Caught In An Awkward Position

By Joe Blow

Published on Jan 23, 2016



Trying hand at writing something again. If any comments please feel free to message me.


There's a feeling of relief to letting go. To just letting letting things happen and not getting wrapped up in choosing to do one thing or another.

I learned to appreciate this over time.

Name is Adam, feel like a fairly average white guy in his 20's, and some time ago I was caught by a cop jacking off. I had been working fairly hard that day and finally was calling it a night around 1 am, but had been fighting to urge to just play with myself due to having seen so many hot women that day. It was like there'd been a convention of supermodels in town or something. As I was heading home I finally just couldn't help it and pulled off down a side street in front of some houses and parked myself so I could let loose. I had already jacked it a few times that day, but it felt like my dick was hard as a rock and wouldn't let me think straight til I came already.

After I looked around a bit, I pulled off a sock and pulled out my dick to jack into it to keep things a bit tidy. Couldn't help think of that one girl in that tight shirt whose breasts seemed the size of her head, and closed my eyes thinking about her as I worked my dick. Then It happened. There was a tapping on the window and I saw a guy wish a flashlight peering in. I couldn't make much out, just that he had a serious look on his face and had a wide muscular build.

The officer said, "hello sir, may I ask what it is exactly you're doing?"

"Uh ah, I was just resting for a moment, was feeling a little drowsy and seemed better to just take a short nap rather than drive tired"

"I see..."

He just gave a serious look as he turned the flashlight off, he was white and looked like he was in his 40's.

"Can I see your license?"

I handed it over, weakly smiling.

"So can I ask what this is about?"

"...we've had a few robberies in the area so it's more than a bit suspicious seeing someone out here like this"

"Hope you don't think I had something to do with something like that?" I said nervously

"No seems unlikely the robber would just sit around masturbating"

I froze

"You realize that's a class A misdemeanor?"

"I...I did not, no sir"

"Can you step out of the car?"

I just adjusted myself and zipped up my pants, then got out as told.

"Are you arresting me?"

He seemed an inch or two taller than me as he stood at probably 6'2", but it was hard to not feel tiny with my skinny build when I saw how thick just his arms were with muscle.

He put on a slight smile, "you look like a nice enough kid, but I can't just let you off without any sort of punishment for this, there's kids in this neighborhood and how would it be if someone had seen you like that?"

"Not very good I guess"

He put his hand on my shoulder saying "I'm willing to avoid reporting this, but I think if I did then a nice twink like you could do something for me. Though probably still need some kind of punishment for you".


"What do you mean?"

"Would you rather go to jail or register as a sex offender?"

"Ah fuck no of course not sir, just kinda wondering what you mean you want me to do?"

He laughed a bit and smiling he said "well I haven't really cum in a while and seeing some cute twink like yourself out it seems like you could do me a favor by letting me use that ass of yours so I'd look the other way".

I felt a bit sick. It probably showed on my face a bit as the guy went on "if you feel uncomfortable I could always take you down to county. I'm sure the guys there would enjoy your company more than me anyhow."

"Nah, no, yeah, that's ok"

"Then why not backseat here and we can see how well you make me forget about taking you in"

I turned and opened the door to the backseat of my car, feeling the old guy cupping my ass and whisper in my ear "couldn't see it before, but god that ass looks nasty"

I crawled in onto the seat on all fours. The cop came in after and told me "hard to get in through those pants so go on and pull them down a bit boy", as I did he pulled down his zipper and started taking out his dick. I just tried looking ahead trying to put it out of mind as though this would all go away if I just didn't think about it. I felt something slick on my ass. I wasn't sure what it was, but in retrospect the guy had probably put some lube on me (why was a cop carrying that?).

He started sticking one finger in after the other into my hole. He didn't really seem patient as it only took a moment for me to start feeling some knob against me, pressing to get in, felt like he was trying to stick his fist inside.

"Just relax boy shhh, gotten this into plenty of boys just like you, albeit with less girly whimpering on their part"

Feeling defeated I just went limp, and then felt myself spring to attention gasping as the man's cockhead entered all the way. "Oh god damn man"

"Certainly look livelier after daddy gave you what your ass really needed huh?", he stuffed the rest of that monstrosity into me, pressing me against the seat so I couldn't move. I didn't want to say anything to upset him, and just tried being quiet while biting my lip. The guy seemed comfortable as I felt like my ass was being tortured, like it'd split in half at any moment. Could barely notice the slight itch of his uniform as it rubbed against me.

"How do you like daddy's dick? Feel nice", I wasn't sure what to say so I just went "yeah it's great daddy". This seemed like a cue as he started pulling out slowly, then slammed all the way in, like he wanted to give me that feeling of being impaled over and over. I was quivering and gasping like each stab was killing me slightly, but he kept going until he started to just fuck faster. After just a few minutes of this torture I feel a final thrust as he moans while lying on top of me. I laid there feeling lifeless as he pulled out.

"That was fun boy" the man's voice coming from outside the car, as I noticed he had the door hanging open I yanked my pants up like I had to hide my ass lest I get fucked any more.

The man continued, still I kinda feel like you need some sort of punishment still to help you learn some restraint. He walked back to his car and I just sat there wondering what the hell else I could have to deal with.

The officer came back with some odd looking plastic thing and a tiny lock, "I'm thinking I'll just have you put this on for a few days so you can learn some restraint and then get you out of it. Better being locked up in this than in county yeah?"

"...what is that?"

"Ah it's a little chastity cage for guys to stick your nub in, should help you avoid fooling around with yourself all the time." He sat down beside me in the backseat and took my dick out "so I'll just put this thing in here and viola". He pulled my dick through some ring and latched together some of the pieces with this cage for my dick, then snapped a lock on. I tried fiddling with it seeming if I could pull myself out at all, but I'd pretty much have to yang my balls off due to the design if I wanted to get it off.

"Just wear this bad boy for a few days and then come visit me and I'll let you out, not so bad eh?" he handed me card with his number as he kissed me on the cheek, "I'm gonna get going and so should you alright?"

"Yeah...yeah...I'll be yeah..."

This was more than I could handle in a day. I'm not sure how long I sat there, but when I came to my senses I realized the guy was gone. I got out of the back of my car and into the driver's seat, my poor ass seemed so abused, and all because I was playing with myself. I grabbed at my crotch and could only feel this cage. This was not going to be a pleasant few days.

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