Caring is Creepy

By Cade Watson

Published on Jun 23, 2011



Note: This story is a work of fiction. The characters, names, incidents, dialogue, and plot are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is purely coincidental.

My brother and I were never especially close. We were cordial with each other, sure, but we never really played catch together or anything. To be honest it would have been difficult to find anyone more unlike me, physically anyways. He was tall and handsome. His blond hair was cut short, and somehow always perfectly messy. His athletic physique always showed through his clothes. He was practically perfect in my eyes, and I always did look up to him.

I was just average to his Adonis. While he got our mothers golden locks, I took after our father with my walnut hair. My average body was nothing compared to his baseball and basketball toned figure. The only place where I felt I had any edge was my eyes. His eyes were dark brown, while mine were bright blue. He was fairly popular in school, which worked to my advantage some times. He was something of a jock, so I didn't get messed with too much. He was a junior and I was a freshman, so I figured by the time he graduated I would be old enough to be free from torment from older students.

He had a girlfriend, Cyndi, and she great. She was pretty, in a doll kind of way. Her blond hair always seemed as perfect as his, so I guess they looked good together. She played tennis, and she actually taught me the basics last summer. She typically tried to include me in their activities, which mildly bugged Tyler sometimes, but was great to me. Her parents were fairly rich, so Tyler was always getting invited to events with her family. That spring break he got invited on a week long cruise to Bermuda with Cyndi and her family, so I was left alone during the day while our parents were at work.

"If you go in my room to use the PS3, don't leave a mess." Tyler warned before he left. "I'll bring you back something" he gave me a quick hug before hugging our parents as he walked out the door with his bags early in the morning on the first day of spring break.

"I'd better get going too!" My mom declared as she got up from her coffee at the kitchen table. "I've got a nine-o-clock meeting with a client, and these new houses aren't going to sell themselves! Please don't stay inside all day, and don't drink too many sodas. And be sure to brush your teeth! "

"Okay mom, I'll do my best" I said sarcastically as she dashed out the door.

"Cody, do as your mother says." Dad said sternly before his face melted to his usual smile. "Here, I'm taking your mother out for dinner tonight, so this should be enough for pizza, and you can rent a game if you want. Is your bike working okay?" He asked as he handed me $30.

"Yes sir, everything's in working order. Thanks dad." I smiled back as I slipped the money in my pocket. "Have a nice time tonight"

"Thanks champ. Have fun today." Dad called to me as he headed out the door.

And that began it. I was home alone, all day long. The freedom excited me really, I could do (nearly) anything I wanted! Why I wouldn't I spend my day playing Street Fighter on my brothers Playstation? I dashed upstairs and crept into his room. I'm not sure why I felt the need to sneak in, he wasn't home and he practically gave me permission.

Because he kept the blinds shut, Tyler's room was pleasantly dark. His dark blue walls and queen sized bed were as inviting as the 32" television and the promise of high definition fighting action. I plopped on his blue comforter and started up the system. I played a few rounds of Super Street Fighter IV (as Vega of course) and became engrossed in the game before too long. A loud noise shook me back to reality.

When I heard the knock I ran down stairs to see who it was. When I opened the door, the sunlight outside was blocked by a towering figure and warm air came blowing in from outside.

"Heya Codeman, is Tyler around?" the figure asked. It was Randall. Randall was my brothers best friend. They were on the baseball team together and his athletic training showed through his tight t-shirt. I've known him for most of my life, and I liked that he was usually pretty nice to me. I'm sure most girls found him attractive, but his girlfriends seemed to be few and far between.

"Sorry, he isn't. Didn't he tell you he was going on that cruise with Cyndi and her family?" I asked. I motioned him in and shut the door. "Don't wanna get harassed about the power bill." I explained as I shut the door.

"Fuck, I forgot all about that stupid cruise. Kinda puts a damper on our spring break plans." Randall sighed as he lightly smacked his forehead. As he lifted his arms up, I couldn't help but notice the patch of skin that showed out from under the bottom of his shirt.

"Yeah? What were you gonna do?" I inquired. "Do you want something to drink?" as I walked to the kitchen. Randall sat down in the middle of the couch and leaned back.

"Well, I guess you are in high school and cool enough to not rat us out. Sterling Baum is throwing a huge party tomorrow night, a kegger. Supposed to be the most badass thing all year. He was gonna be my wingman. Oh well. Thanks!" he called out as I tossed him a can of coke.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, he was gonna be my ride to well, anywhere. I'm stuck biking it now, and the mall is a little far for that." I sighed. In two years I could get my license, and I couldn't wait.

"That sucks Codeman, but I can give you rides if you want, if I'm not at work." Randall offered.

"Really? That would be awesome! Thanks!" I replied excitedly. "Where are you working now anyways?" Randall was constantly changing jobs. He had probably worked at every restaurant and store in our town. He never got fired or anything, he just got bored and decided to go somewhere else.

"Starbucks now. It kind of sucks, but hey, free coffee." He explained.

"Ugh, coffee? How can you drink that stuff?" I moaned. Randall laughed at me.

"You're taste buds haven't developed to appreciate the finer things in life yet." He explained while gesturing in what I guess was supposed to be a sophisticated way. We both laughed.

"So, what are you doing now?" I asked.

"Well, I was gonna see if Tyler wanted to hang out before I had to go to work, but I guess that's not going to happen." He sighed.

"What about me? " I asked, slightly offended. I mean he said it himself, Im in high school now, and he wasnt that much older than me. Why not me? He seemed slightly taken aback at the suggestion.

"Sorry Cody, I just figured you had plans with some of your freshman friends." he replied apologeticly. I in fact did not have any plans, or many friends at this point.

"Nah, all my friends are out of town, vacations and stuff." I lied. In reality, most of my 'friends' ostracized me after a rumor got spread around. High school kids could be vicious.

"Well, sure then. I have a few hours before work. You up for Street Fighter?" Randall asked.

"The question is, are you ready to get owned." I replied with a huge grin. Randall and I ran back up to Tyler's room and resumed my game. My Vega and his El Fuerte went round and round for a while, we both racked up a few wins. I laid on my stomach and he sat with his legs stretched out. It was nice hanging out with him. He wasn't like my other friends. He consistently made me laugh, and he was pretty good at Street Fighter. You could tell that he and my brother had spent some time honing their skills against each other. We made small talk while we played. He asked about my classes, recounted memories about his days as a 9th grader, he had some of the teachers I have now. The hours flew by.

"It's already eleven? Fuck, I'm gonna be late." Randal called out when he looked up at the clock. He paused the game and got up. "Are you just gonna do this all day?" he asked.

"Well... yeah, probably. Why?" I replied.

"No way dude, you need to get out and do something fun! A boy your age should be embracing nature or the sun or something like that. I don't know. Why don't you stop by Starbucks in a like, an hour? I can get you free stuff." He said with a smile.

"Sure!" That sounded great to me. I wasn't sure how long Street Fighter could keep me interested, and getting out sounded like fun. Coffee sucks, but hanging out with Randall some more sounded good to me.

"Awesome, I'll see you then." Randall called as he headed out the door.

Yes, another story. But I fully plan on finishing this one!

I'm desperate for comments, suggestions, questions, criticisms, or if you just want to say hi :) email me at I'll try my best to respond. Part II is coming soon!

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