Chastity and Service

By Locked Cub

Published on Jul 22, 2022


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Chastity and Service

Labor Day Weekend (Part 3)

I felt Todd climb on the bed and then experienced the impact of his cock as it slapped on the crack of my ass twice. He fingered me once more before placing the head at the entrance of my hole and pushing forward.

"Fuck!" I grunted as my eyes rolled back into my head.

Todd pushed forward with one motion, and I felt his shaft split me in two.

"Focus on my cock, boy," Rob replied. "I know you can multitask."

I smiled and pulled him into my mouth and bobbed up and down, and I felt Todd fuck me from behind. My Master had his left knee on the bed between my legs and his right foot planted to my right. He had a firm grip on my waist and pulled me back on him as he thrusted. When he got deep, my head went down on Rob, and when he pulled back, I came off him. I timed my motions to match Todd as he sped up and slowed down. I gripped Rob's balls and squeezed them gently at the same time. It was something that I knew he liked, and I felt this shaft harden even more.

"Fucking hell, this is nice!" Rob groaned as he threw his head back and writhed in pleasure.

I heard the smack of Todd's groin on my ass as he increased his rhythm. I was in the zone and making sure that I pleasured them both to my best ability. My throat was starting to get sore, and my balls ached from their prison, but I was no stranger to refocusing on what was important.

"That's a boy," Todd growled. "Your ass feels so good."

I grunted in response as I felt Todd spank my ass and thrust harder. Rob's balls retracted at about the same moment, and I looked up to see his face contort. I heard the guttural sound emerge from his throat moments before his dick flooded my mouth with warm, salty cum. He screamed next and grasped the pillows as his orgasm climaxed.

"Fucking hell!" Rob cried out as spurt after spurt of his juices ran down my throat.

I squeezed my ass down hard on Todd's cock as Rob calmed down and heard my master grunt in response. Fifteen seconds later, he was cumming, and I felt his shaft pulsing deep inside, breeding me. He had a death grip on my waist, and I could hear him breathing hard.

"Fuck!" Todd growled.

It took two minutes for both of them to recover from their morning loads. I was still licking Rob's softening shaft as Todd pulled out from me and a dribble of cum ran out and over my balls. My master slapped my ass twice and gripped it before getting off the bed. He moved to the side, and I looked up at him and smiled before moving over to take his member into my mouth to clean it.

"That's a good boy," Todd said as he rubbed my head.

When he pulled away, I turned back to Rob and ran my tongue over his limp cock and then his groin. I moved up, following his trail of fur till I got to his chest, and then stretched out to hug him. He wrapped his arms around me, kissed my head, and enjoyed his afterglow.

"I'm going to take a shower," Todd said as he moved away from the bed.

"Ok, big bear," Rob replied. "I'll be in there in a moment."

Rob squeezed me and then lifted my head so I was staring at him.

"Thank you again, sexy. You always treat and make me feel like a king."

"Of course, Papa!" I replied. "Love you!"

"Love you too, cubby," Rob replied as he kissed me.

Rob patted my back and then turned to get out of bed, and I moved to my back to watch as he stood up. He moved to the end of the bed and reached out and tickled my feet, and I laughed aloud before pulling my feet away. He knew how ticklish I was and loved to torture me. He had a big grin on his face as he walked into the bathroom to join Todd and close the door.

I stretched and laid there a moment, still tasting Rob's load in my mouth, and feeling how full my ass was. My work was not done, though. There was breakfast to be made, so I rolled out of bed and walked into the kitchen to get started.

The Atlanta Botanical Gardens are located on the north side of Piedmont Park, the vast green space located just to the east of Midtown. I had driven by there many times but had not visited, so I was excited to spend a warm but lovely day outside. There was a decent crowd about because of the Labor Day weekend, and lots of parents had brought their kids that ran around the four of us as we walked. Most of the time, Todd and Rob held hands, and Bo had a firm grip on mine as we walked behind them.

"Are your allergies bothering you at all?" I asked Bo as we walked into a greenhouse.

"No," he replied. "I took a pill and squirted a spray in my nose to be sure I would be fine."

I laughed.

"Well, that is good."

Rob had a decent knowledge of botany. His grandfather had been a gardener and ran a small store selling plants. Growing up, he had to learn all of their names and features. I was still surprised with some of the tidbits he would come up with as we looked at various species around us.

"And that ginkgo tree over there is special," Rob said. "Scientists think that it has been unchanged for over 280 million years. It is considered a living fossil by many."

"Pretty cool!" Bo replied.

Todd rubbed Rob's shoulders and kissed him and we continued down the path.

When we were done at the garden, we stopped at one of the gay-owned restaurants near the park before heading into it to sit on the lawn and watch the people. The dog area was nearby, and Todd and Rob were having fun watching everyone horsing around.

"How are you enjoying your weekend of being a dominant?" I asked Bo as we sat next to each other.

Bo chuckled.

"I mean, it is not that different. I am unlocked a lot more these days anyway."

"I know," I replied as I rubbed his back. "But, you know what I mean. Being the alpha sub in the house is different than being a dominant."

"Yeah," Bo said as he turned to me. "I like being able to explore both sides of my nature. I love being a sub. I wouldn't have trained under Sir John if I didn't. But I am finding being a dom is fun too. I am looking forward to the party Monday."

"It should be a fun time," I replied. "I am looking forward to having sub brothers around again. It will be nice to not only meet the current trainees Sir John has but have some fun serving with a group."

"I kinda figured you would," Bo replied. "You seemed to enjoy that aspect of it."

"Have you thought more about our wedding?" I asked.

"I have narrowed it down to Saturday, April 14," Bo replied. "That gives us seven months to prepare, and the venue said they could give us a good deal."

"Did you decide on the place north of town?" I asked.

"Yeah," Bo said. "It has good parking, is not too far of a drive, a hotel across the street, and I love the scenery. That creek flowing behind the property will make for nice photos."

"Great," I replied.

"Are you nervous at all?" Bo asked.

"No," I replied with a smile. "I'm looking forward to having our family and friends there and sharing the day with you."

"Me too," Bo replied as he kissed me. "I do want to ask you something, though. I have wanted to for a while now, but I didn't know how you would react."

"What's that?" I asked

"Well," Bo replied as he reached down and rubbed my leg. "I know how important being a chastity sub is to you. You have made it clear that it is a part of your personality and life now, and I would never want to change you. I love you just the way you are, but I wondered if you would consider doing something for me?"

"Oh boy," I replied. "This sounds bad."

Bo laughed and grabbed my hand, and then scooted to face me.

"So, here is what I want to ask. Just once, I want to see your nub erect and free of your cage. I want to be able to massage your balls and suck you and then feel you inside me."

"Oh, Bo," I replied as I looked down.

Bo used his hand to lift my head and he smiled.

"Please let me finish."

"Ok," I replied.

"I am very satisfied with our sex life," Bo said. "But I feel like I have been missing that connection to you. I'm not asking you to give up the cage forever. All I am asking is that you consider doing that for me for one night. Then you can lock up for as long as you like after."

"Can I think about it?" I replied. "I am not saying no to you, but this is a big deal for me. I have not had an uncaged orgasm since I graduated from Sir John's program, and it has been years since I fucked anyone with my free nub."

"I understand," Bo replied. "Just give it some thought. If it makes you too uncomfortable, then don't worry about it. But I wanted to ask."

I smiled, leaned over, and kissed him.

"I'll give it a lot of thought and let you know."

"Thanks, baby," Bo replied.

"Do you lovebirds want to go to Woofs for some drinks before heading home?" Rob asked as we turned and blushed.

"Sure," I replied.

"I am not really wanting to drink right now, but I'll gladly be the designated driver," Bo added.

"Sold!" Todd said with a smile. "I knew there was a reason I collared you!"

Bo laughed and we all got up and headed over to the bar. The drive overtook longer than we expected, as there was a lot of traffic, but we managed to find a parking space near the front door, which was unheard of. As we walked inside, I saw a table on the far side near the pool table free, and I walked over to grab it while Todd ordered a pitcher of beer for us. I felt hands on me and turned to see my best friend Chris smiling at me as I sat down.

"Hey, you!"

"Hey, bubba," I replied as he kissed and hugged me. "Is Rick with you?"

"Right here, chastity boy!" Rick said as I felt his hands on my shoulders.

I turned and hugged the big man as Bo and Rob walked over and greeted them.

"Long time no see!" Bo replied.

"Yeah, we need to get out more," Chris said. "Good to see you again, Rob! Matt told us you were going to be in town. Are you having fun this weekend?"

"I am!" Rob replied as he took a seat next to me. "Love hanging out with the boys and Todd."

Chris smiled, leaned over on Rob's shoulders, and lowered his voice.

"So, when are you moving in with them?"

"Chris!" I shouted as I playfully punched him.

"What?" Chris said as he leaned back and laughed. "It's obvious you like him, and I know Todd does."

Rob blushed and I rolled my eyes.

"Ok, matchmaker, why don't we go back to our friends?" Rick said.

"Who are you here with?" I asked.

"Rick's friend Bear is in town," Chris replied. "He is in the process of moving here and checking out apartments."

"Bear?" I asked.

"His real name is Arnold, but everyone calls him Bear, for obvious reasons," Rick said as he pointed across the bar.

I saw a big beast of a man standing over six feet tall with a large chest and belly smiling back at him. He had short hair and a medium beard that was salt and pepper in color.

"Oh, he is cute!" I replied. "But he is no bear. He is a grizzly!"

Chris burst out laughing.

"And he is hung a like a mule. Bear is Rick's fraternity brother from college. He's been horny as hell, and we are trying to get him laid this weekend."

"Chris!" Rick shouted as he rolled his eyes.

"What?" Chris replied. "We are!"

Rick walked over, grabbed Chris, and looked at us.

"Excuse my husband. We will be going now. You guys have fun."

We laughed as Rick turned Chris around and headed back to their table.

"Chris is a hoot," Rob replied.

"He's a mess is what he is," I replied. "But I still love him."

"Beers here!" Todd interrupted as he brought two pitchers over.

The afternoon was an enjoyable one of booze and good friends. Several people I knew showed up, and I introduced them to Rob. After we left the bar, we stopped at a restaurant to eat outside, and then we grabbed some ice cream before heading home to relax and chill. As the sun went down, the temperatures dropped, and it was pleasantly cool for the time of year. There were even fireflies blinking off and on in the distance. Todd, Rob, and Bo took the opportunity to strip down and head outside to soak in the hot tub and smoke cigars. With them out of the house, I took the chance to wash dishes, take out the trash, and turn down the beds for the evening before walking out to check on them. As I stepped outside, Rob looked over at me and smiled.

"Wondered where you were, boy!"

"Just needed to clean up the house before bedtime," I replied as I walked behind Bo and rubbed his shoulders. "Are you men enjoying yourselves?"

"It's been a relaxing evening," Todd replied as he blew smoke into the air. "Are you going to join us?"

"I think I will turn in if I have your permission, Sir," I replied. "I am exhausted."

"You have permission," Todd replied. "Are you going to service us in the morning?"

"I'll be taking care of you both," Bo replied. "I wanted to let Matt sleep in one morning."

"Sounds good," Todd replied.

I walked over and kissed Todd and Rob before returning to do the same to Bo.

"I'll try not to wake you when I go to bed, babe," Bo replied.

"It's ok, Master Bo," I replied. "Your boy will be fine."

Bo snorted as he laughed and kissed me again before I headed inside to sleep.

Next: Chapter 7

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