb. NEVER be gay and be in athletics.

"Why shouldn't we let the world know that we are in love?" Brain knew already what the reasons were for this concern but he still didn't understand it. He would manage somehow. Even if that meant quitting all the sports he loved. It was a small price to pay. And he even knew that it would come to this sooner or later, and he had to accept this. But Dan was another story.

"Because I don't want you to be hurt. That is all. You will be the target in those locker rooms!"

"Then I will quite. No harm done. I mean you love me, and I love you. So I don't see why I have to put up such trials for love. It doesn't seem right, so I will quite. Simple as that."

"But you LOVE sports. You would die..."

"I would die with out you my love." And with that he kissed him on the check and ran up stairs to get something he had in mind for his friend. Before he climbed up the stairs he stopped and turned around. "And don't think about following me! I have something for you." He ran the rest of the way up staris and came back down. "Here you go." He was smiling.

He held out his hand and in it held a box that looked like a jewelry box. Velvet on the outside. Dan looked at him really odd. "What is this?"

"Well when you were in the hospital, I made a quick run to get you this. Hope you like it." He handed the box to him. "I hope you like it."

Dan sat down at the table again. It was almost time to go to school. He slowly opened the box. Inside was a gold necklace with a heart on the end of it. But the heart was only half a heart. "Where's the other half Brian?" he slowly looked up, and dangling from the fingers of Brian was the other half. "Ah. There it would be." He started to laugh, and then cried.

"What the matter don't you like it?"

"Yes. I love it! I love you!!!" and he jumped up and hugged him. "I will always ware it were ever I go!"

They kissed quickly and went out the door. They had to get to school quickly. It was almost time for the tardy bell to ring.


"There will be an assembly today in the Gym for the swim team to wish them luck on their semi-finals in. We would like all students to be there. If you do not wish to attend, report to the following rooms. 9th and 10th go to room 9. Grades 11 and 12 report to room 30. We will release you in a few minuets by grades." The principal was making this announcement first thing in the morning.

"Did you know anything about this Brian?" Dan looked over to him.

"Nope. Know nothing about it." He shrugged and went back to his work. Dan felt to his chest and felt the heart underneath his shirt. He was happy that the other half was on Brian. It was a good sign. So far no one had heard word about them. Yet. And he didn't care as long as Brian did. He felt sad that Brian might be forced to leave the swim team and all other sports on his account.

"Will 9th Grade report to the far right south side of the Gym!"

The halls became a roar as the classes let out. It was going to be a fun assembly. Dan always had hated them because they gave him a headache. He normally went to the assigned room to just do homework, but this time he would go because Brian would be there and anytime he could see him, he would.

"Will the 10th grade report to the far left south side of the Gym!"

The halls became even louder. They would wait to call out the 11th and 12th grade when the halls were more quite.

"Will the 11th and 12th graders please report to the north side of the Gym!"

This was the easy part was getting a seat on the North side. You got to sit were you wanted and had somewhat better seats. Sometimes there would be under class man there, but still it was ok.

They both made their way to the Gym. Every once in awhile touching each other. But just like little bumps to make it look like it was an accident. They reached the Gym and took their seats close to the top. They schools band started to play the school song with everyone clapping and singing along as usual. Dan just sat there. He didn't like the song. Brian for that matter was up and singing, because he loved his sports. A sport that he might have to give up on the account of a person he loves.

The bad stopped playing and the Principal came out. The gym hushed up as quickly as it got loud.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. We welcome you to the 2000-2001 assembly to wish our Swim Team who has done a fine job this year, and have moved there way to the top of the schools as the top swim team. We wish them luck and hope they have a good time tonight as they try once again to make it higher then this school has gone before. As you see before us today the parents of these fine athletes are with us today also as a sign of honor to the parents who helped these outstanding young adults go as far as they have. We also want to award them these blue flowers. They symbolize the water. Along with the red flower as a sign of the courage that is in these boys. Followed by a Green flower as a sign that they are the inspiration behind these young men and young women. We will have the JR ROTC passes these out now."

Just as the principal finished her speech the JR ROTC stepped out, and the lights dimmed. The gym was still quite. Three spots from the ceiling came on, each one a different color. One for each color of rose that was given. The band started up to play a soft melody for the young soldiers to hand out the flowers. The parents were seated on the gym floor. The flowers were handed out.

The principle walked up to the podium at this time, and all lights went out as well. Only a single light stayed on.

"We now would like for the two captions to come down and give a short speech on there sport. Captians."

This was the signal that was expected by Brian. He grabed the hand next to him and leaned over to whisper something to him. "I am doing it now."


But it was to late. Brian was already on his way down to give his speech. The other was already down giving his note on the team.

"...has been a great year. But we wouldn't be were we are today if it hadn't been for one guy on this team. He has pushed us father then we thought we could go. And that my friends I Brian!"

There was a loud cheer for him as he walked up the podum he grabed both sides. He looked up at his frend. Dan nodded and gave his approvel of what he was going to do.

"My fellow school mates. It is hard for me to get up today and take credit for something that I didn't do at all. I want to give the credit to ALL the team members. They are the ones that allowed themselves to go were they were going. We are all responsible for each other. Your chears for me might turn it boos and scorns for what I am about to say. First I want to have all the swim team on the floor before me."

He paused to allow this to happen. He started to waver were he was. Sweat started to run down his face. He was feeling like he was saying good bye to his parents.

"My friends this is your team that will be taking you to the state finales. I will not be joing them this year."

This was followed by not boos but by wondering little conversations. It was amazing how such a thing could be so quite.

"Such a shock as I see it to you. But I am sorry I must quite the swim team. I am not doing this to hurt it. To get back at someone. But I am doing it on what my swim mates might feel towards me. Exspecial the male ones. You see I havn't been honest for the longest time. But I must make this announcment before it gets to people who will spread it and it will be in the wrong hands when I don't want it in the wrong hands." with that he just looked at Dan and everone one else just disappered, "in love with the most betuiful person in the whole world." Dan smiled when he said this, and he just nodded that it was ok. "and this persons name is Dan."

With that the whole school started in an uproar. Brian lifted his hands to hush them and they did amazingly. The were more surprised that he could still hold up his hands in this fashion with out being scared that someone might make rude comments to him. No one said a thing to him.

"Yes. I am gay. I have been for quite a long time." He steped away from the podum and just stood next to it. Slowly the other captian, whose name was Amanda, called all the other team mates around her. They had a quick confrence and she steppted away from them. She walked over to him and grabed his hand and led him back to the stand.

"Well Brian. We have just done a quick confrence, and we feel that even though you are gay, we feel that it isn't fair for you to have to quite the team because of it. You have helped lead us to were we are, and YOU will finish with us this year. This is your last year. This is my last year. Let us make this our BEST year here!" At this announcment the school uproared into a loud cheer. Brian looked around, and saw that not everone was cheering. There were a few who didn't approve of this. And he knew it was that. He was sure he would get to know the ones who were agianst him, but for now, it would be were it is. He was happy.

"OH YEA!" Amand broke the crowd, "If there is anyone here who dons't like this idea, will have to go THREW ME!!!" This caused an loud laughter to fill the gym. Brain looked at the place with which Dan was sitting, and saw a tear in his eye. There was a different feeling now to him. He had been rejected by his parents. But his classmates would still be with him.

Next: Chapter 7

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