Captain America and the Young Avengers

By Pikachu MOn

Published on Feb 13, 2010


DISCALIMER: The following story is a work of fiction. All the characters depicted in story belong to and are copyrighted by Marvel Comics and its subsidiaries. I am in no way related to the company and have no ownership over the characters. This is fan made work. This story depicts males in sexual situations, just so you know. Thank you.

A/N: This is going to be a series with Captain America and the Young Avengers. (who are owned by Marvel not me) Please feel free to comment and offer constructive criticisms. I want to improve as a writer. And lastly enjoy.

A/N: Cap's back!

Captain America and the Young Avengers: Chapter 8

After a month and a half with Eli, Cap no longer knew what to do on his weekly day off. The boy had completely messed up his sexual rhythm. Being with Eli reactivated Cap's previously controllable sex drive.

Now, Cap would look forward to every Friday in anticipation of Eli. It actually increased his performance and focus. The stress release was extremely beneficial. The only problem would be if Eli could no longer come. And unfortunately, Eli would not be able to come today or for the entire month for that matter.

The boy was going to stay with his parents during summer, leaving Cap to his own devices. It was exactly one week ago when Eli made the announcement.

He recalled how the night started.

"Cap." Eli said out of the blue.

"What is Eli?" Cap looked up from his Chinese food.

"I'm going to be visiting my parents next week." The look on Eli's face made it look like the boy had just failed school.

"That's a good thing son. I'm sure they miss you. Don't you want to see them?" Cap asked gently. He wondered why Eli looked so downtrodden.

"I miss them too. It's just that..." Eli paused, as if looking for the right words.

"Just what?" Cap knew he was missing something vital, something that concerned him.

"I'll be there for a month and I won't be able to come here for a while." Eli looked straight into Captain America's eyes, gauging the older man's reaction.

"Oh. I see." Cap kept his face passive. He smiled at Eli covering his true feeling whatever they may be.

"I'm sorry Cap." Eli looked down. He wanted to see his parents but he didn't want to miss out with Cap.

"It's alright son. You don't have to be sorry for anything. We'll just have to do something special this week." Cap winked. He couldn't do anything about the boy going to see his parents. But he could do something about tonight.

"What? What are we going to do?" Eli brightened immediately. The twinkle in Cap's eye made him jump with excitement.

"Let's finish dinner and then we'll see." Cap had no idea what to do but he knew he had to do something different.

Eli finished his dinner in record time. He then quickly stripped and did his measurements. By the time Cap cleaned up, Eli was on the bed with his member pointing north.

"Someone's happy to see me. Why don't you get a DVD while I freshen up." Cap went into the bathroom and quickly changed into one of his costumes. He had noticed the boy staring at him change into his costume before. In addition, Eli proclaimed Captain German to be his favorite porno of all time. Plus it was always Steve's fantasy to fuck in his costume.

"Got it Cap." Eli called out excitedly. His mouth dropped as he saw Captain America in full uniform come out of the bathroom.

"I thought you'd like to try me on this." Cap's eye darted towards the TV screen briefly. It was Captain German and Plucky tag-teaming two blonds. "Why don't you get your costume on?"

Eli nodded stupidly and fumbled with his costume. Without taking his eyes of Captain America, Eli was dressed as Patriot. He stuffed his obscene cock down his left pant leg, not bothering to wear a jock or underwear.

"I think we should practice a few grabs and throws." Cap suggested with a hint of slyness.

Eli lunged at Cap, using the veteran's surprise to his advantage. He would never be able to pin Cap down normally. Surprise was his only chance. He rammed his body against Cap's stomach trying to topple the older man. Despite his arousal, Eli never backed down on a challenge.

Cap sidestepped Eli easily. The boy telegraphed his attack from the start. With a well-placed foot, Eli tripped and waved his arms for balance. Cap immediately hooked both his arms under Eli's armpits, and put the boy in a headlock. He pulled back causing both him and Eli to fall to the ground with Cap's back on the floor. One stabilized, Cap's two legs intertwined with Eli's trapping the body in a full-body lock.

"Guhh!" Eli struggled in vain. Every part of his body was pinned by Cap. His head was starting to spin as Cap's arms were cutting the air off. Eli still had so much to learn.

"Is that all you got?" Cap teased the boy. Eli was struggling hard and if it weren't for Cap's strong grip, Eli would have broken free before he hit the ground. Then Cap noticed how he could feel Eli's butt rubbed against his hardening member. Whether intentional or not, soon Eli rubbing along Cap's engorged cock made Cap relax his hold unknowingly.

Eli quickly broke free. He straddled Cap's arms pulled it way and used his legs to clamp down on the arm. He was holding Cap's right elbow while his legs prevented Cap from moving it. Eli held as tightly as possible, even if his cock was pressing against Cap's bicep.

Cap grinned as Eli trapped him. The boy certainly was improving. But Cap had learned long ago how to escape this. Eli had failed to lock Cap's hand in the arm bar. In three quick maneuvers, Eli found himself up in the air and then suddenly face to face with Cap's crotch.

Eli was upside down. His arms were trapped under Cap's powerful thighs, locked in as Cap kneeled. His face was smoldered by Cap's package. He tried moving his legs but Cap was holding them above. At this point, exhausted of all his viable techniques, he was trapped.

With his face trapped in Cap's crotch, Eli couldn't help inhaling the strong scent. Giving up the fight, Eli began to lick the enormous mound before him. He could feel the bulge grow and move. The fabric of Cap's costume began to stretch out in an attempt to accommodate the growing organ.

"Damn son! That feels good." Cap relaxed his legs on Eli's head allowing the boy to move his mouth more.

Eli pulled his head backwards, inspecting the effect he had wrought. The outline of Cap's member could be seen imprinted on the costume. Eli's spit was on the surface of the fabric making it look even more obscene. He started mouthing it again. He went up and down the length of long tube.

Cap moaned in pleasure as he felt the boy's warm lips on his member. Then he realized how he could make the night special. He hadn't done it in a long while but he was sure Eli wouldn't mind.

Eli increased the fervor of his sucking. The material tasted like plastic and had a smooth texture. If his hands were free, he would have unbuckled Cap's pants already. He didn't realize they were already falling asleep on him. The only thing on Eli's mind was getting Cap's cock into his mouth.

Cap could feel Eli's increased movement on his cock. The boy was eagerly sucking down the font of his pants. He'd just have to return the favor. He released Eli's arms from his thighs and stood up. He pulled the boy higher by the legs.

"What? Oh fuck!" Eli yelled out as he felt Cap's warm tongue run over the front of his pants. Cap's hot and moist mouth covered the base of Eli's cock through the white fabric. Eli couldn't do anything moaned at the new sensation, leaving Cap's package unattended.

Cap smiled inwardly as the boy squirmed at his assault. After all these years, he cold still render a boy senseless with just his tongue. Cap sucked on the large shape imprinted on the material, soaking the material with his saliva. It felt good to have a youthful cock in his mouth again. He wondered why he hadn't done this for so long. And then he remembered: it was illegal to have sex with teenagers.

Eli never knew getting blowjobs felt this good. No wonder Cap loved receiving them. Soon he realized Cap was getting distracted. Taking advantage of the older man reminiscing, Eli reached out and grabbed Cap's butt, and rammed his face on Cap's cock. He resumed his assault on Cap's costume.

Both men sucked and mouthed each other like there was no tomorrow. It's no small wonder that both began nearing the edge of their resistance. Reluctantly Cap pulled away.

"Let's do this somewhere more comfortable." He eased Eli on the ground and motioned the boy to follow him. Eli followed like dutiful soldier into Cap's bedroom. Both of them were standing and watching each other.

Without asking for permission, Eli reached out to touch the white star on Cap's chest.

Cap didn't move as he watched the boy approach him hesitantly. Their eyes met and an understanding was reached without the need for words. Cap felt Eli's gloved hand touched the front of his costume. This wasn't the first time, Eli touched him this way but there was clearly something different now. Whether the change came from Cap or Eli is anyone's guess.

Eli ran his fingers all over the white symbol. It was America's star but tonight it was all his. He loved feeling Cap's massive chest. It emanated a sense of strength and security. Eli massaged the pecs slowly, worshipping them in their full costumed glory.

Tonight was very different. The very moment Eli touched him in the chest without reaching out for the nipples, Cap knew tonight was more than just carnal pleasure. It was more sensual. There was something behind Eli's touches.

Oblivious to Cap's thoughts, Eli moved his hands towards Cap's right bicep. He lifted the muscle and held it tightly in his arms. It flexed and spread Eli's hands further part. Eli marveled at the raw power flowing out. He pressed his lips towards it and worshipped is with his mouth.

Cap's cock was straining painfully against his pants. His costume was already a tight fit when he was flaccid, now he felt as if it was stretching to the limit. He moved his left hand to unbuckle his pants, but Eli moved it away.

Eli finished with Cap's arms and trailed his mouth over Cap's chest and then down towards Cap's abs. At that point he realized, he wasn't only worshipping Steve Roger's body, he was worshipping the Captain America.

Sensing Captain America's impending need, Eli finally went down and rubbed the pulsing package with his nose. He could feel the full arousal of Captain America trapped between the Kevlar mesh.

"Open it Patriot." Captain America groaned huskily. He could feel the precum soak his balls.

Patriot complied and unbuckled Captain America's pants. Pulling the front and tucking it under the tight balls, Patriot finally freed Captain America's aching cock. There was a steady dribble of precum on its tip. He opened his mouth to catch it. He sucked on the head draining it of the gooey sap, drinking it all down like it was a rare resource. Then it suddenly pulled away.

Captain America grabbed the base of his cock and slapped it across the boy's face, deliberately leaving streaks of precum on the boy's mask. He rubbed it all over teasingly as the Young Avenger tried in vain to capture it in his mouth. Even without seeing Patriot's eyes, Captain America could see the pure lust and unbridled admiration the boy was feeling. It was invigorating.

Patriot grabbed Captain America's ass and felt the muscular globes clench in his hands. He squeezed them tightly, feeling the gluts as his hero flexed them. With Captain America distracted, Patriot licked the tip of the enormous cockhead, receiving a taste of what was to come. It was sweet and salty but tasted purely of Captain America. He greedily took the whole thing in his mouth. He wanted Captain America's seed and he wanted it delivered in his throat.

"That's a good boy." Captain America groaned as Patriot swallowed him whole. The boy's throat bulged as Captain America invaded the tight orifice. Patriot had become as excellent deep throat after a few weeks of practice. But Captain America wanted to prolong the experience. He pulled out and gave Patriot time to breath.

Realizing what Captain America wanted, Patriot began to kiss the massive tool. He licked the swollen tip with fervent passion, making sure not a drop of precum was being wasted. Once satisfied with that, he moved along on the length of Captain America's member. He mouthed the long shaft at its sides. Not a single spot was left untouched by his eager young tongue.

Captain America rested his hands on the boy's head. He massaged it encouragingly, letting the boy know how much he enjoyed the actions.

Once Patriot reached the base of Captain America's cock, he diverted his attention towards the blonde pubes. He inhaled the musky aroma, strong from their physical exertion a while ago and potent from Captain America's enhanced state of arousal. If there was one scent in the world Patriot could never resist, it was Captain America's aroma. He ignored his own painful throbbing erection and instead focused on Captain America's body displayed for him. He sucked on the light blonde pubes pulling them lightly. Then he put one of the hairy balls in his mouth. He ran his tongue over the delicate sack rolling it around as he sought to taste the flavor he could only smell before.

After his hero groaned out in ecstasy, the huge member twitched and hit Patriot's face. Its massive size and weight knocked the hairy nuts off his mouth. Whether intentional or not, he took it as a sign not to ignore his main prize anymore. He went after the cock and took it into his mouth. Prepared, he took the entire length in his mouth. His nose went straight into Captain America's pubes getting another whiff of the powerful odor. It almost made him go crazy with desire. Then he pulled out, causing a large pop sound as the enormous monster dislodged from his throat.

"Is this what the Patriot wants?" Captain America asked as he waved his soaking member in front of the young hero's face.

"Yes." Patriot groaned out. His cock was staring painfully hard at against his own costume.

"Tell me what you want?" Captain America continued to tease the boy.

"I want Captain America's large cock in my mouth!" Patriot whimpered. He wanted it so bad.

"Good boy." Captain America slapped his huge member across Patriot's face before guiding it towards the open mouth.

Patriot wrapped his tongue around the huge cock head as it entered his oral orifice. He swirled it around determined to give Captain America the best and only the best. As Patriot finally swallowed the entire monster, he looked up at Captain America, gazing into his hero's eyes.

Captain America watched as his cock disappeared into the mouth of his prot‚g‚. The boy's lips were stretched along the girth of his cock. He placed his large hands behind the boy's head.

Patriot began bob his head up and down the large organ savoring the taste slowly. He sucked deeply, feeling each ridge and vein on his hero's enormous cock. With his free hand, he began to massage the huge balls that were unattended.

Captain America started bucking his hips. The pleasure was threatening to overwhelm him. He maintained his control and let his prot‚g‚ guide the rhythm.

Patriot grabbed the muscular gluts of his hero, holding them tightly. With sheer determination and wanton desire, Patriot started fucking his own face on Captain America's cock. He bobbed his head back and forth, pulling and pushing the large cock into his throat and mouth. Soon Captain America started pushing his face as well, taking over the rhythm. Patriot was being face-fucked by Captain America.

Captain America thrust his forwards ramming his cock down Patriot's throat. It was such a tight fit and it felt so good. Instead of gagging and pulling away, Patriot eagerly met the thrust and moved his head on his own.

"I can't hold out much longer Patriot." Captain America moaned out huskily as he could feel his climax approaching.

Patriot began to pull away slowly, letting the huge cock drag across his well used throat and mouth. With a loud pop, it was out and in Patriot's hands.

"I want to see you shoot all over me. I want to watch as Captain America fires his load."

"Fuck son!" Captain America let out a loud groan as Patriot stroked his already pulsing cock head bringing it closer to the edge.

"Give it me!" Patriot encouraged. He increased his stroking with two hands. Captain America's giant cock and hairy balls bounced wildly as he stroked faster and faster.

"Fuck!" Cap screamed in ecstasy. His entire body trembled as he reached his orgasm.

Patriot watched in awe As Captain America in full costume began to shiver and then stiffen. The huge cock erupted in cum covering Patriot. The first shot went straight into his mask. A few of the volleys he managed to catch with his mouth while the rest coated his patriotic uniform. Captain America just marked Patriot as his.

"That was fucking awesome Cap!" Eli said excitedly. He wiped the cum of his face and placed it on his mouth. He swallowed each drop.

"Cap? That's Captain America to you son!" Cap said teasingly. The mood of Captain America and Patriot was already diminished.

"I'm sorry sir! Please punish me!" Eli said jokingly. He grabbed his cock giving it a good squeeze to show Cap.

"You bet I will." Cap grabbed Eli's hand and pulled him towards the ground. Eli tumbled but Cap caught the boy and bent the boy over his knee.

"What are you doing?" Eli said in surprise. Cap was sitting down on the bed with Eli over his knee. Eli could feel Cap's cock between his thighs.

"I'm going to teach you some respect boy." He slapped Eli's ass hard.

"Ouch!" Eli yelped out, not expecting Cap to actually go through with his threat.

"I think you need another one!" Cap let his hand fly and slapped Eli's ass again.

This time Eli didn't scream out. Instead he pleaded. "I think I've learned my lesson Captain America!"

"Good boy!" Cap wanted to slap Eli some more, but he wasn't too sure the boy enjoyed it. He'd try again next time. "I think we'd better take a look at the poor butt of yours."

"Yes sir!" Eli stood up. Cap grabbed his butt cheeks and fondled them in his hand.

"What are you waiting for boy? Pull down your pants!" Cap commanded, giving Eli another slap in the bum.

"YESSIR!" Eli pulled down his white pants under his butt. In his rush, his front still covered his cock and only his aas revealed.

"It's a little red. I think I should take care of that for you." Cap saw the marks he left on the boy's ass. He felt a little guilty for hitting the boy so hard. He kissed the burning cheek, applying his saliva to soothe the area and began massaging it in his hands. "Feel better son?"

"Yessir!" Eli said abruptly. He didn't know where this was going but he was rock hard.

"Bend forward. I want to make sure your butt is fine." Cap pushed Eli's back forward. Eli bent forward, exposing his ass to Cap. "Hold your cheeks for me."

Cap watched as the boy pulled apart his ass. Eli's little brown hole was winking at him. Cap hadn't fucked a boy's ass in long time, not since World War II to be precise. He wondered briefly how far he could push Eli. He touched the pucker with his index finger.

"Aaaahhh." Eli moaned in response. Cap's finger made him tingle all over. He never knew he could feel like that.

"Feel something? I think I should look closer." Cap was sure his rimming skills were rusty. Hopefully, he retained enough skill not to scare the boy away. He placed his nose on the brown hole and inhaled. The musky boy scent filled his nose. It was intoxicating.

"Ah. Cap!" Eli groaned in response. He could feel Cap's nose rub the surface of his asshole. Cap's intake of air tickled Eli's butt. It felt good. Then he felt something warm and moist.

Cap let his tongue glide up the valley of Eli's buns, spending extra time on the ass hole. Once he felt Eli shiver and not freak out, Cap became more daring. He touched the holed with the tip of his tongue and began swirling it all over.

"Ooohhh!" Eli moaned out loud. His cock was steel hard and packed uncomfortably against his pants. He didn't know his ass could make him feel so good. Cap's wet tongue was making senseless. He pushed back wanting to explore the new sensations in his butt.

Cap grinned for a moment as he felt Eli back against his face. After all those decades, he still had it. Eli was moaning like a boy possessed. It got Cap hard knowing it him causing the boy such distress. Deciding he had teased Eli enough Cap pulled away. "Your butt seems fine."

"What?" Eli had totally forgotten the game they were playing. He just wanted more attention on his butt. It felt cold and empty without Cap's lively tongue.

"I think you butt is fine. Let's do a full body check up to make sure my slaps didn't hurt anything there." Cap grinned. Eli was totally out of it.

"Okay." Eli murmured confusedly.

Cap rose up and grabbed Eli's chest from behind. He groped the well-defined pecs through the hard fabric. "I can't check properly. We'll have to take it off."

Eli nodded dumbly as he lifted his arms. Cap's hand slipped under his shirt and pulled it over him. The large hands traveled painfully slow, the fleeting touches only increased Eli's arousal. Cap began to squeeze his nipples making Eli moan out loud.

"Everything seems to be working fine. Why don't you turn around, so I can check better." Cap said releasing the boy from his hold. He could see how aroused Eli had become from his caresses.

Eli blindly followed. For some reason he became embarrassed about his prominent erection. He covered them conspicuously with his hands.

"What's this?" Cap laughed heartily. It was all too easy to tease Eli. "Do you have a problem in front?"

"Ye-yes." Eli murmured. He blushed deeply as Cap move his hands away from his crotch exposing his enormous tent.

"It feels big and healthy." Cap squeezed the large member through the fabric. It was plastered tightly over Eli's skin, giving a clear outline of not only his cock but also his balls. Cap touched Eli's balls, rubbing them slowly.

"Ahh-aah Cap!" Eli moaned. His pants were too tight as it is. Cap pressing down on his balls felt too amazing.

"Does it hurt when I do that?" Cap asked sensually.

"No..." Eli closed his eyes in an attempt to gain control of his body. He could already feel his precum trickling down the inside of pant leg.

"How about when I do this?" Cap began to lick Eli's prominent balls through the costume. He couldn't move them very much so instead he pressed his tongue against the package.

"Oh Cap!" Eli bent over from the awkward but thrilling sensation. "It feels good."

"How about if I do it here?" Cap moved his mouth towards Eli's cock instead. He began mouthing it, squeezing the obscene tube with his lips.

"Oh!!!" Eli screamed loudly.

"How does it feel?" Cap said slyly after pulling away.

"I think there's something wrong. You should take it out to check." Eli said desperately. If Cap delayed any longer, Eli knew he would rip apart his own pants.

"Is that so?" Cap chuckled lightly. He pulled down Eli's pants and removed them completely. The long black member bounced up angrily once freed from its confines. It was slick with precum that extended over to Eli's left leg. Cap grabbed its base and squeezed. "This what you're talking about?"

"Yes Sir!" Eli moaned out loud. He was completely naked save for his domino mask.

"It seems healthy enough." Cap weighed the heavy black member in his hands. He then squeezed it again feeling its rigidity. "It's perfectly aroused son. Do you play with your cock?"

"Yes sir." Eli was so horny he answered every question directed at him. The way Cap was handling the whole situation made everything hotter.

"Show me." Cap commanded.

Eli complied. He grabbed his dick with his right hand began stroking it gently. With his left, he played with his balls. He rolled them over his finger stimulating. He could feel his load build up. It was going to be a big one. Jerking off while Cap was watching was a huge turn on. Closing his eyes, he focused on his impending orgasm. He wanted Cap to be proud.

Cap resisted the urge to masturbate. Cap felt like a pervert watching a young teenager jerk off. His own cock was rock hard already. He was dripping precum all over the floor.

He kneeled off the bed and was face to face with Eli's cock. The boy was completely oblivious. Cap hadn't had a real cock in his mouth in a long time. He was feeling excited. He opened his mouth and licked the tip. He then engulfed the head down.

"OH!!!" Eli yelped as he felt for the very first time the warmth of another person's mouth on his cock.

"Too much? I'll start slow then." Cap stated plainly after spitting out Eli's cock. He began to kiss it from below and traveled his way up. HE repeated this several times, each time in a different area.

Eli was whimpering as Cap teased him slowly. Each time he felt Cap's tongue lick his exposed cock head, he shivered from the sensation. Cap was moving slowly and tenderly making Eli feel every touch.

"You like that huh?" Cap whispered. He then slowly engulfed the head in the mouth and pulled away slowly. He tortured the boy with this languid rhythm for a while. He then added his tongue movements to the purple cock head, swirling it over every time the glans went in his mouth.

"Uhm... Cap..." Eli tried to warm Cap that he was getting close. He could feel the cum rising in his balls. Cap was over stimulating him. He wouldn't be able to hold out.

"Not too fast son!" Cap grabbed Eli's balls in a tight grip. Once he felt Eli bucking, he realized how close the boy was cumming. It was still too early for that. It filled Cap with pride knowing he still had the skill to make a boy shoot quickly.

Eli held back his load. He was so close but Cap needed him to hold back so he did.

"Take your time. I'm going to make you enjoy this." Cap said as he watched the boy pant heavily. Eli was breathing hard so much so that Cap could hear every breath. The boy was covered in sweat, giving the body a sleek shine that accentuated the youthful muscles. Eli's cock was throbbing angrily bouncing up and down as Eli tried to get it under control again. It was marvelous sight.

Deciding he had waited enough, Cap took Eli's balls in his hands. He wanted to Eli to have a huge load. Slowly, he massaged the tight balls, stimulating them. Then he took one in his mouth and began rolling it around with his tongue.

"Fuck!" Eli looked down as he saw Captain America sucking on one of his balls and fondling the other. Never in any of his dreams did he even dare to imagine this could happen. Precum escaped his dick and dropped on Captain America's white star on his mask.

Cap was amazed. Eli's balls were completely smooth, not a single hair was present. He rolled them around his tongue to check more than once, there was no trace of even a stubble. It was intriguing. Cap began to wonder if he could shave the boy sometime. He took both balls in his mouth and began sucking hard.

Eli groaned as the force of Cap's suction increased. He grabbed Cap's head and held it in place trying to dampen the force of his mouth. It was too overwhelming.

"I think we've had enough of that. Let's go to the main course." Cap said teasingly after he let loose Eli's balls. He rubbed his nose on the balls and slowly moved it up, trailing the tip across Eli's long and hard cock. He inhaled every step of the way taking in Eli's wild pheromones.

Cap looked up at Eli, looking straight at boy's lust filled eyes. Without hesitation, he engulfed the boy again.

Eli moaned loudly and arched his back. It felt good every time Cap did that. He expected Cap to pull off, but instead Cap took more and more of Eli. He watched as his hero swallowed his massive cock slowly. Eventually he felt some resistance mid way through his cock. He had reached Cap's throat.

Eli's eyes grew wide as he felt his cock push past Cap's tight throat and continue going deeper. He could feel his cock head push against the walls of Captain America's throat. It was so fucking tight. Finally Cap's nose had hit his pubic area. Eli watched in amazement as his entire contact disappeared down his hero.

Cap looked at the surprise and pleasure in Eli's eyes. Even after a few long years, Cap could still deep throat any man's cock. He could feel the beat of Eli's cock in his throat. Slowly, he began to pull out until the cock head popped from his throat. Then he grabbed Eli's ass and pushed back in. He began to face fuck himself on Eli's cock. He bobbed his head up and down the enormous length of Eli's dark member.

Eli stopped thinking once Cap got started. He began to piston in and out of the older man's mouth. Soon his rhythm increased, rocking his hips in haste and grabbing Cap's ears and began to seriously face fuck the Captain America.

Cap let Eli take control. He enjoyed how rough the boy was being. His own cock had recovered from his earlier orgasm. He enjoyed the taste on Eli's large monster sliding across his tongue. He could sense the boy getting close.

"I'm coming!" Eli screamed out as he approached his climax. He was just in Cap's mouth when he began to shoot. His entire body stiffened and held onto Cap's shoulders for support.

Cap held the boy in place as he felt the first few volleys hit the back of his throat. He swallowed them tightening around the already climaxing organ causing it too shoot more. He swallowed as few more spurts before he pulled away. Eli's cock shot at least three more jets of cum down Captain America's chest.

Eli sat down. He didn't even realize when he stood up on the first place. He could feel his over sensitized cock deflate after shooting the biggest load he has ever had. His balls were still churning and had only begun to relax. The feeling of being spent swept over him and he sighed in content over his post-orgasmic bliss. He lied down and closed his eyes.

Cap swallowed the cum that had collected in his mouth. Eli's semen tasted so different from his own. It was a lot sweeter. It was also more viscous, sliding down slowly down his mask. He watched as Eli rested obviously tired from receiving his first blowjob.

Cap looked at himself in the mirror. He was still in complete uniform. His mask had trails of cum cascading downwards. The only other difference in his costume was his large erection poking out. It was drooling precum all over the floor. He looked at Eli, hoping the boy had recovered enough for another round.

Eli was still lying on the bed breathing softly. Cap couldn't tell if the boy's eyes were closed due to his mask. But Eli didn't move and his breathing had normalized.

Cap sighed. The boy was probably asleep already. He began to strip of his costume. He started by pulling down his cowl. He wiped the cum off first, relishing the taste of Eli, probably the only taste he'll be able to get in a long while. He licked it off his fingers.

He began to pull his shirt up. Then he heard Eli stir. The boy was awake and began to sit up. Cap pretended not to notice. He continued pulling up his shirt. He listened and heard the boy walking towards him. He felt Eli's hands slide over his waist and grab his shirt.

"Let me." The boy whispered as he lifted Cap's shirt, stripping the hero. He rubbed his hands all over the thick muscles in Cap's back. His hands wandered down Cap's front and took Cap's rock hard cock.

"Stroke it son." Cap moaned as Eli started stroking his cock. Cap could feel the boy's cock on the valley of his eyes. It was hard again.

Eli released Cap's member letting it slap against the older man's stomach. He then pulled down the rest of Cap's pants down. Cap was fully naked now.

Steve Rogers turned around and faced Eli. His hand reached out to touch the side of Eli's face, caressing the cum stain that had dried off. He took off Eli's mask. Looking into the boy's eyes, Cap knew Eli was ready. He bent down and pressed his lips against the boy.

Eli saw Cap coming to kiss him. He was so excited that every second Cap was approaching seemed to be burnt into his memory. Once his lips made contact with Cap's, he melted into Cap's arms. He relied on the bigger man for support as he felt his knees go weak.

Cap pried apart Eli's lips with his tongue. He pushed past them and began exploring Eli's mouth. The boy tasted of his cum. He swiped his tongue against Eli's teeth and wrestled Eli's tongue.

Cap pulled the boy closer. Their hard bodies were grinding against each other. Eli's dick was sliding along the length of Cap's larger member. Cap gripped Eli's ass hard and pushed it closer to himself.

The sensual new feelings assaulting not only his mouth but also his cock were overwhelming Eli. The feel of Cap's tongue battling his own was invigorating. The way his cock slid against the hard shaft of Cap's was bringing him closer to the edge. In his state of pleasure, he lost his footing and fell onto the bed, taking Cap with him.

Despite the fall, Cap continued devouring the boy's mouth. His hands began to roam Eli's body. Cap had missed the feeling of another warm body actively pushing against his. Eli pulled away for air, allowing Cap the opportunity to explore Eli's neck.

"Ohhhh Yeeeesssss!" Eli hissed as Cap nipped at his collarbone. He was bucking his hips against his hero, rubbing their hard cocks against each other. His hands had held on tight on Cap's back for support. Eli pulled Cap closer against him, wanting to feel more.

"Let's make it better." Cap whispered huskily. He pulled himself away from the boy's grasp. Eli looked at him with surprise but Cap paid him no mind. He pulled Eli completely onto the bed. He placed his balls over Eli's mouth. "Have a taste of this."

Eli obediently suckled on the low hanging balls. He nipped and tugged at the loose skin, making Cap moan. Then he took one of the large balls in his mouth. He rolled the testicle in his tongue, feeling the ball sack tighten as he played with them. His nose was buried in Cap's furry ass. He could feel the fine blond hairs on Cap's ass tickle his nostrils. He took in the manly odor that overpowered his sense of smell.

"Yea. That's the way to do it soon." Cap murmured and goaded the boy. He pushed his ass down the boy's face, smothering the willing teen with his body. "I think it's time for the main course."

Eli released the heavy nuts from his mouth. The hanging balls grazed over his lips and pulled all the way over his nose. He could see Cap start to bend over. The enormous cock towered over Eli's mouth. Eli could feel him mouth water at the sight of the huge man meat just for him.

"Do you want this?" Cap asked. He let the cock tease the boy's mouth. He pulled away as Eli tried to lick the tip with his tongue. He slapped the boy's face with his huge monster. "Answer me boy. Tell me what you want."

"I want you huge cock sir!" Eli shouted. His efforts to capture the monster in his mouth were futile.

"What do you want do with it?" Cap teased again. He brought it dangerously close over Eli's lips before pulling away. A little drop of precum was about to fall into Eli's waiting mouth. Cap swiped with his finger and put it in his mouth, depriving the boy of even a taste.

"I want you to fuck my face with that large piece of cock sir!" Eli screamed out in desperation.

"Good boy." Cap answered back as slid his cock into Eli's open mouth. He fed the boy slowly, letting the boy adjust. The new angle provided some resistance but Cap managed to stuff his entire cock down Eli's throat. Once he felt Eli relax, Cap started to furiously fuck the boy's face.

Eli accepted the unabashed assault. He held onto Cap's thighs for support. His throat was being ravaged thoroughly but it felt so good. Eli's cock was leaking precum in response.

Cap fucked the boy relentlessly building his own orgasm. His powerful thrusts pushed against Eli's tight throat. Realizing he wouldn't last much longer, he eased down a little then stopped thrusting. He let the boy suck his cock.

Eli felt Cap slow down. Realizing Cap was giving him control, Eli eagerly suckled on the huge meat.

Cap saw Eli's hard by cock. He bent forwards and took it in his mouth. He lapped up the precum, cleaning the cock completely. He didn't waste time after that. He sucked hard and fast, swallowing the entire cock. He fucked his head up and down the huge piece. His throat was stretched wide but he couldn't get enough. He sucked harder and harder.

Eli stopped as Cap was eating his cock. He couldn't concentrate on the huge cock in front of him anymore. Letting it fall out of his mouth, he released a moan as Cap swallowed more. Eli bucked his hips in an effort to drive deeper into Cap's mouth.

Cap pulled away and stroked Eli's cock, before the boy could complain. He stuck a finger in his mouth lubricating it well. Satisfied, Cap resumed sucking on the huge member. He inched his soaked finger down Eli's butt crack, teasing the brown hole.

The minute Eli felt contact with his pucker, he let loose and climaxed.

Cap felt the first shot go down his throat. Eli was cumming and cumming hard. Cap decided to save ass play with Eli for another time. He swallowed the boy's load as it gushed out of the black member. After a furious volley of cum, Eli finally stopped climaxing, allowing Cap to pull away from the relatively floppy member. He squeezed it with his hand, coaxing out a droplet of cum which he kissed off.

Eli panted heavily as he unloaded all his cum down Captain America's throat. In his bliss, he didn't notice the towering cock throbbing for attention.

Cap changed positions and faced Eli again. He straddled the boy's chest. Eli may have climaxed, but Cap's balls were still full. "You still have to take care of this son."

Eli opened his mouth willingly. He let Cap push across his lips. Using his tongue, he coated the member with his spit. He wanted Cap to experience the same kind of orgasm he did.

Cap fucked the boy's face with gusto. His rhythm was fast and powerful. There were no soft slow strokes; it was all raw force. He was pushing to get off and in a few minutes he climaxed. He shot his load down the boy's throat.

Eli wanted to see Cap shoot when he felt the first volley of cum hit his throat. He swallowed and then began to pull away while Cap's cock was pulsing in orgasm. As it popped out of his mouth, he felt a shot his face.

Cap groaned as Eli was pulling away from his cock. The feeling of passing through the mouth while cumming was amazing. Once he was out, he coated Eli face with the finals shots of his well-drained balls.

Licking his lips, Eli swallowed the rest of the cum that had collected in his mouth. Cap always had a huge load and Eli could feel it all over his face.

Cap reached out to hold Eli's face. He lowered his head and licked all his semen from Eli's face. His mouth met Eli's and they swapped saliva and cum. He laid down beside the boy panting.

"Thanks Cap." Eli whispered as he snuggled against his hero.

Cap recalled the memory of last week vividly. He stroked his hard cock at the images of Eli in his head. His cock was aching to be fondled by Eli. His hand was now a poor substitute for real sex. But facts were facts, Eli was gone to see his parents over the summer. And Cap still needed to get off weekly. His hands were his only friends for a while.

Cap pulled out his dick from his fly and grasped it tightly. Using his memory of Eli's mouth and body, he began to jerk off. He also fished out his large balls to get his cum flowing. Rolling them across his palm, he stimulated the little sacks.

His rhythm was slow and steady. He wanted to build up his orgasm. He tried envisioning Eli's hand on his cock, stroking the big piece of meet for him. It was barely enough to get him fully hard. The memory was no match for the real thing.

Then the doorbell rang. Cap wasn't too bothered this time. He wasn't that far off yet. He stuffed his huge member back into his pants with a little difficulty. He fixed his hair and wiped of his sweat. Satisfied with his appearance, he went to answer the door. Then a thought occurred to him. This was usually the time Eli came to visit.

The doorbell rang again. Did Eli cancel his trip? Cap rushed to the door, eager to see the Young Avenger.

"Hello Mr. Rogers." A red-haired girl greeted him. She was wearing glasses and had her hair pinned up. She had a blazer on with a matching skirt, giving of the impressions of a secretary. Cap wouldn't have recognized her if it weren't for her voice.

It was Kate Bishop, also known as Hawkeye.

A/N: Cap's back! And before any of you correct me on Kate's hair color, I know she has black hair. Just a note, Kate won't be involved in anything sexual, so don't get you hopes up or be afraid, whichever will apply. Only three other Young Avengers haven't made an appearance yet! Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 9

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