Cards in the Deck


Published on Apr 14, 2021


This is a work of fiction - names and places are elements of fiction.

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Folks, this is a big chapter. Hope you enjoy!

Cards in the Deck - Adam and Ben 30C

The Last Christmas at Brevard

The day was going to be great because I could smell bacon. You know, as well as I do, that the smell of bacon stimulates the senses and the appetite! I roused Quinn from sleep whose first words were, "I smell bacon." Moments after, there was a soft knock at the door and Ryan slipped in. "Breakfast is ready," he exclaimed. "I'm so hungry for some reason," he said. We laughed at his simplicity. He came over and stretched out on the bed with us. "Last night was really fun. I was surprised," he said. "I thought it would be one of those humdrum family things. Did y'all have fun?" he asked.

"We did," said Quinn. As we chatted about the events of last night, Ryan said he and his dad had a talk last night and thought things would go better. I didn't offer any input on my talk with cousin Charles. We processed down the stairs and into the dining room where Cook had set up warmers with scrambled eggs, bacon, waffles cut into quarters, buttered slices of toast and sliced cantaloup. You know us Southerners like our cantaloup!

The G3 were already seated and eating. We all shared our good mornings and grabbed plates. It wasn't long before the other teens came down and their parents behind them. It was like a bed and breakfast experience. Some had big plans for the day, others did not. We had the family portrait at 11. I would have preferred yesterday but the sun was going down when we could have done it and the lighting would have been bad. Today looked good, though. Sunny and cool.

Then, at 10:45 am, being dressed, we took our positions on the front portico. As someone recently asked me why I refer to our front and rear porches as porticos, I wanted to draw the distinction, which has no actual validity in architecture. A portico, while usually smaller than a porch, usually marks formal entrances into buildings; may be one story or two story and will be supported by columns. Because of Brevard House's age, and formal air, parlors rather than living rooms, etc, we have always erred on the side of formality. However, Joe confirmed for me that porch and portico are usually interchangeable.

The G3 sat in wing chairs just at the foot of the stairs, while the rest of us stood behind forming a gentle semicircle. The sun aimed at a 45 degree angle and was perfect for not casting facial shadows. The ladies were in dresses, appearing to be the dresses from last night and the gents were in sportcoats and ties. While the experience was incredibly moving and joyful for everyone, there was just one point that stung me fiercely. Quinn did not join the picture. He insisted he was right in not doing so, Phil and Margo said they agreed with him. Ryan said, "Oh come on! He's part of the family." In the end, Quinn stood aside and assisted the photographer. And SNAP, the picture was taken. Oddly enough, we stood like that for several minutes in that no one wanted to be the first to move.

After lunch, the family was dispersed in every direction. My tour of the premises found James and Jacob in the front parlor chatting about business. Quinn and Brandon were playing pool in the billiards room. Phil was in the library messing with his books, picking out his favorite chess books for Ryan, who had asked him last night to recommend a couple of his favorites. Claire and Margo were in the kitchen assessing the food layout with Cook. Ryan and his family were hiking around the grounds. Emma and Annaleigh went into town to do some boutique shopping. Guess where I was? Nowhere, so it felt. At each stop, I barely got a wink and a nod. I don't think I was left out on purpose, it was more of a "we're doing just fine, thank you." I finally went into the kitchen and asked if I could help there. Cook gave me a "what do you think look" as she never wanted me in the kitchen with her. I grabbed a can of La Croix carbonated water and stomped upstairs to my room. I picked up the current book I had been reading and looked at it. The words were all just mush and I couldn't focus. Once the Black Dog had set on me, I lost focus. The Black Dog was a self pity mood that perplexed Churchill most of his life. I considered myself to have the same issue. He laid bricks all over Chartwell to keep it at bay. I wasn't about to lay bricks.

Soon thereafter, Margo slipped in and sauntered across the room and took a seat on the old brown leather sofa.

"You looked broodish downstairs. You ok?" she asked. "Agendas are on the move today, son. This is the calm before the storm."

"Thanks Mother. I guess I'm just so used to running things that I expected to be in more demand."

"Ben," she started, "you have served your purpose in a preparatory manner. You see, your father and I go to these little art shows in Naples. They are all the rage in the spring and summer months. Friday nights are particularly good. Sometimes, we come across some very inspired art. I have even purchased a couple of small pieces for the house. Much of it is trendy, or `junk', as I prefer to call it."

"Interesting, Mother," I responded, not getting the point.

"Ben," she continued, "the one thing I have noticed at these art shows, is that the artist is rarely if ever trying to sell his art. Once the art is on display, it sells itself if it's worth anything at all. That artist is usually sitting on a couch or in an armchair, clutching a glass, and sometimes, a bottle, of wine or a whiskey, and just sits and chats with folks, telling stories, and laughing a little too loudly. He or she leaves the art to spin its magic while the artist is there to answer questions and put a face to the name. What is transpiring here today, is YOUR art. Each member of this family has found a new place, is experiencing new things, and is getting to know each other. New relationships are forming, old relationships are improving. Did you see Ryan and his parents leave for a hike? That's art, Benjamin. Did you know that Brandon wants to launch a published family history? Claire just told me he hopes to get time with you after Christmas to collect your thoughts and memories. He wants to duplicate the pictures posted at the foundation office and create a real book. He's hoping Ryan and Emma will join in. Ben, you inspired them with your one act play yesterday! Rather than brooding about your low demand, give a thought to the REVIVAL we are experiencing this weekend. And remember, it's Christmas!" She stood from the sofa and approached my bed. She flicked my hair on my forehead just lightly, gave me a smile and turned and walked out. She had great legs for a 65 year old lady. I had to laugh to myself.

I went down to the billiards room and challenged Quinn and Brandon to a game of 8 Ball and after taking them down, I went back into Grandfather's study and pulled out some interesting materials. I asked Brandon to come in so I could show him around.

"Spend some time in here if you like, Brandon. You can't hurt anything. Look at these pictures of Nelson when he was young," I suggested handing him the black and white photos. He studied them for a few moments then realized what he was looking at.

"Unbelievable," he said. "He looks like you and Ryan. This look alike thing is really something, Ben. Thank you for showing me these. I can go through the rest of this stuff?"

"Yes you may. Have fun."

Then I slipped on my jacket and strolled out the back, eventually coming across the Charles Brevard clan on their way back from the far south part of the property. They were in a jovial mood, and, not letting on to what I heard last night, I prompted Charles to tell the Lura's Bottom story. He told it very well and we got a great laugh out of it. I believed things were going to be improved in this household, just as long as Charles did not slip back into close mindedness. Becky gave me a wink. She knew that I knew and suspected my interference.

The time came for everyone to get ready. The receiving line needed to be in place at 6:30. I asked the Brevard Directs to join me at the bar at 6 pm. James, Phil, Charles, and Annaleigh came down.

"Good evening everyone. Join me for a drink?" I asked.

"Absolutely," said James.

"Cam," I shouted to one of the bartenders who had stepped out onto the side porch. He was apparently messing with ice. ""We're ready," I told him. I had previously instructed him that once we gathered here, I would be requesting a special drink.

"Five French 75's coming up," he said. He popped the champagne and mixed each of the drinks in champagne flute glasses.

"Good choice," said Phil. "It's been a long time since I had a French 75!"

As we had each taken our glass, I raised my glass and offered a toast. "To the Brevards, G3, G4, and G5! Doesn't matter if you had a moment or a lifetime of happiness at Brevard House. May your health, prosperity, and enthusiasm live on!"

"Well said," said Phil.

"Cheers" replied everyone else and we took a genteel sip of our very strong drinks.

"The allocation of funds from the sale of estate and mansion are being worked out with the accountants," advised James. "I presume that was the report you were looking for," he said flatly. "Phil and I have met with the firm to determine appropriate percentage points for each of the generations, family reserve for the future generation, and an allocation to the Brevard Foundation. Impact from the sale of the Hauslinger Chrstmas decorations will be considered in a like manner after the two year Christmas tour at the Smithsonian. All of the reserves have been settled with you all individually even though I believe most of it was Claire's! Ben, update on the sale of the manor?"

"The estate agent and realty agent have agreed to the inspection results with the buyers. The buyers will not be converting this property as was stipulated in the sale agreement. They will be taking their final tour of the property just after New Year's and just before the Alabama Public Television series if filmed. There were some repairs needed and the only item remaining is a pesky leak on the third floor. The closing is still set for the last week of January. It is anticipated that the house will be completely vacated by January 22," I reported.

"And your house in Dallas?" asked Annaleigh.

"It's amazing!," I said.

"I mean, is it move-in ready?"

"Oh yes, Quinn has been working with a decorator. Since we are taking very little from here, we are starting at scratch. But it should be quite comfortable by the time this place becomes vacant." and I took a sip from my strong drink. .

"Everything here is amazing, Ben. I can't believe how you kept such a large place up. Incredible," said Charles.

"Margo and I have made periodic visits which served as property audits, Charles,

Said Phil laughing. "We secretly kept him on track and were ready to give him the boot at any minute!" he said in good humor. Everyone laughed. But the time had come for everyone to be coming down. The descent down the main staircase turned into something of a fashion show. I had been immediately impressed that my father and I had selected similar bow ties to go with our tuxes, without planning it. We were both in Prince of Wales check, my pattern being just slightly larger than his and my pattern contained a red line. His was black and grey traditional. Charles and James were black tie all the way. Annaleigh was wearing a dark green cocktail dress with a diamond brooch, classic but modern.

Claire came down wearing a light blue gown with the onyx necklace she secured from the estate and black shoes. She was very elegant, really hitting on something with those colors. We all cheered. Margo came down in a gold sparkling gown with rubies and matching gold shoes. "Gorgeous," Phil said to me. I nodded in agreement.

Becky came down in a black dress, burgundy scarf draped over her shoulders and dark red shoes. A little goth but poignant. Ryan, my heart of hearts, came down in a black tux with a gold shimmering bowtie.

"Is that a clip on?" I asked and everyone laughed.

"Hell no!" he shouted in a good Alabama accent. "Brevards do not `clip on' anything!" he said jubilantly. Another round of laughter.

Phil and James: "Here here!"

Brandon was black tie and his sister Emma wore a medium blue dress, with brown and gold jewelry. She was a stunning girl. Then Quinn, my soul of souls, who had managed to keep his selection a secret, came down in a double breasted black tux, with a black and gold checked bowtie and he was so amazing I almost cried. He was all teeth and grins. Becky and Annaleigh looked at me with winks and big smiles. He was art.

Quinn's mother appeared promptly at 6:30 wearing a black form fitting dress with red paisleys and she was fantastic. The ladies all grabbed her by the arm and pulled her their way.

James checked that Brandon and Ryan were in Nelson Brevard's cufflinks, and tapped their shoulders in approval and then we took our places in line. As the last residents of the manor, my family was first, James and Claire were second then the line went down. And at 7 pm sharp, the first guests arrived and, as Sherlock would often say, "The game was afoot!"

When Julie Haig and family came through, I grabbed Jack.

"Looking good," I said. And he was in his sport coat and dress pants. "I have someone I would like you to meet and pointed down the line at Emma. He raised his eyebrows and whispered, "Holy fuck." I had to laugh. Stuttering he said, "I don't think I can."

I slipped out of line and took him down and made introductions to the other teens. His sister was out of town on a ski trip and could not come. He had previously met Ryan at the football game. I slipped back into my place and greeted guests. The line of people just kept coming and about twenty minutes into it, the "receiving line broke up. It's funny how that happens. It wouldn't have in the old days but these are not those days.

Coach Wilson Stark from the Tigers, a championship winning coach, and his wife, came in and everyone applauded. His team had played an undefeated season and won a championship game that was second to none to watch. The mayor Kevin Raynard and his wife came in. There were just so many people. Lines formed quickly at the two bars and the dining room table was incredible. We had shrimp, atlantic and gulf, there were cheeses, oysters, dips, cucumber slices topped with crab and remoulade sauces. There were sausages sliced and served on crackers and others wrapped in baked dough. There were little soft biscuits with ham and Colman's spicy mustard. There were orange blossoms - little cakes dipped in orange glaze. A number of other sweets were there. There were vegetable trays. There were two large gateaux on the sideboard - one chocolate, the other strawberry. There was so much to eat.

The President of Southern National Bank Holdings and his wife came in and he looked right through to the South Parlor to see Margo. They had all been very close friends. He had been possibly more influential in the state than some of our state representatives. He was a big deal, so to speak. Then, not long after, my soulmate friends Erin Kincaid and his partner Joe Baxter entered with a joyful "Hey hey!" They were very clever. They wore glittering tux jackets and black pants. So urban. So hip. But they still looked good.

I took them by the arms and went off to find Quinn. We stumbled across Ryan first. Eriin looked at me and gasped. "Dear Lord," he said. "You must be Ryan Brevard."

"How can you tell?" asked Ryan laughing.

"Amazing, Ben. It's incredible," said Erin. Joe was speechless. Erin looked at him and said, "Don't even think about Joe! He's too young for you!" Ryan and I laughed at this. Joe put his hand out and gave Ryan a firm manly handshake.

I introduced and we all went off to find Quinn. He was at the west wing bar chatting with the coach. Margo slipped out of the dining room surprising us and Erin jumped up and down like a schoolboy. "Oh yay! It's Margo. Our favorite Margo! The dame of the ball!" he leapt forward and gave her a hug.

"Erin Kincaid, when you decide to grow up, please let me know. I have a graduation gift for you!" she said, giggling.

"I only accept gold and diamonds as graduation gifts!" he exclaimed. "But no growing up for me! That's what Joe's for," he said beaming at her.

"How are the Kindcaids?" she asked.

"They're good. In France for Christmas as usual. They asked about you. I kept them up to date with all the goings on around here," he told her. They continued to talk and the rest of us meandered back to the foyer. Joe was thoroughly impressed with the magnitude of the party.

At this point, to recite each conversation, merry christmas greeting, and questions about the sale and place in Dallas, would not be meaningful. This was a party and I was moving minute by minute. It was a social gathering fit for the palace and I felt rather Lordly. As Margo had pointed out, art was being created. And, as I stood in the south parlor listening to a well spun tale about a recent visit to Dallas by a couple of ladies from town, some form of breeze came over me, a notion, a feeling. Something made me turn around and look toward the front door. And when I did, I saw it. HIM rather. Adam West was standing in my foyer! "Hold on," I thought to myself. I had to repeat it to myself. "ADAM WEST IS STANDING INSIDE MY FRONT DOOR!" His blond hair was blazing and although he looked like he was lost in the forest, he looked simply beautiful. I, at first, didn't know what to do. Quinn came from the dining room and saw him just moments after I did. I looked at Quinn puzzled.

"Did you do this?" I asked him.

"I did. I thought it was about time to set things right," he said, taking my arm and walking through the crowd. "Surprise attack," I said to myself.

I stopped just short of him. He had a young guy with him, sweet, curly hair, nicely dressed.

"Adam," I said. "What are you doing here?"

"I had to see you Ben. It's time. And it's funny I lived here for four years and walking through that door was the hardest thing I've ever done," he said looking down sheepishly. Quinn stood quietly.

I told Adam to back up and I backed him and his friend back out onto the portico. His friend spoke to Adam and said, "See, we've been thrown out before we ever got in!" Adam gave him a nasty look.

"Adam, sometimes the hardest thing we do today is only a funny story tomorrow."

"I'm sorry Ben, I just had to see you," he replied again.

I backed into the foyer and using hand gestures, I said, "Then come back through that door like you mean it!" And he did and he landed directly into my arms. With his head on my shoulder and his arms wrapped tight around me, I whispered, "Merry Christmas baby." I felt him choke a breath that was trying to escape his mouth. I felt just a moment, like I might have years ago when I loved him so much. Our hearts were racing in time with each other's. The other guy said, "Oh my God, he's just like you described, Adam!"

With that we parted and laughed.

"All good I hope," I said. "Who is your friend, Adam?"

"Ben, I would like you to meet my friend Christopher Shore. He's from Savannah. We met through work."

"Pleased to meet you Christopher. Welcome to Brevard House. This is Quinn, my..."

"Fiance," exclaimed Adam. "Congratulations again, Quinn. You did good brotha!" said Adam.

They hugged as old friends and I could feel the eyes of all the world upon us. I heard whispers. "Is that Adam West?" and so on.

Christopher spoke up, "Adam, I can't believe you left all this behind. Were you crazy? I will never be Ben 2.0!"

"Perhaps he doesn't need a Ben 2.0. Maybe he needs a Christopher 1.0," I replied and he smiled at this. Just then I had a tap on my shoulder and Ryan was standing there.

Before I could introduce, Adam, in a startled voice asked, "Ben! Do you have a son?" and he looked with wide eyes at Ryan.

"Not hardly," I said. Ryan squinted his eyes slightly and said, "you must be Adam West. I have seen pictures of you. I'm Ryan Brevard, Ben's second cousin," and he put his hand out to shake.

Adam took his hand and shook. "I don't know what to say. Pleased to meet you Ryan. It's just that, well, amazing, you..."

Ryan interrupted, "We get that a lot. I don't exactly see it. I'm far better looking than he was at my age!" and we all chuckled.

"The difference is," I responded, "is that you may not look as good as I do when you get MY age!" We laughed harder.

"Just like you described," said Christopher. And we laughed again.

Adam responded humorously, "I don't Ben, if I had to choose between the current you and the younger you, I might have had a hard time." That was very funny but I had no comeback.

"Ben," said Adam, more serious, in a quiet voice, "I did things I'm very ashamed of and I need to apologize to you. I was under some bad influences then and there were so many things I should have done differently. I was terrible," and before he could finish I led him, just him, to the study since that was off limits to the party. Everyone remained behind knowing there was a brief but serious talk about to occur.

After we entered and closed the door, I told him, "Adam, we all knew the day would come when you fly the nest. Someone your age with experiences to be had shouldn't be tied down to an old guy like me; however, you were warned that your exit, `stage left', would be quiet and simple. All you had to do was tell me. You would have gone with my friendship and support. I appreciate your apology and I offer mine in return for being so angry and short tempered. You should know that you entered my life when I least expected it and you truly took me by storm and I loved you very much. I would have pulled you from the fucking shark's teeth if it had been required of me!" Then I stopped.

"I loved you too, Ben but I was so immature in so many ways. You taught me a lot and took better care of me than anyone else could have but I had to learn. I haven't forgotten a single minute of any of it and everyone around knows what highschool and college days were like, because of you. In fact, I have something for you. Can we invite Christopher and Quinn in?" he asked.

"Before that," I said, "behind us?"

"Thank you, Ben. Behind us is a perfect place." Then I opened the door and motioned for Quinn and Christopher to come in.

"Ben," said Adam, "as part of my apology I have to admit that I left you with some steep credit card bills. That was shitty of me. I don't have a lot of money but I'm doing ok and I want to give you this check to pay off some of my debt to you," and he handed me a check for $2000. I thought it was impressive but that $12,000 he left me with had been written off.

"Adam, this is a grand gesture and for that, I thank you. I couldn't have expected anyone to be so generous. However, if you're in the mood for a little street theatre, I have an idea," I said grinning to him. "Remember, our ability to make it up as we go?' He was nodding yes.

"Oh oh," Quinn said. Christopher's eyes were wide open.

I led Adam out into the hall. I held his hand and pulled him through the foyer. The word was out and people wanted to see Adam. He was well known in this town thanks to his athletic ability. I pulled him through gathered people in the foyer, past the south parlor, down the hall between the library and dining room, then to the family room and I finally saw who I was looking for. Coach Wilson Stark was reliving some plays with the senator and headmaster from St. Luke's Academy. I approached the group and said, "Excuse me, Coach, look what I found on the doorstep!" Adam appeared from behind me.

With a high pitch voice, excited and overwhelmed, Coach Stark belted out, "Oh my good goddamn! It's Adam West! I never thought I would see the day!" and he pulled Adam away from me and into his arms. He hugged him tight, as a good father would do.

"Oh Coach, I am so glad to see you!" Adam said.

"Damn boy, you look good. Life is good to you is it?'

"It is Coach. I'm working hard but it's good and congratulations Coach. You took the team all the way. What I would have given to be on THAT team."

"Son, I wish I had announced my retirement this year. The best year to go. I don't know what next season looks like after a win like we had. But you were there. You started things that we got to finish. You set standards boy. I require my fastback to run their heart out, just like you did."

Quinn and Christopher were standing behind us watching this display of affection. Quinn's eyes were reddening and I knew my lover was getting emotional.

"Coach," I interrupted, "I think Adam is ready to step into the world of philanthropy. I taught him well. He has something for you," I said looking to Adam. He didn't get it so I raised my eyebrows and motioned toward the check in his hand.

He looked down at it for a minute then figured it out.

"Coach Stark, being on the team with the Tigers was some of the best days of my life. I had ups and downs and the team kept me sane, maybe alive. I don't if I was running to you or from someone, but I ran my best for you. And, I have this money, it's not a lot, but I want to give it to the team in case there is some use for it." and he handed the check to the coach.

"Adam," Coach said looking at the check thoughtfully, "I have boys who can barely afford their cups, jocks, and undergere. I definitely have a place for it. Thank you. It's so thoughtful, I don't know what else to say. Damn son, Merry Christmas. Welcome back," the coach finished.

Then there was another sensation, as they were coming fast and furious at this point in the party. I looked toward the door and saw Margo standing there, glowing in her gold dress. "Oh my God" I thought. The next minute would either be heaven or hell. I didn't know which. She approached gently and with her crocodile smile.

"Adam West," was all she said. The stage was his.

"Mrs. Brevard, I am so glad to see you. You look so beautiful in that gown. Seems the rest of us just get older and you stay so pretty," he said and he looked down toward his feet.

She tapped his chin, "and Adam, aside from the fact you appear happy and healthy, I am so glad to see you still have hold on to the Right end of the stick," and with that she gave him a gentle hug. "Now, who is your friend?" she asked as the hostess would.

"Mrs. Brevard, this is my friend Christopher Shore from Savannah. Christopher, this is Margo Brevard, Ben's mother, and the most incredible lady you will ever meet," he said, tapping her arm gently.

"Pleased to meet you Christopher," she said, offering her hand. Looking back to Adam, she said, "right end of the stick, for sure," she replied laughing quietly.

"Oh my God, Adam. She's just like you described!" he said again. The rest of us cracked up leaving Margo out of the inside joke. She handed me an empty glass and put Adam and Christopher on each of her arms saying, "Come with me gentlemen, I want to hear about this online marketing initiative of your's. Sounds very necessary to our digital future. We have cakes dipped in orange glaze in the dining room, let's give `em a try," she said, walking them off. She then looked back at me, and head pointing to the empty glass, she added, "you know what to do," and off they went. Christophe looked back at me and gave a sly grin. "Little devil," I thought. He was very cute. Very inline with what I would expect from Adam West.

Coach Stark looked at me and gave a short laugh. "Quite a lady, isn't she?" he asked. He pointed to the check and said, "It's made out to you, Ben." I asked quickly, "Anyone have a pen?" Headmaster Lewis handed me a fountain pen from his breast pocket and I signed the check over to the coach.

"Thank you Ben. Always steering the way, aren't you," he said thoughtfully.

Quinn and I headed for the dining room where we found Erin and Joe with Adam and Christopher, all laughing as if they were old friends. We noted the youth gathered in the library sitting around the table laughing and telling stories. There were several other teenagers who came with their parents. Looked they were all having fun.

Emma did a short recital on the piano to which most of the crowd was quiet. Claire was in tears by the time she finished. She was very talented. I was glad the piano would be going her way. A Steinway is nothing to snot at even if it was a studio and not a grand.

By some point, I had consumed a reasonable amount of alcohol and had decided it was best to switch over to carbonated water.

I found Quinn and Erin and Joe in the front parlor. I asked Quinn how his mother was getting along and he said she was having the time of her life. I went out in search of her and found her huddled in a group of ladies telling some funny story. Becky and Annaliegh were among them. I huddled for a few moments when some people came in and started pressing me on my move. Some time later around 10:30, and the party was dying down. Lots of goodbyes, well wishes, Christmas greetings and all that, I went into the study and found Margo sitting behind the big cherry desk telling stories of when she was running the operations at the bank.

"What are y'all doing here?" I asked.

Quinn came up behind me and pushed me in.

"I'm just pestering your father with some stories from the past," Margo said.

"You're not pestering me at all, dear." He paused then added, "I'm just glad you were happy. That's all."

"Happy? Phil you gave me a far better home then I could have ever expected. A wonderful home!" she extolled.

"Well, you gave me a wonderful life. I couldn't have asked for better either. Are we even?" he asked with a genuine smile. His bangs usually neatly combed across his forehead were slightly whispy. He looked youthful.

""Oh even Steven," she said.

"Hey," I interjected, "What about me? Where do I fit in all of this?"

Phil responded first, "Well it seems your mother and I were in an awfully big hurry. We could have waited another year!" he said laughing at his fast wit. Quinn joined him in laughter.

"Ben, I think your father is always so well spoken. Only speaks when he has truth to speak," and we all laughed.

"You are," said Margo, "part of the wonderful life package, for your father and me."

"Ben, some of our friends are getting ready to leave. Want to come out?" said Quinn.

I went out into the foyer and I saw Erin and Joe hugging on Adam. I approached and they stood aside.

With tears running down his cheek, Adam spoke, "Ben, thank you for letting us come tonight. It's been an incredible evening," and he leaned forward and hugged me and as he was doing so, he whispered, "I will always love you," and he was choking a bit. My face turned red hot and all I could say without losing it was , "Same."

I took the beautiful Christopher by the back of his head and pulled him and whispered, "hang on to him if you want to see something great. You two can do amazing things together because he cares about you. Got it?" He shook his head in my shoulder then I walked them out the front door. When I stepped outside, I saw Ryan and Jack saying Goodbye. Brandon and Emma had just passed me so that must be where they had been. Jack was looking down into Ryan's face and smiling and Ryan was meeting his gaze. That's a good sign of friendship in my opinion. I was happy to see it. Then he gave Ryan the one armed boy hug and fist bumped. Julia came up the stairs to see me, "Ben, this was the most amazing night of our lives. Jack has had the best time. Thank you for having us."

"Julia, I have high hopes for your Jack. He has really started to embrace his strength and maturity. And for him to befriend Ryan in such a way, well, I don't know what else to say."

"I noticed that too. Best of luck, Benjamin Brevard. Truly," she said. Hugs then she was out the door.

The parting of ways with Erin and Joe was typical. I would see them again soon enough. I went back in and Quinn was standing there with his mom and he was crying.

"What the hell has gotten into everyone?" I asked. My parents came up behind Quinn's mother.

Mrs. Collins said all this emotion had gotten to Quinn, her big baby. She thanked my parents and I noticed that Margo took her by the hand and leaned in and said, "Remember what I said," and she gave a cute wink. Mrs. Collins soon left and other party goers were out too.

In short order, the bar staff had cleaned out the bars and were loading the vans. We had picked up all glassware, plastic, and silverware and centralized it in the kitchen. Cook was packing up the food in the dining room. I stopped and asked, "Everything ok? Anything I can help you with?"

"No," was all she said. And do you know, I had every intention of telling what I thought of her shit attitude after all these years. Before I left this house, she and I were going to "throw down." And Kent did not come to the party and I am not happy about that. He should have and did not decline the invitation but he didn't show. Another throw down was going to happen there.

There were few "good nights" as everyone was too exhausted to get into it. Quinn and I slipped into our room after all the lights were out and the house was locked up. He laid down on the sofa where he sometimes sleeps after he has been drinking. He seems to like that.

"What is your assessment of the evening?" I asked him quietly while I was changing clothes.

"It was like nothing I have ever seen. The night was incredible. So many things going on. Ryan and Jack hit it off, Brandon was very nice. Emma is so graceful. The parents were very cool and the guests had a blast. I mean, it was perfect."

"I think so too. Hopefully that's how it remains." I went and sat by him on the couch. "You were beautiful too, Quinn. I am so happy you are here to share something like that," I said.

"Awe," he said, smiling. "If I weren't drunk I'd fuck you right now baby," and he leaned up and kissed me, deeply. "Being a part of all of this just blows my mind. My mom is so happy. They were good to her tonight. I watched," he said, laying back down.

"Family now, Quinn. Family," and I crawled into the bed.

This would be a fine place to end the chapter but I should cover off on a few things for you. First, when I woke in the night, I rolled over and found `you know who' lying beside me. It surprised me because I didn't hear him when he came in. I leaned up on my arm to look at his face. He peeked at me with one eye.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey," I replied.

"Hope you don't mind. I couldn't sleep," he said.

"I don't mind," I told him in a whispered voice. He rolled onto his side and I put my arm around him. I hoped he knew I was thinking I hated for him to go home the next day but I didn't want to say it out loud. I think perhaps he was thinking the same thing. My time with Quinn is completely satisfactory and the time with him is amazing. When Ryan is present, though, there is an added excitement, a different dimension. His arms wrapped tightly around me. Our bodies were saying what our mouths could not. My mouth took his lips into mine and there was a message there. I just wanted to soak up some of his oxygen and taste him. He slipped his tongue over mine and he tasted warm and natural. It was time to move him forward a notch since I didn't know when I would see him again. Without much fanfare or discussion, I took his hard cock in my mouth and just like the old commercial with the owl and the tootsie roll pop, he came in three licks and I took it, I took it all.

He was up and gone by the time Quinn and I woke but came back when he heard me moving around.

"I have a problem," Ryan said entering the room and closing the door behind him. He came over and sat down on the couch at Quinn's feet. "So last night, we took some hits off the whiskey in the study," he admitted.

"I knew that already," I responded. "I watched to be sure you were not overly obvious," I responded.

"And well, Jack and I got kind of close and I ended up kissing him. I think I have fallen in love with him and now I'm cheating on Bradley!" he exclaimed. "It's a mess and I don't know what I'm going to do."

Quinn sat up. "Whoa, didn't see that coming!" he said with a short chucke. I was rather speechless as well.

With a quick finger motion, I said, "Let's break it down. So how did this kiss thing happen?"

"We were outside on the porch talking where it was cool. It was hot in the house. We started talking about girls. He said Emma was super pretty but too pretty to fuck." I closed my eyes and tried to get the image out of my head. He continued, "he said certain girls were just not for that. She was a hold hands and have a nice afternoon' kind of girl. The kind of girl for him was the girl who was pretty but didn't know it. He liked the girls not so made up. I told him I understood. He said he didn't like the girls who were super aggressive and were ready to put chains on him and tie him down. So anyway, I used what I call the batter up' process and used it to compliment him."

"The batter up process?" asked Quinn.

"So, while the butter up process is meant to give a shallow, quick compliment in hopes of getting something in return, the batter up process requires more shock, some real truth, to achieve something more," Ryan explained.

"I like it," I said. "Why haven't we discussed that already?"

Quinn jumped in, "I like it too. So buttering up someone is a quick win while battering is more of a long term gain," ensuring he understood. Quinn and I started to ponder this and Ryan shouted at us, "can we get back to my problem please?" We quieted. "So I hit him hard. I told him to remember that he was such an awesome guy that lots of girls would try to get hooks into him without a doubt. And, even though I had never been friends with athletic guys, I thought he was a truly amazing guy. I told him he had two responsibilities: first, don't use that `wow' factor to take advantage of unsuspecting girls and two, if he did settle on one, treat her right," he said proudly. I shook my head in agreement. "Well said," I commented.

"He said he felt the same. A few months ago he wouldn't imagine like a gay guy so much but that you had suggested he be open minded and see if he didn't meet guys he might really like and that I turned out to be one of them. I was floored so I grabbed the rest of the moment and told him to promise to not get mad but that I wanted to kiss him. Just a little thing to plant in my memory and keep to myself always. He didn't respond at first but said I could as long as I didn't slip him the tongue. And I did kiss him and it was incredible. And just before I pulled away I swiped his lips with my tongue and I never wanted it to end." He just sat there shaking his head.

"I'm riveted!" said Quinn. "So what happened?"

"I told him he was the greatest guy I had met in a year and that I hoped we would stay friends after that. He said it wasn't as bad as he thought but he was sticking with girls without balls and chains. After that, we came back in and attended the rest of the party. He gave me the nicest goodbye. He is all I have thought about since last night. He's texted me already. How can I go back to Bradley with this on my mind?"

"Well, you come here and explore very detailed levels of intimacy. How is that not cheating?" I asked.

"I consider cheating to be any action that complicates or threatens the relationship. What we have done has strengthened my relationship because I'm learning how to be a lover. It's not the same," he concluded.

"That is true. What we have done would be considered horrible by many but the perspective of `this room' is that we take affection to a different level but we are not keeping from good relationships," I responded. Quinn said he agreed. "However, Jack is a straight boy. Not a straight boy who might come out in a few years. He is completely off my radar. But I am impressed that he would go so far as to allow a gay boy to kiss him. That's very progressive for a guy his age. Very impressive," I stated. Quinn agreed with that too and we began to ponder Quinn's past when he thought he was straight but knew deep down he was going to be like guys, especially when he convinced his best friend to fuck him.

Ryan shouted at us again, "Can you two please circle back to my problem? This is all about ME after all!" We quieted again. "I'm serious when I say he could have laid me on my back and fucked me with everything he had. He is the coolest guy I have EVER met! I don't know what to do about it!" Ryan said desperately.

"Listen Ryan, you definitely had a moment. You got what you asked for using a sophisticated strategy but you have to accept the terms of your agreement. It was a fantasy, it's stored in your database but life goes on. Bradley is your boy back home. This will do no good for him. Take what you've learned and progress. That's all there is," I said, giving him the `eyebrows raised, serious look.' In fact, I could bring him back here today and with the romance and ambience of the party gone, you two might not know what to do or might not even want to hang out. Things in the moonlight are much different in the sun!" I told him. Quinn liked that.

"I hear you. So I texted him back just acting regular and hopefully we will stay friends. He told me if I come back for a football game next year at Brevard Stadium I could maybe stay with him. That would be so awesome."

"That's progress Ryan. Keep goals in place to sustain a long distance friendship. In the meantime, go home and show Bradley you found some Christmas spirit," and I gave him a wink. He knows what happened last night and I know that's on his mind too. He and I will talk about that later by phone.

I told Quinn to hop in the shower while there was hot water. I went downstairs to find much of the family stirring around. I could hear the quiet conversations about the night before and everyone was satisfied. Before the Suttons headed out for the airport, Brandon and I scheduled some time to help him get started with his book. We thought outlining would help him prioritize and I am hoping he will really get that project off the ground. He took pictures of the pictures at the corporate office and of Quinn's estate notes.

I watched as he took The Herald newspaper from the early 80's with the front page headline, "Brevard Jumps Ship!" and stored it in his computer case. It made me quiver due to a vivid memory of the day that edition was delivered.

Ryan came down and met up with his parents. He sat on the living room couch with his dad just as Becky, his mother, came over and took me by the arm and led me out onto the south portico.

"You did it, Ben. You pulled off the perfect storm for the family. Are you satisfied?" she asked.

"I am. Very. And with a number of things I have seen this weekend, not excluding your family dynamic," I told her.

"Improved," she said. "Charles was just too weak on the topic but something seemed to move him into gear. Progress," she said with a head tilt toward me.

"I think with Charles, a nudge and a budge is better than a slam and a wham," I told her, and laughed. She laughed too.

"I agree," she said. "And Ryan? What do you want from that? He's putting a lot of emphasis on your relationship and I don't know what to make of it. Is he ok, Ben?" she asked.

"I want something short of part custody, Becky," I said laughing again. "If he wants to see me between semesters or for a long weekend, I want him on a plane. If he needs us there, Quinn and I will be on a plane. And, as long as he is growing, participating and succeeding, you can justify giving him the time he wants with me. At what point he declines, shuts down, or becomes destructive, you can restrict him. It seems unusual, this thing between him and me but it's real. It really is. I can never be happy watching him become a giant from a far distance and from the sidelines. You understand don't you, Becky?

She was smiling, her hair blowing with the breeze. "I do understand and it is unusual. It's been noticed by the family, particularly my mother-in-law," she said.

"So?" I asked.

"Nothing further on that point. It's my call," she said. "You're right, as long as he's developing as he is, he should have some rights. You know about the possible boyfriend?"

"Of course, I'm encouraging that all that I can. And,Becky, I promise you I will not attempt to override your authority or give him any outs but if he asks for my opinion, perspective, or guidance, I will give it."

"Fair enough,: she said. "And he won't be imposing on you to visit?" she asked.

"Absolutely not! There is the chance that this is all some fantastic phase that he will outgrow, Becky. I am prepared for that. I will never force him to come or do anything if he doesn't want to. And honestly, Becky, there is more than just my love for him. I have come to respect you very much. You are strong and dedicated and focused and I admire you more than you know. I hope that's a friendship we won't soon forget," I said quietly.

Her eyes welled for just a moment and she told me to cut it out. She didn't want an allergy attack before she flew. We chuckled and she took my arm to walk back into the house.

As the morning moved forward, cars began leaving the estate, but not without a lot of fanfare and trumpeting of the family's grand evening at Brevard. This would be their last time and it is an awful shame that they let so much time slip by when they could have been enjoying "their little place in the country," their "little piece of earth" all these years. Much regret would be felt along these lines for a long time to come but the family had a new chapter, based on relationships, not real estate. I will give you the final days in the next chapter. Thanks, and I hope you enjoyed this installment. It comes with a lot of emotion, this one does.

Next: Chapter 34

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