Castle Mayfare

By Vincent Dirk

Published on Aug 10, 2021


DISCLAIMER: this story is fiction and original. It is part of an on-going story with other chapters to be included. The characters are based on It is pure fantasy and it includes gay male erotica.

All of the content is original. All names, places and all the stuff came from my mind and if there's any resemblance to something you know of is pure coincidential.

If you're under 18, please leave. If that's not your case, enjoy it.

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Chapter 01. Hear, Hear

The Temple had been built in the exact center of Castle Mayfare. It was one of those buildings that would last through History because it was History itself. White marble, gray stones and sculptures of enormous men held the temple up. It was a huge square and its roof with golden work could be seen even outside the castle's walls. The giants who held the thing in their backs were all male, but none were the same as the other. Their bodies varied in shape and size, but not in height. Their cocks too were different and done with the uttermost respect and attention to detail. The great artist Saturninus and his army of pupils have taken two whole years to finish and it was easy to understand why. If the outside was majestic, the insides were the product of feverish dreams of a horny mind.

The Temple extended forth and it had paintings all over its walls – including the enormous dome. The paintings depict mostly men, but also women, engaging in all manners of sexual pleasures. It was a trip from heaven to hell, with depictions of angels and demons and all kind of fairies and mystical creatures. Some of the faces were recognizable – Verge Mayfare, the late owner of the castle. And also the young features of Lord Prosperus Mayfare as the owner of an army of men that were ready to serve him in all kinds of possible pleasures.

That day, a gentle spring breeze blew through the open windows of the Temple and from inside, the sound of music came through. The Temple was surrounded by the main Castle garden and most of it was filled with men holding glasses and cups of wine while servants passed through, their asses and cocks and tits being touched and squeezed by drunken nobles and their fellows. The sounds from that place would keep even the surrounding village alive through the next couple days. After all, the Spring had arrived and as year after year, a party was held to welcome it.

Through the waves of men, a young lad with his lean chest bare, arms painted in a multitude of colorful cocks, passed through. He wore an elegant skirt, all black. It swifted through the wind as he passed through on a rush. That was Galieri. A young, pretty lad who had the most devious smile on Earth. And a love for wine that no grown man could beat. His cheeks were red as he climbed on the foot of one of the marble giants, his hand holding the man's thick, hard phallus.

"Hear, hear." He screamed.

The voice of all those men started to dwindle.

"Hear, hear." He repeated, but this time his face turned towards the door and the music inside came to a halt as well.

"Here comes the Spring and with it, the glory of our days. Here comes the men and the women who bend their knees in piety to the god of meat. The only true god that keeps us wet at night while dreaming of a succulent piece of..." He paused and the whole crowd held a breath, watching him with intent. "... flesh."

Galieri smiled that devil's smile, the hand that held the marble cock moved as if it stroked it.

"Now, hear, hear." His voice was loud again, a scream that echoed through the ground, hitting the stone walls of the ancient castle. "The love days are upon us and the doors of the temple have been opened. Now spread your legs, get stiff, show us your shame and we will drink to it until we forget our names."

There was a thunderous clap and laughter but the fool was not done.

"Hear, Hear."

The silence befell the crowd once more. Galieri watched, his guileful smile with white teeth that shine under the sun.

"The doors to the temple are open and the beautiful bride has been dressed in white. The bride comes. And once her veil is put up and the groom have her first kiss, the Lady Spring will smile upon us and a great year will embrace all the ones who follow Her dearly. Come. Leave all your horny minds to settle for a while. The wedding is to begin. No more hidden in the woods, but here, under the eye of our Lords, with the generosity of Prosperus, the true heir to the King of Old. Come, come, enter. Or else the bride won't come, and gloom will be the only company we all have."

Without waiting, Galieri jumped back to the floor and his swift feet took him through the enormous and heavy bronze doors, opened to the crowd that followed the fool while the musicians, all standing around the balcony, started playing another bawdy ballad of a hero who had a ship that led him from port to port to meet one lover who would give him a welcome that filled his loose ass bottom with cum.

From the balcony where the musicians were, they could see the waves of men that arrived from the main door and the other two side doors. There were mostly men in the crowd, but some women could be spotted with their hair held high. There were also men who dressed as women and women who were dressed as men, s" to tell a precise number was difficult, specially if the Lord of the House kept the wine flowing upstairs to make the music more and more raunchy. All in all, despite the growing number of guests, the temple was not fully crowded. There were nobles from mostly all Houses and all regions – father or sons and even grandfathers. There were also commoners of all kinds: stableboys, merchants, soldiers and guards. On the day of the marriage though, it didn't matter. No one there was allowed to care and the fun was in the dressing up and in the pretending to be something you were not.

There was a repertoir of songs that were closely related to Castle Mayfare also. The fame of the castle was old and somehow cursed – the King who created it lived centuries before, when the huge Empire was still a short Kingdom. The King, a man from House Mayfare, had built the Castle to have all his lovers, male and female, in one single place. The Church damned this condute, of course. And not much was talked about it. The Mayfare lost the power some centuries later, but kept being a great House through the ages. And despite their piety, the stories kept flowing and that Castle had the raunchiest stories, despite it all. And the stories turned to songs, songs that were now being played to that gathering crowd.

The balcony ran all around the Temple, but the Musicians were in the left corner, mostly. They watched the people enjoying themselves there while they sometimes enjoyed themselves up there. A particular scene attracted the attention of one of the female singers. She leaned over the ledge to watch as one old man was untying the laces of a young man's breaches, pulling them down so he could drop down to his knees and eat the young lad's ass right there. She pointed it out and a loud cheering surrounded the two, who did not stop, despite the attention.

"Do I see Lord Seleucus enjoying a stableboy's ass?" Was the talk that could be heard over the laughter and the praise. The old Lord Seleucus just raised his thumb up. It was in fact him, and he was, indeed, enjoying quite a lot the taste of that young lad's hole.

A tap on the side of the leader of the musicians group made him stop playing his guitar. Galieri stood by him, his dark hair all messed up from running around, sweat dripping over his snow white skin, his skinny chest heaving from all the effort.

"The Marriage one. The Marriage one now."

The leader of the musicians, a wide man with red cheeks and a bald head, made a movement with his hands and all his troop were suddenly getting ready. The woman who was watching Lord Seleucus got up straight, and after taking a deep breath, let out a loud tavern voice.

"Up secret aisles has she walked A bride s" different the saints can only turn But mother Spring has watched the weeping And came to her to offer an end to the suffering. My, my, why do you cry? The bride lifts the veil, and a hairy face appears Beard and mustache and hairy chest, all in white like a maid Mother Spring, my man miss me, The bad Father has turned us away, has locked him up, He wants his head. But Mother Spring all I want is his love. To lay in his arms, to warm his cock with my butt. I want to make my Man happy, Mother Spring But this world doesn't let me be. Oh, Mother Spring, please help me."

The song was a bit more soft than the previous one, but the words would draw out a chuckle or two while the lords gathered around the center of the Temple. On its altar, one man in brown robes entered, his feet not so certain and his cheeks, almost hidden by a thick black beard, were red from all the wine he had drunk so far. He waved his hand, pointing towards the main door and people started walking to the sides, leaving a passage as a person dressed in white came through, a veil covering most of its body, the white dress dragging on the floor.

The people there, most of them, seemed to know what to do. The Spring Marriage was, in a way, the beginning of the year for Castle Mayfare and it was always celebrated in the beginning of May. The marriage was known through the land, but it was never talked about openly and hardly anyone could tell which were the bride and groom of the year. Despite the number of people, they were all loyal to the event as much as they were to the owner of the castle. And even though the main problem was the Church itself, even the fathers, freis and bishops who came by in such a day would do all in their power to not let the Church finish their event.

Holding a beautiful bouquet of wild flowers, the bride continued as the song went on.

"Mother Spring ran through the lands And the Man was released. Mother Spring took him to the woods Where the bride weeped. Mother Spring watched them hold hands And cry of joy in each others embrace Mother Spring, I'm getting married Mother Spring, please save my love."

The song continued while the bride walked to the altar and Frei Oberon, a man who was often visiting Lord Prosperus, held out his hands before making the symbol of Mother Spring with a rose he had been holding since the morning. A rose given to him by the groom, who stepped out of the crowd. This year, the groom was Lord Claudius La Pucelle. The man was in his early forties but was already, mostly bald. The few, short hair in his head was black as the trimmed beard he used. Having come from one of the lands of the southern part of the Kingdom, his skin was the color of honey and his eyes were pitch black. The clothes he wore were tight and showed a bit of fat, but despite the rugged looks, there was a certain beauty and charm. And despite the rough look, he wore a drunken smile filled with deep love.

He stood by the bride after the Frei gave him back the rose.

"Lord La Pucelle, here is the bride you have asked in fervent dreams to Mother Spring." The man nodded, a knot in his throat that brought tears to his eyes. "I hope those are tears of joy, my friend, because today, here, in the Temple of the old gods, you are to take the bride and make the bride yours. Forever. Because this chosen love of yours is beautiful and beauty is what makes Mother Spring happy."

The crowd had gathered closer, but they were all silent. Even as the Frei had to deal with hiccups.

"I bless thee. And I bless thee." Frei Oberon put a hand on the two standing in front of him. "Now open your hear, Lord Claudius, and tell your lover of all the feelings you have."

Lord Claudius nodded and turned towards the bride.

"My love." He paused, smiled as he tried to control the flow of tears. But they just kept coming and so, Lord Claudius, who had already done such a thing before and who had already had children to take care of, maned up, cleared his throat, and let the words come out. "I have lived a whole life before you but on the night, right here in this castle, that you came to me, I realized that it was a life incomplete. I remember those glory days when we first met and the eyes of love you spared for me, even when there were others among us. But even with others, whenever you looked at me, I felt flames that could consume the world. This year you visited my House and you met my family and oh, it was so beautiful to see you holding my baby. And I knew, with all the certainty a man can have, that you were the one to take. So I grew a rose and I prayed every night to Mother Spring and when you told me yes, I was in heaven."

It was not only Claudius who cried as the words were gone. Tears ran down the cheeks of most of the guests.

"Now the promise, Lord Claudius." Frei Oberon gentle patted the man's shoulder.

"Oh, yes." He cleared his throat once more. "I promise you, I would give up all to have you. My life, my wife, my House. My gold, my clothes, my self. I would live under the roots of the house of love Mother Spring could build for us, if you only have patience to live with me, by me, for me. I promise thee, the man I am is but a mask, what is underneath is the love I bare for you. And to it I hold until my dying breath."

The stout Lord Claudius pulls a kerchief from his pocket and dries his cheeks. When he is done, Frei Oberon is patting his back once more. "The veil." He whispers.

With shaky hands, Lord Claudius pulls up the veil and underneath young Lord Antenor DeArmado stares back at his loved one. As the veil is pushed aside, the crowd gathers closer to see Antenor as the bride. It was his choice to be in the white dress – most men choose it every year. And Antenor has never been so happy about himself. The veil reveils a dress that holds the hairy chest and a moustache that glisten with oil decorates that manly face who has fought many battles and has received the praise of great knights and generals. He too is from a House by the south and his skin is also a bit less white, but not as honey-colored as Claudius. But he too has deep black eyes that were humid with tears. He clears his throat and when he speaks, his sturdy voice is shaking a bit.

"My Lord. It was my first year in Castle Mayfare and I was filled with a passion to live that I have never had in my life. But when I walked into your bed that first night, I surpassed all of my expectations. Your hands, your mouth, your scent, your hair, your cock. It has marked me for good and I have been yours the moment you filled me with your seed. You make me fulfill my destiny and you awoke me to the real world, to love. I thank you with all my heart and I give it to you, full of what I am, to do as you bid."

Frei Oberon was patting the bride's shoulder. "The vows."

Lord Antenor repeated all the words that Claudius had previously said and when he finished, the crowd exploded in cheers and applause. On the balcony, some of the musicians had swollen faces from all the crying, but the fool Galieri was pinching their asses. "Go, sing." And soon music filled the walls of the temple and slipped through the opened windows. The marriage that officialized the beginning of Castle Mayfare's yearly schedule had come to an end. Frei Oberon tied the two lovers with a golden rope and as they kissed, the religious man gave each a silver thin collar with a small ruby stone that they were to wear for all eternity.

When all that was done, the Frei pulled Lord Antenor in and gave the bride a lustful kiss, their tongues meeting up and wrestling through before the Frei pulled also Lord Claudius and soon the three were kissing together, Lord Claudius' hand feeling up his bride's ass. It was the start of the party and soon, all the activities that had started or being teased, were happening. Men were undressed. A woman dressed in white shirt and breaches was fingering another lady's exposed cunt while a man licked the wetness that playful act resulted in.

As Frei Oberon slipped from that three-way kiss, he moved to the front of the altar and with both hands, he lifted the white dress, gathering all the cloth he could until the hairy ass and strong thighs of Lord Antenor were exposed. Men were gathering around the altar, pulling the two men apart. As Frei Oberon starts touching and kissing the exposed ass of the bride, the men rip apart the clothes that Lord Claudius was wearing. The sound of them ripping apart can be listened even through the music as more servants walk in with more cups of wine and bowls of fruits. When the pieces of cloth have all been pulled apart, the men pushed a naked Lord Claudius back to the center, just in time to catch his lover bent over with the young Frei's face disappearing between the round curves of his big ass. Lord Claudius' cock – a thick thing, but not so long and almost hidden in the wilderness of his black pubes – was hard and he offered it to his lover, who got it in his mouth with a verocious need that could hardly be described. Lord Antenor's lips sucked around the base, as the tip of that dick poked his throat. The young lord could also feel, deep in his ass, that avid tongue that slurped around his hole.

Frei Oberon, who had once come to the Castle to convince a young Lord Prosperus to repent found himself a lustful lover, one who adored the taste and consistency of a male's ass.

Before long though, other men started to come in, pulling Frei Oberon away. Most of them had been more than once to the Castle and they knew each other quite well. So it was no wonder that many of them would like to give Lord Antenor's ass a kiss, after all, it was one of the asses that was quite well-regarded by all who had the chance to savour it. And being then Lord Claudius, it would require quite a lot of convincing to have an opportunity again. They imagined.

But the truth was that standing with his cock in his bride's mouth, Lord Claudius felt radiant and excited to see the attention his lover got. In previous years, before the rose, he had shared Antenor with a multitude of men. Even when Antenor had visited, they had fucked guards together. Their love knew no possession, as the law of nature that should be followed. Still, Lord Claudius knew that if he didn't stopped those men, he would not be the first to shoot a load in that bride.

So he pulled his cock out of Lord Antenor's mouth and when he stepped close to that ass, most of the men stepped back, giving him room to stand behind his loved one and aim his thick head into that pucker, pushing just to feel the muscles opening slightly, eating his cock inch by inch until he was all in and his lover was screaming like a mad man, holding cocks in both hands while crying of joy. "This cock is mine now. This cock is all mine now."

Lord Claudius' hands grabbed Lord Antenor's waist, holding the folds of dress back as his lover assumed a better position, legs spread apart in such a way he held nothing back against receiving that cock in. He moved back and forth with strong thrusts that pushed his lover's body forward and made him scream louder. He could feel the hole opening to his cock and than pressing over it, chewing it in a way that his toes would curl. Feeling something wet falling over his hairy back, Lord Claudius' look up at the balcony, where the young fool Galieri aims his cock at the crowd of men and women that gathered to see the main couple fucking, a yellow stream of piss falling over them. Between protests and cheers, some of the nobles turn their tongue upwards, tasting the rain while Claudius attention aims back at his loved one's ass, spreading the cheeks a bit to shove his cock in deeper, holding his breath a little just in time to feel it happening, a wave of something that made his whole body shake until he was shooting a deep fat load inside Antenor.

When he pulled back and some of the cum dripped out, he slapped the ass and spoke out loud. "The first of many."

And indeed it was the case. He stepped to the side, his cock going soft while he held the ass cheeks apart, exposing a hole that had a small gap, an inviting small gap, that was soon filled up with another man's cock. When Claudius looked up to see who, he noticed the Frei's brown robes lifted, a small hairy gut right over the ass of the bride as the Frei started fucking him.

A few claps started towards the direction of the door and people started stepping aside, opening another way for an old fool, dressed in very tiny smallcloths that held a heavy cock and balls that escaped through the sides. He was old, clearly. His beard was white and most of the few hair over his chest were too. Despite that, he was strong and so damn handsome, with green eyes that shone bright. He had a multicolored cap over his head and around his neck, a five colors cloth that fell over his chest and shoulders. He walked to the altar and Frei Oberon pulled his hard cock out of Antenor's ass.

All the attention was at the new fool that barged in. Everyone knew who that was. Caspar, the one who had always been by Prosperus' side. He clapped his hand, his face serious. If rumours were to be believed, he had once been a very famous general or something. The scars from battles were surely in his strong body. He looked around until silence fell upon the party.

"Greetings, my Lords. My Ladies." His eyes turned to the couple in the middle. "Lord DeArmado. Lord La Pucelle. All bend your knees to the Master of the House, Lord Prosperus."

In the altar, it was immediate – every men and women who were standing there were on their knees, eyes quickly travelling to the main door, waiting. A figure appeared – Lord Prosperus. He was a forty-five-year-old man, his bulky presence as elegant as when he was young and handsome. Despite the weight that had taken him and made him a bit more round of the gut, he still had that face that made men so devote to him. A gentle and kind face, but also sturdy and brave. A face that was covered by some black hair but let his blue eyes shine bright. He entered and more and more people knelt. It didn't matter their importance or which House they belonged to. At the Temple, everyone knelt to the Lords of Mayfare. Prosperus wore a strange and colorful suit and as he walked through the way of kneeling people, they saw that the breaches had an opening on the back that revealed his ass – a big, round and firm ass, slightly covered by hair.

He walked with calm and when he reached the altar, he made a movement with his hands and everyone there got up. He looked at the couple that stood beside him.

"Important dealings have kept me from coming earlier but I am sure the blessings of Frei Oberon have been beautiful." His voice was loud, deep, but gentle. He pulled Lord Antenor to his arms and hugged him tight. "Both of you know of the love I have for you. When Claudius told me he had grown a rose to give it to you, I weeped. Another love had grown in my gardens and I give you two my blessings now."

A naked Claudius joined into the hug and Prosperus gave each one a kiss on the cheek. The arms of the two lords were tied around Prosperus and neither was willing to go that easy it would seem. On Prosperus side, the older lord kept his arms around all those shoulders. He was a good hugger and there was not one guest there that would say otherwise. To be in Prosperus' arms was to know a safety that was so strong because it was also so honest. On his left cheek, Prosperus was suddenly aware of tears. Lord Antenor was crying in his white dress, mumbling some thank you words that left his trembling plump lips fast. Prosperus held the couple tighter and after a moment whispered between the two heads.

"It is a pleasure beyond words to have your love celebrated, my dears. Now, now. It is no time for tears – there is a whole party here that want to cherish your love too."

The two other men finally let go of Prosperus, who still had one hand at each of the two men's shoulder. His eyes went from one face to the next and the crowd of guests lingered in silence, watching enchanted to the scene. It was hardly unusual to see Prosperus showing his infinite love, but it never cease to amaze those ladies and lords who shared of that love. Each one there listened to the whispered words, or tried, as if those were directed to themselves. That was the wish of their hearts.

"Now go and celebrate. Fuck and don't forget to say thanks for the infinite love of the gods." Prosperus kissed each men on their foreheads before finally turning back to the crowd, who was ready to hear the same speach once more after all these years, while the new guests wondered what Prosperus would come up with next, after all, the party itself had already convinced them to come next year once more.

"A long, long time ago, before the War of the Three Queens and the unification of our Kingdom of Gerean, there was one King, Leonardo Mayfare, who was guided by the Old Gods, and came to this hill to build his mighty castle. King Leonardo was only 25 when he came with an army that had been unbeatable in those long years of Dynasties Wars and his power had spread through other Kingdoms and while the Three Queens fought from the West and North, King Leonardo continued to grow in power and popularity. He had an army and it is said that when this castle was finally completed, he brought all his generals to live here and all the surrounding houses were made from the soldiers and their families loyalty. There was a huge city and everyone knew that in the castle, King Leonardo kept his loved ones, or, his lovers. It was no secret that the King was a lustful young general. Men. Women. All that lived here were lovers – his and between themselves. Legend has it that these bonds were created by burying beneath this castle goblets full of the King's and his lovers' seed. An offer to the mighty gods of old, gods that took their forces from Nature itself and blessed the men with infinital love."

Prosperus' voice filled the silent room and every person there listened with intent, some with closed eyes to imagine these lost paradise that Prosperus could only try to recreate.

"This army conquered the lands and ended the war of the Three Queens. King Leonardo was the Emperor of Gerean. But his reign was not easy. The Western Lands had strong Lords who were faithful followers of a new puritane religion."

Frei Oberon lowered his eyes. He had let his brown robes cover his hard cock when the story started and he weeped as the words hit him. He was part of this new religion who had taken the whole empire, turned into a Kingdom and banished all the other religions before moving south to conquer the Paradise Fold and the Forever Islands. Prosperus was looking at him for a moment. He shook his head, sad that this was what had become of them all. If he did have the power he wanted, Prosperus would have started a real war. But the King and the Royal family – his own cousins – were strongly tied to these pious men and it would require a whole new war to pull them out. Still – if his words could change minds, if the power of olds could return, he would try.

"Betrayed by one of his sons, King Leonardo was executed for improper acts. The son, King Faeron, worked with the Faith and for the next centuries, a relentless witch hunt was instated. The magic we once knew was gone and we turned into sad creatures, away from our true form, our true Lords." There was an itch of anger as he continued to speak, his voice raising as the veins on his throat started to become visible. "But Castle Mayfare resisted and two other of Leonardo's children came here and after a ritual of sacrifice, they promised to keep the Old Magic alive. And generation after generation, the Lords of Mayfare have done so in secret, with few allies year after year, surviving only because of its name and connection to the Kings. But this changed with my father, Lord Verges, who raised me to believe in a world of love as a natural state. He started inviting you to come and experience this, hoping that the Old Magic would not be just a legend, but the truth. We must take happiness in our hands and spread it. We must!"

Prosperus stopped, taking a deep breath as he watched all the people in front of him, watching him intently. This was his most feverish speach to date. He could feel the flames that burn inside him finally consuming the world.

"The hour approaches." There were quick whispers that crossed the crowd. Was he scaring them? He never asked for them to turn their backs to the religion, it would be too much, it would cost him his head. But he wanted them all to understand that this was not just the delight. I hope that all the pleasure you have once taken here will make you remember of the world we truly aspire. For all."

Prosperus was looking at his fool. The old and loyal Caspar. He nodded and the man nodded in return. Prosperus raised both hands in the air.

"But let us celebrate and unite ourselves more before the hour comes. Music, please. And wine." The sound of voices suddenly irrupted all around him, cheering his name, calling for him and his blessing, his love. "Who am I going to make love to tonight?"

Another round of cheers and screams, people begging and pushing to be the chosen ones, to be his. Prosperus laughed, touched hands and faces before he turned to the couple who stood with tears still running down their cheeks.

"My Lord. I promise you here, in this altar, that when the hour comes, me and my lover will lend you our power. I promise." Lord Claudius was on his knees and Prosperus had to pull him up to his feet, kissing both wet cheeks as he smiled.

"My good friend Claudius, your words warm my heart. But enough of crying. I suspect our beautiful Antenor deserves more. More cocks?" Antenor laughed and nodded, lifting his dress and showing his ass to the party.

"Would My Lord give me the honor of his seed?" Lord Claudius asked as he stood next to his lover, spreading the buttcheeks apart to show a hole that twitched and winked inviting any men who dared.

Prosperus worked on the laces of his special breaches and walked towards that hole, spitting on his hand several times to make his dick wet before pushing it at the gapping used hole, spreading more cum out as he shoved his cock in. His belly fit perfectly on the curve of Antenor's lower back as he mounted the bride, grabbing his shoulders to make sure every inch of cock was entering that warm hole.

"Lord Claudius, please, my ass." Prosperus grunted, moving his hips slowly as he watched Claudius move to his back, kneeling and spreading his exposed cheeks before diving in to eat his hole with a lust that only men in that castle could have. The tongue swirled around his pucker and as he moved back and forth, his crack was sliding up and down Claudius' face and nose.

All around him, men and women were going for it and when they seemed to stop, a glass of wine would appear to refresh them so they could once more start with it. The music lasted throughout the night and a group of people left one of the castle gates in the early morning to go watch the sun rise by the lake.

Sitting on the altar while eating a piece of cake, a naked Lord Prosperus talked to his fool Caspar. He had lost count of how many cocks he had sucked and how many holes he had eaten. There were still loads of cum inside his hole, he was sure. He passed a goblet of water to his fool.

"I feel as if a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Would my father be proud, Caspar?"

"I am sure he would, my Lord. And also the gods."

Lord Prosperus finished eating and licked his thick fingers before looking at Caspar.

"I do hope Frei Oberon will keep his word. And our visitor seems ready. This year we will have another Temple built. The third in this land! In a year or two we will be able to bring the peasants with us and before I die, I promise you, Caspar, I will have the hearts of all my people aimed towards the old Gods. I promised my dad this, Caspar. And I will."

Giving his hand to the fool, Prosperus was up on his feet. He could feel the exhaustion after another big orgy coming to his heavy body but with the help of his faithful companion, old Lord Prosperus left the temple and entered his castle, going for a long bath before being tugged into his bed. The celebrations of Spring were only starting and the old wizard had told him that this was the year when everything would change. Closing his eyes, Lord Prosperus dreamed of his father and him walking towards a tall man with a crown, who received both of them with a warm smile.

Next: Chapter 2

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