Channings Visit

By Andy Darko

Published on May 3, 2013


This story will contain sexual acts between two adult males. I am not, nor do I know the celebrities involved. I do not know their sexual preferences. If you are not of legal age, please direct yourself to another site. If you enjoy Nifty, please donate!

-------------------------------------------------- Channing's Visit - Chapter 7 --------------------------------------------------

Oh, my god. Two updates in a week?! WHAT IS GOING ON?! Seriously though, thanks guys! I was worried that I had lost a lot of your interest since I wasn't able to write, but WOW. The responses were quick and plentiful!

Thanks to Jason, Steve, Michael, Clarence, Robert, Michael (another one!), Jossio, Adolfo, Dave, Cory and Stephen for the encouraging e-mails!

A few days later, Channing, Joey and myself piled into my Jeep and hit the highway. We had originally planned to reach Aspen by early afternoon, but got caught in traffic. I was leaning on the window, one hand on the wheel, agitated. Joey was on his phone. Channing was stretched out in the backseat, eyes covered by designer shades. He had been silent for quite a while; so long, in fact, that I thought he was asleep.

I occupied my time by fiddling with the satellite radio. As I passed through the stations, Channing suddenly spoke. "Hey, go back. I like that song." I did as he asked, surprised by his choice. "Really? You like Emeli Sandé?"

"Yeah! She's awesome!"

I had been somewhat obsessed with her album for months, which made Channing smile when I told him so. We spoke about our favorite tracks and how they made us feel. It was nice to have something in common with him besides a penchant for sporadic sex. As the cars in front of me started moving, he reached out. I switched hands on the wheel and held his hand as I drove. Though the position was somewhat uncomfortable, the intimacy made up for it.

We finally pulled up to Meagan's ranch at about five. She came outside to greet us, clad in a flowing top and jeans. I stepped out of the car and met her hug. "Hey, sis."

"Baby brother."

"By three minutes."

"Still older."

I rolled my eyes. By that time, Channing and Joey had joined us. Meagan's eyebrows shot up and her jaw fell. "Meagan, this is Channing and this is Joey. As I'm sure you know. Guys, this is Meagan."

"Holy twins, Batman," Joey laughed before shaking her hand. "If you hadn't cut you hair, I'd barely be able to tell you apart." It was true. Besides the obvious physical differences, Meagan and I were identical down to the curve of our lips. Same height, same hair color, same angled face. As kids, even our parents would have difficulties telling us apart at certain times.

"Pleasure to meet you," Channing said, his large hand enveloping Meagan's. She chuckled, pulling him into a hug. "Cut the formalities. We're all friends here... apparently."

"Sorry about being late," I said as I began to pull our bags from the Jeep. "I know we were going to do lunch."

"No problem. It gave me extra time to clean. Come on in, guys."

I shouldered my bag and followed Meagan and Joey inside. Channing appeared behind me and wrapped one big arm around my chest. He pulled me into his body and kissed my neck, making me giggle. "What was that for?"

"Because I wanted to."

"Because you think you're getting some hanky-panky tonight."

"I don't hear any objections."

We duck-walked into the house, Channing releasing me as soon as we were inside. Joey was halfway up the stairs leading to the bedrooms, but Meagan was waiting for us. She didn't say a word, but something told me she hadn't missed our exchange.

"Reagan, you know where your room is," she said once we were all upstairs. "Channing, you're next door. Joey, yours is the next. Throw your bags in there, get settled. And, let me know if you need anything."

After we had all gotten comfortable, we met up in the living room. "So," Meagan started. "Gentlemen, has my brother fed you at all or should we go out for dinner?"

"I'll have you know that I made breakfast this morning," I shot back.

"So, basically, you've been starving them."



Joey and Channing, unaccustomed to our sibling dynamic, exchanged looks before bursting into laughter. As usual, Meagan had the last word, so I crossed my arms and sat back into the couch. Channing pulled me into him, still chuckling. "Reagan has kept us good and full, but I know I'm ready for dinner."

"I could definitely eat," Joey chimed in.

"Perfect," Meagan smiled as she hopped from the couch. "There's this new steakhouse that my girlfriend just opened and I've been dying to go. I'll give her a call." As she grabbed her cell phone, I had a thought. "Meg, a private table if she has one!"

Ever the lady, Meagan pivoted on her heel. "Actually, I was thinking about procuring a table in the dead center of the restaurant because I'm sure our guests would love to sign autographs all night instead of eating." I sneered at her sarcasm.

An hour or so later, we were greeted by Meagan's entrepreneurial friend at the door of her venue. I missed her name, but was blown away by the restaurant as soon as we stepped in. The entire place was an amalgamation of a woodsy, forest-inspired mahogany furniture and more modern accents, some burnished chrome, others marble, others granite. In the center of the room was a cylindrical wood-burning fireplace which sent a warm glow throughout.

We were guided to a private corner, although not entirely unnoticed. Some of the younger patrons of the restaurant reached hastily for phones and cameras, but we were soon behind a partition, our backs to floor-to-ceiling windows looking out at the city. I found myself seated between Meagan to my right and Channing to my left. Our waiter soon joined us and asked for any drink orders.

"Gin martini, straight up, extra dirty. Filthy, as a matter of fact. And, extra olives, please," I said immediately. Channing's face scrunched in disgust. "How can you drink that?"

"It's delicious. How can you not?"

"First, gin. Second, olives."

"Well, what are you having?"

"Bourbon and coke."

It was my turn to be disgusted. "Brown liquor is the devil."

After we received our drinks and ordered, Joey raised his glass in a toast. "To new friends."

"And, old friends," Channing added.

"And, family," Meagan contributed.

"And, something equally cheesy," I said, grinning.

We drank and chatted merrily. Even Channing's worries seemed gone from his mind as he laughed loudly. We were on our second round of drinks when Meagan leaned into the table. "I have to ask, Channing: How did you meet my brother?"

"Uh, well..."

I spoke up first. "Owen."

Meagan's eyes rolled and it was like I was looking into a mirror. "That dick? How on Earth did you meet him?"

"He's known for being able to make people... disappear when they don't want to be found," Channing said, taking a sip of his drink. "I needed some time alone and he brought me to Reagan's. What have you got against him?"

I snorted into my martini which prompted a dark look from Meagan. "I'd rather not say," she mumbled.

"They used to fuck," I supplied.


Joey and Channing gawked openly at her before cracking into smiles. "What? It's the truth! In college, they were inseparable. Even banged it out in the library a few times, if the rumors were true."

"I'm going to murder you."

I was rescued by the arrival of the appetizers, placed in front of us family style. There were crab cakes, shrimp cocktail, and mushroom-stuffed crepes. I shied away from the last, much to Channing's chagrin. "Come on, try one," he prodded. I shook my head as I forked a bit of crab cake into my mouth. "He's never been fond of mushrooms," Meagan told him. "No idea why."

"It's fungus, that's why," I griped. "It grows on dead matter."

Channing cut a piece of the crepe, speared it on his fork, then held it in front of my face. "Try it."


"Stop being a baby."


He put on the same pouty face he had used to get me to massage his calf and I found myself weakened. I huffed then opened my mouth and allowed him to feed me. As I chewed, I found myself enjoying the taste. I begrudgingly told Channing so, which made him smile and proceed to feed me another piece.

I returned the favor, feeding him shrimp off my plate with my hands. On the last, he lunged forward, snapping my fingers between his teeth, prompting laughter from the other half of the table. I whacked him on the shoulder, then joined the laughter myself.

By the time the entrees arrived, I was feeling good and tipsy. My filet mignon looked absolutely divine, but I kept eyeing Channing's rack of lamb. When he caught me, he wordlessly cut off a few bites and placed them on my plate. Throwing caution to the wind, I placed a small kiss on his cheek. In return, he rested his hand on my thigh and squeezed gently, smiling as he chewed.

We talked between forkfuls; we talked about the movies the guys had made, about my art, about Meagan's horses, about anything and everything. I was extremely glad that Channing had hit it off so well with my sister, although I felt that she was constantly observing us, even when her attentions were elsewhere.

The dynamic between Channing and I seemed to have lurched forward since I had placed his divorce papers in the mail. I was no longer leery of showing him affection and he seemed even more enthusiastic about our emotional connection. Our conversations were peppered with light touches; a brush of the hand against the arm, a shoulder bump, a tender grasp of the leg. On top of that, it seemed impossible to make eye contact without a smile following, as if we were sharing some secret joke. It was a wonderful dinner, from beginning to end.

Meagan's friend was kind enough to take care of the bill for us, her only price being a picture of her with the guys. They were more than happy to oblige, however insisting that we leave a large tip for our waiter. Between the four of us, we all set a significant amount of cash on the table before heading out.

I found myself feeling a tad more drunk than I thought I had been as we walked to the car. Channing must have noticed because he took me under his arm which allowed me to lean on him. When I turned to look up at him, he met the gaze, smiled and kissed my forehead. We piled into the car as we had before: Meagan driving, Joey in the front seat, Channing and I in the rear. I skipped the seatbelt and threw myself across the seat, resting my head in Channing's lap and closed my eyes. I basically purred when he began running his fingers through my hair.

Sooner than I would have liked, we were back at the house. We agreed to meet for a nightcap before bed and dispersed. I was none too surprised when Meagan followed me into my room. In the time it took for me to kick off my shoes and turn, she had shut the door, crossed her arms and put on such a stern look that I was reminded of our mother. "Spill it."

"Spill what?"

"Something is amiss and we are not leaving this room until you explain why Channing Tatum is not only in my house, but showing you a rather... personal amount of affection."

I sighed. "And, here I was hoping you had missed ALL of that."

"I'd have to be blind, deaf and stupid. Explain."

"It's a long story," I huffed as I threw myself onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Meagan crossed the room and reclined next to me, propping herself up on one arm. "Reagan, you have never had a problem talking to me. If this is something you aren't allowed to talk about, I'll understand. But, there's something going on with you and... well, to be honest, I like it."

"What do you mean?"

"First, you seem..." She paused as she searched for the word. "Content. Like you found something you were missing. Second, you are out of your dungeon. And, pay attention because this one is important, you FINALLY cut your freaking hair!"

I couldn't help but join her laughter. "I know, I know! You like it?"

"I do! You look all Hollywood, which makes sense with your company, I suppose. So, tell me. What's with all the changes?"

"Well... I think we're kind of... talking."

Meagan's brow furrowed. "What the heck does that mean?"

"To be honest, I have no idea! He just sent off his divorce papers three days ago, but we've been getting close since he first came to my house. We hang out, have dinner, watch movies-,"

"You've had sex with him." She said it as a statement, with no doubt in her voice. I nodded which made Meagan sit up and purse her lips. "Hm. You weren't kidding when you said it was a long story." There was a short period where neither of us spoke. I was sure that Meagan was formulating some logical advice that I desperately needed. When she finally opened her mouth, it wasn't quite what I expected. "Go for it."

"Wait... what?"

She resumed her position laying next to me. "Reagan, listen. You haven't had a boyfriend since Dallan and we all know what a tremendous failure he was. And, since the... incident, you've done nothing but hole up in your house, moping and playing celebrity hideaway. This could be an amazing opportunity to make yourself happy. You'd be daft not to at least see where this could go."

"But, what am I supposed to do?" I asked, my mind buzzing with questions. "Up and move to L.A. with him? Follow him around for movie shoots? And, what if the press gets wind of this? He's not out, you know. I mean, what if it ruins his career? I wouldn't be able to face myself. And, what about MY career? What if - OW!"

Meagan had cut me off with a sharp pinch on my neck. "You know I try not to cuss, but shut the fuck up." I stared at her, stunned. "Stop overanalyzing everything. Just take it one day at a time and see how it works out. That's all you can do."

I was saved the struggle of coming up with a response by a knock on the door. "Come in," I called, still rubbing my neck wound. The door opened slightly and Channing popped his head in. "Oh, hey. I didn't know I was interrupting."

"Nonsense," Meagan chirped. "Just having some family fun time."

Channing opened the door and leaned on the frame, his body clad in flannel pants and a loose tee. "Joey and I were just wondering if we should wait for you guys. I mean, the bar is kinda out in the open, but we don't want to be rude or anything." Channing looked to me for a reply and I, in turn, looked at Meagan. She hopped off the bed. "I'll get some drinks ready while Reagan changes."

In a flash, she was gone, leaving me alone with Channing. As I rummaged through my bag, he threw himself across the bed, arms over his head. The stretch made his shirt slide up a few inches, which made my inches stir. "I like her," he said as he gazed nowhere in particular. "She's... spunky."

"That's Meagan," I agreed. "My sassy sister."

I dropped my pants and stepped into a pair of sweatpants, then paused. Channing seemed to sense my awkwardness and sat up on his elbows. "Are you going to change your shirt?"

"In front of you?"

He looked at me like I was stupid. "You just changed your pants. And, in case you forgot, I've been inside you multiple times."

I took a deep breath, unbuttoned my shirt and cast it aside. Then, as quickly as I could, I reached for the tee shirt I planned on wearing. I didn't move fast enough however, because Channing was on his feet in a flash. "Reagan... what... what is this?"

I suddenly felt cold and exposed without a shirt. Channing ran his hands over my torso, his fingers tracing lines over the profusion of pink scars that crisscrossed my back. Most were vertical, only a few horizontal. When I didn't respond, he asked again.

"I don't want to talk about it," I said shortly, whipping my shirt over my head. I moved to leave the room, but Channing blocked the door and held me by the shoulders. His eyes honed in on mine and I found myself feeling sheepish for my behavior. "Hey, hey. We don't have to talk about... whatever this is right now. But, we can. Whenever you want. Okay?" I nodded and felt Channing pull me into a gentle, but firm hug. I rested my head on his chest as he held me, emotions still running high.

"Let's go join the after-party," he said, his deep voice rumbling in my ear. I reluctantly released him, but not before giving him an appreciative squeeze. He smiled as we left the room and walked downstairs. True to her word, Meagan had four generously poured drinks ready, each one personalized. Gin and tonic for me, whiskey for Channing, vodka for Joey and some posh cocktail for herself. There was no toast this time, but the air of friendship was definitely there.

As expected with Meagan, one cocktail turned into three. When she hopped off the couch to make the next round, I objected. "Meg, count me out. At this rate, I'll be passed out for the rest of the weekend."

"Lightweight," she replied, somewhat slurring.

"I have to agree," Joey spoke up. "I've gotta tap out, too."

Meagan furrowed her brow and looked at Channing. He bit his bottom lip and slowly shook his head. Ever dramatic, Meagan threw her arms up. "Fine. I guess I'll have to make hot chocolate since I'm surrounded by amateurs." She made her way to the kitchen and I excused myself to use the bathroom. Once my business was done, I found myself drawn to the back porch instead of the living room. To take the chill out of the air, I turned on the heater and curled my arms around myself.

I had been staring out into the distance for only a few minutes when I heard the sliding door open and close. The weight of the footsteps let me know who was approaching before he even said a word. From behind me, a mug of hot chocolate appeared, topped with whipped cream and chocolate shavings. "Thanks."

"No problem," Channing said, tapping his own mug against mine before taking a sip. "I was told to tell you that it's your special hot chocolate. Which means...?"

"It's spiked."


We stood in silence as we drank, Channing rocking back and forth on his feet as I enjoyed the warmth of the drink. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence. Just... contemplative. I would steal glances at the gorgeous man next to me, his lips pressed against the cup, and wonder what was going to happen in my life. Would this even go anywhere or would it end as soon as he had to return to the real world? I didn't have to mull over it for long as Channing set his empty mug down. Although I wasn't quite finished, I did the same.

Channing took a deep breath before turning to face me. His visage was uncharacteristically nervous as he took my hands in his. "So... there's something I really want to say to you and I just... I need to say it, but I don't really know how to say it right. So, just... give me a chance to get it all out before you say anything, okay?" I nodded, mildly amused at his jitters. When he spoke again, it was with a renewed confidence. "I know neither of us are really in the best place. I mean, with everything that's going on with me and Jenna... it's just complicated. And, I know there's stuff going on with you, even if you don't want to tell me about it. And, that's fine. It's just... I'm just saying that I know our lives are kinda crazy right now. Me basically running away from everything worked itself out in a way that I never expected." He paused to give me a smile. "But, I want you to know, more than anything, that I do care about you. I'm not looking at you to be a rebound or a fling or anything like that. I truly have feelings for you, Reagan. I like the way we are together and I like that I can be myself with you. I don't know if this will all work out or even if you want to keep going, but... I'd like to try. And, if you don't want to... well, I guess I'd have to understand."

I studied his face, surprised that he couldn't look me in the eye. I admired the curve of his lips, he strength of his jaw, even the slight bags under his eyes. Then, I poked him under the chin, forcing him to look at me. And, there, in those eyes, I saw something even more beautiful: him. Not the physical Channing, but the Channing that had spoken those words. The Channing that chose to bear his innermost feelings to me and lay his heart out on the line and allow me to either stomp on it or embrace it.

In that look, I gave him my answer without saying a word. And, I knew he understood. His face lightened, the tension gone. His hands moved around my body, pulling me into him. And, just like that, he pressed his lips to mine.

I lost myself in the sensation. Those two pink lips were softer than I could have imagined, like warm silk. I slid my arms around his neck, pulling him closer and keeping him from moving away, though I had no reason to believe he would. Our contact went on for what seemed like forever. I was surprised, when I finally pulled away, to find us in my bed. I hadn't remembered coming back into the house, nor did I remember us crawling into bed together. But, I had no complaints.

Later, he would recall to me how we stumbled past Meagan and Joey in the living room, maintained our connection as we awkwardly climbed the stairs, then blindly made our way into my room. Sometime in our time-warp, we had shed our garments, Channing only in his underwear, me still wearing my shirt. His large body dwarfed mine as I cuddled up next to him, eyes glinting in the shadowed room. The heat of his body radiated throughout the bed, warming us both. However, my arousal was purely emotional.

After an unknown amount of time, I suddenly felt the combination of a long day, good food and lots of alcohol catching up to me. My body, despite the mind-blowing allure of the situation I was in, began to shut down. I tangled my legs with Channing's, scooted impossibly closer to him and leaned in for another amazing kiss.

And, it was amazing. So much so that I refused to stop, even when my body cried out for sleep.

And so, unbelievably content and at peace, I fell asleep with my lips still kissing his...

Thanks for reading guys. Feel free to e-mail me and let me know what you think, what you would like to see or even if you just want to say thanks or anything!

Next: Chapter 9

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