Brief Encounter

Published on Nov 21, 2020



Brief Encounter

The are the musing of a typical English pervert. All incidents and participants are totally and utterly fictitious, although like so many other writers, something or someone may have sparked the initial inspiration.

Although acts depicted within the stories involve no form barrier protection I personally practice Safe Sex and would encourage you to do the same. In my imaginary universe, STD's and more serious infections do not exist, unlike the real world.

My stories were originally written to improve my composition as I was required to write sometimes very technical reports for others not fully or even partially conversant with the technology I was describing. is a marvellous site in which we can read or display stories of an erotic nature. Please contribute to the running of this site by accessing

Please feel free to comment upon my stories. I will endeavour to respond unless they are abusive or derogatory. I will accept constructive criticism and respond in the appropriate manner.

Brian York

My Not So Brief Encounter

It started with a nod, just a simple acknowledgement of each others existence.

I had been getting the same train every morning for a few years now and always stood in the same spot waiting to board. That morning I was beaten to my spot by another passenger, customer in the modern parlance. The person who had invaded my place was somewhat smaller than my 5'10" by at least four inches. They were of a petite statute but that was about all I could see as they were encased in a long dark hooded coat, being a particularly cold spring day, and from what I could see of their legs, she was wearing relatively low high heels. With my natural deference to the female of the species, I let her board the train first. She turned her head and gave me a brief nod in thanks. The one and only thing I remember of her face was a pair of the greenest eyes I've ever seen. I sat a few seats away but facing away from her. When we came to get off the train at the terminus she was in front of me and I had the opportunity to watch her walk towards the ticket barrier. She would be even shorter without her heels on.

Over the next week or so, the nod became a smile which in-turn became a small word of greetings. These eventually became much more as we found ourselves seated next to each other on several occasions. She was very pleasant to chat to on the fifteen minute journey between stations in the mornings. I soon came to love these brief encounters at the start of my day. I did hope that she did too.

After a month of travelling with her, I asked if she'd like a cup of coffee sometime. She said that she was not due into work for a good half hour after we arrived at the terminus and usually had a coffee before going in. My own work schedule was somewhat freer, as I was the manager of my team and had no one to answer to at work. We decided on the station coffee bar for our first not so brief encounter. The half hour flew by and we had to go on our separate ways to work. We did at least exchange names and some personal information.

The following day turned out to be a blustery cold morning. The wind really whistled through the station and when an express flew through on the line it felt like a gale. Alex was actually blown into me and I instinctively put my arms around her. When the express had passed I went to release her. Instead she just cuddled in closer. We didn't converse much that day on our journey. I think we both realised that we were on the threshold of something that once started would have a dramatic effect upon our lives. I didn't know how Alex felt but I was ready to see how far the effect would take us.

As it was the weekend we didn't see each other until the following Monday. I was a little wary about how things stood between us. Alex was waiting for me in her usual place. Being a warm spring morning, she had left her overcoat at home. Her choice of dress that day did nothing to dispel my desire to take our friendship further. A white and blue A-line dress, finishing just below her knees with a close fitting dark blue jacket contrasted with her long blond hair. Tan tights and matching dark blue shoes with a three inch heel finished her ensemble off, her makeup was flawless, not too heavy but light enough to highlight her features to the best advantage. She was easily the most attractive woman on the platform that morning.

Alex greeted me with her usual warm greeting and we soon were chatting about our weekends. Mine consisted mostly of gardening, clearing out the flowerbeds ready for some new plants. Hers was spent with her parents sorting some stuff out as they were quite elderly. Not wishing to rush into a relationship too quickly we carried on our morning coffee and Danish for the rest of the week. On Friday morning I asked if she would like to meet after work and go for a meal somewhere. I had a nice restaurant in mind but it meant either going home and then coming back or staying in town and having an early dinner.

"Before we do take this step there are a few things you need to know about me," Alex replied.

I knew she was not married or seeing anyone so I was intrigued as to what they would be.

"Will you meet me at lunchtime and we'll go somewhere where we can talk?"

I replied "I'll wait for you at your buildings front door. There's a nice garden just round the corner from you. It also has a cafe with tables spaced out so we can reveal our darkest secrets there."

I had deliberately made light of our situation, hoping to put her at ease. Alex seemed to relax a little but as it was time for her to get to work she stood but instead of just turning to go, she bent down and kissed me on my cheek. I watched her walk away, marvelling at her composure and others guys who turned and followed her with their eyes. One poor chap received a smack from his girlfriend or wife for being so obvious in his ogling. I was left pondering as to what her big secrets were going to be.

I met Alex at the door of her office building. She had come out with several other women, none of whom were as pretty as she was, nor as well dressed. She said her farewells to them and came over to me. I took the liberty of kissing her on the cheek and noted her blushing. Arm in arm we walked the couple of hundred yards to the cafe. We ordered a drink apiece and went and sat at the furthest table from the bar. I pulled out the chair for her and had her seated so that she had her back to everyone else and facing the vegetation surrounding the cafe. I did this so anything she said could not be overheard and any reaction from me would be screened by her.

"Right then, are you going to confess to being a multiple murderer on the run for the police?" I deliberately made light of her up and coming confession.

She reached out and took my hands in hers. She gave a giggle and then started to talk.

"Please let me finish before you comment." I nodded my head and she continued.

"Over the past month or so, I've come to really like you, more actually, but I have some things to tell you. I'm not sure just how you'll react but please remember this, I never intended to put you, or myself for that matter, in the situation we're in now. You are a kind and thoughtful person who has put my feelings before your own. The last person I became close to was quite the opposite and did me a lot of harm, mentally. It was so bad I swore I'd never get close to anyone again. Until you came along."

Alex paused and took a swig of her drink, composing herself before her revelations.

"I am a male to female transexual."


"Although I was born a boy I grew up as a girl. My parents and my sister were very supportive of my choice. It is hard to explain just how wrong I felt being a boy. I hated the usual boyish pursuits and much preferred playing with girls toys, dolls and such. Just as I was about to start puberty my parents took me to a psychiatrist and we came to the conclusion that I was a girl in the wrong body. We actually moved house and I started school as a girl. The school did know about my particular circumstances and were happy to accommodate me. There were one or two others in the school that were in the same situation as me. My parents and I decided to wait until I was older before I had any reassignment surgery but I was placed on hormone therapy. Since I was eleven I have lived as a woman and even grew my modest breasts to what they are now."

I let a few minutes pass when she had finished her confession while we both had some more of our drink. Eventually I replied.

"Wow, that is some confession. At least I've not become enamoured to an axe murderer. I've become too attached to you for this to make any difference to our relationship, assuming you still want one?"

She reached forward and took my hands in hers once again.

"There is something else to tell you before you make any decision as to where we go from here. When I went through puberty my penis grew and my testicles dropped. I was able to produce fertile sperm. Apparently I was prescribed some hormones that were experimental and they didn't cause my male genitalia to shrink and become dormant like some do. I was given them so I would have a choice when I became of age and mature enough to decide for myself. The thing is, I love having my cock and balls and were a great asset to some of my earlier lovers. I have a lot of pleasure with them still, both on my own and with selected others, but I've met no one I wished to share my live with, until now."

I saw the tears in her eyes. Here I was, sat opposite The most beautiful woman I've ever had the opportunity to be with, only to find that she is a, how does one put it, a shemale! I look straight at her and leaned over the table and kissed her, full on the lips.

"I hope I'm the one you wish to share with as I certainly want to share my life with you."

"Thank you for that but do you realise what this will mean to both of us?"

"Not fully, but I am willing, very willing to find out. You are truly a beautiful young woman who most of the guys on this planet would die if they received a smile, let alone a kiss from you."

"You mean they'll commit harry carry when they find my cock?"

"You know very well just what I mean. How many times do you get propositioned, let alone asked out?"

"I try very hard to dispel any advances, so much so that most of the guys in the office think I'm a lesbian."

"Well, when I take you back to your office I'm going to make sure that they know that is not the case because I will snog your lips off you in front of them all."

"You really want to go on seeing me?"

"Of course I do and I want to see more of you. All of you in fact."

"There is one last thing I must tell you before we commit. I do like penetrative sex, both ways."

"I suppose I'd better make my confession now. When I was at university I indulged in some pretty raunchy parties where gender was not an issue."

"You've had sex with another man?"

"Yes and I thoroughly enjoyed it. And before you ask, yes I fucked and was fucked and I did enjoy it. It has been well over fifteen years since University and I've not had any similar encounters since."

We both disengaged our hands and finished our drinks. We then stood to leave and I walked her back to her office. I saw some of the girls who had come out of the door with her earlier. Instead of asking permission, I took Alex in my arms and kissed her. She reached up and wrapped her arms around my neck and returned the kiss, with a lot of enthusiasm. To give the other girls something to giggle about I reached down and cupped her buttocks in my hands and pulled her even closer. Eventually we broke off and just before she turned to go she turned and asked

"Would you mind if we didn't go out later? I'm dying to get you home so I can show you how much I love you. Get something to eat this afternoon as you're going to need the energy as we screw the arses off each other. We'll decide where we will go on the train."

"I'll see you here at 4pm then."

"Yes and remember to eat first. Now I've got to face all the office after our wanton display of horniness just now."

With another tongue entwining kiss we left, Alex to her office, me to the local deli for some sustenance, I think I'll be needing it.

The afternoon was agony for me at work. I was very excited that Alex and I were going to carry on but also apprehensive about how we both would react to her trans status. In the past I'd watched a few videos with some form of gay or trans content and was not phased by it. The thought of a really beautiful young woman being in my bed, or me in hers, and having something extra to play with gave me an erection. That in it's-self took some hiding during my afternoon discussions with my colleagues. Finally it was going home time, being a Friday, going to the pub time. When I excused myself from the usual after-work drinkies, one of my closer colleagues did comment that I must have a hot date to forgo our weekly piss-up. I did send them on their way with my contribution to the drinks kitty, its crap being the boss sometimes!

I was there at her work several minutes before she came out of the door. I gave her the single red rose I had purchased on my way to there. She immediately threw her arms around my neck and kissed me. I had managed to calm my erection down, until that kiss. When we eventually broke apart she used the old line to cover my embarrassment.

"Is that a gun in your pocket or are you please to see me."

My only reply was to wrap my arms around and hug her to me, lifting her off her feet as I did so.

"You two better go and get a room for the afternoon," someone called after us.

"That was my boss, he's been wanting to know why I was so happy this afternoon and couldn't pay attention to my work."

"Well, I think he knows now!" I replied.

We disengaged and made our way to the station to catch the train home. Walking arm in arm with one of the most beautiful girls around did give me some real street cred. As I walked past several colleagues from my company I was too engrossed in Alex to notice and she had to get me to acknowledge their fair-well's. The ride home on the train was fun. It was crowded as everyone was wanting to get home for the weekend. It's the reason I went for a drink after work on Fridays, letting the passenger numbers die down. I thought the lack of seating on the train might be an issue but Alex solved it by insisting I sat on the seat and she sat on my knee, cuddling me all the way to our destination.

"Do you mind if we go to my house first?" Alex whispered.

"Not in the slightest, I've not vacuumed up this week."

"You'll have to mend your slovenly ways if you wish to entertain me there," she joked.

As I normally drove my car to the station and Alex got the bus, we drove across our little town to her house. It was a pleasant cottage style house with some well tended garden to the front, rear and parking down the side. Her little sports car was parked in front of a garage.

"This was my parents place before they chose to live in the retirement community. They both come round and tend to the garden as the community has a gardener who's a little autocratic in the grounds."

We walked up to the front door and she opened it.

"Welcome to my sanctuary. You are the first man I've had through this door for such a very long time."

I was very tempted to pick her up and carry her over the threshold but I resisted thinking that I would spoil it if, no when I did it for real later.

"The first thing I do when getting home is go for a shower and then relax in the hot tub in the back."

"That sounds like a very good idea, may I join you in the shower or would you prefer I waited until after you've finished?"

"When you said you wanted to see all of me, did you really mean that?"

"Of course I do and what's more I want to kiss every inch of your delicious body."

"My last acquaintance has left me feeling very insecure about my body and I feel very shy at the moment."

"You can blindfold me and we can then get undressed and showered. Of course I'll want to wash you with my bare hands."

"I didn't know I've brought home a pervert," Alex replied laughing.

She took my hand and led me up the stairs and into her bedroom. We kicked off our shoes on the way up. Once there I took her in my arms and kissed her. I felt her whole body relax as her apprehension was kissed away. I found the zip at the back of her dress are pulled it all of the way down. We carried on kissing as she wriggled out of it and left it in a pile on the floor. Underneath the dress she was wearing an ivory silk chemise, I think it is called, and after feeling the extent of it I knew I needed to remove her stockings first. I broke off kissing and knelt down and undid the suspenders, all eight of them and then removed the stockings. Had I not known she had a cock in her knickers I would not have guessed as her front was like very other woman I'd undressed, not that there were that many.

Instead of denuding her completely, I let her undo my shirt and tie and remove them. She then undid my trouser fastening and then pulled them down and the off. While she was on her knees, she removed my socks. I said a quick prayer in thanks to whatever god was looking after me that I'd put a new pair of socks and undies on that morning. I held my hand out to help her stand but before she rose up she planted a kiss right where my leaking cock had dampened my undies. I was getting rather excited undressing each other but now I had a raging hard-on.

"mmmm I like what you've been hiding from me for the past month."

"I cannot wait to see what you've been hiding as well."

"Well now is the big reveal."

She turned away from me and slipped the straps off her shoulders, easing the chemise down over her chest. She then turned to me and I took hold of her hands that were covering her breasts. Instead of pulling them off, I kissed my way down her neck and on to her chest. As my lips approached her breasts, she uncovered one and I was able to take her nipple into my mouth. She went into orgasmic meltdown. She had to pull me off.

"If I'd let you carry on I'd have cum."

"I've no problem with that."

"I know but I want you to see me totally before we went much further."

Instead of pleading to let me kiss her other breast, I simply took hold of the chemise and gently pulled it down over her hips. I knelt as I pulled and was delighted to see her cock appear from the gaff in her chemise. As it sprang out I couldn't resist but took it straight into my mouth. This time she did orgasm and I drank nearly all of it down. She had sweet tasting cum and in a fair quantity. Her legs were about to give way so I stood and picked her up. I'd already worked out that she didn't weigh all that much and that I could easily carry her. Her hands went round my neck whilst mine were round her back and under her thighs. She then lent in a kissed me, tasting her cum that I'd not swallowed.

"That is the first time I've cum so hard in ages."

"Please let me know when I can be of service to madam again."

"Right now I want you to make love to me. We can shower later, cause I'm never going to let you leave my bedroom, ever."

"As my lady commands."

I walked over to the bed with her still in my arms and laid her gently on the bed. I slipped out of my undies and laid next to her. I was immediately engulfed by her as she wrapped her arms and legs around me. I was just able to manoeuvre her back on to her back with me above her as I started to kiss her. I didn't spend too long on her lips, I had all of her body to kiss and whilst not the biggest of bodies, I only had until the end of time to complete my oral exploration of her.

I kissed down her neck, over her chest taking each nipple between my lips in turn. Having chewed on each for a while I left them and continued down over her stomach. I will admit to blowing a raspberry on her belly button. I deliberately bypassed her engorged cock and balls and kissed my way down to my target. I lifted her legs up and apart and dove in, leading with my tongue. I lapped away for several minutes in order to get her well lubricated. Having satisfied that there was enough saliva to make entry easy I broke off.

"Do you want me to use a condom?"

"Oh God, no! I want to feel you inside me close. Please fuck me."

"I'm not going to fuck you, I'm going to make love to you."

I saw tears well up in her beautiful green eyes and decided to fulfil her desire. I felt my cock at her entrance without any help from either of us so I just pushed my hips forward and felt my cock being engulfed by her body. My plunge into her went all of the way until I could go no further. As I rested I was once again wrapped in her arms and legs. She hugged me as close as she could. Our lips met and we kissed, long and hard.

"I have never experienced anything like this before," Alex whispered in my ear. "You feel so right being inside me."

I was myself staggered by just how right it felt being one with Alex. I knew that this was going to be my future partner, no, wife for the rest of my life. I must have been crying a bit, just like Alex was.

"I think we've started something that is never going to end, I hope. Now please love me."

I felt her muscles contract as she massaged my cock with her arse. I took that as a hint and slowly pulled my cock from its deep recess before plunging back in. Every time I went in deep, Alex emitted a howl of delight. I knew that this first love making was going to be relatively short as I was not very far from cumming. We rode each other for some time, sometimes with my slightly hairy chest exciting her nipples, other times with me supporting my weight on my arms and allowing her own cock to be stimulated by my stomach. Eventually I could hold out no longer but just before I came, Alex let out a long loud moan as she emptied her balls. Rope upon rope of her mega hot cum shot between us, soaking both our chests and even our faces in it. Feeling her hot cum hit my body triggered my own explosion, but mine went deep into her.

This was easily the most energetic cumming of my entire life to date. To say I felt drained was an understatement. I lifted my weight off my lover and gazed into her green eyes. The smile on her face said it all. I felt a drop of her cum, mixed with a bit of perspiration of mine drip off my chin and land on her neck. I noticed that she had a fair covering of cum as well. A little pink tongue peeped out from between her lips as she licked some off her upper lip. I lent down and joined in licking and kissing her cum splattered face.

Eventually, when there was no more to lick, she had me roll over on to my back. My cock was still buried in her and stayed that way. I just wrapped her in my arms again, never wanting her to break off. We slept a little in our post coital bliss. This was something that I'd never experienced before with any of my previous encounters. None of them were fired by the love I felt for Alex.

After our little sleep, which Alex woke from first, we broke apart. We were both decidedly sticky and I thought we'd be heading for the shower but Alex had other ideas. She manoeuvred me back onto my back and knelt between my thighs. She took my slightly softened cock in her hands and then lent down and swallowed it all, right down to the bottom, gagging a little as she did.

"You've only cum once and I've cum at least twice so it's my turn to make you spurt your delicious cum so I can taste it."

I thought I was in for a good sucking but she had other ideas. She raised my legs up and wriggled forward and then lowered them back down across her thighs. I felt her cock at my ring piece but she didn't attempt to penetrate me. Instead, she spent the next half hour playing with my cock and balls. Usually when I did wank, it was all over in a few minutes. This time, it was a totally different experience. She would bring me to a point just before my climax and then back off. She did this numerous times. Each time I wriggled a bit and her cock would slide that little bit further into me, eventually penetrating me so far I could feel my prostrate become excited.

By the time I was ready to cum, she had started to pump her cock in and out of my arse causing my prostate to initiate my cumming. I have no recollection of whether she came at the same time as me but I do know she had filled me with more of her cum. I, on the other hand practically blacked out as my cum exploded from my cock. When I did come back to the land of the living, I saw that Alex was covered in my spunk and I felt it slipping off my face. She bent over and kissed me and then used her little pink tongue to lick the remaining cum off my face. I did insist on kissing her between licks.

Eventually we broke apart and Alex got off the bed and pulled me to my feet. We must have been a right sight, two horny people covered in each others emissions and both with hard-on's poking out in front. I just wrapped my arms around her and lifted her into another tongue wrenching kiss.

"We need a shower before we are glued together for life," Alex whispered.

"I've no problem with that," I replied.

I had an inkling as to where the bathroom was, so I carried her through into the bathroom. Along with a corner bath big enough for two or more, there was also a large walk-in shower. I chose the latter and walked in. Alex turned the taps on and we were hit from all sides by cold water. Following squeals from the pair of us, she adjusted the taps and we were sprayed by nice warm water. We continued to kiss and cuddle while the water washed over us. Alex then indicated where her sponge and shower gel was, so I took the hint and let her down and took up the sponge. I used it for a few minutes on her then decided I'd rather do it with my hands. I threw the sponge over the top of the shower, hearing it splash into the bath. I then squirted so gel on her chest and then massaged it in with my hands. I repeated this method all over her gorgeous body.

I deliberately left her bum, cock and balls to the last. Kneeling, I was able to wash her feet and toes before I washed her cock with a soapy hand. I let the water spray clean off the soap and then took it deep into my mouth. As I sucked, I washed her buttocks and then her bum, slipping my fingers in as I deep-throated her. Despite her lightly smacking my head repeatedly I carried on until I felt her balls pull into her body and she shot her cum into my mouth.

Later on that evening, after a good while in the Jacuzzi and an ordered-in takeaway we were cuddled up on the sofa in front of the telly but not watching the news program.

"We have to discuss how we go about our love making."

I reached across and turned the telly off using the remote and then turned to face her.

"mmmm I cannot think of anything else I'd like to discuss right now," I replied.

"If we are going to continue to make love without any protection we have to be very honest with each other and be scrupulously clean when we do. I get tested regularly and since my last test I've not been with anyone else."

"I had been thinking on the cleanliness issue but as I've no recent experience of anal, I was hoping you'd give me some instruction. I have not been with anyone else in the past six months, until this evening. Work had sort of got in the way and taken a lot of my energy and time, so I've been making do with the odd hand relief at weekends. I am willing to take any tests you can recommend. My only big regret is that after all our love making I cannot make you pregnant."

At my last comment, Alex's face ran with tears.

"I have known for a very long time that it is impossible for me to carry children and it is my greatest regret of this evening is that I cannot fulfil every woman's dream of providing loads of little Brian's and Alex's to get under our feet."

I just lent forward and took her in my arms and kissed the top of her head,

"At least I've got you all to myself."

"Take me to bed as I'm in need of one of your amazing cuddles."

We got up and Alex went through her nightly routine of removing her makeup, what little remained and I gave my face and nether regions a quick rinse and wipe over with a flannel. When I returned to the bedroom, Alex was waiting for me in bed. She had chosen to wear a green nightdress that in the bedroom light matched her eyes. She looked heartbreakingly beautiful even with no makeup on. In my past relationships, I've known women who did not look anywhere as beautiful as Alex did that first night I slept with her. And that was all I did that night, just slept with her in my arms, the most luckiest man on the planet.

I woke the following morning to the feeling of someone playing with my cock. It took several seconds to realise where I was and more importantly just who I was with. The sight of a petite body, encased in her green nightdress, leaning over and taking my now hard cock into her mouth has got to be one of the best ways to start my new life as the lover of such a wonderful person. Seeing that I was now awake and ready for love, she withdrew her mouth from my cock and turned towards me.

"Hello lover, time to make you happy."

"How can I be any happier than I am now," I answered.

Instead of further conversation, she lifted her nightdress and straddled my thighs and lowered herself down onto my cock. She then covered me with her nightdress and started to ride my cock. In all my previous relationships, my cock had needed a bit of guidance to achieve its aim. With Alex, no such guidance was needed, we just went straight in with no assistance from either of us. She later told me that when she penetrated me, no assistance was required.

Alex rode my cock, sometimes slowly, sometimes with vigour that required me to hold on to her so she didn't dismount. Our first lovemaking of the day was an epic. Long and exceedingly erotic. I was able to tease her nipples some of the time and tickle her balls as they slapped down on my belly. It took a very great effort on my part not to cum too quickly. By the amount of her precum streaming out of her cock I knew she wasn't far away from cumming herself.

Our simultaneous orgasms were epic. Totally fitting for the first day of our lives together. That first full day we spent naked. We cuddled as often as we could, despite doing some household chores. Towards evening we decided that I would need some clothes as I only had what I arrived with. We decided to eat out, calling at mine on the way.

She had dressed for a night out in a simple but very elegant black dress that accentuated her figure, relatively long legs for her size attached to a definitely female body, flaring out at the hips then tapering to a slim waist and the flaring out once more to her smallish but definitely perky breasts. She didn't need to wear a bra and had a lovely cleavage to entice men with.

Alex was impressed at the state of my ground floor flat. I kept it tidy and well maintained, as I did with the garden. I packed a bag with some clothes including my workwear for Monday. Dressing in slacks and a sky blue shirt that, according to Alex, matched the colour of my eyes. I'm a typical bloke and one with not a lot of colour sense when it comes to clothes. A full length leather jacket, one of my most expensive ones finished me off.

Collecting my bag and Alex's stylish overcoat we made our way to the city where the restaurant was. We were a little early so we popped into a pub to kill some time. Had the weather been better I would have taken her for a little walk. We entered a crowded pub and found a stand-to table. I left her there and went for our drinks. When I returned, Alex was attempting to ignore a guy trying to chat her up. I politely excused myself to him to give Alex her drink. The bloke became a little agitated that I had interrupted him.

"Thank you for looking after my friend," I said, trying to lighten up the situation.

"Why don't you fuck off elsewhere as I want her."

"You've no chance with me, now please leave us alone," Alex said turning her back on him.

Making a grab for her, "Why you ungrateful little slut. I'm going to rip your cunt apart."

"There's no need for that sort of threat," a voice behind me spoke up.

I turned to see who had spoken and found a friend and previous neighbour of mine. The prat who was hassling us turned and with a balled fist, brought his arm back. I wasn't sure who he was going to hit but I had put myself between him and Alex. Time seemed to slow down as I waited for the punch to land. Instead of hitting me, he had inadvertently hit my friend. Not that it did him any harm because our assailant was soon face down on the floor, with his arm held by my mate.

"Right chummy, you've assaulted a police officer so you are now in deep shit."

He looked at Alex. "I'm sorry for the language madam. This is a particularly nasty drug dealer we've been trying to close down for a while. Now we've got a reason to detain him."

A couple of minutes later, several police in uniform turned up and dragged him outside. I turned and thanked him for his intervention.

"Its a real pleasure to be of service to such a beautiful couple this evening."

He shook my hand and asked if I was still using the mobile he knew. I replied in the affirmative. As he went to shake Alex's hand, she reached up and kissed his cheek causing him to blush.

"I do hope that I won't be arrested for assaulting a police officer?" Alex joked.

"That was THE most wonderful assault I've ever had."

When we took our empty glasses back to the bar, one of the bargirls asked us to wait and meet the manager. He came along shortly and was very apologetic with what went on earlier.

"I'm really sorry you had to be subjected to that piece of low life. I've banned him from this bar several times but tonight we've a new bouncer who had not known him. Let me know when you're next in the area as you are invited for a lunch on us."

"It's not really necessary but thank you for the offer," Alex said.

We explained the we had a dinner booked at a nearby restaurant and had to leave shortly. He shook our hands and bade us farewell and have an enjoyable evening. As we left the bouncer also apologised to us.

We had a wonderful relaxing dinner. It is surprising just how attentive the waiters were to us. I expected a high standard of service at this place but tonight it was just out of this world.

"I'll have to bring another beautiful young woman with me next time I eat here to get the type of service we've had tonight," I said.

"It's probable that the bar manager called ahead to ensure we were looked after. And besides, if you bring anyone else here I'll scratch their eyes out."

As it turns out, the manager had rung ahead and asked his fellow restauranteur to look after us. When I came to pay the bill he came over and explained that although he couldn't not charge us he has applied a staff discount for our meal, the rather expensive wine came `on the house'. As we left the restaurant we met up with my friend again.

"Rather than have you drive home with the risk of being stopped and end up blowing into a bag, I thought I'd drop you both off at yours."

"We're staying at mine tonight," Alex told him.

"No problem, a patrol car will follow us and then can bring me back."

We had a nice ride home in the back of my car. I was able to lavish more attention on Alex than had I been driving. Alex invited him and the officers in the patrol car in for coffee but he declined, much to the junior officers chagrin. No sooner than they were out of the door we were totally naked and on our way to bed. This night, sleep was the furthest thing from our minds. We made love until the early hours of the morning.

I was woken by Alex bringing a tray with our breakfast on it.

"I want to go to church this morning so I need to be out of the house in an hour or so. I don't expect you to come, but I've a lot to be thankful for."

"I've not been for a while, like twenty years or so, but I want to be with you for ever."

Alex looked at me with a quizzical look upon her face. I asked her what was wrong.

"Absolutely nothing is wrong, absolutely."

We made love after our breakfast, twice in fact, once each enjoying the penetration and our cumming twice together. We then showered and dressed for church. I chose to wear a suit and tie while Alex wore a more subdued dress than others I'd seen her in. She still looked absolutely gorgeous. We walked the half mile to the church meeting others of the congregation along the way. We took our place in the pews and waited for the service to start.

Not being a regular churchgoer I was a little mystified as to what actually went on. I did enjoy the singing though. Alex has a lovely singing voice, surprisingly high. My own fluctuated between bass and baritone that blended well with hers. So much so, that a several of the congregation suggested that we join the choir.

After the service, the vicar was at his usual place, shaking hands with his parishioners at the door. When we came Alex introduced me to him.

"So you were the lovely baritone I heard this morning."

"I'm not sure anyone has called my voice lovely before."

"I think it's absolutely beautiful," Alex said.

After a bit more small talk he said that he must chat to the remaining folk waiting to go.

"When you two are ready, please come and chat about your marriage. I'd like the privilege of performing the rite here."

To say we were both gobsmacked was and understatement. We left the church, being acknowledged by others of the congregation. I overheard one old lady say to her friend,

"Such a lovely looking couple and so much in love. I'd love to do the flowers for their wedding."

Alex looked into my eyes to see what reaction to the old ladies comments. She obviously saw the tears in the corner of my eyes, and I saw her stunningly beautiful green ones tear up as well. I bent down and kissed her lips in front of all remaining church goers. We then walked arm in arm back to her house, in relative silence. I was a little flummoxed as to just what had happened at the service and was a little quiet.

On arrival back at Alex's, her parents car was in the driveway.

"Oh gosh, I'd forgotten they were coming round today. I had one or two things on my mind

recently. Do you mind, they usually come and work on the garden and I feed them dinner."

"Of course not, well we won't be able to return to your bed until they've gone."

"Don't I know it, I am so desperate to get you into bed again."

"I'd best meet my future in-laws then."

Alex swatted me around the shoulders and told me to take no notice of the vicar and old ladies.

For decorums sake, I let Alex change while I chatted with her parents and the changed myself into more appropriate clothes for gardening in. Alex's mother, Sarah, was the gardener and the three of us followed her orders. When she said that she needed some compost, John, her husband and I were directed to go to the garden centre for a few bags. I suggested that my estate car would be better than his small hatchback. We rearranged the cars on the drive and then drove over to the centre. We chatted amicably on the way, he was finding out my past and how I came to meet Alex. When I told him that we met at the railway station, he was amazed as he had met Sarah on a station platform as well.

On the way back he came straight out and asked,

"Are you sleeping with Alex? Are you having sex with her? Are you gay?"

I was expecting something of the sort but nothing so direct. I replied with as much honesty as I could.

"Yes I have slept with Alex, no we are not having sex, and no I am not gay. I enjoy being with Alex and her status has makes no difference to me what so ever."

"Thank you for those answers, I know she has been hurt in the past and I want only to protect her."

"I did tell you a slight fib though, we are not having sex, as you put it. We are making love mutually and very fulfilling on both our behalf.

"Please treat my girl right."

"I promise with all my heart that I will do my best by her. I want to come and see you and Sarah during the week if I may."

"I'll give you my number and call when you wish."

The rest of the journey home was done in silence. Both of us realising what was left unsaid. Alex had cooked at lovely Sunday dinner, roast beef, Yorkshire puddings and a selection of veg. Sarah had, as her usual thing provided the sweet, a gorgeous home baked cheesecake. After our dinner, Alex said she'd like to spend some time in the Jacuzzi and much to my surprise her parents said that they would too. Previously we had both been naked in when we bathed but I thought that we'd all have to wear costumes. When I said that I hadn't brought one with me, Sarah replied that they hadn't either and stripped off, had a quick shower and got into the pool. We all followed her example. It was explained to me that nudity was not something that they did with others around but was not unusual when in private. I could not help but notice that although Alex favoured her mother, she took after her dad in one important area. John and Sarah were thoughtful enough to leave relatively early in the evening and we were very glad they did.

We made love, several times before we actually got into bed. The first time was a few minutes after her parents had left us in the pool. Then in the shower and finally on the couch. We deliberately set the alarm early so we'd have time to wake up and have a cuddle before work. I went down on Alex's cock and then she took over and had me, first on my knees and then on my back. It seemed that when we made love, her green eyes shone, almost emitting a light of their own. God in heaven, I love this girl to bits.

Almost everyone we met on our journey to work smiled at the pair of us. It was if we were giving off vibes that made others happy. Even at work, my team noticed a big difference in my demeanour. When someone in another department made unreasonable request upon my team I just laughed it off and complied. Normally I would have at least made it obvious that it was a request that should have been made much earlier but this week it didn't phase me one bit. The other teams manager was gobsmacked at my reaction. He had sent a junior to make the demand for my assistance as he was a little bit afraid of my reactions.

I rang John and arranged to meet him and Sarah on the Wednesday evening. Alex had a meeting to attend so after dropping her off I drove round to theirs. John met me and took me through to their bungalow. Sarah, the ever practical mum, had tea and cakes ready for my interview with them. I'd had quite a few interviews in my working life but none were as daunting as this one. After the usual pleasantries I got to the reason for my request.

"I am here to ask for your daughters hand in marriage."

"Well that was not unexpected," John said.

"I knew Alex had found the right man to share her life with when we saw you on the way to church the other day. A mother knows these things."

There then followed a discussion about my hopes and prospects. My history was discussed, although they never asked about my previous relationships, I did give them some information but not in any great details. They still had not given their consent when Sarah excused herself for a few moments. While she was gone, John asked about how we would manage our sex life. I told him much the same as I had in the car, that we enjoyed a full and mutually rewarding love life. He seemed to accept that. Just then Sarah reappeared.

"I have two requests before I give you my consent to marry my daughter. The first is that you truly love her and will respect her in every way."

"That is the easiest thing for me to agree to."

"The second is that you will use this engagement ring."

Sarah showed me a small pale blue box about the size you'd expect an engagement ring to be in, but this one looked old-fashioned. I opened the box to find a truly beautiful ring, a traditional Tiffany setting containing a brilliant cut large diamond.

"This was my great-grandmothers and I hoped that my other daughter would wear it when she got engaged but she's not the marrying type, My great-grandfather bought it from Tiffany's in New York not long after they started this line of rings." Sarah told me.

"Knowing Alex's taste in clothes, her wedding dress will cost the earth, you won't have to buy the ring and you can use the money on her dress instead," her dad said.

"Being pensioners, we are not as flushed as we used to be and we will contribute to the wedding but with the limited finances available to us and the fact that we never expected Alex to marry, given her circumstances we never made arrangements to fund the wedding."

I felt truly humbled by their statements and the gift of the ring.

"Its a modern thing for both parties to contribute to the wedding and also I've quite a good bank balance, for now! One thing I would ask is that you would make the cake for us. Having tasted some of your cooking I know it will be excellent."

"It has been a good few years since I've made one but I'll do a little bit of practicing before I go for the big one," Sarah told her husband.

"I realise that when you moved, you downsized a bit so if there's anything you need let me know and I'll sort it out. My company has all sorts of connections with various suppliers."

"Its a pity I got rid of my Kenwood as I'll need something for the size of the cake I'll be making."

"I'll get Alex to chose one and get it delivered."

We finished our chat and it was time for me to pick Alex up. We were going to my place this evening. We'd made love in every room in her house and now it was time to do the same in mine. We didn't complete the task that evening but we gave it our all. I arranged to meet her for lunch and had actually rang her boss to let him know we'll be some time. We toured the jewellers looking at rings and even measured her finger. We also popped in to a white goods store and had a look at the food mixers. I asked her opinion about which ones she thought were the best. I didn't let on it was for her mother though. Alex looked through the specs and suggested one.

On returning to my work, I rang a catering supply company and arranged for a similar but upgraded model to be delivered to Sarah. I asked him to include all the accessories for that machine. He suggested that he'd arrange for one of his demonstrators to call a few days after the delivery to familiarize Sarah with the machine. I also went to a jewellers to get the ring cleaned and adjusted to her size. The manager of the shop came and asked if I knew the value and provenance. I told him where and when it was bought but didn't know the value. I was amazed at the valuation. He gave me a written estimate along with several photos they had taken, for insurance purposes. On the way back, I popped into the bar we'd visited last weekend and saw the manager. I arranged for their private suite for Friday afternoon.

Instead of meeting Alex for our usual lunch date on Friday, I turned up at her office at 3pm. She was in a team meeting and was giving a presentation about something or other. I slipped in without her knowledge and during her Q&A session, I stood up and asked her to marry me, in front of all her colleagues. When she said yes, the whole place erupted in cheers. I walked forward, knelt at her feet and placed the ring on her finger. We all left to go to the bar where we met up with my own colleagues, along with several other friends I'd told. My mate in the police picked up Alex's parents and another picked up my dad. The bar manager did us proud, even laying on some food.

The following Sunday, we went to church and after the service I asked the vicar for an appointment in the coming week. He could see the change in Alex and had a good inclination as to what we wanted to discuss. I left Alex and him chatting to other parishioners about the ring. I approached the two elderly ladies that had made the comment last week.

"Will you ladies do me and my bride the honour of doing the flowers for our wedding here?"

When they agreed they said they'd best talk to Alex about what she wanted as men were usually ignorant of such matters. I agreed and gave them my business card and told them if I could help in any way with supplies or transport I will.

The pair of them button holed Alex for some idea's as to what she wanted. Having seen off the rest of the parishioners, the vicar took hold of my arm and pulled me to one side, out of earshot of Alex and anyone else.

"As soon as I saw Alex last week I knew she's found her soulmate. Looking at you I know you have as well. I will take it as read that you know of her status and are happy with it?"

"Yes, Alex has filled me in on her status."

I didn't expect the guffaw from the vicar at my comment but he apologised, stating it was my expression of being filled in that brought about his amusement. I like this vicar, I decided.

"What you may not know is that about three years ago, she was in a very corrosive relationship that ended badly, very badly. She attempted to take her own life but I found her in time and spent the next six months counselling her daily. My bishop thought I was getting too interested in her but my wife backed me up and eventually she pulled through."

I did know about her previous affair and her distress but I had no idea that it had been so bad.

"I will do everything in my power to ensure that she never is in that situation again. Is there any chance that the person who caused her distress to cause further problems."

"Oh no, you can be sure of that. He was put away for life as he murdered his next girlfriend and her parents only a few months after leaving Alex. She doesn't know what happened but she does know he's unable to cause further harm. We'd best get back to our respective spouses or in your case, spouse to be."

I left him to his wife and walked my future wife to her home.

"You've really delighted Mrs Wilson and her sister in your request for the services. Did you know that they both had won several gold medals at Chelsea for their arrangements."

"Wow, I sure have a habit of picking the best people to have around me. I've picked the best vicar, the best flower arrangers and the best future in-laws."

"And then you spoil it all by picking me."

I did the only thing I could, I picked her up and kissed her.

"Get a room mate, it's a Sunday for god's sake."

We broke apart at the comment and Alex turned to the elderly man who said it.

"I'm sorry but we're so much in love and we've just arranged to be married in the church over there."

The man broke into a big smile,

"May I kiss your bride?"

He gave Alex a kiss on the cheek and shook my hand.

"You've got a lovely girl there, look after her."

"I will that. Come to the wedding, we don't know exactly when it will be but we're here every Sunday."

"I keep in touch with John and Sarah so they'll let me know when it is.

Alex kissed his cheek and I shook his hand and we continued our walk home.

The next three months flew by. Discussions were had by myself, Alex, our parents, the vicar and the two flower arrangers. Our wedding was set for the end of July with the reception in a nearby country house. Our friend from the bar was tasked with organising that part of our day. When all was done and dusted, I was surprised that it had come in under the budget that Alex and I had set. It was our professional skills that enabled us to arrange our day. We both had a vast experience of projects and we knew how and when to delegate responsibility and to whom.

Alex's sister and partner were arriving from the west coast of America a couple of days before. Gabriela was to be the chief bridesmaid with a couple of her work colleagues as other bridesmaids. Peter, my ex neighbour and now close friend was to my best man. We had got to know each other well since our Saturday night trip that nearly went awry. Gabby and Alex spent a day with the dressmaker getting the final fitting of their dresses.

The big day flew by. Since that day, comments about how well the day was organised and enjoyed by all. Tears were spilled in the appropriate places and Peter had the guest howling in laughter during his speech, mostly at my expense, but that is what best men do to the groom.

Although we were absolutely knackered by the time Alex and I finally retired to our room at our venue, we made love until the early morning. We had not slept or made love together for the previous week. After a leisurely breakfast in which we were joined by our parents, Gabby and her partner Georgina and Peter and his wife. My wife and I, gosh that sounds so right, left to go on our honeymoon. Gabby and Georgey were staying on in our house until we got back. Gabby was showing her partner around England as it was her first visit here.

Our honeymoon was perfect, we saw some sights, lay on a beech or two, went ballooning, scuba diving and sailing. On top of that, we made love long and often. Eventually we had to return home. We saw Gabby and Georgey off back to America with the promise of visiting them at the earliest opportunity. Going back to work was going to be hard.

As soon as I entered the building I knew something was wrong. It wasn't until I was called into the MD's office that I found just how bad it was. Apparently, our American sister company had made a major cockup with a project and their Navy Department were looking for blood. The project was an offshoot of my own project for the Royal Navy, not quite as sensitive as ours but still streets ahead of the nearest competitor.

I took some data back to my office and within a couple of hours I knew I'd have to go to America to sort it out and I would need to take an assistant, thereby putting our own project in jeopardy. Being newly married was my biggest hurdle. I would not be separated for the 12 months I estimated it would take. My own manager did not want both me and my assistant away for any length of time. Both he and the MD understood my reluctance to go. The MD then asked if my wife was capable of being my assistant for the duration. I explained that she was a major asset to her employer and also very loyal.

"Leave it with me," the MD said, "I play golf with the MD of her company. I suggest you pop over to her and see if she is willing to go with you on secondment."

In the time it took to ring Alex and walk over to her office, the MD's had spoken and agreed terms, if and only if Alex was willing. I met her in one of the meeting rooms and explained the situation and then went to see her MD. We were left with a week to sort out our personal details, house and parents and the like. We flew to Washington, first class, had meetings with their Navy Department and then flew west to the coast. Gabby and Georgey were there to meet us off the aircraft.

Without going into boring details I quickly got the project back on target and even made some changes that enhanced their system without compromising the RNs system. Alex and I worked well together and her natural ability to get the best out of her work mates worked terrifically. So much so, several companies she dealt with did their utmost to poach her away.

We were able to get away at the weekends, sometimes we were with Gabby and Georgey, G&G as we called them, other times on our own sightseeing. It was on our third time we'd met up with G&G in a theme park that Alex and Georgey both got a little tearful. Back in our hotel for that weekend, Gabby and I wanted to know why.

"Seeing those parents with their children has made me realise just what I cannot give you," Alex said.

"I feel the same," Georgey added, I'd love to have a child with you, Gabby.'

A little later, after a good meal and a fair quantity of alcohol we got down to some light hearted banter.

"Here we are, two serviceable cocks and two serviceable wombs and no babies to show for it," Gabby blurted out.

"Its a pity you two girls cannot use the two cocks," Alex answered.

"Well I had some naughty thoughts on this problem," Georgey said thoughtfully, What if Gabby had Brian's and I had Alex's sperm."

"You mean by IVF." I asked.

"Well no, I was thinking of something much naughtier."

"You'd better explain your thoughts then," said I.

"As long as we are all together and only doing it for procreation purposes how about we have a little orgy. I'll take Alex's cock and Gabby you take Brian's."

"You are forgetting one thing Georgey, I have never been with a man and nice as you are I'm not sure about fucking you. No offence."

"None taken."

"What about that TV you fucked when I met you. And you've taken my strap-on several times this weekend. What's your opinion Alex?"

Alex reached out and took my hand and looked straight at me.

"Brian, I would do anything to give you a child, yes even to fuck my sisters partner."

I couldn't help but fill my eyes with tears and as I went to kiss her, she licked them away.

"If we both conceived soon, by the time you went back home we'd both have our babies and Georgey and I will be a complete couple. The only problem is having sex with a man."

"Oh that's easy to overcome, we give Brian a makeover and turn him into a tranny. To make him more real we can pop into a couple of tranny clubs in Frisco beforehand."

We all decided to leave it there and went to our beds, me and Alex in ours and G&G in theirs. Breakfast the following morning was interesting. Nothing was said in the dining room but on return to the suite the four of us occupied G&G brought it up again. Without the aid of alcohol we four discussed the pros and cons of the idea. One of my lesser concerns was how convincing I would look as a tranny. Georgey assured me that I certainly wouldn't be the ugliest girl at the club. We then discussed how much our parents should know. My dad didn't know of Alex's status, I had no reason to tell him, except that offspring would not be forthcoming.

Eventually we had talked all through the possibilities and the pitfalls. We came to an agreement to discuss it between ourselves in the following week and then talk the following weekend. Fortunately, the project was well advanced, ahead of schedule and below the estimated budget. This pleased their Navy no end.

Alex and I talked through our mission to have a baby. We made list and eventually worked things out. She phoned her sister on the Wednesday and agreed to Georgey's scheme. G&G were all for it as well. Alex then phoned her parents and outlined our plans. Sarah did raise the concern about Gabby wanting to keep her child. She rang Gabby and discussed this with her. All was set for the coming weekend. G&G had also talked it through and as Georgey worked for a firm of lawyers, she had found the necessary legal details we needed.

At first Alex and I had somehow thought that she'd simulate her pregnancy but having discussed it with G&G we realised that adoption would be the best and honest way to continue. Since our instigation of our pact, the three girls had me in training. Particularly how to walk in heels and female deportment. We started off on relatively low ones and by the end of the week I was managing four inch ones.

Of course wearing heels I had to wear stockings. Wearing stockings I had to be free of hair. At first it was just my legs being free. Gabby had arranged with a friend of hers for me to attend a salon that did a lot of the surf guys here. I returned from the appointment totally denuded of hair from my neck down. It had felt strange at first, Alex missing my hairy chest arousing her nipples but she soon got to like my hair free body.

It was when Georgey said I needed my nipples piercing that got me a little worried. Although I'd been wearing a bra with some breast forms, chicken filets the girls called them, to get used to the change in my balance, I missed the somewhat muted arousal my own nipples provided. The three girls had demonstrated me how much pleasure their own gave them.

On the Thursday evening, we left the city I was working in and drove up to San Fransisco and booked into a resort there. I did notice that here were mainly same sex couples at the hotel. Our bungalow had everything we could possible want. Two massive bedrooms, both with en-suite facilities, an adequate kitchen and dining room, a comfortable lounge and a playroom. I'd seen the inside of a professionals dungeon but this was something quite outstanding. Outside there was a small but private swimming pool and another play area that was weatherproof, although I didn't think it was the weather that it was proof against.

Over the past few weekends we had been together we often were in each others company naked. Our nakedness was completely relaxed, although the first time was interesting as Alex and I had erections for most of that time. After an initial sizing up of our equipment G&G payed no particular attention to them. It was quite a relief that we were of a similar size, mine being slightly fatter than Alex's whilst hers was slightly longer.

After a leisurely morning Georgey whisked me off to my appointment with my makeover artist. From what seemed like a normal salon on the outside turned out to be something different on the inside. It was definitely aimed at turning men of all-sorts of shape and size into truly stunning women. Georgey was with me the whole time I was made over. As we were going to party for the entire weekend I found out why I had my nipples pieced. Some adhesive was applied to my chest and then a pair of falsies were placed on me. Before they positioned them, a wire from inside the boob was clipped to the bar through my nipple. Once they were happy with how they looked, a UV source was waved over my chest to cure the glue.

I was then encouraged to walk around a bit to get used to the weight on my chest. Walking around in the recreation area naked except for a thong which held my cock covered but not hidden, was a relaxation. I wasn't the only one here as there were other guys in a similar state to myself. I did recognise an actor or two and even a politician. Then it was back to the makeup room. Georgey was asked how she wished me to look, they thought she was my partner and not my kind-of sister-in-law. She chose a classical beauty look with a hint of sluttishness.

I've no idea just what they did to me, I just lay there and thought of England, well not really I thought of the joy that having a child would bring to Alex. Now, fully made up, fingers and toes painted it was off to the dressing station. Georgey had discussed with Alex and Gabby how they wanted me to look. My dresser, a rather effeminate looking guy did have a remarkable skill at choosing what I was to wear.

"Are you wanting her to be available for fun at all times?" He asked.

"No, we're just wanting to make a serious impression on someone close and we'll be playing after we get back from the clubs."

I was then dressed in a Basque and stockings first, the laces at the back were adjusted to give me a narrower waist. A peephole bra went on next. As soon as my dresser slid the material over my now prominent nipples I felt an electric shock through my own nipples.

"I see you've chosen our active models," he said while gently rubbing my chest.

My cock which at that point was uncovered, immediately became hard and was streaming precum from the end. The dresser saw this and just knelt and licked it all up. I glanced over to Georgey and saw her smile.

"Its a dressers privilege, he explained.

A pair of lacy panties were slid up my legs and just before he slid my cock into its gaff he gave it a kiss on the sticky end. Before we chose the dress I was to wear my dresser showed me how to turn the piezoelectric generators in each breast off. This stopped me from nearly cumming every time I moved. We did try on various dresses and were photographed. Eventually, we settled on one, a light blue silk dress. It matched the colour of my eyes perfectly. It was shortish but not sluty short. A few of the other dresses were packed into carriers and we were ready to party. We joined the sisters in a restaurant and they were amazed at my transformation. I was now a 6'2" smoking hot tranny. I turned heads of blokes as I walked to the table. Several other t-girls looked on in envy. I overheard a comment that I was going to get all of the decent guys wanting to get into my nickers.

"They've no chance at that love, I only let one cock in there," I replied to their comment.

They were pretty amazed at my English baritone voice. Apparently, most west coast t-girls had some voice training to sound a little more feminine.

The four of us had a wonderful night. I danced with each in turn but did spend more time with Alex. I did enjoy a slow dance with Gabby and she even commented that she couldn't wait to get back to our suite. One guy did ask to dance with me and he even asked Alex if he could. While we were dancing he was cheeky enough to ask if I'd be interested in a threesome with him and Alex. When I told him that I was heading for a foursome he chuckled. Enjoy yourselves, were his final words before he kissed my cheek.

Back at our suite, the champagne flowed. At first we kept to our own partners but Alex did insist that we also mingled. I put some slow music on and then asked Georgey for a dance. Gabby asked Alex. The dancing soon turned into smooching and then open fondling. It was so hot to see Alex and Gabby kissing.

"I'd better go and rescue Alex before it's her that does the deed with her sister," Georgey whispered.

Gabby broke off from Alex and I took the opportunity to take Gabby in my arms. We had danced at my wedding a couple of months earlier but I was a bloke then, not a hot tranny. She was a lot more relaxed dancing this time. We soon started to copy the others and started to smooch. After a time of smooching Gabby started to get really frisky and was making all of the running. In a brief rest, she asked if I was happy to let her lead things from here.

Kissing her again, or rather she was kissing me and making all the running, my sky blue dress was unzipped and floating towards the floor. She started to do what I had done to Alex the first time we had made love all those months ago. She then started to kiss her way down, taking each of my false nipples in her mouth. My reaction to their stimulation was not too dissimilar to Alex's. Leaving my stockings on Gabby worked my nickers down over my rump and freed my engorged cock.

"This is only the second cock I've ever played with," she said just before she kissed it on the end and then opened her mouth and took my cock in deep. She was not as skilful as Alex was at sucking on my cock but she certainly had me going. Instead of completing her blow job she stood up and pulled me over to the bed.

As we were in the playroom, this bed was not for sleeping in. I was pushed back onto the bed and told to wriggle into the centre. I was a little concerned when she took hold of my legs and had then restrained in some cuffs. She then did the same to my arms.

"Most of the trannies I know like to be dominated, either by guys or by top females," Gabby whispered as she was restraining my arms. I had worked out that as she was not too enamoured by men, she was much happier being the dominant one. Now suitably restrained Gabby mounted the bed and lowered her pussy onto my face.

"Come on bitch, eat my pussy."

I applied my somewhat limited experience of pussy eating to hers. She obviously enjoyed it as she had one orgasm almost straight away. My mouth and face was flooded in her emissions. She was now worked up enough to take my cock into her as she slid down and sat on my cock. Unlike when Alex and I made love my cock didn't go straight in. Alex broke off from her exciting of Georgey to guide me into her sister. Gabby took it straight to the root. Unfortunately, I didn't see her facial expression as she sat on my pelvis as Georgey was busy licking up her lovers cum off my face. I did get to see her expression as Alex slipped her cock into her pussy as she lent over me.

Despite all of the stimulation I had received I managed to last through two more of Gabby's orgasms before my cock fired off multiple shots of cum deep into her. The strange thing was, Alex came inside Georgey at almost the same time. When discussing this later, we realised that we almost always came together when we were making love. I did suggest that we could make a suitable research project for further study. I received a light slap for my comment.

For the rest of the weekend, we played, ate, slept, cleaned up before returning to our mission of creating babies. Alex's and my cum went into the two girls exclusively but we did get to lick each others partners. Our last bought of baby making had me fucking Gabby and Alex taking her up the rear at the same time. A short while later we repeated this with Georgey, only this time I took her up the rear.

As both of the girls had been living together for several years now, almost ten in fact, their monthly cycles had become simultaneous and the weekend we had chosen for our orgy was at the right time for ovulation and insemination. As we packed up, the four of us made a pact to repeat this orgy until both girls were pregnant. As it happened, we didn't need to, they both missed their next period. On hearing this we decided to wait a little longer before considering a repeat orgy. We did, however, meet up and did all end up in the same bed but we kept to our own partners. Both girls were totally relaxed with being naked with Alex and I. A week after their missed periods, both girls confirmed that they were pregnant.

Being pregnant did cause a few problems with the girls but Alex's organisational skills sorted them out. We discussed things with their respective bosses and sorted things out, such as health care, maternity leave and other necessary things. To be fair, Alex did most of the organising as I was at a critical stage in my own project. Alex surprised me one evening saying the G&G were to be married.

The weekend of their wedding their parents meet for the first time. The four in-laws got on very well, as they did with our vicar who was flown in to conduct the wedding. Alex and I performed the offices of Maid of Honour and Best Man, well more like Master of Honour and Best Girl as Alex had stood by Gabby. I was told it wasn't the strangest wedding that had been performed in the church. At the reception, Alex, true to her status as Best Girl did have the guests roaring with laughter. She even hinted that it was her privilege as Best Girl to see that the Master of Honour was looked after, and oh boy, she did later.

Our projects progressed very well, the girls worked until they were too big to continue, mine was in the final stages of testing. I'd been seeing to the fitting of the systems to one of their destroyers while Alex had been wooing their technical staff with her training. We both got invited to spend a few days on the destroyer out at sea. The Captain gave us his stateroom for the duration while he used his bridge cabin. His yeoman, a woman was very attentive to our needs and was quite discrete, even when finding us together just after we had made love one morning. Breakfast in bed while steaming at full speed chasing one of their submarines was a fun way to spend the day.

The only blight on the horizon was when a senator suggested that it would be treason if they let both of us leave the US with the knowledge we now had. When I asked him if he knew the meaning of the word Treason, he mumbled some words. I then quoted Wikipedia's meaning

Treason is criminal disloyalty, typically to the state. It is a crime that covers some of the more extreme acts against one's nation or sovereign.

I stated that as a British citizen I would not be committing treason and I wouldn't be conducting espionage as it was my system that I was allowing them to use.

Later on that week, Alex and I were invited to spend some time aboard their latest aircraft carrier as it worked up with its battle group. Our test destroyer was included but not part of the group. When it picked up a report of an unknown sub in the area, the battle group commander didn't believe it as none of his other escorts had found anything. A short while later, one of RN's subs popped to the surface alongside the carrier and ran up the White Ensign with a Jolly Roger inverted. One of the lieutenants made as derisory comment about not getting that flag the right way up.

"Do you know why the flag in flown," the Admiral asked?

"Just a bit of stupid theatricals," the lieutenant replied.

"It was last flown the correct way up in 1982, when HMS Conqueror sank the Belgrano," I informed him.

"Well you'd think they'ed know which way up it should go."

"Before you continue, just think what has happened today. None of our escorts picked up the sub, except Brian's boat. That sub is armed with Spearfish torpedoes and would have sunk this ship and a few of our escorts before we'd knew it was there." The Admiral explained. "I asked London if they had one of their boats available for a test but I didn't think they'd let me have one, or at least tell me it was in the area."

A short while later, the Captain of the sub was helo'd over and presented the RN's compliments. After a debriefing, he and I were discussing his approach and what would have happened if the escort was a little more aggressive when the Admiral came over. He assured us that he had an inkling what was going to happen and would have overrode any action.

Back on shore, we were just finishing off our project, it was no longer just my project but Alex's as well. We had seen to all the documentation and training were ready to close down our end and leave it to our American sister company. A final trip to Washington was made for a closedown meeting with their Navy Department, which included the Admiral and the senator that made the treason comments. He actually apologised for his earlier statement when he found that we had exceeded the specifications for the project by a long way. I didn't have the heart to tell him that the system the RN was fitting was significantly better and more sensitive than the US version. He did try to poach the pair of us to work for his companies but Alex and I both declined, stating that we missed the British weather so much. He took it in good humour and thanked us both.

When we arrived back on the west coast, G&G had just gone into labour. Two healthy babies were bourn a few hours apart. Gabby had a girl and Georgey a boy. Their birth certificates had their fathers names on them. Alex had signed with her original male name of Alexander, not that much different than her name now, Alexandra. We spent a happy few weeks with our family before we were due to fly home. Alex was given charge of our baby girl almost as soon as they came out of hospital. One of Georgey's work colleagues sorted out all of the paperwork regarding the adoption and we were free to return home.

Arriving in the UK, the three of us were met by our parents, my dad had been told of our adoption by John and Sarah. They had not revealed Alex's trans status though. While our immediate families knew of our adoption, almost all of our friends and colleagues thought that Jessica was Alex's own child. We did nothing to dissuade them. We did, however, carry on trying to have more children, well, making love as often as possible.

After a few weeks of acclimatising to our new family life, I returned to work to a hero's welcome. My MD had informed me of a large increase in my salary and told me of the bonuses I'd earned, both from the UK and US businesses. Invested properly would give me and my family security for life. My MD had his investment consultant help on that front.

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