By Accident

By Robert Mooney

Published on Oct 11, 2023


Chapter 6

3's a what?

The next day was friday. We met, as usual, at the far base of the steps. Lucy and Walk were talking very seriously when I walked up.

"`Morning guys," I said.

Suddenly, both were smiling. Walker winked and grinned, rather. Lucy smiled.

"What was all that seriousness when I walked up?" I asked, curious.

"Oh, you" Lucy said.

"Yes, I do, and I'm liking some more and more," I said.

"Me too," Walker agreed, grinning mischievously.

"Easy for you two to say," she said, pouting.

"OK, what happened? I thought you were gonna try out for the other team."

"I am, I mean I will, but getting rid of the old boyfriend has it's problems."

"Gentlemen, lady, how's everyone today?" It was Hugo!

"Well, good morning, Hugo. Did you sleep well?" I asked, grinning.

"I did, indeed, kind sir. How about you guys?"

"I slept almost like a baby," Walker winked.

"Me too," I said. "Must be something in the air."

"I'm pissed off at my man, and you 3 are playing mutual admiration society or something! I can see I'm not gonna get any sympathy here today, so bye boys!" She turned and entered the school.

"Was it something I said?" Hugo asked.

"No, it's a girl thing," I joked. "Did you have fun last night, puppy?"

"Puppy, huh? I did...did you guys?" he asked.

"I sure did," Walker answered.

"Most definitely!" I agreed.

"When you guys are ready, I'd like to be in the middle again, sometime."

"Ooof!" Walker exclaimed. "Are you threatening us with a good time?"

"Not threatening, offering." Hugo replied, seriously.

"Well all right!" Walker smiled.

"I think we'll be seeing each other more frequently," I observed. "You strike me as a pretty cool guy, Hugo. I hope I'm right."

"Thanks," he replied, backing up. "I really like you guys, too, but I've got to get inside the building right now. I'll see you later."

We followed him into the building and went our separate ways.

Lunch was with the gang, the one in social power, so to speak. The subject of finding us a girl came up again with the women in the group.

"Why do you care so much if I find someone or not?" I asked Dimitra, the pushiest one.

"You need a woman!" Dimitra insisted.

"You think so, huh?" I answered doubtfully.

"You know I'm right, Sam."

"I do, huh? I just finished a relationship from hell, Dimitra. And the one before Kelly was even worse, but in a whole different way. And the one before that? I tell you...I'm burnt out on girl issues for a while. I'm taking a break. I'll be back, but for now, I want to be left alone."

"What are you going to do about sex?" Angie, another loudmouth provoked.

"Well, I'll tell you what, Angie. I don't think that's any of your fucking business, but just for the record, I've got a really good relationship with my hand. It doesn't give me any shit, or play games with me, or tell me what to do, like some of y'all do. It knows me and knows what I like, and that's good enough for right now. And I would appreciate it if you two would back off the subject. I'm doing just fine on my own. Friends, that's what I want right now, not a relationship."

"All right dude!" three of the guys, responded.

"Oh," Margo, one of the `wives' started on her man, "you think you'd be worth anything by your sorry selves?"

"Makes you wonder, doesn't it?" her man and our friend Donald mused out loud. Several other guys grunted. Margo was shell-shocked. Nothing came out.

"What do you think, Walker?" Rod, another of our group, asked.

Walker, who'd remained silent during all this, thought about it momentarily, then, said, "Sam and I have talked about it before, and I think his point is valid."

The bell rang, and that was that. That hump had been crossed. We'd just have to wait and see what happens from it..

School was becoming school again, though I felt I was absorbing knowledge better now. My classes were mostly interesting, but I was usually ready to leave when the day was over. Today was no exception. I was first on the steps when who should approach me as I settled in, but Angie.

"Sam," she started, "I'm so sorry about earlier. You have every right to say fuck you for a while. I get that. But you've got to realize that you guys let yourself be manipulated at times. But, you have changed, Sam. You're aware finally and more confident."
"I'm a late bloomer, I guess," I tried to make light of it.

"Yea, well, I just wanted to apologize. I like you better these days, Sam. You made some sense, for the first time."

"Why, thanks, Angie. Apology accepted. I'm glad you stopped." We did our little hug thing that we do and she scurried off to who knows what.

I waited and surveyed my surroundings. There were some really hot guys in our school, several I'd love to see naked.

"Hey Sam, who you scoping?" Walker asked, walking down the steps to me.

"I dunno, nobody, everybody. `Saw several I'd like to see naked though."

"See anyone you'd like to see naked right now?" he asked teasingly, squirming where he stood.

I looked into his deep green eyes, smiled, and said, "As a matter of fact, I do. Come on."

Finally walking, I pulled him to me with my arm around his neck for a moment, and whispered, "I want to fuck you silly."

"Oomph!" he said and began walking faster.

A little further on, we encountered Hugo and Wendy, walking slowly, head to head.

"Everything OK, Hugo? I asked as we passed.

"One of Wendy's friends was mean to her today. I'm taking care of it." He smiled and winked. He was dealing with a sister issue, good for him.

"Hey Wendy," We both said as we passed.

"Hi guys," she said sullenly.

We continued to Walkers house, which fortunately for us, was supposed to be empty.

We entered through the side gate, and the house through a rear door.

Walker did a quick double-check of everything, just in case, before heading up to his room, grabbing 2 sodas on his path through the kitchen. We immediately got naked and settled in, sitting cross-legged in the middle of his bed.

"Rod told me to give you this"-he handed me a small plastic vial-"and to tell you were right-on today. He's kinda fed up in his relationship, too, I guess, tho I doubt seriously if Rod'll wind up batting for our team any time soon.

I opened the vial and found 3 homemade cigarettes, but looking closer, realized they were 3 joints! Wow! Marijuana had been in our part of the country quite a while, but in our high school sports world, weed has been severely frowned upon, by the coaches and most of the players. Getting caught smoking or under the influence could end in being dropped from any team, though that had only happened once.

"Uh-oh" Walker said. "More corruption."

"Have you ever tried it?" I asked.

"Yea, one of my dates had some a while back. I was so drunk though, I didn't notice any difference."

"Got matches or a lighter?"

"You wanna smoke one?" he asked.

"I will if you will." I answered.

"I'll try anything with you, Sam. You know that."

"Let's do it. I've been curious."

He flipped the lighter on. "Fire it up," he said.

I brought it to my lips and drew the smoke into my lungs.

"Now hold it in as long as you can."

While I held he took a hit and held. When I exhaled, he handed the joint back to me. As I had exhaled, I'd felt a warmth behind my ears momentarily. As I I inhaled again, I felt that warmth flow all through my body. Walker had taken another hit and was putting on some music, mellow stuff, but jazzy. His ass was especially hot today.

"This OK?" He asked.

"Definitely!" I replied, checking out his awesome body as he approached me.

"You checkin' me out?" he asked, grinning.

"I can't believe how fucking gorgeous you are,Walter. I could eat you up."

He got back onto the bed and positioned himself in front of me, on his back, legs spread on either side of me, hands behind his head. "Be my guest," he smiled.

I was holding the joint, now on my third hit. I inhaled a fourth time and handed him the joint while I decided how I wanted to ravage this magnificent body in front of me. I first scooted closer, causing him to spread his legs even further. I ran my hands up his thighs to his crotch, cupping and squeezing his whole groin when I got there, balls and all. His dick was on the rise from my touch, so I reached forward a little and licked the head of it, before taking the head in my mouth. He moaned. I looked up and he was watching.

"God help me," he said, "I love watching you take my dick into you, Sam! Take all of me, please."

I did so as far as I could before the gag reflex and backed off again. Next attempt, I went down a little further, and the next time-somehow-further. Before I knew it, I was meeting his eyes through his pubic hairs. I was on his dick down to his pubis. Another note to self: reminder to shave our crotches.

"Oh, gawd, Sam. That's so awesome!" he said, just as I felt, rather than tasted, him cuming down my throat. Surprised, I looked up at his ecstasy.

He looked back down at me as I was coming up for air.

"I'm sorry, baby." he stammered. "That was so perfect, I couldn't help it."

"But it was awesome!" I exclaimed. "Did you notice that I had all of you in my throat? Up to your pubes! By the way, let's shave our crotches, OK?"

"Sounds sexy, sure!. Yea, I did notice! It was so hot, I came!

"I have no idea how I did that, but it was cool, feeling you shoot in the back of my throat, rather than my mouth. But I didn't get to taste you this time!"

"Do you like the taste of my cum?" he asked.

"Yea, I guess I do, now that you mention it. Have you formed an opinion about mine"

"I like every single thing about you, baby." he said as he rose up on his knees and reversed our positions. Without any preamble, he descended on my dick with his mouth and almost swallowed me whole. He licked all around my crotch.

"I think I'd like you to be nude down there," he said.

"Let's do it soon."


Looking down again, he brought my legs up to reach my balls. He washed them with his tongue, moving on to my hole. I was apprehensive, not knowing how clean I might be back there, but it must have been OK, `case he didn't stop. He washed me thoroughly, then moved back up to my perineum, then my balls, then my dick again. as he bathed me with his tongue. Then he repositioned himself so that my legs were together and he was straddling my hips, our dicks together.

He reached over to his nightstand and produced the joint again from a dish he'd laid it in. We each took another hit, him first. As I took a hit, he produced some lube and a condom, then replaced the joint to the dish. As he exhaled, he blew the smoke in my face, while he lubed both our dicks and began jacking them together. He paused as he also lubed his hole, then resumed double-jacking us, so I took the opportunity to exhale my smoke in his face. He smiled as he used both hands to masterbate us.

After several minutes of this, he put the condom on me, moved foreword, and swallowed my dick with his my pubes. I think Walk was right when he said he feels he'll be a fuckee. He craves it and he's tighter than any girl I've been with, and he takes it so easily!, and I'm not an easy one to take! He's better than a girl, though...he's got a dick. He can fuck me, too.

Walker rose and dropped, squirming as he did, to stir things up, over and over.

"Having fun, baby?" I asked, watching the ecstasy on his face.

He focused on me and smiled. "I wish I could wear your dick inside me all day," he gushed. "It feels so good!"

"I definitely agree. Your ass is incredible, Walker."

"You know what, though? I want you to fuck me on my back." He climbed off me and flipped onto his back, pulling his legs up. I moved into position, resting his heals on my shoulders. When I entered him, I took hold of his dick, knowing he'd need the extra stimulation after having cum once already.

"Now fuck me with that big dick of yours, Sam. Fuck me hard and make me your man. Fuck me, baby!"

I pushed all the way in, drew out, and pushed back in, over and over. I'd change the position slightly each time by moving one leg out or forward, thus entering him from a slightly different angle when I did. A couple times, when I was indeed pounding him hard, I spread his legs wide and pounded him even harder. When I did this, I'd make him jack himself. I wanted him to have continual stimulation.When I moved back to a steady pounding with his heels on my shoulders again,I resumed manipulating his cock with one hand and alternating between tweaking his nipples and rolling his balls with my other hand.

"Gawd, baby! Yeah!" he crowed.

I soon felt his balls draw up and his dick get harder. At the same time, his ass started milking my dick. I had no choice once that started. I filled the condom with cum just as he shot a second load on his chest. It was definitely a great cum!!

"Fuck baby, that was incredible!" He said.

"It was indeed," I agreed. I was still in him and still hard. I slipped out of him, just long enough to remove the condom, and then went right back inside him. He moaned.

"You want more?" he asked.

"I don't know. Maybe.," I said as I began fucking him slowly, but rhythmically.

"That feels so fucking good!" he noted. "I like you not having the condom on."

"Yea, we need to get ourselves checked soon, so we can fuck each other without them," I repeated.

Just as we were getting a rhythm going, Walker's phone rang. We stayed where we were but stopped fucking long enough for him to reach the phone on his nightstand.

"Hello?" he greeted.

"Yea, he's right here. Hang on." and he handed me the phone, mouthing silently that it was my mother.

"Hey Mom, what's up?"

"Hi son. I figured you stopped at Walker's since you weren't home right away."

"Everything OK?" I asked.

"Yes, it is. I just wanted to let you know that we're going to be gone all weekend. A friend of your dad's called and needs help on a project, so we're driving to Oscoda to help him."

"Oscoda, that's a long ways away, but a pretty drive up," I said. Walker was grinding on my dick, attempting to keep me hard, but I was shrinking inside him. Apparently, talking to my Mom does that.

"Yes, I'm looking forward to it. Will you be all right, here alone all weekend?"

"Oh, sure," I replied. "Is it OK if I have maybe Walker and a new friend of ours, Hugo, over?'

"Those two will be OK. Please don't bring a bunch of girls over, though. We do have the neighbor's sensitivities to consider, remember."

"No girls. I promise Mom," I smiled. Walker was cracking up, covering his mouth. "I told you I broke up with Kelly, didn't I?"

"No, but I knew that one wouldn't last long. I remember how teenage girls can be, and she was bad. Thinking of taking a break?"

""I am taking a break, so no girls for a while." I assured her.

As the call ended, I assured Mom that we'd take care of everything and not leave a mess for her. I hung up to deal with Walker, who was pouting because I was about to fall out of him.

"Sorry, Babe." I said as I pulled myself out of him. "We can resume this later. We have my house to ourselves for the whole weekend.

"Sweet! Did I hear that we might invite Hugo over, too?"

"Yea, we might as well explore new territory. Carpe diem, as they say."

"OK, then," he said. "I need a shower before I get dressed, though. I seem to be covered in cum."

"Come on, I'll take one with you. Do we have time?"

"Yea, we've got at least 2 hours yet."

In the shower, we talked about the incident at the lunch table today, as Walker soaped by back and I washed my front. As anticipated, though, I felt Walk's rising dick slip between my cheeks and touch my hole. It was slick and, relaxing myself as best I could, he slipped inside me. I pushed back, taking more of him in me. He wrapped his arms around my chest and pulled me to him, cupping my groin while he rutted. It was momentary, though, because as fast as he went in, he came out again.

"Hey!" I protested. "What's the deal?"

"Nothing," he smiled. "Just a sample of what to expect later, is all. Come on, let's get this goin' and get out of here." I smiled. That was kinda' fun! We soaped and washed and soon were ready to dry off and dress.

As we started walking toward my house, I noted, "We'll have to get ahold of Hugo somehow."

"Or maybe, he'll get ahold of us," He replied. "He seems pretty eager to be with us."

"Yea, well, liking dick and finding someone, anyone, to play with around here, can be daunting, to say the least."

"Very true. His options are probably very narrow, you mean?"

"True...not to say he didn't luck out finding us, though."

"That's true. He's pretty hot, himself, though, too."

"Yea, that he is," I agreed, "that, he is."

Next: Chapter 7

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