Chris Evans Slut

By Ryan Gora

Published on Dec 1, 2005


Disclaimer: This story is about young men having sex together. If that's not your thing or you're too young to read it, please leave now. The author has written this purely as a work of erotic fantasy fiction, and implies no specific knowledge of the celebrity personalities who are described. Enjoy!

Chris Evan's Slut - Part 5

My eyes stared into the green eyes of Jesse McCartney, the hot Hollywood up and comer. Heard his album had gone platinum twice already. Josh owned and said that he thought he was hot we all agreed. However I didn't expect him to be the person that Chris had invited to join us. I didn't even know he had invited him to join us it was all a surprise. There was a question, but I was coming down from well, cumming as Chris pressed his fingers inside of me. He hit the spot over and over again causing spurt after spurt of my cum to escape my body.

Pulling his pants up and stuffing himself back into his pants Chris looks over at me then towards Jesse. He zips up moving over towards the bed looking us both over.

"Damn man," Jesse looked over his shoulder at Chris moving back down to lick me clean all over again. "How many times can he cum?" He asked Chris not me for a moment I thought he was going to be a stuck up little prick, but I could see it in Chris eyes. It wasn't like that he was smiling.

"All day....all fucking night if he wants," he said as his fingers slipped from me. He moved down to help Jesse lick me clean, but I wonder for a moment. "You're the blonde?"

Jesse peered over at me with an arched brow.

"He's a friend of Paul's." Chris murmured pushing the younger stud's head back down. "Lick." Jesse did as he said and I realized the relationship the two of them had. Chris was in charge and what ever he said goes. No wondered he talked to Chris and not him. That explained a few things. I could feel Jesse's tongue run over me again licking away any remains of my cum until he was clean again. Jesse moved up towards me with a look of total lust. I wasn't in any position to stop him, nor did I want to. My hands reached out to trace over the smooth skin of the younger boy when he felt my lips on his. The kiss lingered for a moment before my hand moved to Jesse's chest.

"Need to talk to you." He looked over at Chris. There wasn't anger in my eyes, there was a hint of slight confusion, but Chris could tell I was still turned on. I was already hard and Jesse was rubbing against me making it quite difficult to think clearly. I took a few deep breaths and moved off the bed heading over towards Chris. He was still in a pair of pants and I was naked as a jaybird. It didn't matter to me.

Chris looked over at Jesse who laid out in the bed while we talked. "Ok..."

Chris didn't look down he looked me right in the eyes as I started to talk to him about this. I mean what do I say?

"So is he like...your boy or something?" I just needed to clear this up. I mean this is just the most bizarre thing in the world. He had a nice bubble butt teen idol in his bed obeying his every command and wanted me there with him. This was something that clearly didn't compute and how many other people knew and how many would come at his beck and call?

Chris didn't say anything he moved his hand to be back of my head and kissed me hard and rough enough to make me moan and shake. His tongue slipped in my mouth and I wasn't sure what he was doing, but my legs felt like they were going to give out under me. I returned the kiss because it was hot, fucking hot. My hands slid over his naked chest and I felt myself being pushed down and as he looked down at me. I licked my lips and didn't hesitate letting my lips move to front of his pants sucking him through them.

"This, Jesse, is a good slut." I heard the words and I felt Chris hand along my face. "My slut," he said correcting himself. I was his slut; he did say that during our first night. Chris fingers slide through my hair and I was trying to figure this all out and I remembered what he said about how people thought he was like, but he was a completely different person. I continued sucking him through his pants for a moment before I slid back.

Jesse was all eyes as he focused on me. He was hard himself his hand moving down to stroke his meat ever so often. "Damn..." I heard it and I moved back to continued to pleasure Chris my hands sliding over his thighs, fingers moving to the waist band of the pants undoing the button slowly before they lowered the zipper. I could hear the bed shift behind me, but I knew Jesse wasn't on the floor. It was just me and Chris.

I mean was this his fantasy? Could be, I mean he could have fantasies right? I mean it would be stupid of me to think that he didn't have them. Pulling the zipper down I pulled him back out and he was already hard. Pumping his dick a few times I slid my lips over his cock down to the base deep-throating him there and then pulled back. "I forgot..."

"What's that," he said in a heated whisper.

"I owe you something," I said back letting my lip slide down over him. They both proceeded to hear me move my lips back and forth slurping over his flesh, tongue swirling around him like he was a piece of candy as I proceeded to give him a slutty job. He wanted one of them last night and right now I was planning to make due on the request. My tongue danced along his flesh as my lips moved all over his throbbing piece of me.

"Gonna make me cum?"

"Oh yeah, Big Daddy." I said with a smirk getting into this. He liked to dominate people. I liked to be dominated and apparently Jesse McCartney did too. My tongue worked its way along the slit moving down along the sides right down to his the sac before proceeding below it, pulling one ball then the other into my mouth soaking it in my saliva before I licked my way over to the other. I could hear him groan above me and I took that as a sign that he was enjoying himself immensely. That wasn't the only sound that could be heard as the sound of someone beating their meat could be heard.

"Stop..." It was me that said it when I flicked my tongue over Chris tip. "I'm your boy."

"Fuck yeah." Chris said. I slide my lips down his pulsing cock and I felt it touch my tonsils and more. It throbbed inside my throat for a moment before I pulled off looking over at Jesse. His hand was frozen in place. Damn he was trained. I would've been beating myself off. It was a rush of power. Chris slide the tip of his cock over my lips and parted them to suckle on the tip looking at Jesse as I moved my hand down along my chest down to my abs and his eyes laid transfixed as my lips took over and more of Chris into my mouth.

Jesse ran his tongue over his lips and I watched his smoothed legs part for us both. I wanted him to give my stud man a show. I looked up at Chris he could see it. I understood. I did. We'd talk later, but right now he needed to be pleased and I was going to do that. My hands moved up to the waistband of his pants and began to tug them down a little.

When I got them over he stepped out of them. I noisily sucked down his meat and pursed my lips out when I slid them back to the tip of his meat. Moving up I slid my tongue over his lips and kissed him hungrily. Does he have any idea what he's getting himself into? Do I have any idea what I'm getting myself into? Hell no, but I'm liking it. I'm really liking it. He kept calling me his boy, his slut and right now he just said it again. I was his boy. I pulled on his lip a little stroking his cock before I moved down to my knees kissing my way down along his body until his cock disappeared inside of him.

My lips slipped off him and he gasped probably wondering why I did that. I moved to bathe his balls again with my tongue while turning to look at Jesse who was leaking copious amounts of precum at the moment. I could tell he wanted to jack off so bad. His legs were spread and I pondered for a moment. I didn't want him to cum yet, not yet. My lips moved on Chris and I focused on him right now. I could feel his hands fall to my shoulders. They gripped them every so often before they moved to the back of my head.

I already knew what was coming and I wanted it. His hips drew back and thrust forward once, then again, until he became a machine, but the way he was grunting and groaning you would thinking he was an animal as he skull fucked me for a good ten minutes before my hands went to his tight hard, jock boy ass and held him there letting him slide down my throat. I heard a few moans and Jesse's cock erupted.

"Fuck..." I couldn't see him, but I imagined him gripping the sheets as his body shook and shake as spurt after spurt of white boycream escaped his body. Chris throbbed in my throat and I slide back working my lips over him while holding his hips. They wanted to lurch forward working him back down my throat but I worked him with my lips making as much noise as I could until he gripped my head and cried out.

Lips tightened at the tip and I felt the first spurt then another and another as he came inside of my mouth. Cheeks puffed out and I swallowed to get the next volley. I continued until he was done and both he and Jesse were panting and I fell back looking at him.

"Damn right I'm your boy." We'll figure out the rest later, but right now I had to stay in the moment because the logical side was tossed into the deepest recesses of my mind and wasn't coming out for a very long time. Licking my lips I moved up to my feet and frenched him right there. I pressed my body against his and he slapped my as grinning against my lips.

"Fuck..." Was all he could get out. His mind was still trying to catch up to the rest of him.

"How what was that about returning the favor?" I looked over at Jesse who was panting and looking very kittenish at the moment. Josh would probably blow a load right in his pants if he saw him. Hair was sticking against his forehead and he was covered in sweat and cum his own of course. Moving towards him I did my best sexy walk so Chris could watch my cheeks rise and fall with each step. Jesse on the other hand started to slide up.

I moved towards him and right down to his belly where most of his cream landed. Leaning over he felt my tongue sweep across his stomach cleaning him while I moved lower and lower until I had him in my mouth so I could milk him a few times getting what was left inside of his cock. Licking him over I move up pressing myself against him as I did while my lips found his; sweet and soft, a little different from Chris, but still nice. I slide my hands over his body until I felt myself being pulled down so Jesse's cock was in front of my face.

Looking over at my shoulder, Chris let my ankles go and I moved my lips right over Jesse's hard cock, working them back and forth over him a couple of times before I moved down a little more kissing the inside of his thighs.

I heard a whimper above me and his thighs spread a little more. Sliding my hands under them I pressed them up so I could see the pink rosebud and proceed to run my tongue over it several times moaning as I did. I pressed my tongue against him a little and just when he thought it was going to slip in my tongue slipped back into my mouth and I thought about it.

"Roll over," I called to him crawling my way up to the bed. When I get up to the top of the bed I roll onto my back so Chris can look at me. My eyes move along his body and I don't care how many times I've seen it already it gets me hard as a rock, not that Jesse's not having an effect, but still for me there's no contest.

I lick my lips looking over Jesse who's lying on his stomach which gives me the perfect view of his ass. It's nice and round just like mine and I wonder if Chris has a thing for round, bubble butt boys. He's stroking his cock looking at us both. I slide around moving towards Jesse and begin to kiss along his shoulder thinking about it. I move my hand between his cheeks and he moans. Starting at the back of his neck I begin kissing him down between his shoulder blades and right along his spine. Jesse shifted on the bed raising his ass a little and I pushed it back down while I kiss my way down his spine. Reaching the small of his back I kissed and licked there for a moment before parting his cheeks letting him moving up on his knees. His ass goes up in the air and I bend down tongue sliding out between my lips to slip between his tight cheeks.

Running my tongue between his tight globes of flesh my hands massage them a little while I begin the assault on that tight ring of pink flesh that begins to wink at me the moment the tip of my tongue brushes over it. His entire body shakes and he begins moaning gripping at the sheets while Chris begins to jack off. Our eyes meet for a moment before they begin to move down his body to his hand which is moving back and forth over his hard cock.

Seeing him getting off on what Jesse and I are doing makes me want to do this slowly, but I don't know if Jesse will like it, because he's already rocking a little asking for more, whimpering even.

I move back on my back bending my knees up. I pull Jesse back and he lets out a moaning that would make a straight man cum as my tongue slides inside of him. His head fall backs and I hold him to me while my tongue starts to thrust and out of him while I lift my legs letting Chris know that I'm ready for that big, thick cock of his. I can feel Jesse push himself back on my tongue to the point that I'm reward with the load Chris deposited there just moments ago. Moaning I snake my tongue further up his tight ass pulling him back onto my tongue.

I'm chewing and slurping on Jesse's hole crying out when Chris spears me with his meat. My hands tighten at Jesse's thighs while I enjoy his ass and Chris cock. My cock spurts a bit of precum before Chris begins sawing in and out of me that way he does. He thrusts hard a few times making sure I feel ever inch of him and Jesse moans over and over again telling me how good it feels with my tongue inside of him.

"He loves getting ate out, just like you, do Ryan." I hear Chris say through the grunting as he begins to pump me with quick and eager thrusts. I squeeze around him holding him to me as much as I can, while working my tongue back and forth inside of Jesse. His entire body moves as he tries to get more of my tongue inside of him.

"Fuck me with that tongue. Make me feel good. Make me cum." He cries out. I can feel him lean forward to hold onto something probably Chris. Chris pumps his hips a little slower so he doesn't cum to quickly groaning at the feel of my ass around him. He's molding it with his cock. I can feel his hips twitch and shift around making sure that I feel him on all sides of me. It's driving me insane and if I wasn't focusing on eating out Jesse's hole I'm pretty sure I'll be chanting some little mantra right now.

I hear the sound of kissing and slip my tongue out to draw back before I move forward to drive my tongue into the popstar making his body jump and buck and I feel something splash on my stomach. I don't know if his precum or mine, because my cock throbbed at the same time. It doesn't matter, because I don't want it to stop. Between Chris and Jesse both I don't think I'm going to move an inch away from this bed. Sliding my hands up and around his thighs I hold him down on my tongue letting it do all the work it needs to make him turn into a blubbering mess while my body rocks a bit from the slow thrusts I receive from Chris.

Moaning into Jesse's ass, my tongue flicks back and forth over his hole a couple of times until I pull my face from between his cheeks just to let out a few pants of my own. Gripping Chris' thick cock for a moment I hear him groan out wanting to really lay into me. I know he's holding back. I don't know what he's waiting for. Licking my lips I taste his cum on my tongue knowing that I'm getting it all from Jesse's hot ass. I move up and lick him a little more and he's got his hands on either side of his body making whimpering sounds that would make any straight man bust a nut right in their pants. He begins to wiggle his ass a little until I move up and press my tongue up into his ass when he spreads his cheeks apart.

My tongue runs back and forth before diving into his hole again, my body beginning shake more when Chris lays into me. Jesse cries out, but his moans are silenced when he starts kissing Chris or Chris starts kissing him. I don't know who started it but I can't tell it's happening. I know the sound of kissing when I hear it, but it doesn't distract either of them at their tasks. Chris starts to speed his thrusts up while Jesse lets himself sit down even more rocking his ass on my tongue.

Drilling my tongue up into him I try to give him the same treatment that Chris is giving me as he starts to powerfuck me but it's not going to happen so I let my body fall into the rhythm of the thrusts while my tongue does what it wants. Jesse starts to whimper a little more crying out that he's coming and I can feel his body jerk a few times as he lets his load loose.

"Fuckin' hot, McCartney," Chris calls out over his own grunts as he continues to plow me. He slides his hands to my ankles pulling them up onto his shoulders so he can press down even more. Jesse doesn't even need a command he slides off me so Chris can really start to let me have it. The angle he's at sets him up to drive himself into that magic spot and the moment he does my brain hit sensory overload and each word of me is followed by a grunt, moan or a groan.

"Fuck yeah, rocking your world ain't I," he starts spitting out at me. "Gonna ride this ass all night long. Got the sweetest pussy I've had and tasted. Thought about sliding right into you to wake you up. Might do it tomorrow, that's if we finish." All my mind could register was: 'If?'

"You can fuck me all night if you want, Big Daddy." Chris laughed at that, because the look on my face must be an interesting one.

"You want this big thick, cock." he said slipping his tool from me. I could feel the tip sliding along me teasing my hole. I don't know who was panting louder, me him or Jesse who was looking at us both. His fingers start to slide along my arm and I only focused on Chris who slid his fingers to my lip. I sucked them down without a second thought.

"That's a good slut. See Jesse, he knows exactly what he's supposed to do and when to do it," Chris pointed out while pumping his fingers in and out of my mouth slowly. "Suck'em just like you did my cock, Ryan. Show Jesse how my boy is supposed to act when I come into the room." My eyes stared into Chris, but my lips moved back and forth along his fingers, suckling on them just like I did his cock. Nipping at the tips of them I felt him brush the tip of cock along my hole.

"Where do want it, Ryan. Tell daddy where you want his cock."

"In my cunt!"


"In my fucking cunt," I yelled letting the fingers slip from my mouth. It was like half a second they were out, he was in and I was crying out. He thrust his hips forward so hard, so fast that he slipped back into me and I slid up on the bed a little and he continued to fuck me like that hard and fast until I thought my body was going to snap in half, but not once did I ask him to stop. He continued fucking me so hard that I could hear his balls slapping against my ass until thrust hard one more time hitting my prostate causing my load to explode from the tip cock. My cries were met by his as he filled me up with his juice.

I could feel his cock throb and pulse with each spurt. I didn't want it to stop. My eyes shut at some point, I didn't even realize until I opened them and found Jesse yanking on his own cock looking at us both panting like he had just been fucked instead of me. I couldn't speak words wouldn't come if I wanted them to. Chris was had let my ankles go a long time ago, but he was lying onto of me, holding me in position breathing hard. When his head lifted up he had a smile on his face and soon those lips were on mine devouring them in heated kiss.

"Fucking amazing." He whispered against my lips and I swallowed hard.

"Yeah. You too." I said back to him smiling.

I wanted to ask him bad was his boy. I really did, but I didn't want to wreck the moment, but God if he kept this up I was going to be his. I was already headed to that place that was so unsure at this moment. It was only day one headed into night two. I was starting to feel something, but I didn't know where I stood. I didn't know what it meant to be his boy. Was Jesse his boy and if so did it mean something special or did he have a lot of boys?

Looking up at him I felt his lips at mine again, brushing and caressing mine gently while he withdrew himself from me and I could feel his load starting to leak out of me a little right onto the sheets. I felt a hand at my chest. Chris leaned down to kiss Jesse's knuckles.

"Two more loads and you can lick them out," he whispered and Jesse made a happy noise. "Roll onto your stomach and get on your knees," Chris said to me. "We're not done yet. When he eats those loads out you're getting three more and after that two more." I was told as I turned onto my stomach. Looking over at my shoulder at him Chris looked like a fucking god. His dick was hard and throbbing and he had me moving up on my knees with his load leaking out of me already. He slapped my ass making me moan.

He grabbed my hips and before I could say anything he slid home making me cry out and started working on giving my next load.

To Be Continued

So what did you think? Not enough, too much? Any suggestions? Let me know. Email me at All flames will be ignored.

Next: Chapter 6

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