
By Jim Carter

Published on Jun 14, 1999


In the story that follows all the sexual parts are pure fiction and should read as such. It does not mean the author promotes or agrees with sexual relationships between men and teenage boys. Please understand that this story is pure fiction/fantasy, don't try to make it anything else.

If you are not of a legal age where you live to read stories of this nature or are offended by homosexual behavior, man/teenage boy, teenage boy/teenage boy, relationships etc. etc. then please do not read any further. If you do then it is not the responsibility of the writer or the posting authority of any consequences that arise.

I want to thank my very special friend Ross. I appreciate all your help.

The author retains all rights to this story. If you get a chance check out my first story "Swim Kid" and another I am still working on "Tyler's Trials"..



Jim Carter

Part 4

I was ripped from my sound sleep by a blood-curdling scream. Chase was screaming NO! HELP! HELP ME!. I held him and woke him up just about the time his bladder turned loose and he started to pee. If you have ever changed a little boys diaper you know why you always put the soiled one over his little penis. His pee starts shooting everywhere. I started to grab his penis and hold it, but I knew we were both already wet and he might as well let it all out. He looked into my eyes about the time his pee started splashing directly into my mouth. I couldn't help but swallow some and found it very pleasant, not disgusting and foul that I would have imagined. It was warm of course, and tasted sweet and a little tangy.

Chase had a look of terror on his face. He was crying. I held him close and rubbed his back. "Chase, it's alright you had a bad dream."

"I peed the bed."

"Yes it is okay. I won't take but a second to change. In fact we don't have to get up early this morning why don't we just move into the other bedroom and take care of this in the morning."

"I am so sorry Jim."

"Don't worry about it. It is just a little pee."

He started to laugh a little bit. "Some of it went in your mouth."

"Yes, you were very tasty this morning."

"You're not mad?"

"No, not at all, but do you want to tell me about the dream?"

"I always pee the bed when I have this dream."

"Tell me about it Chase, I want to help if I can."

"I dream my legs are on fire and I can feel them! It hurts so bad."

"Are you putting out the fire when you pee?"

"I think so, I am not sure. I always wake up just as I start peeing, but I can't stop."

He made a face and stuck his finger into some of the dry pee. "Do you want to take a bath now, or do you want to go back to sleep?"

"I want to go back to sleep. Just hold me Jim."

"I will, but I am going to get a washcloth and wash us off a little." When I returned I licked his little chest and said. "Just as tasty as it can be."

"My mother would be cussing and swearing at me for peeing the bed. You are having fun with it. I sure like your way better. I am sorry."

"You couldn't help it. I wish I could find a way to take that bad dream away from you and hide it somewhere. Never to bother you again."

"I wish you could too. You are so nice to me. I love you so much."

I couldn't resist, I took his limp dick into my mouth and tasted him again. "Even the spout is tasty." Chas had to laugh at that.

"You keep that up and you will get more than pee." He let out his little giggle.

I let his penis fall from my mouth. "I guess we will have plenty of time for that in the morning. Let's get some sleep now."

It was not three minutes until the little angel was sleeping. I was right behind him.

I guess this is going to be a habit. What a wonderful habit too. I again wake to this gorgeous young man softly kissing me. As I open my eyes and looked at Chase, his lips turned up into the biggest grin. "Happy morning Jim."

"Happy morning to you Chase. You're wake up kisses are very special. I could get used to waking up that way."

"You had better, I think I want to start waking you up that way every day. You know that song we like so well? It says I want to wake up where you are. Well, I want to always wake up where you are." He had the most beautiful smile.

"I want to wake up where you are too. It also says 'Whisper in my ear the things you want to feel'. What do you want to feel?"

"I want to feel exactly what I have. You beside me, loving me."

Neither one of us mentioned the nightmare from last night.

I carried Chase into he bathroom and started shaving has he started doing his business. I had remembered that he wanted to be left alone to do that and I forgot. "I am sorry Chase. I forgot you wanted to be left alone."

"It's okay now. I just didn't want to gross you out. I know that you love me so much that It wouldn't gross you out, no matter what. I love you so much."

"I love you too. Nothing that comes from your beautiful body can be gross. It may not smell like roses, but it can't be gross." I made a face and held my nose. We both cracked up laughing.

I started the bath water and got it pretty hot. I put Chase over into the tub and he raised his feet. "It's too hot Jim." I put in more cold water.

The whole time we were waiting for the water too get cool enough, Chase was nuzzling my neck. It was no time until I had a roaring hard on. Chase did too. I turned off the water and we settled into the tub for our bath. We had washed each other's hair when Chase started rubbing our dicks together. This really was one of Chase's favorite methods to cum. Just before his cum he grabbed my head and pulled me into a passionate kiss. Our tongues dueled in willing mouths. As soon as I felt his cum, it was enough to trigger my cum. We both produced a lot of cum. We washed off and I got us out of the tub. I just realized that we had taken our whole bath and both cum without saying a word.

We dried and got dressed. We were eating our breakfast when the doorbell rang. I went to the door and it was Gert. "Jim can I talk to you out here on the porch?" I didn't like the tone and the fact that it was obvious she had something to say she didn't want Chase to hear.

"Sure Gert, what is the matter?" I asked as I reached the porch.

"Chase's mother has been arrested in Alabama on prostitution charges. I was able to stop Children's Protective Services this morning, but they wanted to pick up Chase."

"He is not counting on her for his well being."

"I know that and I also know that Chase has been happier with you than I have ever seen him. Now listen to what I think we should do. First of all, I need to ask you something."

"Okay, what do you want to ask me?"

"Jim, I don't know what your financial situation is, but I know you have enough that you don't have to work every day. Can you afford and are you willing to pay her alimony to get and keep Chase?"

"Yes, on both counts. What are you suggesting?"

"The only way that CPS will let you adopt Chase is by marrying his mother. If you truly are willing, I suggest you draw up a prenuptial agreement stating that she is to give up all parental rights to Chase in the agreement. The alimony will keep her out of your hair and maybe off the streets. I have talked to her on the phone and she is willing to do that. She says she needs three thousand a month to live, is that too much?"

"I will give her five thousand a month if she will move out of state."

I sent my lawyer to Alabama to get her out of jail. He went over the terms of the divorce settlement in the prenuptial agreement and she agreed to them. When he upped anti for moving out of state, she jumped at the chance. He said she was delighted to be free from Chase.

When everything was in place I asked Chase. "Will you be my best man?"

"What are you talking about Jim?"

"I am going to get married, will you be my best man?"

You could see the obvious disappointment on his beautiful face. "Yes, I guess. What does a best man do?"

"In this case just be with me at the courthouse."

"I was hoping we could be together, forever. Your new wife may not like me being around."

"She may not, but you will be around a long time after she is gone."

The look on his face was of total confusion. He started to cry. "I am sorry Chase, I should not have teased like that. I am getting married, but it is to your mother. It is just until I can adopt you and then we are getting a divorce."

Chase hit me on the shoulder. "Don't ever do that to me again. I was so afraid I was going to loose you. I couldn't take it. Is she going to come live with us until the adoption?"

"She can if you want."

"Hell no, I don't want to be anywhere near her. I want us to be together without her."

"Then no she doesn't have to be with us at all. I do need to tell you something though. I will be paying her alimony. I don't want you to think that I am buying you or anything like that. It is just we couldn't come up with any other way."

"I am glad you love me enough to do that. How much are you paying her?"

"Three thousand a month if she stays here or five thousand a month if she moves out of state."

"If you can afford it, I hope she takes the five thousand and we never see her again."

"That is what she wants too."

"I guess that is what Gert wanted?"

"Yes, she loves you too, you know."

"Yes, I guess she does. What are we going to do today to celebrate?"

"I was thinking we could take in another ballgame, but we can do anything you want."

"A ballgame is super. I love baseball."

"I know you do."

We had a double header and Chase was a true fan. We got our butt kicked in both games, but we stayed until the last out. Chase did manage to catch a foul ball. He was the happiest kid on the planet. We were one of the few that were left when the game was over. The usher came over and congratulated Chase on his fine catch and told him he team would like to meet him if we had time.

When we made it into the clubhouse, the whole team clapped. The catcher said "We were as impressed that you stayed for the whole game as we were for that catch. We might need to see about signing you up." Of course that made Chase's day. He had the ball he caught, and he got it signed by the player that hit it. They also gave him a ball with the whole team's autograph on it. The team slugger gave him an autographed bat.

The coach pulled me aside. "He seemed so happy when he caught that fly that we all noticed in the dugout. We would like to have Chase sit with us in the dugout tomorrow, if you don't mind."

"I don't mind, but we will have to ask Chase if he wants to sit in the dugout."

"Chase the guys would like for you to sit with us in the dugout for tomorrow's game if you would."

Chase looked up to me. I nodded. "Sure, that would be supper. Can Jim come too?"

"Sure, you mean he is not your dad?"

"Not yet, he is working on it. He is marrying my mother."

"Well, then I guess you can consider this a wedding present." The coach handed me season passes for Chase and I. I noticed they were field boxes too. I think Chase was a hit.

As we were leaving, one of he players said. "Chase your smile and laugh are so infectious that I think we will be a whole different team in the dugout tomorrow."

"Yeah, we may have to just hire you to keep us smiling." It was true. This team just lost both halves of a double header and they were smiling and acting like they had won. Attitude means a lot in sports. It may just turn this team around.

Well, Sunday's game found us two down after the first half inning. After they all got into the dugout, Chase said. "If you guys are going to start moping around, I am going back to our seats. You can't see from here very good anyway. Come on guys smile. Do I have to fart to get you to smile?" That made the whole bench roar.

The lead off batter came over and ruffled Chase's hair. So did the on deck batter. On the first pitch, the lead off lined one over short for a base hit. The second batter was hit by a pitch. The third batter walked. Bases loaded with no outs For the clean up batter. He came back in to give Chase's hair another ruffle before batting. First pitch he sent a monster shot over the right center field fence. A grand slam. Poor chase put on a cap to try to protect his beautiful hair, but they took it off for their good luck rub. By the end of the night his hair was dirty from all those guys rubbing his hair. The coach asked him if he wanted to come back to the dugout tomorrow night. "NO! my hair is sore from all the rubbing."

They all laughed. Between the sixth and seventh inning, the diamond vision sign had the clip of Chase catching the foul ball yesterday then showed him getting all the head rubs. A big "THANKS CHASE" was displayed for all to see. We won 14 to 2 and Chase was in his element.

When we got home and started our bath. Chase said. "That was a lot of fun, but it did hurt after awhile."

"I bet it did. Some of those guys were rough."

"Did you see me slap Jackson on the butt?"

"No I didn't see that. When did you do that?"

"Bottom half of the third. He kept walking in front of me. I just swatted him on the butt and said find a seat Jackson. He smiled a big smile and said yes sir."

After our bath we were snuggled up and kissing gently. Then Chase started getting frisky. He started kissing all over my face. Then he was nuzzling my neck. He was putting me in paradise. Each shoulder was kissed and licked. He got both pits and then moved to my nipples. My tits were already hard as rocks and he managed to tune them up even more. He kissed and licked down my belly until he got to my belly button. He started a combination of kisses and licks that was just driving me wild. He moved to the area formed by legs and my torso. He licked and suckled there. Then he lifted my balls and started on the area below my balls and before my tight hole. Then he licked my ball sack and took my nuts into his mouth one at a time. He just suckled and licked. Chase could tell I was about to cum. He let me pause for just a minute. He licked up the underside of my cock. Down one side and back up the other. He ran his tongue around the crown and teasing the underside until I was mad with passion. Then he took the head into his mouth. He went down and took about half my cock into his mouth. He pulled hard back up then back down. I was so close that I almost lost it right there. Then he hit me with his tongue again on the head and I couldn't hold back any longer. I shot and shot hot cum into Chase's sucking mouth.

When my orgasm finally subsided and I could breath again. I started kissing Chase and I moved down to his neck. "Jim, I am ready. Suck me. I can't hold it. Suck me." I took him at his word and took his beautiful cock into my mouth. Three slides and he shot his hot load into my waiting mouth. Man I love the taste of this boy. His cum was like a nectar. The thought of "Sweetjuice" crossed my mind. I will never forget that nickname and wondered just how the two boys Sweetjuice would compare.

Chase climbed on to my chest and snuggles up into his sleeping position. His breathing became even and steady. He was fast asleep. I kissed his forehead and went to sleep myself.

I woke up and Chase was still sleeping. I looked over at the clock, it was 20 minutes before we would hear the alarm. Since Chase had been waking me with light kisses, I have enjoyed being awake in the morning. Before that, I was not a happy camper until I got my first cup of coffee down the hatch. Today was my day to wake Chase. I tried to copy the way Chase had been waking me. He soon opened one eye then the other. "Happy Morning, Chase."

"Happy Morning, Jim. You beat me awake this morning."

"Yes, I thought I would return the favor."

"Are we going to play golf this morning?"

"Yes, if you want to."

"I want to."

We took our nice long bath and, as usual for us, we rubbed our cocks together until we both climaxed. After drying, we dressed in one of our matching golfing outfits.

When we got to the club I left Chase in the truck and went to get the cart. Chuck showed me how to work the newly installed hand controls. I drove out to the truck and put Chase in the drivers seat. He saw the hand controls and started crying. "Jim you love me so much. Thank you. How did you know I wanted to drive your golf cart?"

"Every boy wants to drive the golf cart. Now you can." I showed him how to operate the controls. By the second hole, he had it mastered and we were off to the races. Both seats had seatbelts now and I made sure he kept his buckled. "You are getting pretty good at this driving stuff. You are going to want to start driving my Suburban next."

"Can I?"

"No, not until you get a little older. We will get your learners permit as soon as you are eligible. For now you will have to settle for the golf cart."

"It is super fun to drive. Thank you so much for letting me come with you and now letting me drive."

"I think I am enjoying your fun as much as you are. You really are doing a fantastic job you know?"

"Yes, I think I am. I am having so much fun. I wish we could play another round."

"Let's get some lunch and we just might do that." We had a light lunch and Chase went around to all my buddies and found enough for an afternoon round.

"You may have created a little monster there Jim."

"If that is a monster, it is the most adorable monster in the world. You are just jealous because you don't have a driver."

He was getting good driving the cart. My buds started messing with him, cutting him off or cutting in front of him and stopping. He managed to control the cart then call them reckless or drunk drivers.

When we were finished and I had put up the cart. In the truck, Chase had to give me one of his wet and juicy kisses. "Thank you again for the new wheels. I will be a good driver for you."

"I know you will. You put those guys in their places."

"It was fun playing with them like that."

He still had a big smile plastered all over his face as we drove home.

****** End of Part 4 ****************

I hope you guys liked it. If you have any feedback at all, I'd be happy to hear it at

****** Part 5 should follow soon ******

Next: Chapter 5

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