Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on Jun 6, 2005


The doctor leaned in and kissed Chet. Chet was sweaty and spent but he kissed Foster roughly wanting to show how much he appreciated the orgasm. The doctor patted his head like he was a dog.

"You did so very good, boy."

Luke, the doctor's assistant untied Chet's hands and released his ankles. He gently helped Chet off of the plug and Chet moaned as the larges part of the plug stretched his ass. Chet's legs were a bit weak but he stood. The assistant cleaned him up. He was taken down a hallway and into the most amazing gym he had ever seen. Every type of workout equipment was there. As they walked in Luke motioned to a chair.

"Wait here"

Again Chet looked at the chair and saw the plug welded into the bottom. He took a deep breath and sat, locking the plug into his ass. He was learning fast that his ass had a memory and remembered the plug. It went in easier this time and he only had to force himself down for just a second before it went in.

Luke left and he was alone. For one of the first times he was not chained up, tied to something, unable to move. He was still collared and cuffed and a plug was in his ass but he was happy to be free to move.

And he was alone.

He reached to touch himself and felt his swollen nipples. They were still pointing out from his chest and they were a bit sore but certainly not as big as they had once been. He reached to feel his cock.

"You shouldn't do that."

He looked to see who had spoken. A man approached, huge and muscular. He was 6'2" and probably 280 pounds of muscle. He was ready to win a bodybuilding contest.

"I'm Tim. You can call me trainer."

"Yes, Sir." Chet said.

"No," said the trainer, "You call your owners Sir. You call me trainer."

"Yes, trainer." Chet said

"Ok, then," he said as he walked deeper into the gym. "Let's get to work."

Chet was taken and trained hard that day. Just chest. By the end his pecs ached and he could barely move. The trainer used his hard making him push more weight than he was used to and all the while yelling at him to work harder. Sweat dripped off him as he moved from station to station. He was used to hard workouts but never anything like this. Trainer was firm, forceful and there was no small talk like you would normally have in a gym.

At the end of the workout he sat on a weight bench catching his breath. Trainer came up to him grasping him firmly by his nipples. Chet gasped.

"When someone grabs you by these you should make eye contact with them."

Chet looked up at him. Trainer had deep blue eyes.

"You will train with me every day." He said. "Some days will be harder than others. You will eat what you are given. You will take your shots."

Chet nodded his nipples still in the man's vice grip. Chet felt his cock jump.

"You will not be made as big as me but you will get spectacular pecs and a body even more beautiful than the one you have already."

Again Chet nodded.

"Put your hands behind your back," he ordered.

Chet did as he was instructed. Trainer lowered his sweats. He had a nice cock, maybe 7 inches long and no pubic hair. His cock was hard, throbbing in fact. He pushed his cock at Chet and Chet took it into his mouth. Instantly the man began to fuck his face with long hard thrusts. Chet tried not to gag but could not help it. But the man did not stop he continued to face fuck Chet.

Chet took the pounding sweating hard as if he were still working out. His own cock throbbed untouched but he kept his hands behind his back as ordered. Chet was getting used to a cock in his mouth but he still had trouble deep throating it and on Trainer's deepest strokes he gagged and gasped for air.

Chet was by no means an expert at cock sucking but he loved the feeling of having it in his mouth and he tried his best making his tongue lick and move as the cock moved in his mouth. At one point he heard Trainer moan and inwardly he smiled to himself happy that he was giving the man pleasure. It amazed his to realize how much we was getting used to this, how he was accepting it.

Trainer switched his strokes sometimes thrusting in his mouth, sometimes gently moving in and out and still other times simply leaving it in his mouth for Chet to lick and suck on. After some time he felt Trainer's cock swell and began to pull off his cock but Trainer held him in place and soon shot in his mouth. Chet gasped as he tasted the cum, trying to pull away but Trainer held him firmly in place. He was held there for several minutes and Chet swallowed his load.

"Clean me," he heard his trainer say.

He worked his tongue around the cock getting every last drop, licking it. During those last few minutes he heard Trainer moan and gasp. Chet knew his cock was very sensitive and took advantage of it. He licked the soft spots of his cock and felt it jump and move in his mouth.

When he had finished with Chet he pulled out of his mouth.

"Not bad," he said, "but you'll get better. We'll do that every day."

Chet was sweaty his own cock hard and still untouched.

"Have a seat until your taken back to your stall."

Chet went back to the chair he had sat in before and sat down locking the plug in his ass. Not long after, Luke came back and nodded to Chet. He pulled himself off the plug and Luke placed the bit and bridle back on him. He followed Luke, his chest already getting sore from the workout. When he passed the stalls that held Austin and the other boy he found they were not occupied but three others were. One man was getting fucked by a guard and another simply sat on his cot and stared at Chet as he went by. It was the man in the third stall that made Chet gasp.

He was hanging by his wrist, his feet unable to touch the ground bolted into the floor was a huge dildo, large at the bottom. It almost looked like a narrow traffic cone. The cone was very slick and the man was sliding down it. He moaned and squirmed but it seemed to only drive him down further onto the cone. Sweat dripped off his hairy body. The man looked at him, in obvious pain.

Luke pulled on the reigns and Chet began to move forward again.

"That's what happens to boys who don't listen," he said.

When he got back to the stall the older brother who bought him was waiting there. He took the reigns from Luke and pulled Chet forward, turning to speak to Luke.

"Tell Foster to keep the tubes on his tits."

Luke nodded, leaving the stall.

His owner reached into his pocket. Chet recognized the white sports cream from before and groaned as it was spread on his nipples. The tubes came next the master sucking even more nipple into the tubes than his younger brother had. Chet's tits were already swollen and sore from the previous session on the tubes and from all the chewing his nipples had taken. His nipples filled the plastic tubes now and his legs shook from the strain. Chet wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Sit on the cot."

Chet sat on the wooden cot feeling the soft blanket under him. It was dark now in the stall and the man took each of Chet's wrists and pulled them until they were on the cot laying above his head. They were then chained to an o-ring attached to the wall of his stall.

"Ryan," he called, "come in here."

The shorter brother came in. Chet was happy to have a name now to attached to the face. Ryan was dressed in a tuxedo and looked very handsome.

The older brother left leaving Chet and Ryan alone. Ryan leaned in grasping the tubes on Chet's nipples and pulling. Chet looked into Ryan's eyes as the kid leaned in to kiss him. They kissed deeply, tongue moving back and forth, exploring. Chet's cock was leaking and jumping pressed against Ryan. Ryan pulled away and they were both gasping for air.

"Your the hottest man I've ever seen," Ryan said.

Chet surprised himself by actually blushing.

"I'm so happy your mine." It was the last thing Ryan said before leaving the stall.

Chet tried to relax but didn't think he could fall asleep. He was so damn horny, almost to the point of screaming and begging to cum again. But, amazingly, he fell asleep.

He awoke the next morning to Ryan standing over him. He was in pajamas, a tray of food in his hands. Ryan released his cuffs from the chains and Chet sat up. He had only the collar, tit tubes and a cock ring on, his cock still rock hard. Ryan set the tray down and Chet began to eat. He was starving and nothing that he could remember had ever tasted so good.

Chet could feel his nipples; they ached so sore from the workout of the previous day.

As he ate, Ryan sat next to him touching him. At one point he grasped Chet's cock and he gasped as Ryan began to stroke it. It felt so fucking good.

Chet moaned.

He held Chet by the cock looking at him.

"When it's just us you can talk to me when you want, ok?"

"Yes, Sir." Chet said.

"What's your name?"


"That's not what I mean," Ryan said, " I meant what name am I going to give you?"

"Give me?"

"Your mine now," he told Ryan stroking his cock slowly, teasing him. "I get to name you now."

Chet understood and the thought of having someone name him like a pet brought him close to tears. He tried to remember that he had power over this boy, that he could take some control for himself.

"My friends called me Pec," he told Ryan.

The boy smiled, thinking.

"That's great," he said, "but I'll call you Pex."

As Ryan said that he grabbed the flesh of Chet's pec muscles playing with them.

"It's perfect. Like you."

Ryan leaned in and they shared another kiss. Chet liked the kiss but there was no passion there. With Dean the kiss had taken his breath away and connected them. This was the kiss of ownership. But Chet played along kissing and moaning lightly for him.

For the next weeks the routine was exactly the same. Chet would wake up, spend time with Ryan then go to Doctor Foster. Foster would use his nipples, freeing them from the tubes than manipulate his tits with Luke until he shot. The he would go train with Trainer, always sucking a load from his cock at the end of the workout. Finally, he would return to his stall to have the tubes placed on his tits again and he would spend time with Ryan. There were meals throughout the day and shots.

His nipples were growing and they were sore all the time. He could think about nothing else. His tits were so sore that he could even feel the wind blow on his nipples. The breeze making his nipples ache and making his cock hard.

He saw other boys very rarely and only once did he see Austin. He had just finished his workout and he was sitting on the chair the plug locked firmly in his ass. Austin was led in by Luke, who then left, placing Austin on the chair next to him. He noticed the plug on Austin's chair was much larger than his own but Austin took the plug easily. He saw Austin study him, noticing his swollen nipples. Austin's nipples were not the same obviously he was here for some other purpose. There was a minute or two when they were alone and Austin turned to Chet, touching him on his sweaty back.

"You ok?" he whispered.

Chet nodded. He looked around, worried that someone would see them talking. He felt Austin's hand grip his shoulder hard.

"Look at me."

Chet looked over at Austin. He was very serious, his eyes boring into Chet.

"Find the boy who was in the car with us."

Chet stared, not understanding. Chet opened his mouth to say something but not before Trainer came. He called Austin to follow him and Austin got up leaving Chet without saying another word.

Chet did not get the cryptic message but he hadn't seen the boy anyway. He continued on with his day not giving it a second thought. He figured he would see Austin the following day but when he finished his workout Austin didn't show up.

After several weeks of this routine Chet noticed his body changing. He was getting more muscular and more defined his chest getting huge. Now anyone who addressed him referred to him as Pex. He was no longer led around by the bit and bridle but followed Luke freely from place to place.

He also noticed a change in the weather as it began to get colder in the barn. He had not seen the outside in some time but figured winter must have either arrived or was approaching rapidly.

On one night after being chained up in his cell at the end of his day by the older brother, who he had learned was named Nathan, Chet waited for the tubes to be applied to his nipples. Instead, small black suction cups were placed over just the small nub of flesh at the center of his tit. He felt it swell to fill the cup. In the morning Ryan arrived removing the cup and revealing the bloated flesh underneath.

He saw Ryan raise a strange metal devise and began to squirm.

"Easy, Pex," he said, "it's just a rubber band."

He saw Ryan pull the handle and the center of the devise expanded stretching a small black rubber band. Ryan placed this over the center of Chet's tit and released the handle. The rubber band closed tightly over the nub of flesh and Chet gasped.

"You can't wear it for long," Ryan said, "but we need to work on your whole tit."

"Why?" Chet asked.

Ryan smiled.

"You'll see in a few weeks." He twisted Chet's nipples as he spoke being careful not to remove the rubber bands. "That's when daddy comes back."

The training continued each day Chet's nipples and body being worked by the people in the stables. Chet began to wear the bands on his nipples for longer periods of time but they would cut the blood circulation to his nipples so they were removed for short periods in between so that his nipples would not discolor.

His body improved, growing and the people in the stables stared as he passed.

Trainer saw him every day and he continued to suck his cock. He learned to suck Trainer just like he wanted and he had gotten used to drinking his cum.

Every night he saw Ryan and the kid worshiped him. On two occasions Ryan st roked Chet's cock until he came. It felt so good to actually feel someone touch his cock and he had to admit he was bonding to him.

At one point he asked to see Ryan's cock. He blushed, telling Chet it was not allowed yet.

"Why not?" Chet asked.

"Because I can't have sex with you until my dad gets you." Ryan blushed when he said this bowing his head. The comment bothered Chet.

"I thought I was yours."

Ryan grabbed his face and looked him in the eyes.

"You are mine," he said, "but your also property of this family."

Nothing more was said that day and Chet went about his normal routine. He did not see anyone except his doctor, Luke, Trainer and Ryan. Finally, after working out and sucking Trainer until he shot deep into Chet's mouth, he returned to his stall to find Ryan's older brother waiting for him.

Instantly Chet put his head down. Chet wore only his cock ring and collar. His nipples large and swollen from their workout with the doctor were pointing straight out. His cock was hard even though he had cum for the doctor just by having his nipples stimulated. He had grown used to it, his tits now connected directly to his cock.

Chet stopped directly in front of the brother.

"Put the clothes on in your stall," he said.

Chet went into his stall and found several items. First, he put on wrist and ankle cuffs. Each of these also had a lock that he used to secure the cuffs. There were no keys for the cuffs. Nathan approached him and made sure each of the cuffs were tight enough so that he could not slip out of them. He picked up the next item telling Chet to turn around.

It was made of leather and fit tightly over his chest just below his pecs, it had to straps for his shoulders. Chet's pecs hung over the straps and they served to push his pecs up and out. Next, came a wide leather weight belt that was buckled and locked around his waist. Finally, a small leather strap was locked just beneath the head of his cock a metal look was attached to the strap and Nathan attached a leash to the metal loop. Nathan jerked on the leash pulling Chet forward and leading him out of the stall by his cock head.

They left the barn, Chet taking a minute to savor the clean air. Forward he was led to the large estate house. As they entered he could hear people talking but he saw no one. He was led upstairs to an office and Nathan removed the leash.

"Get on your knees."

Chet did as he was ordered dropping down onto the carpeted floor. Nathan left then and he remained on his knees waiting until the door opened. The man who entered the room Chet had never seen before but he instantly saw the family resemblance. He was older, maybe 50, but in excellent shape. He wore a black suit and he had dark features. He was obviously the father of Nathan and Ryan.

He walked to Chet and gripped his nipples tightly. He began to twist them. Hard. So hard in fact that Chet could not help himself he began to moan and squirm beneath the man's strong fingers. Chet didn't know how long this went on for. He lost track of time focusing only on the older man. His cock began to leak and jump.

"Cum for me boy," he said. His voice was dark and hard.

Chet began to moan and the man used his nipples to take a load from him.

"Show me that you're well trained," the man said. He used his fingernails to dig into the tit flesh. Finally, Chet yelled out cum shooting from his cock. It flew at the man landing on the carpet and on his shoes as well as on Chet's legs.

Still the man continued and now Chet bucked under him like a stallion, humping and moving. The man released his tits and Chet was left gasping.

The man patted him on the head like a dog.


The man put his hand under Chet's chin and raised his head so that their eyes met.

"Hello," he said, "I am Primbatu. Welcome to the feeder project."

End Part Ten

Next: Chapter 11

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