Brothers in Arms

By Danny Adams

Published on Apr 15, 2011


Everything with me coming out to everyone happened six three ago and now I'm fourteen. My life is a living hell. My mom has not said two words to me for almost a year. Alexis only gives me death stares and Greg is even starting to withdraw from things. My dad does nothing but drink and make comments about his fag son to anyone who will listen and no of it is good. Al is the only one that has stayed by me.

Then we walk into school one day and Jack Ryan calls out," Hey Al why don't you come hang out with the real men and leave the fag hag alone." Of course this doesn't sit well with Al and he put his arm around my shoulder and stated in a very serious voice," Because Jack he's cutier and I don't have to worry about him slapping my ass in a locker room like I do with you." Jack's face turned blood red and he charged at Al, but Al was a tad to quick for Jack because before he knew it Al had grabbed me and side stepped and Jack went head first into the garbage can. "I'll kill you and your fag friend as well."

Al walked back up to where Jack was just standing up from his header into the trash can and kicked Jack right in the balls and stated in a very plain and very low voice,"If you ever go near my friend again or say one thing about him and I hear it a kick in the nuts is going to feel like heaven to you." With that said Al lower his foot from Jack's groin and slowly walked back to me putting his hand around my shoulder and saying,"Lets go buddy. It's time for school and we don't want to be late."

First period was with Al and we got our books and walked into class together. As soon as I walked into the door I froze because standing in front of me was the most beautiful guy I have ever seen in the world. He was six foot two and an easy two hundred pounds with blond surfer hair and the greenest eyes I have ever seen. Al was talking to someone else and didn't see me stop and walked right into me which I didn't move an inch. He saw what I was looking at and he leaned in to whisper in my ear,"Hey quit drooling you are making a puddle on the floor." This brought me out of my trance and I punched him in the arm and called him an asshole. Which he replied,"If I was an asshole you would be all over me right now." I punched him again just for that comment and we both laughed all the way to our desk.

I couldn't pay attention the entire class period because I was staring at the back of the new kids head the whole time. When class was over Al grabbed me and dragged me over to say hi. I protested and he told me to grow a set of balls and at least say hi. "What if he's heard that I'm gay and he hates me." I stated with a little intimidation in my voice. "Then if he tries anything I will totally mess up that pretty boy face of his." Al said with hate in his voice.

When we got to the new kid he was standing there all alone. The one thing I didn't notice was that he had a light trail of freckles across his noise and I totally missed the glasses. As soon as we walked up he started to walk toward the door. Al caught up with him and the kid just stared at him. I walked up behind Al and the new guy and I locked eyes and he soon turned his head and tried to push past Al. Al is no push over so you don't just push past him. Al put out his hand and the kid just recoiled like he was about to get slapped right across the face. Al saw this too and put his hand down. He had seen that enough from me over the past year to know what happened. Al looked the kid right in the face and said,"Hi, I'm Al and this is Chris. We saw you standing by yourself and thought you might want a friend or two." The guy looked down at the ground and spoke very softly almost to the point of whispering to himself,"I'm Stephen and trust me you don't want to hang around me." With that Stephen pushed past Al because he and I both were kind of taken aback by what he said. We walked out and saw him at his locker it was right between mine and Al's. So we just walked up, one on either side and it was my turn to speak. "Your dad beats you doesn't he. Don't worry I know how that feels." I said with sadness in my voice and trying to fight back the tear that was trying to come out. "You don't know anything about me and you might want it to stay that way." He said with anger and rage in his voice.

Just about that time who else was to come into sight none other than Alexis. She walked up to Stephen ignoring me and Al which was fine by us. "Hey new kid you might not want to hang around these two. He's a fag and he's a fag lover." She said in a bitter voice pointing at me then Al to show who she was refering to. Al turned her around on her heels,"Look Miss Bitch if you know what is good for you don't talk about my friend like that again. I have warned you once now this is the second time there won't be a third." he said getting louder has he talked. She turned around her jet black hair smacking him in the face. Stephen stood there watching the whole show. When it was all over I put my arm around Stephen's shoulder with Al falling right in and putting his arm around the other.

We laughed as he just looked at us. "What just happened?" he said in a very shaky high pitch voice. "You just met Chris's twin sister and the queen of all bitches in the world." Al said matter of factly which got a laugh out of me and Stephen. "So you interested in making new friends or do you want to take you chances. Because not everyone is as nice as she is if you are gay and hang out with one or two." Al said squeezing his shoulder. "You are both gay?" Stephen said with a hesitate whisper. "Hell no, just my best friend in the whole world." Al said squeezing my shoulder with his other hand and I just grinned and shook my head making me look like a bobblehead toy.

We left school after the bell rang and Greg met us at his car. He was going to give Al a ride home the we were going out for a quick bite before heading home. Greg said he wanted to talk to me about something in private and did not want to talk about it in front of our parents and didn't want them to overhear any of it. So we got to his car and we had Stephen with us. Greg just raised his eyebrow and looked at me then Al and finally at Stephen. "So is this the new kid everyone has been talking about since second period today." Greg said in a monotone voice. "What have they been saying?" I asked with concern in my voice. "Nothing, just that he befriended the fag and his suck buddy." Greg said nonchalantly and Al balled up his fist. Greg saw this and stated,"Easy football start I didn't mean anything by it. It is what someone told me and yes I corrected them real quick about it."

We asked Greg if we could give Stephen a ride home and he quickly said yes. We got to Stephens house and his dad came out as we pulled into the drive yelling at us to get off his property until Stephen stepped out of the car then he started yelling at Stephen saying,"Get your queer ass in this house now you no account delinquent." At that Al and Greg jumped out of the car just as quick as they could move I just sat there and had tears in my eyes. "Get in the car Stephen you are coming home with us." Greg said in a calm voice. "Over your dead body is my son going anywhere with you." Stephen's dad said in outrage. With that Al grabbed Stephen while Greg got between him and his dad so he couldn't touch him. "If you leave you might as well not plan on coming back you no good faggot." We got in the car and drove off. I was sitting in the back seat and Stephen was right next to me crying his eyes out. "See what I told you. Now I don't even have a home to go to. He was the only family I had left and he doesn't even want me." Stephen cried into my shoulder has I held him with my chin resting on top of his head. "What do we do now Greg? If he comes home with us then dad will throw all of us out." I said quietly. "Let me talk to my parents." Al said in a strong voice. I so loved him when he took charge of a situation. We all agreed that Al could talk to his parents and see if Stephen and I could move into their house. Al is an only child and they have six rooms and a lot of room to spare.

We dropped Al off at his house and he said he would talk with us tomorrow and let us know how it went. Greg drove us home and all I could do is sit there with my arm around Stephen and hold him. We got to my house and Greg said,"Let me go in and see how things are first." While Greg was gone inside Stephen and I got out and went to the backyard to get to know each other a little more. "So, you just moved here, right?" I stated and thought to my self what a stupid question. "Yea my dad got transfered to the Houston office. We use to live in California." he said in a low voice. "So that's why the blond surfer look." I said in a joking voice. He smiled a little at that and punched me in the arm. I faked pain and acted like it hurt. He just leaned in and our eyes met and our faces got so close I could smell the minty smell of his mouth wash from this morning. I thought he was about to kiss me when I heard a voice shout,"What the hell do you think you are doing." I froze instantly and slowly turned my head to see my father standing there with a baseball bat.

Stephen and I got up very slowly and started to back away together as my father approached both of us in a slow menacing walk. I grabbed Stephen's hand in mine and we turned to run but my father grabbed me and what happened next surprised even me.

Well everyone that is the end of Chapter Two I hope you enjoy it and I have plenty more were that came from. I would like to thank my best friend and a man that is a brother to me, Aaron thank you for what you have done and the input you have shared with me. If you like this story you will love his, it is called Everybody Hates Me and it is under the highschool listing. I am so thankful to everyone who has written in response to this story and thank you all even for the criticism it all helps me to be a better writter. If any of you want to know something about me please feel free to ask I hide nothing from no one. I would always like to hear feedback and any ideas for later chapters. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 3

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