Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on Jan 20, 2009


The Adventures of Chet Pectoral Book II Chapter 7

October 1

12:01 a.m.

The President of the United States took a sip of the poisoned drink.

He did not swallow at first only because he heard the noise out in the hall.

"MOVE!," he heard someone say.

Then the door opened and it was the sight of his naked son that caused him to spit his drink out instead of drinking it.

His son's body looked incredible but it was the sight of his son's hard cock that was the most shocking. He came flying into the room with one of the Secret Service agents whose shirt was unkempt and Chet, the man who had saved his son's life. How funny, the President thought to himself, that Chet Pectoral was the only one fully dressed.

The President opened his mouth to say something to his son.

He had intended to say "put some clothes on for Christ's sakes" but instead he felt a tightening in his chest. The President began to breathe more heavily and as he did several things happened at once.

His son flew to his side as he began to feel weak.

"DAD!" he heard his son say.

He felt his son and Chet grab him and help him to the floor.

His eyes focused on the agent who was hitting the Vice President.

Other people flooded into the room but there was only blackness.

The President's eyes flew open and he gasped for air.

He tried to sit up but hands held him down.

"Stay still," the voice said, "everything is going to be fine."

He wanted to talk to the man in white but he couldn't. It hurt too much.

"Don't move Dad."

He looked to his side and saw his son. His son had a shirt wrapped around his waist bud was bare chested.

"Is he going to be ok?"

Someone was making him drink something. There was a sudden feeling of sickness and the President felt himself gag. Then he was puking as someone held his head and someone else said, "it's ok Mr. President, you're going to be fine".

His eyes opened again.

They were pulling the Vice-President's pants down. The President began to laugh at the outrageousness of it.

"Oh my God your right," he heard his son say.


When he woke he was in his bedroom. His chest felt tight, it hurt to breathe. There was a weakness in him that did not allow him much movement. He had never felt so tired.

It was dark but he could see his son was in the room with the Secret Service agent, Masters, he thought the man's name was.

"Dad!" his son yelled. Thankfully the boy was dressed.

"I'll get the doctor," Masters said, leaving the room.

His son came to the bed and hugged him and, as he went to hug his son back, he noticed the tubes running into his arm. He started to talk but his voice was soft, shaky, full of pain.

"Nice to see you dressed."

Nick was crying.

"I was so scared."

"I'm fine," the President said, reaching for his son.

They stayed like that for a time till the door opened and Masters came in with a doctor.

"Will someone tell me what the hell is going on?"

How do you interrogate a Vice-President?

Very carefully.

The room that held the man who pretended to be the Vice-President had no windows. How long he had been there he did not know, but he was not afraid. He was cuffed to a chair his wrists behind him, his legs spread wide. They had taken his suit and he was clothed in only hospital scrubs.

The door opened and Chet Pectoral walked in alone.

The man laughed.

"They send a boy to interrogate me? That is an insult."

Chet smiled and began to undress.

"I'm not here to interrogate you."

The man stared at Chet's body. It was the most amazing thing. Tight, hairy, huge pecs and those nipples that pointed out, waiting to be used. The cock was not huge, by any means, but respectable.

Chet walked over to the man and grabbed the man's cock. It was already hard from seeing Chet naked. It was a huge, monstrous thing, a burden he carried.

"I'm here," Chet said, "to have one more fuck on your amazing cock before they take you to Guantanamo."

The man moaned as Chet stroked him.

"I will not tell you anything," the man said.

Chet straddled him and began to lower himself.

"I'm not asking anything," Chet said and then groaned loud as the massive cock entered his hole.

It took several minutes for Chet to take the whole thing and during that time the only sound that filled the room was moaning. Once the entire cock was in Chet's ass he did not ride it but simply sat there.

He felt the man try to lift his hips off the chair in order to try to fuck Chet's ass but he couldn't do it the way he was tied down. Chet simply tightened and loosened his ass around the man's cock.

Chet heard him moan.

"I won't tell you where the Vice-President is," the man said then moaned again.

Chet rode the man's massive cock five or six times then stopped. Just enough to get him going.

"I don't need you to tell me," Chet groaned, "we found the Vice- President in the Pentagon where you hid him and we've already rescued him."

The fake Vice-President could not hide his shock.

Chet rode again, up and down, up and down. It was so big. Chet's cock leaked on the man's chest. Chet stopped riding and kissed the man.

"It was simple," Chet said, "we simply back tracked all of your steps and found where you were spending a lot of your time. There are cameras everywhere now, after all. And by the way, he's going to be fine. Thanks for asking."

Chet pulled the man to his nipple and allowed the man to chew his tit. It whipped Chet into a frenzy and he began to ride the cock for all it was worth. It hurt, but it felt good, and soon he felt the man cum. The man pulled off his tit long enough to moan and then Chet grabbed his head and pulled him back onto his tit. He kept riding. He would not stop. The man came again and then a third time and still Chet continued to ride. Deep inside Chet screamed knowing he could not last long but he continued. The man inside him was going nuts yelling and begging.

"Stop," the man said, "you're fucking driving me nuts."

"I know," Chet said as he picked up the pace.

They were both sweating hard now, the sweat dripping off of Chet.

"Primbatu will not be denied," the man said.

Chet stopped riding.

Tim looked over at Apollo who was sleeping soundly.

He loved the slave.

Tim had never been the submissive type and the work he did for the Agency challenged his notions of exactly the type of person he thought he was.

He owned a slave now.

Apollo was more of a pet than a boyfriend. He did everything for the slave and Apollo gave him unconditional love. Tim was sure that if he told Apollo to jump in front of a bullet to save him, he would do it.

Apollo begged to wear a collar and Tim had finally agreed. A leather collar with a d-ring was now locked around his property's neck.

He reached down and grabbed Apollo's always hard and leaking cock.

It was massive and Tim still hadn't mastered how to get used to having that thing in his ass.

Apollo opened his eyes and smiled at Tim. The big man had such a wonderful smile, Tim thought.

"Sir," Apollo said, "the collar is tight, can I have it off for a bit?"

Tim smiled. Little did Apollo know but he loved him more than anything. Tim wished that Apollo was not a slave and that they could just be together.

He walked to the end table and got out the key and unlocked the collar. He put the lock on the table with the key and then started to take the collar out.

It was then that Apollo, in one swift move got off the bed and flipped Tim over so that Tim was on the bottom and Apollo was on top now. He turned Tim over so that Tim was face down and then he felt Apollo begin to slam his massive cock into his defenseless ass.

"EASY!" Tim yelped, "get the lube."

Apollo's fist came down hard on his back and Tim screamed. He felt the cock continue to push into him. He was being raped.

"Listen carefully," Apollo said.

Tim gasped. He felt his ass stretch and rip.

"You will become my slave," Apollo said, "and you will do my bidding. I will fuck you and beat you until you beg me to collar you. Once you accept my collar I will become the Alpha slave and you will be nothing more than livestock to be used up and then discarded."

"Stop," Tim gasped.

Again the fist came down hard on him.

"The only word you are allowed to speak is the word 'Submit'. That will tell me I have broken you and you are ready for your collar."

Tim was well trained and tried to fuck but Apollo was too heavy and had the upper hand.

Apollo began to fuck Tim and then he felt him reach under him and grab Tim's balls hard. He pulled and Tim screamed.

"You won't be needing those anymore," Apollo said.

October 3

Chet stood there for a moment not moving.

"You don't have to do this," Mr. Mont said.

"I know, but this is my job now, my purpose."

Mont laughed.

"Your purpose is to be the bitch of the United States of America, the greatest fucking country in the world."

Chet laughed.

"I needed that," Chet said.

Mont smiled at him the way a father smiled at a son.

"You're well trained. You're ready. You'll do fine."

With that Chet opened the door to the holding facility and walked down the hall. At the end of the hall there was a cell and in that cell was his biggest fear.

Nathan Primbatu.

"You are truly beautiful," Nathan said.

"Fuck you," Chet said.

"But, why my father is so obsessed with you I will never know."

"We got the fake Vice-President so your father's plan is not going to work."

Nathan smiled.

"It doesn't matter," Nathan said, "there are parallel paths to every goal."

"You're a total asshole," Chet said.

Nathan raised his voice then and what he said next he said loud and with an authority that Chet knew reflected his convictions.

"You are a slave to the family Primbatu. You know that and yet you continue to fight it. We own you. And you will only cause pain and suffering to others if you continue to refuse to return."

Chet lunged at the bars that separated the two men.

"I will never return! I will never be a slave again!"

"You are still a slave and you always have been," Nathan whispered.

Chet took a few deep breaths.

He used his training to compose himself and then spoke again more calmly.

"What do you want?"

"Ramrod," Nathan said.

Chet opened his mouth to say he had no idea what Ramrod was but Nathan simply turned away from him. As he walked away Nathan spoke to Chet.

"You will release me, and you will return to Primbatu with Ramrod." Then Nathan picked up a book and started to read.

Conversation over.

Chet left and he saw that Mont was waiting for him when he returned to the holding area.

"What's Ramrod?" Chet asked.

"I have no idea," Mont said, "that's above my pay grade."

October 10

Chet kissed his lover.

Slowly he rode Dean's cock up and down.

They both moaned.

They spent the night together and it seemed all they did was have sex. Dean was busy with football and his team might even make the playoffs. He was becoming something of a star.

Chet tightened has ass as he rode.

Under him, Dean moaned his body arching upward to thrust further into Chet.

Chet's cock leaked and had formed a puddle on Dean's body that combined with their sweat.

"Don't stop," Dean moaned.

Dean yelled, cumming again. It was the third time. Under him, Chet felt Dean's body shake. He tried to push Chet off but Chet refused.

Dean moaned.

"I need a break!"

Chet laughed.

"One minute you say don't stop and the next you say you need a break," Chet rode faster, "make up your mind."

Chet pulled off of Dean's cock and lay on his back.

"I'm spent," Dean said.

Chet smiled. Dean moved so that he was sucking Chet's cock. Chet tried to pull him off.

"It's ok," Chet said, "I never seem to be satisfied."

"Maybe they can help," Dean said.

Dean nodded to where Nick and his lover were having sex. The four of them had dinner together and then they decided to have sex together.

"Help me," Dean said.

Nick came up on one side of Chet and his lover, Agent Derek Masters came up on the other. Dean began to suck Chet's cock for all he was worth while the other two each worked one of Chet's tits. Chet moaned and bucked and sweated under the three of them while they worked him. At one point Dean got a butt plug and shoved it in and out of Chet's ass as they continued to work.

It was over an hour when Nick yelled to them.

"Don't stop, we can break him."

Dean laughed and kept sucking. He was exhausted, sweaty but intent on making Chet happy.

Two hours.


They even switched places when Dean could suck no longer.

Normally, Dean would count the loaded but Chet really didn't stop cumming. His cock would leak and then blast a load then go back to leaking.

He was a machine.

Dean power fucked Chet.

Nick got on top of Chet and the two of them had sex as Dean and Derek watched. At one point Derek looked at Dean. It was obvious Nick and Chet had a very intense connection. Dean was shocked that Nick was almost as big as Chet now and Nick's cock grew too. Dean knew it had gotten bigger.

When Nick finished fucking Chet and had cum he pulled out.

Chet slowly got up, his legs shaking.

He went to Dean and kissed him lovingly.

"Thank you," Chet said.

"Did we get anywhere close to satisfying you?"

Chet kissed him again.

"You always satisfy me," he said.

"That's not what I mean," Dean said.

"I know," Chet grabbed his hand to pull him toward the shower, "I'm good, happy."

Dean wanted more than anything to satisfy Chet but he couldn't. There was nothing he could do. Chet was going away next month. On his first assignment for the Agency and Dean was nervous. But Chet wanted this and he needed it too.

Dean was very happy when Chet graduated the Agency but he knew what it meant. It meant that Chet would be gone for long periods of time and he would be having sex, probably in a submissive role and that he would probably be in danger.

In the shower they hugged.

"I love you," Dean said.

"You're my whole life," Chet said.

Nick came running in to join them followed by Derek.

They laughed in the shower playing.

October 22

Derek sat in the meeting room.

He was in Control, the headquarters for the Agency.

And no, the Agency did not have a name, if it had a name it wouldn't be a secret agency.

The door opened and Chet walked in.

Chet was shocked to see him.

"What are you doing here?" Chet asked.

"I volunteered to be your handler," Derek said.

"No, you need to stay with the President and Nick."

Derek stood up and went to Chet.

"The president asked me to do this and I want to. Nick knows."

"They need you more than me."

"I can do both," Derek said, "and you need someone you can trust without question."

Chet nodded.

"OK," Chet said as he sat down, "what is Ramrod and why does Primbatu want it?"

October 29

Dean and Chet made love a final time.

October 30

Dean kissed Chet goodbye. Chet left with only a small backpack. Dean knew nothing about where he was going or what he was doing. Chet looked nervous.

"Don't go," Dean said.

"I have to."

"We can run away."

Chet grabbed Dean's face in his hands.

"No," Chet said as he kissed Dean's face over and over again, "We can't be together until Primbatu is gone."

Dean grabbed Chet and hugged him tight.

He didn't want to let go.

"Be careful," Dean whispered.

Chet nodded, kissed him and was gone.

Dean just stood there.

Outside the rain began to fall.

Storm's coming.

He felt it in his bones.

October 31


Dean stood in the bar. He was very well known now because of his football career. It prevented him from going in public a lot. But tonight he could blend in, disguise himself.

He wore leather pants and a leather mask.

Dean scanned the bar looking for someone to fuck.

His eyes landed on a tall blond man standing by the bar. The man held a leash and at the end of the leash another man was on all fours. The man on all fours was ripped with muscle and had a hood on.

Dean walked up to the man at the bar and paid no attention to the slave.

Dean ordered a drink and nodded to the blond man.

"Would you like to fuck my slave?" the blond man asked.

"I'd like to fuck you both," Dean said.

The other man laughed then reached out unzipped Dean's pants and pulled his cock out. The slave noticed and instantly moved to suck it. The slave was skilled and Dean moaned in response. People in the bar noticed and they began to look. Some moved closer for a better view.

"We have an audience," Dean said.

"Shall we get out of here?" the tall man asked.

Dean nodded.

He let out a moan grabbing the slaves head and holding it onto his cock as he shot his load.

Dean zipped up his pants and rubbed the slaves head.

"He's a good boy," Dean told the slave's master.

The man nodded.

Dean held out his hand.

"I'm Dean."

The man held out his hand.

"I am Apollo."

On November 1 Dean left the bar with Apollo and his new slave.

To be continued . . .

Next: Chapter 29: Chet Pectoral II 8

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