Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on Feb 18, 2010


The Adventures of Chet Pectoral Book Two - Ramrod

Chapter 12 of 12 March

Chet was led into the stall by the man who had fathered him and was now his handler. Exhausted, Chet's feet dragged on the floor as he walked, his head down. He had no idea how long he had gone without sleep and did not ask Ramrod.

A large clamp was secured on each tit digging into the flesh. His tits were swollen and throbbed. Each clamp had a length of chain which were connected to a single chain, forming a "Y". At the end of the chain was a tit leash and Ramrod pulled on the tit leash.

Chet thought his ordeal, so far, had only been a few days long but he could not be sure. He had flown to the camp and been placed in a room where he had remained naked and cold. During that time he was hosed down with water and loud music played. A voice had ordered him to stand and flex and pose. He had done so obediently. Chet knew it was intended to prevent sleep and to wear him down. Finally, a stranger came, an older bearded man who took him in front of Primbatu. His father was there as well.

"Prepare the property to my specifications," Primbatu had said.

How Chet hated that man.

A leather hood covered his head that had been shaved when he arrived. As the hair had fallen to the floor Chet felt his freedom leave him too. That was not the worst. Primbatu also ordered that all the hair be removed from the rest of his body.

"Free men have hair, not animals," Primbatu declared.

His father trimmed then shaved all of the hair off his body.

"You are his handler now," Primbatu said.

"Yes, Master," his father had responded.

It was terrible loosing the hair but it made his cock seem larger and his nipples seemed to grow. As his father shaved around his nips he grabbed Chet's tit hard with one hand, pulling, while shaving around it.

Chet looked at his dad who did not pay him any attention. When done his father had twisted the tit several times, making Chet moan. Chet moaned again as his father paid special attention to shave his hole. When he was done he felt his father rub it.

He knew his father was longing to fuck it.

He was not allowed to see how he looked shaved but Primbatu pronounced the look "fitting for the whore you will become".

The hood was secured with a heavy pad lock at the back of his head. The lock was heavy enough to force his head down even at the best of times. The hood had a collar at the base and the collar too was secured with a second pad lock. The hood had holes for the eyes, nose and mouth but various devices could be snapped onto the hood. The hood was heavy and isolated him.

He wore heavy wrist and ankle shackles made of metal. The wrist shackles dug into his flesh.

Chet wore heavy black boots with thick soles that added 2 inches to his height. There were weights in soles of the boots, how much he did not know but they caused his legs to work hard when he moved and he already felt his thighs, butt and calves aching. His butt was plugged with a large vibrating butt plug which shifted and moved in him.

A heavy metal cock ring wrapped around his cock and balls. A second tight metal band circled his balls. The bands were not attached and as he walked they clinked and clacked.

Together all of this made him more animal than human. Primbatu had been correct about that.

In spite of it all Chet's cock bounced and leaked as he walked. Most of the other slaves were in chastity. Other slaves, Chet assumed were castrated because their cocks were not hard. A small percentage had raging leaking hardons like him. A few slaves had bloated massive cocks which were obviously created using drugs or pumps.

They reached a room. Actually, it was considered a stall that had no wall on one side. Over the door frame was the word "PEX", Chet's name again. He had done so much to put the name behind him but here it was again slapping him in the face.

"In," Ramrod said.

Chet obeyed walking into the stall.

Take a moment and look at his room with me. It has a mattress with a large metal frame, a fuck bench, a large eye bolt in the floor and one on the ceiling both of which are in the center of the room. A light burns overhead warming the room. Chet was already sweating but he felt his skin warm even more in the room. On the furthest wall of the room were four bolts, two high and two low, that could be used to attach Chet to the wall at his wrists and ankles.

Ramrod led Pex to the furthest wall and attached his wrists to the bolts. He did not attach Chet's ankles. His father ran his hands down Chet's body, sweat dripped onto the floor. In one move, with no mercy or consideration Ramrod yanked off the tit clamps, removing the leash. Chet drew in breath sharply. Ramrod used the back of his hands and smacked Chet's tits several times.




Chet had been transferred to this facility after the long plane flight. He assumed he was in the Middle East somewhere. He was in one of Primbatu's homes. How many and the extent of the evil man's empire Chet could only begin to fathom.

The plane ride had been the easy part it was seeing Dean for the last time that had been hard.

Chet, his father and Nathan had mounted the stairs of the plane and there, standing in the plane were Primbatu and Dean. The strange part was that they both were seated in large leather chairs, clothed and having a conversation like old friends. Primbatu wore a black jacket and slacks and a button down black shirt.

The man in black.

Dean wore jeans and a t-shirt. Chet's hart jumped in his chest. Primbatu was drinking and laughing. Dean had been nodding and Chet thought he did not look enthusiastic in his agreement.

Then Dean looked up and saw Chet.

There is something about loving someone that helps you to read their looks. In the moment Dean looked up Chet saw several things in his expression. First, he saw sheer joy as Dean's eyes widened and he smiled. Then Dean blushed, he head going down, with anger and fear and relief. Then Dean looked up again and there was a sadness in his eyes.

Primbatu looked at the threesome who had come in and smiled broadly.

"You may go to him but must honor our agreement," he said to Dean.

Dean got up from the chair and literally ran to Chet his arms out. Chet took several steps forward closing the distance quickly and the two fell into each other's arms. They exchanged words quickly, talking over each other.

"Are you ok?" Chet asked.

"Yes, you?"

"Love you."

"Love you."

"I'm sorry, Chet." Dean said.

"Everything is ok," Chet had replied, lying.

"I don't want you to do this."

"It's ok." Chet said.

They kissed, deep wet and loving. Their hands were all over each other. Chet felt Dean's hard-on.

Chet pushed Dean away.

"You're hard, are you ok?"

Dean smiled

"It's just a normal hard-on. I'm ok."

Chet took a step back and looked at Dean. There was some bruising on Dean's face around his eye but he looked ok.

Again, Chet took Dean in his arms, kissing him. He felt everyone's eyes on them.

It was then that Primbatu spoke.

"Fuck," he said.

Dean and Chet looked at him.

Primbatu smiled pointing to a large coffee table sitting on the floor between two couches.

"Fuck you," Chet said pulling away from Dean and taking a step forward.

"Have it your way if you wish Pex. But I am giving you a last chance to fuck or make love. If you wish to do it. I will grant you that request. But we will all watch."

Dean pulled Chet back into him.

"I want to fuck you," Dean said.

Chet's eyes widened.

"No, not here."

Dean grabbed Chet's face holding it tight and looking deep into his eyes.

"Please," he said, his voice almost pleading.

Chet couldn't refuse his lover. He needed the man's cock in him. He needed to feel his body. Chet slipped off his boots, socks and pants. He lay naked on his back on the table and raised his legs in the air. Dean unzipped, taking his ample cock out and moving to mount Chet. Chet felt the head of Dean's cock at his hole and then the firm pressure. Chet took a deep breath, relaxing and suddenly Dean's cock was in him all the way. Dean's cock reached Chet's prostate and Chet let out a moan.

Dean began to fuck him and Chet reached out grabbing onto him. Chet arched his back and Dean leaned in to kiss him.

"I love you," Chet said.

"You're my whole world," Dean said in response.

Their kiss was long and slow.

Dean's cock in him felt wonderful and Chet tightened his ass. Dean moaned.

"Don't make me cum too soon," Dean said.

They fucked for several minutes. Chet could feel his lovers cock inside him. It felt so good. He closed his eyes trying to block out everyone else.

Dean leaned in, whispering.

"I'm going to rescue you," he said.

"NO!" Chet spoke loudly as he said it. He didn't want Dean to save him. He was beyond saving. He was now and always the property of Primbatu and he would never leave.

Dean slammed his cock into Chet hard and Chet moaned.

"If you two talk I will separate you," Chet heard Primbatu say.

Dean began to fuck Chet slow, pulling his cock all the way out of Chet's ass and then slowly shoving back in, making Chet feel it.

Chet leaned up whispering to Dean.

"Forget about me," he said.

"Never," Dean moaned.

"Is he a good fuck animal?" Primbatu asked Dean.

Dean moaned in response.

He was close to cumming but didn't want to. When he came it would be over and they would be separated, maybe forever. Dean fought the urge for several minutes but was unable to hold back any longer. The two of them were sweating moaning softly. Dean could feel the eyes of the others on them. Finally, Dean yelled and began to shoot inside of Chet. Rope after rope of cum sprayed into Chet and Dean's body began to buck and shake.

Dean stayed inside Chet and they began to kiss.

"Enough," Primbatu ordered.

Dean knew enough to not disobey him and slowly pulled his cock out of his lover. Chet continue to lay there. Dean had not removed his clothes and his t-shirt was soaked with his sweat. He did not bother to wipe his cock off but simply shoved it back in his pants.

Dean looked at the others who had all been watching. Their hardons were clearly evident. Dean did not know the men but they were both attractive. The older one was hairy and his large cock poked forward in his pants. The younger man was obviously Primbatu's son.

Primbatu held out his arms and his son came into them. They hugged.

"You did well," Primbatu said.

Then he turned to the older man and Dean saw the older man walk to Primbatu and kneel at his feet.

"Welcome home Ramrod," Primbatu said.

It was Chet who spoke then.

"Let Dean go now," Chet said. He was on his elbows staring at Dean as he said it.

"No," Dean said, "let me take Chet with me." and then he added though he knew it would do no good, "Please."

"Go," Primbatu said.

Dean went back to Chet taking him in his arms and kissing him.

"I can't go."

"Forget about me," Chet said kissing him back.

"Never," Dean said, "he leaned in and whispered."

It was then that Dean spoke one more time. It was the last thing Dean said to him.

That was the he thing that broke Chet.

Dean said, "Wherever he takes you I will find you. No matter how long it takes. Hold on for me."

Chet didn't want that but he did not speak. He was afraid that Primbatu would use it as an excuse to not let Dean go. Dean rubbed Chet's body a last time and then left glancing one more time at both Chet and Primbatu.

The thing that Chet could not forget was seeing Dean leave the plane. He didn't walk off the plane.

He ran.

Escaping the horror that Chet was facing alone.

Chet would not hold on. He intended to finally give in.

Now, in his stall his handler, his father, left the room briefly. He returned with a small case which he rested on the fuck bench and opened. In it was a small needle and a syringe filled with clear liquid.

Ramrod grabbed Chet's right nipple in one hand twisting it back and forth while at the same time pulling it out.

Chet maoned.

"Easy, try to relax," Ramrod said to him.

Then he felt Ramrod inject his nipple with the needle putting part of the liquid into his tit.

Chet yelled.

"If you scream I will have to gag you," Ramrod said to him.

Ramrod began to pull at his left nipple now intending to repeat the process. As he pulled the left tit the right tit began to burn as the liquid started to do its job. Chet could barely see because of the way the hood fit but he felt his nipple swell painfully and begin to throb and tingle. It was erotic and at the same time painful. Chet tried not to yell but his could not help it when his body began to jerk and buck from the feeling. He felt his cock jump and leak.

At the same time Chet felt Ramrod insert the needle into his other tit. His legs, which had not been chained, shook under him.

The worst was yet to come.

Now Ramrod took a second needle and syringe out of the case and grabbed Chet's hard cock. Chet moaned. His father, wanting Chet for so long now, could not help it and he squeezed Chet's cock. It leaked in his hand.

Ramrod chuckled.

"I'd love to help you with that but I can't."

Chet moaned, the feeling in his tits almost too much to bear.

Then he felt his father inject his cock with the needle. It was all he could do to not scream and he tried to be quiet but he could not help making noises. Was it a whimper? A groan? His father didn't care. When he was done injecting the solution he pulled the needle out of Chet's cock and went back to the case. Chet had never seen the thing his father now held. It was a metal rod with a ring of rubber at the end. Chet instinctively backed away but there was nowhere to go.

Again his father rubbed his chest.

"Easy, easy, try to be good."

Chet's body shook from the feeling in his tits. He felt his cock leak.

"Do you want to be gagged?"

This time Chet nodded.


Ramrod nodded and produced a gag with a large dildo. Chet guessed it was 7 or 8 inches.

Ramrod smiled.

The solution was worse than the problem.

His father took the dildo and slid it down Chet's throat. He tried not to gag but at the end Chet felt like he was choking. He tried to shake his head to make it stop but he couldn't.

"Can you take it?" Ramrod asked.

Chet whimpered.

Taking it as a "yes" his father shoved the last bit in and then snapped the dildo plug into the hood. Chet's eyes began to water.

His father went back to work and took the metal rod in one hand and Chet's cock in the other. Slowly he slid the rod down Chet's cock. It was painful and at the same time turned Chet on. After Ramrod had slid the rod fully down Chet's cock, deep into his cock, he took the ring of rubber and began to slide it down Chet's cock. It was a rubber but made of much harder material and it began to encase Chet's cock fully all the way down until it hit his balls.

"The sound and sheath are going to make life harder for you. As you leak and cum you will find the cum goes back down your cock and cannot shoot out like it would normally," his father said, "I'm going to demonstate."

Then, with the biggest smile Chet had seen on the man who fathered him he began to stroke Chet. Chet, of course, thanks to all the stimulation, began to cum instantly and as he came he felt the cum immediately prevented from flying out of his cock. Instead, he felt it come back into his cock. It was intense and painful and wonderful all at the same time.

Chet was moaning into the gag over and over. His eyes tearing.

Lastly, Ramrod produced two thick, clear tubes and took the first tube and placed it over Chet's throbbing swollen tit. He took a hand pump and pumped Chet's tit several time making it swell and creating a suction between the tit and the tube. Chet's tit began to leak and a fluid appeared in the tube. Ramrod repeated the process on the other tit.

"These will collect your tit cum," Ramrod said flicking the tubes with his hands to make sure the seal was tight, "It's the most precious fluid your master desires."

"I'm going to take your gag out now. Can you be good?"

Chet nodded.

Chet had never felt anything like what he was experiencing. His nipples, his cock, his ass were all being worked. The hood and bondage humiliated him. His future was dark and bleak. And the man doing it was the man who gave him life. He was the property of his worst enemy and his greatest love was gone forever.

Ramrod leaned in and kissed Chet's cheek.

"I have one more needle if you want it Pex." His father used Chet's slave name now, the name that he would be called for the rest of his life.

His father produced a needle, holding it in front of Chet.

"If you take this it will get you high and horny and all of this won't matter anymore."

Chet could take the needle and become a mindless fuck slave or suffer in agony.

"Do you want it?" Ramrod asked.

Chet shook his head "no".

Ramrod nodded and smiled. He ran his hands down Chet's back.

"Good whore," his father said, "I'll be back later to check on you."

With that the slave known as Ramrod left. Chet hung in place, suffering.

Chet felt his cock jerk and he felt himself cum but not cum. His nips were swollen and leaking and on fire. There was a minute where he blacked out, where the world went away and there was nothing. How long he stayed there he didn't know. He remembered Ramrod coming in the check on him but nothing more. It was hot and difficult in the hood and Chet sweated hard. Sweat dripped off his muscular body and onto the floor.

It was later, when the light in the room changed and the darkness of night flooded in, when Chet's world was really rocked.

He heard footsteps in the hall and expected Ramrod to come in to check on him again but it wasn't him. When Chet saw who it actually was he yelled. Not in terror but in despair.

"Hello," Nick said.

Chet almost didn't recognize him. He was more muscled, huge in fact. The young boy who Chet had sacrificed so much to rescue was not there anymore. Nick's features were hard and severe. He wore tight leather pants and no shirt. The boy had a bit of hair on his chest and his nipples were big and pointy. Nick's longish hair had been trimmed into a military fade cut. Other than the pants the only other clothes Nick wore was a leather armband on his left arm with the letter "A" on it. Then Chet noticed the biggest change. The boy was hung like a horse. Even in the leather pants Chet could see it. Nick's always hard cock but now longer and thicker. It snaked half way down his pants leg.

"What are you doing here," Chet yelled at him.

Nick smiled and walked up to Chet, standing directly in front of him. Then Nick punched him in the stomach.


Chet was not ready for the blow and could do nothing to stop it anyway. The air went out of him and he gasped.

"Don't talk unless I want you to talk."

Chet was in shock.

What had they done to him?

Nick took the tube on Chet's tit and removed it. There was a loud popping sound and Chet moaned. Nick examined the tube and the bit of liquid in it then drank the liquid. Then Nick leaned in and began to suck Chet's nip hard. He was working the nip and Chet moaned and squirmed.

"Nick doooon't," Chet moaned, "I saved you from all of this."

Again Nick hit him in the stomach but it was not hard this time. Nick was too close to hit hard and was busy working Chet's nipple.

When he was done Nick pulled off and placed the clear tube on the fuck bench.

"I'll have Ramrod come back and reapply your tube."

Nick grabbed Chet's head in his hands, looking deep into his eyes.

"I love you Chet."

"I love you too Nick," Chet said. There were tears in his eyes. He had rescued Nick and now here he was back with Primbatu. It was as if everything Chet did was for nothing.

Primbatu had won.

"Chet, I wanted to come back," Nick said. As he talked he pinched and twisted Chet's defenseless nipple. "You do know that Primbatu intends to destroy you. He intends to make you a mindless fuck animal and use you up until there is nothing left."

Chet nodded.

"I need to be part of that," Nick was smiling now. "He made me Alpha slave and I am bigger and stronger than ever. I am going to use you so hard. I am going to make you fear me."

Nick smile was evil almost.

In a way Chet feared him already.

"Alpha, is it ready?"

Chet looked up. A woman he did not recognize stood in the doorway.

"It'll need the tit tube reapplied." Nick said. They called Chet "it" now. He was no longer worthy of being referred to as a human.

"I'll have it taken care of," the woman said.

She had long, straight dark hair that fell to her shoulders. She was older but still beautiful. Chet could see the young girl who must have made men crazy for her. The woman wore a white button down shirt and leather pants. It was odd that she was dressed so conservative. But, in a way, the clothes made her more sexy.

"Pex will be ready for the party tonight," Nick said.

"Good," the woman said, "your master wants you."

Nick nodded then turned back to Chet. He kissed him full and deep on the lips and Chet kissed him back.

"It refused the shot," Nick said.

"Yes," said the beautiful woman, "it is trying to retain its humanity."

Nick turned to leave.

"Give the shot to it anyway," Nick said.

Nick left and Chet was alone with the woman. She produced the needle and walked up to Chet. Chet felt the needle enter his butt muscle.

"I'm sorry," she said, "but it's better for you this way."

Chet whimpered feeling the shot already. His body relaxed and his head began to get foggy.

The woman shocked him then. Chet must have been crying because she reached up and wiped the tears from his eyes. Then she began to stroke his back.

Chet whimpered and the world faded away.



So there it is.

Yes, I'm late. But life calls.

Trust me. I never forget.

I wanted to thank the readers who wrote (and the few who yelled) to me to keep me motivated.

I'm pleased with Book Two - even with its flaws. The biggest of which was my failure to do the book in a "24" style with 12 chapters one a month for 12 months. But, in the end, I did what was necessary and everyone is where they need to be for Book Three.

I can't tell you when that will be but I promise to get to it this year. I never saw this as a trilogy. It just grew organically. I really would like to tell a couple of other stories but it seems all roads lead to Chet for now. We shall see.

I was also happy to name the Books. Book One - Pex and Book Two - Ramrod. I pondered the names for a long time, wanting to get them right.

What's Book Three called? Thank you for asking. It's called "Prima". If you know what the title of books one and two refer to you should know what the title means.

Book Three should be a big event and I want to do it justice. If you want to email me my email is I have a blog and that's By the way, if you have a pic of someone who you think is Chet send it to me and I'll post it on my blog. I've been kind of casting all the roles in my head and have had a lot of fun doing it.

Well, best wishes and we'll talk again soon. Till then stay safe and well.

Oh, one more thing for being so patient. . .


She looked over the animal as it finally began to rest. It slumped in its bondage. She would go to Ramrod and have him reapply the suction tube to its tit.

That should be interesting.

To see that man again after so long.

Primbatu did love his petty torments.

She looked back at the animal.

What an amazing specimen.

There was a camera in the stall so she did not dare do anything too radical. But, she could not help but walk back up to the animal and touch him. She ran her hands over his chest and stomach and then up his arms. She felt the muscle. When she pulled her hands away they were wet with sweat.

"This was always your destiny," she said, "and you cannot fight destiny."

The animal formerly known as Chet Pectoral moaned lightly.

"You'll do good in the Primbatu stable. You'll be the lowest animal, lower than all the slaves."

She kissed him lightly on the lips.

"Do your mother proud," she said.

Then she left leaving the animal alone in its stall.


Next: Chapter 34: Chet Pectoral III 1

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