Camping Alone

By Arnold Bell

Published on Apr 2, 2012



I had one of those horrible weeks at work that everyone can relate to but no one wants to talk about. So, I took my three days during the week that I had off, and figured I would take myself camping for a few nights and clear my head. I threw my tent and my gear in the car and made a quick stop at the store for some food and a case of beer and set out.

The weather was beautiful and warm and nice and it was the time of summer where you got so much daylight that time seemed to stop some days. I drove out to a county preserve my buddy recommended to me. He lived nearby but said that it was a nice place and cheap. So I followed his directions and eventually found my way there.

The place was hardly what I expected, it was tucked back in the woods but it was manicured with trails and painted signs and looked like a place that tourists would be all over. I saw a log cabin with a wood shed and some pick-up trucks near it and figured that was the ranger's home, but this just did not seem like what I was looking for. I walked down one of the trails and into the woods, and sure enough, there were campsites here and there in nice little clearings. I started to get more comfortable and picked campsite one, off the path and surrounded by tall, spindly trees.

I walked back to the house and up to the door. It was wide open and no one was inside. Not what a guy from the city was used to but I searched around the house anyway. From out of the woodshed came a portly woman in a green ranger's shirt and pants.

"Hey there, can I help you?" She called.

"Um, yeah, how do I pay for a campsite?" I asked, not really sure how this worked.

"How many nights?" She climbed up the few steps to the cabin with great effort.

"Two I guess." I opened my wallet and pulled out a fat bill-fold I had just withdrawn from the bank just in case.

"That'll be eight dollars." She smiled and pulled an envelope out of a box on the wall of the cabin.

I almost laughed at the price as I gave her the money. She made change for my twenty dollar bill from her pocket and kept the eight dollars. She tucked it in the envelope and slid it back into the box.

"Which site did you like?" She asked; a big friendly smile on her face.

"One I think."

"Good choice, that's a nice shady spot, and no one will bother you there."

"Oh?" I asked, wanting to know how busy this little park was.

"Well, we don't get many folks during the week anyway, so you'll probably have the whole place to yourself the next few days."

"Very good, I just wanted to do some running and some reading."

"Makes good sense to me, you look like a man that needs a few days' rest." She gave me a knowing smile.

"Something like that. How do I get some firewood?"

"We sell it for four dollars a bundle, or you can scrounge up whatever around the site."

"I'll take three bundles for now." Again, I almost laughed at the price and handed her the rest of the twenty I gave her earlier.

"No problem, we normally make you walk your stuff back, but no one is here, so go ahead and drive back, and I'll see to it you get your wood before night time."

I thanked her and went on my way. It only took a few minutes before I unpacked my car and got my little campsite set up. I looked around and unfolded a lawn chair and sat back for a minute, enjoying the early afternoon sun.

I heard the buzz of an ATV go by in the distance and snapped to my senses, not used to the sound. I saw the tall, lean form of a young guy standing up as he drove by on the trail a few dozen feet away. I enjoyed the vaguely sexy profile for the moment it passed and smiled to myself before going back to my lazy afternoon.

About ten minutes later, I heard the same sound again, but this time I perked up like a bird dog, not wanting to miss another glance. I got my wish though, because the ATV and its driver came down the little path to my site and right to my feet. The guy was in his early twenties and about a head taller than me. He was wearing a purple Affliction t-shirt that was so tight; it looked like someone dipped him in it. It curled over the tops of his lean bicep muscles and showed his abs and pecs perfectly. He was wearing a pair of heavy, black nylon mountain bike shorts and high top gym shoes. I stopped for a second to admire his tight, strong, runner's calves. A man with nice calves always got my attention, and these were some of the nicest I had ever seen.

"Three bundles?" The guy asked with a reedy Southern lilt to his voice. He was clear eyed and handsome with blond hair and everything just right at that perfect moment. I stood up but hesitated for a moment to contemplate the beautiful sculpture that had, by chance, come right to me.

"Um, yea, thanks." I said as he went to the back of the ATV where he had a big pile of lumber lashed to a rack.

I watched him unload it. His thin form showed his toned muscles tense each time he picked up an armful of logs and carried them over to me. He heaved one armful up halfway and then stopped and looked back at me with a half-smile on his face. The bastard knew I was checking him out.

"I threw half a dozen extra logs on there for you, in case you like to stay up late or something." He smiled as he slapped his hands together to knock the dirt and bark off of them. He brushed the rest off of his thighs, bending forward just enough to almost drive me crazy.

"Hey, thanks, and thanks for delivering it." I pulled a five dollar bill out of my pocket and handed it to him.

"No problem, cool man, I appreciate it." He smiled and took it.

"What's your name, in case I need more wood?" I asked.

"Anthony, but everyone calls me Tony." He winked.

"Great. Any good place to fish around here?" I asked, nodding to my ultralight reel by my tent.

"Sure, should have camped at site eight. There's a dock on the edge of the river there, can catch little stuff all day long." He pointed down the trail as he mounted his ATV. I soaked up another good gaze at those perfect calves and then bid him goodbye as he buzzed off.

"Wow." I muttered to myself as I sat down, and pulled out a book to read.

Before long, I got a little too warm sitting in the dappled sunlight and went to my tent. I knew no one was around, but I still changed my clothes in private for some reason. I took off my jeans and pulled on a pair of long board shorts. I took off my shirt and stepped out of the tent so I could stand up and put on a tank top.

I debated just leaving my shirt off. My body was not something I was ashamed of. I was hardly as lean and tight as Tony, and I was a lot broader. But, my arms were always big and well-defined and I had a bodybuilder's chest and a tight stomach. I chuckled at my vanity as I considered just walking around like that but decided to pull my shirt on anyway.

After another hour or so, the heat started to get to me again, and I realized that the day was going to be a little warmer than I expected. I grabbed my fishing pole and tackle box and left my campsite, anxious to find this dock that Tony told me about. I found site eight, and walked through it, and sure enough, there was a little "dock" that I was hardly sure would hold me up. I walked down it and sat down and put a lure on my pole. I was stuck in the sun, but for some reason, the cool water around me made me not mind. I admired the big bowl of water the river turned into as I threw my lure in and reeled it back.

After about an hour of blissfully non-productive fishing, I pulled off my shirt to let the sun beat on me a little bit. I barely set my shirt down when I heard rustling in the clearing behind me. I looked back and saw Tony walking toward me. He had his shirt pulled up and was wiping his face with it as he walked. I, for some reason, felt self-conscious and went to pull my shirt on, but he pulled his down quickly and I dropped the idea since I was already caught.

"Catch anything?" He asked, his face was flushed and sweat dripped from his chin.

"No, nothing. You look like you just ran a marathon." I replied, as he flopped down next to me on the dock and started to pull his shoes off.

"Fuck that, I had to cut all this grass. Part of my deal for coming home from school on break." He bared both of his feet and massaged his legs from knee to ankle. I started to feel like a predator for the thoughts I was thinking, but I also felt a little like prey from the tiny smirk on his face.

"You're in school? That's good. What for?" I asked, turning my gaze away.

"Forest ranger, I want to get into one of the big parks like Yosemite though, not a place like this." He dropped his long legs down until his feet hit the water.

"Very cool. Nothing biting out here." I set my pole to the side.

"Nah, bad time of day. Aren't you hot?" Tony asked, looking me up and down.

"Yeah, but it feels good."

"You know what would really feel good? A swim!" He smiled and peeled his sweaty shirt off.

Tony's body was just as perfect as the tight shirt led me to believe. He was lean and tan and defined in every way. Even pulling the shirt over his head made his muscles move in erotic harmony.

"You swim in there?" I looked into the clear water, remembering the polluted channels where I came from.

"Everyone does. Can even dive around the bend over there. Come on." Tony pushed off with his hands and went head first into the river.

He surfaced a moment later about twenty feet from me. I really did not want to dive in that river, but his beaming smile and the tempting look of his wet shoulders poking up from the water were more than enough to coax me in. I dove forward and let myself sink like I was in a swimming pool. I felt the rocky bottom and realized it was nowhere near as deep as I thought and pushed off to come up. As I blindly pushed the surface, I caught a handful of Tony's thigh just inside his flowing shorts. I let go of him immediately, but the feel alone made my body react in a way that made me glad my waist was under water.

"Sorry about that." I knew I was blushing.

"Nah, totally cool. Come on." Tony reached over and grabbed my upper arm and clearly gave it a deliberate squeeze and feel before he swam off to the bend in the river.

I swam after him, and despite my height disadvantage, was able to keep up very well. We came around the bend and I could see what Tony meant by being able to dive. There was a sheer wall of mud and roots about ten feet above the water and below it, I could see the riverbed was eroded away from the current.

"You got enough guts to give it a shot?" Tony asked as he climbed out of the water.

"Got plenty if you go first." I teased, but I knew I had guts to follow this guy anywhere.

Tony climbed the dirty wall like a spider, splaying out his limbs to catch each branch or piece of solid rock stuck in it as he went to the top. He stood, triumphantly, at the precipice and looked down at me as I clambered up to join him. He had streaks of mud on his chest and legs but did not seem to notice. I looked down and realized I had the same. Without a thought, Tony dove into the water and disappeared down into it. He surfaced a few seconds later with a big smile on his face and waved up to me. I did not like the look of the narrowing river below me but dove in headfirst anyway.

I sank to the bottom but it was much deeper than I thought. I enjoyed the rush of cool water for a second before turning around swimming to the surface. I came up and saw Tony treading water near me.

"Fun huh? Wouldn't think you could dive in a river like this, but this spot is plenty deep for it." He told me, as he deliberately moved to swim to my side.

As he bobbed up and down in the water next to me, he drifter closer. I wiped some water from my face with both hands, but as I did so I felt something I did not expect. Tony moved so close, I felt his erect dick push against my thigh. I was startled and must have shown it in my face as I jumped a little. Tony smiled broader and moved to put himself in front of me and discretely moved his hand to my crotch.

"Okay, so you know I was checking you out?" I tried to be as cool as possible.

"Oh yeah, I could tell. I'm just a little better at it I guess. My dad usually brings the firewood, but I saw you setting up and was hoping I'd have a shot." Tony tightened his grip on my cock.

"Yeah, hope you're glad you did." I replied, trying not to let him know just what I had been thinking since I met him.

"I think so, you're my type." He continued to tease me by playing with my dick ever so slightly, but he moved his free hand up my arm and over my chest as though he wanted to get a good feel.

I pushed at him hard and grabbed a long kiss. He moved his hands out to his side and started to paddle backward very very slowly. I swam with him, kissing him harder and deeper as we slowly made our way to the shore.

Tony's feet hit the bottom before mine and he broke away from me a little, holding me by my wrist and turning away to pull me the rest of the way. He came out of the water up to his ass before turning back toward me. I could see the head of his straining dick just at the top of his shorts, daring me to pull it out. I followed him the last few feet to the dry bank as he walked backward with a big smile on his face, still pulling me by the wrist.

I kept walking toward him and he dropped my wrist to let me pass him. I as a little cautious, not knowing exactly what he was planning. I stopped and turned around when the steeply sloping river bottom made me a little taller than Tony. I grabbed his ass with one hand and dug into his shorts with the other. I shoved my tongue into his mouth as hard as I could and stroked his dick hard. It did not take much for his cock to strain and throb in my hand. I ran my other hand down the small of his back and into the waist of his shorts until they started to come down over his perfect ass.

Tony suddenly pushed back a little and grabbed my hand I was stroking his cock with. His grip was strangely forceful and I could see the lanky veins on his forearm swell up as he held my hand. He gave me a cute, knowing smile, and shook his head a little. His breathing was heavy enough that the whole silent exchange let me know I was dealing with a guy who was really in need of a release.

"Sit down, relax." Tony murmured as he pushed me back toward the bank of the river and I sat back, my ankles still in the water.

"You do this a lot?" I asked, propping myself up on my elbows. Tony gave me a half smile and a single chuckle as he dropped to his knees in the water like a dead weight. He pushed my knees aside with his elbows and shoulders and grabbed my shorts with both hands and untied the knot and pulled them down.

My dick sprang out and Tony was on it before I could make a stupid comment. I enjoyed oral sex to begin with, but between the swim, and the surprises of the afternoon and the tan, muscular body I had leaning onto me, I was helpless. I just watched Tony work, and enjoyed the way his hands rubbed on my thighs as his tongue went up and down my dick at just the right speed.

Tony pulled one his hands back to his own dick and started to stroke as he sucked on me. I felt my dick about to explode and was going to let him know just what he had done to me. He beat me to it and pulled back and just licked the top of my erection a few more times before grabbing it with his cool, wet hand and stroked me off the rest of the way.

I had not expected any of this, so I certainly had no complaints, but somehow I knew the little bastard was going to pull a trick. Even through my squinting as I tried to keep an eye on him through my ecstasy, I felt him slow down and saw his shoulders tense up as he brought himself to cum. He looked up at me with an impish grin as he took me the rest of the way. I went with a hollow involuntary grunt and enjoyed every moment, but I just had that feeling that he stopped a little short and knew it. His hand stopped moving at that moment that I was helplessly hoping for just a few more quick strokes and he backed off. I certainly felt satisfied and a little surprised at how quickly and easily he got to me, but I just had a feeling this was a taste.

"Like that?" He asked as he pushed backward into the river. He reached under the water and fixed his shorts.

"Uh, yea." I eased myself up and staggered a little into the water, stiff from propping myself up on the beach and other things. I rubbed off whatever I had let on my navel into the river water and pulled my shorts up.

"Well, I gotta get back to mowing. I feel a whole lot better after a swim. How about you?" Tony smirked and started to swim away.

"You could say that. Think you can beat me to the dock?" I challenged and started to swim away.

Tony did not answer, and instead proceeded to destroy me in time and speed as he swam to the dock. By the time I got there, he was already standing on the dock and waiting to help pull me up.

"Thanks." I said as I wiped water from my face.

"No problem man, that was awesome." Tony grabbed his bundled shirt and shoes and nodded toward the path back.

I grabbed my fishing pole and my clothes and followed him out, looking around for a bathhouse or shower.

"It's over there if you want to clean up." Tony read my city slicker mind and pointed to a small cinder block building down one of the woodchip trails.

"Great, thanks." I looked down at my tackle and clothes and realized I needed to go drop that off before getting cleaned up.

"Well, back to the grass." Tony made his leave and walked off. I had no idea what to say, so just watched those calves I liked so much and their owner walk out of my life and down the path back to the ranger's house.

I sat in front of a crackling fire with an ice cold beer in my hand and contemplated the flames as I listened to a baseball game on the radio. It was hard to see the stars through the trees, but I was willing to trade that for the fact that I really was not being bothered by any insects. I pulled the beer up to my lips and was cut short by a sound in the dark woods.

I stopped moving for a second and reached down with my free hand for my hatchet, not terribly comfortable with the dark night and strange place. I figured it was a raccoon, which I frequently combated when camping closer to home, but pretty soon I heard plodding that could only have been a man.

A few steps later, I could see Tony coming into the campsite. He was wearing a pair of black track pants and a tank top and flip flops. He looked like he was in his pajamas, and that impression was reinforced by the sleeping back rolled up under his right arm.

"Hey there, this is a surprise." I started to stand up slightly, and realized how awkward I seemed.

"You don't mind if I hang out do you? Everyone in the house goes to bed early."

"Not at all, but I don't have another chair." I motioned for him to sit in mine.

"I'll be good." He unrolled his sleeping bag right next to my chair and sat down on it with his legs crossed.

"Suit yourself, glad you came by." I sat back down, feeling a little awkward that my dick was swelling up in my shorts.

"My mom wanted to make sure you got your wood today." He chuckled.

"I hope you told her yes." I glanced down at him.

"I did." He smiled at the fire.

"Hey, you're old enough for a beer right?" I asked as I stood up, not really caring.

"I'm twenty four man, but yeah, I'll take one."

I fished one out of the cooler and contemplated what I probably would look like walking back with my half-hard dick flopping around. I popped the top off of the bottle and got another for myself.

"Here you are." I handed it to him and was vaguely pleased as he took a moment to stare at my crotch before taking the beer.

"This is good, what is it?" He took a long drink.

"Red Stripe, not something I normally buy but I like it."

"Never had it." He drained the bottle and set it down.

"Well, you drink like a college boy, but you never had Red Stripe?" I asked as I handed him mine and went to get another.

"I go to forest ranger college." He drank the second one much slower.

I sat in my chair and stared at the fire and drank my beer and making small talk with Tony. He slid his hand over my thigh and rested it on my knee. I reached down and put my hand on his shoulder started to rub his back. He looked up at me with puppy-dog eyes and a sinister smile. I liked this guy.

"So you figured out right away I was giving you the eye?" I ran my hand down as far as my arm would reach.

"Nah, it took until the second bundle of wood before I was sure you were checking me out." He slid his hand up toward my crotch and landed it against my nuts hard enough to make jump.

"You're playing with fire pal." I grabbed the back of his hair and turned his head toward me.

"Oh yea? I knew I left you wanting more earlier." He pulled his hand way from me and got up on his knees and rested both arms on the armrest of my lawn chair.

"Yea, you got me earlier, but I could have been fine with what we did." I adjusted myself with my free hand and took another sip of my beer.

"Oh c'mon! As soon as I got a good look at you, I could tell you wanted to pound the fuck out of me. I was just making sure you were interested." He backed his arms off of my chair and sat back.

"Yeah, damn right!" I had enough, I was not one to let a guy get in my head and was not about to start now.

I stood up and threw my half full beer into the raging fire with a flash and a sizzle. I tossed the lawn chair aside. Tony started to get up but I shoved him back hard and he hit the sleeping back with a grunt.

"No shit." He smiled as I lowered myself on top of him and peeled my shirt off.

"What does that mean? You thought I was some sort of pussy you could push around with your blue eyes." I grabbed him behind the neck and pulled his body off of the ground with one hand and pulled up his shirt with the other. He helped me a little and his shirt came off.

I pushed him back to the ground and started to gnaw hard on his neck as my hands went down his toned arms. He groaned a little but then tried to curl his body to get up, in a deliberate attempt to fight my grip. I slammed him back down and pulled myself back. I gritted my teeth as I started to release my imagination from earlier about fucking him.

"You gonna keep trying to see if you can get up?" I asked him as I pulled his loos pants down a few inches.

"Um, I think maybe." He heaved up as he said it, but I slammed him back down, easily overpowering him.

"Still going to try it?" I asked as I yanked up hard on his balls. He smiled and shook his head side to side.

I got up on one knee and then the other and pulled my own shorts off. I climbed onto Tony with my knees almost on his shoulders. He reached down and pulled his pants off without hesitation. I reached back and started to stroke his cock. I slowed for a minute to admire his fine features in the orange firelight, but my urges took over again and I rose up on my knees and pulled his head toward my dick.

He started to suck hard and fast on me as I held his head fast against me. I wanted to drop my load into his mouth so badly I could hardly handle it, but I was determined to pound this guy's ass one way or another. I slammed his head back with a thud and slid down toward his dick and put my mouth over it. I started to suck on him and ran my hand up and down his abs and over his chest as he groaned and squirmed. Again I felt his dick tense up like earlier and knew he did not have any staying power at all.

"My pocket..." He hissed.

I knew what he meant and I continued to stroke his dick lightly as I fished around his discarded pants. I found the crinkly package and slid the condom on. I pulled his legs up over my shoulders but stopped for a second to feel his rock hard calves against my cheek. I let out a long breath to calm myself and worked my dick into his tight ass. I tried to take it easy on him but he never complained and once I was inside, I could see his dick rise up to the ready.

I started out gently but, by Tony's design, my patience was long gone and I pushed up so hard I took his body off the ground so only his shoulders were still down. He looked at me and nodded with his lips parted as he tried to calm his breathing. I worked at him as hard as I could, gritting my teeth involuntarily.

"Yeah, oh yeah, now..." Tony gasped as I held him up and he clenched the sleeping bag with both hands. I knew I could hardly hold on and let myself go finally. I reached up and grabbed Tony's cock with my hand and hardly pulled once before I felt him start spurting hot cum out. I fought through my own unbelievably satisfying orgasm to stroke him off but it only took a moment before he was coming to his senses and reaching up to grab my forearm to stop.

I pulled out as slowly as I could, figuring I had been more than aggressive enough, but I still saw him wince as I came out. I sat back on my heels and wiped sweat from my face, not realizing how warm the summer night was before. Tony let his muscular legs flop to the side and he just looked me with tired, watery eyes and smiled as he caught his breath. We stared at each other for a several long seconds before I fought to my feet and stretched my legs. I stripped off the condom and threw it in the fire and went naked to my cooler for another beer.

"That was awesome." Tony muttered as he pulled the sleeping bag open and rolled on his side. His beautifully lean muscles looked all the better as he slowly rolled over.

As my head cleared I felt a little guilty just jumping him like that, but I knew he was looking for it. I laid down on my side next to him and he reached up for my beer. I gave it to him and he took a long drink and handed it back to me.

"That was fucking hot." I told him as I stroked his shoulder and down his arm. He nodded.

I finished my beer and threw the bottle into the fire and we both laid down next to each other and watched it die out...

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