Bsb Stays Nsync

By moc.loa@oDNtsuJWW

Published on Jul 8, 1999


Legal Disclaimer:

This story is fictional and not meant to imply the true sexual nature of any member of the Backstreet Boys or NSYNC (i.e., Joshua Chasez, Justin Timberlake, James "Lansten" Bass, Brian Littrell, Nick Carter, Kevin Richardson -- any of these characters may be used to portray a homosexual relationship). If you are under the age of 18, offended by homosexual material, or it is illegal to view in your area, you must leave now. (I think that is a stupid rule myself, but the law is the law.)

Notice of copyright:

Copyright 1999 Mark Johnson, All rights reserved. This story may not be altered or reproduced in any way, without express written permission from the author, except for personal, non-commercial use. Permission to reproduce and electronically publish this story is granted to Nifty Erotic Stories ArchiveT and its worldwide mirror sites. Permission may be requested from the author by emailing

Author's Note:

This is my first attempt at writing a story so please bear with me, email comments (good or bad) to Thanks for giving my story a chance, I know that there are a lot of stories being posted on the Nifty ArchiveT so thank you for giving my story a chance.

I received a lot of emails from people who had a lot of positive things to say. Everyone had different ideas of couple that should go together, so this story I'll just `evolve' one relationship. If you think they make a bad couple, or have ideas of other couples or ideas of how to make the story better, email me! I love email, now on to the story.

Part III: Beginnings..

It had been three hours since the Backstreet Boys plane had arrived into New York. All of the Boys were unpacking, and were going to meet NSYNC at the Hard Rock Caf‚ (JC had insisted upon it!) in an hour.

"Hey Nick." Brian said as he entered Nick's hotel room. Nick was still unpacking, or rather had more unpacking to do. He was sitting in front of the TV watching VH1: Women First.

"Hey Bri, what's up?" Nick responded, not lifting his eyes away from the TV.

"And you say I'm gay! You're watching Women First! You might as well be watching Lifetime, Television for Women." Brian laughed out.

Nick looked up at Brian. "Brian, I say you're gay because you fuck men. Me, I like women, that's why I'm watching WOMEN First, they have fine looking chicks."

"Look Nick, I haven't fucked anyone . . ." Nick quickly interrupted him.

"That's right, `I'm saving myself for that special someone'. That's a load of crap Brian." Nick said in a monotone.

"Hey Nick, its romantic. And its not like you've ever fucked. Why is that? Do you have a little problem `downstairs,' or you embarrassed because it's SO small. Hey don't worry Frick, once you hit puberty, it'll start to grow!" Brian joked, slapping Nick on the back.

"Fuck you." Nick mouthed.

Brian just grinned. "Gladly." He then moved over to Nick, picked him up and threw him on the bed. He then walked over and leaped on top of Nick, pinning him on the bed.

"Bri . . . Brian . . . what are you doing?" Nick stuttered with fear in his voice.

"There's nothing I won't do for my Frick, you asked me to fuck you, so I'm gonna." Brian whispered seductively.

"Ugh, gag me! Even if I was gay I wouldn't want to fuck you're ugly ass." Nick joked, lightly pushing Brian off of him.

"Hey, I have a cute ass, wanna see?" Brian continued the joke, laughing.

"NO!" Nick yelled, getting up. Just then there was a knocking at the door.

"Nick, its time to go, we don't want to keep NSYNC waiting! Is Brian in their?" Kevin yelled. Nick opened the door and walked out. Brian followed him out.

"We're ready to go, Daddy!" Nick said. Kevin just rolled his eyes. They caught up with AJ and Howie in the lobby. "Let's go!" Nick said. Soon, all the guys were in a limo.

"This tour is gonna be a blast!" Brian said, breaking the silence that had been present.

"He just says that because he thinks little Justy is all that." Nick teased. Everyone looked at Nick, then to Brian and laughed. Brian had confessed his homosexuality three years ago, and everyone had accepted him and quickly gotten used to it. Brian never said it, but he cherished the fact that his best friends had accepted it so easily, they were the only people he trusted enough to tell, he hadn't even told his yet.

"Justin's cute and all, but Lance is so sexy, and his eyes, so very erotic!" Brian said out with a sigh. He had thought about Lance for most of the time since they had arrived. Was there a chance that he and Lance could be together? Brian thought for the rest of the limo ride.

Soon, they had arrived at the limo. Kevin quickly walked toward the entrance with the rest of the guys following him. "Yes, we have reservations, 5 of the guys should already be here." Kevin said to the receptionist.

"Oh yes, this way, please," she said as she waved for them to follow her. She led them to a back corner of the restaurant.

"Hey guys!" Justin waved enthusiastically.

"Gag me!" Nick whispered to Brian, causing him to laugh.

They all sat at the long table, Brian choose to sit next to Lance. As he sat down, he gave Lance a small smile. Lance started to blush.

"May I take your orders, gentleman?" Asked a waiter. After everyone had ordered- which was a huge process in itself-they all casually talked for an hour before the food arrived. Justin's enthusiasm remained throughout the entire conversation, causing Nick to roll his eyes constantly. The food was brought and Nick sighed with relief. They all started to eat. Since they were all hungry, they dug into their food and most of the conversation stopped.

"Hey Lance, can I taste one of your balls?" Brian asked softly. Lance, who drinking pop at the moment, spit it out over the table.

"What?" Lance said loudly, almost yelling.

"Uhm, I wanted to try one of your meatballs. But I mean, if you don't want to share that's fine." Brian said. Everyone was now looking at them. Lance once again started to blush.

"No, go ahead, help yourself." Lance said weakly, still feeling everyone's eyes on him. Lance was still extremely sensitive about his whole sexuality and Brian's question caused even more embarrassment, he was sure of what Brian meant the first time he asked the question. `What am I doing? Brian doesn't like me. Do I want Brian to like me? He doesn't like me though, he's probably just playing some game with Nick, and he probably thinks its funny, "lead on the fag." I've gotta get out of here.' Lance thought. He was close to tears.

Lance got up and ran out. Justin looked up and saw Lance running. "Lance, wait up buddy." He yelled. Lance didn't stop. Justin looked at everyone's confused faces, "Uh, I'll go find out what's wrong." He ran after Lance.

"I've got to go to the bathroom, Brian come with me." Nick said, breaking the silence of everyone's confusion.

"Why? Are you afraid you're gonna fall in?" Brian said sadly, feeling badly. Had he caused Lance to run off?

"Just come with me!" Nick said, pulling Brian up. Once inside the bathroom, Nick quickly closed the door and pushed Brian against the wall. "What did you do to him, Bri?" Nick screamed.

"Lance, wait up buddy, what's the matter?" Justin said with concern in his voice. He had finally caught up with Justin. Lance turned into Justin's chest and cried. Justin hugged him, pulling him closer to his chest. "Lance, what happened? Did Brian do something. say something?" Justin questioned. Lance just continued crying. "Don't cry Scoop, it'll be okay, whatever it is. I'll make it better, okay?"

Over the past 10 hours, Justin had developed a real closeness to Lance, a bond. He felt that Lance was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. It was Justin's job to protect him. Lance was always sensitive, but Justin didn't realize just how much, until today. He had to protect Lance because he knew what Lance was going through. Lance thought of Justin as an older brother, even though Lance was older. He treasured that Justin was holding him, even though he was gay. That Justin hadn't turned his back on Lance when he needed Justin the most.

"I like him." Lance finally spoke. He spoke so softly Justin could barely hear him.

"Brian?" Justin questioned, still confused. "You like Brian?"

"Yeh, and I think he likes me." Lance said, a little louder this time.

"Hey Scoop? Then what's the problem? Why are you crying?" Justin asked, getting even more confused.

"Because I'm scared, what if he does like me? What if we start going out? What if we have sex? What am I gonna tell my parents? They'll hate me. What happens when the tour end.?" Lance spoke in a jumble of words causing Justin to stop him.

"Lance, you need to talk to Brian, don't worry about tomorrow, think about today. Come on, we'll go back to the restaurant and you and Brian can talk." Justin spoke wisely.

"What am I supposed to say? What if he doesn't like me?" Lance asked nervously.

"Then he wasn't the right guy for you, but don't worry, you'll find another." Justin eased Lance's nerves once again. "You need to talk to him though, you never know. Maybe tonight I'll find you two fucking." This time, Lance interrupted Justin.

"No, you won't. I'm not ready for that. And Justin, don't swear!" Lance said, his confidence returning.

`Why does everyone tell me not to swear? Everyone else swears, its not like I'm 7 years old! Jeez, everyone treats me like a kid. Lance is only a year older then me.' Justin thought to himself. "Let's go back, come on Scoop. It'll be fine, no matter what happens." Justin said as he guided Lance back to the Caf‚.

==== So, what did ya think? I've received a lot of emails, and although most everyone disagrees about who the couples should be, a lot of people thought that Lance and Brian would make a cute couple. They will be the first couple. There are 8 other guys, so email me and tell me who you want to be a couple.

Thanks to everyone who sent me an email, I try to respond to each one individually, so if you haven't gotten a response yet, it's coming! Please email with good or bad comments. I like to know what people are thinking. And don't be afraid to mail bad comments, I like to know how I can improve!

Also, I received an email from someone who said that Lance has developed an irregular heartbeat. I don't know if this is true or not, but be sure to keep Lance in your prayers if it is! Because remember what Chris always says. "We've got Lance, the 4 of us are replaceable, Lance is irreplaceable. He's Albino. A Mississippi Albino! Those are really rare, from a rare part of the country."

Email me at

Next: Chapter 3: Bsb Stays Nsync 4 5

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