
By Jim Carter

Published on Jul 17, 1999


In the story that follows all the sexual parts are pure fiction and should read as such. It does not mean the author promotes or agrees with sexual relationships between men and teenage boys. Please understand that this story is pure fiction/fantasy, don't try to make it anything else.

If you are not of a legal age where you live to read stories of this nature or are offended by homosexual behavior, man/teenage boy, teenage boy/teenage boy, relationships etc. etc. then please do not read any further. If you do then it is not the responsibility of the writer or the posting authority of any consequences that arise.

I want to thank my very special friend Ross. I appreciate all your help.

The author retains all rights to this story. If you get a chance check out my first story "Swim Kid" and also "Tyler's Trials".



Jim Carter

Part 7

I heard one of the boys say "Shit" and then I heard Adam say "Damnit". I awoke with a start. Both boys were pissing and Chase guided his stream over on me. It was evident that one of the boys (most likely Adam) had an accident and the other joined in with a sympathy pee.

Chase was starting to laugh at peeing on me and Adam was trying to cry, but couldn't for laughing. To take the pressure off and just to get even, I turned over and started pissing on both boys. Thankfully they were both about finished because they both were after me. When we all were drained and ready to get out of the mess, we were all sporting huge erections.

Finally Chase said: "Sorry dad we had an accident." He was grinning from ear to ear.

"I am really sorry, Jim." Adam said without a lot of convection.

"Oh well, I got in the best shots." I added. Which caused us all to crack up. "Let's move to Chase's bedroom, this will keep until morning.

We did take a quick shower before heading to Chase's bedroom. Adam had just a little frown and said: "I was the one that had the accident Chase was just peeing so that I wouldn't feel bad."

"Well, if he went to all the trouble to keep you from feeling bad, why in the world are you feeling bad? Loosen up, smile, no one got hurt and we all peed, so why should you feel bad when we all ended up laughing our butts off?"

"You guys are so nice, and weird too. I like it though."

"Then show us that cute Adam smile. It brightens any room, you need to use it more often."

"Thank guys, I have never laughed before after peeing the bed."

"I told you my dad was cool about it. He thinks it is a lot more fun to smile. He is kinda weird about smiling. He told me the other day that since we have been together, he has forgotten how to frown. I think I have too. It is up to you. You can frown and be sad or you can smile and have fun with everything. Come on Adam forget how to frown."

No one can resist Chase when he sets his mind to something. Adam soon had a grin bigger than ours. I helped the boys into bed and crawled in myself. Adam was between Chase and me. I saw Chase start dragging his body over Adam. He stopped and gave Adam a quick kiss. "Sorry Adam, but I like to sleep touching my dad." With that Chase settled into his favorite sleeping position.

We all soon settled into a nice comfortable sleep. I was awakened again, this time by a hand on my cock slowly masturbating me. It was Adam, he was masturbating me with one hand and rubbing Chase's back and butt with the other. Chase was still sound asleep or so I thought.

"Good morning Adam, that feels nice."

"Morning Jim, I tried to get around and suck it, but I couldn't without waking Chase. Man he has a nice butt."

"I am awake, I just like the feel of your hand and I am not ready to open my eyes yet." Chase's hard cock was pressing into my leg. His first movement was to tweak my left nipple while he suckled the right.

Adam managed to move around such that he kissed each cheek of Chase's pretty butt and started licking my cock and balls. I was rubbing Chase's shoulders and back and butt with one hand and caressing Adam's hair with the other. Chase crawled up for a passionate kiss. I started to play with Chase's hard cock when he moved my had away. Between kisses he said: "You first, then we will get our turn." I don't know how the boys decided this, but it was evident I was getting the royal treatment from these two beautiful boys.

Chase knows how to suckle my neck to really get me pumped. I was just about at my limit of what I cold take from these two without blowing a load. Chase moved down and started on my right pit and with Adam hammering on my cock, I couldn't hold back any longer. I fired a blast that had enough force behind it that it startled Adam for a second. I could feel him flinch. He managed to get every drop and licked my cock clean.

"Let's get Adam now." Chase said. I was still not recovered enough to help much at first. Chase was like a boy possessed. He was all over Adam. He took Adam's hard cock into his mouth and started working his magic with his tongue. I managed to twist around and started sucking Adam's nipples. First one then the other. When I moved down to his belly button and started making circles with my tongue it sent Adam over the edge and he filled Chase with his hot seed.

It was Adam's turn to have to recover. I flipped Chase over on to his back and started licking him from head to toe. Although Chase has no feeling in his legs at all, I can't resist tasting is legs and those cute toes. I know it is for me and not for Chase, so I go back to his tummy. Chase has the most sensitive belly button I have ever seen. Just licking around it will cause his dick to jump in time with the licks. He can cum just from having his belly button licked and teased. I can tell that Chase is close and can't hold out much longer. Adam comes over and sucks Chase's nipples and I move to his beautiful cock. I only lick around the head once when I feel Chase tense and know he is starting his orgasm. I engulf his hard cock and give it another lick then the hot cum hits the back of my mouth. I have to swallow a couple of times to keep up with the volley of cum Chase is sending into my mouth.

When Chase's orgasm finally subsides and his breathing returns to normal, we all three share a tender hug and loving kiss.

After we all cleaned up and had breakfast, Adam needed to get home and told Chase he would pick him up this afternoon and they would go to the arcade if it was okay with me. Adam had already cleared it with me before he asked Chase which told me how thoughtful a young man he was. Of course, I gave my permission told the boys to be careful and above all to have fun.

We saw a lot of Adam over the next couple of weeks. Then we went three or four days without seeing him at all. I told Chase that I just notice we had not seen Adam in three or four days. "I must have forgot to tell you, Adam has found a boy friend. He is really cute too. His name is Tim."

"That is fantastic, is Adam really happy?"

"Yes, he grins all the time. Oh I forgot to ask, Adam wanted to know if they could spend the night here this weekend and use one of our spare bedrooms. I told them that I was sure it would be alright, but I forgot to ask. Sorry dad."

"It's okay, I am not sure we need to be the local motel, but if Adam is happy, we can do this for him."

"I knew it would be okay. You will see, Tim is really cute too."

An hour later the bell rang and it was Adam, pushing him was a young man who looked to be in his early twenties and like Chase said he was really cute. "Hi, Adam, you must be Tim I have heard so much about." I extended my hand and he gave it a good shake.

"Yes, and you must be the Jim I have heard so much about. I was kind of nervous about meeting you. From what Adam and Chase said I half way expected you to be ten foot tall and walking on water."

I laughed so hard it hurt. "Those two can really tell a tale, As you can see I am not anywhere near ten-foot tall, but I can float." He laughed.

At dinner we had a nice chat. Tim was a sophomore at the university where Adam would be a freshman. They start next week. They liked each other immediately and their relationship has grown. Since they both live with their parents, they have not had much of a chance to be alone except taking a drive in the country. I think this may be a long night for the two love birds.

Chase having to get a tease in said: "Dad, we could put them in my room and we could spy on them or we could put them at the other end of the hall so we won't have to listen all night." I laughed and Adam grinned, but Tim looked worried.

"We don't care where you put us, we really do appreciate being able to be together. I really do like Adam and it's been hell not being able to make love."

We could tell they were anxious to be alone so that they could enjoy each other's bodies. Chase likes to tease Adam every chance he gets. "So you guys want to watch a couple of movies, we rented a couple of good ones?" He couldn't keep a straight face this time and they both knew he was trying to pull their chain.

"Yeah, we want to watch a movie, which one do you want to watch first?" Adam said. I could tell he had something up his sleeve.

Chase fumbled through the movies, he was a little off his stride by this turn of events. Adam and Tim wanting to watch a movie had not entered into his plans to tease the two. "This one I will do to start."

"Good, you watch that one and we will watch this one. Never mind you can watch them both we don't need any other entertainment." Adam was grinning at having been able to pull Chase's chain for a change.

"Take any of the bedrooms you want guys, except ours that is."

"And try to keep it down. We don't want to hear you all night long." Chase was still trying to tease one way or another.

"Good night and thanks again. Jim take him to bed and put something in his mouth to keep him quiet for awhile." Adam shouted as they left the room.

"Do you like Tim, dad?"

"He seems very nice and Adam likes him, that is the main thing."

"He does seem to like Adam a lot doesn't he."

"Yes, I have never seen Adam so happy."

"You think Adam will still like us?"

"Sure why would you think that he wouldn't like us?"

"I don't know, when he asks me if I want to go somewhere with him, I am afraid he will run into Tim and leave me."

I couldn't help but laugh a little. "He wouldn't just forget about you and leave you. At the worst, you might have to watch them kiss awhile before they brought you home. He wouldn't dump you, if he ever does, just call and I will be there to get you."

"I know you will always be there for me. I guess your right, he wouldn't just leave me. He doesn't take me as many places anymore, he is always with Tim."

"I see, I think you're feeling a little jealous. Could that be part of the problem?"

"Maybe, but I want Adam to have someone to love and to love him, like you love me and I love you. I just want to make sure I am still his friend."

"I don't think you have to worry about that. Adam really likes you and he likes spending time with you. He may not have as much time to spend with you as he did before, but he will always be your friend and you will have to learn to share his time with Tim."

"Yeah, I already figured that out, but it still feels like I am giving up something."

"You are, but you're gaining something too."

"You mean Tim as a friend also?"


"I never thought of it that way. I guess it would be cool to have two friends in college." His face was beaming with his beautiful smile. "Dad, lets go make love too. Those two wanting to fuck like bunnies has me hot and horny."

"Chase, I have never heard you talk like that."

"You better get used to it if those two keep coming around. I could tell they wanted to fuck like bunnies. Now my ears are growing and my nose is twitching. It makes me want to fuck like a bunny. Ready to hop to bed Mr. hare?"

All I could do was kiss him and head for the bedroom. As we went by the other bedrooms Chase listened close wanting to hear Adam and Tim. "You trying to spy on those two?"

"Yeah, if I don't hear them, how am I going to tease them tomorrow?"

Oh, I think you will find something to tease them about. About that time we heard Adam, say "Yeah! harder, harder Tim harder."

Chase couldn't resist. "Deeper Tim, deeper!" and laughed a big booming laugh. We heard a "Fuck off" from Adam. Chase pumped his arm and said: "YES!".

Tim and Adam came to 'visit' most weekends and several nights through the week they would come over to 'study'. Unless they were both in anatomy class, they were studies looked more like a study of tongue down throat than anything else.

Chase was making excellent grades in school and he had been asked by his old psychologist to set in on a couple of his group sessions. His thinking was that Chase could help some of his other patients. Chase's positive attitude and fantastic outlook despite being in a wheelchair might rub off on a couple of the kids that hated the world and everyone in it.

I was not sure this was the best thing for Chase, but Chase was excited about the possibility of helping someone that needed help desperately.

This one kid that looked to be about thirteen really seemed to hit it off with Chase from the start. This kid had been forced to sell drugs to support his mother's drug habit. One of her boyfriends had also raped him from the age of nine. He showed Chase the scars on his back where he had been burned with cigarettes as a punishment. This kid, Chad, was really a pretty good kid and started spending a lot of time with Chase. He was a very pleasant kid to be around so I didn't mind him coming over at all.

A couple of months after Chad and Chase became friends, the doorbell rang. I went to the door and it was Chad, I could hardly recognize him, but it was Chad. He called for Chase. I picked him up and carried him to the couch. His face was all bloody his eyes almost swollen shut. His lip split in three places and his nose was likely broken. I was more worried about internal injuries. Chase got one look while I was trying to set him on the couch. I went to call 911 as Chase came back into the room. "I have to call an ambulance you try to calm him down."

"They are already on their way. I already called."

I used a cool damp towel to try to soothe his face while the we were waiting. I brushed his hair and tried to assure him that we would take care of him and everything would be okay. He was trying to tell Chase what happened, but we couldn't understand him with his lips so bruised and swollen.

Once the ambulance took Chad to the hospital, Chase and I started ourselves. On the way I called the psychologist that had recruited Chase and told him what happened. I decided we might need to call Gert too.

Sure enough Chad had some internal injuries and needed surgery to stop the bleeding. Gert came in while we were waiting for Chad to come out of surgery. She had a young man of about twenty-five with her.

"Hi Jim, Chase, this is Todd Price he is Chad's current case worker. Chad's mother and her boyfriend have been arrested again. Chad doesn't have any relatives and the foster home that took him in last time is full and they don't really want someone that old anyway. I was telling Todd that you are still officially a licensed foster parent. Jim Todd is not one of mine, but he touched me much the same way Chase did. He is really a great boy and just needs someone to give him a chance."

"Gert, I wish I could, but I don't know this kid and I am so worried about drugs. I know he seems like a really nice kid and I know Chase likes him, but I just don't think it would be a good idea for us to take him in."

"I know Jim and I really do have a hard time asking you to take on that responsibility, but I just don't have many options. Do you know where he will go if we can't find a foster home that will take him?"

"No I can't say I do."

"He will be held at Juvie. We don't have anywhere else and I can almost guarantee that WILL put him on a road to crime. He will be housed with kids that are in gangs, and are true criminals. I just have to try to get you to take him."

"Please dad, he won't be much trouble. I just know it. Besides we have plenty of room and I know you can't let them put him in Juvie."

When Chase started in on me I knew my goose was cooked. I gave a sigh and Gert knew she had me. "Okay, I can't refuse you anything I must be a terrible parent."

"No you are a wonderful parent."

"I think you are too Jim, that is why I took the liberty to have Todd bring all the paperwork so that Chad will be fully documented and ready for release when the time comes. I stopped by judge Stone's chambers and got all the legal stuff adjudicated. You are now officially the foster parent and guardian of Chad Chambers."

"Gert what would you have done if I refused?"

"I would have had Chase work on you some more, but I wasn't worried."

"Well I was. We did some things that are not exactly legal to make this happen. If Gert had not told me that she would take full responsibility, I would never have gone along with it." Todd sounded like a typical bureaucrat.

"Gert loves kids and seems to find a way to make things happen that need to happen for the kid's sake. The world needs more Gerts."

"And more Jims too. I couldn't have done anything unless I was sure you would give Chad a good home."

A nurse came over and said that Chad was out of recovery and would be in room 409 by the time we got up there. When we got to the room Chad was a little groggy, but alert enough to smile at Chase. Then he saw Todd and started crying. "What's wrong Chad?" Chase asked.

"He is going to put me back in that horrible house. They were worse than my mother."

"No you won't be going back there. I can guarantee you will love the home you're going too. You can call me Gert."

"Yeah right."

"I was Chase's social worker and he ended up in a pretty good foster home didn't he?"

"Yeah, he ended up in a fantastic foster home. Jim is cool and he loves Chase a lot, but Chase loves him too. He is the only lucky one I know though. The rest of us get worse than our own homes."

"Well, now there are two lucky ones. Jim has agreed to be your foster parent, so you think you can deal with that?"

All Chad could do was cry. We all knew they were tears of joy, but we didn't want him to tear any of his stitches loose. I went over to try to calm him down. I stroked his hair. "Chad do you want to come live with Chase and me?"

"Oh God yes, when can I go?"

"You have to stay here for a couple of days to make sure you're healing properly. As soon as the doctor releases you, all the paperwork has been taken care of. The only think left is to decide which room you want."

"I don't care. The bathroom is better than I have ever had before. Thank you Jim."

I kissed him on the forehead. "You rest up now and we will come back tonight to see you. Is there anything you want us to bring you?"

"Just my clothes so I can go home with you."

"Not tonight, but you will be home with us soon."

"Thank you Jim. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"Actually it is Chase you need to thank. He is the one that talked me into taking on a foster child."

"I knew it, thank you Chase. You have always been a great buddy. I don't know what I would do without you."

"Your welcome, but wait until you see how much Jim makes you study before you thank me too much. You said you don't like school. He has a rule that until all homework and everything that needs to be studied is done, nothing fun. Well he doesn't say it like that, but that is the way it is. You might as well learn to like school."

"I might with you and Jim to help me."

"Don't count on a lot of help until you have really tried yourself and I do mean really tried. He does point me in the right direction and will make sure I get it, but he won't do it for me. I have tried that one."

Everyone laughed. Gert spoke up. "It seems to be working, you are making straight A's and before you were about to fail. I think Jim's methods speak for themselves."

"No, I can't take credit for that. Chase is very bright and he was not being challenged in his old school. They were content to let the kid in the wheelchair do anything as long as he stayed out of their hair. He is in a school now that challenges him and he is the one that makes the grades. He deserves all the credit for his grades. I am so proud of him. I am sure I will be just as proud of Chad."

We looked over and Chad was asleep. I left Chase in Chad's room and I went down with Gert and Todd. I went into the gift shop and found a cute stuffed bear. I told the clerk not to wrap it just give me a card. I put on the card: 'To: Chad, From: your new family Jim and Chase'. He was still asleep when I got there and Chase beamed at the bear and hugged me when he read the card. We slipped the bear under his arm and left.

Thirteen may be a little old for a stuffed bear, but it seemed like the thing to do anyway. If it bother him, he would get over it.

****** End of Part 7 ****************

I hope you guys liked it. If you have any feedback at all, I'd be happy to hear it at

Next: Chapter 8

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