By Accident

By Robert Mooney

Published on Oct 1, 2023


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By Accident

Day Three, New Me

Walker couldn't stay for dinner or desert (Me!), but called me before bed, asking me to come over and fuck him again. I laughed, said he was insatiable, and told him I'd see him in the morning.

On the way to school the next day, Wendy was waiting for me at the corner of her street.

"You're late!" she announced.

"Am not!" I teased back. "How are you today?" I asked.

"I'm good," she replied. "Your boyfriend is really cute, too," she said suddenly.

"My boyfriend? What makes you think Walker is my boyfriend?" I asked.

"Well you guys are always together, and you just look like you should be together." she explained.

"Look, Wendy, Walker and I have always done stuff together. We're best friends, have been since we were little kids. That doesn't mean we're boyfriends."

"OKaay," she said, defeated. "But you still look good together."

"Yea, but please don't say things like that to other kids. You could make a lot of trouble for him and me."

"OK," she said again. "but Hugo will be disappointed."

"Your brother?" I asked.

"Yea. There he is now!" she said, pointing to the dark haired boy I'd been seeing everywhere.

"Hugo," she called, waving.

Hugo turned and when he saw she was with me, turned ashen, but walked towards us just the same, and just behind him, walked my Walker. I smiled at Walker, but Hugo must have thought it was for him, `cause his demeanor changed completely.

"Hey, Sam!" Hugo called brightly.

"Hey Hugo, it's nice to finally meet you," I said as I took his hand in mine and held it. He blushed.

"Hey, babe," Walker spoke up behind him. Hugo saw who it was and double blushed I think. To Hugo, Walker said, "Hey Hugo, how're you doin'?"

I could tell poor Hugo was totally in shock. "I'm good, Walker," he smiled as he pulled on his sister. "Come on, Kiddo, you're gonna be late."

"OK, she said. "Bye boys. Have a good day." she said grinning.

"See ya' later guys!" Hugo said as he rushed her away.

"He's a definite cutey," Walker declared, watching his butt go off in the distance."

"Yea, he's the one I was telling you about; the one that's been winking at me."

"Really?" he exclaimed. "Hmmm, fresh meat, maybe, huh?"

I smiled. "Yea, maybe. Oh, and FYI, Wendy is convinced that you and I are boyfriends."

"Oh, really?" he exclaimed. "We'll have to be careful around those two, I guess."

"Yea, at least for now, I suppose. I sure wouldn't mind seeing Hugo naked, though."

"You and me both!" Walker agreed. "Come on studly, we've gotta go," as he pulled me to the door.

We went, first to his house, where his Mom was home, and then tried my house, where my Mom, home early, was nursing a headache.

"Let's go for a hike!" I suggested.

The property behind our house was undeveloped. It'd been grazing land for years and was owned by a farmer who recently died. The cows were sold, and the land was in limbo, and probably would be for quite a few years. Mostly though, I'd gone hiking with several of my dates and found several secluded spots there.

One spot in particular was on a small creek, midway across the meadow yet hardly noticeable from the meadow edge, and I was hoping it was available for two obscenely horny guys at the moment. It was empty, and since the spot was in a ravine with trees providing shade, we landed there, double checking that no one was in the meadow above.

We descended the ravine and landed on a land shelf, almost to the flowing water's edge, and lightly shadowed by two silvery aspens that grew from the bank.

"Wow!" Walker said when we arrived. "This is very kool! You used to lure your dates out here to fuck them, didn't you?" he teased.

"What do you think I'm doing now?" I teased back.

He looked around again, still a little uncomfortable playing outdoors, perhaps. I, who'd been in this sandbox before, dropped my shorts and took hold of my rising dick, and pointed it toward him, hoping he'd take me in his mouth. He hesitated, so I pushed him to his knees and positioned it at his mouth. He opened his lips and let me in, but didn't seem to be too enthused about it, 'til I said, "Suck it down Walker, let me slide right down your gorgeous throat, baby. Open wide, that's it." His response was instantaneous. He devoured my dick, the entire length. My pubes were under his nose. I'm not to sure how he did it: but he was doing something to just my dick head, which was 8 inched down his throat.

"Gawd I love seeing you eat my dick," I sighed. "and so...I want to have your dick in my mouth while I'm in yours."

He thought about it a minute while he removed his shorts too. We placed our shorts end to end to lay on, and Walker laid on his back while I straddled him in true 69 position and took his beautiful dick into my mouth.

This was only the 2nd or 3rd time I'd ever had a dick in my mouth, but this time, it felt as natural to have him in me, massaging my throat, as something I'd been doing for years.

He was somehow tickling my crown with his tongue, way down in his throat, while his throat was massaging my length. I could tell he was getting to know this piece of flesh and muscle, Ours dicks are identical, so, it could be argued that it was very much like sucking your own dick, I suppose.

We were having fun, getting to know each other, and exploring.

"You two are beautiful together, you know that, don't you?" a voice softly spoke as though it was right there with us.

We both had heard it, and stopped our movement, to look toward the water, where the voice had come from. The head of a beautiful chestnut haired boy about our age, appeared. He was smiling as he rose vertically, he was kneeling, and he appeared to be naked.

That caught our attention, and we unwound from our positions and sat cross-legged in front of him.

"Who are you?" we asked.

"You can think of me as a guardian angel, although that's not it exactly. I am the one who awakened your soul."

"But why?" Walker asked, adding, "not that we're complaining."

"Of course you're not," He smiled. "Tell me, how do you feel about yourselves, now, and the selves before your current ones?"

"It's strange, though it's been only 3 days or so, it seems like it was a long time ago." I started.

"Yea, I feel I've awoken and that I am now who I am supposed to be," Walker said. "It does feel like years ago that I was fucking every woman I saw...Uh exscuse me for swearing, but the way I am now, with Sam, is the way I want to be...not the stud I used to be."

"How do you feel about females, Walker?"

"Mostly indifferent, to be honest...maybe sometime later, but I'm really big on discovering all these new sensations I'm finding with my fellow man." he replied, grinning.

"And you, Sam?" our guest asked.

How did he know our names? I thought to myself. "Well," I started, "Since my past relationships with women have been less than stellar-- lately especially--I'm starting over, so to speak, and not even thinking about anybody but Walker right now."

"Are you guys fine with us carrying on as we do?" Walker asked, tentatively.

"Why is it important to you?" He asked. "By the way, my name is Timothy. Again why is it important?"

"Well, if you represent who we think you represent, wouldn't it be nice to know how we're...considered." I offered.

"It's really not important, I guess," said Walker. "So unless you're going to stop me somehow, I'm going to continue exploring this man here."

"And you were doing it so well," Timothy smiled.

"Yeah, uh, why are you here, Timothy?" I asked.

"I heard your amazement to your awakenings, and felt compelled to give you both reassurance that your sexuality now is normal-different yet normal, and to let you know that you are not alone." he paused and looked as though he was going to continue..."and I think you are both physically beautiful. I wanted to be close to you both for a short while."

"Can you play sex?" I asked, looking for his cock.

"Through you, I can, but I cannot participate with you."

"Bummer!" I said. "So you can only watch."


"You can't do anything?" Walker asked.

"Oh, that I could," he replied.

"You look pretty cute, at least of what I can see. How'd you pick that look,?" I asked.

He smiled. "I combined you two, into one, sorta'."

"Really?" Walker asked, looking closer. "Awesome! `cause you are cute."

", you're sort of, what our child could look like, if we could have children together."

"Yes, I suppose."

"And it wouldn't bother you that we would be, essentially, making love in front of you, an amalgam of the two of us."

"But I am not your child, I am reality."

I turned to Walker and said, "I give up. Are you OK with a watcher?"

"As long as get you in the deal," he said. "I'll be OK."

"Come here, baby," I growled. This time, I laid back on the shorts, and pulled him over me, in reverse. I was half hard, Walker was soft, so I started to work on him. I let his soft dick rest beside my nose while I swathed his balls. When his dick started rising, he scooted back and inserted his mostly-hard dick into my waiting mouth. Again, I say it feels like I've been sucking Walk's dick for years, it feels so natural having him in me, not to mention, awesome! I flashed on him fucking me with this dick I have in my mouth, but filed that away for later, perfectly content with him sliding down my throat at the moment.

What Walker was doing to my cock was inspiring my job on his, but also driving me crazy every time my dick slid over his tongue. He was intent on taking me all the way in and essentially sucking on my pubus. Note to self: shave us nude down there. And that thing he does that vibrates on the head of my dick, way down deep in his throat. It was working it's magic, so when Walker erupted in my mouth without warning, I erupted in him.

When we'd both drunk our fill, we came up gasping. We looked over to Timothy, who was no longer there. In the dirt at the edge of the water, though, was typed(!), "Excellent Thank you T."

We looked at each other and moved to kiss each other. He then sat up and I turned, twisted and sat up to share the shorts with him. By the time we'd done that simple movement, the typing in the dirt had disappeared.

"Well, that was weird!" Walker exclaimed."Are we in the Twilight Zone?"

"It did really happen didn't it?" I asked leaning back on the bank incline.

"It did...I saw it, but I couldn't prove it," He mused.

"So other than that, lover man, what do you think about this place?

"Not bad, Not bad at all," he glanced around and nodded, then suddenly stood and looked across the field, both ways. "Privacy is good," he said, sitting down again. He laid back in the crook of my arm and nibbled on a piece of grass and was silent a moment, then said, "So I guess it"s OK with everyone when I tell you that I love you."

"I think it is," I smiled. "But if not, it is OK with me. And I love you, too, my friend," I said as I reached down to him and kissed him wetly.

"So I guess we've moved into the gay column, huh?" he asked.

"Or at least the bi-sexual one," I replied.

"Do you really want to still fuck women?" he asked.

I laughed, "Well, maybe not for a while," I said. "I'm having fun with you."

"I honestly feel liberated from that obligation..." he said.

"Me, too, dude, but now that I don't have to prove anything, or do the conquest thing, or whatever I was into, I can imagine someday hooking up with a right girl at the right time, but without the hassle of having her stick around for a regular piece of ass."

"Hmmm, that could be interesting, I guess," he declared, thinking about it. "I'll be forever comparing and criticizing though."

"So what?" Some of them need it! Let's just wait and cross that bridge when we come to it.," I said.

"What do we want to do about other guys," he asked.

I thought about that. "Well, what do envision us--you and me-- to be?"

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I mean, do you see us to as monogamous with each other? or do you want to explore other guys? or do you want us to just remain close friends? What?"

"Hmmm, well I know I love you, but I hadn't taken it that far yet, I guess. I see other guys that I'd like to...see naked.."

"Yea, me, too," I admitted.

"But I don't know how I'd go about picking up a guy for sex. I mean, how do you ask someone you think is hot, if they'd like to fuck?"

"We could learn that together; it might be fun, who knows?" I noted. "Or do you not want me in the picture, kinda like we did in the other life."

"No, I definitely want you really close to me, but I don't know if we have to be, like married."

"How would you feel say, seeing me have sex with another guy, or hearing about it or something?"

"How would you deal with me doing that stuff?" he countered.

"Good question," I said and looked into his eyes. "I can't, for the life of me, understand how any guy could not want to have sex with you, Walk. You're so fucking gorgeous! And I think I'd like to see someone have his way with your delicious body, my friend."

"You would?"

"Damn right! I'd probably be jacking off, watching," I replied, or maybe fucking him at the same time, I thought.

"Hmmm, I think I'd get off watching you fuck someone besides me, too," he said. "You're gonna be more of a fucker, Sam. I know I'll be more of a fuckee."

"But you can do anything I do, Walker. My dick's the same as yours...feels the same (I think) and looks the same. Our dicks are a little bigger than average,too, I read. Guys that like dick are gonna dig us because of ours. Some will want to also get in our asses, but many will be more interested in sucking you and you fucking them. For some people, we'll be too big. For some, we'll not be big enough."

"How do you know so much about all this?" He asked.

"I have no idea," I replied honestly. "It just makes sense to me."

"I know," he started, "everything you're saying makes total sense, but I just never thought about things in those terms before hearing them from you right now."

"Maybe this has to do with Timothy," I said smiling. "Anyway! I think we're going to be able to continue on, as we always do, but fuck each other, and tease everyone else. Maybe they won't draw conclusions too soon."

"Yea, that would be best, I think, sorta' like `keeping up appearances.'

"Yea, at least to start, we don't want to alienate all our friends by going all gay on them suddenly. We've been top dogs here for a while. Let's not throw a monkey wrench in the hierarchy just yet."

"But what about the women?"

"I don't know," I answered. "I suspect that, down the road, though, I'm gonna be more bisexual. I don't know why; and I know I'll have no desire for pussy for a while. But I can envision finding a girl that it might be fun with for a minute. I don't know. I'm a wide open canvas right now. My story is just beginning!"

Walk had been laying back on my shoulder all this time, but moved to face me, hip to hip, chest to chest. He kissed me long and deep.

When we surfaced, he said, "I really do I love you, Sam."

"I hope so, `cause I love you, too...and I'd love to fuck you right now."

"Mmmmm," he sighed. "We wouldn't have a condom," he said.

"Hmm, that's another thing we need to discuss," I noted.


"That and awareness of STDs, sexual diseases we can get foolin' around a lot."

"What do you suggest, oh Master," he teased.

"I suggest we both get tested soon, `cause I would love to fuck you without a condom...and you, me. If we both test clean, we could do long as we use condoms--taking it or giving it--with everyone else, no exceptions. Getting fucked in the ass is the fastest way to get AIDS, I know, but fuckers can also get it from an ass without a condom.

"And condom is guaranteed protection?" he asked.

"So they say, I replied. "But we should learn more about it, OK? We're new in this, and there are new rules, I'm sure. We need to be aware of them. And there are a lot of people that would have a fit if they knew about us, and could make it very uncomfortable for us. We need to watch out for them, too."

"And, Walk, somehow I know that there will be people ready to use and abuse us because we're hot. Be careful who you reveal anything to. Talk to me, if you're unsure about anything. We'll work it out.

"Walker, I want you to know that you can talk to me about anything. I love you, and you know I'll always be there for you. That's part of're forming. I am you, and I hope that you are me."

"I am,"

Next: Chapter 4

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