By Accident

By Robert Mooney

Published on Sep 24, 2023


This is a work of fiction, based on a conversation I overheard several months ago. All the characters are fictitious, of course, and the story was born in my mind. I love Nifty and the fantasy it provides for so many. Please contribute to Nifty as you are able.

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Positive comments are welcome at briarwriter@gmail.

By Accident

Chapter 1

I don't know why or how, but because of a freakish accident, I discovered that man-man sex is fucking awesome! By accident, I mean just that, it was an accident...honest.

We were in the school shower, after practice; everybody else had showered and gone. We'd been in the coach's office, talking, and were the last two to leave, which was not at all unusual. Since we were team captain and co-captain, and best friends since grade school, people expected to see us together.

Which wasn't exactly true...I mean we dated different chicks (and fucked countless others), but we frequently did stuff together with our dates, too, like double date and stuff. We never fucked girls in the same place, at the same time, though. I don't know why...we just didn't.

I know what he looks like naked, with sports and showers and all, and we've showered together about a million times...never a problem. We knew we were studs. We had nothing more to prove.

This one time though, we just happened to be in the showers together...after I'd had a blow-out with my girl, and Walker--James Theodore Walker, my partner in crime--hadn't gotten any from his girl friend, either.

Before I even get started with my tale, I need to clarify, that I honestly don't recall ever looking at Walker in a sexual manner...until yesterday, that is. I mean, yes, I've always considered him beautiful, but we're almost identical in every aspect of our our bodies, so, what's the point?

OK, so here we go...

Like I said we'd been chatting with the coach and had planned to quickly clean up and go home to dinner. We had planned...

As we entered the shower, we were talking about the problems with our girls. That talk, and just soaping ourselves up, had gotten us both a little excited. I'd say we were both half mast, when Walker slipped on something, his feet flying out from under him, and knocking my feet from under me, and resulting with me on top of him, all soaped up, dick to dick, chest to chest, and lips to lips.

"Are you OK, Walk?"

"Yeah, but don't move," he said, "let me check."

Neither of us moved for a moment, but closed our eyes; then I felt him moving his dick against mine, just a little. He got harder, as did I. When he started grinding us together, he moved his lips from mine and lowered his head to my shoulder, concentrating, as I was, on the interesting sensations we found ourselves experiencing. He tasted and nibbled my neck as he slowly, almost like testing the feel, ground his body into mine.

Suddenly, he popped his head up, looked me in the eye and asked, "You OK with this, Sam (that's me) ?"

I replied, "This feels incredibly awesome, Walk, so, yeah, I guess I am."

"Good," he replied breathlessly, "because I want to cum all over you."

"Sounds good," I answered, "because I want to plant my cum on you, too."

He placed his lips to mine and managed, with the tip of his tongue, to open my mouth. Once he succeeded, he devoured my mouth.

I wonder if he does that with his girls too?, I thought to myself. He's really a good kisser. I know that I'm a really good kisser, too. We kissed incredibly passionately and ground our beautiful dicks together and came all over each other and then some. We continued kissing though, but finally decided to return to the world. I looked in his eyes and asked, "What have we just done?"

"I do not know," he mimicked Spock's famous response, then added, "but I can't wait to do it again. I want to know all about this. Let's clean up and get out of here. I'm hungry."

I knew my life was about to change radically, and was kinda OK with that idea...I mean, my regular life was going nowhere, so why not check this out? Why not? This was hot!

We went to his house for dinner...another thing we do together a lot. Walker's folks are very easy going, though I'm certain they--and my folks, too, at one time or another-- have wondered if their son and best friend were fucking each other... but we're both such sluts with the girls, the wonder evaporated. Their boys were healthy, horny, heterosexual, All American boys, captains of the football team and the baseball team, and the envy of every other parent in the school.

Little did they know that their healthy, horny, hetero boys had taken a turn off the main highway, and were probably going to continue on it for a while.

After eating and small talk with his folks, I called my house. Mom had already figured where we were. We then adjourned to his room, as was our semi-routine routine. A nice breeze was coming through his bedroom window, and I noticed, maybe for the first time, a symmetry and style to Walker's digs. Almost as soon as the door was closed, Walker pulled me into a very hot kiss.

When we broke from it, he said, "Where'd you learn to kiss like that, Sam?"

"I dunno!" I said, a little defensively, probably. "Where'd you learn to kiss like that?"

"I see your point," it dawned on him, as he turned and sat on his bed. "The problem is, I really like kissing you."

"I see your point. I really liked kissing you, too." I confessed. "No girl-even Tina- kisses even remotely as good as you. What do you think it means?"

"I dunno, but I'm not going to worry about it. Sam, drop your shorts and peal off your tee again, please."

I did as he asked, and he removed all of his as I did mine. We stood before each other, totally naked again, just looking over each other. Neither of us was hard, or even close...yet.

"Sam, you do have a gorgeous body, but it's exactly like mine, so I'm missing something. Let's try this: Come up close to me." As I did, we both started plumping up a little. "Kiss me again," he said, licking his lips before touching mine. As they met, he pulled me to him. Our dicks were together again and rising to the occasion.

We could both feel them growing. "That feels so hot!" Walker exclaimed as his arms wrapped around me and pulled my ass to him. I did the same and, having a very nice, hard ass in my hands was inspiring. It was if I'd-somewhere deep- always wanted to touch a solid ass like Walkers, not the soft curvy ones girls have. I marveled at the solid glutes of my friend's ass. As I massaged it, he relaxed his muscle back there and allowed me to run my fingers over their perfection . My fingertips found his crack and cautiously reached into it. He cautiously spread his legs to give me access. As I got closer to my prize, he began playing with my crack and found my hole immediately.

It was interesting: We've been the best of friends, Walker and I...for ever! and consciously anyway, have never looked on each other as a sexual interest, until now. How is that possible? And, I think this is as new for Walker as it is for me. It's just happened.

(Note to self: look up epiphany) So here I am, with one of the most beautiful guys in my world, and I can't wait to eat him...all over...suddenly. I suddenly want to lick my best friend all over. Am I possessed? Does that make me gay? `cause if it does, I'm in big trouble. I have no idea how to do the things I want to do to his body, but I want to do it all...suddenly. How is that possible?

"Do you remember Audrey Cameron?" He asked as I circled his anus with my fingertip.

"That girl you dated for a while from Central?" I replied as I brought my play finger to my mouth and wet it, before returning it to his hole, ready to apply pressure.

"Yea," he replied, inhaling beside my ear. "Audrey loved me to fuck her in the ass. She was afraid of getting pregnant."

As he spoke, I broke through his sphincter and entered his body, up to my first knuckle."

He groaned and wiggled his ass around my finger. "That does feel good," he breathed. "Anyway, Audrey claims it feels really good, having a big dick in your ass, and I've--Ungh (I'd just inserted more of my finger)-- wondered ever since what it felt like for her."

He began pushing back on it, and at the same time, fingering me. He'd wet his finger, too and, following my lead, inserted first the tip, then to the second knuckle. It felt--odd--but not at all unpleasant. I found myself pushing back on his finger, as if to get more. It felt interesting. (to say the least)

Our dicks were wet with precum and were smashed together again as we finger fucked each other with abandon.

"Now, I'm wondering what it'd feel like with something up there," I admitted, breathlessly, enjoying his touch.

"Me, too...big time! I'll make you a deal, Sam. I'll let you fuck me if you'll let me fuck you."

"Sounds like the best way to proceed, huh?" I replied, "when do we want to do this?"

"So you're in?" he asked.

"I'm definitely interested," I answered, "but I don't know about any of it, Walker, I do know, though, that I want to do it and I'm glad I'm doing it with you."

"I know. Me, too," he answered. "How about, you do me tonight and I'll do you tomorrow night?"

"Sounds good to me," I responded. "Is your door locked?"

He walked over to check. As he did, I took notice of his very excellent ass. I'd really not thought of it before, but I was really anxious to get into his ass now. He came back and pulled me into a kiss, gently pushing me backwards, toward the bed, as he ravished my mouth like a madman. He reached into his nightstand and pulled out a condom and some lube, then pushed me onto my back. Straddling my legs, he unfurled the condom and slid it onto my dick, then lubed it, then lubed his hole.

"Audrey doesn't know it, but she taught me well," he grinned. When all was greased, he scooted up onto my chest briefly, with his pretty dick a millimeter from my face. I wondered what it would be like to lick his dick with my tongue, but he scooted back just then and I lost my chance. He had his hole aligned with my dick, and commented, "Well, we're ready. Lets see how this goes," as he began pushing his hole onto my gloved dick. I wasn't going in until he bent over and kissed me. Then it slid in, about an inch. As it did so, he sat up. "Wow, I didn't expect that!" he noted.

"Expect what?" I asked, ready to shove it all the way in, it felt so good. "The inside of your ass feels wonderful, Walker."

"Yea, it does feel awesome doesn't it? Your dick is a bit larger than your finger, though. Give me just a minute." We were in limbo for a bit. He was getting used to having something in there, I was poised for greatness.

After about a minute, he slowly started impaling himself on me as he also bent over to kiss me again. He continued as we dueled tongues and finally, I was completely inside him, my pubes on his ass.

He started moving his ass around, and just squirmed, fully loaded. "This feels incredible," he said finally. "Audrey said it would. There's a thing called your prostate...' he squirmed until he found it, "there! that, when your dick brushes it, feels awesome and sends an electric impulse to my dick. Taking the hint, I grabbed hold of his dick with one hand and rolled his balls in my other. When I started jacking him, he rose up about half way off me, and descended onto me again.

"Gawd!" he exclaimed. "This is good!"

He began raising and lowering himself, over and over. I was still masturbating him and noticed his balls begin to retract, meaning he was close. He bounced harder and harder, and finally said, "I'm gonna cum soon, Sam."

"Go for it," I said, "I'm there, too." I pounded and pounded into that velvet chute, and suddenly felt my cum making its journey through my dick. I shot 1, 2, 3 huge volleys inside him and he erupted after the second, onto my chest, my face, my hand. "You come a lot!" I praised.

"I think you did, too, and I could feel every one of them. That was fucking awesome!" He exclaimed as he sat back, still impaled on my still-hard dick.

As he moved around, making me want to fuck him all over again, he announced, "Houston, we may have a problem."

"How's that?" I asked as I began a gentle rhythm again.

"I'm gonna have to have this done to me regularly, I think. It feels better than anything I've ever experienced."

"Wow, that good, huh?"

He smiled. "You'll see. Tomorrow is your turn, my friend."

"Do you want to do me tonight? get it all out of the way?" I asked.

"No, but I wouldn't mind you plowing me again, if you wouldn't mind."

"Mind? I'm working my way to doing it again right now!"

"I noticed. Sam, we've stumbled onto something. Everything everybody's said about this is bogus. I be lovin' you in me!"

I agreed, "I'm enjoying you more than anyone I've fucked in a long time, too, Walker. You're tighter, no attitude, and you kiss to perfection."

He smiled. "Thanks, bud, but as I'm squirming here with your big dick up my ass, I'm wondering, does this mean we're gay?"

"I'm honestly not sure," I replied, "but you know what? I don't care! If I'm gay, so be it! You feel too awesome."

He looked me in the eye and kissed me again as he removed me from his ass.

"I need to change positions," he said.

"How do you want it?" I asked.

"Let's try me on my back, legs up this time."

He lay on his back, pulling those beautiful, muscular legs toward his chest, thus opening his hole to me again. I got between his legs, on my knees, pulled on a new condom, and pulled his raised legs to my shoulder tips. Then, I positioned my dick to his hole and pushed. This time it went in fairly easily. I pushed all the way in until my pubes touched his beautiful ass.

"Oh, Sam, you feel so good," he murmured as I withdrew and plowed back in, slowly but steadily. We did that for a while, until he pleaded, "Fuck me hard, Sam, fuck me hard."

Now, we're both about 7 or 8 inches in length, so I was able to withdraw quite a way, before plowing it back in. I did this several times and watched as he grabbed his dick and started doing himself.

"Oh, gawd, that feels so good. Fuck me Sam, fuck me, baby!"

I needed no encouragement, Fucking is my favorite thing to do, so I was currently in heaven. As I pounded away, I flashed forward to my fuck date tomorrow night. I certainly hoped it feels as good to me as it obviously does to Walker.

Interestingly, he stopped stroking himself and reached back with both of his hands, to feel-with his fingertips- my cock going in and out of him. His head was lobbing back and forth. He was definitely enjoying this, too. I started pounding him again and again, and before long, as I was pounding, he came without touching himself. It was awesome to see, and pulled me to my second climax, too.

When the intensity subsided, I withdrew from him with a "plop", and brought his legs down from my shoulders, laying on top of him. cum and all. He wrapped his arms around me and drew me into another kiss, one that lasted a couple minutes. We slid together on his cum and played, rubbing our pecs together.

"Is my chest as sexy to you as yours is to me, Walker?" I asked when we finally showered.

"As of today? You bet, ! Your whole body is amazing! How did we never know this about each other, Sam? How is that possible? You're probably the most beautiful human I know. How did I never notice that before?"

"I feel the same way. It's like, in an instant, my life has changed! And you know what? I love it!"

He smiled, "You're really gonna love it tomorrow night."

Next: Chapter 2

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