Brian and Dan

By Matt Paine

Published on May 26, 2000


Real quick before I get into the next chapter of this story. I am sorry that it has taken me so LONG to get the next edition out, but I have been super super busy. I have been busy now, but I have decided that maybe the best way to relax would be for me to write this some more. I am sorry for all of you who come back again and again to see I have anything more to post. But now there is something new. So let's get on with the Chapter 9!

The Club

Perchance it was just more then nerves that were getting on Dan's mind. It could be just that, but in his mind he couldn't stop thinking about what was in Brian's dream. He had never been the superstitious type, but this one kept bugging him over and over again.

Monday came, and they had to go back to school. There were only a couple of months to go, and they were looking forward to the ability to just spend time alone without the whole school breathing down their neck. It wasn't uncommon for them to walk down the hall and hear the words "Hey fags. Do any fudge packing lately???" This wasn't common anymore but they happened at least once a day from the same people over and over again.

As usual the day started off to be just normal. They had to go to Homeroom together, and sit threw that class again. They loved to piss of the teacher by holding hands or sitting in each other's laps. The other kids thought it was cute. They even told them that they were glad that they found each other. The teach just told them, "I can't tell you if I am happy for you or not, but I can tell you to get your own seats, and do some work!" This was just his way of saying he approved. He did that with everyone that acted like that.

As the day came to a close, and the hand started to move towards the number three, an intercom call was made for Dan and Brain to go to the front office. They were needed for something. This was odd, since they hadn't done anything wrong or "illegal" unless it turned overnight that being in love was.

They slowly made their way to the front office. But instead of being called into the principals' office, they were standing in front of Tom and Amanda.

"Hey Amanda!" Brian said out loud. Then he saw Tom, and just stopped dead in his tracks. "Hi Tom." He just muttered.

"What??" Tom looked shocked. "AHH. I understand what this is all about. I mean I did kinda act rude to you. Well I wasn't going to but I decide I had better. All my other friends were, and if I didn't they would start to call me fag and all that, and I can't take that." He chuckled to himself. "Not that I am mind you, but I do have a reputation."

"Huh?" Dan just looked at Tom with a dumb stare.

"Oh nothing. A joke." Tom started to turn red. It wasn't that hard for him to turn red, and show it, because he was white as white could be. Plus he COULDN'T tan worth crap. "The reason why we called you down here is that we have had the go ahead to create a gay/straight alliance." Amanda said with a smile. "And guess who the president and vice-president are going to be?"

"" Dan asked with a hesitation. He hadn't really thought about it going this far. But it had.

"NOPE. The vice-president will be Tom here. And the President will be one of you two. We don't care, but we just need you to sign here, and have your parent's sign here. That's it." Amanda said handing them a paper.

"Umm. You better sign it Brian. My parents won't sign anything. Anyway, you were out to them before I was." Dan just looked at the floor.

Tom saw this and was sadden. He didn't really like the idea of touching Brian or Dan. He knew he wouldn't get anything, but just the thought of them touching each other was kind of sickening. However he also knew what pain was. He reached over and patted Dan on the head and then picked him up.

"Huh?" Dan was surprised at this action.

Tom didn't say a word, but he hugged Dan. Dan returned the hug. "But I thought you were homophobic."

"Well let's just keep it a secret ok?" he laughed.

"Hey you two. I don't want to get jealous!" Brian started to laugh. "I will give this to my mom and she can sign it tonight."

"Actually," Tom said still not letting go of Dan, "We called her and asked if she would come down her and sign it for you. We had a feeling that it would be this way. Because of what Dan's mom and dad did. So we knew it would be you. She will be here anytime now."

"Um...ok." He just stared at Dan and Tom hugging. He didn't have a jealous feeling in his heart. He knew that Tom wasn't going to take Dan away from him, because of the fact that Tom was straight. He also knew that why Tom was doing this. To show is support in what Dan was going threw.

At 3:30 all the papers had been signed. The club was now official. Tom had made sure that everyone knew about it, so they could have there first meeting at 4:00 that after noon. Their teacher that was the sponsor was non-other then Brian and Dan's homeroom teacher, Mr. Dawny.

"Mr. Dawny??!!" The both said in shock as they entered the room.

"Hum?" he said turning around. "Ah. Yes. Hi boys. How are you? Surprised? So am I." He just laughed, and went back to what he was doing.

Brian and Dan got a better look at the room. There were 30 desks in this room. About 20 of them were full and there was 10 minuets till the meeting started. Slowly the room filled to 30, then right as the meeting started 20 more came in. They brought in chairs for them to sit in.

"Hi!" was all Brian could say. He hadn't had much time to get anything to say. "Welcome."

Tom took this as a cue that he should start this one off. "Greetings salutations and all the fun loving BS." He started to laugh and so did the rest of the students. "Ok. Now then you all know why were are here. Right?" Everyone nodded his or her head yes. "Good. Now then this club is organized different then any other club. For the first quarter, which will be to the end of this semester, and the end to the class of 2000, Brian here will be the President of the club." He paused as people hollered and cheered and made catcalls. The girls still loved him. Probable more then ever now. "And I will be the vice-president." There was the same amount of noise for him as there was for Brian. "This shall be stated in the constitution of the club, which as of now is being written up by the top English student in the school. I tell you if I did it, it would be crappy and so many loop holes anything could go." There was more laughing and a lot of "You bet it would" and "you kidding?" This went on for a while and Tom final hushed them. "The way the President will be is that a student has to be gay to be in that position. To be vice-president you have to be straight. That is all there is to it. Also no student shall attempt to force his views on the other. This is an alliance and not some religious thing. IF you were hoping for that, leave now." No one got up.

By now Brian had a chance to catch up from Amanda what was all happing at this meeting. He stood up, and Tom sat down. "Ok. Thanks Brian. I was just told this after noon about an hour ago that this club had been approved, and that I was president. Amanda and Tom are the whole instigators, so to speak. Lets give them a hand at doing a fine job." He stopped and everyone clapped and cheered and hollered, and made noise. He hushed them back down. "Now under your desk, if you have a seat we will get you a paper in just a minuet, you will find a paper that had three questions on it. The last one is optional, and it will remain only in Dan's hands and mine. Not even, unless specifically noted, will Tom know. The reason why Dan will know is because he is living with me, and well, he won't tell." He looked at Dan who just nodded. "Ok. The questions are. One, name. Two, Grade. Three Straight or gay. If you would like for the club to know, just put a "tell" next to the answer."

There was some moving of desks, and all that stuff. He made sure that papers were handed to the people who came in with desks. "Once you have filled out the form, you may leave if you wish. If you would like to talk to one of use, you may. No bigie. Thank you and the next meeting will be in a week or so. We will announce it over the intercom the day before." He just smiled and sat down with Amanda, Tom and of course his boy, Dan.

Any comments would be nice to receive at Subject line Brian and Dan!

Next: Chapter 10

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