Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on Feb 20, 2006


The Adventures of Chet Pectoral

Chapter Eighteen of Twenty

Several vans pulled up outside the Primbatu estate. A man got out of the lead van and spoke into a phone.

"Everyone in place?"

"Yes, Sir," came the response.

"Good, remember we save the son. Everyone else is expendable."

The man next to him spoke.

"We're ready Sir."

Agent Philip Jones nodded.

"Let's do this. Count us down Lieutenant."

The man began the countdown.


Matt stripped and exposed his monster cock. Dean thought back to the barn, remembering seeing it for the first time. He could feel it in him even now.

"FUCKER!" Dean yelled, "I'm going to fuck you up so bad when I get free."

Matt laughed. He grabbed onto one of Dean's legs and took control of it. Dean struggled but had no leverage since his hands were cuffed to the bed. Despite his struggling Matt was able to put a cuff around his ankle and pull it back so it was over his head. He attached the cuff to the wrist cuff. Then it was easy to cuff the other ankle in the same way.

Dean was now spread open his legs above his head. His hole exposed and ready to be raped.

Matt reached out and put his finger deep into Dean's ass. He felt the ass clamp around his finger.

Dean yelled.

"Hmmmm," Matt said, "you've been saving that for me? How sweet."

Dean struggled but could not get free. He stared at Matt's cock.

Fuck, how big was that thing?

If he had to guess it was eleven inches long. The biggest cock he had ever seen.

"Glad you liked the bait I sent out for you," Matt said, "he did a great job. Come onto you, lure you into a situation you couldn't get free of so I could have my way with you."

Matt's fingers found Dean's prostate and began to poke at it.

Dean gasped.

"You're a bottom boy," Matt said fingering him faster, "When I'm through you'll be my whore."

Matt climbed on the bed and mounted Dean. He aimed his cock at Dean's hole and in one long motion shoved half his cock inside the football quarterback.

Dean screamed.

Matt grabbed him by the throat.

"I'm going to cum in you," Matt said.

Dean spit on Matt but in response Matt thrust another three inches of horse cock into his defenseless ass. They both moaned at the feeling.

Matt pulled his cock most of the way out of Dean's ass, leaving just the head in.

"Now the fun part," he said, "I'm going to ram in all the way."

Dean squirmed under him like a bucking bronco.

He felt Matt go in him inch after inch. Matt began to call Dean names as he shoved into the tied man in one long stroke. Dean yelled as he was penetrated so deep he could feel it in his stomach.

Finally, he felt Matt's pubes and balls and he knew his rapist was in him all the way. By this time they were both sweating hard.

Matt pulled out of Dean and shoved the entire length of his cock into the tight ass again.

Now it was Matt's turn to spit on Dean.

"I'm going to fuck you until you call me master," Matt said.

"Never," Dean yelled.

Matt fucked Dean for several minutes before calling for his helper.

"Slave Brett," Matt called, "get your ass in here and help me work this piece of shit over."

Dean had noticed Brett missing but thought he has left embarrassed at his role in this scene. He grunted as Matt thrust in him, hating how his own cock jumped and leaked at each stroke.

"Where is that fucking boy?" Matt asked almost to himself.

Matt stopped fucking Dean while he considered pulling out of Matt and getting the boy himself. But his brother's friend sure had a great ass. He didn't want to leave it.

Dean saw Matt hesitate and inside him he felt the huge cock swell. It poked at his prostate and he tried to block out the feeling.


Matt rose off of Dean and then there was a sound like a loud clang of steel on flesh. Above him Matt gasped and then, in the next instant, he fell on top of Dean. Dean took all his weight, the cock still imbedded in his ass.

Then Dean saw two strong hands grab at Matt's shoulders and pull him off Dean. Dean felt Matt's cock pull out of him.

"You alright?"

Dean looked up and saw Ted.


"Hang in there for me while I tie him up."

Dean saw Ted go to his closet and get the rope that he kept there. When they were dating Dean had playfully tied Ted up with it several times. Now, he saw Ted easily lift Matt's unconscious body off the bed and turn it over. In minutes he had carefully tied the rapist.

"There's another one," Dean said suddenly worried about Brett.

"Don't worry," Ted said, "I've taken care of him."

Ted was a huge, muscular man and it was easy to think that he had overpowered the much smaller Brett.

Ted went into the drawer and took out the keys to unlock Dean's cuffs. After taking them off he put one set on Matt's already tied wrists and then left the room with the other, probably to put them on Brett, Dean thought.

Dean slowly got up, still feeling Matt inside him. He felt his ass and saw some blood on his hands.

"Lucky for you I came by when you didn't show up for practice," Ted said, "even luckier I still had your apartment key."

Dean stood slow and hugged him. Dean was naked and still a bit hard. He felt Ted's muscular body press against him.

"Now what do we do?" Dean wondered.

There were two unconscious and tied men in his apartment one of which would kill him at the next chance he got.

Ted laughed.

"Don't worry bud," he said, putting a big arm around Dean's neck, "I've got a plan."


Vince drove his car down the dark road, away from Primbatu's home. He was angry. He had so wanted to see Chet and it had not gone the way he had wanted at all.


All that slave had to do is behave and he would have made Primbatu give him up. Instead, he had gone crazy over his former lover.


He would go see his brother and fuck the hell out of him.

Behind him a car drove, its lights shining into Vince's rearview mirror. Vince adjusted the mirror so that the lights were not as bright. But, the car got closer. Vince picked up speed the car continuing to follow very close.

This day is fucking perfect, he thought to himself.

The car, a large white van and obviously in a hurry, sped around him and drove past him

Vince gave him the finger.

He drove for several minutes, forgetting the driver, his mind returning to Chet. Damn, that boy looked good. Even better that he had looked before. And those fucking tits, Vince could have fed on those for days.

Behind him another car came up behind him.

As he rounded the next curve in the road Vince saw the same van that had passed him minutes ago. It was turned now and blocked the road. It had a large sliding door in the back and as Vince came up to the van it swung open and two men, armed with guns stepped out. Vince slammed on his breaks but the car behind him crashed into him driving him forward several feet.

Vince was driven forward but held in place by his seat belt.

The next thing he knew a man pulled open his door and shot Vince.

Vince yelped and swore at the man then reached for where he had been shot. His hand felt a dart lodged in his neck.

It was the last thing he remembered.

"That will teach you to interfere," Thor said.

Thor turned to the guard standing next to him.

"Take him to the plane. Make sure he's cuffed securely."

"Yes Sir," the guard said.

"And make sure you hood and gag him. We don't want him yelling for help."

The guards dragged Vince's body into the white van and Thor saw the door close. He got in the other car and instructed the driver to take him to the Primbatu plane. Before the night was over they would close the house and head back to Arabia and their largest home. He did not want to leave but it would seem they had no choice.

He would wait for his dad, his brothers and his sister. Inside him, his stomach turned.

Something was wrong.

He knew it.

Something was wrong.


In Japan, another plane landed and a large crate was unloaded from the hold. The flight from the east coast of the United States had stopped in San Francisco before flying non-stop to Japan. The entire flying time was almost 24 hours.

A large Chinese man unfastened each of the bolts holding the lid to the container. He nodded to another man who approached the container from the other side. Together they lifted the cover.

A man inside shivered, looking up at them. They unhooked the slave's head harness and watched as his head dropped down onto his chest. The crate stank of sweat.

"Get him out of the crate and clean him up," one man said in Japanese to the other.

Inside the crate Austin groaned.

It seemed as if the trip had lasted forever. At some point he must have passed out. The men savagely pulled the clamps off his tits and his balls out of the harness.

He yelled.

One of the large Japanese men slapped him and said something he didn't understand. Austin took the hint and tried to say quiet. He was yanked out of the crate the plug coming out oh his sore ass. The head harness was removed and a new collar was put around his neck. The sound was pulled out of his cock which was such a relief. The cock cage was left on.

The man took out a remote and pressed a button. Electric shock flowed out of the collar and into Austin's body. Beneath him, his knees buckled.

One of the men grabbed onto him and pulled him into a room where he was showered and cleaned like an animal. After being washed he was finally given some food and water which he took eagerly.

Again the man talked to him in Japanese and motioned him to follow. He was led down a hall and into another room. His hands were cuffed behind him. They were then pulled behind him and pulled upward and attached to his collar. They bent him over and he felt one of the man's thick fingers enter him. His fingers were wet and at first Austin assumed it was lube.

Then his asshole began to tighten. He moaned as his the lining of his butt swelled and his ass closed tight.

Then man laughed and said one word in English.


Austin caught on quickly. They had used something on him, some strange ointment which tightened his ass. Now, when he was fucked it would be as if it were for the first time.

He moaned as the feeling increased.

Two men entered carrying a box. The box was covered with wrapping paper.

The man who had fingered him pointed to the box.


As Austin got in the box he saw an elegant thin man enter. He had sharp features and a long thick mustache.

"Excellent," the man said in perfect English, "Takshi will love him."


There is an office at the Pentagon that very few people know exists. Even if you work in the endless halls of the building you would not know of it.

Inside the room is a man. His wrists and ankles are each chained and these chains lead to a different corner of the back wall of the room. He is naked and his body is heavily scarred from the numerous whippings and torture sessions. These were not sexual in nature. Instead, they were meant to obtain information. In the end, he gave that information up and told his captors everything they wanted to know.

The door to the office opened and a man entered. The man was dressed in a suit and the captive recognized him immediately. After all, he had the same face.

"I need more information," the man in the suit said to himself.

"You'll never get away with this," the captive man moaned.

"I already have."

The man in the suit moved closer and stared at himself. It had been easy to take the captives place but there were always obstacles. For the time being, he needed his alternate alive.

"I need an access code," the man in the suit said.

As much as the captive wanted to resist, he knew in the end he would give up any secret they wanted to know.

"They'll figure it out," the captive said.

The suited man picked up an electric cattle prod. It crackled and hummed and the captive shivered as it moved closer to his naked body.

"I've had the necessary surgery and eventually you'll tell me everything I need to know."


The man shoved the cattle prod into his side and the captive yelled.

"After all," the suited man said, "I've taken your place and now they all think I'm the Vice-President of the United States."

Eventually, the plan would take effect and he would become President. But, all things in good time, and for now, he needed that code. The fake Vice-President laughed and began to torture his captive.

Eventually, he found out what the access code was.


As Chet entered the ballroom of the Primbatu estate he saw the party was in full swing. He was on a tit leash. His large nipples clamped tightly and attached to two leads that Primbatu pulled behind him. Next to him Ryan walked briskly.

Moans filled the room. He saw several seating areas with stools in the center. These stations circled the ballroom. In the center of the room was a large table with places for three bodies to be strapped in securely. Two of the areas on the table were occupied. A thin boy that Chet had never met took one position. On either side two men suckled at his nipples and a third was ramming his cock into the boy's defenseless ass. The President's son occupied the other place on the table.

Again the son was gagged so he could not speak and tell people who he was. Chet could see the boy sweating and he was collared and cuffed securely. Both his nipples and his cock were being pumped and to Chet it looked like this had been going on for some time. His cock looked huge. He, like the other boy, had a man fucking his ass savagely.

Chet was led past the two boys and to one of the stools.

"Sit," Primbatu said.

Chet saw that a metal butt plug was part of the stool and as he took a seat the large plug first entered and then locked into his ass. Chet moaned as the largest part stretched his ass ring. Primbatu then cuffed Chet's hands behind him then took Chet by the shoulders and spun him on the stool, rotating him.

As he turned he faced an older bearded man who immediately leaned in and began chewing on Chet's exposed tit flesh.

Chet moaned in response, his always hard cock beginning to leak and jump.

"Enjoy Senator," Primbatu said.

Primbatu left and the Chet moaned for the Senator.

"Such a beautiful slave," he said.

The senator grabbed Chet's cock and began to stroke it. Immediately, Chet felt the cum begin to rush forward from his balls. The man smiled then leaned down and took Chet's cock in his mouth. It felt so good and Chet began to shoot the Senator catching every drop and drinking it eagerly.

Chet bucked and moaned as the man continued sucking even after Chet shot what must have been eight or nine huge spurts into the man's mouth.

By the time the man pulled off Chet's cock Chet was covered in sweat. He was just able to recover his breath when he was spun on his stool and faced another man. This man had a familiar needle in his hand which he plunged into the nub of flesh at the center of Chet's left tit. At the same instant a man, on the other side of Chet did the same thing to that tit.

He felt his nipples swell with the fluid and minutes later the two men began to feed. Chet moaned and bucked on the seat, the plug shifting inside his ass.

This went on for some time until the two men drained his nipples. Chet's head dropped and sweat covered him. His dick was jumping and leaking.

"Come Pex," Ryan said and Chet pulled himself off the stool, the plug making a popping sound as it left his ass.

Chet walked, his nipples and ass throbbing and followed his owner to the center of the room.

Chet was led to the center of the room and stood next to the where the President's son was being fucked. He watched as the man fucking him came and then pulled out of his ass. Then each of the tubes were taken off of his nipples and cock. Chet could tell they were sore and swollen.

Primbatu came up to the boy and he could see him whisper something. Obviously, it was a warning. The boy nodded and Primbatu removed the boys gag. For the first time the boy could speak.

"Follow," Primbatu said.

Primbatu led the boy and Ryan led Chet to a small area off to one corner. Several men sat around a table and both Chet and the boy were placed on the table.

"Fuck him," Primbatu told the boy.

Chet could see the boy's eyes widen. He wanted to fuck Chet and Chet wanted it too. Though the boy's cock looked huge after the pumping it had taken Chet still wanted to be with him.

They kissed, putting on a show for the onlookers.

Chet leaned in and put his mouth to the boy's ear.

"What's your name?"

"Nick," the President's son whispered.

"Nice to meet you Nick," Chet said softly just as the boy eased his cock into Chet's waiting ass.

They both moaned and soon Chet was riding his cock as they all watched.

Clark and Bruce entered their eyes taking several minutes to adjust to the dim light.

Soon they saw Chet being fucked in a corner by a young looking boy. Clark began to walk deliberately to where they were and Bruce grabbed him by the arm stopping them.

"Wait," Bruce said.

"No, let's get him."

Bruce turned Clark so he could see the armed guards standing in the corners. There were three and all of them had machine guns.

"Let's not be stupid," he said.

Clark sighed.

"So what do we do?"

Bruce smiled.

"We have fun until the time is right."

As Nick fucked Chet a man came over. He had two sets of tit clamps, each attached by a chain. He clamped Chet's left tit and then took the other end and clamped Nick's right tit. He did the same thing with the other clamps and their remaining tits. Now, each of them was clamped to the other and every movement caused them to pull on each other's tits.

They began to moan and Chet's cock leaked even more.

Inside him he felt the boy's cock swell.

A man came up to Nick and took his cock out, pulling Nick's mouth over. Nick took the cock eagerly and began to suck.

Chet looked up and saw two men approach. He gasped when he saw them. They were the guys from the limo at the rest stop.

Chet tensed up and as he did Nick began to shoot inside him. Nick pulled off the man's cock long enough to yell as he came. He pulled back and Chet felt his swollen and clamped tits get yanked.

Ryan watched the scene hating it. Pex was his slave and he didn't like other people having sex with him. He was even madder at his father for what he wanted to do to Pex now that he had become disobedient. Ryan decided to keep an eye on Pex for the time being so that his father would not hurt him.

Chet felt the clamps come off his nipples and saw that the man who Nick was sucking had removed his shirt. He put the clamps on his own nipples and then pulled Nick off of Chet and carried him over to the couch to have his way with him. Chet tried to keep an eye on Nick but another man approached him, obviously with the intent to use him.

The man was fat and hairy and Chet shivered as he approached.

Then he heard Clark's voice.

"My turn."

Chet looked up to see that Clark had his hand on the man's shoulder stopping him.

Clark got between Chet and the man and as he did he stripped his shirt off. He leaned in kissing Chet on the lips. The other man moaned but left, obviously not wanting a confrontation with the young muscle man.

"Hi," Clark said, "miss me?"

They continued to kiss, Chet grabbing for Clark's cock and unzipping his pants.

"You're fucking nuts," Chet said.

"We came to save you."

"I don't need saving," Chet said taking Clark's cock now and putting it at his hole.

Clark moaned and instinctively shoved forward, entering Chet. They both moaned and as they began to fuck Bruce came over, leaned in and began to suck on Chet's already used tits.

"Ohhhhhhh fuck. Go easy on me," Chet begged.

The three of them began to play together and for awhile Chet was lost in it. Then he heard a gasp and looked over to see two men try to double penetrate Nick's ass. Nick was fighting it, not wanting two cocks in his ass at the same time but he was being overpowered.

Chet grabbed for Bruce.

"Go help my friend," he said, motioning to Nick.

Bruce hesitated.

"We have to save him," Chet said. "Trust me."

Bruce nodded and pulled off Chet's tit and walked over to where the two men were forcing themselves on the President's son. Clark fucked him gently riding him. It had never felt so good to have someone in him.

The men protested but Bruce was pulling them off Nick.

Ryan saw this happen and went to get his father. Who were these two young men who were forcing themselves on their slaves?

The two men were gone now, onto other things and Bruce got between Nick's legs. He pulled his cock out of his pants, not bothering to take the rest of his clothes off. He entered Nick's ass easily.

"It's ok," Bruce whispered to him, "I'll make sure your safe."

Nick melted into him and they moved together as Bruce plunged in and out of his ass.

Primbatu walked over to where Bruce and Clark were fucking Chet and Nick. All four of them were moaning and it was obvious that there was not enough pain and tit use. He grabbed Bruce by his hair and yanked hard pulling him off of and out of Nick.

He yelped and standing up, his hard cock poking out of his pants. Clark saw this and painfully pulled out of Chet. He was naked and hard.


Agent Jones ran to the house as the first men entered. The house was struck with several explosive devices and dozens of men were entering the building.

They had orders to shoot to kill everyone but the President's son.

Next: Chapter 19

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