Broken Relationships

By Chuck

Published on Aug 5, 1999


Here's chapter 3 for the people who has been waiting for the next chapter for more than three weeks now(sorry). Anyways, comments and complains are always welcome with hugs and kisses(Phew!!) at or sign my guestbook at my friend's website at:

Read on!

Broken Relationships Part 3: A Lovely Night

The burning sunlight burned my face waking up me at saturday morning. A faint scent which only belonged to Leo filled the room...Leo! I turned around and saw Leo sleeping. A small dribble of spit was pouring down his mouth wetting one of my pillows. I nudged his shoulders trying to wake him up.

"Leo, wake up! It's 6 AM!" I groaned.

I kept on shaking his shoulder until his eyes opened slightly. He was still naked since last night. His cock was semi-hard. By his looks, he was about to freak out. His eyes widened when he saw the clock.

"Oh shit! Parents are going to get so fuckin' mad!" He stood up while wearing his boxers and his sleeveless shirt. He fixed up his hair on the mirror then went to the window. Before he crawled out of the window, he whispered,

"I really had a good night, Jake! Let's do this again next time! Luv ya!"

"I love you too! Now go, before your parents kick your ass!"

"Yeah, yeah! Call you later...and oh remember no making out with that blondie!" he warned me.

"Don' worry I'm gay remember!"

"Well, girls can sometimes change that!"

"I'm more like in the gay section not bi!"

"Whatever! Lates!"

He crawled out of the window and rode his bike. I looked at him one more time riding his bike in full speed as I closed the window seal. How lucky I am to have him! Oh well, there was no point sleeping anyway. My mind felt like it's in hyper mode again. I tried to watch some shows on t.v. but nothing was on except for some lame cartoon shows I used to watch. Instead of flipping for any shows in t.v. I went on my computer and checked my e-mail. Never checked my e-mail since last week! Slow, slow, connection. It took me awhile to check my e-mail. Half of the new ones was mostly news and some crap from porno sites. The other half was crap too! It was love letters from girls. What ever happened to old fashioned love notes in locker? I played some few R&B mp3 musics on my comp giving some life in me.

I gave out a long yawn as the my connection took so long to go to this site. Next thing I knew, I heard a quiet click on my computer. Crap someone called. The phone then rang and I answered.


"Gosh, I'm so sorry I woke you up! Guess I'll call back," It sounded like Philip but I wasn't sure because Philip never calls this time of hour.


"That's my name!"

"Sorry for shouting at you, I was on the net."

"Sorry too! So, why're you on the net at this time of hour?"

"Well, I woke up really early just to wake up Leo and..."

"Oh...Leo's...there?" he whispered. It sounded like he choked back his tears.

"No...actually he came..." No! I didn't want say it. I know he'll get sad or angry if I tell him he came at midnight just to have sex with me. I continued,"...yesterday and...accidently...fell asleep!

"He left already this morning!"

"Okaaay! Well, did you tell him"

"Not really! WAIT! That's not what you think! It's not that I'm afraid to tell him, I'm scared that he might brake up with me and beat the hell out of you! I...I don't want to lose another best friend." "Another..."

"" My heart ached a bit from saying it. But I wanted him to know how I feel about him. I wanted to hang up and just leave it like that but he mumbled something.

"Don't say that, Jake, we're still best friends We just had an argument that's all...okay, maybe we just had this love thing between us making us want it each other. But it doesn't affect our friendship no matter how it's really killing us."

"Y-you really mean that?" I choked while two balls of tears raced down my face.

"Yeah..." he mumbled.


"You're such a wuss! You cry all the time!" he screamed. We both giggled trying not to think about what just happened. We completely changed the subjects afterwards. We went back to our usual chit chats. How I missed that. It's been only since last night he called and talk about our usual stuff. After about twenty minutes my phone started to beep.

"Oh, hold on someone's in the other line." I checked out the other line.


"Good morning, may I speak to Jake please?" I was sure it was Leo who's trying to be polite just to suck up to my parents. He always do that.

"It's me you dolt! You don't have to suck up when you call!"

"Well sorry! I just want to have a good impression so they'll think I'm a good boy."

Like they'll fall for that, hold on all right?" I went back on the first line.

"I'll call you back okay?"

"Yeah sure,... it's Leo right?" Philip replied with a regretting voice.


"Then I'll wait for your call in a few hours! bye." he slammed the phone down. I didn't know if he was angry about that or he just accidentally slammed it. I went back to other line and talked to Leo.

"Who was in the other line?" he asked.

"It was Philip. We talked about...stuff!"

"Early in the morning? What's wrong with him? Is he your lover or something?"

I freaked out bad! I thought he found out about me and Philip. I tried to find a word to say to him, anything! Then it occured to me that it was only a joke.

"A....ha..ha.haha...!" I sounded like I was about to die or something!

"What's wrong with you?! Did I do something bad now?!"

"! Anyways what's up?"

"Not much! Parents never knew I was gone! Listen, you have any plans tommorrow?"

"Well... I have to go attend church at the morning but I guess that's it.... why?"

"Well, I was thinking... maybe we should go somewhere tommorrow if that's okay with you."

"You mean" I whispered in a sexy voice. He made some weird sounds just before saying yeah. I didn't want to go 'cause I only have money to treat Clarrissa but guess I was stuck on agreeing with 'his' idea. Just then I heard his mom in his line begging for the phone. He told me he had to go and gave a quick 'kiss' sound.

After that, morning till afternoon became boredom. My body flat on my bed watching tv never moved a muscle. This sure is a good way to kill some time! Minutes seems like endless hours ticked by. My mind tried to move my body to do anything, masturbate, get up to play video games but none worked. Believe me I'm still a horny bitch but I guess having someone to fuck you makes masturbation boring! The phone rang, again.


"Well? Aren't you going to pick me up????"

Shit, I totally forgot about Clarrisa. I made an excuse that I was all ready but I'm just trying to find my keys. She was furious as she hanged up the phone. She'll wait for me, I know she will. I took a quick shower and wore my usual clothes. Blue baggy pants with something on the top. I didn't want look too good! She might die just by looking at me and being a so called 'girlfriend'. Hey, that's why I think, I mean, I came in 3rd! I rushed myself that I keep on tumbling on my clothes. Good thing I didn't damage any of my belongings. I ran up to her house which was like 5 blocks away from mine. It wasn't hot that day so I didn't sweat much. As she opened the door, she came out with this tight blue jeans with a a pink tank top. Her big breast showed out. Her nipple made a curve on the top. She wasn't even wearing any bra. As she stepped down the steps on her porch, her breast bounced. I heard that when breasts bounce, it hurts! She really wants me bad!

"Are you ready to go?" she asked with a sweet smile. I gave back a sexy grin and nodded. I swear, she almost blanked out from that. She insisted on walking to the cinema instead since it was a great day. No biggies 'bout that. It was only 15 blocks away anyways plus I'll save up tickets. Going there feels like it was only a breeze. She talks a lot about stuff that I was really interested in, i.e. boys. She talked about her exbfs who like dumped her and stuff. I bought the tickets and food which cost me almost $40 bucks. We went to watch South Park the movie. It was really funny. Although, at sometimes I notice her staring at me for a long time and sometimes, she purposely rubs her legs at mine. The really shocking thing was I was holding the popcorn, she dropped some on my lap and she started tapping my lap as if she was trying to get the popcorn back. I didn't have any raging hardons. Why should I? I'm 100% gay. Leo was right about her, she's a blonde horny bitch. I pretended that I was too concentrated on watching the movie. I took a glimpse of her getting bored. I felt bad about this. I mean, I'm only using her to protect my straightness. I wrapped my arms around her but I didn't gaze at her. She got closer to me and rested on my side until the movie finished. Since she had a curfew, we used the subway to get home. I dropped her home and gave a kiss in the cheek and left. Well, I never knew my first date with a girl could be so easy!

When I went home, my mom told me the usual people called. Philip. I called him and he picked up, "Hello?"

"You angry at me?"

"No why?" he asked. I explained, "Cause you slammed the phone this morning!"

"Slammed don't know what're you talkin' about! So how's your date?!"

I told him everything what had happened. The rubbing, the popcorn thing, and the skin tight clothing.

"What a horny bitch, did you make out?"

"Yeah right! I'm gay!"

"So what if you're gay? I would do it! You know, experiment which sex is better, male or female!"

"You're a horny bastard too, aren't you?!" I yelled. He shouted back, "No I'm not! Besides, no one even sucked me yet!"

"No one? What about your boyfriend never told me his name!"

"Dean? Yeah him, well he wanted to but I kinda refused! I wanted it to be sucked by the right man!" He bursted out giggling but I wasn't.

"Umm... but you know, you wanted me to suck it, remember? But like, we were late for school." His giggles stopped. He mumbled, "Yeah, I 'member. Guess I was too horny that day."

"So...can I suck it?" He made this weird shocking sound. "Jake! God, you're such a horny asshole!" he shouted laughing his head off. "Look I gotta go! Promise my parents, I would wake up tommorrow and join them in this holy thing. Luv ya!"

"Yeah, love you too. See you round bye!" I replied back. He hanged up the phone carefully this time. I looked at the clock, it was only 8:30. Too early to do anything but to late to go outside. I turned on the t.v. hoping for any good shows to come on. But then, someone knocked on the door.

"JAKE!!!Your friend is here!!" my dad shouted. 'Who?' I thought. I went downstairs to check who it was. It's that damn gorgeous guy again. Leo. My dad went back to the living room doing his usual paper work. Without a second thought, I hugged Leo and we got locked up in kisses. He removed himself from me. I gave out a worrying face like I was hurt or something. He touched my cheek and gave a peck kiss.

"Look what I got for you!" he exlaimed. He sounded more excited than I was. He took something out of his pants. He hold a small royal blue box in both hands. "Open it!" he said grinning.

I gently opened it and saw a silver necklace, formed of an outline of heart. And at the middle, there was a gold ring.

"I saw it while I was cruising downtown. I knew you'd like silver 'cause you told me too much gold sucks." My eyes teared up. "Leo, it's beautiful! I-I can't take it!"

He took the ring and slid it into the necklace. He put the box inside his pocket. "This is how much I love you!" he whispered. His hands went around my back putting the necklace on. Our eyes gazed each other while he locked.

"Dammit!!" he yiped. He had some troubles joining the ends. I giggled as he asked me to turn around. His hands tickled my back for awhile as he worked on it. Then he kissed me softly at the neck working way up to my hair. He whispered I love you as he sniffed my hair. His hand wrapped around mine.

"Let's go to your room!" he insisted. I took his hands quickly letting him inside. He quickly locked the door and we tip toed up the stairs so no one could here us. We immediately went inside my room hugging and kissing each other. He locked the door behind him still kissing me. I laid down on my bed removing all my clothes. He also stripped down hastely as he went on top of me. He gave a sexy grin at me then sucked my two erected nipples. Then, his warm body slowly snaked down to my lower part of my body and started sucking my hard cock.


I kept on groaning as his hand started beating my cock. He made a slow rhythmic at first, but as he fastened his pace and hardened his grip, I started humping his hand. Suddenly, a burst of cums jumped out of my pole dropping down to Leo's spiky hair and mostly in his hands. Neither expected that one coming! I ended up giggling choking up the word, "Sorry!" He licked off the cum out of his hand and my limpy dick. He crawled on top of me mumbling, "Can we do something new?"

"Like what?" I asked curiously. He tried to say it but everytime he opened his mouth, he would close it. Finally, he had enough courage to say it.

"B-butt fuck?" he whispered. Those words gave down chills on me. Never did like anything getting inside my ass. I tried fingering myself once but it felt like taking a shit. But since he bought me that gift, I wouldn't have the heart to say no.

"Y-yeah sure," I said doubtfully. A wide grin filled up his face as he kissed me. "I'll make sure you'll like it. If it hurts a bit, please tell me. I'll stop. I don't want to hurt you."

He told me to get into my fours and point my ass into his face. I did went into my fours on the bed and rested my head on my pillow. He started licking my ass like it was a popsicle. It felt good actually. As Leo's tongue swirled, one of his fingers went into my hole. "Uhhh!" Leo stopped and whispered, "do you want me to stop?" "No." His finger continued to fuck my asshole slowly at first. He added another finger then another. "Uhhhh!!" It started to hurt but I urged him not to stop. Then he asked me if I have any baby oil. I opened the drawer beside my bed and took a small Johnson's baby oil. I gave it to him and he started applying in his hard member and my ass. "Are you ready?" I gave a quick nod. I felt his warm dick poking on my hole trying to get in. Then I felt the head go in very slowly giving major pain and ecstasy at the same time. He slowly thrust his pole in to my ass. "Tight!" he yiped. Finally, every inch of his dick was in me. He stopped moving and panted. I sweated like crazy eventhough he it was friggin' cold that night. He started slowly fucking my ass. His balls banged on my asshole each time he thrusted. All I felt was pleasure that time. He started speeding up the pace making his sweat drop onto my back. He slowed down a bit but he became even faster that the bed squeaked madly. But I didn't care.

"I'm cumming!!" he shouted in whispers.

Hot dribbles of cum went out of my ass and lubricated Leo's dick making him hump me faster. He slowed down and before he stopped, he gave a deep thrust and dropped down the bed. His panting slowed down.

"How does it feel?" he asked still panting.

"It feels like getting a blowjob and taking a shit in the same time!"

He faintly giggled then stopped. Then, something just came to my mind. I'm not a virgin anymore! Well, I think I'm not a virgin anymore 'cause I don't know how this works for men to men. Out of curiousity I asked him.

"Leo, am I still a virgin?"

"I don't think so! Your dick has to penetrate something," he mumbled.

"So.... you're not a virgin? Right?"

"Yeah... who cares if you're not a virgin?" he said sounding like he's annoyed.

"Geez, just askin'!"

Neither of us talked afterwards. But I found out that he fell asleep again. His parents are gonna kill him if he's not coming home. But I didn't want him to leave. It's so nice to look at Leo sleeping like a cute dog. Bubbles of spit or cum came out of his mouth. Snoring loudly, his own scent filled the room. What a pig!... but he's my pig! I quietly rolled out of the bed not waking him up and wore my boxers. Sigh, I better call his parents. When I called his house, his mom was so worried about Leo. I calmed her down and told her that he's in my house sleeping. Then suddenly, she giggled and said, "Okaay! I'll leave you two birdies... I mean 'men' alone!" Then she hanged up. Way weird. Well, things I do for love. Before I slept, I covered Leo with one of my blankets in case that someone sees him naked sleeping with me. I can't believe he's this thoughtful giving me this necklace. He was really serious about this relationship. Man, if he really is, then I have to tell him about me and Philip. I wish he would be really cool about it. I mean, I didn't even think it was even a real 'relationship' between Philip and me. It was only half a day! But still, we still never lost the amount of love between him and me. That, I'm scared of. Eventhough Philip have the courage enough to block our feelings, I know that someday, we would be in our arms hugging each other with no sex in my mind but only love for one another. Ohhh, Philip! I want to you now! Why can't just Philip and Leo be the same person?! I know there's a lot of flaws in Philip but that just made me want him even more!

It's been almost an hour. I kept on waking up by Leo's frequent moving and snoring. And god, the heat! The weatherman said it was suppose to be cool tonight. I didn't think Leo minded though. I could feel his sweating getting worse as his whole body was almost in top of me. His legs, his arms and his head was on my body. Well, at least he's not snoring. I went back to sleep.

I woke up somewhere between eight to nine in the morning. My body felt like tons of bricks had hit me. Then I saw Leo walking around with just a towel on.

"Morning luv. Hope you don't mind. I took a quick shower and used one of your towels there," he said. I couldn't think about anything to say. What was I suppose to say? Then that weird thing that his mom told me hit me.

"Umm...Leo I called your parents last night so they'll know your here. Your mom was so weird! She said to me, something like 'I'll leave you two birdies alone'! Was that suppose to mean?"

He made this look that looked so cute. He had a worry grin on his face.

"Promise you won't get mad?"

"Get mad at what?"

"Well... I kinda told mom about me being gay and going out with you!"

Oh shit! He actually told his mom. My eyes widened in shock. No way, he didn't have the guts to do that. I replied, "Why the hell did you do that for?"

"Now, now, we don't need swearing to solve this." he said soothingly.

"I told her ' this relationship goes on, she would find out anyways. Either from me or the way we 'act'. But I didn't tell my dad. I made my mom promise not to tell him about me. It wasn't easy telling my mom about it. I mean I'm the only child in the family!"

Gosh, I know how exactly he feels. I'm also the only child in the family too. But isn't this getting too fast? It's only been, what 3 days, and by the way he's taking care of the relationship, it's like we've been going out for a year now.

"Slow down!" I pleaded.

"Slow down what? I'm not talkin' too fast!"

"No, I'm mean the relationship between us! You've been actin like, we're about to get married tommorrow or something!"

"Want to?" he said giggling.

"Yeah right! No, seriously we should slow down!" Then he gave me this serious look. He said in an angry voice, "Oh, so you want to break up with me?"

"I didn't mean that. I mean like, we shouldn't tell anyone about us! We have all out time to do that!"

"Oh, why didn't you just say so?!" He leaned over me and started nibbling my neck. He instantly went in top of me removing his towel. He kept on nibbling my neck until I was out of breath from giggling. The shampoo scent from his hair and the soap filled my nose.

"S-stop it!!" I moaned choking from laughter. He slowly stopped then moved on to my ears to nibble it. His wet hair left small droplets of water on my face. "Get off!" I tried to roll over him so I could be in the top. But he was way too strong for me. It was sure nice to see his abs and chest muscles flex while holding me down. I looked at him in fours, nibbling still at my ears. Then something caught my eyes. I quickly grabbed his semi hard cock hanging down. He yiped from the suprise I did. I grabbed his whole body slamming at the other side of the bed and got on top of him. He tried to struggle but my body weight held him down.

"Man, you're good! Didn't know you had it in you!" he said grinning. I kissed his soft, red lips. Suddenly, my mom knocked on the door. We stopped moving and quietly went on the floor putting on our clothes.

"Jake, hon! Breakfast ready!"

"Jake hon?" Leo started giggling. I had to cover his mouth from bursting out laughing. I shouted, "Okay, mom!" We waited until we heard my mom's footsteps go down stairs.

"I guess I better go out the window way!" he kissed me goodbye. Then it reminded me, he's gonna be seen walking outside.

"You can't! If you go that way, my parents will see you from the kitchen window!" He closed the window seal and sat down the bed thinking. Then he told me that he'll just tip toe of the house. Easier than done. We tip toed out of my room, down the stairs and into the front door.

"Thanks for a lovely night Jake! Remember our date. 7 sharp. I'll pick you up!" he whispered tying his shoe lace. C'mon, quick, quick! Before he got up, my mom who was in business clothes went out of the kitchen and was about to go upstairs but she stopped and looked at me. I tried to hide Leo behind me but there was a wall covered with mirror that reflected Leo getting up.

"Oh there you are... oh I didn't know we had company!" she grinned. Whew, that's a sign of relief!

She walked passed through me without saying excuse. "Well, good morning err...." She looked at me and asked me his name. I told her. "...Leo! How do you do?"

"Fine, Mrs. Summers! Good morning to you too!" he mumbled. What a suck up!

"Oh please don't call me by my husband's last name. It's Mrs. Helens!" I couldn't believe she said that. She only told her last name to people she knew well enough to be trusted.

"Err... yes Mrs. Helens. Anyways, I'll be on my way!"

"Your not leaving now! Not with an empty stomach!" she insisted. She took his hands and led him to the kitchen. I couldn't but giggle at him. We three went the kitchen and sat down. My dad, as usual, read the newspaper.

"Morning Son!" he didn't say hi to my 'boyfriend'. My mom nudged Leo's shoulder and told him to say hi to my dad.

"Umm.... Good morning, Mr. Summers!" Leo greeted my dad.

"Oh, we have company? Oh hello...."

"Leo Sir. Leo McKnight." "Yes Leo. Sorry about that, I was busy reading the news.

"Well, anyway, Leo, what do you want with your toast, fried eggs, hot dogs, bacon and milk?"

Leo was shocked hearing that. I was too. Mom never gave me that much food or that kind of food in the morning. She handed Leo the plate with toast, eggs, hot dogs and bacon.

"Well, I guess that's all I need for today! Thank you ma'am!" My mom said welcome and handed me a bowl of corn flakes. Ooooh, with milk. She kissed me and said outloud, "Now, I don't want my son to be unhealthy. I want you to be like your friend Leo here. Just look at him. He has meat everywhere!"

Leo and I couldn't help but laugh at my mom's remark. She never got the other sick meaning to that. She sat back on her seat sipping her coffee while Leo and I gulped down the grub. Our leg was tied to each other like vine.

"So, you have any girlfriend right now Leo?" my mom asked.

"Yes, ma'am. I'm really lucky to find that 'person'!" Leo looked at me with a wide grin. My face blushed and my heart pumped like crazy. It became major hot in the room. I looked back at Leo and smiled, while my mom gave us a weird look.

"Well, anyhoo. You have to find one for Jake. I mean, look at him! His cuteness is at it's peak and he doesn't even have one yet!"

"Well, he does have one..." Leo smiled at me. He's so sweet to say that.

"...Her name's Clarrisa!" My mouth opened wide.

"Leo, I can't believe you said that!" Leo couldn't help but laugh. My mom tried to ask me what kind of a person she is but I refused. Instead, she asked Leo. Leo told everything single detail about her. He talked on and on about her, some true some not. I tried to shut him up. But, I was really glad he said that. It almost felt like he was a part of this family that was missing for years. The kitchen never became full of laughter and voices of happiness since Christmas Eve. After about forty minutes of chatting, my parents and Leo left and left me in the kitchen cleaning up the table alone. Didn't matter to me Leo left instead of staying, he has to get home before his mom becomes really furious. After, I took a quick shower and went to the church to pray a little and meet some friends of mine I have been neglecting recently.

For about an hour or more, I hanged around with them longer but I noticed the time. It was already five thirty. Time went really fast today. I went home, took another, but long shower. Finding the appropriate clothes wasted a lot of my spare time. Since I've grew a lot last year , I had thrown away most of my good clothes. I decided to wear my midnight blue vest on a golf shirt with khakis.

'Hmm....not bad...' I thought. 'But something's missing!' I looked at my hair and noticed it didn't match with my clothes. I combed it back and added some gel so it would stay. There! It was quarter to seven and Leo's not here yet. I killed my time talking to Philip on the phone. He was really busy 'smooching' up with his boyfriend. But he stopped it to talk to me. He surely still loves me. I could hear Dean giggling, trying to kiss him but Philip shooed him away. Then, someone knocked on the door. I hanged up the phone and ran down to the front door. Before I opened it, I made sure I have my keys, money. Then, I looked at the mirror and checked any dry skin. What the hell's wrong with me? It's only a date. Our first date. I opened the door and gazed at Leo holding a red flower. He was wearing the same type of pants I was wearing but he had a fleece sweater on top. His spiky hair was also down and brushed back.

He gave me a quick kiss and handed me the flower. He giggled a bit when I sniffed his hands instead of the flower.

"C'mon lets go quick! We have reservation on that new restaurant in town!"

"Reservation...?" He took my hand led me inside a car.

"Let's go!" Leo told the driver.

"Leo, you can't even afford this thing! How did you...." He interrupted.

"It's my mom dude! I was like planning to go to the movies and watch something but when she found out about the date, she made a reservation in that restaurant and ordered one of her private drivers to drive us there. She told me, first date with someone should always be, quote 'special'! Don't worry, we're only staying on the restaurant for like half an hour or so then like we'll go to the movies and watch, 'American Pie'!"

"Cool! I wanna watch that movie so bad! That damn main character so cute!" I looked at his sparkling brown eyes then he said, "Oh, now you're falling in love with him now, eh? Well, this will change your mind!"

He leaned from his seat and gave a peck kiss on my cheek. The driver looked at us and gave a disgust look. He landed another kiss on my cheek but closer to my lips. My face burned from embarrassement.

"Jake, not here! Driver can see us!" I pleaded.

He grabbed me by my shoulders and licked me on my closed lips. The driver made another disgusting look.

"Don' worry, Jake! He knows about it. My mom told him!" Leo explained. I gave out a sign of relief and kissed him back. For god knows how long, we french kissed like there was no tommorrow. The driver kept on mumbling about something like get me out of here or something. Who cares? Homosexuality isn't a problem. Well to me and Leo that is. We kissed passionately not caring who'll see us. And trust me, a lot of people saw us. Our mouth was open tasting each of our fluids. Our tongue mashed each other tenderly. He broke the kiss for awhile to take a deep breath and we went back kissing again.

"Uh-hemm!! We are here Mr. McKnight!" the driver said outloud.

Our kisses broke off and we gave one more kiss then another and another until the driver literally lost his mind and growled at us to leave. Well, there's a nice driver. We exited the car and walked in the restaurant. We weren't holding our hands or showing anything homo 'cause we knew one move can lead us to too much humility. Leo asked the old guy on the counter about the reserved seats. I must say, they treat young people here very disrespectful. The guy asked Leo if he was surely Leo McKnight many times until Leo exposed one of his student ID Card. The old guy quickly greeted us very happily like nothing even happened and showed us to our seats. My heart really pounded when the table had two red candles lit and a two violinist played a love song as we sat down. I'd never expected this much from Leo. A smile was glued on my face until the waiter gave me the menu. Gack! Almost every kind of food that was listed, costs more than fifty bucks a plate. Even the drinks costs like about ten bucks a glass. Hell, I could go to the nearest store and just buy a can of soda and a meat patty for just two bucks. I tried to find any food there that cost less than how much I worth.

"Leo, we can't afford this!"

"Afford what?" he asked. I gave him a strange look. "Look at the prices! Surely, you can't afford this!"

"Who says I'm paying for this? My mom's the head manager of this new place so like, I can go in here and eat whenever I want!" Leo explained.

What a rich bastard. My stomach growled from hunger. I haven't even eaten anything except for that bowl of cereal mom gave me. I ordered fried chicken, a hamburger and french fries. What a non-rich person will prescribe. While Leo ordered a zuchhini roll with butter on top. Yuck! There was a lot of people that was spying on us. I mean, two young guys in good clothes sitting in a table for two with two candles lit and two violinists playing a love song. I knew that those people's gaydar's are beeping. I tried not do anymore homo things. But everytime I gaze at Leo's brown eyes staring at me, I couldn't help but lean over the table and kiss him on his lips. Then he hold my head with his hands and we started kissing each other again until a waitress handed us our main course. We skipped that damn appetizers. The girl was giggling as she said to us that we were making a good scene for the people. We gazed around us and saw a lot of people, and I mean a lot, looking at us smiling but mostly all of the women giggled. We didn't talk much while we ate. I wanted to, but my mouth was so full that it was too embarrassing to open my mouth. This was the first time ever saw Leo eating with table manners. His hanky on his lap, his elbows out of the table, using the appropriate tool, chewing with mouth closed, everything! I couldn't help but giggle by the way he looks. He looks like one of those rich people who has faces that had no expressions.

"Wuz so funny?" he asked suspiciously.

"Well, look at you! You're like acting like some old rich guy!"

"Well, do you want me to act like this?" He tapped the fork and the knife in his hands on the plate making a rhythmic beat. "Goo, Goo, Gah, Gah!" He ate with his mouth open. Then he drank some water and he let it flow down his chin from his mouth. My stomach ached from laughter. He kept on making baby sounds until I told him to shut up. The two violinists was also laughing their head off making screeches on their violas. Most of the guests were very unhappy at our scenes and they tried to call the waiters to stop us. But Leo told me they can't 'cause he's the son of the manager. He went acting like a fool until it was eight. The driver came to our seat and asked if we were done eating. Leo took my hand and said we were done. We walked out of the restaurant holding hands and driver drove us to one of the biggest theatres in town.

We watched...well, not really watch maybe took a glimpse hear and there in "American Pie". We were so obssessed with each other that we were locked up in kisses. We sitted at the very back where there were no people . One time or another, I groaned as Leo slipped his hands under my pants jacking off my hard ons. I licked his neck and sucked it. His cologne smells so good. I think it was Ralph Lauren or CK Be. His hands moved up and down faster and faster until I cummed in my boxers. I made silent moans on his neck. My turn. I slipped my hands under his pants and touched his warm hard cock. It was really hard and it hurted my wrist everytime I jacked it off. It wasn't long until he cummed in his pants too and in my hands. I slowly removed my hands and licked off the cum out of my hand. We gazed at each other one more time and watched the movie. We didn't even eat any of the popcorn and candies Leo bought. The same time we looked at the screen, the same time the movie credits showed up. Great. The lights went back on and we left immediately. We saw the driver smoking and waiting for us to come out. He lead us to the parking lot and we drove off quickly dropping me to my place. Leo and I went out and walked to the front of my door.

"Thanks Leo for the night. And really thanks!" I smiled. I waited for Leo to say anything 'cause I had nothing to say anymore.

"Well, I'll see you tommorrow okay?" he said. What? No, staying in my house and sex all night?

"Well, you could stay in my house for awhile. Parents not home until one AM?"

"I would love to but, my parents are really strict about school and stuff so I have to get home and sleep!" he explained.

"Alright, I'll meet you tommorrow at school alright?"

"Sure, Night luv!" he said. Before he left he gave a long hug and kissed me on the lips. I went inside my house and walked quickly onto my bedroom. I dropped down the bed and imagined the date happening again. That was so fun! No dates can ever top that. I fell asleep that night on my bed with my clothes still on.

I woke up 7:30, my usual early days. My body felt so energetic and so light. I knew it was from lI woke up 7:30, my usual early days. My body felt so energetic and so light. I knew it was from the date last night. I skipped breakfast and took one of my quickest shower. As usual, mom gave me a bowl of cereal and my lunch. I wanted to tell my mom so bad about last night, but she thinks that I'm still straight. I just shut my mouth, not talking to her which was unusual to her 'cause my mouth seems to never stop yacking when she's around. While I was eating my cereal, someone knocked on the door. She

was about to get up and get the door but I insisted on opening. I knew, it was Leo. Well, that's what my instinct told me. I quickly ran up to the door and opened it. Huh? Guess my mind's too crazy about Leo. It was Philip.

"Hey Philip! What're you doing here?"

"I'm here to pick you up!" he gave me a strange look.

"Yeah but, don't you have your bf to pick up?!"

"Nope, he always go in the morning so he can study and study!" Philip explained.

"What a dork! Well, okay. I'll just get my bag and stuff." I let him and come to the kitchen but he refused and just wait on the lawn. Seems fine to me. I quickly took my backpack and wore my shoes. I went outside and walked up to Philip now wearing his new GAP hat. I hated gap. Did you know that every single clothing or equipment they sell to us came from the 3rd world countries?

"You know, GAP stuff came from poor countries," I told him.

"Yeah so?" he gave a no-care look.

"Oh, nevermind. Guess what?!" I said suprisingly. I told Philip all about the date with Leo last night. Every single detail and also the making out part in the cinema. He was so shocked about it. He also didn't know that Leo was that rich. I think he took it well. He didn't act up weird or anything. As we entered the school, one of the guys from the 'Tiger' clan, which which was one of the gangs that always pick on other gangs, stepped up to me and wrapped one arm around me.

"Hey Look! It's Jake!" he shouted to his gang members.

"Hey! You're that guy who made out with Clarrissa!" one of the guy members said outloud. Is this a joke or something?

"What're you talking about? I never made out with her! I only took her to the movies!"

"Oh, pleaz! She told me everything friggin' single detail about what happened that night!"

He recited everything what Clarrissa, or if it was Clarissa, told him. I nudged off his arms and went inside the school with Philip.

"Geez! What the hell was that?!" Philip asked.

"Something stupid joke!"

"Don't worry I believe you! I always do. Meet you at gym k?" He ran up the stairs to the library to meet up with his boyfriend Dean, while I went to Leo's locker.

As I walked down the hallway, Leo leaning on his locker with his walkman on. I quickly sped up my pace and walked to him.

"Hey, Leo! Listen have you..."

"Fuck off!" he growled giving me the middle finger. He left his locker and ran up to his first period class...

Thanks for reading the 'whole' story. Took me awhile too. But it's not as long as the 2nd one. Again, comments and complaints(or suggestions) are always welcome at:

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