By Accident

By Robert Mooney

Published on Sep 27, 2023


This is a fictional story about man to man sex play at the teen level. If you're too young to read it, please stop reading now. If it's illegal to read where you are, I'm sorry, please leave.

The story is mine. Not to be reprinted.

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By Accident,

Chapter 2

I'd gone home around 8:00 to do homework. I was exhausted, of course, but energized, too. I had just fucked the bejesus out of my best friend, and loved it. And so do he!

Morning arrived on time and I must have slept well, 'cause I felt incredible. Mom even noticed when I went downstairs for breakfast.

"You're awfully chipper this morning," she noted.

"You know Mom, I am, but I have no idea why. I slept really well, but what else it could be is beyond me."

"Well, grab onto it--whatever it is, honey--and embrace it," she said, "that feeling does't come along too often, unfortunately.

On the way to school, a little 1st grader looked at me and asked, "you're Sam Streeter, aren't you?" she asked.

"I am, indeed, maam. Who are you?"

"I'm Wendy," she replied shyly, "Wendy Rojas."

"Do I know you, Wendy/" I asked, totally drawing a blank.

"No, but my brother does and talks about you all the time. Mom says he has a crush on you." she giggled at that.

"Boys can't have a crush on another boy," I tested.

"Why not?" she asked as we ambled along the sidewalk toward school, passing many manicured-to one degree or another-yards.

Something else interesting...I've past these yards for many years now, many, many times! but I'm seeing them differently today. What is going on?

"That's a good question, Wendy," I answered my new little friend, smiling. "I don't know why."

"Well I think anybody should be able to like anybody," she said firmly.

"Well, I agree with you. How about: let's spread the word, OK? that anybody can like--or love--anybody they want."

"You and me?" she asked.

"Why not?" I asked. "Let's see if we can make a difference with one person a day. Let's see how many people we can make think differently about something."

"Can we do that?" she asked.

"We can try," I replied. "Just tell somebody that a boy you know (Don't out your brother!) likes another boy, and you think he should be able to."

"Yeah, I could do that," she said as we reached the school and she saw her friends in the distance. "I'm in. Thanks, Sam!" she said as she waved back to me, skipping away toward them.

I looked over the landscape, and was in awe of what I was seeing. People, my peers, looked different somehow. The guys looked hot!-or not, I had to adjust, as a guy named Peabody, Tyler, I think, walked past me. Interesting that, even as I find him disgusting, I can't help wonder what he looks like without that dirty, baggie, worn constantly, and with no style, stuff--they surely can't be referred to as clothing. In other words, I wonder what he looks like naked.

Anyway, guys I'd never noticed before came into my purview today, and I was impressed. I saw several that, like Peabody, I wondered what they look like naked. As I was shaking my head at myself, who should come up behind me, but Walker.

"Everything OK?" he asked, bumping shoulders with me, as is our routine each morning.

"Are you kidding?" I asked, "everything is wonderful now. Even Mom noticed it."

"Yeah, I know. Mine, too. I can't get this stupid smile off my face!' Almost whispering into my ear, he added, "I've been fucked, and I love it!"

"Are you seeing people differently?" I asked.

" I'm seeing a lot of guys, primarily, that I'd like to see naked."

I looked straight at him, questioningly. "Are we twins, separated at birth?"


"I was thinking the same, identical thing when you walked up," I started. "I even fantasied about Tyler Peabody...disgusting as he is."

"Peabody has a really nice body, as a matter of fact," he said matter of factly.

"How would you know that?" I inquired.

"Good question," he admitted as he thought about it. "I saw him naked once, somewhere, I don't remember where, but was surprised, when I saw him, that he was as fit as he is. He seems to want to hide it."

"Hmm, interesting," I responded.

"Well, all is well in our universe," I noted. "Your wonderful, I'm wonderful. Life is looking really good for us, wouldn't you say, Walker?

"You took the words right out of my mouth," he replied as we entered the building. The noise level tripled, so putting my mouth to Walker's ear, I said, "Have an awesome day, lover. I'll see you when I see you, I guess."

He nodded his head and did that thumbs up thing that he does. Then he winked at me, smiled, and turned into a classroom, his first of the day.

I had to go further into the building for my first period. I couldn't help but notice how many people, guys and girls, tried to casually to catch my eye in the hall, most of them smiling, hoping I'll notice and respond somehow.

Funny, I can't remember how I dealt with that before yesterday, but today, I just find it interesting. One kid, though, nice lookin' guy, winked at me. I did notice that. I just smiled at him...I couldn't help it, and walked on.

My class was Civics, focused on American issues, but international ones as well. I'd normally been bored silly in this class, but today, it seemed intensely interesting. OK, I thought, this thing that Waker and I are suddenly experiencing seems to be awakening some brain stuff, too. International affairs?? It was days yet years ago, that the most complicated thought I had each day, was how I was gonna get so and so into my bed. At least my first class, was, for maybe the first time, a learning experience.

My second class was English, which I'd normally like because the girl I've been dating, Kelly, was in the class with me. As I entered the classroom, I noticed her look at me and then look down, trying to avoid me. I went to my usual seat, directly behind her, set my things down and walked over to the window and looked around outside. When the bell rang, I took my seat just as Mr Kramm, the teacher walked into the room, avoiding any confrontation with Kelly.

The class was only mildly interesting this time. The book being discussed was not interesting before the change, and was still weird after, so I thought of other things...Walker's ass, briefly, then about what I was going to say to Kelly.

See, we'd been dating, primarily to be seen together, I think, but also played sex. At first, I thought she was fun. Then she'd started attempting to control a few things, then everything. I'd met her Mother, a controlling bitch in my book, and Kelly was becoming just like her. That's what our argument was about yesterday; and after the epiphany I'd experienced last night, I didn't want to deal with her any more. My problem was that I had to tell her that I didn't want to play with her anymore.

When I told her exactly that in the hallway after English, she got mad. She wanted to know why and I told her straight away that I didn't want to deal with her issues and authority any more.

"OK," she said, "Your loss!"

"I don't think so, Kelly. Have a good life, goodbye." And I walked toward the front door, hoping that Walker was there.

He was! I mock staggered over to him. He had been sitting on a high ledge that overlooked the whole porch, but jumped down to me when I approached.

"OK, what's up?"

"I just broke up with Kelly inside."

"I had a feeling...I never liked her anyway. She reminded me too much of that thing that latched herself onto me at that party at the farm, last year."


"Yes! Abigail!" he cringed briefly, then said, "Yea, Kelly reminds me of her."

"OK, then!" I said as we walked over to the cantina for lunch. "So, how was your morning?" I asked, as we found a secluded tree to sit under.

We sat beneath it. "It was very interesting," he replied. "I actually liked history and understood Algebra. Sam, we've been given something special, I think."

"I know Walker, I know. To me, though, it's like a switch got turned on that was off before somehow. I mean everything is different."

"That's a good way to put it..." he agreed, "and more like it, too, really, but, WOW, what a difference! By the way, practice is off tonight. Coach has to take his mother somewhere and Mr J. has his other job."

"Cool," I answered as I tried to eat the food we'd bought.

While we ate, Walker grinned and quietly asked, "So are you ready to experience nirvana tonight, lover?"

"You know, I am, I really am. I mean, I saw how it affected you, Walk, and I'm anxious to feel my best friend inside my body, too, taking possession of me. Since we have the same dick, essentially, I should feel what you felt last night."

"That's right." He said. "You talkin' about it makes me wonder: Maybe we could fuck each other tonight, `cause I know I want it again."

"I'll keep that in mind, though you came last night without hands. If I do that, too, just from having you in me, I may not be in any shape to then fuck you, too." I thought about that, then added, smiling, "But maybe...I'd love to if I can. I loved fucking you, Walker. I want to do it often, too, if that's alright with you."

"Could we do it now?" he teased, "`cause I'm hot to have you in me right now, Sam"

"Down boy!" I teased back as we finished our food. Other people were standing, to go back inside, so we did the same.

"I have algebra this afternoon," I said, "I wonder if I'll understand it, too."

"See you after," he said as he disappeared into the fray.

My afternoon classes confirmed that something was different. I secretly hoped that this meant tests would be easier, too.

I was outside the building after school, before Walker this time, and surveyed the yard. About 20 yards ahead of me, stood that cutey that had winked at me earlier in the hall. He was talking to some other cuteys, but watched me as he conversed. He smiled at having been caught and quickly looked away, but looked back to see me watching him. He smiled and left with his friends. I didn't know him, he was younger than I, but he sure was cute!

Next one I focused on was Kelly, staring daggers at me from under a tree.

Next was an ass, a boy's ass, approaching a car. That thought was interrupted by Walker and a girl we know, named Lucy.

"Hey Luce, how ya been?" I asked as she flung her arms around my neck.

"I've been good, but not by choice. Know what I mean?"

"Did you break up with...what's his name?" I asked.

"George, yeah. He didn't like a lot of things about me, other than my snatch, so I dumped him."

"Well, he was a little weird, Luce. I broke up with Kelly this morning, too."

"You did? That's probably why she looks madder than a hornet over there."

"Yeah, probably," I agreed without looking. "So, what's up guys?" I asked.

"Uh, nothin'" Walker said. "I hooked up with this one in the hall. We've got to get to the house,though, remember?"

"Well, yes," I replied.

"So be good, bay cakes," Walker said to Lucy. "See you later."

"Good seeing you Lucy," I added

"Keep the faith, Sam. Bye boys!" she said, waving and walking away.

"Have you noticed all the hotties there are at school, lately?" Walker asked excitedly as we headed towards home.

"Funny that you should mention that, Walk! I noticed quite a few as I waited for you just now. There's one that I've seen twice now and he winks at me each time. He's a real cutey, too. And some of the asses!"

"I know...some of the packages, too.

"Have we been blind for all these years?" I asked.

"Like you said, a switch has been flipped or something." he reminded. Then he placed his arm around my shoulder, still walking, and almost whispered, "I can't wait to fuck you, Sam."

"Just I can't wait to fuck you again, too."

"Well, yes, there is that, too."

As we walked, Kelly, the little girl that I'd met on the way to school ran up to us from behind and said, "boo!"

I turned and said, "Hi Kelly, you're late leaving school. You get out a lot earlier than we do, don't you?"

"Yeah, but once a week, I stay and help the nurse. Is this your boyfriend?" she asked bluntly.

"I don't know if he's my boyfriend, but he's my best friend," I explained.

"Who are you?" she asked outright to Walker.

"I'm Walker, who are you?' he asked smiling.

"I'm Wendy Rojas," she replied.

"Are you related to Hugo?" he asked.

"Yes, he's my brother. Do you know him?" she asked.

"A little," Walk said. "He plays baseball, huh?"

"Yea, he's a star at it," she replied proudly.

"Who're you talking about?" I asked, stumped.

"Hugo, Hugo, that dark haired baseball kid we talked about last season." he explained. "He's in our school now, so this season should be better for us. He's good."

"I don't remember, I guess, cause I can't place a Hugo', I admitted.

"Well, this is my street," she said. "See you boys tomorrow," as she turned and walked away.

"Bye Kelly," We both said and continued on our way to my deflowering.

When we reached my house, he asked, "When do your folks get home?"

"In about 4 hours," I replied.

"Well, let's get to it," he said eagerly as we approached the door.

Inside, we checked the house, making sure we were indeed alone, then went up to my room and locked the door. When I turned from doing that, Walker was stark naked already, rock hard (already) and beautiful. I looked him over, completely.

"See anything you like?" He asked teasingly.

"I do, " I replied. "Mind if I try something new?"

"Hey, we're both exploring here. Do what you long as I wind up dick-deep in your ass eventually."

I smiled, and got down on my knees as I also unbuttoned and removed my shirt. I grabbed hold of his dick...

"Oh, shit! Are you about to do what I think you're about to do?" he asked, excitedly.

I smiled again, but didn't answer, wrapping my lips around his dick in response, taking just the head in.

"Oh, shit!" he said again. "Suck me, Sam. Show me what you can do."

I came off him and looked up at him, lifting one eyebrow as if to say,"Really?" At the same time, He shrugged, playfully. I wet the inside of my mouth better, and started taking him into my mouth again, deeper this time. When I felt him at the back of my throat, I closed my lips and sucked.

"Ohhh, fuck!" he groaned when I descended a little further as my suctioning intensified.

I sucked and tongued the soft underside of him and began a slow pumping action. He picked up on it and began assisting me by gently fucking my mouth in sync with my actions. I looked up at him and found him staring into my eyes, his mouth in a perfect `O', watching his dick go in and out of his best friend's mouth. Finally, looking in my eyes, he declared, " Sam, I promise I will learn to do this to you, too. You've got to feel this. It's awesome! Girls have no idea how to suck dick. This is how it should be done...always!"

"Can I cum in your mouth?" He asked after a few intense minutes.
I hadn't thought of that aspect of cock sucking, but I'd tasted my own a while back and found to be not bad--though, do you think I could convince Tammy to try swallowing it? Not a chance.

Anyway, so I decided to try him coming in my mouth, both for the experience, and because if I do it, then when he does it to me, he'll match me.

So I nodded, just as he was ready to shoot his load, and shoot a lot, he did. I had to swallow twice to take all of it in. The taste was good. I liked it.

He started deflating as soon as he'd cum. I kept him in my mouth, though, liking the feel of soft dick, too.

He scooted us back, onto my bed, and sat on it, with me between his legs. I released his dick and completed the removal of my jeans and my sox...I wanted to be naked for this adventure. He was still reclining at the edge of my bed, with his legs over the edge, so I went back to him, lifted his legs, and bent them at the knees, before getting onto my knees again.

I reached over to my night stand, and grabbed a condom, a towel, and some oil, then attacked his hairless balls...just for the experience, you understand. I sucked one, then the other, drawing them into my mouth, one at a time. He groaned. I then tongued the space behind his balls, called the perineum. He went crazy, and lifted his ass, to offer his hole to me. I accepted his offer, and swathed his hole once to test it out. It was gamey, but not as bad as some of the vaginas, I'd eaten. I stayed on the outside this time, but wanted to eat his ass, in and out sometime soon.(and how I even know about that, I'll never know) With my hands, I lubed my middle finger, placed it at his hole, and pushed. His sphincter put up little resistance, and I slipped right in. I wiggled it around several times, then slipped a second digit in, then a third. He was pushing onto my hand and groaning with anticipation.

"I'm ready, Sam, fuck me, please." he pleaded.

I removed my fingers, sheathed my dick with a condom, oiled it up, and entered him in one steady motion. "Like that?" I asked teasingly.

"Oh...gawd you feel good in there, Sam. Kiss me and fuck me, please. Fuck me hard."

As I squirmed my dick around inside him, I bent over and swallowed his tongue. He clamped on to mine back, sucking it with his tongue, I slowly withdrew my dick and paused before plowing back into him, as I learned that he likes last night.

"Unghhh" he said. "Oh yes," He added.

I withdrew again and pounded him again, just as fast. I slowly increased my speed until I was pistoning him with abandon. I felt him cum again, onto his chest, and I came right after.

I collapsed onto him, forgetting that he was covered in cum, a lot of it. I slid my body over his for a bit, then just lay there, on top him.

"You OK?" I asked.

"Who am I, where am I, what planet am I on?" he played. "That was incredible, Sam! Fuck me every day, will you?" I hoped he was teasing.

"So, you're NOT OK, I guess...deranged."

"I think we need to shower," he said, realizing the mess we'd made.

We showered, and admired each other as we washed each other. We kissed a lot, too. While we toweled off, he said, "Are you ready?"

"Yes master, I am," I smiled. So did he.

He pulled me by the hand, toward the bed, then sat me on it and climbed between my knees. "It's my turn, now," he said as he took my limp dick and put it in his mouth, his lips in my pubes. He sucked, to which I reacted instinctively. When I reached full mast, I noticed that I was at the back of his throat.

"Slide off me a bit if that's too much for you to start. Take only what you know you can and feel comfortable doing it. It's" He kept me in his mouth, but shot me a look, one eyebrow lifted, before he returned to the task at hand. I fell back onto the bed but stayed with my legs off the edge of the bed, like he'd done. He sucked on me for several minutes, trying different things as he explored. He used his tongue liberally on my crown, which I especially noticed. But he soon stopped with the sucking phase, and lifting my legs, attacked my balls as I'd done his. He did a thorough job on them, then released them and started on my perineum. He licked it, then moved his mouth so he could slide the tube mass under the skin there and moved up and down it with his mouth. It was a very interesting experience, not the usual erogenous zone one'd imagine, but an erogenous zone, none the less. Finally, he got to the region below my perineum, and swathed his tongue the length of my crack, including my hole. After that, he focused his attention entirely to my hole.

His tongue on my hole was electric. When he pierced my anus with it, it was magic...close to sensory overload, I think. Since we'd just showered, he was fairly confident that I'd be clean, and explored my hole completely. Soon, though, I felt an oiled finger at the aperture. He moved it around the edge several times and pushed himself into me very gently. He wiggled his finger and tried his best to go deeper. After several minutes of that, he inserted two fingers. That's when I felt something, deep inside myself, come alive. We weren't quite reaching it, but it was on high alert that something good was coming.

When Walker tried to squeeze in a third finger, he met the resistance he hadn't met on the first two fingers. Because I wanted to do this for my friend, so badly, I somehow relaxed the muscle that was causing the blockage, and he slipped right in. Once in, he was fine; but when he started twisting the 3 fingers and reaching deeper, the tightening started again. Walk kept it up, though, slowly and surely, and before long, I was `loose as a goose' (I wonder how that phrase came into being)

"Let's do it, lover man." I said. "I want you as deep inside my body as you can get."

"I'm gonna plant my seed in you, Sam. Unless you're as ready for this as I was last night, it's gonna hurt initially, but will change quickly. Ready?"

I nodded. The condom, of course has that latex bulb at the tip, it's not the best method of dispensing lube just before fucking. He avoided that by using the flat of his thumb to liberally coat my aperture and all around it. No sooner lubed and I felt his dick at my door. He pushed the head in and stopped. I quickly realized that his dick was somewhat fatter than 3 fingers, but it was in, and my ass was ready to have more, and eventually all, of him in. Strangely enough, I didn't feel the steady pressure he'd been using on entering me, and was totally surprised when I heard him say, "We're almost there."

Suddenly, I felt him advancing because he was approaching the spot. When he finally collided with it, my body went electric, and another switch was turned on. Not only did he slid the rest of the way into me, I was in control, gripping the mass and feeling every movement he made inside me, and ready to feel it all.

I didn't wait long because he slowly withdrew and steadily pushed back in several times until he found a rhythm and was eventually pistoning me like a machine. Every time he pushed back in, he glazed that spot and I felt sensations I've never felt before, and loved it. Suddenly, he ground as deep as he could in me and stirred it all around, almost like he was exploring. It felt like he was stepping on my soul. I opened my eyes and he was watching me as he focused on his role in this awakening. I mouthed and breathed, Fuck me, my friend. I love you!

He smiled and wiggled his eyebrows at me and bent me over more so that I could see his dick going in and out of me. I loved that it was Walker pounding me, and loved watching him fuck me, wondering if he looked that good to all the people he'd fucked over time. He was actually fucking down in this position, but seeing it slide in and out of me was joined by the fact that the spot was being stroked by a different motion and felt wonderful. I opened my legs as wide as I could, to accept all of Walker I could get. He looked down on me spread wide like that and smiled big, mouthing, I love you, too. At that moment, I wanted to marry him! I was very comfortable being totally subservient to this man fucking my brains out.

I was wallowing in all the sensations I was experiencing when I felt Walker expand inside me. I looked up and he was questioning if I was close. I nodded, and just like that, began coming all over myself. He came from me tightening when I came. Magic!

"Wasn't that fun?" he asked smiling down on me.

"Fun, yes, and mind altering, definitely! You were right, it's like nothing I've felt before. You did a fantastic job, too, my friend. You, sir, can fuck me anytime," I said as we untangled and wiped the cum away.

"What'd you think of the spot?" he asked.

"Everything changed as soon as you hit it. It was fucking awesome. Thank you!"

"Oh, baby," he said as he pulled me to him. "Thank you for being here with me. I love you so much just for that, man. You were right, I loved watching my best friend, fucking me like a banshee! I loved you possessing me like that. It just felt right. I feel the same about fucking you, though, too."

"So," he began, "are we boyfriends, do you think? Are we gay?"

I thought it about 10 seconds, "Well, I think I must have some inclinations; I mean I sucked my best friend's dick and let him fuck me, and loved doing them both, so yeah, I think I might be. Don't you?"

"You? Yes, definitely, but me? I guess I can't deny my desires. And I do really love you, so I guess I am, too." he said, smiling, as he pulled me to him. "I love kissing you, Sam," he said.

Next: Chapter 3

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