Christmas, London 1942

Published on Dec 15, 2008


Christmas, London 1942- Part 5

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

Dan was a crude looking man, but there was nothing crude about the way he fucked me. The result was better than I had guessed. It was as if I had traveled to a new planet and discovered emotions and sensations well beyond my imaginings. It was again like the Wizard of Oz, when the movie changed from black and white to color. Not only was it in color, but it was brilliant, sparkling, vibrant color a universe away from the soot covered color of London.

The emotion was so intense I was crying.

"Am I hurting you?" Dan asked in a concerned voice.

"Not at all. It's lovely," I managed to whispered.

"I was hoping it was that. When I was new to this, I felt overwhelmed. If was as if I hadn't been meant to ever feel so good," he whispered. He was slowly massaging my insides with his cock. "I'm a nothing, but I was the king of the world when Johnnie first fucked me. Let me tell you the good thing about it. It gets better the more you do it. I was afraid it was a freak occurrence. Maybe Johnnie had just happened to hit the perfect place and it would never happen again. That's not true. If anything it gets better."

Dan began to pump faster. A littler later I felt a tickling sensation in my ass. It was Dan shooting his load. I shot off at the same time.

"Thank you," I said.

"The pleasure is all mine," he said, We both fell asleep. I dreamed of Oz.

We spent the next week in the Britain Today building and we must have saved 95% of the art works. They all went to the National Gallery. They did emergency repairs there, then they were sent off to the Gallery's safe storage areas. Wally had officially joined our group. His church was gone, and he was unwilling to leave London until the blitz was over. He had a friend, Benjamin Brittan who had gone to safety in Canada. Wally didn't approve. Wally had run into T.S. Eliot, the poet, who was a air raid warden in Kensington. Wally though Eliot was the greatest poet of the century. If he could stay put during the blitz, Wally certainly would.

At first Templeton came by when he could. In a odd coincidence, he was put in charge of rescuing financial records for his bank. He spent a lot of time in London salvaging records. He moved in with the rest of us after his house was bombed. He lived in the suburbs most of which were untouched. A single stray bomb demolished his house.

We soon developed a routine for searching. Angus and I would develop a stabilization scheme. Johnnie, Dan, Wally and Louis did most of the heavy work. Etienne, Pavel and Jan brought out the artworks with Evan in charge of emergency repairs to what ever we found.

Out work was varied and interesting, but I found myself loosing tract of time. Instead of weeks and months, I had big incidents and minor incidents. With the blackout and nearing the beginning of winter, there were few daylight hours. Indeed some days were made up of night and dusk. The work we were doing was exhausting, but rewarding. Once we cleaned up after work and had dinner there was a tendency to fall asleep.

This made life quiet in my vaulted cellar. Several of us had trouble sleeping, I was foremost in that group. I find it difficult to relax my mind. I tended to go over the events of the day over and over again, looking for ways to do it better, or thinking about ways it might have gone wrong. Angus was quite the opposite. He would say, "I think I'll get some sleep."He would then close his eyes and be asleep. He had no sympathy for my anxiety driven wakefulness.

Angus firmly believed that a passionate sex session followed by a massive orgasm was the best cure for sleeplessness. Of course he knew about my episodes with Evan as a top and with Dan as a bottom. Unknown to me he arranged for me to have a playmate every few nights. This was to both help me to relax and to open me up to the possibilities.

Angus and Wally, who was in on this scheme were sensual men who enjoyed sexual pleasure. They firmly believed I was too, but I simply was unaware of the fact. Had they told me that outright, I would have told them they were totally in error. Of course they didn't tell me until much later, and they understood me better that I did. One could look look at this as a practical joke on me, but that wasn't the way they saw it. They liked me and wanted me to enjoy life more.

After most of the men were asleep Johnnie came to me one night. "Dan told me you had some fun the other night?" he said.

"It was nice," I replied. "Is that a problem? I hope you aren't offended, or bothered by it."

He smiled. "It's not a problem. We've been playmates for years. I've been screwing him three or four times a week for the last decade. I like him to get out of the old rut sometimes. Variety can spice things up, don't you think?"

"As long as you and Dan are happy."

"He sure was happy. He said you were good," Johnnie said as he leaned closer to me. "This may sound strange, but I was wondering of you might let me in. I've been thinking about Dan getting all excited and shooting his load in your hole. Maybe I'd like to feel the same thing. I'll be nice and gentle. I know I'm thicker than Dan, but I'm good."

I didn't know what to say. Johnnie took this as a yes. He started to suck my cock. We got on the bed in the cock to mouth position so I could suck him as he nursed on mine. It was good. Johnnie was a bear like man. I think he must have been a brown bear when he was younger, but he was a Polar bear now. At first I thought his cock was thick and short, but as I tried to swallow it, I realized it was a bit more than average. Its wide girth gave the impression of being short.

To my mind, Johnnie was a crude workman, but sexually he was gentle and gentlemanly. Eventually I was on my side and he was to the rear with his cock positioned at my ass. He whispered, "This may sting a little." He made a quick thrust and he pushed his entire cock into my arse. "You just relax and get use to it," he added.

Johnnie wasn't new to this. When I relaxed, he began to jiggle his member in small, pulsing movements. My ass was full. He moved my leg so my ass was more open. When he did this his knob made a direct hit on my prostate. With each hit, I felt an almost electric shock of sexual ecstasy. My asshole felt a tingle of being overstretched, but that was forgotten as he pumped his cock into my rectum.

"I hit the good spot, didn't I?"

"God yes!" I replied. "It feels like it's going to burst."

"Don't you worry about that," Johnnie said. "My cock's hard, but not that hard. If the pressure gets to be too much the relief valve exits through your cock. You just relax and let nature take it's course." Dan joined us and he managed to suck my cock as his friend pumped his cock into my ass. Every time I thought I was going to shoot off, Johnnie would slow down.

When I finally climaxed, Dan greedily sucked up my seed as Johnnie filled me from the rear. Again I felt the powerful squirts of sperm tickling my tender ass linings. When he pulled out, he took Dan's place at my cock and licked up the remains of my orgasm. Much to my surprise, Dan mounted me and after three of four thrusts added his seed to my ass. We all rested.

We all shared the same bed that night. Johnnie fucked me several times and I also got to shoot off in Dan's ass. I woke with Johnnie's cock in my ass and mine in Dan's. Johnnie got hard and started to thrust. I did the same to Dan. The other men were up and about but payed us no attention.

The next week was very difficult. The raids were heavy and there was much to do. We had another Wren church and a Victorian Church to work on. We did well, but there was no time to even take a breath. We had a narrow escape when we encountered an unexploded bomb. Some people in a neighboring office were nice enough to ask us in to tea. While we drank tea and ate some biscuits the bomb exploded. Had we been in the building we would have all been killed.

What that sort of thing happened the government had a policy of giving the team a short holiday. We got back to my house a bit shaken. I thought I was fine, but when I tried to fix a stiff Scotch, my hand was shaking too much to pour the drink. Angus, who was always a realist, pointed out that had it gone off when we were near, we wouldn't have lingered, indeed there would not have been enough left of us to bury. That seemed to cheer him up. He was afraid of a slow death. It didn't cheer me up.

Templeton and Wally had been off doing a concert for the troops and they missed the close call. They arrived at my house at 7:00 laden with packages. "Merry Christmas!" Wally proclaimed in his deep bass voice.

I was shocked. "Christmas?"

"Yes Christmas, it's the day after tomorrow," Templeton explained. I had lost my sense of time. Of course I knew Christmas was coming up. I just though it was a week or two in the future. I had lost several weeks.

I had done nothing and prepared nothing. I wasn't the only one in my basement who had forgotten about Christmas. We had so concentrated on our work, we forgot the holiday.

The year before I hadn't celebrated Christmas at all. My family had just left and we had still been in mourning for my son in law. Left to my own devices I would have done nothing this year either. Templeton and Wally were going to celebrate Christmas come hell or high water and the men were all enthusiastic, with the possible exception of Louis. He was quiet. He never made it a point of emphasizing he was Jewish. We had the next four days off. I had decorations in the attic of my house we could get out in the morning.

After the near miss, we were shaken, but once we started working on Christmas, the mood lightened. Wally wanted to know what each of us wanted to celebrate Christmas in style. I had pulled out some wine from my late father in laws wine cellar and the mood became downright festive. We had English, Scots, French, Czech and Polish traditions represented. It was a pleasant night of reminiscences. Gifts weren't an option. Half of our team was penniless. London in the Blitz was hardly a shoppers' paradise anyway.

The lights went out and we were talking in candlelight. As was normal, most of us were nude or nearly nude. Our clothes were drying after being washed. Angus was always nude, he liked it that way. He was also tipsy. He began telling us about his father's adventure with the primitive tribe. He became a God to them all because of his huge organ. The tribe worshiped him with regular oral and anal sex between the male members. The men loved that story. If truth be told, Angus's cock seemed to have mystical properties from time to time."

"My father was a right worthy Presbyterian gentleman," Angus said. "When he encountered the tribe and its sexual rituals, he correctly assumed that such a bizarre circumstance could only be the result of Divine will. He was meant to be a part of that tribe and it's rituals. While the sexual activity was unexpected in my father's experience, they certainly didn't disobey the primary commandment, do unto other as you would have them do to you."

"It strikes me your father had considerable skills at rationalization," Wally said,

"I don't deny that," Angus said. "and I don't deny the tribe's rituals were not without appeal to him. He was an adaptable man, although he told me he had no idea how adaptable he was when he was first stranded there."

"And now, we are stranded in England," Etienne said. He was picking up English,

"It seems to me our endeavors here have been crowned by signal success," Evan said. "I think saving a single painting like the Rubens is a greater contribution to civilization than the entire Boche army."

"Here, here!" Angus cried out.

"That tribe possessed nothing in terms of physical posessions, but they always had something to give," Angus continued telling his story. "Men always have the gift that keeps on giving with in easy reach. Even without the radio, theaters and dance halls, we can always entertain our selves. Lets all share the wealth this holiday season." He stroked his cock and peeled back the skin to expose his cock head.

Everyone laughed. "Is that going to be a load for every man here, Angus?" Johnnie asked.

"That's exactly what I mean," Angus replied. "And delivered any way and any place you want."

"Count me in!" Dan said.

"This strikes me as being ever so slightly unorthodox," Wally said with a smile.

"Unorthodox for us, but completely orthodox for that tribe. Sex was a basic component of their worship. As far as my father could tell, it was communion and all the other sacraments rolled in to one," Angus continued.

"I bet they had no problem getting blokes to come to church," Dan observed.

"Now that you mention it, my father said their ceremonies were greeted with great enthusiasm. Every man attended and stayed to the final orgasms."

There was more laughter and the subject changed to other aspect sof Christmas, but I noticed no one objected and Angus's proposal lingered in the mind. That evening Evan and Pavel joined me in my bed. Evan and I were linked cock to mouth and Pavel was to my rear, nudging his member into my bum. I must admit, Evan excited me so much so I hardly noticed Pavel's penetration.

Pavel was thicker and longer than Johnnie and his head was the same size as the shaft. It was an unarticulated tube. I had enjoyed feeling the other men's flared cock heads as they rubbed my prostate. I knew how much of the cock was in my ass by the location of the head. Pavel's cock exerted a constant pressure.

Pavel didn't fuck me, he simply occupied my ass. He was slow and easy. My enthusiasm for sucking Evan increased as Pavel's organ progressed. Evan's enthusiasm grew as my body and genitals responded to the visitor in my rectum. When Even began to spurt, my cock followed suit. My contractions seemed to pull Pavel's trigger. We all slept like babies that night.

The next day was sunny, bright and unusually warm. I went hunting for our Christmas decorations. I found them in two boxes in the attic. I also found our Crèche. We hadn't used in in several years. I was a nice one, well carved in wood in Bohemia. I also found statues of the three kings, made in Italy. They were extravagant baroque confections in pappier mache and one of the Kings looked suspiciously like Angus.

My wife and children were much attracted to the cheerful Santa aspect of Christmas. Reindeer were well represented.

Angus, Johnnie and Dan were off looking for something that could be interpreted as a tree. Etienne and Jan were looking for a roast and food. Wally and Templeton were out looking for anything they could get. Wally was a bit of a scrounger. I gave him a five pound note in case he found something for the men.

We strung up garlands to the light fixture in the middle of the room, set up the Crèche, and placed the Kings starting their trip no the other side of the room. Angus returned with a small tree. He had found a house with the tree planted too close to the foundation. He talked them into letting him cut it down. It was most lopsided, but since it would be sitting against the wall, that would be fine.

Wally and Templeton returned in the afternoon. They had struck gold. They had found a recently bombed men's store. All the goods were wet and soot covered. For five pounds they got a supply of socks, scarves and several overcoats. Pavel and Louis had no good winter coat. Cleaning soot out of clothes was Johnnie's specialty. The store was Cohen and Sons, Men's Clothing. From Mrs. Cohen Wally got a menorah and candles. He told her about Louis and she gave it to us.

"Mrs. Cohen was a sensible English woman, Presbyterian as it turns out," Templeton said. "She said we are a bit behind schedule for the start of Hanukkah, but she was sure there was some sort of a dispensation for war time. Her house in suburban London was filled with some of her husband's relatives from Germany and two other miscellaneous escapees. She had heard of our rescue team and wished us well."

Wally was a good Anglican, a bluff and hearty man. I was surprised and pleased that he noticed Louis. Louis was pleased too. The last of our foraging crews returned at four, in time for tea. Etienne had found a French bakery and had returned with bread and pastries. Jan found a grocer who was just closing. He got what was left over and couldn't make it to the reopening of the store after the holiday.

Jan also found a butcher with a fine roast beef. It on hold for a customer, but the customer had left town without picking it up. Jan was shocked that anyone would pass up such a fine piece of meat. The butcher had relatives in Prague and gave it to Jan for a good price.

Tea was quite festive. We ate some of the pastries, and decorated the tree. We sat the menorah on the table and lit four of the candles.

We certainly were a mixed group. We had Catholics, Protestants, a Jew and Angus representing a Pagan-Presbyterian amalgam that defied normal classification. We were also had become a harmonious group, brought together by necessity and chance.

The Christmas tree looked wonderful. The sparking lights and ornaments were a stunning contrast to the dreary darkness of London in the Blitz. Johnnie was cheerfully cleaning the clothes Wally found. Johnnie liked washing and of necessity his specialty was getting rid of soot.

Etienne and I worked on dinner. The roast was for Christmas day it self. We made a chicken stew with a single chicken and the vegetables Jan had found. With the freshly baked bread it was delicious. I raided the wine cellar again and all was festive.

Wally started singing Christmas carols. He knew them all. Etienne and Jan added French and Central European songs. Templeton and Evan had beautiful voices. Angus had a voice more hearty than beautiful, but he also had an encyclopedic knowledge of bawdy lyrics to all the songs. I translated them into French and Evan into German. We all had a great time.

With a little too much wine we went to bed early. I woke in the middle of the night. Not everyone was asleep. I heard some sucking and slurping sounds and low moans. The room was dark and I didn't know who was playing. It seemed as if Angus's scheme for exchange of gifts was underway. I heard Evan moan and knew he was giving someone the his sperm.

I went to the WC and when I returned, Louis whispered to me, "It's a busy night." I got in bed with him. At first Louis sucked me, but soon I was at his cock and he sucked me. Louis was excited and soon he rewarded me with every drop of cum in his balls. Christmas is a time of plenty, and Louis' balls were full. I returned the favor, but I didn't think I shot anything as plentiful as Louis. I went back to sleep.

The morning got underway slowly.

Next: Chapter 6

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