Chet Pectoral

By moc.loa@DUTSTT

Published on May 9, 2013


The Adventures of Chet Pectoral Book 3 Chapter 4

Chet Pectoral rested in his stall. The group fuck had lasted long into the morning and he was exhausted. Yet, somehow, he was still horny. His mind was spinning from seeing Austin alive after so long. He wore only boots and his collar. There was a faint memory of his father, or Nick, taking him and helping him shower and clean out from the gang bang. He had been filled and covered in cum.

The mind is resilient and Chet's training had helped him survive. But maybe it was better if it had not happened and instead Chet had been allowed to become a mindless fuck animal. Instead, he suffered. He missed Dean so bad and he wanted this hell over. He reached down and rubbed his sore and swollen nips. So many men had sucked them and fed from them. When he touched his nips his cock shot a small load of cum. Primbatu had wired his body now.

There were footsteps and Chet looked up to see his father.

"Come on horse," he said. There was a soft smile on his father's face and Chet remembered the brutal fuck his father had given him.

Chet stood slowly, legs shaking. His father attached a leash to Chet's collar and began to lead him. They walked for several minutes until they came to a small large barn, open on both ends with stalls on each side. It was much like his barn but much larger. There was a lot of activity, people running in all directions. He was led to a small room, about half the size of his stall. His father nodded to the ceiling and Chet saw two chains hanging with shackles at the end. Chet knew what was expected and he raised his arms. His father shackled each of his wrists to the chains and now he was standing hands over his head, stretched to the ceiling. His father grabbed his cock giving it a few strokes and Chet moaned leaking for his father. It felt so good and Chet closed his eyes moaning.

When he opened them a woman was standing in the doorway looking at them both. She was familiar.

His father turned to her.

"Do you want to assist me?" his father asked her.

"No, I wanted to say goodbye."

His father made a grunting sound. Ramrod was a handsome muscular man but then he moved so quickly that Chet almost gasped. The woman did gasp when he grabbed her arm and pulled her from the stall.

"This is insane," he heard his father say.

They were outside the room and Chet could not hear everything the woman said.

"Time . . . won't have . . . ever again."

"I am taking care of everything," his father said. It was easier to hear his father because his voice was louder. He was sure that others could hear the argument as well.

"You had . . . years . . . abandoned . . . myself."

There was a silence and then one word spoken by his father softly so he almost did not hear it.

". . . sorry."

The woman entered his stall, this time it was his father that stood in the doorway watching. She walked to Chet and put her hand on his now smooth chest. She was gentle. Chet could have kicked her with his free legs. Actually, Chet knew enough to probably killer her if he wanted even with his hands shackled above him but he did neither. He simply stood there as she looked up at him. She kissed him on his chest, right between his massive pecs. It was gentle and loving. When he looked down at her he saw her eyes were wet.

Chet opened his mouth to speak but she reached up and put her finger on his lips, silencing him.

"Listen," she said quietly, "I have done everything I can but I need you to survive."

He looked down at her. Chet knew who she was.

"Please," he heard his father say from the doorway, "there is another way."

She reached into her pocket and she pulled out a very large needle. Prima did not say a word, she injected the needle into Chet's nipples twice, half of the dose into each nipple. Chet was able to control the urge to scream but his nips swelled instantly. They were even more swollen and bloated now.

They began to ache.

His mind began to get fuzzy as the shots dulled his reason and logic.

Prima could see Chet's eyes roll.

"Can you still understand?" she asked Chet.

He nodded.

"Do you know who I am?"

Chet nodded again.

"Say it."

Now Chet's eyes were wet.


She leaned in then and whispered to him. A message for someone else, tell him. Chet, his mind drifting, could only nod.

Prima kissed him again on the chest. She turned to his father.

"It is done," she said to him.

It was then that Chet passed out.

When he awoke he was in the same room and his hands were still chained above his head. But he had been dressed now. He tried to look down but a larger collar, a posture collar had been put around his neck. It forced his head up and did not allow him to move it much. He could feel a horse's bit in his mouth and a bridle had been strapped to his head. Attached to the bridle were blinders so Chet could not see to his left or right. He looked down and he could see his cock pointing straight out. He could feel a metal cock ring around his cock and balls and his balls were heavily weighted with a metal ring of their own. He could feel the cold of the metal and the pull of their weight. A harness went over is shoulders and just below his pecs. This thrust his pecs up and forward his nips offered to the world for use. He could feel a large plug in his ass. A large belt circled his waist. It felt more like a corset than a belt. His legs were not shackled and he felt boots on his feet. They came up all the way to his knees and they seemed heavier than they should. There had to be weights in the boots because as he lifted a foot it felt heavy and burdensome.

"Do you like what we did while you were passed out?"

Chet looked up and saw Nick enter the stall. He carried a set of chains in his hands. Chet groaned as he saw the large clamps at either end. Nick knew him so well, he immediately reached out and took one of Chet's already swollen and red tits in his mouth and he began to work the tit flesh. Chet whimpered, his body jerking. Nick moved to the other tit then, giving it a turn. Then, when he he saw what he had done and was happy with it, he attached the two clamps to Chet's nipples. They were savage and heavy and Chet groaned.

"You love it," Nick said, rubbing Chet's smooth chest.

Chet nodded, the bit preventing him from talking. Now Chet was his sub and more animal than human. He struggled to accept his new life. But there was a problem. He remembered what his mother had said, the message. The message was for Nick and he had to tell him. He jerked his body and tried to talk but Nick thought it was in response to the clamps and ignored the effort. A chain was attached to each tit and each of those chains was attached to a single larger chain that had a leash at the end. But, rather than pick up the end of the leash Nick released it.

The chain dropped but it was not long enough to hit the floor. Instead, Chet's nipples took the whole weight of the chain in one hard yank. Chet groaned into the bit and he could feel cum shoot out of his cock. Nick laughed.

"Heavy?" he asked Chet.

Chet could only groan in response, his eyes rolling. He hated to admit it, he was in heaven. Mentally Chet gave in and submitted, the pain becoming his world. Only the needs of Nick mattered, not his own.

"Can you feel the plug in your cunt?" Nick asked.

Mentally Chet accepted that he had a cunt now. It was what his handler wanted and so it was. Chet groaned loud, his signal of assent.

"Good, it's attached to a tail. Tighten you ass and wiggle it a bit. Make the tail move. Show me you love this Pex."

To emphasize this Nick grabbled the chain attached to his tit clamps, lifted it and let it drop again. Chet moaned loud into the bit and he moved his ass muscles. He could feel the plug shift in his ass and he could feel hairs move against his muscular thighs.

Nick smiled broadly, obviously pleased.

"I am going to unchain each hand, do not move." Nick said.

Nick reached up and grabbed Chet's right hand. He uncuffed it and then moved it to the wide belt around Chet's waist. Chet could not see the o-ring attached to either side of the belt but he could feel Nick attach the cuff around his wrist to the belt. Nick repeated the process with Chet's other wrist. Chet did not move. He was not chained or attached to anything but he had no will to fight. He was a animal now and he would do Nick's bidding. Chet suffered though, his body feeling all the savage things being done to it and he did the only thing he could think of other than talk. He bent forward and leaned down putting his head on Nick's shoulder. He moaned into Nick's ear. It was painful, the posture collar and belt around his waist made the move hard and to make matters worse it caused the tit chain to hang even more freely, putting additional strain on his tits.

Nick reached up and rubbed Chet's back, providing some comfort.

He needed to tell Nick this message but he had no way to do so at the moment, if there indeed was a moment at all, it passed quickly and Nick grabbed the tit leash and began to lead Chet out of the stall.

The leash yanked his tits and the chain pulled at the same time, it was agony. The best agony a tit slave could ever want. He walked behind Nick, and felt the weight of his boots. Five pounds each he guessed. His large cock, pointed straight out and bounced. His weighted balls swung between his legs. His plug tail swished as the muscles if his butt and ass flexed.

"The other horses have trained for this and you haven't," Nick said, "but I still say we can take them. The winner of the race takes the house of the looser. I don't think we'll win but as long as we don't loose I say were fine. Of course, Primbatu being the complete asshole he is, demands we win. But, I say fuck him."

Nick said it all as they walked out of the barn and into the bright light of day. Chet hesitated. It was brutally hot and the sun was so bright. He tried to lower his head but couldn't. Chet saw Nick take out a pair of sunglasses and put them on. Then Nick turned to Chet. He took each of the blinders and swung them so that they now were in front of Chet's face. They were sunglasses and now the blinders shielded his eyes. Chet could feel his body sweating. To Nick it made Chet looks even better the sweat showing off the muscles of Chet's amazing, and now smooth, body.

As Nick looked at him Chet flexed his ass around the plug. The tail moved. Nick smiled and then Chet heard clapping.

"He's magnificent," Takashi said.

After a few moments Takashi came into Chet's view. He too had a tit leash in his hand and behind him Austin was being led. Instead of tit clamps the chain like Chet had on, a heavier chain was hooked to each of Austin's large tit rings. Austin's body had been altered so much he was barely recognizable. He was hugely muscled, the large tattoo dominating his body now. Austin's hard cock was even heavily tattooed. The chains that Chet had seen on Austin's body had been removed and Austin was dressed exactly the same as Chet. The only difference was Austin still had the piercings in his body. But Chet thought that the removal of the chains must be a huge relief to Austin.

Chet and Austin were able to make brief eye contact and Chet saw the pain in Austin's eyes. But now Austin looked directly at him. His friend's eyes were not blank or vacant. Chet knew the brief time they had together had given the former agent hope now. Chet nodded slightly and Austin stared at him.

"Ready for the race," Nick asked Takashi.

"It is my belief," Takashi whispered in a conspiratorial tone, "that this is a barbaric ritual. But tradition is a hard thing to overcome. Isn't it my pet?"

Takashi grabbed Austin's cock and stroked it. Chet could see his friend submit to his master. It lasted only briefly and then Takashi and Nick led each of their horses into the circular arena.

Arena was a grand word and maybe too grand for what the arena truly was. It was about the size of a football field but triangular in shape. The pointed end had the stables and they walked toward the open end of the triangle. On either side was two sets a benches and they were occupied by about two dozen people. The viewers we dressed all in white and many had masks on.

Several yards in front of him Chet saw five identical carts. Each cart had three large bicycle tires and a chair on top. Each chair had an identical dildo attached to it. This dildo would impale the rider and the rider would be fucked by the dildo as the horse pulled him. Chet knew he was one of the horses. Attached to the front of each cart were two long poles. Two of these carts already had horses between the poles that were secured and ready. Chet could see the European Master had his horse attached. The muscled hooded slave pulled at his bonding. As Chet was led in front of the horse growled at him. The second cart was empty and Chet saw Takashi lead Austin to it. The third cart was occupied by the red headed slave that Brick had brought to the party, he saw the Brick was already seated in the cart the dildo buried in his black ass.

The fourth cart was empty except for Michael standing by it. Chet was led to the final cart and he could see a crowd of people standing by it. His Master Primbatu was there with his father and they were talking. Behind them he could see the woman who gave him birth. Chet could not think of her as his mother. She was talking to both of Primbatu's sons, Thor and Nathan. It was a sad picture because seeing Nathan always reminded Chet of Nathan's dead brother. This helped Chet remember why he was here. He needed to end this, forever.

Nick made quick work of attaching Chet to the cart. First, each of his wrists were uncuffed from the belt around his waist and then cuffed to each handle of the cart. Instinctively, Chet grabbed a handle in each hand. Nick reached under him and Chet felt his balls yank.

"I'm attaching your balls to the cart. Now I'll do each of your nipples," Nick told him.

Chet groaned as the leash was removed from Chet's clamped tits and then each chain was pulled under his arm and back to hook to the cart. Now, as he pulled the cart his nipples and balls would be yanked and tortured. Finally, reigns were attached to either end of the bit in his mouth.

His father walked up to him and rubbed his son's muscled chest.

"I'm your rider," his father said, "just do your best."

Ramrod, his father, disappeared from view and Chet heard him moan a minute or two later. Obviously, he had mounted the seat and impaled himself on the dildo. Chet could feel his father's weight in the seat and his tits and balls pulled slightly. Chet began to leave his mind, the input on his body was simply too much. But, his attention came back when he heard Nick gasp.

"You've got to be kidding me," Nick said.

"Unacceptable," his Master Primbatu declared.

Chet even heard Takashi say something, although the Asian was not within his view. Chet felt the reigns pull hard and heard his father's voice.

"Do . . . not . . . move," his father said.

And it was then that Chet looked up. At first, he thought his mind was playing tricks on him. And given all that he had been through he thought that maybe he was finally insane. All of this being too much for his mind and body. He tried to focus. He tried to yell or moan or talk or do something. But, instead a sound escaped from his mouth. It was a combination of a groan and a sigh and a scream. All in all it was too much to process.

It was Dean.

Dean was clad in a leather jockstrap and behind him walked his buddy Clark. Clark was dressed just like Chet and the other horses but he was not led in by Dean on a leash, he walked free and proud. Chet looked at his lover Dean and his dick jumped shooting a load. Dean looked amazing. His body was more muscular than he remembered and his lover looked tanned, rested and healthy. The scared man he had said goodbye to on the plane was long gone.

He wanted to run to his lover and be in his arms but he remembered his father's command to not move. He kept his place, obedient even now.

Clark went to the forth cart and stood between the rails just as Chet stood in front of his cart and Dean shocked him. Dean walked right up to Chet and stood in front of him.

"Hey baby," Dean said.

Tears filled Chet's eyes. Honestly, he thought he would never see his lover again but here he was. Chet was sweating from the heat and strain and he felt his lover grab his cock and stroke it. Chet instantly came for his lover his cum leaking down his leg. Chet moaned, his body bucking.

"I love that you cum for me like this," Dean said, "everything is going to be . . ."

Dean was cut off instantly by the voice of Primbatu.

"You will stop," Primbatu said.

Chet saw Dean turn to say something and then he saw Dean freeze in place. He looked over at Primbatu and saw that Primbatu was holding a gun in his hand.

"Move . . away . . from . . my . . horse," Primbatu said.

It was then that Chet heard it. An explosion in the distance and in that moment everything changed.

Primbatu fired the gun and the gun was pointed at Dean. Chet lunged forward pulling the cart with his strong body for the first time, his tits and balls tugged hard and he moaned as he used his body to block his lover.

Chet braced himself, all of this happening in a spit second, he knew he would die for his lover.

The bullet cut through the air and . . .

To be concluded.


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