Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on Sep 13, 2011


The Adventures of Chet Pectoral Book Three - Prima Chapter One

Prima walked into the large room making sure the preparations were finished. Slaves were running about here and there getting things ready. There was a large platform in the center of the room raised about a foot off the ground. Two large heavy chains hung from the ceiling above the center of the platform. Chairs and couches were spaced out around the room. Food was being placed on various tables and two bars, one at each end of the room, were fully stocked and ready for guests.

About 25 guests would be arriving within the hour expecting a show. Most were from outside of the United States and were here to see the results of years of research by her master, The Lord Primbatu.

"Is something wrong, Lady?"

The voice came from behind her. Here on the farm Prima was referred to as "Lady". It was the highest form of respect a female slave could receive. In effect, it was equal to being called Alpha if she were a male slave.

Prima turned to see the beautiful male. He had long blond hair and was thin and tightly muscled. He was tall for his age almost 6'2 and he was just 16. He was named Lucas. He was nude except for a loincloth that covered his privates and hung from a thin gold chain. Although she could not see the boy's cock she knew it was massive. She knew because she had supervised his making and his birth. He had been bred to be hung huge. He was only just growing into manhood but his cock was already becoming legend.

"Why do you ask Lucas?"

"Lady, you are always full of smiles and today you seem unhappy. Is there something wrong? What can I do for you?"

Some accepted slavery and some never could. But Lucas was born a slave and knew no different. He was happy here and he never wanted to leave. Nor was he shamed by his status. In fact, he was excited as every new torment was inflicted upon him. She turned to the boy running her hand through his hair.

"I am just making sure everything is ready for the party and I am planning for the future."

Lucas considered this and nodded.

"Yes," he said, "the great race is less than six months away. That is very soon."

"Yet," she said to him, "it is also a long way off and there is a great deal that must be done between now and then."

"House Primbatu will win, won't we?" Lucas asked her. There was genuine concern in his face.

Prima kissed Lucas on the forehead.

"Do you want to know a secret?"

"Yes," Lucas nodded eagerly. The Lady rarely confided in anyone and he was honored to even be speaking to her let alone learning a secret.

"Our horse was born right here on this farm and he has been raised just to win the race."

"I can't wait," Lucas said his eyes bright, "All my life I have heard of the race and I can't believe it is so close."

Prima smiled at him.

"Would you like to meet him?" she asked.

"Our horse?"

"Yes," she said, "would like to meet our stallion?"

Lucas literally jumped up and down.

"Really? Yes." The excitement was obvious. "Really?" Never had any of the house slaves ever been asked to make a choice. Most decisions were made for a slave. For Lucas, to have a choice and to accompany the Lady to see the stallion was an honor.

Prima walked out of the banquet room turning to see Lucas who had not yet moved. She raised her eyebrows and Lucas began to run after her.

They walked out of the main house and into the stables. The stables smelled of sex and sweat. She could hear moaning and screams. They were background noise to her now after all these years.

How many?


To be here all that time. . .

She pushed the thoughts out of her head and walked to one of the stalls on the right side. The name above the stall said PEX. Before she opened the door of the stall she turned to Lucas.

"Come in with me but do not speak or move quickly. Do you understand?"

Lucas nodded his eyes wide with excitement.

Prima took a deep breath and opened the door.

Inside Prima's mind she kept a box and in that box she put her emotions, her empathy and her compassion. Over the years she had become expert at it. But, the box had become a living thing. She could feel it inside her now and it shook and rumbled threatening to burst open and spill its contents. If this happened she would crumble so she imagined a set of chains circling the box forcing it to stay closed.

Don't let the box open.

Don't let the box open.

She repeated this over and over in her mind.

Pex stood in the center of the stall.

He had once been named Chet Pectoral.

He was more muscled than he had been especially in the arms, pecs and thighs. The bulky youthful look was gone and instead his body was ripped with muscle. Almost all the weight he had gained was in those three places. His pecs hung and were all muscle. Two huge pink nipples capped each pec. Now they were encased in two suction tubes. The tubes had milk in them that leaked from his swollen tits. His six-pack rippled as he breathed in and out. His huge arms were chained above his head and his legs were spread wide and also chained. There was no hair on his body except for his eyebrows and the bit he had on his head. They had been growing a two inch wide strip of hair on his head it was about 4 inches long now. When fully grown out would resemble a horse's mane. He was, even now, the most handsome man she had ever seen.

No, she corrected herself, it would not resemble a horse's mane, it would be a horse's mane. And Chet was Pex now and no longer a human. He was a horse, nothing more. She needed to not refer to Chet as "he" or "him". Chet was an "it" now, property.

The animals eyes rolled and she could see his face wet with tears.

It was still fighting.

She could not resist a smile at this. Despite all of the drugs Chet still fought. She leaned in and kissed Pex on the forehead. She heard him moan. Inside the box shook.

"Lady?" Lucas asked.

Prima caught herself.

"Come over," she called to Lucas.

Lucas stood next to her and she again noticed how tall the boy had become. He was bigger than both her and Pex.

"What do you think," she asked him.

Prima smiled to herself. She obviously already knew the answer. The boy's huge cock was hard and poking straight up. It was even bigger than they had told her. It has to be 13 inches now and 8 inches around.

Lucas noticed her looking at his cock and moved the loincloth to attempt to cover his raging hardon. She laughed at this. The cloth was far too small. Prima pushed his hands away.

"Never cover yourself," she told him, "be proud of your cock."

"Yes, Lady."

Prima turned her attention to the tit tubes that covered each of Pex's nipples. She carefully began to remove it.

"Do it's other tit," she instructed Lucas.

Lucas was excited and began to remove the tube from the other nipple. As the pressure was released in the tube she could hear her son gasp. Slowly she began to slide the tube off of his swollen, red nipple. It was engorged with blood.

"Careful," she told Lucas.

Once they had removed the tubes she covered them and moved to put them on a tray.

"Rub his nipples to give him a bit of pleasure," she leaned in to whisper to Lucas, "even horses need pleasure".

She saw Lucas' shaking hands move to Pex's nipples and he rubbed back and forth. Pex shook and bucked a bit but to his credit Lucas continued to rub them. She saw Lucas lick his lips.

"Go ahead," she instructed.

Then Lucas shocked her. He did not gently lean in and lick the nipple, he moved quickly taking it in his mouth and working it hard. She could see the boy's cheeks suck in hard as he worked the tender tit flesh.

Pex bucked hard, taking it, his hard cock jerking. A rod down his cock prevented him from leaking cum. A new metal ball weight circled his balls and she could actually see its balls try to pull up. Primbatu had decided to stretch Pex's balls and he was still on the first ball weight. As the balls stretched more weights would be added.

"Go easy on that tit"

The voice came from behind her.

There he stood.


It must be a sight, she thought to herself. If only Chet could realize he was here now with his parents.

She pushed aside the thoughts. It has been so difficult since the return of Pex and Ramrod. When she looked at Chet it was easier to not think of him as her son. She could almost do it. But not with Ramrod. To her he looked the same as he had when she had met him in high school all those years ago. Sure, he had grey hair now but it was still him. Tall, with pecs so big they made her swoon. He was Eric and she was Rebecca. They were in his car, making love, and she had never been so happy.

Prima looked up and in the corner of Pex's stall was a camera. She knew, without a doubt, that right now Primbatu was watching them.

The fool was probably jerking off watching the family reunion.

She continued to play her role, ignoring who Ramrod really was and addressing him as a handler class slave.

"I told him to do it," she said.

"I'm sorry," Lucas said. He had stopped working the nipple and was standing his huge cock jumping up and down.

"Go," Ramrod said.

Prima nodded and began to leave, Lucas following behind her like a hurt puppy.

"Not you," Ramrod's grabbing Lucas by the shoulder and keeping him in the stall.

Prima turned to face Ramrod. She raised one eyebrow.

"Really?" she said to him.

"It's time."

She paused for a second to consider further protest but decided she would save her breath. Long ago, they had a time together. But, that was long over.

She walked up to him then. He was so much taller than her. Prima took her finger and she poked him in the chest. His chest was hairy, like their son's, and well muscled. The hair had turned grey, like some of the hair on his head. But, the grey hair suited him well. He was more attractive than ever.

"Do not forget your place," she said to him.

He bowed then formally.

"I never have," he said.

She sighed. Thinking of the lost years and their son and of Primbatu and what he had done to their family. She turned then and left without another word. There was work to do and they had to be ready for the evening's party.

Don't open the box, she thought again.

"She has not been happy since you returned," Lucas said to Ramrod.

Ramrod smiled. The boy's cock was still rock hard.


Ramrod reached out and grabbed the boy's massive cock. It was larger than his own cock. He stroked it and the boy moaned grabbing onto him.

"Do not cum," Ramrod said.

"No, Sir," Lucas said but his voice shook with uncertainty.

As Ramrod sensed that the boy was close he let go of the huge cock. It bounced in front of him but the boy knew better than to try to get himself off.

The boy stood there, his head down, getting himself together. He had taken well to the training but it was easy, he knew no other life. He had not been kidnapped with his girlfriend on a country road one night so long ago.

"It's time," Ramrod said to Lucas.

"Time for what Master Ramrod?"

"It's time for you to finally fuck with that huge cock of yours."

Lucas took several steps back, his eyes wide and not believing.

Ramrod took several steps forward and ran his hands down Pex's chest. It was covered with a film of cold sweat. The beautiful hair that had been there no longer existed. Pex was shaved every few days to keep him smooth. Ramrod's hand came back wet.

"I want you to fuck the stallion here."

Lucas moved forward then his hands joining Ramrod's on the muscled body of Pex. Ramrod continued to rub Pex's body, comforting him.

"Reach back and feel the plug in its ass," Ramrod instructed Lucas.

Lucas moved his hands slowly running his hands over the slave's body, rubbing his ass and then finally moving his hand into the crack and feeling the end of the large plug.

"I can feel it moving," Lucas said.

Ramrod could hear the awe in the boy's voice.

"It's a training plug," Ramrod said, "It vibrates, shocks, enlarges and even cleans the horse's hole. It prepares the slave for constant use it will suffer. Can you feel the button on the base of the plug?"

Lucas moved his hand, feeling it. He nodded.

"Press it and turn the plug off."

Lucas did as his superior asked of him turning the plug off. Lucas could see the muscled slave's body relax slightly as another torment was taken away. Its tits and now ass no longer suffering as much.

"Pull it out," Ramrod instructed.

The plug was 7 inches around at the base and as Lucas pulled the horse moaned, it's hole stretching to get the plug out. Lucas pulled harder and in one motion the plug came out of the slave's ass. Pex shook and Ramrod rubbed its swollen nipples.

"Easy, Easy," he said.

Ramrod took the large plug from Lucas and placed it on the table. When he came back he could see Lucas rubbing the horse's swollen hole. The boy's massive cock was rock hard and dripping. He had not seen anything like it in a very long time. As Ramrod watched the boy put the massive head of his cock at Pex's hole. He was eager.

Not since the boy's father had Ramrod seen a cock that big.

Chet would feel it and suffer.

Exactly what Primbatu wanted.

"Can I go in now?" Lucas asked. He was so excited. His first fuck and it was to be the racing stallion.

"You're very big. Always remember that. Your cock can cause great pleasure or great pain," Ramrod's goal was to teach the boy about how to manage his massive cock.

"But I can do whatever I want with this one right?" Lucas' voice shook with excitement, "he's just a animal."

Ramrod rubbed his son's chest gently.

"This is a prized horse. If you hurt it master would be upset. So you must always consider the animal you are fucking."

The boy nodded, barely listening. He wanted his cock in a hole for the first time.

"Go all the way in its ass and stay there."

Lucas began to push in, his cock both extremely long and extremely thick. Ramrod saw Pex tense but he took the cock like a pro. The first ten inches went in without a problem but as Lucas continued to go deeper Ramrod heard Pex yell into its gag. It was a loud groan of both pleasure and pain. Still Lucas continued his assault pushing in deeper. Pex arched forward trying to pull away from the cock a bit.

"Don't let the animal pull off you, boy. Take charge."

Using only his instincts Lucas grabbed Pex's hips and pulled him onto the massive cock.

"OHHHHHHHHH," Pex yelled.

"He's so tight," Lucas moaned.

He had finally worked his whole cock in and Lucas leaned forward and placed his forehead on Chet's back. Ramrod could see them both shaking. Ramrod looked Pex in the eyes and smiled. He reached forward grabbing Pex's tits and twisted hard. He knew what happened next. Pex clamped down on the cock and the boy could not hold back. Lucas began to yell as he unloaded into Chet's ass. Ramrod could see Pex's eyes roll. He was feeling the load go into him like a gusher.

"Bring your hands around to his nipples and twist them."

Lucas reached around and took over from Ramrod.

"I can feel him milk my cock," Lucas moaned.

"He responds when you use his tits."

Lucas stayed that way for a minute then began to pull his cock out of Chet's ass. Ramrod smiled as the cock continued to come out, wet, shiny, huge.

When it was out Lucas backed away from Pex, satisfied.

"What do you think you're doing," Ramrod said in his most stern voice.

Lucas just stared.

"I don't understand," the boy said to him, "did I do something wrong?"

Ramrod stared at him for several seconds. In response the boy's cock started to deflate revealing the Lucas' fear. It took everything he had for Ramrod not to laugh.

"Did you have permission to stop fucking?" Ramrod finally said.

Lucas dropped his head but he could see the boy smile.

"No, Sir."

Ramrod gave a nod toward Pex and the boy swiftly moved again slamming his huge cock into Chet's defenseless ass.

Again, both horse and rider moaned.

"Do not pull out until you are instructed to do so. Never confuse being a top with freedom to do as you wish."

"No, Sir" Lucas moaned.

"What are you?"

"I am a slave. I am the possession of Primbatu, SIR!" Lucas moaned.

He fucked for no more than 5 minutes and again said.

"I'm going to cum again in him, Sir."

"I don't care," Ramrod said, "Keep fucking until I say otherwise."

"OHHHHHH, FUCK!" Lucas yelled. Again he shot into Chet's ass. It must have been a massive load because he could see cum run down Chet's legs as the boy fucked him.

Ramrod supervised Lucas' fuck session for over two hours. He refused to let the boy pull out of Chet's ass.

Within an hour, both Chet and Lucas were dripping sweat and he could hear both of them breathe heavily. Both were into the fuck but it was a struggle for both as time wore on. For Pex, it was the size of the boy's cock. For Lucas, it was the intense feelings of his first fuck and his age.

The boy had to have cum 8 or 9 times into Chet's ass.

During the fuck Ramrod coached the boy on how to fuck a hole. At times he told the boy to go faster or harder. How to find the horse's prostate. How to work the prostate to cause the horse either pleasure or pain. He taught Lucas how to edge so it looked like you were fucking harder than you really were and even taught the boy some of his favorite thrusts.

When the boy could no longer fuck and it seemed as if he would pass out Ramrod decided to let the session stop.

He leaned in and kissed Lucas eagerly.

The boy would be an excellent top.

Maybe better than he was in his prime.

Maybe the best.

"I love you, Sir." The boy said.

Ramrod smiled. His heart melting for the young boy. He rubbed the boy's back.

"I'm proud of you."

Lucas was beaming.

"Pull out."

Lucas did as he was instructed and Ramrod could not resist. He dropped onto his knees and in one swift motion took the boy's massive cock all the way down his throat.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh wow," he heard Lucas moan.

Lucas was only able to last a few minutes and then shot another load. Ramrod was impressed that there was still cum in the boy as he swallowed.

He cleaned Lucas' cock and then stood. Ramrod looked away for a minute and when he turned the boy's knees were buckling. Ramrod moved quickly putting an arm around Lucas and steadying him.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Sir." Lucas was almost in tears as Ramrod guided him to sit on the one chair in the stall.

Again Ramrod kissed the boy.

"There is nothing for you to be sorry for Lucas. You did great."

"I love you, Sir."

Lucas was like a puppy.

"I love you too, Lucas."

As Ramrod hugged Lucas he heard someone clapping.




The clap was insulting.

Ramrod looked up and saw Nick in the doorway.

"So impressive," Nick said.

With a casual glance Ramrod looked at the camera on the wall, rolling his eyes.

They were being watched.

"How was it?" Nick asked Lucas. Nick was all muscle now. The drugs had done their job, his was body magnificent and his rock hard cock massive. Too bad he was a big bottom Ramrod thought to himself.

"Good, Sir," Lucas said. The boy refused to make eye contact with Nick.

"Time to get the horse ready," Nick said to Ramrod as he gestured at Pex.

Ramrod gently rubbed Lucas' back.

"Go get ready for the party."

Lucas quickly obeyed moving to leave the room. But, Nick grabbed him and pulled him in. He kissed the boy hard, moving three fingers into Lucas' ass and shoving them in roughly. Ramrod heard the boy grunt but he took it in stride.

Finally, when Nick had determined that he had tormented the boy enough, he released his hold, allowing Lucas to go.

"Get Pex down."

Nick sat in the chair and watched Ramrod tend to Pex. First, he gently released the horse's legs. He rubbed the animal's stomach and could hear Ramrod provide words of comfort.

Then the arms.

The first arm fell like a thud and Ramrod slipped an arm around Chet's shoulder in case he started to fall. But Pex did not fall, when the last of his chains was removed he simply stood there immobile.

Nick walked up and removed the bit in its mouth and then, took the sounding rod out of the horse's cock. Instantly, cum began to ooze out of the cock. Clad in just a collar, boots and ball weight Pex was magnificent. The two men could not help but stare and admire the animal.

Finally, without further word to Ramrod, Nick took the tit leash and unhooked it from his belt. It had two savage tit clamps attached to a heavy length of chain and then a leash. Nick mercilessly clamped the two clamps to the horses tits. Chet bucked and groaned.

"Easy, Easy," Ramrod comforted , rubbing its back.

Nick began to lead Pex out of the room.

"I'll see you at the party," Nick said.

Ramrod did not respond.

Nick led Ramrod out of the stall and down the hall toward the showers. It was late and most everyone was getting ready for the party. Pex would need a good cleaning and full enema before the party. Nick looked around. The showers were empty.

He moved quickly then shoving Pex up against the wall hard. The animal grunted. He pulled a small needle out of his pocket and without hesitation injected the solution into Pex's ass.

This had better work, he thought to himself.

If not, we're doomed.

Nick didn't know what to expect so he used his muscle to hold Pex firmly against the wall. He saw Chet's body jerk several times and then he saw it happen. Chet's eyes came back into focus and he blinked.

"Breathe," Nick said.

After what seemed like the longest minute of his life Nick finally saw Chet focus on him.

"Nick?" Chet asked.

Chet was looking around trying to get in touch with what was happening. Nick could see he was in pain and his heart broke for Chet.

"Welcome back," Nick said kissing Chet gently on the mouth, "we've got work to do."


Next: Chapter 35: Chet Pectoral III 2

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