Bsb Stays Nsync

By moc.loa@oDNtsuJWW

Published on Jul 30, 1999


==== Legal Disclaimer:

This story is fictional and not meant to imply the true sexual nature of any member of the Backstreet Boys or NSYNC (i.e., Joshua "JC" Chasez, Justin Timberlake, James "Lansten" Bass, Brian Littrell, Nick Carter, Kevin Richardson, etc. -- any of these characters may be used to portray a homosexual relationship). If you are under the age of 18, offended by homosexual material, or it is illegal to view in your area, you must leave now. (I think that is a stupid rule myself, but the law is the law.)

Notice of copyright:

Copyright 1999 Mark Johnson, All rights reserved. This story may not be altered or reproduced in any way, without express written permission from the author, except for personal, non-commercial use. Permission to reproduce and electronically publish this story is granted to Nifty Erotic Stories ArchiveT and its worldwide mirror sites. Permission may be requested from the author by emailing

Author's Preface:

This is my first attempt at writing a story so please bear with me, email comments (good or bad) to Thanks for giving my story a chance, I know that there are a lot of stories being posted on the Nifty Archive T so thank you for giving my story a chance. ====


"Come on Lance, you really need to talk to Brian." Justin said, still not breaking Lance's daze. Lance stood still silently, in deep thought, `If Brian doesn't share the feelings I have, I could ruin the relationship of the two groups, and destroy the tour. How could I be so selfish? All the guys wanted to do this, what if I caused the end of the tour? And on top of being gay? The guys would be so mad at me, what if they kicked me out of the group? These are the only real friends I've ever had. I know that Justin will defend me, but for how long? I just can't go through with this.'

"Lance! Hello? Earth to Poofoo!" Justin waved his hand in front of Lance. Lance had been in a silent stupor for minutes and Justin was beginning to get concerned. "Scoop? What's the matter?"

"I can't do it." Lance said, finally breaking his silence.

"Do what? Tell Brian?" Justin asked not understanding Lance's problem.

"I just can't." Lance said again, almost in tears.

"Scoop, sure you can. I'll be behind you the whole way, okay?" Justin said, trying to ease Lance's fears.

"Okay, I guess I have to tell him sooner or later." Lance agreed.

"Then lets head back to the restaurant, everyone is probably worried sick about you." Justin said, leading Lance's way.


"I said what did you do him! People don't just run out of restaurants crying for no reason!" Nick screamed at Brian. Nick was enraged at Brian, what did Brian do to this poor kid?

"I DON'T KNOW, OKAY!" Brian screamed back almost in tears. "Now let me go, I need to see if he's okay!"

"Bri, how could you be so selfish, your putting your own horniness over Lance's feelings!" Nick yelled, furthering the argument.

"No Nick, its has nothing to do with that! I think that I'm.I'm falling in love with him." Brian said softly, realizing his own feelings for the first time.

"How could you love him? You've known him for a day!" Nick said, pointing out reason.

"I don't know, but I do. He's so sweet and sensitive and his eyes, when I look into his eyes I see him and me together." Brian mumbled out, quickly discovering new things he loved about Lance.

"Brian, I believe you. But don't fuck things up, I'm warning you." Nick said, still glaring, as he let Brian go.

"Thank you." Brian said as he and Nick walked out of the bathroom.

"Thank God! I have to pee!" Chris screamed running into the bathroom, quickly slamming the door, and causing both Brian and Nick to burst out in laughter. Brian quickly stopped laughing as he saw Lance sitting at the table, looking at the floor. He quickly ran over to Lance, stopping just in front of him.

"Brian, I need to talk to you." Lance said softly. Brian nodded slightly.

"I need to talk to you too." Brian agreed causing Lance to look up. Brian smiled down at Lance. Lance loved that smile; he cherished it. The smile gave him hope that he could find love, comfort, respect and security with Brian. All he ever wanted was someone who would love him and hold him at night, someone that would make love to him. He knew right then that Brian would be that person.

"Are we gonna talk or just sit here and stare at each other?" Brian asked kindly.

"Sorry, let's talk." Lance stood up as Brian rose. Brian reached out his hand for Lance's; Lance gladly took it. Lance didn't care that all his friends were watching; he felt safety with Brian. That nothing could ever go wrong, as long as they were together. They walked quietly out of the restaurant together. Not even saying goodbye to their friends.

"J, what's going on?" JC asked, confused. Justin looked at Joey who was also confused, then to Chris who looked disgusted.

"What does it look like JC? Lance is a fucking fag." Chris said. Everyone looked startled, Backstreet Boys and NSYNC alike, and looked at Chris with hate.

"Lance is in love." Justin said softly, still smiling, ignoring Chris' comment. ====

Brian swiped his keycard in the door, it clicked and he opened it, guiding Lance in. Brian sat on the bed, and Lance sat cross-legged facing Brian, on the floor. Both remained silent.

"So, how about those Yankees?" Brian joked, trying to lighten the mood. Lance smiled. Again there was silence. Finally, Lance broke it.

"Brian, I really, REALLY like you. And I know that we've only known each other for like 10 hours, but you seem so nice and sweet. I guess I'm just wondering if you feel the same way?" Lance spoke quickly but confidently.

"I do. All I've been able to think about since you told me you were gay was you. I'm sorry about the restaurant, I didn't mean to make you run out, it was just a joke to show you that I feel the same way." Brian responded, looking into Lance's eyes.

"I don't know why I ran out, I'm so sensitive and I thought you were just playing games with me. I mean I like you, but I can't figure out for the life of me, why you would like me." Lance said softly. Brian got up from the bed and sat on the floor next to Lance.

"Because your sweet." Brian said, placing a kiss on Lance's chest. "Because your caring." Brian placed a kiss on Lance's hand. "Because your smart." Brian softly kissed Lance's hair. "And because you're so damn cute." Brian slowly placed a kiss on Lance's lips and held the back of his head. Lance jumped at first, but then slowly began to return the kiss. Brian forced his tongue into Lance's mouth; Lance did they same. They began to swirl their tongues together. Lance then pulled back from the kiss.

"Wow," Lance could only mutter. Brian looked at him and smiled. Lance felt the tears began to form in his eyes, and he felt them stream down his cheeks.

"What's the matter?" Brian said, placing his hand on Lance's shoulder. Lance looked up as Brian used his other hand to wipe the tears from Lance's eyes.

"It's just.just that like everybody says that I look like a girl, that I'm Albino, that I can't sing or dance.and it hurts so much. Then you come along and say such sweet things and change everything." Lance said, still crying.

"Lance, everyone has bad stuff said about them, it's a price of fame. There will always be people that don't like NSYNC." Brian said calmly, still holding Lance.

"But it's not that. It's like EVERYBODY says that. I go on the net on the road sometimes and even NSYNC fan sites say that. I used to be able to laugh it off, but I've heard it so many times, and each time I hear it again it feels a hundred times more powerful then the time before, it just hurts so much." Lance started sobbing now. Brian became seriously concerned and pulled Lance into a hug.

"And when the other guys joke about it, it hurts even more." Lance continued talking without Brian saying a word. "And the guys say they don't mind that I screw up a lot when we're dancing, but I know they do. I try really hard, but I'll never be like Justin, he's Mr. Smooth, everyone likes him, everything just comes naturally to him. It seems I try so hard, and I never get any better." Lance said. Brian felt hurt inside just listening to Lance speak. He didn't know what to say to comfort Lance, and that scared him.

"Lance forget about them. I think you're very handsome. Your eyes are so erotic, and you're smile, it speaks to my soul. So what if you're a little less tan then some people? And I love your voice; it's so sexy. I've never seen you dance, so I can't say anything about that, but I'm sure it's not that bad. I mean how could it be? Its YOU!" Brian knew every word to comfort Lance. Lance looked up and smiled, he had stopped crying. Brian wiped the remaining tears from his eyes.

"I love you." Lance said, looking into Brian's crystal blue eyes. Reading them for a response.

"I love you, too." Brian returned while staring into Lance's sparkling green eyes. This time Lance initiated the kiss. He pulled Brian forward and pressed his lips to Brian's. Their tongues began to wrestle as Brian moved his hands over Lance's face and hair. They remained like this for minutes. But again Lance broke the kiss.

"Bri.Brian are you a.a virgin?" Lance asked. He was afraid to ruin the moment, but he had to know.

"Yes, I've been saving myself for somebody special, like you." Brian spoke softly. "How about you Lansten? Are you a virgin?"

"Yep, but I would give myself to you in a second." Lance answered. "I know we've only known each other for such a short while, but it seems like we've been together forever."

"I know what you mean." Brian said. He felt like he had known Lance all his life. "But we should wait for that for just the right moment. I don't want this to be a one-night stand. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know you're the guy. When I look into your eyes I see my and you together."

"You're the sweetest person." Lance said, still in awe at all of Brian's kind words. Lance quickly regained his composure, getting up "I think I should go, Justin and the guys are probably worried about us."

"If you want to." Brian said with a frown. Lance smiled at him.

"I don't want to, but I think I have to." Lance smiled back as he opened the door.

"Lance, are you doing anything tomorrow?" Brian asked quickly before Lance stepped out.

"Uh, me and Justin we're gonna go see a movie." Lance said quickly.

"Oh," Brian frowned. "Mind if I tag along?" Brian asked hopefully.

Lance smiled. "I would love it." He quickly walked out of the room and closed the door. Brian laid back on the bed thinking, `God, I love him.'

As Lance stepped into the hall, he saw Chris leaving his room. "Hey Chris." Lance said. Chris looked up at Lance with a disgusted face.

"What's the matter?" Lance asked, fearing and knowing what Chris would say.

"You. Lance you of all people should know, you're a Southern Baptist. Homosexuality is wrong." Chris spoke, never looking at Lance. Lance frowned.

"Chris, please, please be happy for me. For the first time in my life I feel secure and loved. Please." Lance begged; he needed his friends' approval. Chris saw Lance's desperate face and knew he was wrong to judge Lance.

"Lance, you know I'll love you no matter what. It's just gonna take some adjusting." Chris said, assuaging Lance's fears.

"Thanks Chris, that means a lot to me. I've got to go to bed now." Lance yawned.

"Goodnight Poofoo!" Chris said. Lance walked into his and Justin's room and closed the door.

"Hey Lance!" Justin said excitedly as Lance entered the room. "Want to talk?"

"Hey. No that's okay, I'm just gonna head to bed." Lanced yawned again.

"Why so tired? You and Brian do the dirty?" Justin laughed as he stood up. Justin played it off as a joke but was sincerely curious if they had.

"No, we didn't do the dirty. I'm just tired. Mind if Brian tags along with us tomorrow at the movies?" Lance asked knowing Justin would be okay with it.

"Sure, but are you sure you want me to come? I don't want to be a third wheel." Justin responded.

"No, I want you to be there. Maybe you could invite JC to go or something?" Lance said; he sincerely wanted Justin to be there.

"Yeh, we could have a double-date!" Justin joked.

"And then a big ol' orgy afterwards." Lance continued the joke. Justin started laughing hysterically, and pushed Lance on the bed.

"You sick-o!" Justin said heading to the bathroom. As he entered the bathroom he thought to himself, "That wouldn't be that bad." Justin brushed his teeth and took a piss, then headed to his bed, turning off all the lights. "Goo' night, Scoop." Justin said, Lance was already in bed.

"Night, J." Lance said softly, drifting into sleep.

Lance was awoken by the sounds of birds and running shower water. Justin was already up. Lance looked at the digital, 11:30 AM. It was too early. Justin stepped out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and other towel raised to his head, as he dried his hair. "Shower's all yours, Scoop!" Justin replied energetically, not showing the smallest sign of fatigue. "Ready for your first date with Brian? This is SO cute. I'm gonna bring my Polaroid, take lots of pict." Justin was abruptly interrupted by a pillow Lance had thrown. "Wha' ah wit' dat, y'all?" Justin asked shaken.

"It's early in the morning, would you shut up for once?" Lance said bitterly. Justin's perkiness was irritated. "You fucking act like Britney Spears."

"Hey, maybe Britney would want to go on tour with us?" Justin quickly regained his enthusiasm.

"She'd love to go on tour with you." Lance said sarcastically.

"Whas dat `posed to mean, yo?" Justin asked.

"She's head over heels in love with you." Lance said, finally sitting up.

"Well can you blame her? My hair, my body, my smile, my face and my package, now that's a present every girl wants to unwrap." Justin laughed.

"But its like a gift wrapped in a box bigger than itself, you'll be disappointed when you finally see it." Lance laughed out.

"Whatchu talkin' `bout Lansten? My cock is like me: tall and beautiful with curly hair." Justin said cockily. Lance and Justin both went into hysterics at this.

"EW, bad mental picture!" Lance said, pretending to gag.

"Hey, I wouldn't want to leave my best friend with a bad mental picture, have a look at the real thing." With that Justin dropped the towel that was around his waist, it slowly dropped to the floor. Lance looked at Justin in shock and then in awe. Justin was perfect. He was not muscular, but was in shape, with hard abs and well defined pecks. Justin just stood there smiling, Lance stood their, in a daze staring at Justin. Lance looked down to Justin's cock, which was beginning to harden. "So, you like what you see?" Justin said, it was meant to be a joke, but Justin realized that Lance was hypnotized.

"Uh, sorry for staring, its're perfect." Lance quickly mumbled out, then he looked away.

"Then what's the problem?" Justin asked. Over the last few days, Lance and Justin had spent so much time together and Justin was beginning to develop a crush on Lance.

"Brian." Lance said bluntly.

"He doesn't have to be a part of you.I've known you for so long, he's known you a week." Justin said, hoping Lance would be with him. Justin then walked over and pulled Lance to him. "Lance, I love you." Justin put his hand on the back of Lance's head and pulled him toward him. Justin forced his lips onto Lance. Lance jumped back in fear.

"Justin, I love you too. But not like that. We've known each other for five years; you've always been there for me. It's're like my brother. And I value our friendship more then this. Even if Brian weren't here, it'd still be the same. I love you like a friend, a brother. And I do love you more than Brian, but in a different way." Lance said confidently. He loved Justin as a brother and two days ago he would've loved to be with Justin. But now everything had changed. "I want you to be the person that I can talk to you about my relationship problems, not the ones I have them with." Lance finally said.

"Okiedokie." Justin said.

"Okiedokie? Are you sure you're okay?" Lance was confused.

"Yep, I'm fine. I mean, I guess I was just scared I was going to lose you to Brian, but we'll always be buddies right?" Justin said happily.

"Best buddies." Lance agreed. "Now put some clothes on, we've got to go to the movies. Is JC coming?"

"Yeh, I called him about an hour ago. He said he'd be over at 1:00." Justin answered.

"Well, I'm gonna take a quick shower, you get dressed." Lance said, while walking to the bathroom.

While Lance was in the shower the hotel phone started to ring. Justin picked it up. "Hi Justin. This is Brian." He heard a voice say.

"Hey Brian. Your little lover boy is in the shower right now." Justin smirked. "We're still on for the movie, right?"

"Yeh. I was actually going to come over right now, but I'll wait a little while if Lance isn't ready." Brian said quickly.

"Hey come over now! That way you and me can chew the fat." Justin said energetically, as always.

"Uhm, okay. I'll be right over." Brian said, still unsure. Brian didn't really want to talk to Justin. Justin seemed very protective of Lance and would probably want to know all of Brian's intentions and feelings towards Lance, most of which Brian was unsure of himself. He decided that he had to go, so he headed over to the room, paused outside the door, and softly knocked.

Justin quickly opened the door, startling Brian. "Hey bro! Come on in!" Justin led Brian into the room. "Just sit wherever, sorry about the mess." Justin said while moving a pile of clothes.

"That's okay. Nick is a slob, our room is worse than this." Brian said, finally smiling. Brian then heard the sound of the shower water stopping. A few seconds later, Lance exited the bathroom naked. Brian's eyes bulged as he looked at the naked youth standing near him. Lance was beautiful.

"Justin, you took both of the towels you jack ass." Lance said irritated.

"Hi Lance." Brian said shyly, not wanting to embarrass Lance. Lance looked up at him and quickly put both his hands in front of his crotch.

"Here ya go." Justin said, throwing a towel towards Lance. He quickly wrapped it around his waste.

"Brian, uh.what are you doing here?" Lance asked, still embarrassed.

"Well, I thought I'd come over and wait for you to get ready. Now I'm glad I did." Brian said with a smile. His comment caused Lance to blush.

"I'd, uh, better get dressed." Lance said, he walked over to the closet and quickly pulled out clothes and walked back towards the bathroom.

"Uh, Lance those are my clothes." Justin started. Lance shot him an evil stare. "But you are certainly welcome to wear them." Justin replied shocked at Lance's glare. When Lance closed the bathroom door, Brian finally spoke.

"Jeez, thanks for inviting me over Justin." Brian giggled. Justin looked up at him.

"I hope that's not the only reason you like him, you're not using him just to get off are you." Justin said defensively.

"No, it was a joke. I sincerely think that I love him." Brian said casually. This lightened Justin's mood and a smile returned to his face.

"Dat's supa. Cuz Lance iz ma dawg!" Justin said.

"What up, hommie?" Brian said, trying to imitate Justin.

"Well, you are a white boy trying to be a brother, and not succeeding I might add." Justin joked.

"And what are you?" Brian asked, laughing.

"I is a supa-smooth brother, keepin' it crunk `n da ghetto?" Justin said. Brian gave Justin a weird look; maybe Nick was right about this kid?

"Hey guys! I'm ready." Lance said emerging from the bathroom. "What are you guys doing?"

"Justin was just updating me on Ebonics." Brian laughed.

"Lance, you're dating a loser." Justin joked.

"Oh is he?" Brian said as he got up and started to kiss Lance.

Justin pretended to gag. "Save it for the gay porno you two! Anyway we have a movie to catch! Let's go get JC!"

"JC's coming, too?" Brian asked curiously.

"Yeh! Do you think I'd go alone with you two lovebirds, no way!" Justin joked. Justin walked out of his room, with Brian and Lance following. Justin knocked on JC's door. "JC, we're leaving, ya ready?" Justin knocked harder. JC came to the door, wearing only boxers and a T-shirt, his hair in a shamble and his eyes visibly tired. He had been sleeping.

"What do you want, J?" JC said groggily.

"The movie, remember?" Justin said impatiently.

"Sorry, I must've fallen back to sleep. I think I'll skip this one, maybe next time?" JC said, rubbing his eyes. He closed the door before Justin had time to respond.

"Well, if JC's not going, neither am I, not alone with you two lovers." Justin said, crossing his arms.

"Hey maybe Nick will wanna come?" Brian spoke up. "Will you go if he goes?" Brian was unsure why he was trying to get Justin to even come, he would rather have been alone with Lance, maybe because it meant something to Lance to have Justin come.

"Yeh, sure. He's a cool guy I guess." Justin said; still disappointed JC wasn't coming.

"Okay, good. I'll go ask him, I'll be right back." Brian said as he ran back down the hall to his room. He walked in. "Hey Nickie, wanna go see a movie?"

"Uhm, okay Brian." Nick said as he was looking over some paperwork. "I was bored of this anyway."

"Okay then let's go." Brian hurried Nick out of the room. As Nick saw Lance and Justin standing at the end of the hall, waiting for an elevator, he stopped.

"You didn't say it was with him." Nick said.

"What, do you have a problem with Lance?" Brian asked, slightly angered at Nick's comment.

"No, Justin. He'll probably talk through the whole movie. Plus he acts like a little kid. I'll have to go help him when he needs to go the potty." Nick said. "I don't wanna go." Nick tried to turn around.

"Please, Nick. Go for me." Brian looked at him with puppy dog eyes. "If Justin doesn't go, Lance won't go, please!" Brian begged of him again.

"Only for you B-Rok." Nick finally gave in. Brian rushed him down the hall and the elevator doors opened and Justin and Lance stepped in and held the door. "Hey guys." Nick said casually. Brian moved around the elevator and got behind Lance, softly rubbing his arms. Brian couldn't be too apparent for there was a bellhop also in the elevator.

"Lobby?" The bellhop asked.

"Yeh." Lance spoke for them.

As the elevator's doors opened, the 4 handsome men stepped into the lobby. "So what movie are we seeing?" Nick asked.

"Uh, ya know. Wha'ever? Dees two not gonna be watchin' da movie anyhu." Justin said. "Wha' ya wanna see?"

"What did he say?" Nick questioned Brian in a whisper causing Brian to laugh.

"What movie do you want to see?" Brian translated for Nick.

"Oh, I don't know," Nick answered, finally realizing the comment. "Have you guys seen Star Wars?"

"No, we haven't." Justin said. Nick gazed at him curiously.

"So you can talk English." Nick said.

"Yeh, his Ebonics seem to go in and out." Lance joked.

"Anyway," Justin said ignoring Lance's comment, "Le's see Star Wars, i's gonna be da bomb biggety!"

"See what I mean?" Lance laughed out. Nick and Brian laughed too. They all headed out of the hotel and got into an awaiting limousine. Brian and Lance sat on one side, Nick and Justin on the other.

"I can't believe we starting rehearsals tomorrow." Brian said.

"It seems like we just ended out European tour, now we're starting another one." Nick complained.

"That's because we did just end our European tour, and this one is going to be so much better." Brian responded.

"Why is that?" Nick asked curiously.

"Because I got my Lansten here to comfort me." Brian said as he quickly kissed Lance on the lips. Lance began to return the kiss.

"Gag me!" Nick said, moving his face so he wouldn't have to look at the couple making out. The limo stopped and the chauffeur opened the door. The guys stepped out, thanked the chauffeur and walked to the ticket booth.

"Four for Star Wars please." Nick asked, pulling out his wallet. The ticket booth operator looked up at him.

"Hey, aren't you a Backdoor Backstreet Boy...sorry?" The guy spoke quickly, trying to cover up his mistake. "Its just, friends call you guys that.uh sorry."

"The Backdoor Boys? What does that mean?" Nick asked, then realizing what it meant stopped him self. "Uh, never mind."

"I'm really sorry." The ticket booth operator said handing the tickets to Nick.

"Uh yea, thank you." Nick said as he walked into the Movie Theater. They were directed to the theater Star Wars was playing. They all sat in the back row, to help from being recognized. Brian and Lance sat next to each other, Justin sitting on the other side of Lance and Nick sitting next to Justin.

Brian slipped his arm around Lance's shoulder and Lance laid his head on Brian's shoulder.

"Isn't that cute?" Justin asked Nick, pointing to Brian and Lance.

"Yeh, I wish I had something like that." Nick said wistfully.

"Don't we all?" Justin said. "Hey, I'm gonna get some popcorn, do you want something?" Justin asked, standing up.

"Uhm no thanks." Nick said smiling. He looked up at Justin and saw something he had never seen before, Justin was CUTE! And his smile was perfect. Maybe he wasn't just an annoying kid after all?

Justin returned with a big tub of popcorn and two sodas. He sat in his seat. "Want one?" Justin asked, referring to the pop.

"Yeh, thanks." Nick said taking the soda.

Throughout the movie Lance and Brian made out while Nick and Justin watched the movie, ate popcorn and carried on a conversation. Nick and Justin exited the theater as friends, Brian and Lance exited knowing they were going to further their relationship later that night.


After they had all returned back to the hotel, Nick and Justin each went to there own rooms while Brian and Lance entered Brian's. As soon as they were in Brian pinned Lance against the wall and started kissing him passionately. Brian broke the kiss only to lift Lance's shirt over his head. Lance did the same for Brian. Brian moved his head back to Lance's, their bare chest's now rubbing together. Brian moved his hands to Lance's waist and began to remove his belt. Lance kicked off his shoes and Brian threw the belt to the closet area. Brian unbuttoned and then unzipped Lance's pants; they fell to his knees. Brian gently lifted Lance up and carried him to the bed.

He softly placed Lance on his back and lay on top of him. They began kissing again. Brian fumbled with his button and removed his jeans, never breaking the kiss with Lance. Now, they were both only in boxers and socks. Brian placed his hands on the elastic top of Lance's boxers, waiting for an okay. Lance nodded and Brian pulled down the boxers. His 7-inch shaft sprung to attention. Lance then placed his hands on Brian's boxers, pulled them down. Brian's 9-inch penis, which was very thick, was exposed. Lance looked at it with bulging eyes.

"Are you sure you want to?" Brian asked Lance kindly. He didn't want to rush or pressure Lance into anything that he didn't feel ready for.

"Yea, I think so." Lance said. Brian opened the drawer next to his bed and pulled out lubricant and a condom. He rolled the condom onto his cock and lubricated it. He then lifted Lance's legs to his shoulders and guided his cock into Lance's awaiting hole. He carefully pushed the head of his cock.

God, this is amazing!' Brian thought as wave after wave of ecstasy overcame his body. He looked at Lance's face and quickly pulled out. Lance was in pain his face was grimacing. How can I do this to Lance? My pleasure for his pain.'

"Oh my god? Are you okay?" Brian asked concerned.

"Yea, it just hurt a little that's all. Maybe we should try again." Lance said, urging Brian to move on. The truth was that it hurt a lot, how was he going to take in all of Brian's meat if he couldn't even handle on inch? Lance needed to do it for Brian though.

"Are you sure?" Brian asked.

"Yea." Lance said. Brian again pushed the head of his penis into Lance; he pushed in a little more. Again he was overcome with waves of pleasure. He pushed in further, in pure bliss. Lance screamed out in pain. Brian pulled out and knew he needed to stop for tonight. Lance started to cry.

"I'm sorry baby." Brian said softly, fearing he had seriously hurt Lance. Lance just continued to cry.

"I'm sorry, I ruined our special night." Lance said, crying harder.

"You didn't ruin anything. We're just not ready." Brian said, comforting Lance. He pulled Lance tightly against his body and they both fell asleep together.

Brian awoke to a sensual sensation on his cock. He pulled the covers down and saw Lance sucking on the head of Brian's cock. Brian moaned loudly. "Oh god Lance, that feels so good." Lance continued moving his mouth further and further down the base of Brian's hardening member. Brian continued to moan and pushed his head into the pillow. "Oh god!" Brian yelped. "I think I'm gonna.I'm gonna.I love you Lance!" Brian screamed as he shot volley after volley down Lance's throat. Lance liked this new taste in his mouth, he thought it might taste gross, but it tasted sweet, like Brian. "Oh God! Thank you Lance." Brian moaned, still recovering from his first, non-masturbation orgasm. "Lance," Brian said after a few minutes, "I want you to make love to me." Brian's comment surprised Lance.

"Are you sure?" Lance questioned, still unsure.

"Yes, I want to feel you inside of me." Brian continued to urge Lance on. Lance nodded and reached over for the lubricant and another condom. He slowly opened the condom. Brian placed his hand over Lance's. "No, I want to feel you cum inside me."

"Is that safe?" Lance asked softly.

"Well, I am a virgin, and you said you were, so it is." Brian said, assuaging Lance's fears.

"Okay." Lance said. He put lubricant on his cock and Brian's hole. He lifted Brian's legs gently to his chest and laid over him. Lance then guided his penis to Brian's hole. Lance almost came right then, it felt so good. Brian was in pain, but didn't want to show Lance. He just bit his lip and urged Lance on. Lance moved in, inch by inch, until he was totally inside of Brian. He stopped so Brian could get used to Lance's size.

Brian started to moan softly. Lance took this as a sign, and slowly moved in and out. Brian began to moan louder, as Lance did also. Lance felt that he was close to cumming, but he had to hold out until Brian did. He thrust in and out faster and harder. Brian began to scream. "Oh God Lance! Harder! This feels so, uh, uh, great!" Brian calling out his name turned Lance on even more. "Lance, honey I'm cumming!" Brian screamed he began to shoot volley after volley of his thick creamy liquid all over his and Lance's chest, some even hitting Lance's face. The feel of Brian's cum on him, as well as Brian tightening around his cock made Lance cum. Brian could feel Lance's hot liquid stream through his ass as Lance continued shooting.

Lance collapsed from exhaustion as he pulled out of Brian. Brian pulled Lance into a hug and softly whispered, "I love you" into Lance's ear.

"I love you too." Lance said as they both drifted off too sleep in each other's arms.

==== Author's Postscript:

Sorry this story took so long to get up! I've been really busy and dealing with a bunch of stuff. I hope the stories will not take so long in the future!

I know that his story focussed a lot on Brian and Lance, it was supposed to! Most people thought they would make a cute couple.

The next story will not focus so much on Brian and Lance's relationship (unless you guys want it to!). If you guys -or gals (I realize there are a few females reading)-have any other ideas for couples, send them to me!

Sorry about the mistakes! I try to catch as many as I can, but Word doesn't have the best grammar check, just bare (see what I mean) with me!

Also, in the last story I realize that I incorrectly typed my email address. If you sent me an email, and have not yet received a reply you probably sent it to the wrong address, sorry! The correct address is

Also, the "Music of My Heart" Single, goes on sale Tuesday, August 2nd. Music of My Heart is the Gloria Estephan/NSYNC single! Go buy it! It's a great song!

Email me, Mark, at with comments, critiques, or anything else! ====

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