By Accident

By Robert Mooney

Published on Oct 22, 2023


This is a work of fiction, from my over-fertile mind, based on a scenario I dreamed up and made note of some time ago. Writing works that way for me, a lot.

Writing for Nifty is new to me. I love the service, though, and hope everyone donates whatever they can to help support it.

If you're not supposed to be reading male-male sex stories, don't read any further. If it's illegal to read erotic material where you live, please leave.

Everyone else, have fun.

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By Accident

Chapter 8

Playing Pool

We'd passed out in my Dad's recliner, still grasping each other's dick, with the TV on late night news. I switched the set off, and pulled Walker trying to get him to stand up. He resisted moving, so I coaxed him with, "We get to sleep together for the first time. Come on, big boy." He processed that in the fogginess of his sleep, but finally said, "Cool!" and rose, though I doubt if he was too awake. He followed me up the stairs, and fell into the bed. I returned downstairs to turn everything off and check the doors, then returned to my room, crawled in with my man, and passed out with him.

Next morning, I woke around 8:30 with Walker's cheek on my shoulder, his arm across my torso, a leg up and across my groin, and him snoring softly. It was an odd sensation, but not at all unpleasant. Walker's dick was against my leg, very hard, and wet with precum. I registered all these new sesations without moving, and decided I liked having him sleep with me. I didn't remember any problems sleeping together either, so we must fit well in dreamland. Waking up with him so close certainly felt right.

I moved slightly, gently pulling away to go pee. He awoke.

"Where you goin' sleeping beauty?" He mumbled.

"To pee," I answered as I stood.

"Pee for me, too, will you?" he muttered.

I grinned. "If you've gotta, pee, come on. I'll help you," I said.

"OK," he said as he threw back the covers, stood, and walked like a zombie toward the bathroom, sword drawn. We stood at the toilet together, arms around each other, and readied ourselves. His flow started first and mine followed. We tried to play the customary pee swords but both had to really piss and tried to concentrate.

When we returned to the bed, Walker sat on top of my legs again, and said, "Good morning, gorgeous." My dick started getting harder.

"Care to turn your best friend into a submissive...something...this morning?" He grinned sheepishly.

"What were you about to say, a submissive what?" I asked, wanting to hear it.

He looked embarrassed, but replied, "A submissive bitch, but that didn't sound right, and I couldn't think of anything else, so I said something."

"Do you want me to make you my bitch, Walker?"

"Are you kidding?" He asked, not knowing if i was serious or if we were jesting. "I couldn't say `bitch' because I think someone else said that to me in another life. She wanted me to make her my bitch, or something. Anyway, it felt weirdly familiar, so I couldn't say it. That and I don't like the female references of our bodies anyway. I do like your dick inside me though. But that doesn't make it my pussy..."

"No it makes it my home-hole. And yes, I want you to put me inside you. Can we talk and fuck?" I wondered.

"We'll soon find out," he grinned and prepared his hole and my dick for entry. I watched...all smiles. He loves my dick inside him.

At the ready, he straddled me and impaled himself. What was unique about Walker is that he's tight, like a glove, and so soft. Way down deep inside him, it's almost like a blow job on just my crown, a kind of fluttering, different from the milking his ass lining was doing to me. I felt it every time I entered his deepest depth. Not having experienced other men to compare, I don't yet know if other men will feel like that when I'm inside them, or not. I've been inside Hugo, but didn't feel that fluttering. Hugo feels really good, but different from Walk. But that's good, right? Diversity!

We continued a slow but deliberate pace.

"Feels so good," he muttered.

"What does, Walk?" I asked.

He squirmed on it for a moment, and said, "Your dick inside me, Sam. Especially when you hit it like...that. Oh, oh, that's it! Fuck me hard now Sam. Please."

I complied. I sat up and spread my legs. He dropped back, but stayed impaled to the root. When he settled, he was up on his elbows, grinding on me like he wanted more. I was on my elbows, too, so we watched each other fuck horizontally.

"Gawd i love you fucking me," Walk said. "Watching you is a treat, too. Do you like being inside me, baby?" He asked.

"I hope I'm able to fuck you forever, like this, Walker. And I love the fact that our friendship, our relationship, has grown so close we can now enjoy each other's body. I love that. And, I love being inside you, knowing that I'm making you feel good, while you're giving me me oh, so much pleasure."

"Oh, Sam, I think I'm ready to shoot," he said suddenly.

"Do it baby, here I come, too." I said as I felt the lava rising.

We came together--me, deep inside him, him on his chest, his stomach, his chin, and everything else. I sat up fully, still inside him between my legs, came out, long enough to remove the condom, and reentered him. I could see on his face that the sensation was interesting for him, too.

"Hey, we were supposed to try talking during this fuck-fest," I teased.

"So talk, just don't stop fucking me."

"We need to get tested, Walk, so I can be bareback you like this all the time. We need to make sure we didn't get something from all the girls we were with. As I remember, some of them were as promiscuous as we were. We just need to be sure that we're not giving each other something, HIV or something."

"I'll make an appointment with Doc Walgast on Monday, `cause I like this," he said, just before I found his sweet spot. "Uhn...yea," he moaned. We fell asleep again in this position. Of course, I'd slid out of him at some point, but we slept, balls to balls. Nice!

When we finally arose, about an hour later, we took time to shower. We both ran a dry razor with soap over our new pubic stubble...weird ritual, but feeling totally nude was worth the extra work...for now.

We started out walking to Hugo's house. It was a very warm morning, which probably meant the afternoon would be a scorcher, perfect to be hangin' around the pool with two hot men. I noticed that someone was walking toward us from the opposite direction, but thought nothing of it until I noticed that it was Hugo doing the walking.

"Hey, that's Hugo," Walker said, recognizing him too. "Oh, please don't cancel our pool date!" he said softly to himself. I agreed, though.

As he approached, Hugo was all smiles, so I was a little less stressed.

"What's up, puppy?" I asked, grinning lustfully, I'm sure, `cause this kid was smokin' hot today!

"We're not cancelled are we?" Walker whined impatiently.

"No, no, no!" he replied. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stress you, something came up that I wanted to discuss with you before we got there."

" what's up?" I pressed.

"We have an opportunity..." he began and stopped.

"For what?" Walker asked.

"To have another person," he replied.

"Oh? Who?" Walker asked.

"A hottie I've been working on for awhile now. He knows he likes to fuck me and kiss me, but won't let me let loose on him."

"Is he cute?"

"Definitely! He's gay, he just doesn't know it yet. I thought you boys might like to help me help him."

"What's his name?" I asked, fearful of the possibilities.

"Rod, Rod Fortuche from school," he said cautiously.

"Our Rod?" Walker gasped.

"...Is fucking you?" I asked, equally incredulous.

"For about 3 months now," Hugo replied. "So, I guess you know him, right?" he asked.

"Well, yea! He's one of our best friends, but I'm shocked that he's already in the game. He is one man I'd like to see naked and hard, though." Walker considered.

"Well, this could be your chance." Hugo noted. "There's not a chance he'd freak out, having you guys know about him and all, is there?"

"I'd hope not, but I don't know." I started, "He's kept this side of himself a secret for a long time apparently."

"I say we do it," Walker stated.

"OK," I offered.

"I'll let him know." Hugo noted.

Walker explained,"We're new at this, and having a ball, literally. I'd love to have Rod in our little family, if he's interested. He's a good man.

"He's also a sexy man," Hugo added.

"Yes he is," I agreed, remembering. "Funny, though, I always thought he was a solid lady's man."

"Maybe he is, maybe he's just dabbling, maybe he doesn't know what he is." Walker said.

"Maybe we can help him discover himself," I offered.

"Maybe we can!" Walker agreed. "Yea, have Rod over for a naked swim."

"That's how this started." Hugo explained. "I was talking to him on the phone and mentioned that some friends were coming over for a swim today, when he asked if he could come. I mentioned that it was a nude pool day, and he was fine with that. I then explained that my friends were very private..."

"Well, mostly private, actually," I said.

"Anyway," he continued, "I didn't want to just invite him without checking with you two first, so here I am."

"Thank you, Puppy. I'm glad you did," I said as I affectionately put my arm around his shoulder, drawing him to me for a moment.

He blushed, so naturally, Walker decided to do the same, and hugged him briefly, too.

"I could love you guys very easily, you know." Hugo said.

"We could love you, too, kiddo." I admitted. "It's just early yet. We need to get to know each other better. After the pool today, Why don't you think about spending the night with us at my house, tonight, and let's get to know each other. It doesn't all have to be about sex."

"I hope not," he said.

"So how do we want to do this?" Walker asked, indicating the pool party and Rod.

"Well, he can't come over 'til a little later, but I have to call him and tell him he's invited."

"Don't tell him about us, though." Walker suggested.

"I won't," he promised as we reached his house. We entered through the side gate again and Walk asked if he could strip. Hugo gave the all clear and Walker was in the pool before Hugo finished his OK. Hugo went inside to make his call.

"Gawd, this is nice," Walt said on resurfacing.

I removed my shirt and dropped my shorts, flashing my new hairless crotch to Walter, who gave me a wolf whistle, and a returning Hugo, so he dropped his shorts to show me his hairless groin.

"What did Rod think about your new look?" I asked.

"He hasn't seen it yet," he answered. "We just did that last night, remember."

"True," I realized. "any `buyer's remorse' though?" I asked, referring to potential stubble.

"Being hairless? Mostly I love it. It makes me look like a little boy with a big dick."

"That it does," I replied. "Mind if I taste a little of it?"

"Be my guest," He said as he kicked his shorts away and I knelt between his legs.

"Such a pretty dick, puppy," I said just as I swallowed him.

"About this `puppy' thing..." he started.

"Yes, puppy?" I asked, between sucks.

"It feels weird, but I kinda' like you calling me that."

"Good," I replied. "`cause I love you being my puppy." I said.

He took hold of my head to slow down my piston-action a bit. I allowed him to take control and was glad I did. He showed me another way of sucking a dick that was awesome for me, too. He pulled me slowly down to his pubus and paused, then began fucking my throat by twisting his ass around to vary the angle. I really liked that, a lot, and could see where slow is better for this action.

He came fairly quickly. "I love watching my dick go in and out of your mouth, Sam,"

"Walker said the exact same thing," I noted, as I swallowed.

"Sweet! No surprise, though. Will you fuck me again today?" he asked.

"If you'd like me to," I replied as he dove into the water toward Walker, who was watching us from the far end of the pool. Walker wiggled his eyebrows at me and smiled. I smiled back.

We horsed around, as teenage boys will do, chasing and running away from, and grabbing asses and dicks and balls. It seems we all three are really into balls. It's interesting...for me, balls are the most sensitive...and sensual...extension on my body.

Finally tiring, Walt and Hugo settled on a chaise together while I sat across from them in a chair.

"You should talk your folks into getting a pool," Walker announced.

"Build a swimming pool just as the kid--for whom you're building it-- is getting ready to leave the nest?"

"OK, smarty," he looked wounded. "You've really got to stop making sense Sam. It's not becoming!" he teased.

"Are you going to discipline me?" I teased back as my dick started plumping up.

"Not in front of the kid, Sam...really!" Appearing indignant looked silly on him, though.

"The kid wants to watch!" Hugo objected, grinning. "The kid also wants to participate, any way he can, and has another toy someone might want to play with," He said as he lifted his mighty 7 incher for display.

"Where shall we start?" Walker asked, grabbing Hugo's dick beside him.

"If you prep me nicely, you can fuck me," I announced to Walker.

"Ooo, baby!" he replied as he shifted in his chair.

Hugo got up. "I'll get some lube and towels...and popcorn." he said.

"We're gonna have to discipline the kid next," Walk said, gleefully.

"I heard that!" he said, "and I agree."

Walker sat up and kissed me deeply. "You really want me to fuck you, baby? You wouldn't rather fuck me?"

"Oh, later I will, but I want you to do me in front of Hugo first. I want him to know who's ass this is."

"Roger that!" Walker beamed as Hugo returned, cute, half-hard dick flapping against his leg, and handed Walker the lube. There was an ottoman that I pulled over to lay across, exposing my ass to them both.

Walker knelt behind me and played with my glutes, spanking me red, and squeezing the hard muscle he found there. Then I felt wetness. Hugo had his tongue on my hole, feasting like a madman. He stuck his tongue inside me and then inserted a finger. He kept pushing it in as if searching for something, and found my prostate, which he stroked, realizing what he'd found. I was squirming for more, and suddenly found Hugo's dick in my mouth. What a pleasant surprise! So, Walker was back there now. I wondered when they switched. Nice teamwork, though! Recognizing that this was a first for me--having two dicks inside me--front and rear, I decided to get to work.

Though I'd just sucked Hugo off a while ago, it was nice to have that pretty dick in my throat again. I was so preoccupied with it, I almost failed to notice that Walter's nude pubus and balls were bottoming out behind me, meaning he was totally inside me. So, as Walker filled my ass and Hugo filled my mouth, I contemplated this submissive posture I found myself in. It felt really sexy to be used like this, especially with these two men, without being emasculating at all.

Walker was now fucking me like a madman and it was wonderful. Both of the dicks inside me were making me feel really full and sexy. I couldn't see anything but Hugo's baby-smooth ball sac as Hugo was stirring inside me, then pistoning me hard and fast.

Suddenly, he slowed down, almost stopping, but started up again, in a slow, deliberate rhythm...and his dick was expanding. He was soon long dicking me and Hugo was holding my head, fucking my mouth like crazy. He finally came, as did I, right after him, all over the ottoman. Walker did not stop, though. When I turned around to determine what was going on, I saw Rod, behind Walker, apparently fucking him, fully clothed, as Walker was fucking me.

I removed myself from Walker, and turned around to have Rod wink at me while he fucked my man. Inspired, I got behind Rod, undressed him while he fucked, and put my face in his butt. He stopped fucking for a moment, then started grinding against my tongue while he resumed. I felt Hugo glove me and lube me, and when he was finished, I stood and placed my dick at Rod's hole and shoved. It went in surprisingly easy, which I wondered about, but was suddenly surrounded by his velvet glove. Rod lowered himself slightly, spreading his legs to offer me full access.

I fucked him with power, which is how Walker likes it, I know, and figured that it might translate to what Rod was doing for him. As I fucked him, I watched-incredulous- as Hugo knelt under Walter, who was still standing, but bent over, and impaled himself on Walter's dick, still sheathed in the same condom. Now joined front and rear, Walter wrapped his arms around Hugo as he fucked him.

It was awkward initially, but we settled into a rhythm again. Rod came first, Walker second, and pounding through the added pressure his climax made for me back there, I came last...but not least.

I backed out of Rod, as he backed out of Walker.

"Surprise!" he said, to lighten the tension.

"Indeed," I said as I admired his body. He was slightly taller than we, had broad shoulders, a very nice chest, and pretty-much perfect 6-pack. He was also packing a big gun...I'd guess, maybe 9 inches. "And lookin; good!" I might add.

"Thanks, Sam. Coming from you, that's an honor," he said as he ran a finger through the drying cum that covered my chest. He turned to Walker. "And being inside that ass of yours has been a fantasy of mine for quite a while now, my friend."

"And?" Walker asked.

" was as wonderful as I'd imagined. Thanks, bud!"

"Thank you!" Walker replied, bowing. "Any time." When he rose, they hugged.

Rod turned back to me. "And you, sir, have the distinction of being the first man to ever fuck me, and I couldn't have found better...except maybe Walker here."

Hugo stepped in, "What about me?" he asked.

"I want you, puppy!" I said.

"I want you, too," said Walker, then, "puppy, I like that."

"I like you, too, Hugo," Rod said. "I'm sorry I haven't let you reciprocate my use of your ass, but, once I decided I wanted a man to fuck me, it had to be either Walker or Sam that was my first."

"Well, you could have told me that," Hugo stated. "I'd have understood, though you could have used me to prepare yourself for these two studs, too."

"When I started fucking with you, I didn't know about these two yet. And, I didn't need to be prepared." He blushed. "Marcie has been preparing me."

"Marcie?" Walk and I both said together, incredulously.

"Yea." he acknowledged. "Marcie likes to try kinky new things. It was destined, I guess, that she'd eventually want to fuck me so I'd know what it feels like to get screwed. She bought dildos of various sizes, and used them all on me. Once she realized that I got off on them, especially when I was inside her, we used them often."

"Wow," I exclaimed.

"Sounds hot, doesn't it?" Hugo asked.

"Marcie???" Walker was apparently stuck on that.

"Yes, Walker, sweet shy, innocent, Marcie, who I've been fucking since we were preteens, incidentally, gave me a...need back there...that wants more."

"Well, welcome to the club, big boy," Walker said as he stepped right up and planted his lips onto Rod's. Rod acted uncomfortable at first, but obviously had never experienced the luscious lips of James Theodore Walker. Once that hit him, he pulled Walker to him and devoured his mouth.

Hugo and I just watched. We were both getting hard again.

"I hope we have enough condoms," I said as I reached around and toyed with Hugo's asshole. He moved to give me access, and produced a condom from somewhere.

"I was a good Boy Scout," he grinned as he slipped it on me.

"I'll bet you were!"

We kissed. Hugo seemed to have muscles even in his tongue. Amazing! I was lost.

Without me moving a muscle. Hugo positioned himself on my lap, putting his legs on either side of me, and facing me, all while being lip locked. He had to unlock our lips just long enough to raise himself onto my lap, but then resumed control (!) of the situation. Once everything was set, he lifted himself up momentarily, then impaled himself on me, to the hilt, in one smooth movement, and sat there for a moment with his eyes closed.

I looked over to Rod and Walker. Walker was already inside Rod, standing up with Rod supporting himself on a table about 4 feet away, watching us, both of them.

"That looks so fucking hot!" Rod said to what he was watching, as Walker slowly deep-dick his hole.

Hugo began moving, up and down on me, but it seemed awkward for him, so I picked him up, holding his legs, and keeping his ass cheeks tight against me, and me, deep inside him, and stood up. I walked up to the table, and sat Hugo on it, not breaking contact with him. He laid back onto the table, and I came out and back in him a couple times, when I got an Idea.

I looked at Walker and signaled with my head what I wanted to do, and he moved himself, fully inside his friend, Rod, and Rod's positioning across the table. The result was Rod and Hugo were now in prefect 69. Walker resumed his assault, I resumed mine, and Rod and Hugo fell into a nice rhythm together, too.

So there we were, four friends, enjoying each other's company to the max.

Life was very good.

And it's going to get even better, Nickolas said in my heard.

I looked immediately at Walker. He'd heard it, too, and broke into a smile as he thoroughly pounded our friend. I heard Rod climax in Hugo's mouth and felt Hugo tighten around my dick, signaling his eruption. That pretty much did it for me, too. I announced my deposit with a grunt, and Walker followed suit, filling Rod's ass with hot man cum.

Hugo initiated a kiss to Rod, who held his mouth to his gently. I exited Hugo, with a plop, planted a kiss on this chest, dropped my spent condom on the table, and limped dramatically to the pool, mock-falling in. Walker soon dove in after me as I floated on my back across the pool. The day was beautiful! Walk floated up to me.

"Hi, love of my life!" he announced.

"Of your life? How do you know that?" I asked.

"I don't share Timothy with just anybody," He reasoned.

"That was...unexpected, huh?"

"Yea, but Sam, how could it get better than this?" He opened his arms to include the whole day, I assumed.

"Well, it's been an interesting one, that's for sure. You OK, baby?" I asked.

"I am indeed, sir. I have you."

I smiled. "Yes, you do. Yes you do." I treaded water to grab and kiss him.

"So what do think about Rod?" I asked as I looked over to our friends, chest to chest, talking.

He checked out the boys, too. "I was shocked at first. And it's a trip that Marcie got him started the way she did."

"Yea, maybe he'll bring her along sometime and let us share." I thought out loud.

"That could work," he said. "She's pretty cute."

Just then both Hugo and Rod dove in toward us. They swam under us and took our dicks in their mouths as they came up. Just a taste though.

"Were you talking about us over there?" Walker asked as they surfaced.

"Sorta'" Hugo admitted.

"We both decided that you two are primo fucks!" Rod added. "And that you could easily turn me to the dark side." He seemed to think about that a moment.

"Actually, there's little chance I'd drop Marcie for a guy, soon, but guy-guy is way hotter than I expected. I'm gonna need some of this regularly."

"We can, indeed, help you with that!" Walker was giddy.

"You might consider bringing Marcie with you some time," I suggested.

He looked at me. "You think so?" he asked. "Yea, you've had experience there. You wouldn't mind, really?"

"Would you share?"

"If it's OK with her, It'd be OK with me," he said, "with you guys," he added.

"Would she be interested in playing with us? Just for fun?" I asked.

"Maybe," he smiled. "I'll find out.'

"Does she like young guys?" Hugo asked, obviously feeling left out.

Rod grinned. "She's commented how cute you are, so probably."

"You mean I could actually lose my virginity?" he asked.

"No, puppy, you lost that a while ago." I teased.

"You know what I mean," he pouted.

I drew his back to my chest and wrapped my arms around him. "If she doesn't though, we'll still want you." I said.

"You two are a couple, now, huh?" Rod asked.

I looked to Walker. "Yea, I guess we are, though we both agree we're not married. And Hugo is interviewing as boy toy."

"You'd be a good one, too, Hugo." Rod assured him. "but, I'd like more time with your ass, too, if you'd let me."

"Any time, big boy, any time. But let's discuss your ass, now," he said with a twinkle in his eye.

Rod smiled. "Trust me, little man, I've thought about letting you in me, several times since I started playing with you. Now that both of my brothers here have fucked me, I have no more issues, so yes, you will be fucking me, too."

"Let's go." Hugo pulled his arm.

"Is there a rush?" I asked.

To Rod, he replied, "I just want to make sure I get you before you change your mind."â

"OH, I won't change my mind, little one. If we can, we can do it tonight. If not, the next time we get together, for sure."

"That's a promise?" Hugo asked.

Rod wrapped Hugo in a hug. "Don't you know what a hot little fucker you are?"

"I know I'm cute," he admitted, blushing.

"You are hot! Fuck cute! You are a fucking hot little man!"

Hugo looked to us.

"Don't look to us!" I said. "We've been telling you that you're hot since the first time we played!"

He got sheepish all of a sudden. "Thanks guys," he said simply, turning in the water to hug each of us.

"I'm hungry!" Walker announced. "What can we do about that?"

This is where I'd like to end `By Accident' folks. It started as a one chapter story, but got carried away. I had fun with it, though

The boys are out, they've got a good start on their own nuclear family, and life is good. The future is theirs.

I hope you've enjoyed it.. I'm also working on other projects, but writing these stories has its rewards, too.

I also wrote a story called `Jodan', in bisexual/high school or incest, you might like. And I suspect there will be more to come.

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