Broken Relationships

By Chuck

Published on Jul 3, 1999


Please, people , this is concerning homosexual stuff which means boy+boy = love so if you are not interested on this stuff then get out!!! But if you are then come and read. Please right any comments or complaints at my address Read on!

Broken Relationships

The more he licked and caressed my cock, the more I screamed and groaned. While I brushed his sweat off his smooth forehead, he took everything from me, my love, my member, my virginity, everything. "I love you so much. Please don't ever leave me again!" Tears run through my cheeks from the love he was giving me. Then, I couldn't take it. I exploded in his mouth, humping it in rhythmic whispering, ","



Shoot, it was only a dream! That was the third time I've been dreaming about 'that guy'. Why must the alarm go on now? Every time I see this dream, I could never see the person making love to me. My cheeks was wet with the tears. It felt almost real!


I took the old alarm clock and threw it across the room and made a loud crashing sound and I went back to sleep. It still made that damn annoying sound! "Gawd, why can't you just leave me asleep??!!!" My scream shook one of my friend's picture beside my bed. Finally, the alarm stopped and I flopped back to sleep hoping the dream would continue. Then someone knocked on the door. Not another distraction! "Ummmmm, Jake? Are you all right? I heard something crashing in your bedroom?" It was only my mom. I tried to ignore her but she just kept on calling my name. "I--I'm all right! Leave me alone!!"

"Good, you better wake up or you'll be late! One of your classmates just dropped by if you were awake and all. He said that...."

"He?? Who was it??" I asked. I sure hoped it was Leo. "It's that guy who has that really short hair...Phillip was it? He said you promised him you'd walk with him to school today!" my mom said in this soothing voice.

It's only Philip. But man, is he cute. He had this really cute baby face . Stare in his hazel eyes and you would understand what love is all about. His cream skin's so smooth and soft like feather. Oh, gosh! I wanted him so bad! Not as a sex partner but someone who I could love and be there when I'm alone. Like a husband maybe. Sorry about that! Anyways, he was about just a 1/2 centimetre taller than me and he already lost every trace of baby fat on him.

Plus he's older than me by exactly two months. I met him last years ago to be exact in grade 7. The first time I went to his classroom, everyone looked at me, especially the girls. I stared at every face in there, then there I saw him. He had an angelic face that stole my heart that day. The teacher made me sit beside him and the rest was history. At first he was a bit shy when I talked to him but soon he became more loose. We did everything together, sleep overs, partners in projects, watching movies just both of us, watching porno flicks which never quitely turned me on because it was for the straights, everything. Well, except for any sexual contacts.

Lately, he's been acting way strange when I'm around. Like, he usually calls me and talk to me about school stuff but now, he's like calling me like every 10 minutes until 1 AM and talk about love things. And he's always with me like we were a couple. Not that I didn't like it but damn rumors that we're going out flooded some people.

And then, there's Leo who's in my dreams for a long, long, time. He's not like any person you'll meet. I was really lucky he became my friend. He saved my ass from getting kicked many times and he also got beaten up just for protecting me. He always thought about me before he makes major decisions. That's why he went with me in the same school even though most... actually all his friends went somewhere else. Once, I asked him if he did this 'cause he liked me. He punched me in the face and had one of my longest arguments ever. But we ended up being friends again. He's a bit shorter than me and Philip but his figure makes up for that. Like me, Leo was born in Paris, a luxurious city. Philip is pure natural Greek . These gorgeous 15 years old boys really turned me on. But all I could think about every time I think of them was them having a good wife and children in the future while me still stuck being a gay bachelor trying to find at least a girl who would like me for who I am. What a bad way to start a day.

My mom continued, "Quick! You'll be late for school again! I made a quick bfast for you, it's in the kitchen!" I went down the kitchen and opened the fridge for milk. "Jake? blah....blah..blah!" She was saying some family thing I really didn't care about but she stopped midway of her sentence. I looked at her and she had three shades of red on her cheeks and she started to giggle.

"W--What??" I asked.

I noticed her looking down at me so I looked down. OMIGOD!!!! I saw my full grown 5-1/2 inch hardon creating a tent in my cum soaked briefs! Damn dream!! I ran back to my bedroom and took off my briefs. I never went back in the kitchen for I know that she and I would be too embarrassed to talk to each other. Instead I took a quick shower

As I put on my uniform looking at the mirror, I wonder why girls thinks that my eyes were the perfect thing I had in my face. I mean my eyes' is as big as the thickness of a pencil and it slanted slightly, like that alien teenager from "3rd Rock From the Sun." It was kinda disturbing for me every time I looked at the mirror. I brushed my light brown hair carefully making sure the left side hair won't mix with the right. I really need a haircut. My hair is hanging longer than below my ears. As I always do, I tucked one side on my ear and let the other hang. Do I take care of my hair too much or what? So, as daily routine I check my hair one more time before going down stairs. I tried to avoid my mom before I left but she was still in the kitchen sipping her coffee. There was no way out so I just passed her. She noticed me walking by and said making her face blush again, "Ummm..J..Jake? Your friend who came earlier said that he would be waiting in the subway for you." I gave a quick kiss and left.

I knew it was Philip. He always wait for me even though I always come to school late that the secretary where I get my late slip knew me well. But today I promised him that we'll be in school early for

When I walked downstairs to the subway, I saw Philip still waiting for me.

"I'm so sorry! I woke up late and..."

"It's okay dude! I knew that you were going to be late! Don't worry, I don't care if I'm late as long as I'm with you." he said. I was shocked at what he said. Was I hearing right?! I smiled and asked with the cutest voice, "What's that suppose to mean?" "N..never mind!!" he said giggling.

I sat beside him and started to talk to him about this video game I bought recently. He kept on looking at me with this gorgeous smile! I didn't think he was listening to me So I said to him, "Philip, I want you so I bad that my dick gets hard every time your around!" I was right! He wasn't listening! So I shouted, "Ummm...Phil...?Philip??!!!!" He sat straight up and stopped looking at me. "Y-yeah?!" His face became bright red and started fiddling. "Ha ha ha! Man, what's wrong with you? Looking at me for so long with that smile of yours?!!" I noticed that he wasn't laughing but even turned even more red. I stopped laughing and asked what's wrong.

He looked at me straight into my eyes with his sad puppy face look. I almost fainted when he looked at me with that gorgeous face! He told me, "Jake, we've been friends since... well only for two years but I already gained your trust and you gained mine. We've been sharing all our secrets and we've been always gone through all those good and bad times." He stopped talking and waited for me to say anything.

I asked, "Is something wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost!" He gave me this look again that told me joking was not the time. I got closer to him and asked again," Look, what's wrong? You know that you could tell me anything you want! So please, tell me."

"I..I'," He smiled again. The train came finally. We didn't talk much afterwards but I knew he was hiding something from me. As soon as we came to the school, we quickly change to our gym clothes in the washroom and ran fast to gym class. We were flunking that class!

"Well, well, well! Our couple has finally showed up!" a guy said.

Everyone laughed. I couldn't blame him. We were always late and always come inside together. So I just played along and hugged Philip while turning my head back to them. "Sorry! We were like having sex all night and day! I didn't want to go to school but Phil said that he didn't want you guys to miss up at what we were doing last night!"

They knew I was just joking so they laughed until they couldn't anymore. I couldn't help but laugh at my own joke too. I looked at Philip and I was surprised that he was in a major blush today. We always joke around when we come late then laugh our heads off but right now he was just standing there trying to make himself laugh. This was getting way weird.

We had different classes so I had to go down back to my locker which was close to my second class. I saw Leo waiting for me at my locker. Man, he looks even cuter when he's in uniform! "Hey Jake! Where the fuck were you this morning again?! I was waitin' for you for so long my girlfriend left me here waiting!" "Sorry man! I woke up major late this morning! Plus my mom saw my hard dick..."

"Your mom saw your dick?!! Ha,ha,ha!!! What happened then, you both had sex?" "Fuck you, asshole!!" I shouted back. I blushed and tried to get through the door to my second class but he stopped me and apologized to me. "Sorry dude. It's just your never on time every time I wait for you in the morning! Anyway, how are you? Haven't seen you for awhile!" We started to chit chat about school, exams in the few weeks and about Philip acting weird lately. "Philip acting weird? That's weird! He never acted strange before." He told me. "Maybe, he was just pissed off of that rumour you and him being a couple!" "You're right! I can't even take it anymore! He used to be full of life....when I'm around! Is it me? Am I acting weird? Am I not..."

He cut me and said, "Jake, stop! It's not your fault! Anyways, ask him what's the problem in lunch. You and him always go alone to buy your food outside! That reminds me, you promised to tutor me for english! Come to my house like after school kay?" "All right."

We went inside 2nd class and out still talking about anything. "Look, I'll meet you at my house after okay? My girlfriend can't wait to make out with me again, See ya!" he said. His girlfriend was waiting outside for him. As soon as she saw him, she planted one of those very deep kiss in his lips. God, that really hurt. I couldn't stand seeing him kissing that girl who every guy, except for me, in school are going ga ga over with. I walked past them and gave a bad look at his girlfriend. He was mine! Not her's! I wished I was another big breasted woman so I could at least say that I love him so much that I'll lose my virginity for him.

I went outside still feeling hurt. I didn't even notice that it was raining hard that my uniform got soaked as soon as I came out. When I saw Philip with his cute smile at me again, I felt like all my problems disappeared. He came over me and shared his umbrella. "So where do you want to buy lunch again? Pizza Pizza... Burger King... or that new restaurant over there?" he asked. "Ummm... Can we just go to the park" I replied. "Why do you want to go to the park for? It's way too wet and..." He noticed me really looking forward to go there. "All right. If that's what you want!" "Thanks!" So, we went to a park and sat on a bench that was still dry.

"Philip,I want to ask you something? Please, don't hesitate to answer back."

"Okay. What is it?"

"I noticed that you've been acting strangely when I'M around."

"Strange around? What are you talking about?"

"Wait, let me finish. We used to be so hyperactive but now it's like, there's something that you don't want to tell me and it's stopping us from doing fun stuff! Is...Is it because of me? Like this morning, you didn't even hear me saying something really erotic that would at least make you laugh!" I giggled for a bit but I acted serious again.

"I...I don't know who's fault it is for making me this way! I can't tell it to you because I know you'll hate me for it and you might tell it to everyone! If you were in my shoes then you'll know. Please understand. Look, can't we talk about something else? How about that game you just bought?"

"Bullshit!! I talked about that fucking game this morning when you weren't listening! I want to know! Why are you fucking acting weird lately?!" I was becoming angry this time.

He stared at me with hateful eyes and started yelling out, "Don't you understand?! Didn't you realize all those clues I keep on sipping out to you so at least you would know eventually without me telling!! That time when I said 'I don't care if I'm late as long as I'm with you', this morning when staring at you while you were talking to me, in gym class I couldn't help myself from turning red when you made that joke and...and when I fucking waited for you even if you come so late!!"

All he said started to piece in my head. I finally found out. He loves me! I wanted to say that I love him too and I was gay, but I couldn't. I was too shocked to know that he loves me! The 2nd cutest guy loves me! Me, a semi cute guy who's always shy to ask out a girl! Me!

I simply smiled and hugged him so tight, I could feel his heartbeat pounding like crazy! Tears of joy started to roll down my cheeks and mixed with the rain as he put down the umbrella and wrapped his arms around me. I removed my body and holded his hands. "I...I love you too!" I whispered. I knew he was so shocked when I said that 'cause he made that same face I did. I gently kissed him finding out how soft his pink lips was. I removed my lips from his but he instead hugged me tight and kissed me back. We were locked up kissing each other. I felt his tongue trying to enter me so I opened my mouth wider and tasted his sweet juice while he explored me. He touched my ass massaging it while he pushed it closer to his thighs. It felt so good feeling his hard cock warming my thigh. He took one of his hands and gently touched my dick. I yelped from the suprise and he took his hand off.

"I..I'm sorry!" He whispered.

"Don't be!" I put his hand back to where it belongs and he started to massage my dick. It started to get so hard it hurts! I moaned while I was kissing him. I massaged his hard dick in his pants wanting him to feel what I'm feeling right now. He couldn't take it anymore! He made me sit in the now soaked bench and unzipped my pants! "P..Philip! Not here! Anyone could see us!" I tried to shout but because of the rain, he only heard it in a whisper. "Now, who's going out in this rain and watch us fuck each other?!" He gave me a grin and gently took out my dick and gently massaged it. I couldn't believe it! He wanted this for so long! I groaned as he slowly moved his hands up and down. He was about to eat my cock but I hold his face. "You don't need to do this to prove that you love me!"

"But I WANT to!" he replied.

He licked the slit of my dick making me moan and shake, and all of a sudden he took it all the way in his mouth. I gasped for air from this pleasure while feeling his hot wet mouth sucking and moving up and down slowly. All I could do was to moan loud and gently massage his head. I fucked his face slowly then faster."Uhhhhnnn....q..quick! Get off! I'm about to explode!!" I screamed. But he didn't listen and instead, sucked the head harder waiting for me to explode. He played my balls making it bounce from his hands. "I'm cummin! Get off!" He still didn't move. He engulfed my cock making him choke. I cummed inside his mouth and gave me pleasure 100 more than me jacking off! Philip sucked and licked until I was dry. I must've let go about a cup 'cause Philip had cum dripping down his face. He kissed it and put my dead member back inside my underwear and zipped my pants. He sat beside and had another french kiss. I tasted my own cum and it tasted like sweeet lemon juice. That made me horny again.

"My Turn!" I screamed.

"Can't! It's already 1 PM, we're late!" He took the umbrella beside the bench and we ran back to the school. Before we reached the school, we checked if anyone was hanging around. No one. We embraced and went into those deep kisses again.

"You owe me!" he said smiling at me.

"Owe you?! Oh, right! Well, you stopped me that's why!" I said giggling.

"Let's finish this at my house...say after school?!" he asked. "Sure, see you later!"

We went back to school and went to our locker to dry up. 4th period and 5th was like a breeze to me that day. No boys turned me on, not even Leo who was cuter than Philip. Somehow, Philip had made me realize how he was much better at doing everything than Leo. I couldn't stop thinking about him. Everything reminded me of Philip. I was frantically acting way weird that everyone noticed it. After 5th period, Leo came up to me at my locker with his good looks and lightly slapped me at my back.

"That's for you for snobbing me this period!" he shouted.

I smiled and said, "I'm sorry! Guess my mind was totally out of it today!"

"You sure were! Well, hurry up! Remember you promised to tutor me!"

"Oh my gosh, I forgot all about it! Ummm...Leo, can't we postpone it until tomorrow?"

"Can't dude! I'm going somewhere with my parents tomorrow and the next day....then the day after!" I couldn't say no again, I mean he got BEATEN up just to save me.

"Okay, fine. Can I just talk to Philip for awhile?"

"Alright, I'll wai..." He didn't even finish his sentence when I quickly took off to find him. When I reached his locker, he wasn't there! I opened up his locker but I couldn't find his running shoes and gym shorts. Shoot! He's already at his house waiting for me. I went back to my locker and saw Leo fixing up his already-fixed hair on one my mirrors.

"Let's go! Philip went home already!" Leo closed my locker and we left the school. His house was WAY farther than mine. It was like 25 blocks away mine so we had to use a bus to get there from the subway. He asked me about how it went with me when I asked why Philip was acting weird.

I lied and said, "It went well. He was just having major headache this past week." I regretted saying that. I wanted to tell in details what had happened but of course he's straight..I think. We got out of the bus and walked some more. We talked and talked about video games and stuff. His house was way bigger than mine. We went inside and said hi to his mom and dad politely who was leaving already and went quickly to Leo's bedroom.

"Now, let's make it quick! What do you need to study? Shakespeare? Grammar?" I was talking way too fast that he had to shut me up. "Hold on! I still need to change to my boxers!" he said. "Okay, is it okay to call someone?" I asked. He nodded and went to his closet. I called Philip and waited for anyone to pick up. Someone did.

"Hello?" It was Philip. "Philip, I'm sorry I can't go right now. I'm tutoring Leo..." All of a sudden Leo took off his pants on briefs. My eyes glued on his two beautiful tight ass cheeks! I couldn't help staring but he was stripping there like no one was even in the room. He also took off his shirt and massaging his back! He was standing there, no clothes on and massaging his back! Please don't put any clothes on yet!

"Ummm...Jake?? Hello....?" Philip's voice took me back to reality. I told him that I'll come later and hanged up still looking at Leo stripping. Stop it! I said to myself. I have a boyfriend now! Someone who loves me! Someone who's there, someone who's...not Leo. I covered my lap with one of his books, hiding my 5 inch cock from poking my pants. "Nice view!" I said while giggling. He turned around and saw me looking at him. He blushed a little and covered his front with one of his wet shirt. "FAG!! Why are you looking at me for when I'm naked?!"

"Like ummm...there's no one to look at!..." He was putting on his boxer while I was laughing "...besides you were stripping in front of me.! How can I not look?!"

"Ummm.. it's easy, look somewhere! Could you like massage my back for just a sec? It was hurting all morning 'cause of my freaking GF."

He sat beside on the carpet and took both of my hands on his back.

"Uhhuhh! Too much making out I suppose!" I gently massage his smooth back still keeping the book over my pants. I can't believe he's letting me touch his back like I was his relative or something! Of course, I wouldn't say no. Who wouldn't? I gently massaged his shoulder making him groan in pleasure. Then he answered back still groaning, "Making out?! Yeah right! I didn't even want to do it but she kept forcing me too! It was the only way she would shut up! To tell you the truth, she didn't even turn me on one bit. And they say every guy's in love with her!"

"You're not the only one who doesn't like her! I don't and Philip doesn't! Besides you don't have to like her! There's many fishes in the sea!"

"Thanks! You're such a good pal.....hee! Ha!ha!Stop that tickles!!" Next thing I knew, I was tickling his armpits, then his sides, then his abs feeling every inch of his skin. "You'll pay for that!" He gave me an evil grin and tackled me and ended up lying on the floor. I quickly tried to sit down the bed from showing my hard cock but he just tackled me again and we fell back to the carpet. I lied down on my stomach while he was on top squishing my hard ons. It became even harder when he tried to move his waist at my back.

"Get off Leo. You're squishing me. Get.."

I stopped and felt his dick get harder and harder. He wasn't moving off of me, he was actually humping me. I turned around and I was suprised his boxer was already off and he was still humping me like I wasn't wearing my pants or anything. He made this really nice rhythmic pound on my covered ass.

"Do you like that?" he panted and gently whispered in my ears then started licking it. He made me hornier than Philip could and he wasn't even sucking my cock or anything! He turned me around and for the first time, I actually saw a real 51/2 hard dick . He didn't even wait for me to answer because he saw it in my eyes. I'm such a slut! Here I am, going to get fucked by another guy just after a recent blowjob. I guess you could say I'm a sexoholic. I felt I betrayed Philip's trust and how'd he think if he finds out about this. But I couldn't help it, my sexual dreams is really happening in real life.

He stood up and said, "Just a sec."

He locked the door and added the chain for extra privacy, I took off my shirt then my pants. He played one of those hardcore-like songs in the background and layed on top of me. "A..Aren't you a bit scared?" he asked. I didn't say anything and kissed him gently on his hot lips. I was scared too but I pretended not to. We start locked up kissing each other. We never stopped to gasp for air. He moved his kisses down to my chest and started sucking at my erected nipples. Every time he bit it, I yelped out in pain. He moved even more down and kissed at the the very small pubes around my dick. He's driving me crazy! He was playing everything in my body, sucking it, but never touched my dick. He was giggling as I crossed my arms, "Alright, geez! Can't we foreplay for awhile?" I started giggling too but I tried to keep a mad look. He quickly grabbed my penis making my waist jump. Then, he slowly sucked the top part making me moan and scratch the carpet. He did it very slowly but he was much better than Philip. It's almost like he has done this before. He was sucking me so good that I forgot all about going to Philip's house. My head pounded at the carpet as he slowly lowered his mouth taking my pole in. It felt so good that no matter how he moved ever so slowly my dick was about to burst. Cum came out filling up Leo's mouth. He sucked it even harder as I exploded in his mouth. "Uhhnnnn....ahhhh!" Good, I stopped. More of that would surely make my dick go ka boom! As I lay down there, he said to me smelling the cum in his mouth, "We're not done yet."

He stood up, grabbed his lengthy cock and pointing it towards my face. I grabbed it gently and licked the slit like Philip did to me. My first time ever sucking a cock. I really thought after Philip giving me blowjob that it would be his cock in my mouth. I carefully let his cock slid down my mouth tasting every place. I heard him moan in pleasure as I sucked up and down his pole slowly.

"Uhhhhh!" He groaned and brushed my hair with his hands messing it up. His dick tasted salty at first but it turned out to be so sweet that I couldn't get enough of it. I jacked off my growing member while I sucked on his. He started humping my face so fast that I rarely had to do anything. I had one hand left doing nothing so without second thought, I grabbed his ass and squeezed his bubble cheeks."Uhhhhh.....ahhhh!" His hot cum splatted all over my mouth. There was so much cum he spurted inside me that some dribbled down my chin. He slid off his hot dick out my mouth and squatted at front of me. He kissed me and licked some of the cum. I was still jacking off but he stopped me and told me to save it for later. I did, while he turned off the music.

"I really had a fun time Jake, Thanks!"

"Y-You're welcome...I never knew you were gay. I mean remember the time when you punched me on the face when I asked you if you liked me? That made me realize you were 100% pure straight. Guess you fooled me right there, huh?" I asked. "Actually, I was really pissed you said that. I tried to hide the fact that I was gay but when you asked me if I liked you, somehow, all the date with the girls, all those time trying to look at straight pornos so maybe I'll be as normal as everyone was a waste." We crawled to the bed and lyed there cuddling each other to sleep. I woke up frequently everytime the phone rang when no one answers. Leo also woke up because of the noise. He went up and unhooked the phone and we went back to sleep.

I saw Philip sitting at the porch looking at the ground, "Jake where the fuck are you?" He walked back and forth in his porch still looking at the ground. He looked up and saw me, "How could you, you BASTARD!! I loved you! You loved me back. Why are you going off fucking someone else? Am I not good enough for you, huh?!! Talk to me!!!!" He bursted into tears and ran back inside his house. I tried to run, really. But someone was holding me back. I turned around and saw Leo hugging me as if he's trying to stop me from going in. "There's no more Philip in the picture, just us two now!" he whipered. "Let go of me! Let go, you're hurting me!" I saw it in his eyes, this evil side taking control of me. All my feelings for him became fear and danger.

"Wake up dude, it's like 8 pm! Mom will get pissed!"

My eyes opened and saw Leo on top of me. Thank god it was only a dream. I never wanted Philip to....Philip! "Oh my gosh! Philip's waiting for me!" I ran to the nearest mirror and fixed myself up. There were so much dry cum in my face. It was on my ear, my cheeks and just beside my lips. Even in my hands! "Slow down, luv. It's not like it's the end of the world or anything!" Well, maybe to me it is! I screamed in my head.

"Look, sorry about not tutoring you! I promise...tommorow!" I said in an 100-mile words per minute. "Yeah, we could even learn more tommorow, if you know what I mean!" He started giggling which made me giggle. "I gotta go! Meet you tommorow k?" I opened the door and before I led myself out of the house Leo kissed me on the lips and then on the neck. He bit my and neck and did some weird sucking. It felt so good, but I stopped him and went on. What am I gonna say? Philip, I had sex with Leo! Are you happy? Oh yeah, like that's gonna work! So many excuses, so few that I needed. Gotta think! Should I just say the truth or just lie like some horny guy, i.e. me, would do? Too fast. I never thought this day would turn out to be a really weird one. I just found out two of my best friends were really longing for my body and love. I didn't really wanted to go to Philip's house. My cock is so dead from getting sucked by two men. Plus, Philip might offer me to stay at his house the whole night which means more sex...well if I lie that is.

Adeliede St. one more block and I'm there. I wanted to run away, I never intended to have sex with Leo just after Philip said that he loves me very much. As I reach his porch, my legs became jelly and I almost freaked out when I heard the bell rang as I pressed on the button. It took awhile, but Philip opened the door. My gosh, his eyes were so red and puffed up.

"Hey, Philip. Sorry for being late, Leo and I fell asleep while studying," I giggled a bit but he interrupted and bursted to tears. "I-I was right!! I can't trust you! S..stupid...STUPID ME!!!!"

"What did I do? I never did any..."

He interrupted,"I-I can't believe it! I actually thought that you had to come late 'cause Leo really needed that extra help!"


"No, you listen! God, I can't believe it! After I told you I love you, you go off and fuck some guy. I'm sorry was that Leo?!" I don't know how he knew it but he did! I stood there looking at his eyes all cried up thinking what words would stop this argument. There was none. All I could do was stand there looking like a dork saying nothing. Not one word like 'I'm sorry' or 'How did you know'. He went on, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I...I knew it would be stupid enough to actually think that you would actually like me. I really tried! I blew it...I...FUCKING BLEW IT!!!!!." He stopped for a moment to wipe his tears. "You're just wasting your time talking to me. Go back to Leo's arms and see if I care!" Before he went back inside his house, these three words that wouldn't come out of my mouth came in the most unappropriate time.


"Stop lie too much!" he whispered. He slammed door almost hitting my face. That was it. He hated me. Philip hated me for what I did. I sat down on the floor. I brushed my tears but it just got worst.Tears became rivers of water flowing down my cheeks. I shouted, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please Philip? Can you hear me? Philip?!!" I knocked on the door as I whispered, "I'm sorry! Please open the door?" I stood up crying and crying. That's all I could do. I ran to the sidewalk and shouted one more time, "I'm sorry!!" I waited for anyone to come out of his house. The more I waited the the louder I cried. I gave up. I ran as fast as my weak body can go back to my house...

Thanks guys(gals) for reading the whole story! Any comments, complaints anything?!! Just like e-mail me at: . Remember this is my first time writing! There will be a second chapter

Next: Chapter 2

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